# 设置啥啊? 给我滚回 zsh ! if [[ -x /usr/local/bin/zsh ]]; then export SHELL=/usr/local/bin/zsh exec /usr/local/bin/zsh # 我选择执行 多一层( # 防止手残 /usr/local/bin/zsh fi #only for console (ssh/telnet works w/o resize) isTTY=$(ps | grep $$ | grep tty) #only for bash (bash needs to resize and can support these commands) isBash=$(echo $BASH_VERSION) #only for interactive (not necessary for "su -") isInteractive=$(echo $- | grep i) if [ -n "$isTTY" -a -n "$isBash" -a -n "$isInteractive" ]; then shopt -s checkwinsize checksize='echo -en "\E7 \E[r \E[999;999H \E[6n"; read -sdR CURPOS;CURPOS=${CURPOS#*[}; IFS="?; \t\n"; read lines columns <<< "$(echo $CURPOS)"; unset IFS' eval $checksize # columns is 1 in Procomm ANSI-BBS if [ 1 != "$columns" ]; then export_stty='export COLUMNS=$columns; export LINES=$lines; stty columns $columns; stty rows $lines' alias resize="$checksize; columns=\$((\$columns - 1)); $export_stty" eval "$checksize; columns=$(($columns - 1)); $export_stty" alias vim='function _vim(){ eval resize; TERM=xterm vi $@; }; _vim' else alias vim='TERM=xterm vi $@' fi alias vi='vim' alias ps='COLUMNS=1024 ps' fi if [ "screen-256color" == $TERM ]; then alias htop='TERM=screen htop' elif [ "xterm-256color" == $TERM ]; then alias htop='TERM=xterm htop' fi [ -f ".profile.size_check" ] && . .profile.size_check # for screen export TERM=xterm-color # for some weird path export PATH=$PATH:/opt/bin/ export PATH=$PATH:/volume2/docker/ # alias alias cls='clear' alias ll='lsd -la'