2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
// Generated by dart2js (fast startup emitter, strong), the Dart to JavaScript compiler version: 2.12.3.
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
// The code supports the following hooks:
// dartPrint(message):
// if this function is defined it is called instead of the Dart [print]
// method.
// dartMainRunner(main, args):
// if this function is defined, the Dart [main] method will not be invoked
// directly. Instead, a closure that will invoke [main], and its arguments
// [args] is passed to [dartMainRunner].
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
// dartDeferredLibraryLoader(uri, successCallback, errorCallback):
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
// if this function is defined, it will be called when a deferred library
// is loaded. It should load and eval the javascript of `uri`, and call
// successCallback. If it fails to do so, it should call errorCallback with
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
// an error.
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
// dartCallInstrumentation(id, qualifiedName):
// if this function is defined, it will be called at each entry of a
// method or constructor. Used only when compiling programs with
// --experiment-call-instrumentation.
( function dartProgram ( ) {
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function copyProperties ( from , to ) {
var keys = Object . keys ( from ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < keys . length ; i ++ ) {
var key = keys [ i ] ;
to [ key ] = from [ key ] ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function mixinProperties ( from , to ) {
var keys = Object . keys ( from ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < keys . length ; i ++ ) {
var key = keys [ i ] ;
if ( ! to . hasOwnProperty ( key ) )
to [ key ] = from [ key ] ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
var supportsDirectProtoAccess = function ( ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
var cls = function ( ) { } ;
cls . prototype = {
p : { }
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
var object = new cls ( ) ;
if ( ! ( object . _ _proto _ _ && object . _ _proto _ _ . p === cls . prototype . p ) )
return false ;
try {
if ( typeof navigator != "undefined" && typeof navigator . userAgent == "string" && navigator . userAgent . indexOf ( "Chrome/" ) >= 0 )
return true ;
if ( typeof version == "function" && version . length == 0 ) {
var v = version ( ) ;
if ( /^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+$/ . test ( v ) )
return true ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
} catch ( _ ) { }
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
return false ;
} ( ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function setFunctionNamesIfNecessary ( holders ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
function t ( ) { } ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
if ( typeof t . name == "string" )
return ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < holders . length ; i ++ ) {
var holder = holders [ i ] ;
var keys = Object . keys ( holder ) ;
for ( var j = 0 ; j < keys . length ; j ++ ) {
var key = keys [ j ] ;
var f = holder [ key ] ;
if ( typeof f == "function" )
f . name = key ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function inherit ( cls , sup ) {
cls . prototype . constructor = cls ;
cls . prototype [ "$is" + cls . name ] = cls ;
if ( sup != null ) {
if ( supportsDirectProtoAccess ) {
cls . prototype . _ _proto _ _ = sup . prototype ;
return ;
var clsPrototype = Object . create ( sup . prototype ) ;
copyProperties ( cls . prototype , clsPrototype ) ;
cls . prototype = clsPrototype ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function inheritMany ( sup , classes ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < classes . length ; i ++ )
inherit ( classes [ i ] , sup ) ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function mixin ( cls , mixin ) {
mixinProperties ( mixin . prototype , cls . prototype ) ;
cls . prototype . constructor = cls ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function lazyOld ( holder , name , getterName , initializer ) {
var uninitializedSentinel = holder ;
holder [ name ] = uninitializedSentinel ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
holder [ getterName ] = function ( ) {
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
holder [ getterName ] = function ( ) {
H . throwCyclicInit ( name ) ;
} ;
var result ;
var sentinelInProgress = initializer ;
try {
if ( holder [ name ] === uninitializedSentinel ) {
result = holder [ name ] = sentinelInProgress ;
result = holder [ name ] = initializer ( ) ;
} else
result = holder [ name ] ;
} finally {
if ( result === sentinelInProgress )
holder [ name ] = null ;
holder [ getterName ] = function ( ) {
return this [ name ] ;
} ;
return result ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function lazy ( holder , name , getterName , initializer ) {
var uninitializedSentinel = holder ;
holder [ name ] = uninitializedSentinel ;
holder [ getterName ] = function ( ) {
if ( holder [ name ] === uninitializedSentinel )
holder [ name ] = initializer ( ) ;
holder [ getterName ] = function ( ) {
return this [ name ] ;
} ;
return holder [ name ] ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function lazyFinal ( holder , name , getterName , initializer ) {
var uninitializedSentinel = holder ;
holder [ name ] = uninitializedSentinel ;
holder [ getterName ] = function ( ) {
if ( holder [ name ] === uninitializedSentinel ) {
var value = initializer ( ) ;
if ( holder [ name ] !== uninitializedSentinel )
H . throwLateInitializationError ( name ) ;
holder [ name ] = value ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
holder [ getterName ] = function ( ) {
return this [ name ] ;
} ;
return holder [ name ] ;
} ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function makeConstList ( list ) {
list . immutable$list = Array ;
list . fixed$length = Array ;
return list ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function convertToFastObject ( properties ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
function t ( ) { }
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
t . prototype = properties ;
new t ( ) ;
return properties ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function convertAllToFastObject ( arrayOfObjects ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < arrayOfObjects . length ; ++ i )
convertToFastObject ( arrayOfObjects [ i ] ) ;
var functionCounter = 0 ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function tearOffGetter ( funcs , applyTrampolineIndex , reflectionInfo , name , isIntercepted ) {
return isIntercepted ? new Function ( "funcs" , "applyTrampolineIndex" , "reflectionInfo" , "name" , "H" , "c" , "return function tearOff_" + name + functionCounter ++ + "(receiver) {" + "if (c === null) c = " + "H.closureFromTearOff" + "(" + "this, funcs, applyTrampolineIndex, reflectionInfo, false, true, name);" + "return new c(this, funcs[0], receiver, name);" + "}" ) ( funcs , applyTrampolineIndex , reflectionInfo , name , H , null ) : new Function ( "funcs" , "applyTrampolineIndex" , "reflectionInfo" , "name" , "H" , "c" , "return function tearOff_" + name + functionCounter ++ + "() {" + "if (c === null) c = " + "H.closureFromTearOff" + "(" + "this, funcs, applyTrampolineIndex, reflectionInfo, false, false, name);" + "return new c(this, funcs[0], null, name);" + "}" ) ( funcs , applyTrampolineIndex , reflectionInfo , name , H , null ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function tearOff ( funcs , applyTrampolineIndex , reflectionInfo , isStatic , name , isIntercepted ) {
var cache = null ;
return isStatic ? function ( ) {
if ( cache === null )
cache = H . closureFromTearOff ( this , funcs , applyTrampolineIndex , reflectionInfo , true , false , name ) . prototype ;
return cache ;
} : tearOffGetter ( funcs , applyTrampolineIndex , reflectionInfo , name , isIntercepted ) ;
var typesOffset = 0 ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function installTearOff ( container , getterName , isStatic , isIntercepted , requiredParameterCount , optionalParameterDefaultValues , callNames , funsOrNames , funType , applyIndex ) {
var funs = [ ] ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < funsOrNames . length ; i ++ ) {
var fun = funsOrNames [ i ] ;
if ( typeof fun == "string" )
fun = container [ fun ] ;
fun . $callName = callNames [ i ] ;
funs . push ( fun ) ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
var fun = funs [ 0 ] ;
fun . $requiredArgCount = requiredParameterCount ;
fun . $defaultValues = optionalParameterDefaultValues ;
var reflectionInfo = funType ;
if ( typeof reflectionInfo == "number" )
reflectionInfo += typesOffset ;
var name = funsOrNames [ 0 ] ;
fun . $stubName = name ;
var getterFunction = tearOff ( funs , applyIndex || 0 , reflectionInfo , isStatic , name , isIntercepted ) ;
container [ getterName ] = getterFunction ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
if ( isStatic )
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
fun . $tearOff = getterFunction ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function installStaticTearOff ( container , getterName , requiredParameterCount , optionalParameterDefaultValues , callNames , funsOrNames , funType , applyIndex ) {
return installTearOff ( container , getterName , true , false , requiredParameterCount , optionalParameterDefaultValues , callNames , funsOrNames , funType , applyIndex ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function installInstanceTearOff ( container , getterName , isIntercepted , requiredParameterCount , optionalParameterDefaultValues , callNames , funsOrNames , funType , applyIndex ) {
return installTearOff ( container , getterName , false , isIntercepted , requiredParameterCount , optionalParameterDefaultValues , callNames , funsOrNames , funType , applyIndex ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag ( newTags ) {
var tags = init . interceptorsByTag ;
if ( ! tags ) {
init . interceptorsByTag = newTags ;
return ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
copyProperties ( newTags , tags ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function setOrUpdateLeafTags ( newTags ) {
var tags = init . leafTags ;
if ( ! tags ) {
init . leafTags = newTags ;
return ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
copyProperties ( newTags , tags ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function updateTypes ( newTypes ) {
var types = init . types ;
var length = types . length ;
types . push . apply ( types , newTypes ) ;
return length ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function updateHolder ( holder , newHolder ) {
copyProperties ( newHolder , holder ) ;
return holder ;
var hunkHelpers = function ( ) {
var mkInstance = function ( isIntercepted , requiredParameterCount , optionalParameterDefaultValues , callNames , applyIndex ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
return function ( container , getterName , name , funType ) {
return installInstanceTearOff ( container , getterName , isIntercepted , requiredParameterCount , optionalParameterDefaultValues , callNames , [ name ] , funType , applyIndex ) ;
} ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
mkStatic = function ( requiredParameterCount , optionalParameterDefaultValues , callNames , applyIndex ) {
return function ( container , getterName , name , funType ) {
return installStaticTearOff ( container , getterName , requiredParameterCount , optionalParameterDefaultValues , callNames , [ name ] , funType , applyIndex ) ;
} ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
return {
inherit : inherit ,
inheritMany : inheritMany ,
mixin : mixin ,
installStaticTearOff : installStaticTearOff ,
installInstanceTearOff : installInstanceTearOff ,
_instance _0u : mkInstance ( 0 , 0 , null , [ "call$0" ] , 0 ) ,
_instance _1u : mkInstance ( 0 , 1 , null , [ "call$1" ] , 0 ) ,
_instance _2u : mkInstance ( 0 , 2 , null , [ "call$2" ] , 0 ) ,
_instance _0i : mkInstance ( 1 , 0 , null , [ "call$0" ] , 0 ) ,
_instance _1i : mkInstance ( 1 , 1 , null , [ "call$1" ] , 0 ) ,
_instance _2i : mkInstance ( 1 , 2 , null , [ "call$2" ] , 0 ) ,
_static _0 : mkStatic ( 0 , null , [ "call$0" ] , 0 ) ,
_static _1 : mkStatic ( 1 , null , [ "call$1" ] , 0 ) ,
_static _2 : mkStatic ( 2 , null , [ "call$2" ] , 0 ) ,
makeConstList : makeConstList ,
lazy : lazy ,
lazyFinal : lazyFinal ,
lazyOld : lazyOld ,
updateHolder : updateHolder ,
convertToFastObject : convertToFastObject ,
setFunctionNamesIfNecessary : setFunctionNamesIfNecessary ,
updateTypes : updateTypes ,
setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag : setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag ,
setOrUpdateLeafTags : setOrUpdateLeafTags
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ( ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function initializeDeferredHunk ( hunk ) {
typesOffset = init . types . length ;
hunk ( hunkHelpers , init , holders , $ ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function getGlobalFromName ( name ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < holders . length ; i ++ ) {
if ( holders [ i ] == C )
continue ;
if ( holders [ i ] [ name ] )
return holders [ i ] [ name ] ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
var C = { } ,
H = {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
JS _CONST : function JS _CONST ( ) { } ,
2024-03-05 22:25:31 +08:00
checkNotNullable : function ( value , $name , $T ) {
return value ;
} ,
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
MappedIterable _MappedIterable : function ( iterable , $function , $S , $T ) {
return new H . EfficientLengthMappedIterable ( iterable , $function , $S . _eval$1 ( "@<0>" ) . _bind$1 ( $T ) . _eval$1 ( "EfficientLengthMappedIterable<1,2>" ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:25:31 +08:00
LateError : function LateError ( t0 ) {
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
this . _message = t0 ;
2024-03-05 22:25:31 +08:00
} ,
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
EfficientLengthIterable : function EfficientLengthIterable ( ) { } ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
ListIterable : function ListIterable ( ) { } ,
2024-03-05 22:25:31 +08:00
ListIterator : function ListIterator ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
var _ = this ;
_ . _ _internal$ _iterable = t0 ;
_ . _ _internal$ _length = t1 ;
_ . _ _internal$ _index = 0 ;
_ . _ _internal$ _current = null ;
_ . $ti = t2 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
MappedIterable : function MappedIterable ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
this . _ _internal$ _iterable = t0 ;
this . _f = t1 ;
this . $ti = t2 ;
} ,
EfficientLengthMappedIterable : function EfficientLengthMappedIterable ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
this . _ _internal$ _iterable = t0 ;
this . _f = t1 ;
this . $ti = t2 ;
} ,
MappedIterator : function MappedIterator ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . _ _internal$ _current = null ;
_ . _iterator = t0 ;
_ . _f = t1 ;
_ . $ti = t2 ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
MappedListIterable : function MappedListIterable ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
this . _source = t0 ;
this . _f = t1 ;
this . $ti = t2 ;
} ,
FixedLengthListMixin : function FixedLengthListMixin ( ) { } ,
Symbol : function Symbol ( t0 ) {
this . _ _internal$ _name = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
unminifyOrTag : function ( rawClassName ) {
var preserved = H . unmangleGlobalNameIfPreservedAnyways ( rawClassName ) ;
if ( preserved != null )
return preserved ;
return rawClassName ;
} ,
isJsIndexable : function ( object , record ) {
var result ;
if ( record != null ) {
result = record . x ;
if ( result != null )
return result ;
return type$ . JavaScriptIndexingBehavior _dynamic . _is ( object ) ;
} ,
S : function ( value ) {
var res ;
if ( typeof value == "string" )
return value ;
if ( typeof value == "number" ) {
if ( value !== 0 )
return "" + value ;
} else if ( true === value )
return "true" ;
else if ( false === value )
return "false" ;
else if ( value == null )
return "null" ;
res = J . toString$0$ ( value ) ;
return res ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
Primitives _objectHashCode : function ( object ) {
var hash = object . $identityHash ;
if ( hash == null ) {
hash = Math . random ( ) * 0x3fffffff | 0 ;
object . $identityHash = hash ;
return hash ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
Primitives _objectTypeName : function ( object ) {
return H . Primitives _ _objectTypeNameNewRti ( object ) ;
} ,
Primitives _ _objectTypeNameNewRti : function ( object ) {
var dispatchName , $constructor , constructorName ;
if ( object instanceof P . Object )
return H . _rtiToString ( H . instanceType ( object ) , null ) ;
if ( J . getInterceptor$ ( object ) === C . Interceptor _methods || type$ . UnknownJavaScriptObject . _is ( object ) ) {
dispatchName = C . C _JS _CONST ( object ) ;
if ( H . Primitives _ _saneNativeClassName ( dispatchName ) )
return dispatchName ;
$constructor = object . constructor ;
if ( typeof $constructor == "function" ) {
constructorName = $constructor . name ;
if ( typeof constructorName == "string" && H . Primitives _ _saneNativeClassName ( constructorName ) )
return constructorName ;
return H . _rtiToString ( H . instanceType ( object ) , null ) ;
} ,
Primitives _ _saneNativeClassName : function ( $name ) {
var t1 = $name !== "Object" && $name !== "" ;
return t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
Primitives _lazyAsJsDate : function ( receiver ) {
if ( receiver . date === void 0 )
receiver . date = new Date ( receiver . _value ) ;
return receiver . date ;
} ,
Primitives _getYear : function ( receiver ) {
var t1 = H . Primitives _lazyAsJsDate ( receiver ) . getFullYear ( ) + 0 ;
return t1 ;
} ,
Primitives _getMonth : function ( receiver ) {
var t1 = H . Primitives _lazyAsJsDate ( receiver ) . getMonth ( ) + 1 ;
return t1 ;
} ,
Primitives _getDay : function ( receiver ) {
var t1 = H . Primitives _lazyAsJsDate ( receiver ) . getDate ( ) + 0 ;
return t1 ;
} ,
Primitives _getHours : function ( receiver ) {
var t1 = H . Primitives _lazyAsJsDate ( receiver ) . getHours ( ) + 0 ;
return t1 ;
} ,
Primitives _getMinutes : function ( receiver ) {
var t1 = H . Primitives _lazyAsJsDate ( receiver ) . getMinutes ( ) + 0 ;
return t1 ;
} ,
Primitives _getSeconds : function ( receiver ) {
var t1 = H . Primitives _lazyAsJsDate ( receiver ) . getSeconds ( ) + 0 ;
return t1 ;
} ,
Primitives _getMilliseconds : function ( receiver ) {
var t1 = H . Primitives _lazyAsJsDate ( receiver ) . getMilliseconds ( ) + 0 ;
return t1 ;
} ,
Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod : function ( $function , positionalArguments , namedArguments ) {
var $arguments , namedArgumentList , t1 = { } ;
t1 . argumentCount = 0 ;
$arguments = [ ] ;
namedArgumentList = [ ] ;
t1 . argumentCount = positionalArguments . length ;
C . JSArray _methods . addAll$1 ( $arguments , positionalArguments ) ;
t1 . names = "" ;
if ( namedArguments != null && namedArguments . _length !== 0 )
namedArguments . forEach$1 ( 0 , new H . Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod _closure ( t1 , namedArgumentList , $arguments ) ) ;
"" + t1 . argumentCount ;
return J . noSuchMethod$1$ ( $function , new H . JSInvocationMirror ( C . Symbol _call , 0 , $arguments , namedArgumentList , 0 ) ) ;
} ,
Primitives _applyFunction : function ( $function , positionalArguments , namedArguments ) {
var t1 , $arguments , argumentCount , jsStub ;
if ( positionalArguments instanceof Array )
t1 = namedArguments == null || namedArguments . _length === 0 ;
t1 = false ;
if ( t1 ) {
$arguments = positionalArguments ;
argumentCount = $arguments . length ;
if ( argumentCount === 0 ) {
if ( ! ! $function . call$0 )
return $function . call$0 ( ) ;
} else if ( argumentCount === 1 ) {
if ( ! ! $function . call$1 )
return $function . call$1 ( $arguments [ 0 ] ) ;
} else if ( argumentCount === 2 ) {
if ( ! ! $function . call$2 )
return $function . call$2 ( $arguments [ 0 ] , $arguments [ 1 ] ) ;
} else if ( argumentCount === 3 ) {
if ( ! ! $function . call$3 )
return $function . call$3 ( $arguments [ 0 ] , $arguments [ 1 ] , $arguments [ 2 ] ) ;
} else if ( argumentCount === 4 ) {
if ( ! ! $function . call$4 )
return $function . call$4 ( $arguments [ 0 ] , $arguments [ 1 ] , $arguments [ 2 ] , $arguments [ 3 ] ) ;
} else if ( argumentCount === 5 )
if ( ! ! $function . call$5 )
return $function . call$5 ( $arguments [ 0 ] , $arguments [ 1 ] , $arguments [ 2 ] , $arguments [ 3 ] , $arguments [ 4 ] ) ;
jsStub = $function [ "call" + "$" + argumentCount ] ;
if ( jsStub != null )
return jsStub . apply ( $function , $arguments ) ;
return H . Primitives _ _genericApplyFunction2 ( $function , positionalArguments , namedArguments ) ;
} ,
Primitives _ _genericApplyFunction2 : function ( $function , positionalArguments , namedArguments ) {
var defaultValuesClosure , t1 , defaultValues , interceptor , jsFunction , keys , _i , defaultValue , used , key ,
$arguments = positionalArguments instanceof Array ? positionalArguments : P . List _List$from ( positionalArguments , type$ . dynamic ) ,
argumentCount = $arguments . length ,
requiredParameterCount = $function . $requiredArgCount ;
if ( argumentCount < requiredParameterCount )
return H . Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod ( $function , $arguments , namedArguments ) ;
defaultValuesClosure = $function . $defaultValues ;
t1 = defaultValuesClosure == null ;
defaultValues = ! t1 ? defaultValuesClosure ( ) : null ;
interceptor = J . getInterceptor$ ( $function ) ;
jsFunction = interceptor [ "call*" ] ;
if ( typeof jsFunction == "string" )
jsFunction = interceptor [ jsFunction ] ;
if ( t1 ) {
if ( namedArguments != null && namedArguments . _length !== 0 )
return H . Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod ( $function , $arguments , namedArguments ) ;
if ( argumentCount === requiredParameterCount )
return jsFunction . apply ( $function , $arguments ) ;
return H . Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod ( $function , $arguments , namedArguments ) ;
if ( defaultValues instanceof Array ) {
if ( namedArguments != null && namedArguments . _length !== 0 )
return H . Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod ( $function , $arguments , namedArguments ) ;
if ( argumentCount > requiredParameterCount + defaultValues . length )
return H . Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod ( $function , $arguments , null ) ;
C . JSArray _methods . addAll$1 ( $arguments , defaultValues . slice ( argumentCount - requiredParameterCount ) ) ;
return jsFunction . apply ( $function , $arguments ) ;
} else {
if ( argumentCount > requiredParameterCount )
return H . Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod ( $function , $arguments , namedArguments ) ;
keys = Object . keys ( defaultValues ) ;
if ( namedArguments == null )
for ( t1 = keys . length , _i = 0 ; _i < keys . length ; keys . length === t1 || ( 0 , H . throwConcurrentModificationError ) ( keys ) , ++ _i ) {
defaultValue = defaultValues [ H . _asString ( keys [ _i ] ) ] ;
if ( C . C _ _Required === defaultValue )
return H . Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod ( $function , $arguments , namedArguments ) ;
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( $arguments , defaultValue ) ;
else {
for ( t1 = keys . length , used = 0 , _i = 0 ; _i < keys . length ; keys . length === t1 || ( 0 , H . throwConcurrentModificationError ) ( keys ) , ++ _i ) {
key = H . _asString ( keys [ _i ] ) ;
if ( namedArguments . containsKey$1 ( key ) ) {
++ used ;
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( $arguments , namedArguments . $index ( 0 , key ) ) ;
} else {
defaultValue = defaultValues [ key ] ;
if ( C . C _ _Required === defaultValue )
return H . Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod ( $function , $arguments , namedArguments ) ;
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( $arguments , defaultValue ) ;
if ( used !== namedArguments . _length )
return H . Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod ( $function , $arguments , namedArguments ) ;
return jsFunction . apply ( $function , $arguments ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
ioore : function ( receiver , index ) {
if ( receiver == null )
J . get$length$asx ( receiver ) ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . diagnoseIndexError ( receiver , index ) ) ;
} ,
diagnoseIndexError : function ( indexable , index ) {
var $length , _s5 _ = "index" ;
if ( ! H . _isInt ( index ) )
return new P . ArgumentError ( true , index , _s5 _ , null ) ;
$length = H . _asInt ( J . get$length$asx ( indexable ) ) ;
if ( index < 0 || index >= $length )
return P . IndexError$ ( index , indexable , _s5 _ , null , $length ) ;
return P . RangeError$value ( index , _s5 _ ) ;
} ,
wrapException : function ( ex ) {
var wrapper , t1 ;
if ( ex == null )
ex = new P . NullThrownError ( ) ;
wrapper = new Error ( ) ;
wrapper . dartException = ex ;
t1 = H . toStringWrapper ;
if ( "defineProperty" in Object ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Object . defineProperty ( wrapper , "message" , {
get : t1
} ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
wrapper . name = "" ;
} else
wrapper . toString = t1 ;
return wrapper ;
} ,
toStringWrapper : function ( ) {
return J . toString$0$ ( this . dartException ) ;
} ,
throwExpression : function ( ex ) {
throw H . wrapException ( ex ) ;
} ,
throwConcurrentModificationError : function ( collection ) {
throw H . wrapException ( P . ConcurrentModificationError$ ( collection ) ) ;
} ,
TypeErrorDecoder _extractPattern : function ( message ) {
var match , $arguments , argumentsExpr , expr , method , receiver ;
message = H . quoteStringForRegExp ( message . replace ( String ( { } ) , "$receiver$" ) ) ;
match = message . match ( /\\\$[a-zA-Z]+\\\$/g ) ;
if ( match == null )
match = H . setRuntimeTypeInfo ( [ ] , type$ . JSArray _String ) ;
$arguments = match . indexOf ( "\\$arguments\\$" ) ;
argumentsExpr = match . indexOf ( "\\$argumentsExpr\\$" ) ;
expr = match . indexOf ( "\\$expr\\$" ) ;
method = match . indexOf ( "\\$method\\$" ) ;
receiver = match . indexOf ( "\\$receiver\\$" ) ;
return new H . TypeErrorDecoder ( message . replace ( new RegExp ( "\\\\\\$arguments\\\\\\$" , "g" ) , "((?:x|[^x])*)" ) . replace ( new RegExp ( "\\\\\\$argumentsExpr\\\\\\$" , "g" ) , "((?:x|[^x])*)" ) . replace ( new RegExp ( "\\\\\\$expr\\\\\\$" , "g" ) , "((?:x|[^x])*)" ) . replace ( new RegExp ( "\\\\\\$method\\\\\\$" , "g" ) , "((?:x|[^x])*)" ) . replace ( new RegExp ( "\\\\\\$receiver\\\\\\$" , "g" ) , "((?:x|[^x])*)" ) , $arguments , argumentsExpr , expr , method , receiver ) ;
} ,
TypeErrorDecoder _provokeCallErrorOn : function ( expression ) {
return function ( $expr$ ) {
var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$" ;
try {
$expr$ . $method$ ( $argumentsExpr$ ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
return e . message ;
} ( expression ) ;
} ,
TypeErrorDecoder _provokePropertyErrorOn : function ( expression ) {
return function ( $expr$ ) {
try {
$expr$ . $method$ ;
} catch ( e ) {
return e . message ;
} ( expression ) ;
} ,
NullError$ : function ( _message , match ) {
return new H . NullError ( _message , match == null ? null : match . method ) ;
} ,
JsNoSuchMethodError$ : function ( _message , match ) {
var t1 = match == null ,
t2 = t1 ? null : match . method ;
return new H . JsNoSuchMethodError ( _message , t2 , t1 ? null : match . receiver ) ;
} ,
unwrapException : function ( ex ) {
if ( ex == null )
return new H . NullThrownFromJavaScriptException ( ex ) ;
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
if ( ex instanceof H . ExceptionAndStackTrace )
return H . saveStackTrace ( ex , type$ . Object . _as ( ex . dartException ) ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
if ( typeof ex !== "object" )
return ex ;
if ( "dartException" in ex )
return H . saveStackTrace ( ex , ex . dartException ) ;
return H . _unwrapNonDartException ( ex ) ;
} ,
saveStackTrace : function ( ex , error ) {
if ( type$ . Error . _is ( error ) )
if ( error . $thrownJsError == null )
error . $thrownJsError = ex ;
return error ;
} ,
_unwrapNonDartException : function ( ex ) {
var message , number , ieErrorCode , nsme , notClosure , nullCall , nullLiteralCall , undefCall , undefLiteralCall , nullProperty , undefProperty , undefLiteralProperty , match , t1 , _null = null ;
if ( ! ( "message" in ex ) )
return ex ;
message = ex . message ;
if ( "number" in ex && typeof ex . number == "number" ) {
number = ex . number ;
ieErrorCode = number & 65535 ;
if ( ( C . JSInt _methods . _shrOtherPositive$1 ( number , 16 ) & 8191 ) === 10 )
switch ( ieErrorCode ) {
case 438 :
return H . saveStackTrace ( ex , H . JsNoSuchMethodError$ ( H . S ( message ) + " (Error " + ieErrorCode + ")" , _null ) ) ;
case 445 :
case 5007 :
return H . saveStackTrace ( ex , H . NullError$ ( H . S ( message ) + " (Error " + ieErrorCode + ")" , _null ) ) ;
if ( ex instanceof TypeError ) {
nsme = $ . $get$TypeErrorDecoder _noSuchMethodPattern ( ) ;
notClosure = $ . $get$TypeErrorDecoder _notClosurePattern ( ) ;
nullCall = $ . $get$TypeErrorDecoder _nullCallPattern ( ) ;
nullLiteralCall = $ . $get$TypeErrorDecoder _nullLiteralCallPattern ( ) ;
undefCall = $ . $get$TypeErrorDecoder _undefinedCallPattern ( ) ;
undefLiteralCall = $ . $get$TypeErrorDecoder _undefinedLiteralCallPattern ( ) ;
nullProperty = $ . $get$TypeErrorDecoder _nullPropertyPattern ( ) ;
$ . $get$TypeErrorDecoder _nullLiteralPropertyPattern ( ) ;
undefProperty = $ . $get$TypeErrorDecoder _undefinedPropertyPattern ( ) ;
undefLiteralProperty = $ . $get$TypeErrorDecoder _undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern ( ) ;
match = nsme . matchTypeError$1 ( message ) ;
if ( match != null )
return H . saveStackTrace ( ex , H . JsNoSuchMethodError$ ( H . _asString ( message ) , match ) ) ;
else {
match = notClosure . matchTypeError$1 ( message ) ;
if ( match != null ) {
match . method = "call" ;
return H . saveStackTrace ( ex , H . JsNoSuchMethodError$ ( H . _asString ( message ) , match ) ) ;
} else {
match = nullCall . matchTypeError$1 ( message ) ;
if ( match == null ) {
match = nullLiteralCall . matchTypeError$1 ( message ) ;
if ( match == null ) {
match = undefCall . matchTypeError$1 ( message ) ;
if ( match == null ) {
match = undefLiteralCall . matchTypeError$1 ( message ) ;
if ( match == null ) {
match = nullProperty . matchTypeError$1 ( message ) ;
if ( match == null ) {
match = nullLiteralCall . matchTypeError$1 ( message ) ;
if ( match == null ) {
match = undefProperty . matchTypeError$1 ( message ) ;
if ( match == null ) {
match = undefLiteralProperty . matchTypeError$1 ( message ) ;
t1 = match != null ;
} else
t1 = true ;
} else
t1 = true ;
} else
t1 = true ;
} else
t1 = true ;
} else
t1 = true ;
} else
t1 = true ;
} else
t1 = true ;
if ( t1 )
return H . saveStackTrace ( ex , H . NullError$ ( H . _asString ( message ) , match ) ) ;
return H . saveStackTrace ( ex , new H . UnknownJsTypeError ( typeof message == "string" ? message : "" ) ) ;
if ( ex instanceof RangeError ) {
if ( typeof message == "string" && message . indexOf ( "call stack" ) !== - 1 )
return new P . StackOverflowError ( ) ;
message = function ( ex ) {
try {
return String ( ex ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
} catch ( e ) { }
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
return null ;
} ( ex ) ;
return H . saveStackTrace ( ex , new P . ArgumentError ( false , _null , _null , typeof message == "string" ? message . replace ( /^RangeError:\s*/ , "" ) : message ) ) ;
if ( typeof InternalError == "function" && ex instanceof InternalError )
if ( typeof message == "string" && message === "too much recursion" )
return new P . StackOverflowError ( ) ;
return ex ;
} ,
getTraceFromException : function ( exception ) {
var trace ;
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
if ( exception instanceof H . ExceptionAndStackTrace )
return exception . stackTrace ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
if ( exception == null )
return new H . _StackTrace ( exception ) ;
trace = exception . $cachedTrace ;
if ( trace != null )
return trace ;
return exception . $cachedTrace = new H . _StackTrace ( exception ) ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
fillLiteralMap : function ( keyValuePairs , result ) {
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
var index , index0 , index1 ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
$length = keyValuePairs . length ;
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
for ( index = 0 ; index < $length ; index = index1 ) {
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
index0 = index + 1 ;
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
index1 = index0 + 1 ;
result . $indexSet ( 0 , keyValuePairs [ index ] , keyValuePairs [ index0 ] ) ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
return result ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
invokeClosure : function ( closure , numberOfArguments , arg1 , arg2 , arg3 , arg4 ) {
type$ . Function . _as ( closure ) ;
switch ( H . _asInt ( numberOfArguments ) ) {
case 0 :
return closure . call$0 ( ) ;
case 1 :
return closure . call$1 ( arg1 ) ;
case 2 :
return closure . call$2 ( arg1 , arg2 ) ;
case 3 :
return closure . call$3 ( arg1 , arg2 , arg3 ) ;
case 4 :
return closure . call$4 ( arg1 , arg2 , arg3 , arg4 ) ;
throw H . wrapException ( new P . _Exception ( "Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure" ) ) ;
} ,
convertDartClosureToJS : function ( closure , arity ) {
var $function = closure . $identity ;
if ( ! ! $function )
return $function ;
$function = function ( closure , arity , invoke ) {
return function ( a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ) {
return invoke ( closure , arity , a1 , a2 , a3 , a4 ) ;
} ;
} ( closure , arity , H . invokeClosure ) ;
closure . $identity = $function ;
return $function ;
} ,
Closure _fromTearOff : function ( receiver , functions , applyTrampolineIndex , reflectionInfo , isStatic , isIntercepted , propertyName ) {
var $constructor , t1 , trampoline , applyTrampoline , i , stub , stubCallName ,
$function = functions [ 0 ] ,
callName = $function . $callName ,
$prototype = isStatic ? Object . create ( new H . StaticClosure ( ) . constructor . prototype ) : Object . create ( new H . BoundClosure ( null , null , null , "" ) . constructor . prototype ) ;
$prototype . $initialize = $prototype . constructor ;
if ( isStatic )
$constructor = function static _tear _off ( ) {
this . $initialize ( ) ;
} ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
else {
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
t1 = $ . Closure _functionCounter ;
if ( typeof t1 !== "number" )
return t1 . $add ( ) ;
$ . Closure _functionCounter = t1 + 1 ;
t1 = new Function ( "a,b,c,d" + t1 , "this.$initialize(a,b,c,d" + t1 + ")" ) ;
$constructor = t1 ;
$prototype . constructor = $constructor ;
$constructor . prototype = $prototype ;
if ( ! isStatic ) {
trampoline = H . Closure _forwardCallTo ( receiver , $function , isIntercepted ) ;
trampoline . $reflectionInfo = reflectionInfo ;
} else {
$prototype . $static _name = propertyName ;
trampoline = $function ;
type$ . Object . _as ( reflectionInfo ) ;
$prototype . $signature = H . Closure _ _computeSignatureFunctionNewRti ( reflectionInfo , isStatic , isIntercepted ) ;
$prototype [ callName ] = trampoline ;
for ( applyTrampoline = trampoline , i = 1 ; i < functions . length ; ++ i ) {
stub = functions [ i ] ;
stubCallName = stub . $callName ;
if ( stubCallName != null ) {
stub = isStatic ? stub : H . Closure _forwardCallTo ( receiver , stub , isIntercepted ) ;
$prototype [ stubCallName ] = stub ;
if ( i === applyTrampolineIndex ) {
stub . $reflectionInfo = reflectionInfo ;
applyTrampoline = stub ;
$prototype [ "call*" ] = applyTrampoline ;
$prototype . $requiredArgCount = $function . $requiredArgCount ;
$prototype . $defaultValues = $function . $defaultValues ;
return $constructor ;
} ,
Closure _ _computeSignatureFunctionNewRti : function ( functionType , isStatic , isIntercepted ) {
var typeEvalMethod ;
if ( typeof functionType == "number" )
return function ( getType , t ) {
return function ( ) {
return getType ( t ) ;
} ;
} ( H . getTypeFromTypesTable , functionType ) ;
if ( typeof functionType == "string" ) {
if ( isStatic )
throw H . wrapException ( "Cannot compute signature for static tearoff." ) ;
typeEvalMethod = isIntercepted ? H . BoundClosure _evalRecipeIntercepted : H . BoundClosure _evalRecipe ;
return function ( recipe , evalOnReceiver ) {
return function ( ) {
return evalOnReceiver ( this , recipe ) ;
} ;
} ( functionType , typeEvalMethod ) ;
throw H . wrapException ( "Error in functionType of tearoff" ) ;
} ,
Closure _cspForwardCall : function ( arity , isSuperCall , stubName , $function ) {
var getSelf = H . BoundClosure _selfOf ;
switch ( isSuperCall ? - 1 : arity ) {
case 0 :
return function ( n , S ) {
return function ( ) {
return S ( this ) [ n ] ( ) ;
} ;
} ( stubName , getSelf ) ;
case 1 :
return function ( n , S ) {
return function ( a ) {
return S ( this ) [ n ] ( a ) ;
} ;
} ( stubName , getSelf ) ;
case 2 :
return function ( n , S ) {
return function ( a , b ) {
return S ( this ) [ n ] ( a , b ) ;
} ;
} ( stubName , getSelf ) ;
case 3 :
return function ( n , S ) {
return function ( a , b , c ) {
return S ( this ) [ n ] ( a , b , c ) ;
} ;
} ( stubName , getSelf ) ;
case 4 :
return function ( n , S ) {
return function ( a , b , c , d ) {
return S ( this ) [ n ] ( a , b , c , d ) ;
} ;
} ( stubName , getSelf ) ;
case 5 :
return function ( n , S ) {
return function ( a , b , c , d , e ) {
return S ( this ) [ n ] ( a , b , c , d , e ) ;
} ;
} ( stubName , getSelf ) ;
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default :
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
return function ( f , s ) {
return function ( ) {
return f . apply ( s ( this ) , arguments ) ;
} ;
} ( $function , getSelf ) ;
} ,
Closure _forwardCallTo : function ( receiver , $function , isIntercepted ) {
var stubName , arity , lookedUpFunction , t1 , t2 , selfName , $arguments ;
if ( isIntercepted )
return H . Closure _forwardInterceptedCallTo ( receiver , $function ) ;
stubName = $function . $stubName ;
arity = $function . length ;
lookedUpFunction = receiver [ stubName ] ;
t1 = $function == null ? lookedUpFunction == null : $function === lookedUpFunction ;
t2 = ! t1 || arity >= 27 ;
if ( t2 )
return H . Closure _cspForwardCall ( arity , ! t1 , stubName , $function ) ;
if ( arity === 0 ) {
t1 = $ . Closure _functionCounter ;
if ( typeof t1 !== "number" )
return t1 . $add ( ) ;
$ . Closure _functionCounter = t1 + 1 ;
selfName = "self" + t1 ;
return new Function ( "return function(){var " + selfName + " = this." + H . BoundClosure _selfFieldName ( ) + ";return " + selfName + "." + H . S ( stubName ) + "();}" ) ( ) ;
$arguments = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" . split ( "" ) . splice ( 0 , arity ) . join ( "," ) ;
t1 = $ . Closure _functionCounter ;
if ( typeof t1 !== "number" )
return t1 . $add ( ) ;
$ . Closure _functionCounter = t1 + 1 ;
$arguments += t1 ;
return new Function ( "return function(" + $arguments + "){return this." + H . BoundClosure _selfFieldName ( ) + "." + H . S ( stubName ) + "(" + $arguments + ");}" ) ( ) ;
} ,
Closure _cspForwardInterceptedCall : function ( arity , isSuperCall , $name , $function ) {
var getSelf = H . BoundClosure _selfOf ,
getReceiver = H . BoundClosure _receiverOf ;
switch ( isSuperCall ? - 1 : arity ) {
case 0 :
throw H . wrapException ( new H . RuntimeError ( "Intercepted function with no arguments." ) ) ;
case 1 :
return function ( n , s , r ) {
return function ( ) {
return s ( this ) [ n ] ( r ( this ) ) ;
} ;
} ( $name , getSelf , getReceiver ) ;
case 2 :
return function ( n , s , r ) {
return function ( a ) {
return s ( this ) [ n ] ( r ( this ) , a ) ;
} ;
} ( $name , getSelf , getReceiver ) ;
case 3 :
return function ( n , s , r ) {
return function ( a , b ) {
return s ( this ) [ n ] ( r ( this ) , a , b ) ;
} ;
} ( $name , getSelf , getReceiver ) ;
case 4 :
return function ( n , s , r ) {
return function ( a , b , c ) {
return s ( this ) [ n ] ( r ( this ) , a , b , c ) ;
} ;
} ( $name , getSelf , getReceiver ) ;
case 5 :
return function ( n , s , r ) {
return function ( a , b , c , d ) {
return s ( this ) [ n ] ( r ( this ) , a , b , c , d ) ;
} ;
} ( $name , getSelf , getReceiver ) ;
case 6 :
return function ( n , s , r ) {
return function ( a , b , c , d , e ) {
return s ( this ) [ n ] ( r ( this ) , a , b , c , d , e ) ;
} ;
} ( $name , getSelf , getReceiver ) ;
default :
return function ( f , s , r , a ) {
return function ( ) {
a = [ r ( this ) ] ;
Array . prototype . push . apply ( a , arguments ) ;
return f . apply ( s ( this ) , a ) ;
} ;
} ( $function , getSelf , getReceiver ) ;
} ,
Closure _forwardInterceptedCallTo : function ( receiver , $function ) {
var stubName , arity , lookedUpFunction , t1 , t2 , $arguments ,
selfField = H . BoundClosure _selfFieldName ( ) ,
receiverField = $ . BoundClosure _receiverFieldNameCache ;
if ( receiverField == null )
receiverField = $ . BoundClosure _receiverFieldNameCache = H . BoundClosure _computeFieldNamed ( "receiver" ) ;
stubName = $function . $stubName ;
arity = $function . length ;
lookedUpFunction = receiver [ stubName ] ;
t1 = $function == null ? lookedUpFunction == null : $function === lookedUpFunction ;
t2 = ! t1 || arity >= 28 ;
if ( t2 )
return H . Closure _cspForwardInterceptedCall ( arity , ! t1 , stubName , $function ) ;
if ( arity === 1 ) {
t1 = "return function(){return this." + selfField + "." + H . S ( stubName ) + "(this." + receiverField + ");" ;
t2 = $ . Closure _functionCounter ;
if ( typeof t2 !== "number" )
return t2 . $add ( ) ;
$ . Closure _functionCounter = t2 + 1 ;
return new Function ( t1 + t2 + "}" ) ( ) ;
$arguments = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" . split ( "" ) . splice ( 0 , arity - 1 ) . join ( "," ) ;
t1 = "return function(" + $arguments + "){return this." + selfField + "." + H . S ( stubName ) + "(this." + receiverField + ", " + $arguments + ");" ;
t2 = $ . Closure _functionCounter ;
if ( typeof t2 !== "number" )
return t2 . $add ( ) ;
$ . Closure _functionCounter = t2 + 1 ;
return new Function ( t1 + t2 + "}" ) ( ) ;
} ,
closureFromTearOff : function ( receiver , functions , applyTrampolineIndex , reflectionInfo , isStatic , isIntercepted , $name ) {
return H . Closure _fromTearOff ( receiver , functions , applyTrampolineIndex , reflectionInfo , ! ! isStatic , ! ! isIntercepted , $name ) ;
} ,
BoundClosure _evalRecipe : function ( closure , recipe ) {
return H . _Universe _evalInEnvironment ( init . typeUniverse , H . instanceType ( closure . _self ) , recipe ) ;
} ,
BoundClosure _evalRecipeIntercepted : function ( closure , recipe ) {
return H . _Universe _evalInEnvironment ( init . typeUniverse , H . instanceType ( closure . _receiver ) , recipe ) ;
} ,
BoundClosure _selfOf : function ( closure ) {
return closure . _self ;
} ,
BoundClosure _receiverOf : function ( closure ) {
return closure . _receiver ;
} ,
BoundClosure _selfFieldName : function ( ) {
var t1 = $ . BoundClosure _selfFieldNameCache ;
return t1 == null ? $ . BoundClosure _selfFieldNameCache = H . BoundClosure _computeFieldNamed ( "self" ) : t1 ;
} ,
BoundClosure _computeFieldNamed : function ( fieldName ) {
var t1 , i , $name ,
template = new H . BoundClosure ( "self" , "target" , "receiver" , "name" ) ,
names = J . JSArray _markFixedList ( Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( template ) , type$ . nullable _Object ) ;
for ( t1 = names . length , i = 0 ; i < t1 ; ++ i ) {
$name = names [ i ] ;
if ( template [ $name ] === fieldName )
return $name ;
throw H . wrapException ( P . ArgumentError$ ( "Field name " + fieldName + " not found." ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
boolConversionCheck : function ( value ) {
if ( value == null )
H . assertThrow ( "boolean expression must not be null" ) ;
return value ;
} ,
assertThrow : function ( message ) {
throw H . wrapException ( new H . _AssertionError ( message ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
throwCyclicInit : function ( staticName ) {
throw H . wrapException ( new P . CyclicInitializationError ( staticName ) ) ;
} ,
getIsolateAffinityTag : function ( $name ) {
return init . getIsolateTag ( $name ) ;
} ,
throwLateInitializationError : function ( $name ) {
return H . throwExpression ( new H . LateError ( $name ) ) ;
} ,
defineProperty : function ( obj , property , value ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Object . defineProperty ( obj , property , {
value : value ,
enumerable : false ,
writable : true ,
configurable : true
} ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ,
lookupAndCacheInterceptor : function ( obj ) {
var interceptor , interceptorClass , altTag , mark , t1 ,
tag = H . _asString ( $ . getTagFunction . call$1 ( obj ) ) ,
record = $ . dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags [ tag ] ;
if ( record != null ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Object . defineProperty ( obj , init . dispatchPropertyName , {
value : record ,
enumerable : false ,
writable : true ,
configurable : true
} ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
return record . i ;
interceptor = $ . interceptorsForUncacheableTags [ tag ] ;
if ( interceptor != null )
return interceptor ;
interceptorClass = init . interceptorsByTag [ tag ] ;
if ( interceptorClass == null ) {
altTag = H . _asStringQ ( $ . alternateTagFunction . call$2 ( obj , tag ) ) ;
if ( altTag != null ) {
record = $ . dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags [ altTag ] ;
if ( record != null ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Object . defineProperty ( obj , init . dispatchPropertyName , {
value : record ,
enumerable : false ,
writable : true ,
configurable : true
} ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
return record . i ;
interceptor = $ . interceptorsForUncacheableTags [ altTag ] ;
if ( interceptor != null )
return interceptor ;
interceptorClass = init . interceptorsByTag [ altTag ] ;
tag = altTag ;
if ( interceptorClass == null )
return null ;
interceptor = interceptorClass . prototype ;
mark = tag [ 0 ] ;
if ( mark === "!" ) {
record = H . makeLeafDispatchRecord ( interceptor ) ;
$ . dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags [ tag ] = record ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Object . defineProperty ( obj , init . dispatchPropertyName , {
value : record ,
enumerable : false ,
writable : true ,
configurable : true
} ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
return record . i ;
if ( mark === "~" ) {
$ . interceptorsForUncacheableTags [ tag ] = interceptor ;
return interceptor ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
if ( mark === "-" ) {
t1 = H . makeLeafDispatchRecord ( interceptor ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Object . defineProperty ( Object . getPrototypeOf ( obj ) , init . dispatchPropertyName , {
value : t1 ,
enumerable : false ,
writable : true ,
configurable : true
} ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
return t1 . i ;
if ( mark === "+" )
return H . patchInteriorProto ( obj , interceptor ) ;
if ( mark === "*" )
throw H . wrapException ( P . UnimplementedError$ ( tag ) ) ;
if ( init . leafTags [ tag ] === true ) {
t1 = H . makeLeafDispatchRecord ( interceptor ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Object . defineProperty ( Object . getPrototypeOf ( obj ) , init . dispatchPropertyName , {
value : t1 ,
enumerable : false ,
writable : true ,
configurable : true
} ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
return t1 . i ;
} else
return H . patchInteriorProto ( obj , interceptor ) ;
} ,
patchInteriorProto : function ( obj , interceptor ) {
var proto = Object . getPrototypeOf ( obj ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Object . defineProperty ( proto , init . dispatchPropertyName , {
value : J . makeDispatchRecord ( interceptor , proto , null , null ) ,
enumerable : false ,
writable : true ,
configurable : true
} ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
return interceptor ;
} ,
makeLeafDispatchRecord : function ( interceptor ) {
return J . makeDispatchRecord ( interceptor , false , null , ! ! interceptor . $isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior ) ;
} ,
makeDefaultDispatchRecord : function ( tag , interceptorClass , proto ) {
var interceptor = interceptorClass . prototype ;
if ( init . leafTags [ tag ] === true )
return H . makeLeafDispatchRecord ( interceptor ) ;
return J . makeDispatchRecord ( interceptor , proto , null , null ) ;
} ,
initNativeDispatch : function ( ) {
if ( true === $ . initNativeDispatchFlag )
return ;
$ . initNativeDispatchFlag = true ;
H . initNativeDispatchContinue ( ) ;
} ,
initNativeDispatchContinue : function ( ) {
var map , tags , fun , i , tag , proto , record , interceptorClass ;
$ . dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags = Object . create ( null ) ;
$ . interceptorsForUncacheableTags = Object . create ( null ) ;
H . initHooks ( ) ;
map = init . interceptorsByTag ;
tags = Object . getOwnPropertyNames ( map ) ;
if ( typeof window != "undefined" ) {
window ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
fun = function ( ) { } ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < tags . length ; ++ i ) {
tag = tags [ i ] ;
proto = $ . prototypeForTagFunction . call$1 ( tag ) ;
if ( proto != null ) {
record = H . makeDefaultDispatchRecord ( tag , map [ tag ] , proto ) ;
if ( record != null ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Object . defineProperty ( proto , init . dispatchPropertyName , {
value : record ,
enumerable : false ,
writable : true ,
configurable : true
} ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
fun . prototype = proto ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tags . length ; ++ i ) {
tag = tags [ i ] ;
if ( /^[A-Za-z_]/ . test ( tag ) ) {
interceptorClass = map [ tag ] ;
map [ "!" + tag ] = interceptorClass ;
map [ "~" + tag ] = interceptorClass ;
map [ "-" + tag ] = interceptorClass ;
map [ "+" + tag ] = interceptorClass ;
map [ "*" + tag ] = interceptorClass ;
} ,
initHooks : function ( ) {
var transformers , i , transformer , getTag , getUnknownTag , prototypeForTag ,
hooks = C . C _JS _CONST0 ( ) ;
hooks = H . applyHooksTransformer ( C . C _JS _CONST1 , H . applyHooksTransformer ( C . C _JS _CONST2 , H . applyHooksTransformer ( C . C _JS _CONST3 , H . applyHooksTransformer ( C . C _JS _CONST3 , H . applyHooksTransformer ( C . C _JS _CONST4 , H . applyHooksTransformer ( C . C _JS _CONST5 , H . applyHooksTransformer ( C . C _JS _CONST6 ( C . C _JS _CONST ) , hooks ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ;
if ( typeof dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer != "undefined" ) {
transformers = dartNativeDispatchHooksTransformer ;
if ( typeof transformers == "function" )
transformers = [ transformers ] ;
if ( transformers . constructor == Array )
for ( i = 0 ; i < transformers . length ; ++ i ) {
transformer = transformers [ i ] ;
if ( typeof transformer == "function" )
hooks = transformer ( hooks ) || hooks ;
getTag = hooks . getTag ;
getUnknownTag = hooks . getUnknownTag ;
prototypeForTag = hooks . prototypeForTag ;
$ . getTagFunction = new H . initHooks _closure ( getTag ) ;
$ . alternateTagFunction = new H . initHooks _closure0 ( getUnknownTag ) ;
$ . prototypeForTagFunction = new H . initHooks _closure1 ( prototypeForTag ) ;
} ,
applyHooksTransformer : function ( transformer , hooks ) {
return transformer ( hooks ) || hooks ;
} ,
2024-03-19 22:32:17 +08:00
JSSyntaxRegExp _makeNative : function ( source , multiLine , caseSensitive , unicode , dotAll , global ) {
var m = multiLine ? "m" : "" ,
i = caseSensitive ? "" : "i" ,
u = unicode ? "u" : "" ,
s = dotAll ? "s" : "" ,
g = global ? "g" : "" ,
regexp = function ( source , modifiers ) {
try {
return new RegExp ( source , modifiers ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
return e ;
} ( source , m + i + u + s + g ) ;
if ( regexp instanceof RegExp )
return regexp ;
throw H . wrapException ( new P . FormatException ( "Illegal RegExp pattern (" + String ( regexp ) + ")" , source ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
quoteStringForRegExp : function ( string ) {
if ( /[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/ . test ( string ) )
return string . replace ( /[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g , "\\$&" ) ;
return string ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
ConstantMapView : function ConstantMapView ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . _collection$ _map = t0 ;
this . $ti = t1 ;
} ,
ConstantMap : function ConstantMap ( ) { } ,
ConstantStringMap : function ConstantStringMap ( t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . _length = t0 ;
_ . _ _js _helper$ _jsObject = t1 ;
_ . _keys = t2 ;
_ . $ti = t3 ;
} ,
JSInvocationMirror : function JSInvocationMirror ( t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . _memberName = t0 ;
_ . _ _js _helper$ _kind = t1 ;
_ . _arguments = t2 ;
_ . _namedArgumentNames = t3 ;
_ . _typeArgumentCount = t4 ;
} ,
Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod _closure : function Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod _closure ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
this . _box _0 = t0 ;
this . namedArgumentList = t1 ;
this . $arguments = t2 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
TypeErrorDecoder : function TypeErrorDecoder ( t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . _pattern = t0 ;
_ . _arguments = t1 ;
_ . _argumentsExpr = t2 ;
_ . _expr = t3 ;
_ . _method = t4 ;
_ . _receiver = t5 ;
} ,
NullError : function NullError ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . _ _js _helper$ _message = t0 ;
this . _method = t1 ;
} ,
JsNoSuchMethodError : function JsNoSuchMethodError ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
this . _ _js _helper$ _message = t0 ;
this . _method = t1 ;
this . _receiver = t2 ;
} ,
UnknownJsTypeError : function UnknownJsTypeError ( t0 ) {
this . _ _js _helper$ _message = t0 ;
} ,
NullThrownFromJavaScriptException : function NullThrownFromJavaScriptException ( t0 ) {
this . _irritant = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
ExceptionAndStackTrace : function ExceptionAndStackTrace ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . dartException = t0 ;
this . stackTrace = t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_StackTrace : function _StackTrace ( t0 ) {
this . _exception = t0 ;
this . _trace = null ;
} ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Closure : function Closure ( ) { } ,
TearOffClosure : function TearOffClosure ( ) { } ,
StaticClosure : function StaticClosure ( ) { } ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
BoundClosure : function BoundClosure ( t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . _self = t0 ;
_ . _target = t1 ;
_ . _receiver = t2 ;
_ . _name = t3 ;
} ,
RuntimeError : function RuntimeError ( t0 ) {
this . message = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
_AssertionError : function _AssertionError ( t0 ) {
this . message = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_Required : function _Required ( ) { } ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
JsLinkedHashMap : function JsLinkedHashMap ( t0 ) {
var _ = this ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
_ . _length = 0 ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_ . _last = _ . _first = _ . _ _js _helper$ _rest = _ . _nums = _ . _strings = null ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
_ . _modifications = 0 ;
_ . $ti = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
JsLinkedHashMap _values _closure : function JsLinkedHashMap _values _closure ( t0 ) {
this . $this = t0 ;
} ,
JsLinkedHashMap _containsValue _closure : function JsLinkedHashMap _containsValue _closure ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . $this = t0 ;
this . value = t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
LinkedHashMapCell : function LinkedHashMapCell ( t0 , t1 ) {
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
var _ = this ;
_ . hashMapCellKey = t0 ;
_ . hashMapCellValue = t1 ;
_ . _previous = _ . _next = null ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
} ,
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
LinkedHashMapKeyIterable : function LinkedHashMapKeyIterable ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . _map = t0 ;
this . $ti = t1 ;
} ,
LinkedHashMapKeyIterator : function LinkedHashMapKeyIterator ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . _map = t0 ;
_ . _modifications = t1 ;
_ . _ _js _helper$ _current = _ . _cell = null ;
_ . $ti = t2 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
initHooks _closure : function initHooks _closure ( t0 ) {
this . getTag = t0 ;
} ,
initHooks _closure0 : function initHooks _closure0 ( t0 ) {
this . getUnknownTag = t0 ;
} ,
initHooks _closure1 : function initHooks _closure1 ( t0 ) {
this . prototypeForTag = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-19 22:32:17 +08:00
JSSyntaxRegExp : function JSSyntaxRegExp ( t0 , t1 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . pattern = t0 ;
_ . _nativeRegExp = t1 ;
_ . _nativeAnchoredRegExp = _ . _nativeGlobalRegExp = null ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_checkValidIndex : function ( index , list , $length ) {
if ( index >>> 0 !== index || index >= $length )
throw H . wrapException ( H . diagnoseIndexError ( list , index ) ) ;
} ,
NativeTypedData : function NativeTypedData ( ) { } ,
NativeTypedArray : function NativeTypedArray ( ) { } ,
NativeTypedArrayOfDouble : function NativeTypedArrayOfDouble ( ) { } ,
NativeTypedArrayOfInt : function NativeTypedArrayOfInt ( ) { } ,
NativeInt16List : function NativeInt16List ( ) { } ,
NativeInt32List : function NativeInt32List ( ) { } ,
NativeInt8List : function NativeInt8List ( ) { } ,
NativeUint16List : function NativeUint16List ( ) { } ,
NativeUint32List : function NativeUint32List ( ) { } ,
NativeUint8ClampedList : function NativeUint8ClampedList ( ) { } ,
NativeUint8List : function NativeUint8List ( ) { } ,
_NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin : function _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin ( ) { } ,
_NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin : function _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin ( ) { } ,
_NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin : function _NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin ( ) { } ,
_NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin : function _NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin ( ) { } ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
Rti _ _getQuestionFromStar : function ( universe , rti ) {
var question = rti . _precomputed1 ;
return question == null ? rti . _precomputed1 = H . _Universe _ _lookupQuestionRti ( universe , rti . _primary , true ) : question ;
} ,
Rti _ _getFutureFromFutureOr : function ( universe , rti ) {
var future = rti . _precomputed1 ;
return future == null ? rti . _precomputed1 = H . _Universe _ _lookupInterfaceRti ( universe , "Future" , [ rti . _primary ] ) : future ;
} ,
Rti _ _isUnionOfFunctionType : function ( rti ) {
var kind = rti . _kind ;
if ( kind === 6 || kind === 7 || kind === 8 )
return H . Rti _ _isUnionOfFunctionType ( rti . _primary ) ;
return kind === 11 || kind === 12 ;
} ,
Rti _ _getCanonicalRecipe : function ( rti ) {
return rti . _canonicalRecipe ;
} ,
findType : function ( recipe ) {
return H . _Universe _eval ( init . typeUniverse , recipe , false ) ;
} ,
_substitute : function ( universe , rti , typeArguments , depth ) {
var baseType , substitutedBaseType , interfaceTypeArguments , substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments , base , substitutedBase , $arguments , substitutedArguments , returnType , substitutedReturnType , functionParameters , substitutedFunctionParameters , bounds , substitutedBounds , index , argument ,
kind = rti . _kind ;
switch ( kind ) {
case 5 :
case 1 :
case 2 :
case 3 :
case 4 :
return rti ;
case 6 :
baseType = rti . _primary ;
substitutedBaseType = H . _substitute ( universe , baseType , typeArguments , depth ) ;
if ( substitutedBaseType === baseType )
return rti ;
return H . _Universe _ _lookupStarRti ( universe , substitutedBaseType , true ) ;
case 7 :
baseType = rti . _primary ;
substitutedBaseType = H . _substitute ( universe , baseType , typeArguments , depth ) ;
if ( substitutedBaseType === baseType )
return rti ;
return H . _Universe _ _lookupQuestionRti ( universe , substitutedBaseType , true ) ;
case 8 :
baseType = rti . _primary ;
substitutedBaseType = H . _substitute ( universe , baseType , typeArguments , depth ) ;
if ( substitutedBaseType === baseType )
return rti ;
return H . _Universe _ _lookupFutureOrRti ( universe , substitutedBaseType , true ) ;
case 9 :
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
interfaceTypeArguments = rti . _rest ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments = H . _substituteArray ( universe , interfaceTypeArguments , typeArguments , depth ) ;
if ( substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments === interfaceTypeArguments )
return rti ;
return H . _Universe _ _lookupInterfaceRti ( universe , rti . _primary , substitutedInterfaceTypeArguments ) ;
case 10 :
base = rti . _primary ;
substitutedBase = H . _substitute ( universe , base , typeArguments , depth ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$arguments = rti . _rest ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
substitutedArguments = H . _substituteArray ( universe , $arguments , typeArguments , depth ) ;
if ( substitutedBase === base && substitutedArguments === $arguments )
return rti ;
return H . _Universe _ _lookupBindingRti ( universe , substitutedBase , substitutedArguments ) ;
case 11 :
returnType = rti . _primary ;
substitutedReturnType = H . _substitute ( universe , returnType , typeArguments , depth ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
functionParameters = rti . _rest ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
substitutedFunctionParameters = H . _substituteFunctionParameters ( universe , functionParameters , typeArguments , depth ) ;
if ( substitutedReturnType === returnType && substitutedFunctionParameters === functionParameters )
return rti ;
return H . _Universe _ _lookupFunctionRti ( universe , substitutedReturnType , substitutedFunctionParameters ) ;
case 12 :
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
bounds = rti . _rest ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
depth += bounds . length ;
substitutedBounds = H . _substituteArray ( universe , bounds , typeArguments , depth ) ;
base = rti . _primary ;
substitutedBase = H . _substitute ( universe , base , typeArguments , depth ) ;
if ( substitutedBounds === bounds && substitutedBase === base )
return rti ;
return H . _Universe _ _lookupGenericFunctionRti ( universe , substitutedBase , substitutedBounds , true ) ;
case 13 :
index = rti . _primary ;
if ( index < depth )
return rti ;
argument = typeArguments [ index - depth ] ;
if ( argument == null )
return rti ;
return argument ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
default :
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
throw H . wrapException ( P . AssertionError$ ( "Attempted to substitute unexpected RTI kind " + kind ) ) ;
} ,
_substituteArray : function ( universe , rtiArray , typeArguments , depth ) {
var changed , i , rti , substitutedRti ,
$length = rtiArray . length ,
result = [ ] ;
for ( changed = false , i = 0 ; i < $length ; ++ i ) {
rti = rtiArray [ i ] ;
substitutedRti = H . _substitute ( universe , rti , typeArguments , depth ) ;
if ( substitutedRti !== rti )
changed = true ;
result . push ( substitutedRti ) ;
return changed ? result : rtiArray ;
} ,
_substituteNamed : function ( universe , namedArray , typeArguments , depth ) {
var changed , i , t1 , t2 , rti , substitutedRti ,
$length = namedArray . length ,
result = [ ] ;
for ( changed = false , i = 0 ; i < $length ; i += 3 ) {
t1 = namedArray [ i ] ;
t2 = namedArray [ i + 1 ] ;
rti = namedArray [ i + 2 ] ;
substitutedRti = H . _substitute ( universe , rti , typeArguments , depth ) ;
if ( substitutedRti !== rti )
changed = true ;
result . push ( t1 ) ;
result . push ( t2 ) ;
result . push ( substitutedRti ) ;
return changed ? result : namedArray ;
} ,
_substituteFunctionParameters : function ( universe , functionParameters , typeArguments , depth ) {
var result ,
requiredPositional = functionParameters . _requiredPositional ,
substitutedRequiredPositional = H . _substituteArray ( universe , requiredPositional , typeArguments , depth ) ,
optionalPositional = functionParameters . _optionalPositional ,
substitutedOptionalPositional = H . _substituteArray ( universe , optionalPositional , typeArguments , depth ) ,
named = functionParameters . _named ,
substitutedNamed = H . _substituteNamed ( universe , named , typeArguments , depth ) ;
if ( substitutedRequiredPositional === requiredPositional && substitutedOptionalPositional === optionalPositional && substitutedNamed === named )
return functionParameters ;
result = new H . _FunctionParameters ( ) ;
result . _requiredPositional = substitutedRequiredPositional ;
result . _optionalPositional = substitutedOptionalPositional ;
result . _named = substitutedNamed ;
return result ;
} ,
setRuntimeTypeInfo : function ( target , rti ) {
target [ init . arrayRti ] = rti ;
return target ;
} ,
closureFunctionType : function ( closure ) {
var signature = closure . $signature ;
if ( signature != null ) {
if ( typeof signature == "number" )
return H . getTypeFromTypesTable ( signature ) ;
return closure . $signature ( ) ;
return null ;
} ,
instanceOrFunctionType : function ( object , testRti ) {
var rti ;
if ( H . Rti _ _isUnionOfFunctionType ( testRti ) )
if ( object instanceof H . Closure ) {
rti = H . closureFunctionType ( object ) ;
if ( rti != null )
return rti ;
return H . instanceType ( object ) ;
} ,
instanceType : function ( object ) {
var rti ;
if ( object instanceof P . Object ) {
rti = object . $ti ;
return rti != null ? rti : H . _instanceTypeFromConstructor ( object ) ;
if ( Array . isArray ( object ) )
return H . _arrayInstanceType ( object ) ;
return H . _instanceTypeFromConstructor ( J . getInterceptor$ ( object ) ) ;
} ,
_arrayInstanceType : function ( object ) {
var rti = object [ init . arrayRti ] ,
defaultRti = type$ . JSArray _dynamic ;
if ( rti == null )
return defaultRti ;
if ( rti . constructor !== defaultRti . constructor )
return defaultRti ;
return rti ;
} ,
_instanceType : function ( object ) {
var rti = object . $ti ;
return rti != null ? rti : H . _instanceTypeFromConstructor ( object ) ;
} ,
_instanceTypeFromConstructor : function ( instance ) {
var $constructor = instance . constructor ,
probe = $constructor . $ccache ;
if ( probe != null )
return probe ;
return H . _instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss ( instance , $constructor ) ;
} ,
_instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss : function ( instance , $constructor ) {
var effectiveConstructor = instance instanceof H . Closure ? instance . _ _proto _ _ . _ _proto _ _ . constructor : $constructor ,
rti = H . _Universe _findErasedType ( init . typeUniverse , effectiveConstructor . name ) ;
$constructor . $ccache = rti ;
return rti ;
} ,
getTypeFromTypesTable : function ( index ) {
var table , type , rti ;
H . _asInt ( index ) ;
table = init . types ;
type = table [ index ] ;
if ( typeof type == "string" ) {
rti = H . _Universe _eval ( init . typeUniverse , type , false ) ;
table [ index ] = rti ;
return rti ;
return type ;
} ,
_installSpecializedIsTest : function ( object ) {
var t1 , unstarred , isFn , testRti = this ;
if ( testRti === type$ . Object )
return H . _finishIsFn ( testRti , object , H . _isObject ) ;
if ( ! H . isStrongTopType ( testRti ) )
if ( ! ( testRti === type$ . legacy _Object ) )
t1 = false ;
t1 = true ;
t1 = true ;
if ( t1 )
return H . _finishIsFn ( testRti , object , H . _isTop ) ;
t1 = testRti . _kind ;
unstarred = t1 === 6 ? testRti . _primary : testRti ;
if ( unstarred === type$ . int )
isFn = H . _isInt ;
else if ( unstarred === type$ . double || unstarred === type$ . num )
isFn = H . _isNum ;
else if ( unstarred === type$ . String )
isFn = H . _isString ;
isFn = unstarred === type$ . bool ? H . _isBool : null ;
if ( isFn != null )
return H . _finishIsFn ( testRti , object , isFn ) ;
if ( unstarred . _kind === 9 ) {
t1 = unstarred . _primary ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
if ( unstarred . _rest . every ( H . isTopType ) ) {
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
testRti . _specializedTestResource = "$is" + t1 ;
return H . _finishIsFn ( testRti , object , H . _isTestViaProperty ) ;
} else if ( t1 === 7 )
return H . _finishIsFn ( testRti , object , H . _generalNullableIsTestImplementation ) ;
return H . _finishIsFn ( testRti , object , H . _generalIsTestImplementation ) ;
} ,
_finishIsFn : function ( testRti , object , isFn ) {
testRti . _is = isFn ;
return testRti . _is ( object ) ;
} ,
_installSpecializedAsCheck : function ( object ) {
var t1 , testRti = this ,
asFn = H . _generalAsCheckImplementation ;
if ( ! H . isStrongTopType ( testRti ) )
if ( ! ( testRti === type$ . legacy _Object ) )
t1 = false ;
t1 = true ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
t1 = true ;
if ( t1 )
asFn = H . _asTop ;
else if ( testRti === type$ . Object )
asFn = H . _asObject ;
else {
t1 = H . isNullable ( testRti ) ;
if ( t1 )
asFn = H . _generalNullableAsCheckImplementation ;
testRti . _as = asFn ;
return testRti . _as ( object ) ;
} ,
_nullIs : function ( testRti ) {
var t1 ,
kind = testRti . _kind ;
if ( ! H . isStrongTopType ( testRti ) )
if ( ! ( testRti === type$ . legacy _Object ) )
if ( ! ( testRti === type$ . legacy _Never ) )
if ( kind !== 7 )
t1 = kind === 8 && H . _nullIs ( testRti . _primary ) || testRti === type$ . Null || testRti === type$ . JSNull ;
t1 = true ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
t1 = true ;
t1 = true ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
t1 = true ;
return t1 ;
} ,
_generalIsTestImplementation : function ( object ) {
var testRti = this ;
if ( object == null )
return H . _nullIs ( testRti ) ;
return H . _isSubtype ( init . typeUniverse , H . instanceOrFunctionType ( object , testRti ) , null , testRti , null ) ;
} ,
_generalNullableIsTestImplementation : function ( object ) {
if ( object == null )
return true ;
return this . _primary . _is ( object ) ;
} ,
_isTestViaProperty : function ( object ) {
var tag , testRti = this ;
if ( object == null )
return H . _nullIs ( testRti ) ;
tag = testRti . _specializedTestResource ;
if ( object instanceof P . Object )
return ! ! object [ tag ] ;
return ! ! J . getInterceptor$ ( object ) [ tag ] ;
} ,
_generalAsCheckImplementation : function ( object ) {
var t1 , testRti = this ;
if ( object == null ) {
t1 = H . isNullable ( testRti ) ;
if ( t1 )
return object ;
} else if ( testRti . _is ( object ) )
return object ;
H . _failedAsCheck ( object , testRti ) ;
} ,
_generalNullableAsCheckImplementation : function ( object ) {
var testRti = this ;
if ( object == null )
return object ;
else if ( testRti . _is ( object ) )
return object ;
H . _failedAsCheck ( object , testRti ) ;
} ,
_failedAsCheck : function ( object , testRti ) {
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError$fromMessage ( H . _Error _compose ( object , H . instanceOrFunctionType ( object , testRti ) , H . _rtiToString ( testRti , null ) ) ) ) ;
} ,
checkTypeBound : function ( type , bound , variable , methodName ) {
var _null = null ;
if ( H . _isSubtype ( init . typeUniverse , type , _null , bound , _null ) )
return type ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError$fromMessage ( "The type argument '" + H . _rtiToString ( type , _null ) + "' is not a subtype of the type variable bound '" + H . _rtiToString ( bound , _null ) + "' of type variable '" + variable + "' in '" + methodName + "'." ) ) ;
} ,
_Error _compose : function ( object , objectRti , checkedTypeDescription ) {
var objectDescription = P . Error _safeToString ( object ) ,
objectTypeDescription = H . _rtiToString ( objectRti == null ? H . instanceType ( object ) : objectRti , null ) ;
return objectDescription + ": type '" + objectTypeDescription + "' is not a subtype of type '" + checkedTypeDescription + "'" ;
} ,
_TypeError$fromMessage : function ( message ) {
return new H . _TypeError ( "TypeError: " + message ) ;
} ,
_TypeError _ _TypeError$forType : function ( object , type ) {
return new H . _TypeError ( "TypeError: " + H . _Error _compose ( object , null , type ) ) ;
} ,
_isObject : function ( object ) {
return object != null ;
} ,
_asObject : function ( object ) {
if ( object != null )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "Object" ) ) ;
} ,
_isTop : function ( object ) {
return true ;
} ,
_asTop : function ( object ) {
return object ;
} ,
_isBool : function ( object ) {
return true === object || false === object ;
} ,
_asBool : function ( object ) {
if ( true === object )
return true ;
if ( false === object )
return false ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "bool" ) ) ;
} ,
_asBoolS : function ( object ) {
if ( true === object )
return true ;
if ( false === object )
return false ;
if ( object == null )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "bool" ) ) ;
} ,
_asBoolQ : function ( object ) {
if ( true === object )
return true ;
if ( false === object )
return false ;
if ( object == null )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "bool?" ) ) ;
} ,
_asDouble : function ( object ) {
if ( typeof object == "number" )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "double" ) ) ;
} ,
_asDoubleS : function ( object ) {
if ( typeof object == "number" )
return object ;
if ( object == null )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "double" ) ) ;
} ,
_asDoubleQ : function ( object ) {
if ( typeof object == "number" )
return object ;
if ( object == null )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "double?" ) ) ;
} ,
_isInt : function ( object ) {
return typeof object == "number" && Math . floor ( object ) === object ;
} ,
_asInt : function ( object ) {
if ( typeof object == "number" && Math . floor ( object ) === object )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "int" ) ) ;
} ,
_asIntS : function ( object ) {
if ( typeof object == "number" && Math . floor ( object ) === object )
return object ;
if ( object == null )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "int" ) ) ;
} ,
_asIntQ : function ( object ) {
if ( typeof object == "number" && Math . floor ( object ) === object )
return object ;
if ( object == null )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "int?" ) ) ;
} ,
_isNum : function ( object ) {
return typeof object == "number" ;
} ,
_asNum : function ( object ) {
if ( typeof object == "number" )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "num" ) ) ;
} ,
_asNumS : function ( object ) {
if ( typeof object == "number" )
return object ;
if ( object == null )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "num" ) ) ;
} ,
_asNumQ : function ( object ) {
if ( typeof object == "number" )
return object ;
if ( object == null )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "num?" ) ) ;
} ,
_isString : function ( object ) {
return typeof object == "string" ;
} ,
_asString : function ( object ) {
if ( typeof object == "string" )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "String" ) ) ;
} ,
_asStringS : function ( object ) {
if ( typeof object == "string" )
return object ;
if ( object == null )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "String" ) ) ;
} ,
_asStringQ : function ( object ) {
if ( typeof object == "string" )
return object ;
if ( object == null )
return object ;
throw H . wrapException ( H . _TypeError _ _TypeError$forType ( object , "String?" ) ) ;
} ,
_rtiArrayToString : function ( array , genericContext ) {
var s , sep , i ;
for ( s = "" , sep = "" , i = 0 ; i < array . length ; ++ i , sep = ", " )
s += sep + H . _rtiToString ( array [ i ] , genericContext ) ;
return s ;
} ,
_functionRtiToString : function ( functionType , genericContext , bounds ) {
var boundsLength , outerContextLength , offset , i , t1 , t2 , typeParametersText , typeSep , t3 , t4 , boundRti , kind , parameters , requiredPositional , requiredPositionalLength , optionalPositional , optionalPositionalLength , named , namedLength , returnTypeText , argumentsText , sep , _s2 _ = ", " ;
if ( bounds != null ) {
boundsLength = bounds . length ;
if ( genericContext == null ) {
genericContext = H . setRuntimeTypeInfo ( [ ] , type$ . JSArray _String ) ;
outerContextLength = null ;
} else
outerContextLength = genericContext . length ;
offset = genericContext . length ;
for ( i = boundsLength ; i > 0 ; -- i )
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( genericContext , "T" + ( offset + i ) ) ;
for ( t1 = type$ . nullable _Object , t2 = type$ . legacy _Object , typeParametersText = "<" , typeSep = "" , i = 0 ; i < boundsLength ; ++ i , typeSep = _s2 _ ) {
typeParametersText += typeSep ;
t3 = genericContext . length ;
t4 = t3 - 1 - i ;
if ( t4 < 0 )
return H . ioore ( genericContext , t4 ) ;
typeParametersText = C . JSString _methods . $add ( typeParametersText , genericContext [ t4 ] ) ;
boundRti = bounds [ i ] ;
kind = boundRti . _kind ;
if ( ! ( kind === 2 || kind === 3 || kind === 4 || kind === 5 || boundRti === t1 ) )
if ( ! ( boundRti === t2 ) )
t3 = false ;
t3 = true ;
t3 = true ;
if ( ! t3 )
typeParametersText += " extends " + H . _rtiToString ( boundRti , genericContext ) ;
typeParametersText += ">" ;
} else {
typeParametersText = "" ;
outerContextLength = null ;
t1 = functionType . _primary ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
parameters = functionType . _rest ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
requiredPositional = parameters . _requiredPositional ;
requiredPositionalLength = requiredPositional . length ;
optionalPositional = parameters . _optionalPositional ;
optionalPositionalLength = optionalPositional . length ;
named = parameters . _named ;
namedLength = named . length ;
returnTypeText = H . _rtiToString ( t1 , genericContext ) ;
for ( argumentsText = "" , sep = "" , i = 0 ; i < requiredPositionalLength ; ++ i , sep = _s2 _ )
argumentsText += sep + H . _rtiToString ( requiredPositional [ i ] , genericContext ) ;
if ( optionalPositionalLength > 0 ) {
argumentsText += sep + "[" ;
for ( sep = "" , i = 0 ; i < optionalPositionalLength ; ++ i , sep = _s2 _ )
argumentsText += sep + H . _rtiToString ( optionalPositional [ i ] , genericContext ) ;
argumentsText += "]" ;
if ( namedLength > 0 ) {
argumentsText += sep + "{" ;
for ( sep = "" , i = 0 ; i < namedLength ; i += 3 , sep = _s2 _ ) {
argumentsText += sep ;
if ( named [ i + 1 ] )
argumentsText += "required " ;
argumentsText += H . _rtiToString ( named [ i + 2 ] , genericContext ) + " " + named [ i ] ;
argumentsText += "}" ;
if ( outerContextLength != null ) {
genericContext . toString ;
genericContext . length = outerContextLength ;
return typeParametersText + "(" + argumentsText + ") => " + returnTypeText ;
} ,
_rtiToString : function ( rti , genericContext ) {
var s , questionArgument , argumentKind , $name , $arguments , t1 , t2 ,
kind = rti . _kind ;
if ( kind === 5 )
return "erased" ;
if ( kind === 2 )
return "dynamic" ;
if ( kind === 3 )
return "void" ;
if ( kind === 1 )
return "Never" ;
if ( kind === 4 )
return "any" ;
if ( kind === 6 ) {
s = H . _rtiToString ( rti . _primary , genericContext ) ;
return s ;
if ( kind === 7 ) {
questionArgument = rti . _primary ;
s = H . _rtiToString ( questionArgument , genericContext ) ;
argumentKind = questionArgument . _kind ;
return ( argumentKind === 11 || argumentKind === 12 ? "(" + s + ")" : s ) + "?" ;
if ( kind === 8 )
return "FutureOr<" + H . _rtiToString ( rti . _primary , genericContext ) + ">" ;
if ( kind === 9 ) {
$name = H . _unminifyOrTag ( rti . _primary ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$arguments = rti . _rest ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
return $arguments . length !== 0 ? $name + ( "<" + H . _rtiArrayToString ( $arguments , genericContext ) + ">" ) : $name ;
if ( kind === 11 )
return H . _functionRtiToString ( rti , genericContext , null ) ;
if ( kind === 12 )
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
return H . _functionRtiToString ( rti . _primary , genericContext , rti . _rest ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
if ( kind === 13 ) {
t1 = rti . _primary ;
t2 = genericContext . length ;
t1 = t2 - 1 - t1 ;
if ( t1 < 0 || t1 >= t2 )
return H . ioore ( genericContext , t1 ) ;
return genericContext [ t1 ] ;
return "?" ;
} ,
_unminifyOrTag : function ( rawClassName ) {
var preserved = H . unmangleGlobalNameIfPreservedAnyways ( rawClassName ) ;
if ( preserved != null )
return preserved ;
return rawClassName ;
} ,
_Universe _findRule : function ( universe , targetType ) {
var rule = universe . tR [ targetType ] ;
for ( ; typeof rule == "string" ; )
rule = universe . tR [ rule ] ;
return rule ;
} ,
_Universe _findErasedType : function ( universe , cls ) {
var $length , erased , $arguments , i , $interface ,
t1 = universe . eT ,
probe = t1 [ cls ] ;
if ( probe == null )
return H . _Universe _eval ( universe , cls , false ) ;
else if ( typeof probe == "number" ) {
$length = probe ;
erased = H . _Universe _ _lookupTerminalRti ( universe , 5 , "#" ) ;
$arguments = [ ] ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < $length ; ++ i )
$arguments . push ( erased ) ;
$interface = H . _Universe _ _lookupInterfaceRti ( universe , cls , $arguments ) ;
t1 [ cls ] = $interface ;
return $interface ;
} else
return probe ;
} ,
_Universe _addRules : function ( universe , rules ) {
return H . _Utils _objectAssign ( universe . tR , rules ) ;
} ,
_Universe _addErasedTypes : function ( universe , types ) {
return H . _Utils _objectAssign ( universe . eT , types ) ;
} ,
_Universe _eval : function ( universe , recipe , normalize ) {
var rti ,
t1 = universe . eC ,
probe = t1 . get ( recipe ) ;
if ( probe != null )
return probe ;
rti = H . _Parser _parse ( H . _Parser _create ( universe , null , recipe , normalize ) ) ;
t1 . set ( recipe , rti ) ;
return rti ;
} ,
_Universe _evalInEnvironment : function ( universe , environment , recipe ) {
var probe , rti ,
cache = environment . _evalCache ;
if ( cache == null )
cache = environment . _evalCache = new Map ( ) ;
probe = cache . get ( recipe ) ;
if ( probe != null )
return probe ;
rti = H . _Parser _parse ( H . _Parser _create ( universe , environment , recipe , true ) ) ;
cache . set ( recipe , rti ) ;
return rti ;
} ,
_Universe _bind : function ( universe , environment , argumentsRti ) {
var argumentsRecipe , probe , rti ,
cache = environment . _bindCache ;
if ( cache == null )
cache = environment . _bindCache = new Map ( ) ;
argumentsRecipe = argumentsRti . _canonicalRecipe ;
probe = cache . get ( argumentsRecipe ) ;
if ( probe != null )
return probe ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
rti = H . _Universe _ _lookupBindingRti ( universe , environment , argumentsRti . _kind === 10 ? argumentsRti . _rest : [ argumentsRti ] ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
cache . set ( argumentsRecipe , rti ) ;
return rti ;
} ,
_Universe _ _installTypeTests : function ( universe , rti ) {
rti . _as = H . _installSpecializedAsCheck ;
rti . _is = H . _installSpecializedIsTest ;
return rti ;
} ,
_Universe _ _lookupTerminalRti : function ( universe , kind , key ) {
var rti , t1 ,
probe = universe . eC . get ( key ) ;
if ( probe != null )
return probe ;
rti = new H . Rti ( null , null ) ;
rti . _kind = kind ;
rti . _canonicalRecipe = key ;
t1 = H . _Universe _ _installTypeTests ( universe , rti ) ;
universe . eC . set ( key , t1 ) ;
return t1 ;
} ,
_Universe _ _lookupStarRti : function ( universe , baseType , normalize ) {
var t1 ,
key = baseType . _canonicalRecipe + "*" ,
probe = universe . eC . get ( key ) ;
if ( probe != null )
return probe ;
t1 = H . _Universe _ _createStarRti ( universe , baseType , key , normalize ) ;
universe . eC . set ( key , t1 ) ;
return t1 ;
} ,
_Universe _ _createStarRti : function ( universe , baseType , key , normalize ) {
var baseKind , t1 , rti ;
if ( normalize ) {
baseKind = baseType . _kind ;
if ( ! H . isStrongTopType ( baseType ) )
t1 = baseType === type$ . Null || baseType === type$ . JSNull || baseKind === 7 || baseKind === 6 ;
t1 = true ;
if ( t1 )
return baseType ;
rti = new H . Rti ( null , null ) ;
rti . _kind = 6 ;
rti . _primary = baseType ;
rti . _canonicalRecipe = key ;
return H . _Universe _ _installTypeTests ( universe , rti ) ;
} ,
_Universe _ _lookupQuestionRti : function ( universe , baseType , normalize ) {
var t1 ,
key = baseType . _canonicalRecipe + "?" ,
probe = universe . eC . get ( key ) ;
if ( probe != null )
return probe ;
t1 = H . _Universe _ _createQuestionRti ( universe , baseType , key , normalize ) ;
universe . eC . set ( key , t1 ) ;
return t1 ;
} ,
_Universe _ _createQuestionRti : function ( universe , baseType , key , normalize ) {
var baseKind , t1 , starArgument , rti ;
if ( normalize ) {
baseKind = baseType . _kind ;
if ( ! H . isStrongTopType ( baseType ) )
if ( ! ( baseType === type$ . Null || baseType === type$ . JSNull ) )
if ( baseKind !== 7 )
t1 = baseKind === 8 && H . isNullable ( baseType . _primary ) ;
t1 = true ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
t1 = true ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
t1 = true ;
if ( t1 )
return baseType ;
else if ( baseKind === 1 || baseType === type$ . legacy _Never )
return type$ . Null ;
else if ( baseKind === 6 ) {
starArgument = baseType . _primary ;
if ( starArgument . _kind === 8 && H . isNullable ( starArgument . _primary ) )
return starArgument ;
return H . Rti _ _getQuestionFromStar ( universe , baseType ) ;
rti = new H . Rti ( null , null ) ;
rti . _kind = 7 ;
rti . _primary = baseType ;
rti . _canonicalRecipe = key ;
return H . _Universe _ _installTypeTests ( universe , rti ) ;
} ,
_Universe _ _lookupFutureOrRti : function ( universe , baseType , normalize ) {
var t1 ,
key = baseType . _canonicalRecipe + "/" ,
probe = universe . eC . get ( key ) ;
if ( probe != null )
return probe ;
t1 = H . _Universe _ _createFutureOrRti ( universe , baseType , key , normalize ) ;
universe . eC . set ( key , t1 ) ;
return t1 ;
} ,
_Universe _ _createFutureOrRti : function ( universe , baseType , key , normalize ) {
var t1 , t2 , rti ;
if ( normalize ) {
t1 = baseType . _kind ;
if ( ! H . isStrongTopType ( baseType ) )
if ( ! ( baseType === type$ . legacy _Object ) )
t2 = false ;
t2 = true ;
t2 = true ;
if ( t2 || baseType === type$ . Object )
return baseType ;
else if ( t1 === 1 )
return H . _Universe _ _lookupInterfaceRti ( universe , "Future" , [ baseType ] ) ;
else if ( baseType === type$ . Null || baseType === type$ . JSNull )
return type$ . nullable _Future _Null ;
rti = new H . Rti ( null , null ) ;
rti . _kind = 8 ;
rti . _primary = baseType ;
rti . _canonicalRecipe = key ;
return H . _Universe _ _installTypeTests ( universe , rti ) ;
} ,
_Universe _ _lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti : function ( universe , index ) {
var rti , t1 ,
key = "" + index + "^" ,
probe = universe . eC . get ( key ) ;
if ( probe != null )
return probe ;
rti = new H . Rti ( null , null ) ;
rti . _kind = 13 ;
rti . _primary = index ;
rti . _canonicalRecipe = key ;
t1 = H . _Universe _ _installTypeTests ( universe , rti ) ;
universe . eC . set ( key , t1 ) ;
return t1 ;
} ,
_Universe _ _canonicalRecipeJoin : function ( $arguments ) {
var s , sep , i ,
$length = $arguments . length ;
for ( s = "" , sep = "" , i = 0 ; i < $length ; ++ i , sep = "," )
s += sep + $arguments [ i ] . _canonicalRecipe ;
return s ;
} ,
_Universe _ _canonicalRecipeJoinNamed : function ( $arguments ) {
var s , sep , i , t1 , nameSep , s0 ,
$length = $arguments . length ;
for ( s = "" , sep = "" , i = 0 ; i < $length ; i += 3 , sep = "," ) {
t1 = $arguments [ i ] ;
nameSep = $arguments [ i + 1 ] ? "!" : ":" ;
s0 = $arguments [ i + 2 ] . _canonicalRecipe ;
s += sep + t1 + nameSep + s0 ;
return s ;
} ,
_Universe _ _lookupInterfaceRti : function ( universe , $name , $arguments ) {
var probe , rti , t1 ,
s = $name ;
if ( $arguments . length !== 0 )
s += "<" + H . _Universe _ _canonicalRecipeJoin ( $arguments ) + ">" ;
probe = universe . eC . get ( s ) ;
if ( probe != null )
return probe ;
rti = new H . Rti ( null , null ) ;
rti . _kind = 9 ;
rti . _primary = $name ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
rti . _rest = $arguments ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
if ( $arguments . length > 0 )
rti . _precomputed1 = $arguments [ 0 ] ;
rti . _canonicalRecipe = s ;
t1 = H . _Universe _ _installTypeTests ( universe , rti ) ;
universe . eC . set ( s , t1 ) ;
return t1 ;
} ,
_Universe _ _lookupBindingRti : function ( universe , base , $arguments ) {
var newBase , newArguments , key , probe , rti , t1 ;
if ( base . _kind === 10 ) {
newBase = base . _primary ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
newArguments = base . _rest . concat ( $arguments ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} else {
newArguments = $arguments ;
newBase = base ;
key = newBase . _canonicalRecipe + ( ";<" + H . _Universe _ _canonicalRecipeJoin ( newArguments ) + ">" ) ;
probe = universe . eC . get ( key ) ;
if ( probe != null )
return probe ;
rti = new H . Rti ( null , null ) ;
rti . _kind = 10 ;
rti . _primary = newBase ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
rti . _rest = newArguments ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
rti . _canonicalRecipe = key ;
t1 = H . _Universe _ _installTypeTests ( universe , rti ) ;
universe . eC . set ( key , t1 ) ;
return t1 ;
} ,
_Universe _ _lookupFunctionRti : function ( universe , returnType , parameters ) {
var sep , t1 , key , probe , rti ,
s = returnType . _canonicalRecipe ,
requiredPositional = parameters . _requiredPositional ,
requiredPositionalLength = requiredPositional . length ,
optionalPositional = parameters . _optionalPositional ,
optionalPositionalLength = optionalPositional . length ,
named = parameters . _named ,
namedLength = named . length ,
recipe = "(" + H . _Universe _ _canonicalRecipeJoin ( requiredPositional ) ;
if ( optionalPositionalLength > 0 ) {
sep = requiredPositionalLength > 0 ? "," : "" ;
t1 = H . _Universe _ _canonicalRecipeJoin ( optionalPositional ) ;
recipe += sep + "[" + t1 + "]" ;
if ( namedLength > 0 ) {
sep = requiredPositionalLength > 0 ? "," : "" ;
t1 = H . _Universe _ _canonicalRecipeJoinNamed ( named ) ;
recipe += sep + "{" + t1 + "}" ;
key = s + ( recipe + ")" ) ;
probe = universe . eC . get ( key ) ;
if ( probe != null )
return probe ;
rti = new H . Rti ( null , null ) ;
rti . _kind = 11 ;
rti . _primary = returnType ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
rti . _rest = parameters ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
rti . _canonicalRecipe = key ;
t1 = H . _Universe _ _installTypeTests ( universe , rti ) ;
universe . eC . set ( key , t1 ) ;
return t1 ;
} ,
_Universe _ _lookupGenericFunctionRti : function ( universe , baseFunctionType , bounds , normalize ) {
var t1 ,
key = baseFunctionType . _canonicalRecipe + ( "<" + H . _Universe _ _canonicalRecipeJoin ( bounds ) + ">" ) ,
probe = universe . eC . get ( key ) ;
if ( probe != null )
return probe ;
t1 = H . _Universe _ _createGenericFunctionRti ( universe , baseFunctionType , bounds , key , normalize ) ;
universe . eC . set ( key , t1 ) ;
return t1 ;
} ,
_Universe _ _createGenericFunctionRti : function ( universe , baseFunctionType , bounds , key , normalize ) {
var $length , typeArguments , count , i , bound , substitutedBase , substitutedBounds , rti ;
if ( normalize ) {
$length = bounds . length ;
typeArguments = new Array ( $length ) ;
for ( count = 0 , i = 0 ; i < $length ; ++ i ) {
bound = bounds [ i ] ;
if ( bound . _kind === 1 ) {
typeArguments [ i ] = bound ;
++ count ;
if ( count > 0 ) {
substitutedBase = H . _substitute ( universe , baseFunctionType , typeArguments , 0 ) ;
substitutedBounds = H . _substituteArray ( universe , bounds , typeArguments , 0 ) ;
return H . _Universe _ _lookupGenericFunctionRti ( universe , substitutedBase , substitutedBounds , bounds !== substitutedBounds ) ;
rti = new H . Rti ( null , null ) ;
rti . _kind = 12 ;
rti . _primary = baseFunctionType ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
rti . _rest = bounds ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
rti . _canonicalRecipe = key ;
return H . _Universe _ _installTypeTests ( universe , rti ) ;
} ,
_Parser _create : function ( universe , environment , recipe , normalize ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
return {
u : universe ,
e : environment ,
r : recipe ,
s : [ ] ,
p : 0 ,
n : normalize
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ,
_Parser _parse : function ( parser ) {
var t2 , i , ch , t3 , array , head , base , parameters , optionalPositional , named , item ,
source = parser . r ,
t1 = parser . s ;
for ( t2 = source . length , i = 0 ; i < t2 ; ) {
ch = source . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
if ( ch >= 48 && ch <= 57 )
i = H . _Parser _handleDigit ( i + 1 , ch , source , t1 ) ;
else if ( ( ( ( ch | 32 ) >>> 0 ) - 97 & 65535 ) < 26 || ch === 95 || ch === 36 )
i = H . _Parser _handleIdentifier ( parser , i , source , t1 , false ) ;
else if ( ch === 46 )
i = H . _Parser _handleIdentifier ( parser , i , source , t1 , true ) ;
else {
++ i ;
switch ( ch ) {
case 44 :
break ;
case 58 :
t1 . push ( false ) ;
break ;
case 33 :
t1 . push ( true ) ;
break ;
case 59 :
t1 . push ( H . _Parser _toType ( parser . u , parser . e , t1 . pop ( ) ) ) ;
break ;
case 94 :
t1 . push ( H . _Universe _ _lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti ( parser . u , t1 . pop ( ) ) ) ;
break ;
case 35 :
t1 . push ( H . _Universe _ _lookupTerminalRti ( parser . u , 5 , "#" ) ) ;
break ;
case 64 :
t1 . push ( H . _Universe _ _lookupTerminalRti ( parser . u , 2 , "@" ) ) ;
break ;
case 126 :
t1 . push ( H . _Universe _ _lookupTerminalRti ( parser . u , 3 , "~" ) ) ;
break ;
case 60 :
t1 . push ( parser . p ) ;
parser . p = t1 . length ;
break ;
case 62 :
t3 = parser . u ;
array = t1 . splice ( parser . p ) ;
H . _Parser _toTypes ( parser . u , parser . e , array ) ;
parser . p = t1 . pop ( ) ;
head = t1 . pop ( ) ;
if ( typeof head == "string" )
t1 . push ( H . _Universe _ _lookupInterfaceRti ( t3 , head , array ) ) ;
else {
base = H . _Parser _toType ( t3 , parser . e , head ) ;
switch ( base . _kind ) {
case 11 :
t1 . push ( H . _Universe _ _lookupGenericFunctionRti ( t3 , base , array , parser . n ) ) ;
break ;
default :
t1 . push ( H . _Universe _ _lookupBindingRti ( t3 , base , array ) ) ;
break ;
break ;
case 38 :
H . _Parser _handleExtendedOperations ( parser , t1 ) ;
break ;
case 42 :
t3 = parser . u ;
t1 . push ( H . _Universe _ _lookupStarRti ( t3 , H . _Parser _toType ( t3 , parser . e , t1 . pop ( ) ) , parser . n ) ) ;
break ;
case 63 :
t3 = parser . u ;
t1 . push ( H . _Universe _ _lookupQuestionRti ( t3 , H . _Parser _toType ( t3 , parser . e , t1 . pop ( ) ) , parser . n ) ) ;
break ;
case 47 :
t3 = parser . u ;
t1 . push ( H . _Universe _ _lookupFutureOrRti ( t3 , H . _Parser _toType ( t3 , parser . e , t1 . pop ( ) ) , parser . n ) ) ;
break ;
case 40 :
t1 . push ( parser . p ) ;
parser . p = t1 . length ;
break ;
case 41 :
t3 = parser . u ;
parameters = new H . _FunctionParameters ( ) ;
optionalPositional = t3 . sEA ;
named = t3 . sEA ;
head = t1 . pop ( ) ;
if ( typeof head == "number" )
switch ( head ) {
case - 1 :
optionalPositional = t1 . pop ( ) ;
break ;
case - 2 :
named = t1 . pop ( ) ;
break ;
default :
t1 . push ( head ) ;
break ;
t1 . push ( head ) ;
array = t1 . splice ( parser . p ) ;
H . _Parser _toTypes ( parser . u , parser . e , array ) ;
parser . p = t1 . pop ( ) ;
parameters . _requiredPositional = array ;
parameters . _optionalPositional = optionalPositional ;
parameters . _named = named ;
t1 . push ( H . _Universe _ _lookupFunctionRti ( t3 , H . _Parser _toType ( t3 , parser . e , t1 . pop ( ) ) , parameters ) ) ;
break ;
case 91 :
t1 . push ( parser . p ) ;
parser . p = t1 . length ;
break ;
case 93 :
array = t1 . splice ( parser . p ) ;
H . _Parser _toTypes ( parser . u , parser . e , array ) ;
parser . p = t1 . pop ( ) ;
t1 . push ( array ) ;
t1 . push ( - 1 ) ;
break ;
case 123 :
t1 . push ( parser . p ) ;
parser . p = t1 . length ;
break ;
case 125 :
array = t1 . splice ( parser . p ) ;
H . _Parser _toTypesNamed ( parser . u , parser . e , array ) ;
parser . p = t1 . pop ( ) ;
t1 . push ( array ) ;
t1 . push ( - 2 ) ;
break ;
default :
throw "Bad character " + ch ;
item = t1 . pop ( ) ;
return H . _Parser _toType ( parser . u , parser . e , item ) ;
} ,
_Parser _handleDigit : function ( i , digit , source , stack ) {
var t1 , ch ,
value = digit - 48 ;
for ( t1 = source . length ; i < t1 ; ++ i ) {
ch = source . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
if ( ! ( ch >= 48 && ch <= 57 ) )
break ;
value = value * 10 + ( ch - 48 ) ;
stack . push ( value ) ;
return i ;
} ,
_Parser _handleIdentifier : function ( parser , start , source , stack , hasPeriod ) {
var t1 , ch , t2 , string , environment , recipe ,
i = start + 1 ;
for ( t1 = source . length ; i < t1 ; ++ i ) {
ch = source . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
if ( ch === 46 ) {
if ( hasPeriod )
break ;
hasPeriod = true ;
} else {
if ( ! ( ( ( ( ch | 32 ) >>> 0 ) - 97 & 65535 ) < 26 || ch === 95 || ch === 36 ) )
t2 = ch >= 48 && ch <= 57 ;
t2 = true ;
if ( ! t2 )
break ;
string = source . substring ( start , i ) ;
if ( hasPeriod ) {
t1 = parser . u ;
environment = parser . e ;
if ( environment . _kind === 10 )
environment = environment . _primary ;
recipe = H . _Universe _findRule ( t1 , environment . _primary ) [ string ] ;
if ( recipe == null )
H . throwExpression ( 'No "' + string + '" in "' + H . Rti _ _getCanonicalRecipe ( environment ) + '"' ) ;
stack . push ( H . _Universe _evalInEnvironment ( t1 , environment , recipe ) ) ;
} else
stack . push ( string ) ;
return i ;
} ,
_Parser _handleExtendedOperations : function ( parser , stack ) {
var $top = stack . pop ( ) ;
if ( 0 === $top ) {
stack . push ( H . _Universe _ _lookupTerminalRti ( parser . u , 1 , "0&" ) ) ;
return ;
if ( 1 === $top ) {
stack . push ( H . _Universe _ _lookupTerminalRti ( parser . u , 4 , "1&" ) ) ;
return ;
throw H . wrapException ( P . AssertionError$ ( "Unexpected extended operation " + H . S ( $top ) ) ) ;
} ,
_Parser _toType : function ( universe , environment , item ) {
if ( typeof item == "string" )
return H . _Universe _ _lookupInterfaceRti ( universe , item , universe . sEA ) ;
else if ( typeof item == "number" )
return H . _Parser _indexToType ( universe , environment , item ) ;
return item ;
} ,
_Parser _toTypes : function ( universe , environment , items ) {
var i ,
$length = items . length ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < $length ; ++ i )
items [ i ] = H . _Parser _toType ( universe , environment , items [ i ] ) ;
} ,
_Parser _toTypesNamed : function ( universe , environment , items ) {
var i ,
$length = items . length ;
for ( i = 2 ; i < $length ; i += 3 )
items [ i ] = H . _Parser _toType ( universe , environment , items [ i ] ) ;
} ,
_Parser _indexToType : function ( universe , environment , index ) {
var typeArguments , len ,
kind = environment . _kind ;
if ( kind === 10 ) {
if ( index === 0 )
return environment . _primary ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
typeArguments = environment . _rest ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
len = typeArguments . length ;
if ( index <= len )
return typeArguments [ index - 1 ] ;
index -= len ;
environment = environment . _primary ;
kind = environment . _kind ;
} else if ( index === 0 )
return environment ;
if ( kind !== 9 )
throw H . wrapException ( P . AssertionError$ ( "Indexed base must be an interface type" ) ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
typeArguments = environment . _rest ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
if ( index <= typeArguments . length )
return typeArguments [ index - 1 ] ;
throw H . wrapException ( P . AssertionError$ ( "Bad index " + index + " for " + environment . toString$0 ( 0 ) ) ) ;
} ,
_isSubtype : function ( universe , s , sEnv , t , tEnv ) {
var t1 , sKind , leftTypeVariable , tKind , sBounds , tBounds , sLength , i , sBound , tBound ;
if ( s === t )
return true ;
if ( ! H . isStrongTopType ( t ) )
if ( ! ( t === type$ . legacy _Object ) )
t1 = false ;
t1 = true ;
t1 = true ;
if ( t1 )
return true ;
sKind = s . _kind ;
if ( sKind === 4 )
return true ;
if ( H . isStrongTopType ( s ) )
return false ;
if ( s . _kind !== 1 )
t1 = false ;
t1 = true ;
if ( t1 )
return true ;
leftTypeVariable = sKind === 13 ;
if ( leftTypeVariable )
if ( H . _isSubtype ( universe , sEnv [ s . _primary ] , sEnv , t , tEnv ) )
return true ;
tKind = t . _kind ;
t1 = s === type$ . Null || s === type$ . JSNull ;
if ( t1 ) {
if ( tKind === 8 )
return H . _isSubtype ( universe , s , sEnv , t . _primary , tEnv ) ;
return t === type$ . Null || t === type$ . JSNull || tKind === 7 || tKind === 6 ;
if ( t === type$ . Object ) {
if ( sKind === 8 )
return H . _isSubtype ( universe , s . _primary , sEnv , t , tEnv ) ;
if ( sKind === 6 )
return H . _isSubtype ( universe , s . _primary , sEnv , t , tEnv ) ;
return sKind !== 7 ;
if ( sKind === 6 )
return H . _isSubtype ( universe , s . _primary , sEnv , t , tEnv ) ;
if ( tKind === 6 ) {
t1 = H . Rti _ _getQuestionFromStar ( universe , t ) ;
return H . _isSubtype ( universe , s , sEnv , t1 , tEnv ) ;
if ( sKind === 8 ) {
if ( ! H . _isSubtype ( universe , s . _primary , sEnv , t , tEnv ) )
return false ;
return H . _isSubtype ( universe , H . Rti _ _getFutureFromFutureOr ( universe , s ) , sEnv , t , tEnv ) ;
if ( sKind === 7 ) {
t1 = H . _isSubtype ( universe , type$ . Null , sEnv , t , tEnv ) ;
return t1 && H . _isSubtype ( universe , s . _primary , sEnv , t , tEnv ) ;
if ( tKind === 8 ) {
if ( H . _isSubtype ( universe , s , sEnv , t . _primary , tEnv ) )
return true ;
return H . _isSubtype ( universe , s , sEnv , H . Rti _ _getFutureFromFutureOr ( universe , t ) , tEnv ) ;
if ( tKind === 7 ) {
t1 = H . _isSubtype ( universe , s , sEnv , type$ . Null , tEnv ) ;
return t1 || H . _isSubtype ( universe , s , sEnv , t . _primary , tEnv ) ;
if ( leftTypeVariable )
return false ;
t1 = sKind !== 11 ;
if ( ( ! t1 || sKind === 12 ) && t === type$ . Function )
return true ;
if ( tKind === 12 ) {
if ( s === type$ . JavaScriptFunction )
return true ;
if ( sKind !== 12 )
return false ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
sBounds = s . _rest ;
tBounds = t . _rest ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
sLength = sBounds . length ;
if ( sLength !== tBounds . length )
return false ;
sEnv = sEnv == null ? sBounds : sBounds . concat ( sEnv ) ;
tEnv = tEnv == null ? tBounds : tBounds . concat ( tEnv ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sLength ; ++ i ) {
sBound = sBounds [ i ] ;
tBound = tBounds [ i ] ;
if ( ! H . _isSubtype ( universe , sBound , sEnv , tBound , tEnv ) || ! H . _isSubtype ( universe , tBound , tEnv , sBound , sEnv ) )
return false ;
return H . _isFunctionSubtype ( universe , s . _primary , sEnv , t . _primary , tEnv ) ;
if ( tKind === 11 ) {
if ( s === type$ . JavaScriptFunction )
return true ;
if ( t1 )
return false ;
return H . _isFunctionSubtype ( universe , s , sEnv , t , tEnv ) ;
if ( sKind === 9 ) {
if ( tKind !== 9 )
return false ;
return H . _isInterfaceSubtype ( universe , s , sEnv , t , tEnv ) ;
return false ;
} ,
_isFunctionSubtype : function ( universe , s , sEnv , t , tEnv ) {
var sParameters , tParameters , sRequiredPositional , tRequiredPositional , sRequiredPositionalLength , tRequiredPositionalLength , requiredPositionalDelta , sOptionalPositional , tOptionalPositional , sOptionalPositionalLength , tOptionalPositionalLength , i , t1 , sNamed , tNamed , sNamedLength , tNamedLength , sIndex , tIndex , tName , sName , sIsRequired ;
if ( ! H . _isSubtype ( universe , s . _primary , sEnv , t . _primary , tEnv ) )
return false ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
sParameters = s . _rest ;
tParameters = t . _rest ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
sRequiredPositional = sParameters . _requiredPositional ;
tRequiredPositional = tParameters . _requiredPositional ;
sRequiredPositionalLength = sRequiredPositional . length ;
tRequiredPositionalLength = tRequiredPositional . length ;
if ( sRequiredPositionalLength > tRequiredPositionalLength )
return false ;
requiredPositionalDelta = tRequiredPositionalLength - sRequiredPositionalLength ;
sOptionalPositional = sParameters . _optionalPositional ;
tOptionalPositional = tParameters . _optionalPositional ;
sOptionalPositionalLength = sOptionalPositional . length ;
tOptionalPositionalLength = tOptionalPositional . length ;
if ( sRequiredPositionalLength + sOptionalPositionalLength < tRequiredPositionalLength + tOptionalPositionalLength )
return false ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < sRequiredPositionalLength ; ++ i ) {
t1 = sRequiredPositional [ i ] ;
if ( ! H . _isSubtype ( universe , tRequiredPositional [ i ] , tEnv , t1 , sEnv ) )
return false ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < requiredPositionalDelta ; ++ i ) {
t1 = sOptionalPositional [ i ] ;
if ( ! H . _isSubtype ( universe , tRequiredPositional [ sRequiredPositionalLength + i ] , tEnv , t1 , sEnv ) )
return false ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < tOptionalPositionalLength ; ++ i ) {
t1 = sOptionalPositional [ requiredPositionalDelta + i ] ;
if ( ! H . _isSubtype ( universe , tOptionalPositional [ i ] , tEnv , t1 , sEnv ) )
return false ;
sNamed = sParameters . _named ;
tNamed = tParameters . _named ;
sNamedLength = sNamed . length ;
tNamedLength = tNamed . length ;
for ( sIndex = 0 , tIndex = 0 ; tIndex < tNamedLength ; tIndex += 3 ) {
tName = tNamed [ tIndex ] ;
for ( ; true ; ) {
if ( sIndex >= sNamedLength )
return false ;
sName = sNamed [ sIndex ] ;
sIndex += 3 ;
if ( tName < sName )
return false ;
sIsRequired = sNamed [ sIndex - 2 ] ;
if ( sName < tName ) {
if ( sIsRequired )
return false ;
continue ;
t1 = tNamed [ tIndex + 1 ] ;
if ( sIsRequired && ! t1 )
return false ;
t1 = sNamed [ sIndex - 1 ] ;
if ( ! H . _isSubtype ( universe , tNamed [ tIndex + 2 ] , tEnv , t1 , sEnv ) )
return false ;
break ;
for ( ; sIndex < sNamedLength ; ) {
if ( sNamed [ sIndex + 1 ] )
return false ;
sIndex += 3 ;
return true ;
} ,
_isInterfaceSubtype : function ( universe , s , sEnv , t , tEnv ) {
var sArgs , tArgs , $length , i , t1 , t2 , rule , supertypeArgs ,
sName = s . _primary ,
tName = t . _primary ;
if ( sName === tName ) {
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
sArgs = s . _rest ;
tArgs = t . _rest ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
$length = sArgs . length ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < $length ; ++ i ) {
t1 = sArgs [ i ] ;
t2 = tArgs [ i ] ;
if ( ! H . _isSubtype ( universe , t1 , sEnv , t2 , tEnv ) )
return false ;
return true ;
if ( t === type$ . Object )
return true ;
rule = H . _Universe _findRule ( universe , sName ) ;
if ( rule == null )
return false ;
supertypeArgs = rule [ tName ] ;
if ( supertypeArgs == null )
return false ;
$length = supertypeArgs . length ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
tArgs = t . _rest ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < $length ; ++ i )
if ( ! H . _isSubtype ( universe , H . _Universe _evalInEnvironment ( universe , s , supertypeArgs [ i ] ) , sEnv , tArgs [ i ] , tEnv ) )
return false ;
return true ;
} ,
isNullable : function ( t ) {
var t1 ,
kind = t . _kind ;
if ( ! ( t === type$ . Null || t === type$ . JSNull ) )
if ( ! H . isStrongTopType ( t ) )
if ( kind !== 7 )
if ( ! ( kind === 6 && H . isNullable ( t . _primary ) ) )
t1 = kind === 8 && H . isNullable ( t . _primary ) ;
t1 = true ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
t1 = true ;
t1 = true ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
t1 = true ;
return t1 ;
} ,
isTopType : function ( t ) {
var t1 ;
if ( ! H . isStrongTopType ( t ) )
if ( ! ( t === type$ . legacy _Object ) )
t1 = false ;
t1 = true ;
t1 = true ;
return t1 ;
} ,
isStrongTopType : function ( t ) {
var kind = t . _kind ;
return kind === 2 || kind === 3 || kind === 4 || kind === 5 || t === type$ . nullable _Object ;
} ,
_Utils _objectAssign : function ( o , other ) {
var i , key ,
keys = Object . keys ( other ) ,
$length = keys . length ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < $length ; ++ i ) {
key = keys [ i ] ;
o [ key ] = other [ key ] ;
} ,
Rti : function Rti ( t0 , t1 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . _as = t0 ;
_ . _is = t1 ;
_ . _cachedRuntimeType = _ . _specializedTestResource = _ . _precomputed1 = null ;
_ . _kind = 0 ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_ . _canonicalRecipe = _ . _bindCache = _ . _evalCache = _ . _rest = _ . _primary = null ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ,
_FunctionParameters : function _FunctionParameters ( ) {
this . _named = this . _optionalPositional = this . _requiredPositional = null ;
} ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
_Error : function _Error ( ) { } ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_TypeError : function _TypeError ( t0 ) {
this . _ _rti$ _message = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
isBrowserObject : function ( o ) {
return type$ . Blob . _is ( o ) || type$ . Event . _is ( o ) || type$ . KeyRange . _is ( o ) || type$ . ImageData . _is ( o ) || type$ . Node . _is ( o ) || type$ . Window . _is ( o ) || type$ . WorkerGlobalScope . _is ( o ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
unmangleGlobalNameIfPreservedAnyways : function ( $name ) {
return init . mangledGlobalNames [ $name ] ;
} ,
printString : function ( string ) {
if ( typeof dartPrint == "function" ) {
dartPrint ( string ) ;
return ;
if ( typeof console == "object" && typeof console . log != "undefined" ) {
console . log ( string ) ;
return ;
if ( typeof window == "object" )
return ;
if ( typeof print == "function" ) {
print ( string ) ;
return ;
throw "Unable to print message: " + String ( string ) ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ,
J = {
makeDispatchRecord : function ( interceptor , proto , extension , indexability ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
return {
i : interceptor ,
p : proto ,
e : extension ,
x : indexability
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ,
getNativeInterceptor : function ( object ) {
var proto , objectProto , $constructor , interceptor ,
record = object [ init . dispatchPropertyName ] ;
if ( record == null )
if ( $ . initNativeDispatchFlag == null ) {
H . initNativeDispatch ( ) ;
record = object [ init . dispatchPropertyName ] ;
if ( record != null ) {
proto = record . p ;
if ( false === proto )
return record . i ;
if ( true === proto )
return object ;
objectProto = Object . getPrototypeOf ( object ) ;
if ( proto === objectProto )
return record . i ;
if ( record . e === objectProto )
throw H . wrapException ( P . UnimplementedError$ ( "Return interceptor for " + H . S ( proto ( object , record ) ) ) ) ;
$constructor = object . constructor ;
interceptor = $constructor == null ? null : $constructor [ J . JS _INTEROP _INTERCEPTOR _TAG ( ) ] ;
if ( interceptor != null )
return interceptor ;
interceptor = H . lookupAndCacheInterceptor ( object ) ;
if ( interceptor != null )
return interceptor ;
if ( typeof object == "function" )
return C . JavaScriptFunction _methods ;
proto = Object . getPrototypeOf ( object ) ;
if ( proto == null )
return C . PlainJavaScriptObject _methods ;
if ( proto === Object . prototype )
return C . PlainJavaScriptObject _methods ;
if ( typeof $constructor == "function" ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Object . defineProperty ( $constructor , J . JS _INTEROP _INTERCEPTOR _TAG ( ) , {
value : C . UnknownJavaScriptObject _methods ,
enumerable : false ,
writable : true ,
configurable : true
} ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
return C . UnknownJavaScriptObject _methods ;
return C . UnknownJavaScriptObject _methods ;
} ,
JS _INTEROP _INTERCEPTOR _TAG : function ( ) {
return t1 == null ? $ . _JS _INTEROP _INTERCEPTOR _TAG = init . getIsolateTag ( "_$dart_js" ) : t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 17:42:30 +08:00
JSArray _JSArray$fixed : function ( $length , $E ) {
if ( $length < 0 || $length > 4294967295 )
throw H . wrapException ( P . RangeError$range ( $length , 0 , 4294967295 , "length" , null ) ) ;
return J . JSArray _JSArray$markFixed ( new Array ( $length ) , $E ) ;
} ,
JSArray _JSArray$markFixed : function ( allocation , $E ) {
return J . JSArray _markFixedList ( H . setRuntimeTypeInfo ( allocation , $E . _eval$1 ( "JSArray<0>" ) ) , $E ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
JSArray _markFixedList : function ( list , $T ) {
list . fixed$length = Array ;
return list ;
} ,
getInterceptor$ : function ( receiver ) {
if ( typeof receiver == "number" ) {
if ( Math . floor ( receiver ) == receiver )
return J . JSInt . prototype ;
return J . JSDouble . prototype ;
if ( typeof receiver == "string" )
return J . JSString . prototype ;
if ( receiver == null )
return J . JSNull . prototype ;
if ( typeof receiver == "boolean" )
return J . JSBool . prototype ;
if ( receiver . constructor == Array )
return J . JSArray . prototype ;
if ( typeof receiver != "object" ) {
if ( typeof receiver == "function" )
return J . JavaScriptFunction . prototype ;
return receiver ;
if ( receiver instanceof P . Object )
return receiver ;
return J . getNativeInterceptor ( receiver ) ;
} ,
getInterceptor$asx : function ( receiver ) {
if ( typeof receiver == "string" )
return J . JSString . prototype ;
if ( receiver == null )
return receiver ;
if ( receiver . constructor == Array )
return J . JSArray . prototype ;
if ( typeof receiver != "object" ) {
if ( typeof receiver == "function" )
return J . JavaScriptFunction . prototype ;
return receiver ;
if ( receiver instanceof P . Object )
return receiver ;
return J . getNativeInterceptor ( receiver ) ;
} ,
getInterceptor$ax : function ( receiver ) {
if ( receiver == null )
return receiver ;
if ( receiver . constructor == Array )
return J . JSArray . prototype ;
if ( typeof receiver != "object" ) {
if ( typeof receiver == "function" )
return J . JavaScriptFunction . prototype ;
return receiver ;
if ( receiver instanceof P . Object )
return receiver ;
return J . getNativeInterceptor ( receiver ) ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
get$hashCode$ : function ( receiver ) {
return J . getInterceptor$ ( receiver ) . get$hashCode ( receiver ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
get$iterator$ax : function ( receiver ) {
return J . getInterceptor$ax ( receiver ) . get$iterator ( receiver ) ;
} ,
get$length$asx : function ( receiver ) {
return J . getInterceptor$asx ( receiver ) . get$length ( receiver ) ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
$eq$ : function ( receiver , a0 ) {
if ( receiver == null )
return a0 == null ;
if ( typeof receiver != "object" )
return a0 != null && receiver === a0 ;
return J . getInterceptor$ ( receiver ) . $eq ( receiver , a0 ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
elementAt$1$ax : function ( receiver , a0 ) {
return J . getInterceptor$ax ( receiver ) . elementAt$1 ( receiver , a0 ) ;
} ,
map$1$1$ax : function ( receiver , a0 , $T1 ) {
return J . getInterceptor$ax ( receiver ) . map$1$1 ( receiver , a0 , $T1 ) ;
} ,
noSuchMethod$1$ : function ( receiver , a0 ) {
return J . getInterceptor$ ( receiver ) . noSuchMethod$1 ( receiver , a0 ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
toString$0$ : function ( receiver ) {
return J . getInterceptor$ ( receiver ) . toString$0 ( receiver ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Interceptor : function Interceptor ( ) { } ,
JSBool : function JSBool ( ) { } ,
JSNull : function JSNull ( ) { } ,
JavaScriptObject : function JavaScriptObject ( ) { } ,
PlainJavaScriptObject : function PlainJavaScriptObject ( ) { } ,
UnknownJavaScriptObject : function UnknownJavaScriptObject ( ) { } ,
JavaScriptFunction : function JavaScriptFunction ( ) { } ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
JSArray : function JSArray ( t0 ) {
this . $ti = t0 ;
} ,
JSUnmodifiableArray : function JSUnmodifiableArray ( t0 ) {
this . $ti = t0 ;
} ,
ArrayIterator : function ArrayIterator ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . _iterable = t0 ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
_ . _ _interceptors$ _length = t1 ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_ . _index = 0 ;
_ . _current = null ;
_ . $ti = t2 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
JSNumber : function JSNumber ( ) { } ,
JSInt : function JSInt ( ) { } ,
JSDouble : function JSDouble ( ) { } ,
JSString : function JSString ( ) { }
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ,
P = {
_AsyncRun _ _initializeScheduleImmediate : function ( ) {
var div , span , t1 = { } ;
if ( self . scheduleImmediate != null )
return P . async _ _AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateJsOverride$closure ( ) ;
if ( self . MutationObserver != null && self . document != null ) {
div = self . document . createElement ( "div" ) ;
span = self . document . createElement ( "span" ) ;
t1 . storedCallback = null ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
new self . MutationObserver ( H . convertDartClosureToJS ( new P . _AsyncRun _ _initializeScheduleImmediate _internalCallback ( t1 ) , 1 ) ) . observe ( div , {
childList : true
} ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
return new P . _AsyncRun _ _initializeScheduleImmediate _closure ( t1 , div , span ) ;
} else if ( self . setImmediate != null )
return P . async _ _AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate$closure ( ) ;
return P . async _ _AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateWithTimer$closure ( ) ;
} ,
_AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateJsOverride : function ( callback ) {
self . scheduleImmediate ( H . convertDartClosureToJS ( new P . _AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateJsOverride _internalCallback ( type$ . void _Function . _as ( callback ) ) , 0 ) ) ;
} ,
_AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate : function ( callback ) {
self . setImmediate ( H . convertDartClosureToJS ( new P . _AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate _internalCallback ( type$ . void _Function . _as ( callback ) ) , 0 ) ) ;
} ,
_AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateWithTimer : function ( callback ) {
P . Timer _ _createTimer ( C . Duration _0 , type$ . void _Function . _as ( callback ) ) ;
} ,
Timer _ _createTimer : function ( duration , callback ) {
var milliseconds = C . JSInt _methods . _tdivFast$1 ( duration . _duration , 1000 ) ;
return P . _TimerImpl$ ( milliseconds < 0 ? 0 : milliseconds , callback ) ;
} ,
_TimerImpl$ : function ( milliseconds , callback ) {
var t1 = new P . _TimerImpl ( ) ;
t1 . _TimerImpl$2 ( milliseconds , callback ) ;
return t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
_makeAsyncAwaitCompleter : function ( $T ) {
return new P . _AsyncAwaitCompleter ( new P . _Future ( $ . Zone _ _current , $T . _eval$1 ( "_Future<0>" ) ) , $T . _eval$1 ( "_AsyncAwaitCompleter<0>" ) ) ;
} ,
_asyncStartSync : function ( bodyFunction , completer ) {
bodyFunction . call$2 ( 0 , null ) ;
completer . isSync = true ;
return completer . _future ;
} ,
_asyncAwait : function ( object , bodyFunction ) {
P . _awaitOnObject ( object , bodyFunction ) ;
} ,
_asyncReturn : function ( object , completer ) {
var value , t2 ,
t1 = completer . $ti ;
t1 . _eval$1 ( "1/?" ) . _as ( object ) ;
value = object == null ? t1 . _precomputed1 . _as ( object ) : object ;
if ( ! completer . isSync )
completer . _future . _asyncComplete$1 ( value ) ;
else {
t2 = completer . _future ;
if ( t1 . _eval$1 ( "Future<1>" ) . _is ( value ) )
t2 . _chainFuture$1 ( value ) ;
t2 . _completeWithValue$1 ( t1 . _precomputed1 . _as ( value ) ) ;
} ,
_asyncRethrow : function ( object , completer ) {
var t1 = H . unwrapException ( object ) ,
st = H . getTraceFromException ( object ) ,
t2 = completer . isSync ,
t3 = completer . _future ;
if ( t2 )
t3 . _completeError$2 ( t1 , st ) ;
t3 . _asyncCompleteError$2 ( t1 , st ) ;
} ,
_awaitOnObject : function ( object , bodyFunction ) {
var t1 , future ,
thenCallback = new P . _awaitOnObject _closure ( bodyFunction ) ,
errorCallback = new P . _awaitOnObject _closure0 ( bodyFunction ) ;
if ( object instanceof P . _Future )
object . _thenAwait$1$2 ( thenCallback , errorCallback , type$ . dynamic ) ;
else {
t1 = type$ . dynamic ;
if ( type$ . Future _dynamic . _is ( object ) )
object . then$1$2$onError ( thenCallback , errorCallback , t1 ) ;
else {
future = new P . _Future ( $ . Zone _ _current , type$ . _Future _dynamic ) ;
future . _state = 4 ;
future . _resultOrListeners = object ;
future . _thenAwait$1$2 ( thenCallback , errorCallback , t1 ) ;
} ,
_wrapJsFunctionForAsync : function ( $function ) {
var $protected = function ( fn , ERROR ) {
return function ( errorCode , result ) {
while ( true )
try {
fn ( errorCode , result ) ;
break ;
} catch ( error ) {
result = error ;
errorCode = ERROR ;
} ;
} ( $function , 1 ) ;
return $ . Zone _ _current . registerBinaryCallback$3$1 ( new P . _wrapJsFunctionForAsync _closure ( $protected ) , type$ . void , type$ . int , type$ . dynamic ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
AsyncError$ : function ( error , stackTrace ) {
2024-03-05 22:25:31 +08:00
var t1 = H . checkNotNullable ( error , "error" , type$ . Object ) ;
return new P . AsyncError ( t1 , stackTrace == null ? P . AsyncError _defaultStackTrace ( error ) : stackTrace ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ,
AsyncError _defaultStackTrace : function ( error ) {
var stackTrace ;
if ( type$ . Error . _is ( error ) ) {
stackTrace = error . get$stackTrace ( ) ;
if ( stackTrace != null )
return stackTrace ;
return C . C _ _StringStackTrace ;
} ,
Future _Future$delayed : function ( duration , $T ) {
var result ,
t1 = ! $T . _is ( null ) ;
if ( t1 )
throw H . wrapException ( P . ArgumentError$value ( null , "computation" , "The type parameter is not nullable" ) ) ;
result = new P . _Future ( $ . Zone _ _current , $T . _eval$1 ( "_Future<0>" ) ) ;
P . Timer _Timer ( duration , new P . Future _Future$delayed _closure ( null , result , $T ) ) ;
return result ;
} ,
_Future _ _chainCoreFuture : function ( source , target ) {
var t1 , t2 , listeners ;
for ( t1 = type$ . _Future _dynamic ; t2 = source . _state , t2 === 2 ; )
source = t1 . _as ( source . _resultOrListeners ) ;
if ( t2 >= 4 ) {
listeners = target . _removeListeners$0 ( ) ;
target . _state = source . _state ;
target . _resultOrListeners = source . _resultOrListeners ;
P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners ( target , listeners ) ;
} else {
listeners = type$ . nullable _ _FutureListener _dynamic _dynamic . _as ( target . _resultOrListeners ) ;
target . _state = 2 ;
target . _resultOrListeners = source ;
source . _prependListeners$1 ( listeners ) ;
} ,
_Future _ _propagateToListeners : function ( source , listeners ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
var t2 , t3 , t4 , _box _0 , hasError , asyncError , nextListener , nextListener0 , t5 , sourceResult , t6 , t7 , zone , oldZone , result , current , _null = null ,
_box _1 = { } ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
t1 = _box _1 . source = source ;
for ( t2 = type$ . AsyncError , t3 = type$ . nullable _ _FutureListener _dynamic _dynamic , t4 = type$ . Future _dynamic ; true ; ) {
_box _0 = { } ;
hasError = t1 . _state === 8 ;
if ( listeners == null ) {
if ( hasError ) {
asyncError = t2 . _as ( t1 . _resultOrListeners ) ;
P . _rootHandleUncaughtError ( _null , _null , t1 . _zone , asyncError . error , asyncError . stackTrace ) ;
return ;
_box _0 . listener = listeners ;
nextListener = listeners . _nextListener ;
for ( t1 = listeners ; nextListener != null ; t1 = nextListener , nextListener = nextListener0 ) {
t1 . _nextListener = null ;
P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners ( _box _1 . source , t1 ) ;
_box _0 . listener = nextListener ;
nextListener0 = nextListener . _nextListener ;
t5 = _box _1 . source ;
sourceResult = t5 . _resultOrListeners ;
_box _0 . listenerHasError = hasError ;
_box _0 . listenerValueOrError = sourceResult ;
t6 = ! hasError ;
if ( t6 ) {
t7 = t1 . state ;
t7 = ( t7 & 1 ) !== 0 || ( t7 & 15 ) === 8 ;
} else
t7 = true ;
if ( t7 ) {
zone = t1 . result . _zone ;
if ( hasError ) {
t7 = t5 . _zone === zone ;
t7 = ! ( t7 || t7 ) ;
} else
t7 = false ;
if ( t7 ) {
t2 . _as ( sourceResult ) ;
P . _rootHandleUncaughtError ( _null , _null , t5 . _zone , sourceResult . error , sourceResult . stackTrace ) ;
return ;
oldZone = $ . Zone _ _current ;
if ( oldZone !== zone )
$ . Zone _ _current = zone ;
oldZone = _null ;
t1 = t1 . state ;
if ( ( t1 & 15 ) === 8 )
new P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleWhenCompleteCallback ( _box _0 , _box _1 , hasError ) . call$0 ( ) ;
else if ( t6 ) {
if ( ( t1 & 1 ) !== 0 )
new P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleValueCallback ( _box _0 , sourceResult ) . call$0 ( ) ;
} else if ( ( t1 & 2 ) !== 0 )
new P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleError ( _box _1 , _box _0 ) . call$0 ( ) ;
if ( oldZone != null )
$ . Zone _ _current = oldZone ;
t1 = _box _0 . listenerValueOrError ;
if ( t4 . _is ( t1 ) ) {
t5 = _box _0 . listener . $ti ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
t5 = t5 . _eval$1 ( "Future<2>" ) . _is ( t1 ) || ! t5 . _rest [ 1 ] . _is ( t1 ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} else
t5 = false ;
if ( t5 ) {
t4 . _as ( t1 ) ;
result = _box _0 . listener . result ;
if ( t1 . _state >= 4 ) {
current = t3 . _as ( result . _resultOrListeners ) ;
result . _resultOrListeners = null ;
listeners = result . _reverseListeners$1 ( current ) ;
result . _state = t1 . _state ;
result . _resultOrListeners = t1 . _resultOrListeners ;
_box _1 . source = t1 ;
continue ;
} else
P . _Future _ _chainCoreFuture ( t1 , result ) ;
return ;
result = _box _0 . listener . result ;
current = t3 . _as ( result . _resultOrListeners ) ;
result . _resultOrListeners = null ;
listeners = result . _reverseListeners$1 ( current ) ;
t1 = _box _0 . listenerHasError ;
t5 = _box _0 . listenerValueOrError ;
if ( ! t1 ) {
result . $ti . _precomputed1 . _as ( t5 ) ;
result . _state = 4 ;
result . _resultOrListeners = t5 ;
} else {
t2 . _as ( t5 ) ;
result . _state = 8 ;
result . _resultOrListeners = t5 ;
_box _1 . source = result ;
t1 = result ;
} ,
_registerErrorHandler : function ( errorHandler , zone ) {
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
var t1 ;
if ( type$ . dynamic _Function _Object _StackTrace . _is ( errorHandler ) )
return zone . registerBinaryCallback$3$1 ( errorHandler , type$ . dynamic , type$ . Object , type$ . StackTrace ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
t1 = type$ . dynamic _Function _Object ;
if ( t1 . _is ( errorHandler ) )
return t1 . _as ( errorHandler ) ;
throw H . wrapException ( P . ArgumentError$value ( errorHandler , "onError" , "Error handler must accept one Object or one Object and a StackTrace as arguments, and return a valid result" ) ) ;
} ,
_microtaskLoop : function ( ) {
var entry , next ;
for ( entry = $ . _nextCallback ; entry != null ; entry = $ . _nextCallback ) {
$ . _lastPriorityCallback = null ;
next = entry . next ;
$ . _nextCallback = next ;
if ( next == null )
$ . _lastCallback = null ;
entry . callback . call$0 ( ) ;
} ,
_startMicrotaskLoop : function ( ) {
$ . _isInCallbackLoop = true ;
try {
P . _microtaskLoop ( ) ;
} finally {
$ . _lastPriorityCallback = null ;
$ . _isInCallbackLoop = false ;
if ( $ . _nextCallback != null )
$ . $get$ _AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateClosure ( ) . call$1 ( P . async _ _ _startMicrotaskLoop$closure ( ) ) ;
} ,
_scheduleAsyncCallback : function ( callback ) {
var newEntry = new P . _AsyncCallbackEntry ( callback ) ,
lastCallback = $ . _lastCallback ;
if ( lastCallback == null ) {
$ . _nextCallback = $ . _lastCallback = newEntry ;
if ( ! $ . _isInCallbackLoop )
$ . $get$ _AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateClosure ( ) . call$1 ( P . async _ _ _startMicrotaskLoop$closure ( ) ) ;
} else
$ . _lastCallback = lastCallback . next = newEntry ;
} ,
_schedulePriorityAsyncCallback : function ( callback ) {
var entry , lastPriorityCallback , next ,
t1 = $ . _nextCallback ;
if ( t1 == null ) {
P . _scheduleAsyncCallback ( callback ) ;
$ . _lastPriorityCallback = $ . _lastCallback ;
return ;
entry = new P . _AsyncCallbackEntry ( callback ) ;
lastPriorityCallback = $ . _lastPriorityCallback ;
if ( lastPriorityCallback == null ) {
entry . next = t1 ;
$ . _nextCallback = $ . _lastPriorityCallback = entry ;
} else {
next = lastPriorityCallback . next ;
entry . next = next ;
$ . _lastPriorityCallback = lastPriorityCallback . next = entry ;
if ( next == null )
$ . _lastCallback = entry ;
} ,
scheduleMicrotask : function ( callback ) {
var _null = null ,
currentZone = $ . Zone _ _current ;
if ( C . C _ _RootZone === currentZone ) {
P . _rootScheduleMicrotask ( _null , _null , C . C _ _RootZone , callback ) ;
return ;
P . _rootScheduleMicrotask ( _null , _null , currentZone , type$ . void _Function . _as ( currentZone . bindCallbackGuarded$1 ( callback ) ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
StreamIterator _StreamIterator : function ( stream , $T ) {
H . checkNotNullable ( stream , "stream" , type$ . Object ) ;
return new P . _StreamIterator ( $T . _eval$1 ( "_StreamIterator<0>" ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
Timer _Timer : function ( duration , callback ) {
var t1 = $ . Zone _ _current ;
if ( t1 === C . C _ _RootZone )
return P . Timer _ _createTimer ( duration , type$ . void _Function . _as ( callback ) ) ;
return P . Timer _ _createTimer ( duration , type$ . void _Function . _as ( t1 . bindCallbackGuarded$1 ( callback ) ) ) ;
} ,
_rootHandleUncaughtError : function ( $self , $parent , zone , error , stackTrace ) {
P . _schedulePriorityAsyncCallback ( new P . _rootHandleUncaughtError _closure ( error , stackTrace ) ) ;
} ,
_rootRun : function ( $self , $parent , zone , f , $R ) {
var old ,
t1 = $ . Zone _ _current ;
if ( t1 === zone )
return f . call$0 ( ) ;
$ . Zone _ _current = zone ;
old = t1 ;
try {
t1 = f . call$0 ( ) ;
return t1 ;
} finally {
$ . Zone _ _current = old ;
} ,
_rootRunUnary : function ( $self , $parent , zone , f , arg , $R , $T ) {
var old ,
t1 = $ . Zone _ _current ;
if ( t1 === zone )
return f . call$1 ( arg ) ;
$ . Zone _ _current = zone ;
old = t1 ;
try {
t1 = f . call$1 ( arg ) ;
return t1 ;
} finally {
$ . Zone _ _current = old ;
} ,
_rootRunBinary : function ( $self , $parent , zone , f , arg1 , arg2 , $R , T1 , T2 ) {
var old ,
t1 = $ . Zone _ _current ;
if ( t1 === zone )
return f . call$2 ( arg1 , arg2 ) ;
$ . Zone _ _current = zone ;
old = t1 ;
try {
t1 = f . call$2 ( arg1 , arg2 ) ;
return t1 ;
} finally {
$ . Zone _ _current = old ;
} ,
_rootScheduleMicrotask : function ( $self , $parent , zone , f ) {
var t1 ;
type$ . void _Function . _as ( f ) ;
t1 = C . C _ _RootZone !== zone ;
if ( t1 )
f = ! ( ! t1 || false ) ? zone . bindCallbackGuarded$1 ( f ) : zone . bindCallback$1$1 ( f , type$ . void ) ;
P . _scheduleAsyncCallback ( f ) ;
} ,
_AsyncRun _ _initializeScheduleImmediate _internalCallback : function _AsyncRun _ _initializeScheduleImmediate _internalCallback ( t0 ) {
this . _box _0 = t0 ;
} ,
_AsyncRun _ _initializeScheduleImmediate _closure : function _AsyncRun _ _initializeScheduleImmediate _closure ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
this . _box _0 = t0 ;
this . div = t1 ;
this . span = t2 ;
} ,
_AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateJsOverride _internalCallback : function _AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateJsOverride _internalCallback ( t0 ) {
this . callback = t0 ;
} ,
_AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate _internalCallback : function _AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate _internalCallback ( t0 ) {
this . callback = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
_TimerImpl : function _TimerImpl ( ) { } ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_TimerImpl _internalCallback : function _TimerImpl _internalCallback ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . $this = t0 ;
this . callback = t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
_AsyncAwaitCompleter : function _AsyncAwaitCompleter ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . _future = t0 ;
this . isSync = false ;
this . $ti = t1 ;
} ,
_awaitOnObject _closure : function _awaitOnObject _closure ( t0 ) {
this . bodyFunction = t0 ;
} ,
_awaitOnObject _closure0 : function _awaitOnObject _closure0 ( t0 ) {
this . bodyFunction = t0 ;
} ,
_wrapJsFunctionForAsync _closure : function _wrapJsFunctionForAsync _closure ( t0 ) {
this . $protected = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
AsyncError : function AsyncError ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . error = t0 ;
this . stackTrace = t1 ;
} ,
Future _Future$delayed _closure : function Future _Future$delayed _closure ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
this . computation = t0 ;
this . result = t1 ;
this . T = t2 ;
} ,
_FutureListener : function _FutureListener ( t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . _nextListener = null ;
_ . result = t0 ;
_ . state = t1 ;
_ . callback = t2 ;
_ . errorCallback = t3 ;
_ . $ti = t4 ;
} ,
_Future : function _Future ( t0 , t1 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . _state = 0 ;
_ . _zone = t0 ;
_ . _resultOrListeners = null ;
_ . $ti = t1 ;
} ,
_Future _ _addListener _closure : function _Future _ _addListener _closure ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . $this = t0 ;
this . listener = t1 ;
} ,
_Future _ _prependListeners _closure : function _Future _ _prependListeners _closure ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . _box _0 = t0 ;
this . $this = t1 ;
} ,
_Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure : function _Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure ( t0 ) {
this . $this = t0 ;
} ,
_Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure0 : function _Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure0 ( t0 ) {
this . $this = t0 ;
} ,
_Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure1 : function _Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure1 ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
this . $this = t0 ;
this . e = t1 ;
this . s = t2 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
_Future _ _asyncCompleteWithValue _closure : function _Future _ _asyncCompleteWithValue _closure ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . $this = t0 ;
this . value = t1 ;
} ,
_Future _ _chainFuture _closure : function _Future _ _chainFuture _closure ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . $this = t0 ;
this . value = t1 ;
} ,
_Future _ _asyncCompleteError _closure : function _Future _ _asyncCompleteError _closure ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
this . $this = t0 ;
this . error = t1 ;
this . stackTrace = t2 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleWhenCompleteCallback : function _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleWhenCompleteCallback ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
this . _box _0 = t0 ;
this . _box _1 = t1 ;
this . hasError = t2 ;
} ,
_Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleWhenCompleteCallback _closure : function _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleWhenCompleteCallback _closure ( t0 ) {
this . originalSource = t0 ;
} ,
_Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleValueCallback : function _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleValueCallback ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . _box _0 = t0 ;
this . sourceResult = t1 ;
} ,
_Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleError : function _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleError ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . _box _1 = t0 ;
this . _box _0 = t1 ;
} ,
_AsyncCallbackEntry : function _AsyncCallbackEntry ( t0 ) {
this . callback = t0 ;
this . next = null ;
} ,
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
_StreamIterator : function _StreamIterator ( t0 ) {
this . $ti = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
_Zone : function _Zone ( ) { } ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_rootHandleUncaughtError _closure : function _rootHandleUncaughtError _closure ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . error = t0 ;
this . stackTrace = t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
_RootZone : function _RootZone ( ) { } ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_RootZone _bindCallback _closure : function _RootZone _bindCallback _closure ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
this . $this = t0 ;
this . f = t1 ;
this . R = t2 ;
} ,
_RootZone _bindCallbackGuarded _closure : function _RootZone _bindCallbackGuarded _closure ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . $this = t0 ;
this . f = t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
LinkedHashMap _LinkedHashMap$ _literal : function ( keyValuePairs , $K , $V ) {
return $K . _eval$1 ( "@<0>" ) . _bind$1 ( $V ) . _eval$1 ( "LinkedHashMap<1,2>" ) . _as ( H . fillLiteralMap ( keyValuePairs , new H . JsLinkedHashMap ( $K . _eval$1 ( "@<0>" ) . _bind$1 ( $V ) . _eval$1 ( "JsLinkedHashMap<1,2>" ) ) ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
IterableBase _iterableToShortString : function ( iterable , leftDelimiter , rightDelimiter ) {
var parts , t1 ;
if ( P . _isToStringVisiting ( iterable ) ) {
if ( leftDelimiter === "(" && rightDelimiter === ")" )
return "(...)" ;
return leftDelimiter + "..." + rightDelimiter ;
parts = H . setRuntimeTypeInfo ( [ ] , type$ . JSArray _String ) ;
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( $ . _toStringVisiting , iterable ) ;
try {
P . _iterablePartsToStrings ( iterable , parts ) ;
} finally {
if ( 0 >= $ . _toStringVisiting . length )
return H . ioore ( $ . _toStringVisiting , - 1 ) ;
$ . _toStringVisiting . pop ( ) ;
t1 = P . StringBuffer _ _writeAll ( leftDelimiter , type$ . Iterable _dynamic . _as ( parts ) , ", " ) + rightDelimiter ;
return t1 . charCodeAt ( 0 ) == 0 ? t1 : t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
IterableBase _iterableToFullString : function ( iterable , leftDelimiter , rightDelimiter ) {
var buffer , t1 ;
if ( P . _isToStringVisiting ( iterable ) )
return leftDelimiter + "..." + rightDelimiter ;
buffer = new P . StringBuffer ( leftDelimiter ) ;
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( $ . _toStringVisiting , iterable ) ;
try {
t1 = buffer ;
t1 . _contents = P . StringBuffer _ _writeAll ( t1 . _contents , iterable , ", " ) ;
} finally {
if ( 0 >= $ . _toStringVisiting . length )
return H . ioore ( $ . _toStringVisiting , - 1 ) ;
$ . _toStringVisiting . pop ( ) ;
buffer . _contents += rightDelimiter ;
t1 = buffer . _contents ;
return t1 . charCodeAt ( 0 ) == 0 ? t1 : t1 ;
} ,
_isToStringVisiting : function ( o ) {
var t1 , i ;
for ( t1 = $ . _toStringVisiting . length , i = 0 ; i < t1 ; ++ i )
if ( o === $ . _toStringVisiting [ i ] )
return true ;
return false ;
} ,
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
_iterablePartsToStrings : function ( iterable , parts ) {
var next , ultimateString , penultimateString , penultimate , ultimate , ultimate0 , elision ,
it = iterable . get$iterator ( iterable ) ,
$length = 0 ,
count = 0 ;
while ( true ) {
if ( ! ( $length < 80 || count < 3 ) )
break ;
if ( ! it . moveNext$0 ( ) )
return ;
next = H . S ( it . get$current ( ) ) ;
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( parts , next ) ;
$length += next . length + 2 ;
++ count ;
if ( ! it . moveNext$0 ( ) ) {
if ( count <= 5 )
return ;
if ( 0 >= parts . length )
return H . ioore ( parts , - 1 ) ;
ultimateString = parts . pop ( ) ;
if ( 0 >= parts . length )
return H . ioore ( parts , - 1 ) ;
penultimateString = parts . pop ( ) ;
} else {
penultimate = it . get$current ( ) ;
++ count ;
if ( ! it . moveNext$0 ( ) ) {
if ( count <= 4 ) {
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( parts , H . S ( penultimate ) ) ;
return ;
ultimateString = H . S ( penultimate ) ;
if ( 0 >= parts . length )
return H . ioore ( parts , - 1 ) ;
penultimateString = parts . pop ( ) ;
$length += ultimateString . length + 2 ;
} else {
ultimate = it . get$current ( ) ;
++ count ;
for ( ; it . moveNext$0 ( ) ; penultimate = ultimate , ultimate = ultimate0 ) {
ultimate0 = it . get$current ( ) ;
++ count ;
if ( count > 100 ) {
while ( true ) {
if ( ! ( $length > 75 && count > 3 ) )
break ;
if ( 0 >= parts . length )
return H . ioore ( parts , - 1 ) ;
$length -= parts . pop ( ) . length + 2 ;
-- count ;
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( parts , "..." ) ;
return ;
penultimateString = H . S ( penultimate ) ;
ultimateString = H . S ( ultimate ) ;
$length += ultimateString . length + penultimateString . length + 4 ;
if ( count > parts . length + 2 ) {
$length += 5 ;
elision = "..." ;
} else
elision = null ;
while ( true ) {
if ( ! ( $length > 80 && parts . length > 3 ) )
break ;
if ( 0 >= parts . length )
return H . ioore ( parts , - 1 ) ;
$length -= parts . pop ( ) . length + 2 ;
if ( elision == null ) {
$length += 5 ;
elision = "..." ;
if ( elision != null )
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( parts , elision ) ;
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( parts , penultimateString ) ;
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( parts , ultimateString ) ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
MapBase _mapToString : function ( m ) {
var result , t1 = { } ;
if ( P . _isToStringVisiting ( m ) )
return "{...}" ;
result = new P . StringBuffer ( "" ) ;
try {
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( $ . _toStringVisiting , m ) ;
result . _contents += "{" ;
t1 . first = true ;
m . forEach$1 ( 0 , new P . MapBase _mapToString _closure ( t1 , result ) ) ;
result . _contents += "}" ;
} finally {
if ( 0 >= $ . _toStringVisiting . length )
return H . ioore ( $ . _toStringVisiting , - 1 ) ;
$ . _toStringVisiting . pop ( ) ;
t1 = result . _contents ;
return t1 . charCodeAt ( 0 ) == 0 ? t1 : t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
ListBase : function ListBase ( ) { } ,
ListMixin : function ListMixin ( ) { } ,
MapBase : function MapBase ( ) { } ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
MapBase _mapToString _closure : function MapBase _mapToString _closure ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . _box _0 = t0 ;
this . result = t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
MapMixin : function MapMixin ( ) { } ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_UnmodifiableMapMixin : function _UnmodifiableMapMixin ( ) { } ,
MapView : function MapView ( ) { } ,
UnmodifiableMapView : function UnmodifiableMapView ( ) { } ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
_ListBase _Object _ListMixin : function _ListBase _Object _ListMixin ( ) { } ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_UnmodifiableMapView _MapView _ _UnmodifiableMapMixin : function _UnmodifiableMapView _MapView _ _UnmodifiableMapMixin ( ) { } ,
Function _apply : function ( $function , positionalArguments ) {
return H . Primitives _applyFunction ( $function , positionalArguments , null ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
Error _ _objectToString : function ( object ) {
if ( object instanceof H . Closure )
return object . toString$0 ( 0 ) ;
return "Instance of '" + H . Primitives _objectTypeName ( object ) + "'" ;
} ,
2024-03-17 17:42:30 +08:00
List _List$filled : function ( $length , fill , growable , $E ) {
var i ,
result = J . JSArray _JSArray$fixed ( $length , $E ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
if ( $length !== 0 && fill != null )
2024-03-17 17:42:30 +08:00
for ( i = 0 ; i < $length ; ++ i )
result [ i ] = fill ;
return result ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
List _List$from : function ( elements , $E ) {
var t1 ,
list = H . setRuntimeTypeInfo ( [ ] , $E . _eval$1 ( "JSArray<0>" ) ) ;
for ( t1 = J . get$iterator$ax ( elements ) ; t1 . moveNext$0 ( ) ; )
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( list , $E . _as ( t1 . get$current ( ) ) ) ;
return list ;
} ,
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
List _List$of : function ( elements , growable , $E ) {
var t1 = P . List _List$ _of ( elements , $E ) ;
return t1 ;
} ,
List _List$ _of : function ( elements , $E ) {
var list , t1 ;
if ( Array . isArray ( elements ) )
return H . setRuntimeTypeInfo ( elements . slice ( 0 ) , $E . _eval$1 ( "JSArray<0>" ) ) ;
list = H . setRuntimeTypeInfo ( [ ] , $E . _eval$1 ( "JSArray<0>" ) ) ;
for ( t1 = J . get$iterator$ax ( elements ) ; t1 . moveNext$0 ( ) ; )
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( list , t1 . get$current ( ) ) ;
return list ;
} ,
2024-03-19 22:32:17 +08:00
RegExp _RegExp : function ( source ) {
return new H . JSSyntaxRegExp ( source , H . JSSyntaxRegExp _makeNative ( source , false , true , false , false , false ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
StringBuffer _ _writeAll : function ( string , objects , separator ) {
var iterator = J . get$iterator$ax ( objects ) ;
if ( ! iterator . moveNext$0 ( ) )
return string ;
if ( separator . length === 0 ) {
string += H . S ( iterator . get$current ( ) ) ;
while ( iterator . moveNext$0 ( ) ) ;
} else {
string += H . S ( iterator . get$current ( ) ) ;
for ( ; iterator . moveNext$0 ( ) ; )
string = string + separator + H . S ( iterator . get$current ( ) ) ;
return string ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
NoSuchMethodError$ : function ( receiver , memberName , positionalArguments , namedArguments ) {
return new P . NoSuchMethodError ( receiver , memberName , positionalArguments , namedArguments ) ;
} ,
DateTime _ _fourDigits : function ( n ) {
var absN = Math . abs ( n ) ,
sign = n < 0 ? "-" : "" ;
if ( absN >= 1000 )
return "" + n ;
if ( absN >= 100 )
return sign + "0" + absN ;
if ( absN >= 10 )
return sign + "00" + absN ;
return sign + "000" + absN ;
} ,
DateTime _ _threeDigits : function ( n ) {
if ( n >= 100 )
return "" + n ;
if ( n >= 10 )
return "0" + n ;
return "00" + n ;
} ,
DateTime _ _twoDigits : function ( n ) {
if ( n >= 10 )
return "" + n ;
return "0" + n ;
} ,
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
Duration$ : function ( milliseconds ) {
return new P . Duration ( 1000 * milliseconds ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
Error _safeToString : function ( object ) {
if ( typeof object == "number" || H . _isBool ( object ) || null == object )
return J . toString$0$ ( object ) ;
if ( typeof object == "string" )
return JSON . stringify ( object ) ;
return P . Error _ _objectToString ( object ) ;
} ,
AssertionError$ : function ( message ) {
return new P . AssertionError ( message ) ;
} ,
ArgumentError$ : function ( message ) {
return new P . ArgumentError ( false , null , null , message ) ;
} ,
ArgumentError$value : function ( value , $name , message ) {
return new P . ArgumentError ( true , value , $name , message ) ;
} ,
RangeError$value : function ( value , $name ) {
return new P . RangeError ( null , null , true , value , $name , "Value not in range" ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 17:42:30 +08:00
RangeError$range : function ( invalidValue , minValue , maxValue , $name , message ) {
return new P . RangeError ( minValue , maxValue , true , invalidValue , $name , "Invalid value" ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
IndexError$ : function ( invalidValue , indexable , $name , message , $length ) {
var t1 = H . _asInt ( $length == null ? J . get$length$asx ( indexable ) : $length ) ;
return new P . IndexError ( t1 , true , invalidValue , $name , "Index out of range" ) ;
} ,
UnsupportedError$ : function ( message ) {
return new P . UnsupportedError ( message ) ;
} ,
UnimplementedError$ : function ( message ) {
return new P . UnimplementedError ( message ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
StateError$ : function ( message ) {
return new P . StateError ( message ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
ConcurrentModificationError$ : function ( modifiedObject ) {
return new P . ConcurrentModificationError ( modifiedObject ) ;
} ,
print : function ( object ) {
H . printString ( J . toString$0$ ( object ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
NoSuchMethodError _toString _closure : function NoSuchMethodError _toString _closure ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . _box _0 = t0 ;
this . sb = t1 ;
} ,
DateTime : function DateTime ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . _value = t0 ;
this . isUtc = t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
Duration : function Duration ( t0 ) {
this . _duration = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Duration _toString _sixDigits : function Duration _toString _sixDigits ( ) { } ,
Duration _toString _twoDigits : function Duration _toString _twoDigits ( ) { } ,
Error : function Error ( ) { } ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
AssertionError : function AssertionError ( t0 ) {
this . message = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
TypeError : function TypeError ( ) { } ,
NullThrownError : function NullThrownError ( ) { } ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
ArgumentError : function ArgumentError ( t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . _hasValue = t0 ;
_ . invalidValue = t1 ;
_ . name = t2 ;
_ . message = t3 ;
} ,
RangeError : function RangeError ( t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . start = t0 ;
_ . end = t1 ;
_ . _hasValue = t2 ;
_ . invalidValue = t3 ;
_ . name = t4 ;
_ . message = t5 ;
} ,
IndexError : function IndexError ( t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . length = t0 ;
_ . _hasValue = t1 ;
_ . invalidValue = t2 ;
_ . name = t3 ;
_ . message = t4 ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
NoSuchMethodError : function NoSuchMethodError ( t0 , t1 , t2 , t3 ) {
var _ = this ;
_ . _core$ _receiver = t0 ;
_ . _core$ _memberName = t1 ;
_ . _core$ _arguments = t2 ;
_ . _namedArguments = t3 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
UnsupportedError : function UnsupportedError ( t0 ) {
this . message = t0 ;
} ,
UnimplementedError : function UnimplementedError ( t0 ) {
this . message = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
StateError : function StateError ( t0 ) {
this . message = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
ConcurrentModificationError : function ConcurrentModificationError ( t0 ) {
this . modifiedObject = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
StackOverflowError : function StackOverflowError ( ) { } ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
CyclicInitializationError : function CyclicInitializationError ( t0 ) {
this . variableName = t0 ;
} ,
_Exception : function _Exception ( t0 ) {
this . message = t0 ;
} ,
2024-03-19 22:32:17 +08:00
FormatException : function FormatException ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . message = t0 ;
this . source = t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
Iterable : function Iterable ( ) { } ,
Iterator : function Iterator ( ) { } ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Null : function Null ( ) { } ,
Object : function Object ( ) { } ,
_StringStackTrace : function _StringStackTrace ( ) { } ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
StringBuffer : function StringBuffer ( t0 ) {
this . _contents = t0 ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
} ,
KeyRange : function KeyRange ( ) { } ,
_callDartFunction : function ( callback , captureThis , $self , $arguments ) {
var arguments0 , t1 , dartArgs ;
H . _asBool ( captureThis ) ;
type$ . List _dynamic . _as ( $arguments ) ;
if ( captureThis ) {
arguments0 = [ $self ] ;
C . JSArray _methods . addAll$1 ( arguments0 , $arguments ) ;
$arguments = arguments0 ;
t1 = type$ . dynamic ;
dartArgs = P . List _List$from ( J . map$1$1$ax ( $arguments , P . js _ _ _convertToDart$closure ( ) , t1 ) , t1 ) ;
return P . _convertToJS ( P . Function _apply ( type$ . Function . _as ( callback ) , dartArgs ) ) ;
} ,
_defineProperty : function ( o , $name , value ) {
var exception ;
try {
if ( Object . isExtensible ( o ) && ! Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( o , $name ) ) {
Object . defineProperty ( o , $name , {
value : value
} ) ;
return true ;
} catch ( exception ) {
H . unwrapException ( exception ) ;
return false ;
} ,
_getOwnProperty : function ( o , $name ) {
if ( Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( o , $name ) )
return o [ $name ] ;
return null ;
} ,
_convertToJS : function ( o ) {
if ( o == null || typeof o == "string" || typeof o == "number" || H . _isBool ( o ) )
return o ;
if ( o instanceof P . JsObject )
return o . _jsObject ;
if ( H . isBrowserObject ( o ) )
return o ;
if ( type$ . TypedData . _is ( o ) )
return o ;
if ( o instanceof P . DateTime )
return H . Primitives _lazyAsJsDate ( o ) ;
if ( type$ . Function . _is ( o ) )
return P . _getJsProxy ( o , "$dart_jsFunction" , new P . _convertToJS _closure ( ) ) ;
return P . _getJsProxy ( o , "_$dart_jsObject" , new P . _convertToJS _closure0 ( $ . $get$ _dartProxyCtor ( ) ) ) ;
} ,
_getJsProxy : function ( o , propertyName , createProxy ) {
var jsProxy = P . _getOwnProperty ( o , propertyName ) ;
if ( jsProxy == null ) {
jsProxy = createProxy . call$1 ( o ) ;
P . _defineProperty ( o , propertyName , jsProxy ) ;
return jsProxy ;
} ,
_convertToDart : function ( o ) {
var t1 , t2 ;
if ( o == null || typeof o == "string" || typeof o == "number" || typeof o == "boolean" )
return o ;
else if ( o instanceof Object && H . isBrowserObject ( o ) )
return o ;
else if ( o instanceof Object && type$ . TypedData . _is ( o ) )
return o ;
else if ( o instanceof Date ) {
t1 = H . _asInt ( o . getTime ( ) ) ;
if ( Math . abs ( t1 ) <= 864e13 )
t2 = false ;
t2 = true ;
if ( t2 )
H . throwExpression ( P . ArgumentError$ ( "DateTime is outside valid range: " + t1 ) ) ;
H . checkNotNullable ( false , "isUtc" , type$ . bool ) ;
return new P . DateTime ( t1 , false ) ;
} else if ( o . constructor === $ . $get$ _dartProxyCtor ( ) )
return o . o ;
return P . _wrapToDart ( o ) ;
} ,
_wrapToDart : function ( o ) {
if ( typeof o == "function" )
return P . _getDartProxy ( o , $ . $get$DART _CLOSURE _PROPERTY _NAME ( ) , new P . _wrapToDart _closure ( ) ) ;
if ( o instanceof Array )
return P . _getDartProxy ( o , $ . $get$ _DART _OBJECT _PROPERTY _NAME ( ) , new P . _wrapToDart _closure0 ( ) ) ;
return P . _getDartProxy ( o , $ . $get$ _DART _OBJECT _PROPERTY _NAME ( ) , new P . _wrapToDart _closure1 ( ) ) ;
} ,
_getDartProxy : function ( o , propertyName , createProxy ) {
var dartProxy = P . _getOwnProperty ( o , propertyName ) ;
if ( dartProxy == null || ! ( o instanceof Object ) ) {
dartProxy = createProxy . call$1 ( o ) ;
P . _defineProperty ( o , propertyName , dartProxy ) ;
return dartProxy ;
} ,
_convertDartFunctionFast : function ( f ) {
var ret ,
existing = f . $dart _jsFunction ;
if ( existing != null )
return existing ;
ret = function ( _call , f ) {
return function ( ) {
return _call ( f , Array . prototype . slice . apply ( arguments ) ) ;
} ;
} ( P . _callDartFunctionFast , f ) ;
ret [ $ . $get$DART _CLOSURE _PROPERTY _NAME ( ) ] = f ;
f . $dart _jsFunction = ret ;
return ret ;
} ,
_callDartFunctionFast : function ( callback , $arguments ) {
type$ . List _dynamic . _as ( $arguments ) ;
return P . Function _apply ( type$ . Function . _as ( callback ) , $arguments ) ;
} ,
allowInterop : function ( f , $F ) {
if ( typeof f == "function" )
return f ;
return $F . _as ( P . _convertDartFunctionFast ( f ) ) ;
} ,
_convertToJS _closure : function _convertToJS _closure ( ) { } ,
_convertToJS _closure0 : function _convertToJS _closure0 ( t0 ) {
this . ctor = t0 ;
} ,
_wrapToDart _closure : function _wrapToDart _closure ( ) { } ,
_wrapToDart _closure0 : function _wrapToDart _closure0 ( ) { } ,
_wrapToDart _closure1 : function _wrapToDart _closure1 ( ) { } ,
JsObject : function JsObject ( t0 ) {
this . _jsObject = t0 ;
} ,
JsFunction : function JsFunction ( t0 ) {
this . _jsObject = t0 ;
} ,
JsArray : function JsArray ( t0 , t1 ) {
this . _jsObject = t0 ;
this . $ti = t1 ;
} ,
_JsArray _JsObject _ListMixin : function _JsArray _JsObject _ListMixin ( ) { }
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ,
W = {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
HtmlElement : function HtmlElement ( ) { } ,
AnchorElement : function AnchorElement ( ) { } ,
AreaElement : function AreaElement ( ) { } ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
Blob : function Blob ( ) { } ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
CharacterData : function CharacterData ( ) { } ,
CssStyleDeclaration : function CssStyleDeclaration ( ) { } ,
CssStyleDeclarationBase : function CssStyleDeclarationBase ( ) { } ,
DivElement : function DivElement ( ) { } ,
DomException : function DomException ( ) { } ,
DomTokenList : function DomTokenList ( ) { } ,
_FrozenElementList : function _FrozenElementList ( t0 , t1 ) {
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
this . _nodeList = t0 ;
this . $ti = t1 ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
} ,
Element : function Element ( ) { } ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
Event : function Event ( ) { } ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
EventTarget : function EventTarget ( ) { } ,
FormElement : function FormElement ( ) { } ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
ImageData : function ImageData ( ) { } ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Node : function Node ( ) { } ,
NodeList : function NodeList ( ) { } ,
SelectElement : function SelectElement ( ) { } ,
TableCellElement : function TableCellElement ( ) { } ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
Window : function Window ( ) { } ,
WorkerGlobalScope : function WorkerGlobalScope ( ) { } ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
ImmutableListMixin : function ImmutableListMixin ( ) { } ,
FixedSizeListIterator : function FixedSizeListIterator ( t0 , t1 , t2 ) {
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
var _ = this ;
_ . _array = t0 ;
_ . _html$ _length = t1 ;
_ . _position = - 1 ;
_ . _html$ _current = null ;
_ . $ti = t2 ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
} ,
_CssStyleDeclaration _Interceptor _CssStyleDeclarationBase : function _CssStyleDeclaration _Interceptor _CssStyleDeclarationBase ( ) { } ,
_NodeList _Interceptor _ListMixin : function _NodeList _Interceptor _ListMixin ( ) { } ,
_NodeList _Interceptor _ListMixin _ImmutableListMixin : function _NodeList _Interceptor _ListMixin _ImmutableListMixin ( ) { }
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ,
V = {
2024-03-17 17:42:30 +08:00
test _list : function ( str ) {
var t1 = type$ . JSArray _String ;
if ( C . JSArray _methods . join$1 ( H . setRuntimeTypeInfo ( str . split ( "" ) , t1 ) , "" ) . length === 0 )
return H . setRuntimeTypeInfo ( [ ] , t1 ) ;
return H . setRuntimeTypeInfo ( [ "a" , "b" , "c" ] , t1 ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 18:59:57 +08:00
b _run : function ( ) {
var $async$goto = 0 ,
$async$completer = P . _makeAsyncAwaitCompleter ( type$ . dynamic ) ;
var $async$b _run = P . _wrapJsFunctionForAsync ( function ( $async$errorCode , $async$result ) {
if ( $async$errorCode === 1 )
return P . _asyncRethrow ( $async$result , $async$completer ) ;
while ( true )
switch ( $async$goto ) {
case 0 :
// Function start
P . print ( "object in b_run" ) ;
$async$goto = 2 ;
return P . _asyncAwait ( V . md5run ( ) , $async$b _run ) ;
case 2 :
2024-03-17 19:02:41 +08:00
// returning from await.
$async$goto = 3 ;
return P . _asyncAwait ( V . async _catch ( ) , $async$b _run ) ;
case 3 :
2024-03-17 18:59:57 +08:00
// returning from await.
P . print ( "object after 1s" ) ;
// implicit return
return P . _asyncReturn ( null , $async$completer ) ;
} ) ;
return P . _asyncStartSync ( $async$b _run , $async$completer ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
md5run : function ( ) {
var $async$goto = 0 ,
$async$completer = P . _makeAsyncAwaitCompleter ( type$ . dynamic ) ;
var $async$md5run = P . _wrapJsFunctionForAsync ( function ( $async$errorCode , $async$result ) {
if ( $async$errorCode === 1 )
return P . _asyncRethrow ( $async$result , $async$completer ) ;
while ( true )
switch ( $async$goto ) {
case 0 :
// Function start
P . print ( "object in md5run" ) ;
$async$goto = 2 ;
return P . _asyncAwait ( P . Future _Future$delayed ( P . Duration$ ( 1000 ) , type$ . dynamic ) , $async$md5run ) ;
case 2 :
// returning from await.
P . print ( "object in md5run after 1s" ) ;
// implicit return
return P . _asyncReturn ( null , $async$completer ) ;
} ) ;
return P . _asyncStartSync ( $async$md5run , $async$completer ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 19:02:41 +08:00
a _async _throw : function ( ) {
var $async$goto = 0 ,
$async$completer = P . _makeAsyncAwaitCompleter ( type$ . dynamic ) ;
var $async$a _async _throw = P . _wrapJsFunctionForAsync ( function ( $async$errorCode , $async$result ) {
if ( $async$errorCode === 1 )
return P . _asyncRethrow ( $async$result , $async$completer ) ;
while ( true )
switch ( $async$goto ) {
case 0 :
// Function start
throw H . wrapException ( "a_async_throw" ) ;
// implicit return
return P . _asyncReturn ( null , $async$completer ) ;
} ) ;
return P . _asyncStartSync ( $async$a _async _throw , $async$completer ) ;
} ,
async _catch : function ( ) {
var $async$goto = 0 ,
$async$completer = P . _makeAsyncAwaitCompleter ( type$ . dynamic ) ,
$async$handler = 1 ,
$async$currentError , $async$next = [ ] ,
e , exception , $async$exception ;
var $async$async _catch = P . _wrapJsFunctionForAsync ( function ( $async$errorCode , $async$result ) {
if ( $async$errorCode === 1 ) {
$async$currentError = $async$result ;
$async$goto = $async$handler ;
while ( true )
switch ( $async$goto ) {
case 0 :
// Function start
$async$handler = 3 ;
$async$goto = 6 ;
return P . _asyncAwait ( V . a _async _throw ( ) , $async$async _catch ) ;
case 6 :
// returning from await.
$async$handler = 1 ;
// goto after finally
$async$goto = 5 ;
break ;
case 3 :
// catch
$async$handler = 2 ;
$async$exception = $async$currentError ;
e = H . unwrapException ( $async$exception ) ;
P . print ( e ) ;
// goto after finally
$async$goto = 5 ;
break ;
case 2 :
// uncaught
// goto rethrow
$async$goto = 1 ;
break ;
case 5 :
// after finally
// implicit return
return P . _asyncReturn ( null , $async$completer ) ;
case 1 :
// rethrow
return P . _asyncRethrow ( $async$currentError , $async$completer ) ;
} ) ;
return P . _asyncStartSync ( $async$async _catch , $async$completer ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
a _run : function ( ) {
var $async$goto = 0 ,
$async$completer = P . _makeAsyncAwaitCompleter ( type$ . dynamic ) ;
var $async$a _run = P . _wrapJsFunctionForAsync ( function ( $async$errorCode , $async$result ) {
if ( $async$errorCode === 1 )
return P . _asyncRethrow ( $async$result , $async$completer ) ;
while ( true )
switch ( $async$goto ) {
case 0 :
// Function start
P . print ( "object" ) ;
$async$goto = 2 ;
return P . _asyncAwait ( V . md5run ( ) , $async$a _run ) ;
case 2 :
2024-03-17 18:59:57 +08:00
// returning from await.
$async$goto = 3 ;
return P . _asyncAwait ( V . b _run ( ) , $async$a _run ) ;
case 3 :
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
// returning from await.
P . print ( "object after 1s" ) ;
// implicit return
return P . _asyncReturn ( null , $async$completer ) ;
} ) ;
return P . _asyncStartSync ( $async$a _run , $async$completer ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
main : function ( ) {
2024-03-19 22:32:17 +08:00
var reg _exp , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , test _map , t5 , tr , td , plist , pbody , p , a , i , b ,
2024-03-05 22:34:27 +08:00
_s13 _ = "Hello, World!" ;
2024-03-17 17:42:30 +08:00
P . print ( V . test _list ( "abc" ) ) ;
P . print ( V . test _list ( "" ) ) ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
P . print ( $ . $get$Dt _at ( ) ) ;
2024-03-19 22:32:17 +08:00
reg _exp = P . RegExp _RegExp ( "^\\d{1,2}$" ) ;
P . print ( reg _exp . _nativeRegExp . test ( "1" ) ) ;
2024-03-05 22:34:27 +08:00
t1 = document ;
t2 = t1 . querySelector ( "#an-id" ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
t2 . toString ;
t3 = t1 . querySelector ( ".a-class" ) ;
t3 . toString ;
t4 = type$ . Element ;
H . checkTypeBound ( t4 , t4 , "T" , "querySelectorAll" ) ;
t4 = t1 . querySelectorAll ( "div" ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$ . $get$ _context ( ) . callMethod$2 ( "setTimeout" , [ P . allowInterop ( new V . main _closure ( ) , type$ . Null _Function ) , 1000 ] ) ;
2024-03-17 15:09:48 +08:00
test _map = P . LinkedHashMap _LinkedHashMap$ _literal ( [ "a" , 1 ] , type$ . String , type$ . int ) ;
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
V . a _run ( ) ;
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
test _map . $indexSet ( 0 , "b" , 2 ) ;
test _map . remove$1 ( 0 , "a" ) ;
test _map . $indexSet ( 0 , "b" , 3 ) ;
P . print ( test _map . $index ( 0 , "b" ) ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
test _map . forEach$1 ( 0 , new V . main _closure0 ( ) ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
P . print ( test _map . _length ) ;
P . print ( test _map . _length === 0 ) ;
P . print ( test _map . _length !== 0 ) ;
P . print ( test _map . containsKey$1 ( "b" ) ) ;
P . print ( test _map . containsValue$1 ( 3 ) ) ;
2024-03-17 15:09:48 +08:00
t5 = H . _instanceType ( test _map ) . _eval$1 ( "LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>" ) ;
P . print ( P . List _List$of ( new H . LinkedHashMapKeyIterable ( test _map , t5 ) , true , t5 . _eval$1 ( "Iterable.E" ) ) ) ;
t5 = test _map . get$values ( test _map ) ;
P . print ( P . List _List$of ( t5 , true , H . _instanceType ( t5 ) . _eval$1 ( "Iterable.E" ) ) ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
P . print ( P . MapBase _mapToString ( test _map ) ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
test _map . clear$0 ( 0 ) ;
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
P . print ( test _map ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
tr = t1 . createElement ( "tr" ) ;
td = t1 . createElement ( "td" ) ;
tr . appendChild ( td ) ;
C . TableCellElement _methods . set$text ( td , "\u51fb\u6740" ) ;
2024-03-17 15:09:48 +08:00
t5 = td . style ;
t5 . width = "44px" ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
td = t1 . createElement ( "td" ) ;
tr . appendChild ( td ) ;
C . TableCellElement _methods . set$text ( td , "\u81f4\u547d\u4e00\u51fb" ) ;
2024-03-17 15:09:48 +08:00
t5 = td . style ;
t5 . minWidth = "112px" ;
t5 = type$ . DivElement ;
plist = t5 . _as ( t1 . querySelector ( ".plist" ) ) ;
pbody = t5 . _as ( t1 . querySelector ( ".pbody" ) ) ;
2024-03-05 22:25:31 +08:00
p = t1 . createElement ( "div" ) ;
p . classList . add ( "p" ) ;
p . appendChild ( tr ) ;
pbody . appendChild ( p ) ;
plist . appendChild ( pbody ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . print ( t2 ) ;
P . print ( t3 ) ;
P . print ( new W . _FrozenElementList ( t4 , type$ . _FrozenElementList _Element ) ) ;
t1 . querySelector ( "#inputs" ) . appendChild ( t2 ) ;
P . print ( _s13 _ ) ;
for ( a = _s13 _ , i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++ i )
a += " " + C . JSInt _methods . toString$0 ( i ) ;
for ( b = 124242424 , i = 0 ; i < 10 ; ++ i )
b += b * i ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
P . Future _Future$delayed ( P . Duration$ ( 1000 ) , type$ . dynamic ) . then$1$1 ( new V . main _closure1 ( ) , type$ . Null ) ;
new V . main _closure2 ( ) . call$0 ( ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . print ( a ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
main _closure : function main _closure ( ) { } ,
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
main _closure0 : function main _closure0 ( ) { } ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
main _closure1 : function main _closure1 ( ) { } ,
main _closure2 : function main _closure2 ( ) { }
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
var holders = [ C , H , J , P , W , V ] ;
hunkHelpers . setFunctionNamesIfNecessary ( holders ) ;
var $ = { } ;
H . JS _CONST . prototype = { } ;
J . Interceptor . prototype = {
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
$eq : function ( receiver , other ) {
return receiver === other ;
} ,
get$hashCode : function ( receiver ) {
return H . Primitives _objectHashCode ( receiver ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
return "Instance of '" + H . Primitives _objectTypeName ( receiver ) + "'" ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
} ,
noSuchMethod$1 : function ( receiver , invocation ) {
type$ . Invocation . _as ( invocation ) ;
throw H . wrapException ( P . NoSuchMethodError$ ( receiver , invocation . get$memberName ( ) , invocation . get$positionalArguments ( ) , invocation . get$namedArguments ( ) ) ) ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
J . JSBool . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
return String ( receiver ) ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
get$hashCode : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver ? 519018 : 218159 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
$isbool : 1
} ;
J . JSNull . prototype = {
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
$eq : function ( receiver , other ) {
return null == other ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
return "null" ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
get$hashCode : function ( receiver ) {
return 0 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
$isNull : 1
} ;
J . JavaScriptObject . prototype = {
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
get$hashCode : function ( receiver ) {
return 0 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
return String ( receiver ) ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
J . PlainJavaScriptObject . prototype = { } ;
J . UnknownJavaScriptObject . prototype = { } ;
J . JavaScriptFunction . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
var dartClosure = receiver [ $ . $get$DART _CLOSURE _PROPERTY _NAME ( ) ] ;
if ( dartClosure == null )
return this . super $JavaScriptObject$toString ( receiver ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
return "JavaScript function for " + H . S ( J . toString$0$ ( dartClosure ) ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ,
$isFunction : 1
} ;
J . JSArray . prototype = {
add$1 : function ( receiver , value ) {
H . _arrayInstanceType ( receiver ) . _precomputed1 . _as ( value ) ;
if ( ! ! receiver . fixed$length )
H . throwExpression ( P . UnsupportedError$ ( "add" ) ) ;
receiver . push ( value ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
addAll$1 : function ( receiver , collection ) {
var t1 ;
H . _arrayInstanceType ( receiver ) . _eval$1 ( "Iterable<1>" ) . _as ( collection ) ;
if ( ! ! receiver . fixed$length )
H . throwExpression ( P . UnsupportedError$ ( "addAll" ) ) ;
if ( Array . isArray ( collection ) ) {
this . _addAllFromArray$1 ( receiver , collection ) ;
return ;
for ( t1 = J . get$iterator$ax ( collection ) ; t1 . moveNext$0 ( ) ; )
receiver . push ( t1 . get$current ( ) ) ;
} ,
_addAllFromArray$1 : function ( receiver , array ) {
var len , i ;
type$ . JSArray _dynamic . _as ( array ) ;
len = array . length ;
if ( len === 0 )
return ;
if ( receiver === array )
throw H . wrapException ( P . ConcurrentModificationError$ ( receiver ) ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < len ; ++ i )
receiver . push ( array [ i ] ) ;
} ,
map$1$1 : function ( receiver , f , $T ) {
var t1 = H . _arrayInstanceType ( receiver ) ;
return new H . MappedListIterable ( receiver , t1 . _bind$1 ( $T ) . _eval$1 ( "1(2)" ) . _as ( f ) , t1 . _eval$1 ( "@<1>" ) . _bind$1 ( $T ) . _eval$1 ( "MappedListIterable<1,2>" ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 17:42:30 +08:00
join$1 : function ( receiver , separator ) {
var i ,
list = P . List _List$filled ( receiver . length , "" , false , type$ . String ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < receiver . length ; ++ i )
this . $indexSet ( list , i , H . S ( receiver [ i ] ) ) ;
return list . join ( separator ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
elementAt$1 : function ( receiver , index ) {
if ( index >= receiver . length )
return H . ioore ( receiver , index ) ;
return receiver [ index ] ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
return P . IterableBase _iterableToFullString ( receiver , "[" , "]" ) ;
} ,
get$iterator : function ( receiver ) {
return new J . ArrayIterator ( receiver , receiver . length , H . _arrayInstanceType ( receiver ) . _eval$1 ( "ArrayIterator<1>" ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
get$hashCode : function ( receiver ) {
return H . Primitives _objectHashCode ( receiver ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
get$length : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver . length ;
} ,
2024-03-17 17:42:30 +08:00
$indexSet : function ( receiver , index , value ) {
H . _arrayInstanceType ( receiver ) . _precomputed1 . _as ( value ) ;
if ( ! ! receiver . immutable$list )
H . throwExpression ( P . UnsupportedError$ ( "indexed set" ) ) ;
if ( index >= receiver . length || false )
throw H . wrapException ( H . diagnoseIndexError ( receiver , index ) ) ;
receiver [ index ] = value ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
$isIterable : 1 ,
$isList : 1
} ;
J . JSUnmodifiableArray . prototype = { } ;
J . ArrayIterator . prototype = {
get$current : function ( ) {
return this . $ti . _precomputed1 . _as ( this . _current ) ;
} ,
moveNext$0 : function ( ) {
var t2 , _this = this ,
t1 = _this . _iterable ,
$length = t1 . length ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
if ( _this . _ _interceptors$ _length !== $length )
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
throw H . wrapException ( H . throwConcurrentModificationError ( t1 ) ) ;
t2 = _this . _index ;
if ( t2 >= $length ) {
_this . set$ _current ( null ) ;
return false ;
_this . set$ _current ( t1 [ t2 ] ) ;
++ _this . _index ;
return true ;
} ,
set$ _current : function ( _current ) {
this . _current = this . $ti . _eval$1 ( "1?" ) . _as ( _current ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
} ,
$isIterator : 1
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
J . JSNumber . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
if ( receiver === 0 && 1 / receiver < 0 )
return "-0.0" ;
return "" + receiver ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
get$hashCode : function ( receiver ) {
var absolute , floorLog2 , factor , scaled ,
intValue = receiver | 0 ;
if ( receiver === intValue )
return intValue & 536870911 ;
absolute = Math . abs ( receiver ) ;
floorLog2 = Math . log ( absolute ) / 0.6931471805599453 | 0 ;
factor = Math . pow ( 2 , floorLog2 ) ;
scaled = absolute < 1 ? absolute / factor : factor / absolute ;
return ( ( scaled * 9007199254740992 | 0 ) + ( scaled * 3542243181176521 | 0 ) ) * 599197 + floorLog2 * 1259 & 536870911 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_tdivFast$1 : function ( receiver , other ) {
return ( receiver | 0 ) === receiver ? receiver / other | 0 : this . _tdivSlow$1 ( receiver , other ) ;
} ,
_tdivSlow$1 : function ( receiver , other ) {
var quotient = receiver / other ;
if ( quotient >= - 2147483648 && quotient <= 2147483647 )
return quotient | 0 ;
if ( quotient > 0 ) {
if ( quotient !== 1 / 0 )
return Math . floor ( quotient ) ;
} else if ( quotient > - 1 / 0 )
return Math . ceil ( quotient ) ;
throw H . wrapException ( P . UnsupportedError$ ( "Result of truncating division is " + H . S ( quotient ) + ": " + H . S ( receiver ) + " ~/ " + other ) ) ;
} ,
_shrOtherPositive$1 : function ( receiver , other ) {
var t1 ;
if ( receiver > 0 )
t1 = this . _shrBothPositive$1 ( receiver , other ) ;
else {
t1 = other > 31 ? 31 : other ;
t1 = receiver >> t1 >>> 0 ;
return t1 ;
} ,
_shrBothPositive$1 : function ( receiver , other ) {
return other > 31 ? 0 : receiver >>> other ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$isdouble : 1 ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
$isnum : 1
} ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
J . JSInt . prototype = {
$isint : 1
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
J . JSDouble . prototype = { } ;
J . JSString . prototype = {
$add : function ( receiver , other ) {
return receiver + other ;
} ,
2024-03-19 22:32:17 +08:00
substring$2 : function ( receiver , startIndex , endIndex ) {
if ( endIndex == null )
endIndex = receiver . length ;
if ( startIndex < 0 )
throw H . wrapException ( P . RangeError$value ( startIndex , null ) ) ;
if ( startIndex > endIndex )
throw H . wrapException ( P . RangeError$value ( startIndex , null ) ) ;
if ( endIndex > receiver . length )
throw H . wrapException ( P . RangeError$value ( endIndex , null ) ) ;
return receiver . substring ( startIndex , endIndex ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
get$hashCode : function ( receiver ) {
var t1 , hash , i ;
for ( t1 = receiver . length , hash = 0 , i = 0 ; i < t1 ; ++ i ) {
hash = hash + receiver . charCodeAt ( i ) & 536870911 ;
hash = hash + ( ( hash & 524287 ) << 10 ) & 536870911 ;
hash ^= hash >> 6 ;
hash = hash + ( ( hash & 67108863 ) << 3 ) & 536870911 ;
hash ^= hash >> 11 ;
return hash + ( ( hash & 16383 ) << 15 ) & 536870911 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
get$length : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver . length ;
} ,
$isString : 1
} ;
H . LateError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var t1 = "LateInitializationError: " + this . _message ;
return t1 ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
H . EfficientLengthIterable . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
H . ListIterable . prototype = {
get$iterator : function ( _ ) {
var _this = this ;
return new H . ListIterator ( _this , _this . get$length ( _this ) , _this . $ti . _eval$1 ( "ListIterator<ListIterable.E>" ) ) ;
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
H . ListIterator . prototype = {
get$current : function ( ) {
return this . $ti . _precomputed1 . _as ( this . _ _internal$ _current ) ;
} ,
moveNext$0 : function ( ) {
var t3 , _this = this ,
t1 = _this . _ _internal$ _iterable ,
t2 = J . getInterceptor$asx ( t1 ) ,
$length = t2 . get$length ( t1 ) ;
if ( _this . _ _internal$ _length !== $length )
throw H . wrapException ( P . ConcurrentModificationError$ ( t1 ) ) ;
t3 = _this . _ _internal$ _index ;
if ( t3 >= $length ) {
_this . set$ _ _internal$ _current ( null ) ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
return false ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_this . set$ _ _internal$ _current ( t2 . elementAt$1 ( t1 , t3 ) ) ;
++ _this . _ _internal$ _index ;
return true ;
} ,
set$ _ _internal$ _current : function ( _current ) {
this . _ _internal$ _current = this . $ti . _eval$1 ( "1?" ) . _as ( _current ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
} ,
$isIterator : 1
} ;
H . MappedIterable . prototype = {
get$iterator : function ( _ ) {
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
var t1 = H . _instanceType ( this ) ;
return new H . MappedIterator ( J . get$iterator$ax ( this . _ _internal$ _iterable ) , this . _f , t1 . _eval$1 ( "@<1>" ) . _bind$1 ( t1 . _rest [ 1 ] ) . _eval$1 ( "MappedIterator<1,2>" ) ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
} ,
get$length : function ( _ ) {
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
return J . get$length$asx ( this . _ _internal$ _iterable ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
} ;
H . EfficientLengthMappedIterable . prototype = { } ;
H . MappedIterator . prototype = {
moveNext$0 : function ( ) {
var _this = this ,
t1 = _this . _iterator ;
if ( t1 . moveNext$0 ( ) ) {
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_this . set$ _ _internal$ _current ( _this . _f . call$1 ( t1 . get$current ( ) ) ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
return true ;
_this . set$ _ _internal$ _current ( null ) ;
return false ;
} ,
get$current : function ( ) {
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
return this . $ti . _rest [ 1 ] . _as ( this . _ _internal$ _current ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
} ,
set$ _ _internal$ _current : function ( _current ) {
this . _ _internal$ _current = this . $ti . _eval$1 ( "2?" ) . _as ( _current ) ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
H . MappedListIterable . prototype = {
get$length : function ( _ ) {
return J . get$length$asx ( this . _source ) ;
} ,
elementAt$1 : function ( _ , index ) {
return this . _f . call$1 ( J . elementAt$1$ax ( this . _source , index ) ) ;
} ;
H . FixedLengthListMixin . prototype = { } ;
H . Symbol . prototype = {
get$hashCode : function ( _ ) {
var hash = this . _hashCode ;
if ( hash != null )
return hash ;
hash = 664597 * J . get$hashCode$ ( this . _ _internal$ _name ) & 536870911 ;
this . _hashCode = hash ;
return hash ;
} ,
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return 'Symbol("' + H . S ( this . _ _internal$ _name ) + '")' ;
} ,
$eq : function ( _ , other ) {
if ( other == null )
return false ;
return other instanceof H . Symbol && this . _ _internal$ _name == other . _ _internal$ _name ;
} ,
$isSymbol0 : 1
} ;
H . ConstantMapView . prototype = { } ;
H . ConstantMap . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return P . MapBase _mapToString ( this ) ;
} ,
$isMap : 1
} ;
H . ConstantStringMap . prototype = {
get$length : function ( _ ) {
return this . _length ;
} ,
_fetch$1 : function ( key ) {
return this . _ _js _helper$ _jsObject [ H . _asString ( key ) ] ;
} ,
forEach$1 : function ( _ , f ) {
var keys , t2 , i , key ,
t1 = H . _instanceType ( this ) ;
t1 . _eval$1 ( "~(1,2)" ) . _as ( f ) ;
keys = this . _keys ;
for ( t2 = keys . length , t1 = t1 . _rest [ 1 ] , i = 0 ; i < t2 ; ++ i ) {
key = keys [ i ] ;
f . call$2 ( key , t1 . _as ( this . _fetch$1 ( key ) ) ) ;
} ;
H . JSInvocationMirror . prototype = {
get$memberName : function ( ) {
var t1 = this . _memberName ;
return t1 ;
} ,
get$positionalArguments : function ( ) {
var t1 , argumentCount , list , index , _this = this ;
if ( _this . _ _js _helper$ _kind === 1 )
return C . List _empty ;
t1 = _this . _arguments ;
argumentCount = t1 . length - _this . _namedArgumentNames . length - _this . _typeArgumentCount ;
if ( argumentCount === 0 )
return C . List _empty ;
list = [ ] ;
for ( index = 0 ; index < argumentCount ; ++ index ) {
if ( index >= t1 . length )
return H . ioore ( t1 , index ) ;
list . push ( t1 [ index ] ) ;
list . fixed$length = Array ;
list . immutable$list = Array ;
return list ;
} ,
get$namedArguments : function ( ) {
var t1 , namedArgumentCount , t2 , namedArgumentsStartIndex , map , i , t3 , t4 , _this = this ;
if ( _this . _ _js _helper$ _kind !== 0 )
return C . Map _empty ;
t1 = _this . _namedArgumentNames ;
namedArgumentCount = t1 . length ;
t2 = _this . _arguments ;
namedArgumentsStartIndex = t2 . length - namedArgumentCount - _this . _typeArgumentCount ;
if ( namedArgumentCount === 0 )
return C . Map _empty ;
map = new H . JsLinkedHashMap ( type$ . JsLinkedHashMap _Symbol _dynamic ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < namedArgumentCount ; ++ i ) {
if ( i >= t1 . length )
return H . ioore ( t1 , i ) ;
t3 = t1 [ i ] ;
t4 = namedArgumentsStartIndex + i ;
if ( t4 < 0 || t4 >= t2 . length )
return H . ioore ( t2 , t4 ) ;
map . $indexSet ( 0 , new H . Symbol ( t3 ) , t2 [ t4 ] ) ;
return new H . ConstantMapView ( map , type$ . ConstantMapView _Symbol _dynamic ) ;
} ,
$isInvocation : 1
} ;
H . Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod _closure . prototype = {
call$2 : function ( $name , argument ) {
var t1 ;
H . _asString ( $name ) ;
t1 = this . _box _0 ;
t1 . names = t1 . names + "$" + $name ;
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( this . namedArgumentList , $name ) ;
C . JSArray _methods . add$1 ( this . $arguments , argument ) ;
++ t1 . argumentCount ;
} ,
$signature : 6
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
H . TypeErrorDecoder . prototype = {
matchTypeError$1 : function ( message ) {
var result , t1 , _this = this ,
match = new RegExp ( _this . _pattern ) . exec ( message ) ;
if ( match == null )
return null ;
result = Object . create ( null ) ;
t1 = _this . _arguments ;
if ( t1 !== - 1 )
result . arguments = match [ t1 + 1 ] ;
t1 = _this . _argumentsExpr ;
if ( t1 !== - 1 )
result . argumentsExpr = match [ t1 + 1 ] ;
t1 = _this . _expr ;
if ( t1 !== - 1 )
result . expr = match [ t1 + 1 ] ;
t1 = _this . _method ;
if ( t1 !== - 1 )
result . method = match [ t1 + 1 ] ;
t1 = _this . _receiver ;
if ( t1 !== - 1 )
result . receiver = match [ t1 + 1 ] ;
return result ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
H . NullError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var t1 = this . _method ;
if ( t1 == null )
return "NoSuchMethodError: " + this . _ _js _helper$ _message ;
return "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '" + t1 + "' on null" ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
H . JsNoSuchMethodError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var t2 , _this = this ,
_s38 _ = "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '" ,
t1 = _this . _method ;
if ( t1 == null )
return "NoSuchMethodError: " + _this . _ _js _helper$ _message ;
t2 = _this . _receiver ;
if ( t2 == null )
return _s38 _ + t1 + "' (" + _this . _ _js _helper$ _message + ")" ;
return _s38 _ + t1 + "' on '" + t2 + "' (" + _this . _ _js _helper$ _message + ")" ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
H . UnknownJsTypeError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var t1 = this . _ _js _helper$ _message ;
return t1 . length === 0 ? "Error" : "Error: " + t1 ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
H . NullThrownFromJavaScriptException . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return "Throw of null ('" + ( this . _irritant === null ? "null" : "undefined" ) + "' from JavaScript)" ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
H . ExceptionAndStackTrace . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
H . _StackTrace . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var trace ,
t1 = this . _trace ;
if ( t1 != null )
return t1 ;
t1 = this . _exception ;
trace = t1 !== null && typeof t1 === "object" ? t1 . stack : null ;
return this . _trace = trace == null ? "" : trace ;
} ,
$isStackTrace : 1
} ;
H . Closure . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var $constructor = this . constructor ,
$name = $constructor == null ? null : $constructor . name ;
return "Closure '" + H . unminifyOrTag ( $name == null ? "unknown" : $name ) + "'" ;
} ,
$isFunction : 1 ,
get$$call : function ( ) {
return this ;
} ,
"call*" : "call$1" ,
$requiredArgCount : 1 ,
$defaultValues : null
} ;
H . TearOffClosure . prototype = { } ;
H . StaticClosure . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var $name = this . $static _name ;
if ( $name == null )
return "Closure of unknown static method" ;
return "Closure '" + H . unminifyOrTag ( $name ) + "'" ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
H . BoundClosure . prototype = {
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
$eq : function ( _ , other ) {
var _this = this ;
if ( other == null )
return false ;
if ( _this === other )
return true ;
if ( ! ( other instanceof H . BoundClosure ) )
return false ;
return _this . _self === other . _self && _this . _target === other . _target && _this . _receiver === other . _receiver ;
} ,
get$hashCode : function ( _ ) {
var receiverHashCode ,
t1 = this . _receiver ;
if ( t1 == null )
receiverHashCode = H . Primitives _objectHashCode ( this . _self ) ;
receiverHashCode = typeof t1 !== "object" ? J . get$hashCode$ ( t1 ) : H . Primitives _objectHashCode ( t1 ) ;
return ( receiverHashCode ^ H . Primitives _objectHashCode ( this . _target ) ) >>> 0 ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var receiver = this . _receiver ;
if ( receiver == null )
receiver = this . _self ;
return "Closure '" + H . S ( this . _name ) + "' of " + ( "Instance of '" + H . Primitives _objectTypeName ( type$ . Object . _as ( receiver ) ) + "'" ) ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
H . RuntimeError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return "RuntimeError: " + this . message ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
H . _AssertionError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return "Assertion failed: " + P . Error _safeToString ( this . message ) ;
} ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
H . _Required . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
H . JsLinkedHashMap . prototype = {
get$length : function ( _ ) {
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
return this . _length ;
} ,
get$values : function ( _ ) {
var t1 = H . _instanceType ( this ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
return H . MappedIterable _MappedIterable ( new H . LinkedHashMapKeyIterable ( this , t1 . _eval$1 ( "LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>" ) ) , new H . JsLinkedHashMap _values _closure ( this ) , t1 . _precomputed1 , t1 . _rest [ 1 ] ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
} ,
containsKey$1 : function ( key ) {
var strings = this . _strings ;
if ( strings == null )
return false ;
return this . _containsTableEntry$2 ( strings , key ) ;
} ,
containsValue$1 : function ( value ) {
return new H . LinkedHashMapKeyIterable ( this , H . _instanceType ( this ) . _eval$1 ( "LinkedHashMapKeyIterable<1>" ) ) . any$1 ( 0 , new H . JsLinkedHashMap _containsValue _closure ( this , value ) ) ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
} ,
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
$index : function ( _ , key ) {
var strings , cell , t1 , nums , _this = this ,
_null = null ;
if ( typeof key == "string" ) {
strings = _this . _strings ;
if ( strings == null )
return _null ;
cell = _this . _getTableCell$2 ( strings , key ) ;
t1 = cell == null ? _null : cell . hashMapCellValue ;
return t1 ;
} else if ( typeof key == "number" && ( key & 0x3ffffff ) === key ) {
nums = _this . _nums ;
if ( nums == null )
return _null ;
cell = _this . _getTableCell$2 ( nums , key ) ;
t1 = cell == null ? _null : cell . hashMapCellValue ;
return t1 ;
} else
return _this . internalGet$1 ( key ) ;
} ,
internalGet$1 : function ( key ) {
var bucket , index ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
rest = this . _ _js _helper$ _rest ;
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
if ( rest == null )
return null ;
bucket = this . _getTableBucket$2 ( rest , J . get$hashCode$ ( key ) & 0x3ffffff ) ;
index = this . internalFindBucketIndex$2 ( bucket , key ) ;
if ( index < 0 )
return null ;
return bucket [ index ] . hashMapCellValue ;
} ,
$indexSet : function ( _ , key , value ) {
var strings , nums , rest , hash , bucket , index , _this = this ,
t1 = H . _instanceType ( _this ) ;
t1 . _precomputed1 . _as ( key ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
t1 . _rest [ 1 ] . _as ( value ) ;
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
if ( typeof key == "string" ) {
strings = _this . _strings ;
_this . _addHashTableEntry$3 ( strings == null ? _this . _strings = _this . _newHashTable$0 ( ) : strings , key , value ) ;
} else if ( typeof key == "number" && ( key & 0x3ffffff ) === key ) {
nums = _this . _nums ;
_this . _addHashTableEntry$3 ( nums == null ? _this . _nums = _this . _newHashTable$0 ( ) : nums , key , value ) ;
} else {
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
rest = _this . _ _js _helper$ _rest ;
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
if ( rest == null )
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
rest = _this . _ _js _helper$ _rest = _this . _newHashTable$0 ( ) ;
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
hash = J . get$hashCode$ ( key ) & 0x3ffffff ;
bucket = _this . _getTableBucket$2 ( rest , hash ) ;
if ( bucket == null )
_this . _setTableEntry$3 ( rest , hash , [ _this . _newLinkedCell$2 ( key , value ) ] ) ;
else {
index = _this . internalFindBucketIndex$2 ( bucket , key ) ;
if ( index >= 0 )
bucket [ index ] . hashMapCellValue = value ;
bucket . push ( _this . _newLinkedCell$2 ( key , value ) ) ;
} ,
remove$1 : function ( _ , key ) {
var t1 = this . _removeHashTableEntry$2 ( this . _strings , key ) ;
return t1 ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
clear$0 : function ( _ ) {
var _this = this ;
if ( _this . _length > 0 ) {
_this . _strings = _this . _nums = _this . _ _js _helper$ _rest = _this . _first = _this . _last = null ;
_this . _length = 0 ;
_this . _modified$0 ( ) ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
forEach$1 : function ( _ , action ) {
var cell , modifications , _this = this ;
H . _instanceType ( _this ) . _eval$1 ( "~(1,2)" ) . _as ( action ) ;
cell = _this . _first ;
modifications = _this . _modifications ;
for ( ; cell != null ; ) {
action . call$2 ( cell . hashMapCellKey , cell . hashMapCellValue ) ;
if ( modifications !== _this . _modifications )
throw H . wrapException ( P . ConcurrentModificationError$ ( _this ) ) ;
cell = cell . _next ;
} ,
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
_addHashTableEntry$3 : function ( table , key , value ) {
var cell , _this = this ,
t1 = H . _instanceType ( _this ) ;
t1 . _precomputed1 . _as ( key ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
t1 . _rest [ 1 ] . _as ( value ) ;
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
cell = _this . _getTableCell$2 ( table , key ) ;
if ( cell == null )
_this . _setTableEntry$3 ( table , key , _this . _newLinkedCell$2 ( key , value ) ) ;
cell . hashMapCellValue = value ;
} ,
_removeHashTableEntry$2 : function ( table , key ) {
var cell ;
if ( table == null )
return null ;
cell = this . _getTableCell$2 ( table , key ) ;
if ( cell == null )
return null ;
this . _unlinkCell$1 ( cell ) ;
this . _deleteTableEntry$2 ( table , key ) ;
return cell . hashMapCellValue ;
} ,
_modified$0 : function ( ) {
this . _modifications = this . _modifications + 1 & 67108863 ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
_newLinkedCell$2 : function ( key , value ) {
var _this = this ,
t1 = H . _instanceType ( _this ) ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
cell = new H . LinkedHashMapCell ( t1 . _precomputed1 . _as ( key ) , t1 . _rest [ 1 ] . _as ( value ) ) ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
if ( _this . _first == null )
_this . _first = _this . _last = cell ;
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
else {
t1 = _this . _last ;
t1 . toString ;
cell . _previous = t1 ;
_this . _last = t1 . _next = cell ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
++ _this . _length ;
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
_this . _modified$0 ( ) ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
return cell ;
} ,
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
_unlinkCell$1 : function ( cell ) {
var _this = this ,
previous = cell . _previous ,
next = cell . _next ;
if ( previous == null )
_this . _first = next ;
previous . _next = next ;
if ( next == null )
_this . _last = previous ;
next . _previous = previous ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
-- _this . _length ;
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
_this . _modified$0 ( ) ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
internalFindBucketIndex$2 : function ( bucket , key ) {
var $length , i ;
if ( bucket == null )
return - 1 ;
$length = bucket . length ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < $length ; ++ i )
if ( J . $eq$ ( bucket [ i ] . hashMapCellKey , key ) )
return i ;
return - 1 ;
} ,
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return P . MapBase _mapToString ( this ) ;
} ,
_getTableCell$2 : function ( table , key ) {
return table [ key ] ;
} ,
_getTableBucket$2 : function ( table , key ) {
return table [ key ] ;
} ,
_setTableEntry$3 : function ( table , key , value ) {
table [ key ] = value ;
} ,
_deleteTableEntry$2 : function ( table , key ) {
delete table [ key ] ;
} ,
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
_containsTableEntry$2 : function ( table , key ) {
return this . _getTableCell$2 ( table , key ) != null ;
} ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
_newHashTable$0 : function ( ) {
var _s20 _ = "<non-identifier-key>" ,
table = Object . create ( null ) ;
this . _setTableEntry$3 ( table , _s20 _ , table ) ;
this . _deleteTableEntry$2 ( table , _s20 _ ) ;
return table ;
} ,
$isLinkedHashMap : 1
} ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
H . JsLinkedHashMap _values _closure . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( each ) {
var t1 = this . $this ,
t2 = H . _instanceType ( t1 ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
return t2 . _rest [ 1 ] . _as ( t1 . $index ( 0 , t2 . _precomputed1 . _as ( each ) ) ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
} ,
$signature : function ( ) {
return H . _instanceType ( this . $this ) . _eval$1 ( "2(1)" ) ;
} ;
H . JsLinkedHashMap _containsValue _closure . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( each ) {
var t1 = this . $this ;
return J . $eq$ ( t1 . $index ( 0 , H . _instanceType ( t1 ) . _precomputed1 . _as ( each ) ) , this . value ) ;
} ,
$signature : function ( ) {
return H . _instanceType ( this . $this ) . _eval$1 ( "bool(1)" ) ;
} ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
H . LinkedHashMapCell . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
H . LinkedHashMapKeyIterable . prototype = {
get$length : function ( _ ) {
return this . _map . _length ;
} ,
get$iterator : function ( _ ) {
var t1 = this . _map ,
t2 = new H . LinkedHashMapKeyIterator ( t1 , t1 . _modifications , this . $ti . _eval$1 ( "LinkedHashMapKeyIterator<1>" ) ) ;
t2 . _cell = t1 . _first ;
return t2 ;
} ;
H . LinkedHashMapKeyIterator . prototype = {
get$current : function ( ) {
return this . $ti . _precomputed1 . _as ( this . _ _js _helper$ _current ) ;
} ,
moveNext$0 : function ( ) {
var cell , _this = this ,
t1 = _this . _map ;
if ( _this . _modifications !== t1 . _modifications )
throw H . wrapException ( P . ConcurrentModificationError$ ( t1 ) ) ;
cell = _this . _cell ;
if ( cell == null ) {
_this . set$ _ _js _helper$ _current ( null ) ;
return false ;
} else {
_this . set$ _ _js _helper$ _current ( cell . hashMapCellKey ) ;
_this . _cell = cell . _next ;
return true ;
} ,
set$ _ _js _helper$ _current : function ( _current ) {
this . _ _js _helper$ _current = this . $ti . _eval$1 ( "1?" ) . _as ( _current ) ;
} ,
$isIterator : 1
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
H . initHooks _closure . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( o ) {
return this . getTag ( o ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 2
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
H . initHooks _closure0 . prototype = {
call$2 : function ( o , tag ) {
return this . getUnknownTag ( o , tag ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 7
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
H . initHooks _closure1 . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( tag ) {
return this . prototypeForTag ( H . _asString ( tag ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 8
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-19 22:32:17 +08:00
H . JSSyntaxRegExp . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return "RegExp/" + this . pattern + "/" + this . _nativeRegExp . flags ;
} ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
H . NativeTypedData . prototype = {
$isTypedData : 1
} ;
H . NativeTypedArray . prototype = {
get$length : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver . length ;
} ,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior : 1
} ;
H . NativeTypedArrayOfDouble . prototype = {
$index : function ( receiver , index ) {
H . _checkValidIndex ( index , receiver , receiver . length ) ;
return receiver [ index ] ;
} ,
$isIterable : 1 ,
$isList : 1
} ;
H . NativeTypedArrayOfInt . prototype = {
$isIterable : 1 ,
$isList : 1
} ;
H . NativeInt16List . prototype = {
$index : function ( receiver , index ) {
H . _checkValidIndex ( index , receiver , receiver . length ) ;
return receiver [ index ] ;
} ;
H . NativeInt32List . prototype = {
$index : function ( receiver , index ) {
H . _checkValidIndex ( index , receiver , receiver . length ) ;
return receiver [ index ] ;
} ;
H . NativeInt8List . prototype = {
$index : function ( receiver , index ) {
H . _checkValidIndex ( index , receiver , receiver . length ) ;
return receiver [ index ] ;
} ;
H . NativeUint16List . prototype = {
$index : function ( receiver , index ) {
H . _checkValidIndex ( index , receiver , receiver . length ) ;
return receiver [ index ] ;
} ;
H . NativeUint32List . prototype = {
$index : function ( receiver , index ) {
H . _checkValidIndex ( index , receiver , receiver . length ) ;
return receiver [ index ] ;
} ;
H . NativeUint8ClampedList . prototype = {
get$length : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver . length ;
} ,
$index : function ( receiver , index ) {
H . _checkValidIndex ( index , receiver , receiver . length ) ;
return receiver [ index ] ;
} ;
H . NativeUint8List . prototype = {
get$length : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver . length ;
} ,
$index : function ( receiver , index ) {
H . _checkValidIndex ( index , receiver , receiver . length ) ;
return receiver [ index ] ;
} ;
H . _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin . prototype = { } ;
H . _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin . prototype = { } ;
H . _NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin . prototype = { } ;
H . _NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
H . Rti . prototype = {
_eval$1 : function ( recipe ) {
return H . _Universe _evalInEnvironment ( init . typeUniverse , this , recipe ) ;
} ,
_bind$1 : function ( typeOrTuple ) {
return H . _Universe _bind ( init . typeUniverse , this , typeOrTuple ) ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
H . _FunctionParameters . prototype = { } ;
H . _Error . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return this . _ _rti$ _message ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
H . _TypeError . prototype = { } ;
P . _AsyncRun _ _initializeScheduleImmediate _internalCallback . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( _ ) {
var t1 = this . _box _0 ,
f = t1 . storedCallback ;
t1 . storedCallback = null ;
f . call$0 ( ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 3
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . _AsyncRun _ _initializeScheduleImmediate _closure . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( callback ) {
var t1 , t2 ;
this . _box _0 . storedCallback = type$ . void _Function . _as ( callback ) ;
t1 = this . div ;
t2 = this . span ;
t1 . firstChild ? t1 . removeChild ( t2 ) : t1 . appendChild ( t2 ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 9
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . _AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateJsOverride _internalCallback . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
this . callback . call$0 ( ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
"call*" : "call$0" ,
$requiredArgCount : 0 ,
$signature : 1
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . _AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate _internalCallback . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
this . callback . call$0 ( ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
"call*" : "call$0" ,
$requiredArgCount : 0 ,
$signature : 1
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . _TimerImpl . prototype = {
_TimerImpl$2 : function ( milliseconds , callback ) {
if ( self . setTimeout != null )
self . setTimeout ( H . convertDartClosureToJS ( new P . _TimerImpl _internalCallback ( this , callback ) , 0 ) , milliseconds ) ;
throw H . wrapException ( P . UnsupportedError$ ( "`setTimeout()` not found." ) ) ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . _TimerImpl _internalCallback . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
this . callback . call$0 ( ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
"call*" : "call$0" ,
$requiredArgCount : 0 ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
$signature : 0
} ;
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
P . _AsyncAwaitCompleter . prototype = { } ;
P . _awaitOnObject _closure . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( result ) {
return this . bodyFunction . call$2 ( 0 , result ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 10
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
} ;
P . _awaitOnObject _closure0 . prototype = {
call$2 : function ( error , stackTrace ) {
this . bodyFunction . call$2 ( 1 , new H . ExceptionAndStackTrace ( error , type$ . StackTrace . _as ( stackTrace ) ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
"call*" : "call$2" ,
$requiredArgCount : 2 ,
$signature : 11
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
} ;
P . _wrapJsFunctionForAsync _closure . prototype = {
call$2 : function ( errorCode , result ) {
this . $protected ( H . _asInt ( errorCode ) , result ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 12
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . AsyncError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return H . S ( this . error ) ;
} ,
$isError : 1 ,
get$stackTrace : function ( ) {
return this . stackTrace ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . Future _Future$delayed _closure . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
this . result . _complete$1 ( this . T . _as ( null ) ) ;
} ,
$signature : 0
} ;
P . _FutureListener . prototype = {
matchesErrorTest$1 : function ( asyncError ) {
if ( ( this . state & 15 ) !== 6 )
return true ;
return this . result . _zone . runUnary$2$2 ( type$ . bool _Function _Object . _as ( this . callback ) , asyncError . error , type$ . bool , type$ . Object ) ;
} ,
handleError$1 : function ( asyncError ) {
var errorCallback = this . errorCallback ,
t1 = type$ . dynamic ,
t2 = type$ . Object ,
t3 = asyncError . error ,
t4 = this . $ti . _eval$1 ( "2/" ) ,
t5 = this . result . _zone ;
if ( type$ . dynamic _Function _Object _StackTrace . _is ( errorCallback ) )
return t4 . _as ( t5 . runBinary$3$3 ( errorCallback , t3 , asyncError . stackTrace , t1 , t2 , type$ . StackTrace ) ) ;
return t4 . _as ( t5 . runUnary$2$2 ( type$ . dynamic _Function _Object . _as ( errorCallback ) , t3 , t1 , t2 ) ) ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . _Future . prototype = {
then$1$2$onError : function ( f , onError , $R ) {
var currentZone , result , t2 ,
t1 = this . $ti ;
t1 . _bind$1 ( $R ) . _eval$1 ( "1/(2)" ) . _as ( f ) ;
currentZone = $ . Zone _ _current ;
if ( currentZone !== C . C _ _RootZone ) {
$R . _eval$1 ( "@<0/>" ) . _bind$1 ( t1 . _precomputed1 ) . _eval$1 ( "1(2)" ) . _as ( f ) ;
if ( onError != null )
onError = P . _registerErrorHandler ( onError , currentZone ) ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
result = new P . _Future ( currentZone , $R . _eval$1 ( "_Future<0>" ) ) ;
t2 = onError == null ? 1 : 3 ;
this . _addListener$1 ( new P . _FutureListener ( result , t2 , f , onError , t1 . _eval$1 ( "@<1>" ) . _bind$1 ( $R ) . _eval$1 ( "_FutureListener<1,2>" ) ) ) ;
return result ;
} ,
then$1$1 : function ( f , $R ) {
return this . then$1$2$onError ( f , null , $R ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
_thenAwait$1$2 : function ( f , onError , $E ) {
var result ,
t1 = this . $ti ;
t1 . _bind$1 ( $E ) . _eval$1 ( "1/(2)" ) . _as ( f ) ;
result = new P . _Future ( $ . Zone _ _current , $E . _eval$1 ( "_Future<0>" ) ) ;
this . _addListener$1 ( new P . _FutureListener ( result , 19 , f , onError , t1 . _eval$1 ( "@<1>" ) . _bind$1 ( $E ) . _eval$1 ( "_FutureListener<1,2>" ) ) ) ;
return result ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_addListener$1 : function ( listener ) {
var source , _this = this ,
t1 = _this . _state ;
if ( t1 <= 1 ) {
listener . _nextListener = type$ . nullable _ _FutureListener _dynamic _dynamic . _as ( _this . _resultOrListeners ) ;
_this . _resultOrListeners = listener ;
} else {
if ( t1 === 2 ) {
source = type$ . _Future _dynamic . _as ( _this . _resultOrListeners ) ;
t1 = source . _state ;
if ( t1 < 4 ) {
source . _addListener$1 ( listener ) ;
return ;
_this . _state = t1 ;
_this . _resultOrListeners = source . _resultOrListeners ;
P . _rootScheduleMicrotask ( null , null , _this . _zone , type$ . void _Function . _as ( new P . _Future _ _addListener _closure ( _this , listener ) ) ) ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ,
_prependListeners$1 : function ( listeners ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
var t1 , existingListeners , next , cursor , next0 , source , _this = this ,
_box _0 = { } ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_box _0 . listeners = listeners ;
if ( listeners == null )
return ;
t1 = _this . _state ;
if ( t1 <= 1 ) {
existingListeners = type$ . nullable _ _FutureListener _dynamic _dynamic . _as ( _this . _resultOrListeners ) ;
_this . _resultOrListeners = listeners ;
if ( existingListeners != null ) {
next = listeners . _nextListener ;
for ( cursor = listeners ; next != null ; cursor = next , next = next0 )
next0 = next . _nextListener ;
cursor . _nextListener = existingListeners ;
} else {
if ( t1 === 2 ) {
source = type$ . _Future _dynamic . _as ( _this . _resultOrListeners ) ;
t1 = source . _state ;
if ( t1 < 4 ) {
source . _prependListeners$1 ( listeners ) ;
return ;
_this . _state = t1 ;
_this . _resultOrListeners = source . _resultOrListeners ;
_box _0 . listeners = _this . _reverseListeners$1 ( listeners ) ;
P . _rootScheduleMicrotask ( null , null , _this . _zone , type$ . void _Function . _as ( new P . _Future _ _prependListeners _closure ( _box _0 , _this ) ) ) ;
} ,
_removeListeners$0 : function ( ) {
var current = type$ . nullable _ _FutureListener _dynamic _dynamic . _as ( this . _resultOrListeners ) ;
this . _resultOrListeners = null ;
return this . _reverseListeners$1 ( current ) ;
} ,
_reverseListeners$1 : function ( listeners ) {
var current , prev , next ;
for ( current = listeners , prev = null ; current != null ; prev = current , current = next ) {
next = current . _nextListener ;
current . _nextListener = prev ;
return prev ;
} ,
_chainForeignFuture$1 : function ( source ) {
var e , s , exception , _this = this ;
_this . _state = 1 ;
try {
source . then$1$2$onError ( new P . _Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure ( _this ) , new P . _Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure0 ( _this ) , type$ . Null ) ;
} catch ( exception ) {
e = H . unwrapException ( exception ) ;
s = H . getTraceFromException ( exception ) ;
P . scheduleMicrotask ( new P . _Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure1 ( _this , e , s ) ) ;
} ,
_complete$1 : function ( value ) {
var listeners , _this = this ,
t1 = _this . $ti ;
t1 . _eval$1 ( "1/" ) . _as ( value ) ;
if ( t1 . _eval$1 ( "Future<1>" ) . _is ( value ) )
_this . _chainForeignFuture$1 ( value ) ;
else {
listeners = _this . _removeListeners$0 ( ) ;
t1 . _precomputed1 . _as ( value ) ;
_this . _state = 4 ;
_this . _resultOrListeners = value ;
P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners ( _this , listeners ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
_completeWithValue$1 : function ( value ) {
var listeners , _this = this ;
_this . $ti . _precomputed1 . _as ( value ) ;
listeners = _this . _removeListeners$0 ( ) ;
_this . _state = 4 ;
_this . _resultOrListeners = value ;
P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners ( _this , listeners ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_completeError$2 : function ( error , stackTrace ) {
var listeners , t1 , _this = this ;
type$ . StackTrace . _as ( stackTrace ) ;
listeners = _this . _removeListeners$0 ( ) ;
t1 = P . AsyncError$ ( error , stackTrace ) ;
_this . _state = 8 ;
_this . _resultOrListeners = t1 ;
P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners ( _this , listeners ) ;
} ,
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
_asyncComplete$1 : function ( value ) {
var t1 = this . $ti ;
t1 . _eval$1 ( "1/" ) . _as ( value ) ;
if ( t1 . _eval$1 ( "Future<1>" ) . _is ( value ) ) {
this . _chainFuture$1 ( value ) ;
return ;
this . _asyncCompleteWithValue$1 ( t1 . _precomputed1 . _as ( value ) ) ;
} ,
_asyncCompleteWithValue$1 : function ( value ) {
var _this = this ;
_this . $ti . _precomputed1 . _as ( value ) ;
_this . _state = 1 ;
P . _rootScheduleMicrotask ( null , null , _this . _zone , type$ . void _Function . _as ( new P . _Future _ _asyncCompleteWithValue _closure ( _this , value ) ) ) ;
} ,
_chainFuture$1 : function ( value ) {
var _this = this ,
t1 = _this . $ti ;
t1 . _eval$1 ( "Future<1>" ) . _as ( value ) ;
if ( t1 . _is ( value ) ) {
if ( value . _state === 8 ) {
_this . _state = 1 ;
P . _rootScheduleMicrotask ( null , null , _this . _zone , type$ . void _Function . _as ( new P . _Future _ _chainFuture _closure ( _this , value ) ) ) ;
} else
P . _Future _ _chainCoreFuture ( value , _this ) ;
return ;
_this . _chainForeignFuture$1 ( value ) ;
} ,
_asyncCompleteError$2 : function ( error , stackTrace ) {
this . _state = 1 ;
P . _rootScheduleMicrotask ( null , null , this . _zone , type$ . void _Function . _as ( new P . _Future _ _asyncCompleteError _closure ( this , error , stackTrace ) ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
$isFuture : 1
} ;
P . _Future _ _addListener _closure . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners ( this . $this , this . listener ) ;
} ,
$signature : 0
} ;
P . _Future _ _prependListeners _closure . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners ( this . $this , this . _box _0 . listeners ) ;
} ,
$signature : 0
} ;
P . _Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( value ) {
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
var error , stackTrace , exception ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
t1 = this . $this ;
t1 . _state = 0 ;
try {
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
t1 . _completeWithValue$1 ( t1 . $ti . _precomputed1 . _as ( value ) ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} catch ( exception ) {
error = H . unwrapException ( exception ) ;
stackTrace = H . getTraceFromException ( exception ) ;
t1 . _completeError$2 ( error , stackTrace ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 3
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . _Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure0 . prototype = {
call$2 : function ( error , stackTrace ) {
this . $this . _completeError$2 ( type$ . Object . _as ( error ) , type$ . StackTrace . _as ( stackTrace ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
"call*" : "call$2" ,
$requiredArgCount : 2 ,
$signature : 13
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . _Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure1 . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
this . $this . _completeError$2 ( this . e , this . s ) ;
} ,
$signature : 0
} ;
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
P . _Future _ _asyncCompleteWithValue _closure . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
this . $this . _completeWithValue$1 ( this . value ) ;
} ,
$signature : 0
} ;
P . _Future _ _chainFuture _closure . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
P . _Future _ _chainCoreFuture ( this . value , this . $this ) ;
} ,
$signature : 0
} ;
P . _Future _ _asyncCompleteError _closure . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
this . $this . _completeError$2 ( this . error , this . stackTrace ) ;
} ,
$signature : 0
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleWhenCompleteCallback . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
var e , s , t1 , exception , t2 , originalSource , _this = this ,
completeResult = null ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
try {
t1 = _this . _box _0 . listener ;
completeResult = t1 . result . _zone . run$1$1 ( type$ . dynamic _Function . _as ( t1 . callback ) , type$ . dynamic ) ;
} catch ( exception ) {
e = H . unwrapException ( exception ) ;
s = H . getTraceFromException ( exception ) ;
t1 = _this . hasError && type$ . AsyncError . _as ( _this . _box _1 . source . _resultOrListeners ) . error === e ;
t2 = _this . _box _0 ;
if ( t1 )
t2 . listenerValueOrError = type$ . AsyncError . _as ( _this . _box _1 . source . _resultOrListeners ) ;
t2 . listenerValueOrError = P . AsyncError$ ( e , s ) ;
t2 . listenerHasError = true ;
return ;
if ( completeResult instanceof P . _Future && completeResult . _state >= 4 ) {
if ( completeResult . _state === 8 ) {
t1 = _this . _box _0 ;
t1 . listenerValueOrError = type$ . AsyncError . _as ( completeResult . _resultOrListeners ) ;
t1 . listenerHasError = true ;
return ;
if ( type$ . Future _dynamic . _is ( completeResult ) ) {
originalSource = _this . _box _1 . source ;
t1 = _this . _box _0 ;
t1 . listenerValueOrError = completeResult . then$1$1 ( new P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleWhenCompleteCallback _closure ( originalSource ) , type$ . dynamic ) ;
t1 . listenerHasError = false ;
} ,
$signature : 0
} ;
P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleWhenCompleteCallback _closure . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( _ ) {
return this . originalSource ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 14
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleValueCallback . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
var e , s , t1 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 , exception ;
try {
t1 = this . _box _0 ;
t2 = t1 . listener ;
t3 = t2 . $ti ;
t4 = t3 . _precomputed1 ;
t5 = t4 . _as ( this . sourceResult ) ;
t1 . listenerValueOrError = t2 . result . _zone . runUnary$2$2 ( t3 . _eval$1 ( "2/(1)" ) . _as ( t2 . callback ) , t5 , t3 . _eval$1 ( "2/" ) , t4 ) ;
} catch ( exception ) {
e = H . unwrapException ( exception ) ;
s = H . getTraceFromException ( exception ) ;
t1 = this . _box _0 ;
t1 . listenerValueOrError = P . AsyncError$ ( e , s ) ;
t1 . listenerHasError = true ;
} ,
$signature : 0
} ;
P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleError . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
var asyncError , e , s , t1 , exception , t2 , _this = this ;
try {
asyncError = type$ . AsyncError . _as ( _this . _box _1 . source . _resultOrListeners ) ;
t1 = _this . _box _0 ;
if ( t1 . listener . matchesErrorTest$1 ( asyncError ) && t1 . listener . errorCallback != null ) {
t1 . listenerValueOrError = t1 . listener . handleError$1 ( asyncError ) ;
t1 . listenerHasError = false ;
} catch ( exception ) {
e = H . unwrapException ( exception ) ;
s = H . getTraceFromException ( exception ) ;
t1 = type$ . AsyncError . _as ( _this . _box _1 . source . _resultOrListeners ) ;
t2 = _this . _box _0 ;
if ( t1 . error === e )
t2 . listenerValueOrError = t1 ;
t2 . listenerValueOrError = P . AsyncError$ ( e , s ) ;
t2 . listenerHasError = true ;
} ,
$signature : 0
} ;
P . _AsyncCallbackEntry . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
P . _StreamIterator . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
P . _Zone . prototype = {
$isZone : 1
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . _rootHandleUncaughtError _closure . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
var error = type$ . Object . _as ( H . wrapException ( this . error ) ) ;
error . stack = this . stackTrace . toString$0 ( 0 ) ;
throw error ;
} ,
$signature : 0
} ;
P . _RootZone . prototype = {
runGuarded$1 : function ( f ) {
var e , s , exception , _null = null ;
type$ . void _Function . _as ( f ) ;
try {
if ( C . C _ _RootZone === $ . Zone _ _current ) {
f . call$0 ( ) ;
return ;
P . _rootRun ( _null , _null , this , f , type$ . void ) ;
} catch ( exception ) {
e = H . unwrapException ( exception ) ;
s = H . getTraceFromException ( exception ) ;
P . _rootHandleUncaughtError ( _null , _null , this , type$ . Object . _as ( e ) , type$ . StackTrace . _as ( s ) ) ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ,
bindCallback$1$1 : function ( f , $R ) {
return new P . _RootZone _bindCallback _closure ( this , $R . _eval$1 ( "0()" ) . _as ( f ) , $R ) ;
} ,
bindCallbackGuarded$1 : function ( f ) {
return new P . _RootZone _bindCallbackGuarded _closure ( this , type$ . void _Function . _as ( f ) ) ;
} ,
run$1$1 : function ( f , $R ) {
$R . _eval$1 ( "0()" ) . _as ( f ) ;
if ( $ . Zone _ _current === C . C _ _RootZone )
return f . call$0 ( ) ;
return P . _rootRun ( null , null , this , f , $R ) ;
} ,
runUnary$2$2 : function ( f , arg , $R , $T ) {
$R . _eval$1 ( "@<0>" ) . _bind$1 ( $T ) . _eval$1 ( "1(2)" ) . _as ( f ) ;
$T . _as ( arg ) ;
if ( $ . Zone _ _current === C . C _ _RootZone )
return f . call$1 ( arg ) ;
return P . _rootRunUnary ( null , null , this , f , arg , $R , $T ) ;
} ,
runBinary$3$3 : function ( f , arg1 , arg2 , $R , T1 , T2 ) {
$R . _eval$1 ( "@<0>" ) . _bind$1 ( T1 ) . _bind$1 ( T2 ) . _eval$1 ( "1(2,3)" ) . _as ( f ) ;
T1 . _as ( arg1 ) ;
T2 . _as ( arg2 ) ;
if ( $ . Zone _ _current === C . C _ _RootZone )
return f . call$2 ( arg1 , arg2 ) ;
return P . _rootRunBinary ( null , null , this , f , arg1 , arg2 , $R , T1 , T2 ) ;
2024-03-17 18:54:36 +08:00
} ,
registerBinaryCallback$3$1 : function ( f , $R , T1 , T2 ) {
return $R . _eval$1 ( "@<0>" ) . _bind$1 ( T1 ) . _bind$1 ( T2 ) . _eval$1 ( "1(2,3)" ) . _as ( f ) ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . _RootZone _bindCallback _closure . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
return this . $this . run$1$1 ( this . f , this . R ) ;
} ,
$signature : function ( ) {
return this . R . _eval$1 ( "0()" ) ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . _RootZone _bindCallbackGuarded _closure . prototype = {
call$0 : function ( ) {
return this . $this . runGuarded$1 ( this . f ) ;
} ,
$signature : 0
} ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
P . ListBase . prototype = {
$isIterable : 1 ,
$isList : 1
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . ListMixin . prototype = {
get$iterator : function ( receiver ) {
return new H . ListIterator ( receiver , this . get$length ( receiver ) , H . instanceType ( receiver ) . _eval$1 ( "ListIterator<ListMixin.E>" ) ) ;
} ,
elementAt$1 : function ( receiver , index ) {
return this . $index ( receiver , index ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
map$1$1 : function ( receiver , f , $T ) {
var t1 = H . instanceType ( receiver ) ;
return new H . MappedListIterable ( receiver , t1 . _bind$1 ( $T ) . _eval$1 ( "1(ListMixin.E)" ) . _as ( f ) , t1 . _eval$1 ( "@<ListMixin.E>" ) . _bind$1 ( $T ) . _eval$1 ( "MappedListIterable<1,2>" ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
return P . IterableBase _iterableToFullString ( receiver , "[" , "]" ) ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
P . MapBase . prototype = { } ;
P . MapBase _mapToString _closure . prototype = {
call$2 : function ( k , v ) {
var t2 ,
t1 = this . _box _0 ;
if ( ! t1 . first )
this . result . _contents += ", " ;
t1 . first = false ;
t1 = this . result ;
t2 = t1 . _contents += H . S ( k ) ;
t1 . _contents = t2 + ": " ;
t1 . _contents += H . S ( v ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 15
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
} ;
P . MapMixin . prototype = {
get$length : function ( _ ) {
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
return this . _length ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
} ,
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return P . MapBase _mapToString ( this ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
} ,
$isMap : 1
} ;
P . _UnmodifiableMapMixin . prototype = { } ;
P . MapView . prototype = {
forEach$1 : function ( _ , action ) {
this . _collection$ _map . forEach$1 ( 0 , this . $ti . _eval$1 ( "~(1,2)" ) . _as ( action ) ) ;
} ,
get$length : function ( _ ) {
return this . _collection$ _map . _length ;
} ,
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return P . MapBase _mapToString ( this . _collection$ _map ) ;
} ,
$isMap : 1
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
P . UnmodifiableMapView . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . _ListBase _Object _ListMixin . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
P . _UnmodifiableMapView _MapView _ _UnmodifiableMapMixin . prototype = { } ;
P . NoSuchMethodError _toString _closure . prototype = {
call$2 : function ( key , value ) {
var t1 , t2 , t3 ;
type$ . Symbol . _as ( key ) ;
t1 = this . sb ;
t2 = this . _box _0 ;
t3 = t1 . _contents += t2 . comma ;
t3 += key . _ _internal$ _name ;
t1 . _contents = t3 ;
t1 . _contents = t3 + ": " ;
t1 . _contents += P . Error _safeToString ( value ) ;
t2 . comma = ", " ;
} ,
$signature : 16
} ;
P . DateTime . prototype = {
$eq : function ( _ , other ) {
if ( other == null )
return false ;
return other instanceof P . DateTime && this . _value === other . _value && true ;
} ,
get$hashCode : function ( _ ) {
var t1 = this . _value ;
return ( t1 ^ C . JSInt _methods . _shrOtherPositive$1 ( t1 , 30 ) ) & 1073741823 ;
} ,
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var _this = this ,
y = P . DateTime _ _fourDigits ( H . Primitives _getYear ( _this ) ) ,
m = P . DateTime _ _twoDigits ( H . Primitives _getMonth ( _this ) ) ,
d = P . DateTime _ _twoDigits ( H . Primitives _getDay ( _this ) ) ,
h = P . DateTime _ _twoDigits ( H . Primitives _getHours ( _this ) ) ,
min = P . DateTime _ _twoDigits ( H . Primitives _getMinutes ( _this ) ) ,
sec = P . DateTime _ _twoDigits ( H . Primitives _getSeconds ( _this ) ) ,
ms = P . DateTime _ _threeDigits ( H . Primitives _getMilliseconds ( _this ) ) ,
t1 = y + "-" + m + "-" + d + " " + h + ":" + min + ":" + sec + "." + ms ;
return t1 ;
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . Duration . prototype = {
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
$eq : function ( _ , other ) {
if ( other == null )
return false ;
return other instanceof P . Duration && this . _duration === other . _duration ;
} ,
get$hashCode : function ( _ ) {
return C . JSInt _methods . get$hashCode ( this . _duration ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var twoDigitMinutes , twoDigitSeconds , sixDigitUs ,
t1 = new P . Duration _toString _twoDigits ( ) ,
t2 = this . _duration ;
if ( t2 < 0 )
return "-" + new P . Duration ( 0 - t2 ) . toString$0 ( 0 ) ;
twoDigitMinutes = t1 . call$1 ( C . JSInt _methods . _tdivFast$1 ( t2 , 60000000 ) % 60 ) ;
twoDigitSeconds = t1 . call$1 ( C . JSInt _methods . _tdivFast$1 ( t2 , 1000000 ) % 60 ) ;
sixDigitUs = new P . Duration _toString _sixDigits ( ) . call$1 ( t2 % 1000000 ) ;
return "" + C . JSInt _methods . _tdivFast$1 ( t2 , 3600000000 ) + ":" + twoDigitMinutes + ":" + twoDigitSeconds + "." + sixDigitUs ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . Duration _toString _sixDigits . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( n ) {
if ( n >= 100000 )
return "" + n ;
if ( n >= 10000 )
return "0" + n ;
if ( n >= 1000 )
return "00" + n ;
if ( n >= 100 )
return "000" + n ;
if ( n >= 10 )
return "0000" + n ;
return "00000" + n ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 5
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . Duration _toString _twoDigits . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( n ) {
if ( n >= 10 )
return "" + n ;
return "0" + n ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 5
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . Error . prototype = {
get$stackTrace : function ( ) {
return H . getTraceFromException ( this . $thrownJsError ) ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . AssertionError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var t1 = this . message ;
if ( t1 != null )
return "Assertion failed: " + P . Error _safeToString ( t1 ) ;
return "Assertion failed" ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . TypeError . prototype = { } ;
P . NullThrownError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return "Throw of null." ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . ArgumentError . prototype = {
get$ _errorName : function ( ) {
return "Invalid argument" + ( ! this . _hasValue ? "(s)" : "" ) ;
} ,
get$ _errorExplanation : function ( ) {
return "" ;
} ,
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var explanation , errorValue , _this = this ,
$name = _this . name ,
nameString = $name == null ? "" : " (" + $name + ")" ,
message = _this . message ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
messageString = message == null ? "" : ": " + H . S ( message ) ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
prefix = _this . get$ _errorName ( ) + nameString + messageString ;
if ( ! _this . _hasValue )
return prefix ;
explanation = _this . get$ _errorExplanation ( ) ;
errorValue = P . Error _safeToString ( _this . invalidValue ) ;
return prefix + explanation + ": " + errorValue ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . RangeError . prototype = {
get$ _errorName : function ( ) {
return "RangeError" ;
} ,
get$ _errorExplanation : function ( ) {
var explanation ,
start = this . start ,
end = this . end ;
if ( start == null )
explanation = end != null ? ": Not less than or equal to " + H . S ( end ) : "" ;
else if ( end == null )
explanation = ": Not greater than or equal to " + H . S ( start ) ;
else if ( end > start )
explanation = ": Not in inclusive range " + H . S ( start ) + ".." + H . S ( end ) ;
explanation = end < start ? ": Valid value range is empty" : ": Only valid value is " + H . S ( start ) ;
return explanation ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . IndexError . prototype = {
get$ _errorName : function ( ) {
return "RangeError" ;
} ,
get$ _errorExplanation : function ( ) {
if ( H . _asInt ( this . invalidValue ) < 0 )
return ": index must not be negative" ;
var t1 = this . length ;
if ( t1 === 0 )
return ": no indices are valid" ;
return ": index should be less than " + t1 ;
} ,
get$length : function ( receiver ) {
return this . length ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
P . NoSuchMethodError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var $arguments , t1 , _i , t2 , t3 , argument , receiverText , actualParameters , _this = this ,
_box _0 = { } ,
sb = new P . StringBuffer ( "" ) ;
_box _0 . comma = "" ;
$arguments = _this . _core$ _arguments ;
for ( t1 = $arguments . length , _i = 0 , t2 = "" , t3 = "" ; _i < t1 ; ++ _i , t3 = ", " ) {
argument = $arguments [ _i ] ;
sb . _contents = t2 + t3 ;
t2 = sb . _contents += P . Error _safeToString ( argument ) ;
_box _0 . comma = ", " ;
_this . _namedArguments . forEach$1 ( 0 , new P . NoSuchMethodError _toString _closure ( _box _0 , sb ) ) ;
receiverText = P . Error _safeToString ( _this . _core$ _receiver ) ;
actualParameters = sb . toString$0 ( 0 ) ;
t1 = "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '" + _this . _core$ _memberName . _ _internal$ _name + "'\nReceiver: " + receiverText + "\nArguments: [" + actualParameters + "]" ;
return t1 ;
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . UnsupportedError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return "Unsupported operation: " + this . message ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . UnimplementedError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var t1 = "UnimplementedError: " + this . message ;
return t1 ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
P . StateError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return "Bad state: " + this . message ;
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . ConcurrentModificationError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var t1 = this . modifiedObject ;
if ( t1 == null )
return "Concurrent modification during iteration." ;
return "Concurrent modification during iteration: " + P . Error _safeToString ( t1 ) + "." ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . StackOverflowError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return "Stack Overflow" ;
} ,
get$stackTrace : function ( ) {
return null ;
} ,
$isError : 1
} ;
P . CyclicInitializationError . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var t1 = "Reading static variable '" + this . variableName + "' during its initialization" ;
return t1 ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . _Exception . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return "Exception: " + this . message ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-19 22:32:17 +08:00
P . FormatException . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var message = this . message ,
report = "" !== message ? "FormatException: " + message : "FormatException" ,
source = this . source ;
if ( source . length > 78 )
source = C . JSString _methods . substring$2 ( source , 0 , 75 ) + "..." ;
return report + "\n" + source ;
} ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
P . Iterable . prototype = {
any$1 : function ( _ , test ) {
var t1 ;
H . _instanceType ( this ) . _eval$1 ( "bool(Iterable.E)" ) . _as ( test ) ;
for ( t1 = this . get$iterator ( this ) ; t1 . moveNext$0 ( ) ; )
if ( H . boolConversionCheck ( test . call$1 ( t1 . get$current ( ) ) ) )
return true ;
return false ;
} ,
get$length : function ( _ ) {
var count ,
it = this . get$iterator ( this ) ;
for ( count = 0 ; it . moveNext$0 ( ) ; )
++ count ;
return count ;
} ,
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return P . IterableBase _iterableToShortString ( this , "(" , ")" ) ;
} ;
P . Iterator . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . Null . prototype = {
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
get$hashCode : function ( _ ) {
return P . Object . prototype . get$hashCode . call ( C . JSNull _methods , this ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return "null" ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
P . Object . prototype = {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
constructor : P . Object ,
$isObject : 1 ,
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
$eq : function ( _ , other ) {
return this === other ;
} ,
get$hashCode : function ( _ ) {
return H . Primitives _objectHashCode ( this ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return "Instance of '" + H . Primitives _objectTypeName ( this ) + "'" ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
noSuchMethod$1 : function ( _ , invocation ) {
type$ . Invocation . _as ( invocation ) ;
throw H . wrapException ( P . NoSuchMethodError$ ( this , invocation . get$memberName ( ) , invocation . get$positionalArguments ( ) , invocation . get$namedArguments ( ) ) ) ;
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
toString : function ( ) {
return this . toString$0 ( this ) ;
2024-03-04 19:03:46 +08:00
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . _StringStackTrace . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
return "" ;
} ,
$isStackTrace : 1
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
P . StringBuffer . prototype = {
get$length : function ( _ ) {
return this . _contents . length ;
} ,
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var t1 = this . _contents ;
return t1 . charCodeAt ( 0 ) == 0 ? t1 : t1 ;
2024-03-04 22:52:37 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
W . HtmlElement . prototype = { } ;
W . AnchorElement . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
return String ( receiver ) ;
2024-03-04 22:52:37 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
W . AreaElement . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
return String ( receiver ) ;
2024-03-04 22:52:37 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
W . Blob . prototype = {
$isBlob : 1
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
W . CharacterData . prototype = {
get$length : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver . length ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
W . CssStyleDeclaration . prototype = {
get$length : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver . length ;
2024-03-04 22:52:37 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
W . CssStyleDeclarationBase . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
W . DivElement . prototype = {
$isDivElement : 1
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
W . DomException . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
return String ( receiver ) ;
2024-03-04 22:52:37 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-05 22:25:31 +08:00
W . DomTokenList . prototype = {
get$length : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver . length ;
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
W . _FrozenElementList . prototype = {
get$length : function ( _ ) {
return this . _nodeList . length ;
} ,
$index : function ( _ , index ) {
var t1 = this . _nodeList ;
if ( index < 0 || index >= t1 . length )
return H . ioore ( t1 , index ) ;
return this . $ti . _precomputed1 . _as ( t1 [ index ] ) ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
W . Element . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver . localName ;
} ,
$isElement : 1
} ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
W . Event . prototype = {
$isEvent : 1
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
W . EventTarget . prototype = { } ;
W . FormElement . prototype = {
get$length : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver . length ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
W . ImageData . prototype = {
$isImageData : 1
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
W . Node . prototype = {
toString$0 : function ( receiver ) {
var value = receiver . nodeValue ;
return value == null ? this . super $Interceptor$toString ( receiver ) : value ;
} ,
set$text : function ( receiver , value ) {
receiver . textContent = value ;
} ,
$isNode : 1
} ;
W . NodeList . prototype = {
get$length : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver . length ;
} ,
$index : function ( receiver , index ) {
if ( index >>> 0 !== index || index >= receiver . length )
throw H . wrapException ( P . IndexError$ ( index , receiver , null , null , null ) ) ;
return receiver [ index ] ;
} ,
elementAt$1 : function ( receiver , index ) {
if ( index >= receiver . length )
return H . ioore ( receiver , index ) ;
return receiver [ index ] ;
} ,
$isJavaScriptIndexingBehavior : 1 ,
$isIterable : 1 ,
$isList : 1
} ;
W . SelectElement . prototype = {
get$length : function ( receiver ) {
return receiver . length ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
W . TableCellElement . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
W . Window . prototype = {
$isWindow : 1
} ;
W . WorkerGlobalScope . prototype = {
$isWorkerGlobalScope : 1
} ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
W . ImmutableListMixin . prototype = {
get$iterator : function ( receiver ) {
return new W . FixedSizeListIterator ( receiver , receiver . length , H . instanceType ( receiver ) . _eval$1 ( "FixedSizeListIterator<ImmutableListMixin.E>" ) ) ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
W . FixedSizeListIterator . prototype = {
moveNext$0 : function ( ) {
var _this = this ,
nextPosition = _this . _position + 1 ,
t1 = _this . _html$ _length ;
if ( nextPosition < t1 ) {
t1 = _this . _array ;
if ( nextPosition < 0 || nextPosition >= t1 . length )
return H . ioore ( t1 , nextPosition ) ;
_this . set$ _html$ _current ( t1 [ nextPosition ] ) ;
_this . _position = nextPosition ;
return true ;
_this . set$ _html$ _current ( null ) ;
_this . _position = t1 ;
return false ;
} ,
get$current : function ( ) {
return this . $ti . _precomputed1 . _as ( this . _html$ _current ) ;
} ,
set$ _html$ _current : function ( _current ) {
this . _html$ _current = this . $ti . _eval$1 ( "1?" ) . _as ( _current ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
} ,
$isIterator : 1
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
W . _CssStyleDeclaration _Interceptor _CssStyleDeclarationBase . prototype = { } ;
W . _NodeList _Interceptor _ListMixin . prototype = { } ;
W . _NodeList _Interceptor _ListMixin _ImmutableListMixin . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
P . KeyRange . prototype = {
$isKeyRange : 1
} ;
P . _convertToJS _closure . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( o ) {
var jsFunction ;
type$ . Function . _as ( o ) ;
jsFunction = function ( _call , f , captureThis ) {
return function ( ) {
return _call ( f , captureThis , this , Array . prototype . slice . apply ( arguments ) ) ;
} ;
} ( P . _callDartFunction , o , false ) ;
P . _defineProperty ( jsFunction , $ . $get$DART _CLOSURE _PROPERTY _NAME ( ) , o ) ;
return jsFunction ;
} ,
$signature : 2
} ;
P . _convertToJS _closure0 . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( o ) {
return new this . ctor ( o ) ;
} ,
$signature : 2
} ;
P . _wrapToDart _closure . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( o ) {
return new P . JsFunction ( type$ . Object . _as ( o ) ) ;
} ,
$signature : 17
} ;
P . _wrapToDart _closure0 . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( o ) {
return new P . JsArray ( type$ . Object . _as ( o ) , type$ . JsArray _dynamic ) ;
} ,
$signature : 18
} ;
P . _wrapToDart _closure1 . prototype = {
call$1 : function ( o ) {
return new P . JsObject ( type$ . Object . _as ( o ) ) ;
} ,
$signature : 19
} ;
P . JsObject . prototype = {
$index : function ( _ , property ) {
return P . _convertToDart ( this . _jsObject [ property ] ) ;
} ,
$eq : function ( _ , other ) {
if ( other == null )
return false ;
return other instanceof P . JsObject && this . _jsObject === other . _jsObject ;
} ,
toString$0 : function ( _ ) {
var t1 , exception ;
try {
t1 = String ( this . _jsObject ) ;
return t1 ;
} catch ( exception ) {
H . unwrapException ( exception ) ;
t1 = this . super $Object$toString ( 0 ) ;
return t1 ;
} ,
callMethod$2 : function ( method , args ) {
var t2 ,
t1 = this . _jsObject ;
if ( args == null )
t2 = null ;
else {
t2 = H . _arrayInstanceType ( args ) ;
t2 = P . List _List$from ( new H . MappedListIterable ( args , t2 . _eval$1 ( "@(1)" ) . _as ( P . js _ _ _convertToJS$closure ( ) ) , t2 . _eval$1 ( "MappedListIterable<1,@>" ) ) , type$ . dynamic ) ;
return P . _convertToDart ( t1 [ method ] . apply ( t1 , t2 ) ) ;
} ,
get$hashCode : function ( _ ) {
return 0 ;
} ;
P . JsFunction . prototype = { } ;
P . JsArray . prototype = {
_checkIndex$1 : function ( index ) {
var _this = this ,
t1 = index < 0 || index >= _this . get$length ( _this ) ;
if ( t1 )
throw H . wrapException ( P . RangeError$range ( index , 0 , _this . get$length ( _this ) , null , null ) ) ;
} ,
$index : function ( _ , index ) {
this . _checkIndex$1 ( index ) ;
return this . $ti . _precomputed1 . _as ( this . super $JsObject$$index ( 0 , index ) ) ;
} ,
get$length : function ( _ ) {
var len = this . _jsObject . length ;
if ( typeof len === "number" && len >>> 0 === len )
return len ;
throw H . wrapException ( P . StateError$ ( "Bad JsArray length" ) ) ;
} ,
$isIterable : 1 ,
$isList : 1
} ;
P . _JsArray _JsObject _ListMixin . prototype = { } ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
V . main _closure . prototype = {
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
call$0 : function ( ) {
P . print ( "\u5ef6\u65f61\u79d2\u6267\u884c" ) ;
} ,
"call*" : "call$0" ,
$requiredArgCount : 0 ,
$signature : 1
} ;
V . main _closure0 . prototype = {
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
call$2 : function ( key , value ) {
2024-03-17 15:09:48 +08:00
H . _asString ( key ) ;
H . _asInt ( value ) ;
P . print ( key + " : " + value ) ;
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 20
2024-03-17 14:42:27 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
V . main _closure1 . prototype = {
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
call$1 : function ( value ) {
P . print ( "\u5ef6\u65f61\u79d2\u6267\u884c then " ) ;
P . print ( value ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 3
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
V . main _closure2 . prototype = {
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
call$0 : function ( ) {
P . print ( "closuer" ) ;
} ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
$signature : 1
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ;
( function aliases ( ) {
var _ = J . Interceptor . prototype ;
_ . super $Interceptor$toString = _ . toString$0 ;
_ = J . JavaScriptObject . prototype ;
_ . super $JavaScriptObject$toString = _ . toString$0 ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_ = P . Object . prototype ;
_ . super $Object$toString = _ . toString$0 ;
_ = P . JsObject . prototype ;
_ . super $JsObject$$index = _ . $index ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ) ( ) ;
( function installTearOffs ( ) {
var _static _1 = hunkHelpers . _static _1 ,
_static _0 = hunkHelpers . _static _0 ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_static _1 ( P , "async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride$closure" , "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride" , 4 ) ;
_static _1 ( P , "async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate$closure" , "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate" , 4 ) ;
_static _1 ( P , "async__AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer$closure" , "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer" , 4 ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_static _0 ( P , "async___startMicrotaskLoop$closure" , "_startMicrotaskLoop" , 0 ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_static _1 ( P , "js___convertToJS$closure" , "_convertToJS" , 21 ) ;
_static _1 ( P , "js___convertToDart$closure" , "_convertToDart" , 22 ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ) ( ) ;
( function inheritance ( ) {
var _mixin = hunkHelpers . mixin ,
_inherit = hunkHelpers . inherit ,
_inheritMany = hunkHelpers . inheritMany ;
_inherit ( P . Object , null ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_inheritMany ( P . Object , [ H . JS _CONST , J . Interceptor , J . ArrayIterator , P . Error , P . Iterable , H . ListIterator , P . Iterator , H . FixedLengthListMixin , H . Symbol , P . MapView , H . ConstantMap , H . JSInvocationMirror , H . Closure , H . TypeErrorDecoder , H . NullThrownFromJavaScriptException , H . ExceptionAndStackTrace , H . _StackTrace , H . _Required , P . MapMixin , H . LinkedHashMapCell , H . LinkedHashMapKeyIterator , H . JSSyntaxRegExp , H . Rti , H . _FunctionParameters , P . _TimerImpl , P . _AsyncAwaitCompleter , P . AsyncError , P . _FutureListener , P . _Future , P . _AsyncCallbackEntry , P . _StreamIterator , P . _Zone , P . _ListBase _Object _ListMixin , P . ListMixin , P . _UnmodifiableMapMixin , P . DateTime , P . Duration , P . StackOverflowError , P . _Exception , P . FormatException , P . Null , P . _StringStackTrace , P . StringBuffer , W . CssStyleDeclarationBase , W . ImmutableListMixin , W . FixedSizeListIterator , P . JsObject ] ) ;
_inheritMany ( J . Interceptor , [ J . JSBool , J . JSNull , J . JavaScriptObject , J . JSArray , J . JSNumber , J . JSString , H . NativeTypedData , W . EventTarget , W . Blob , W . _CssStyleDeclaration _Interceptor _CssStyleDeclarationBase , W . DomException , W . DomTokenList , W . Event , W . ImageData , W . _NodeList _Interceptor _ListMixin , P . KeyRange ] ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_inheritMany ( J . JavaScriptObject , [ J . PlainJavaScriptObject , J . UnknownJavaScriptObject , J . JavaScriptFunction ] ) ;
_inherit ( J . JSUnmodifiableArray , J . JSArray ) ;
_inheritMany ( J . JSNumber , [ J . JSInt , J . JSDouble ] ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_inheritMany ( P . Error , [ H . LateError , P . TypeError , H . JsNoSuchMethodError , H . UnknownJsTypeError , H . RuntimeError , P . AssertionError , H . _Error , P . NullThrownError , P . ArgumentError , P . NoSuchMethodError , P . UnsupportedError , P . UnimplementedError , P . StateError , P . ConcurrentModificationError , P . CyclicInitializationError ] ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
_inheritMany ( P . Iterable , [ H . EfficientLengthIterable , H . MappedIterable ] ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_inheritMany ( H . EfficientLengthIterable , [ H . ListIterable , H . LinkedHashMapKeyIterable ] ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
_inherit ( H . EfficientLengthMappedIterable , H . MappedIterable ) ;
_inherit ( H . MappedIterator , P . Iterator ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_inherit ( H . MappedListIterable , H . ListIterable ) ;
_inherit ( P . _UnmodifiableMapView _MapView _ _UnmodifiableMapMixin , P . MapView ) ;
_inherit ( P . UnmodifiableMapView , P . _UnmodifiableMapView _MapView _ _UnmodifiableMapMixin ) ;
_inherit ( H . ConstantMapView , P . UnmodifiableMapView ) ;
_inherit ( H . ConstantStringMap , H . ConstantMap ) ;
_inheritMany ( H . Closure , [ H . Primitives _functionNoSuchMethod _closure , H . TearOffClosure , H . JsLinkedHashMap _values _closure , H . JsLinkedHashMap _containsValue _closure , H . initHooks _closure , H . initHooks _closure0 , H . initHooks _closure1 , P . _AsyncRun _ _initializeScheduleImmediate _internalCallback , P . _AsyncRun _ _initializeScheduleImmediate _closure , P . _AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateJsOverride _internalCallback , P . _AsyncRun _ _scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate _internalCallback , P . _TimerImpl _internalCallback , P . _awaitOnObject _closure , P . _awaitOnObject _closure0 , P . _wrapJsFunctionForAsync _closure , P . Future _Future$delayed _closure , P . _Future _ _addListener _closure , P . _Future _ _prependListeners _closure , P . _Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure , P . _Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure0 , P . _Future _ _chainForeignFuture _closure1 , P . _Future _ _asyncCompleteWithValue _closure , P . _Future _ _chainFuture _closure , P . _Future _ _asyncCompleteError _closure , P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleWhenCompleteCallback , P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleWhenCompleteCallback _closure , P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleValueCallback , P . _Future _ _propagateToListeners _handleError , P . _rootHandleUncaughtError _closure , P . _RootZone _bindCallback _closure , P . _RootZone _bindCallbackGuarded _closure , P . MapBase _mapToString _closure , P . NoSuchMethodError _toString _closure , P . Duration _toString _sixDigits , P . Duration _toString _twoDigits , P . _convertToJS _closure , P . _convertToJS _closure0 , P . _wrapToDart _closure , P . _wrapToDart _closure0 , P . _wrapToDart _closure1 , V . main _closure , V . main _closure0 , V . main _closure1 , V . main _closure2 ] ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_inherit ( H . NullError , P . TypeError ) ;
_inheritMany ( H . TearOffClosure , [ H . StaticClosure , H . BoundClosure ] ) ;
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
_inherit ( H . _AssertionError , P . AssertionError ) ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
_inherit ( P . MapBase , P . MapMixin ) ;
_inherit ( H . JsLinkedHashMap , P . MapBase ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_inherit ( H . NativeTypedArray , H . NativeTypedData ) ;
_inheritMany ( H . NativeTypedArray , [ H . _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin , H . _NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin ] ) ;
_inherit ( H . _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin , H . _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin ) ;
_inherit ( H . NativeTypedArrayOfDouble , H . _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin ) ;
_inherit ( H . _NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin , H . _NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin ) ;
_inherit ( H . NativeTypedArrayOfInt , H . _NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin ) ;
_inheritMany ( H . NativeTypedArrayOfInt , [ H . NativeInt16List , H . NativeInt32List , H . NativeInt8List , H . NativeUint16List , H . NativeUint32List , H . NativeUint8ClampedList , H . NativeUint8List ] ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_inherit ( H . _TypeError , H . _Error ) ;
_inherit ( P . _RootZone , P . _Zone ) ;
_inherit ( P . ListBase , P . _ListBase _Object _ListMixin ) ;
_inheritMany ( P . ArgumentError , [ P . RangeError , P . IndexError ] ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_inheritMany ( W . EventTarget , [ W . Node , W . Window , W . WorkerGlobalScope ] ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_inheritMany ( W . Node , [ W . Element , W . CharacterData ] ) ;
_inherit ( W . HtmlElement , W . Element ) ;
_inheritMany ( W . HtmlElement , [ W . AnchorElement , W . AreaElement , W . DivElement , W . FormElement , W . SelectElement , W . TableCellElement ] ) ;
_inherit ( W . CssStyleDeclaration , W . _CssStyleDeclaration _Interceptor _CssStyleDeclarationBase ) ;
_inherit ( W . _FrozenElementList , P . ListBase ) ;
_inherit ( W . _NodeList _Interceptor _ListMixin _ImmutableListMixin , W . _NodeList _Interceptor _ListMixin ) ;
_inherit ( W . NodeList , W . _NodeList _Interceptor _ListMixin _ImmutableListMixin ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_inheritMany ( P . JsObject , [ P . JsFunction , P . _JsArray _JsObject _ListMixin ] ) ;
_inherit ( P . JsArray , P . _JsArray _JsObject _ListMixin ) ;
_mixin ( H . _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin , P . ListMixin ) ;
_mixin ( H . _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin , H . FixedLengthListMixin ) ;
_mixin ( H . _NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin , P . ListMixin ) ;
_mixin ( H . _NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin , H . FixedLengthListMixin ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_mixin ( P . _ListBase _Object _ListMixin , P . ListMixin ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_mixin ( P . _UnmodifiableMapView _MapView _ _UnmodifiableMapMixin , P . _UnmodifiableMapMixin ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_mixin ( W . _CssStyleDeclaration _Interceptor _CssStyleDeclarationBase , W . CssStyleDeclarationBase ) ;
_mixin ( W . _NodeList _Interceptor _ListMixin , P . ListMixin ) ;
_mixin ( W . _NodeList _Interceptor _ListMixin _ImmutableListMixin , W . ImmutableListMixin ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_mixin ( P . _JsArray _JsObject _ListMixin , P . ListMixin ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ) ( ) ;
var init = {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
typeUniverse : {
eC : new Map ( ) ,
tR : { } ,
eT : { } ,
tPV : { } ,
sEA : [ ]
} ,
mangledGlobalNames : {
int : "int" ,
double : "double" ,
num : "num" ,
String : "String" ,
bool : "bool" ,
Null : "Null" ,
List : "List"
} ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
mangledNames : { } ,
getTypeFromName : getGlobalFromName ,
metadata : [ ] ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
types : [ "~()" , "Null()" , "@(@)" , "Null(@)" , "~(~())" , "String(int)" , "~(String,@)" , "@(@,String)" , "@(String)" , "Null(~())" , "~(@)" , "Null(@,StackTrace)" , "~(int,@)" , "Null(Object,StackTrace)" , "_Future<@>(@)" , "~(Object?,Object?)" , "~(Symbol0,@)" , "JsFunction(@)" , "JsArray<@>(@)" , "JsObject(@)" , "~(String,int)" , "Object?(Object?)" , "Object?(@)" ] ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
interceptorsByTag : null ,
leafTags : null ,
arrayRti : typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol ( ) == "symbol" ? Symbol ( "$ti" ) : "$ti"
} ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
H . _Universe _addRules ( init . typeUniverse , JSON . parse ( ' { "PlainJavaScriptObject" : "JavaScriptObject" , "UnknownJavaScriptObject" : "JavaScriptObject" , "JavaScriptFunction" : "JavaScriptObject" , "AbortPaymentEvent" : "Event" , "ExtendableEvent" : "Event" , "AElement" : "Element" , "GraphicsElement" : "Element" , "SvgElement" : "Element" , "AudioElement" : "HtmlElement" , "MediaElement" : "HtmlElement" , "HtmlDocument" : "Node" , "Document" : "Node" , "DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope" : "WorkerGlobalScope" , "CDataSection" : "CharacterData" , "Text" : "CharacterData" , "File" : "Blob" , "NativeFloat32List" : "NativeTypedArrayOfDouble" , "NativeByteData" : "NativeTypedData" , "JSBool" : { "bool" : [ ] } , "JSNull" : { "Null" : [ ] } , "JavaScriptObject" : { "Function" : [ ] } , "JSArray" : { "List" : [ "1" ] , "Iterable" : [ "1" ] } , "JSUnmodifiableArray" : { "JSArray" : [ "1" ] , "List" : [ "1" ] , "Iterable" : [ "1" ] } , "ArrayIterator" : { "Iterator" : [ "1" ] } , "JSNumber" : { "double" : [ ] , "num" : [ ] } , "JSInt" : { "double" : [ ] , "int" : [ ] , "num" : [ ] } , "JSDouble" : { "double" : [ ] , "num" : [ ] } , "JSString" : { "String" : [ ] } , "LateError" : { "Error" : [ ] } , "EfficientLengthIterable" : { "Iterable" : [ "1" ] } , "ListIterable" : { "Iterable" : [ "1" ] } , "ListIterator" : { "Iterator" : [ "1" ] } , "MappedIterable" : { "Iterable" : [ "2" ] , "Iterable.E" : "2" } , "EfficientLengthMappedIterable" : { "MappedIterable" : [ "1" , "2" ] , "Iterable" : [ "2" ] , "Iterable.E" : "2" } , "MappedIterator" : { "Iterator" : [ "2" ] } , "MappedListIterable" : { "ListIterable" : [ "2" ] , "Iterable" : [ "2" ] , "Iterable.E" : "2" , "ListIterable.E" : "2" } , "Symbol" : { "Symbol0" : [ ] } , "ConstantMapView" : { "UnmodifiableMapView" : [ "1" , "2" ] , "_UnmodifiableMapView_MapView__UnmodifiableMapMixin" : [ "1" , "2" ] , "MapView" : [ "1" , "2" ] , "_UnmodifiableMapMixin" : [ "1" , "2" ] , "Map" : [ "1" , "2" ] } , "ConstantMap" : { "Map" : [ "1" , "2" ] } , "ConstantStringMap" : { "ConstantMap" : [ "1" , "2" ] , "Map" : [ "1" , "2" ] } , "JSInvocationMirror" : { "Invocation" : [ ] } , "NullError" : { "Error" : [ ] } , "JsNoSuchMethodError" : { "Error" : [ ] } , "UnknownJsTypeError" : { "Error" : [ ] } , "_StackTrace" : { "StackTrace" : [ ] } , "Closure" : { "Function" : [ ] } , "TearOffClosure" : { "Function" : [ ] } , "StaticClosure" : { "Function" : [ ] } , "BoundClosure" : { "Function" : [ ] } , "RuntimeError" : { "Error" : [ ] } , "_AssertionError" : { "Error" : [ ] } , "JsLinkedHashMap" : { "MapMixin" : [ "1" , "2" ] , "LinkedHashMap" : [ "1" , "2" ] , "Map" : [ "1" , "2" ] } , "LinkedHashMapKeyIterable" : { "Iterable" : [ "1" ] , "Iterable.E" : "1" } , "LinkedHashMapKeyIterator" : { "Iterator" : [ "1" ] } , "NativeTypedData" : { "TypedData" : [ ] } , "NativeTypedArray" : { "JavaScriptIndexingBehavior" : [ "1" ] , "TypedData" : [ ] } , "NativeTypedArrayOfDouble" : { "ListMixin" : [ "double" ] , "JavaScriptIndexingBehavior" : [ "double" ] , "List" : [ "double" ] , "TypedData" : [ ] , "Iterable" : [ "double" ] , "FixedLengthListMixin" : [ "double" ] , "ListMixin.E" : "double" } , "NativeTypedArrayOfInt" : { "ListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "JavaScriptIndexingBehavior" : [ "int" ] , "List" : [ "int" ] , "TypedData" : [ ] , "Iterable" : [ "int" ] , "FixedLengthListMixin" : [ "int" ] } , "NativeInt16List" : { "ListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "JavaScriptIndexingBehavior" : [ "int" ] , "List" : [ "int" ] , "TypedData" : [ ] , "Iterable" : [ "int" ] , "FixedLengthListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "ListMixin.E" : "int" } , "NativeInt32List" : { "ListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "JavaScriptIndexingBehavior" : [ "int" ] , "List" : [ "int" ] , "TypedData" : [ ] , "Iterable" : [ "int" ] , "FixedLengthListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "ListMixin.E" : "int" } , "NativeInt8List" : { "ListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "JavaScriptIndexingBehavior" : [ "int" ] , "List" : [ "int" ] , "TypedData" : [ ] , "Iterable" : [ "int" ] , "FixedLengthListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "ListMixin.E" : "int" } , "NativeUint16List" : { "ListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "JavaScriptIndexingBehavior" : [ "int" ] , "List" : [ "int" ] , "TypedData" : [ ] , "Iterable" : [ "int" ] , "FixedLengthListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "ListMixin.E" : "int" } , "NativeUint32List" : { "ListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "JavaScriptIndexingBehavior" : [ "int" ] , "List" : [ "int" ] , "TypedData" : [ ] , "Iterable" : [ "int" ] , "FixedLengthListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "ListMixin.E" : "int" } , "NativeUint8ClampedList" : { "ListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "JavaScriptIndexingBehavior" : [ "int" ] , "List" : [ "int" ] , "TypedData" : [ ] , "Iterable" : [ "int" ] , "FixedLengthListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "ListMixin.E" : "int" } , "NativeUint8List" : { "ListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "JavaScriptIndexingBehavior" : [ "int" ] , "List" : [ "int" ] , "TypedData" : [ ] , "Iterable" : [ "int" ] , "FixedLengthListMixin" : [ "int" ] , "ListMixin.E" : "int" } , "_Error" : { "Error" : [ ] } , "_TypeError" : { "Error" : [ ] } , "AsyncError" : { "Error" : [ ] } , "_Future" : { "Future" : [ "1" ] } , "_Zone" : { "Zone" : [ ] } , "_RootZone" : { "_Zone" : [ ] , " Zo
H . _Universe _addErasedTypes ( init . typeUniverse , JSON . parse ( '{"EfficientLengthIterable":1,"NativeTypedArray":1,"ListBase":1,"MapBase":2,"_ListBase_Object_ListMixin":1,"_JsArray_JsObject_ListMixin":1}' ) ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
0 ;
var type$ = ( function rtii ( ) {
var findType = H . findType ;
return {
AsyncError : findType ( "AsyncError" ) ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
Blob : findType ( "Blob" ) ,
ConstantMapView _Symbol _dynamic : findType ( "ConstantMapView<Symbol0,@>" ) ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
DivElement : findType ( "DivElement" ) ,
Element : findType ( "Element" ) ,
Error : findType ( "Error" ) ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
Event : findType ( "Event" ) ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
Function : findType ( "Function" ) ,
Future _dynamic : findType ( "Future<@>" ) ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
ImageData : findType ( "ImageData" ) ,
Invocation : findType ( "Invocation" ) ,
2024-03-17 14:47:41 +08:00
Iterable _dynamic : findType ( "Iterable<@>" ) ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
JSArray _String : findType ( "JSArray<String>" ) ,
JSArray _dynamic : findType ( "JSArray<@>" ) ,
JSNull : findType ( "JSNull" ) ,
JavaScriptFunction : findType ( "JavaScriptFunction" ) ,
JavaScriptIndexingBehavior _dynamic : findType ( "JavaScriptIndexingBehavior<@>" ) ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
JsArray _dynamic : findType ( "JsArray<@>" ) ,
JsLinkedHashMap _Symbol _dynamic : findType ( "JsLinkedHashMap<Symbol0,@>" ) ,
KeyRange : findType ( "KeyRange" ) ,
List _dynamic : findType ( "List<@>" ) ,
Node : findType ( "Node" ) ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
Null : findType ( "Null" ) ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
Null _Function : findType ( "Null()" ) ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
Object : findType ( "Object" ) ,
StackTrace : findType ( "StackTrace" ) ,
String : findType ( "String" ) ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
Symbol : findType ( "Symbol0" ) ,
TypedData : findType ( "TypedData" ) ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
UnknownJavaScriptObject : findType ( "UnknownJavaScriptObject" ) ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
Window : findType ( "Window" ) ,
WorkerGlobalScope : findType ( "WorkerGlobalScope" ) ,
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_FrozenElementList _Element : findType ( "_FrozenElementList<Element>" ) ,
_Future _dynamic : findType ( "_Future<@>" ) ,
bool : findType ( "bool" ) ,
bool _Function _Object : findType ( "bool(Object)" ) ,
double : findType ( "double" ) ,
dynamic : findType ( "@" ) ,
dynamic _Function : findType ( "@()" ) ,
dynamic _Function _Object : findType ( "@(Object)" ) ,
dynamic _Function _Object _StackTrace : findType ( "@(Object,StackTrace)" ) ,
int : findType ( "int" ) ,
legacy _Never : findType ( "0&*" ) ,
legacy _Object : findType ( "Object*" ) ,
nullable _Future _Null : findType ( "Future<Null>?" ) ,
nullable _Object : findType ( "Object?" ) ,
nullable _ _FutureListener _dynamic _dynamic : findType ( "_FutureListener<@,@>?" ) ,
num : findType ( "num" ) ,
void : findType ( "~" ) ,
void _Function : findType ( "~()" )
} ;
} ) ( ) ;
( function constants ( ) {
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
var makeConstList = hunkHelpers . makeConstList ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
C . Interceptor _methods = J . Interceptor . prototype ;
C . JSArray _methods = J . JSArray . prototype ;
C . JSInt _methods = J . JSInt . prototype ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
C . JSNull _methods = J . JSNull . prototype ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
C . JSString _methods = J . JSString . prototype ;
C . JavaScriptFunction _methods = J . JavaScriptFunction . prototype ;
C . PlainJavaScriptObject _methods = J . PlainJavaScriptObject . prototype ;
C . TableCellElement _methods = W . TableCellElement . prototype ;
C . UnknownJavaScriptObject _methods = J . UnknownJavaScriptObject . prototype ;
C . C _JS _CONST = function getTagFallback ( o ) {
var s = Object . prototype . toString . call ( o ) ;
return s . substring ( 8 , s . length - 1 ) ;
} ;
C . C _JS _CONST0 = function ( ) {
var toStringFunction = Object . prototype . toString ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function getTag ( o ) {
var s = toStringFunction . call ( o ) ;
return s . substring ( 8 , s . length - 1 ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function getUnknownTag ( object , tag ) {
if ( /^HTML[A-Z].*Element$/ . test ( tag ) ) {
var name = toStringFunction . call ( object ) ;
if ( name == "[object Object]" ) return null ;
return "HTMLElement" ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function getUnknownTagGenericBrowser ( object , tag ) {
if ( self . HTMLElement && object instanceof HTMLElement ) return "HTMLElement" ;
return getUnknownTag ( object , tag ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function prototypeForTag ( tag ) {
if ( typeof window == "undefined" ) return null ;
if ( typeof window [ tag ] == "undefined" ) return null ;
var constructor = window [ tag ] ;
if ( typeof constructor != "function" ) return null ;
return constructor . prototype ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
function discriminator ( tag ) {
return null ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
var isBrowser = typeof navigator == "object" ;
return {
getTag : getTag ,
getUnknownTag : isBrowser ? getUnknownTagGenericBrowser : getUnknownTag ,
prototypeForTag : prototypeForTag ,
discriminator : discriminator
} ;
} ;
C . C _JS _CONST6 = function ( getTagFallback ) {
return function ( hooks ) {
if ( typeof navigator != "object" ) return hooks ;
var ua = navigator . userAgent ;
if ( ua . indexOf ( "DumpRenderTree" ) >= 0 ) return hooks ;
if ( ua . indexOf ( "Chrome" ) >= 0 ) {
function confirm ( p ) {
return typeof window == "object" && window [ p ] && window [ p ] . name == p ;
if ( confirm ( "Window" ) && confirm ( "HTMLElement" ) ) return hooks ;
hooks . getTag = getTagFallback ;
} ;
} ;
C . C _JS _CONST1 = function ( hooks ) {
if ( typeof dartExperimentalFixupGetTag != "function" ) return hooks ;
hooks . getTag = dartExperimentalFixupGetTag ( hooks . getTag ) ;
} ;
C . C _JS _CONST2 = function ( hooks ) {
var getTag = hooks . getTag ;
var prototypeForTag = hooks . prototypeForTag ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function getTagFixed ( o ) {
var tag = getTag ( o ) ;
if ( tag == "Document" ) {
if ( ! ! o . xmlVersion ) return "!Document" ;
return "!HTMLDocument" ;
return tag ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function prototypeForTagFixed ( tag ) {
if ( tag == "Document" ) return null ;
return prototypeForTag ( tag ) ;
hooks . getTag = getTagFixed ;
hooks . prototypeForTag = prototypeForTagFixed ;
} ;
C . C _JS _CONST5 = function ( hooks ) {
var userAgent = typeof navigator == "object" ? navigator . userAgent : "" ;
if ( userAgent . indexOf ( "Firefox" ) == - 1 ) return hooks ;
var getTag = hooks . getTag ;
var quickMap = {
"BeforeUnloadEvent" : "Event" ,
"DataTransfer" : "Clipboard" ,
"GeoGeolocation" : "Geolocation" ,
"Location" : "!Location" ,
"WorkerMessageEvent" : "MessageEvent" ,
"XMLDocument" : "!Document"
} ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function getTagFirefox ( o ) {
var tag = getTag ( o ) ;
return quickMap [ tag ] || tag ;
hooks . getTag = getTagFirefox ;
} ;
C . C _JS _CONST4 = function ( hooks ) {
var userAgent = typeof navigator == "object" ? navigator . userAgent : "" ;
if ( userAgent . indexOf ( "Trident/" ) == - 1 ) return hooks ;
var getTag = hooks . getTag ;
var quickMap = {
"BeforeUnloadEvent" : "Event" ,
"DataTransfer" : "Clipboard" ,
"HTMLDDElement" : "HTMLElement" ,
"HTMLDTElement" : "HTMLElement" ,
"HTMLPhraseElement" : "HTMLElement" ,
"Position" : "Geoposition"
} ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function getTagIE ( o ) {
var tag = getTag ( o ) ;
var newTag = quickMap [ tag ] ;
if ( newTag ) return newTag ;
if ( tag == "Object" ) {
if ( window . DataView && ( o instanceof window . DataView ) ) return "DataView" ;
return tag ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function prototypeForTagIE ( tag ) {
var constructor = window [ tag ] ;
if ( constructor == null ) return null ;
return constructor . prototype ;
hooks . getTag = getTagIE ;
hooks . prototypeForTag = prototypeForTagIE ;
} ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
C . C _JS _CONST3 = function ( hooks ) {
return hooks ;
} ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
C . C _ _Required = new H . _Required ( ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
C . C _ _RootZone = new P . _RootZone ( ) ;
C . C _ _StringStackTrace = new P . _StringStackTrace ( ) ;
C . Duration _0 = new P . Duration ( 0 ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
C . List _empty = H . setRuntimeTypeInfo ( makeConstList ( [ ] ) , type$ . JSArray _dynamic ) ;
C . List _empty0 = H . setRuntimeTypeInfo ( makeConstList ( [ ] ) , H . findType ( "JSArray<Symbol0>" ) ) ;
C . Map _empty = new H . ConstantStringMap ( 0 , { } , C . List _empty0 , H . findType ( "ConstantStringMap<Symbol0,@>" ) ) ;
C . Symbol _call = new H . Symbol ( "call" ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ) ( ) ;
( function staticFields ( ) {
$ . Closure _functionCounter = 0 ;
$ . BoundClosure _selfFieldNameCache = null ;
$ . BoundClosure _receiverFieldNameCache = null ;
$ . getTagFunction = null ;
$ . alternateTagFunction = null ;
$ . prototypeForTagFunction = null ;
$ . dispatchRecordsForInstanceTags = null ;
$ . interceptorsForUncacheableTags = null ;
$ . initNativeDispatchFlag = null ;
$ . _nextCallback = null ;
$ . _lastCallback = null ;
$ . _lastPriorityCallback = null ;
$ . _isInCallbackLoop = false ;
$ . Zone _ _current = C . C _ _RootZone ;
$ . _toStringVisiting = H . setRuntimeTypeInfo ( [ ] , H . findType ( "JSArray<Object>" ) ) ;
} ) ( ) ;
( function lazyInitializers ( ) {
2024-03-05 22:34:27 +08:00
var _lazyFinal = hunkHelpers . lazyFinal ,
_lazy = hunkHelpers . lazy ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
_lazyFinal ( $ , "DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME" , "$get$DART_CLOSURE_PROPERTY_NAME" , function ( ) {
return H . getIsolateAffinityTag ( "_$dart_dartClosure" ) ;
} ) ;
_lazyFinal ( $ , "TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern" , "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_noSuchMethodPattern" , function ( ) {
return H . TypeErrorDecoder _extractPattern ( H . TypeErrorDecoder _provokeCallErrorOn ( {
toString : function ( ) {
return "$receiver$" ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
_lazyFinal ( $ , "TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern" , "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_notClosurePattern" , function ( ) {
return H . TypeErrorDecoder _extractPattern ( H . TypeErrorDecoder _provokeCallErrorOn ( {
$method$ : null ,
toString : function ( ) {
return "$receiver$" ;
} ) ) ;
} ) ;
_lazyFinal ( $ , "TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern" , "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullCallPattern" , function ( ) {
return H . TypeErrorDecoder _extractPattern ( H . TypeErrorDecoder _provokeCallErrorOn ( null ) ) ;
} ) ;
_lazyFinal ( $ , "TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern" , "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralCallPattern" , function ( ) {
return H . TypeErrorDecoder _extractPattern ( function ( ) {
var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$" ;
try {
null . $method$ ( $argumentsExpr$ ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
return e . message ;
} ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
_lazyFinal ( $ , "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern" , "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedCallPattern" , function ( ) {
return H . TypeErrorDecoder _extractPattern ( H . TypeErrorDecoder _provokeCallErrorOn ( void 0 ) ) ;
} ) ;
_lazyFinal ( $ , "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern" , "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralCallPattern" , function ( ) {
return H . TypeErrorDecoder _extractPattern ( function ( ) {
var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$" ;
try {
( void 0 ) . $method$ ( $argumentsExpr$ ) ;
} catch ( e ) {
return e . message ;
} ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
_lazyFinal ( $ , "TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern" , "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullPropertyPattern" , function ( ) {
return H . TypeErrorDecoder _extractPattern ( H . TypeErrorDecoder _provokePropertyErrorOn ( null ) ) ;
} ) ;
_lazyFinal ( $ , "TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern" , "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_nullLiteralPropertyPattern" , function ( ) {
return H . TypeErrorDecoder _extractPattern ( function ( ) {
try {
null . $method$ ;
} catch ( e ) {
return e . message ;
} ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
_lazyFinal ( $ , "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern" , "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedPropertyPattern" , function ( ) {
return H . TypeErrorDecoder _extractPattern ( H . TypeErrorDecoder _provokePropertyErrorOn ( void 0 ) ) ;
} ) ;
_lazyFinal ( $ , "TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern" , "$get$TypeErrorDecoder_undefinedLiteralPropertyPattern" , function ( ) {
return H . TypeErrorDecoder _extractPattern ( function ( ) {
try {
( void 0 ) . $method$ ;
} catch ( e ) {
return e . message ;
} ( ) ) ;
} ) ;
_lazyFinal ( $ , "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure" , "$get$_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateClosure" , function ( ) {
return P . _AsyncRun _ _initializeScheduleImmediate ( ) ;
} ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
_lazyFinal ( $ , "_context" , "$get$_context" , function ( ) {
return P . _wrapToDart ( self ) ;
} ) ;
_lazyFinal ( $ , "_DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME" , "$get$_DART_OBJECT_PROPERTY_NAME" , function ( ) {
return H . getIsolateAffinityTag ( "_$dart_dartObject" ) ;
} ) ;
_lazyFinal ( $ , "_dartProxyCtor" , "$get$_dartProxyCtor" , function ( ) {
return function DartObject ( o ) {
this . o = o ;
} ;
} ) ;
2024-03-06 19:09:40 +08:00
_lazy ( $ , "Dt_at" , "$get$Dt_at" , function ( ) {
return "@" ;
2024-03-05 22:34:27 +08:00
} ) ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ) ( ) ;
( function nativeSupport ( ) {
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
! function ( ) {
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
var intern = function ( s ) {
var o = { } ;
o [ s ] = 1 ;
return Object . keys ( hunkHelpers . convertToFastObject ( o ) ) [ 0 ] ;
} ;
init . getIsolateTag = function ( name ) {
return intern ( "___dart_" + name + init . isolateTag ) ;
} ;
var tableProperty = "___dart_isolate_tags_" ;
var usedProperties = Object [ tableProperty ] || ( Object [ tableProperty ] = Object . create ( null ) ) ;
var rootProperty = "_ZxYxX" ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
for ( var i = 0 ; ; i ++ ) {
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
var property = intern ( rootProperty + "_" + i + "_" ) ;
if ( ! ( property in usedProperties ) ) {
usedProperties [ property ] = 1 ;
init . isolateTag = property ;
break ;
init . dispatchPropertyName = init . getIsolateTag ( "dispatch_record" ) ;
} ( ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
hunkHelpers . setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag ( {
DOMError : J . Interceptor ,
MediaError : J . Interceptor ,
Navigator : J . Interceptor ,
NavigatorConcurrentHardware : J . Interceptor ,
NavigatorUserMediaError : J . Interceptor ,
OverconstrainedError : J . Interceptor ,
PositionError : J . Interceptor ,
SQLError : J . Interceptor ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
DataView : H . NativeTypedData ,
ArrayBufferView : H . NativeTypedData ,
Float32Array : H . NativeTypedArrayOfDouble ,
Float64Array : H . NativeTypedArrayOfDouble ,
Int16Array : H . NativeInt16List ,
Int32Array : H . NativeInt32List ,
Int8Array : H . NativeInt8List ,
Uint16Array : H . NativeUint16List ,
Uint32Array : H . NativeUint32List ,
Uint8ClampedArray : H . NativeUint8ClampedList ,
CanvasPixelArray : H . NativeUint8ClampedList ,
Uint8Array : H . NativeUint8List ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
HTMLAudioElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLBRElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLBaseElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLBodyElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLButtonElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLCanvasElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLContentElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLDListElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLDataElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLDataListElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLDetailsElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLDialogElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLEmbedElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLFieldSetElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLHRElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLHeadElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLHeadingElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLHtmlElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLIFrameElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLImageElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLInputElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLLIElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLLabelElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLLegendElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLLinkElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLMapElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLMediaElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLMenuElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLMetaElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLMeterElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLModElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLOListElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLObjectElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLOptGroupElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLOptionElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLOutputElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLParagraphElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLParamElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLPictureElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLPreElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLProgressElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLQuoteElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLScriptElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLShadowElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLSlotElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLSourceElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLSpanElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLStyleElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLTableCaptionElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLTableColElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLTableElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLTableRowElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLTableSectionElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLTemplateElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLTextAreaElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLTimeElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLTitleElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLTrackElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLUListElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLUnknownElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLVideoElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLDirectoryElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLFontElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLFrameElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLFrameSetElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLMarqueeElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLElement : W . HtmlElement ,
HTMLAnchorElement : W . AnchorElement ,
HTMLAreaElement : W . AreaElement ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
Blob : W . Blob ,
File : W . Blob ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
CDATASection : W . CharacterData ,
CharacterData : W . CharacterData ,
Comment : W . CharacterData ,
ProcessingInstruction : W . CharacterData ,
Text : W . CharacterData ,
CSSStyleDeclaration : W . CssStyleDeclaration ,
MSStyleCSSProperties : W . CssStyleDeclaration ,
CSS2Properties : W . CssStyleDeclaration ,
HTMLDivElement : W . DivElement ,
DOMException : W . DomException ,
DOMTokenList : W . DomTokenList ,
SVGAElement : W . Element ,
SVGAnimateElement : W . Element ,
SVGAnimateMotionElement : W . Element ,
SVGAnimateTransformElement : W . Element ,
SVGAnimationElement : W . Element ,
SVGCircleElement : W . Element ,
SVGClipPathElement : W . Element ,
SVGDefsElement : W . Element ,
SVGDescElement : W . Element ,
SVGDiscardElement : W . Element ,
SVGEllipseElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEBlendElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEColorMatrixElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEComponentTransferElement : W . Element ,
SVGFECompositeElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEDisplacementMapElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEDistantLightElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEFloodElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEFuncAElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEFuncBElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEFuncGElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEFuncRElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEGaussianBlurElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEImageElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEMergeElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEMergeNodeElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEMorphologyElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEOffsetElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEPointLightElement : W . Element ,
SVGFESpecularLightingElement : W . Element ,
SVGFESpotLightElement : W . Element ,
SVGFETileElement : W . Element ,
SVGFETurbulenceElement : W . Element ,
SVGFilterElement : W . Element ,
SVGForeignObjectElement : W . Element ,
SVGGElement : W . Element ,
SVGGeometryElement : W . Element ,
SVGGraphicsElement : W . Element ,
SVGImageElement : W . Element ,
SVGLineElement : W . Element ,
SVGLinearGradientElement : W . Element ,
SVGMarkerElement : W . Element ,
SVGMaskElement : W . Element ,
SVGMetadataElement : W . Element ,
SVGPathElement : W . Element ,
SVGPatternElement : W . Element ,
SVGPolygonElement : W . Element ,
SVGPolylineElement : W . Element ,
SVGRadialGradientElement : W . Element ,
SVGRectElement : W . Element ,
SVGScriptElement : W . Element ,
SVGSetElement : W . Element ,
SVGStopElement : W . Element ,
SVGStyleElement : W . Element ,
SVGElement : W . Element ,
SVGSVGElement : W . Element ,
SVGSwitchElement : W . Element ,
SVGSymbolElement : W . Element ,
SVGTSpanElement : W . Element ,
SVGTextContentElement : W . Element ,
SVGTextElement : W . Element ,
SVGTextPathElement : W . Element ,
SVGTextPositioningElement : W . Element ,
SVGTitleElement : W . Element ,
SVGUseElement : W . Element ,
SVGViewElement : W . Element ,
SVGGradientElement : W . Element ,
SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement : W . Element ,
SVGFEDropShadowElement : W . Element ,
SVGMPathElement : W . Element ,
Element : W . Element ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
AbortPaymentEvent : W . Event ,
AnimationEvent : W . Event ,
AnimationPlaybackEvent : W . Event ,
ApplicationCacheErrorEvent : W . Event ,
BackgroundFetchClickEvent : W . Event ,
BackgroundFetchEvent : W . Event ,
BackgroundFetchFailEvent : W . Event ,
BackgroundFetchedEvent : W . Event ,
BeforeInstallPromptEvent : W . Event ,
BeforeUnloadEvent : W . Event ,
BlobEvent : W . Event ,
CanMakePaymentEvent : W . Event ,
ClipboardEvent : W . Event ,
CloseEvent : W . Event ,
CompositionEvent : W . Event ,
CustomEvent : W . Event ,
DeviceMotionEvent : W . Event ,
DeviceOrientationEvent : W . Event ,
ErrorEvent : W . Event ,
Event : W . Event ,
InputEvent : W . Event ,
SubmitEvent : W . Event ,
ExtendableEvent : W . Event ,
ExtendableMessageEvent : W . Event ,
FetchEvent : W . Event ,
FocusEvent : W . Event ,
FontFaceSetLoadEvent : W . Event ,
ForeignFetchEvent : W . Event ,
GamepadEvent : W . Event ,
HashChangeEvent : W . Event ,
InstallEvent : W . Event ,
KeyboardEvent : W . Event ,
MediaEncryptedEvent : W . Event ,
MediaKeyMessageEvent : W . Event ,
MediaQueryListEvent : W . Event ,
MediaStreamEvent : W . Event ,
MediaStreamTrackEvent : W . Event ,
MessageEvent : W . Event ,
MIDIConnectionEvent : W . Event ,
MIDIMessageEvent : W . Event ,
MouseEvent : W . Event ,
DragEvent : W . Event ,
MutationEvent : W . Event ,
NotificationEvent : W . Event ,
PageTransitionEvent : W . Event ,
PaymentRequestEvent : W . Event ,
PaymentRequestUpdateEvent : W . Event ,
PointerEvent : W . Event ,
PopStateEvent : W . Event ,
PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent : W . Event ,
PresentationConnectionCloseEvent : W . Event ,
ProgressEvent : W . Event ,
PromiseRejectionEvent : W . Event ,
PushEvent : W . Event ,
RTCDataChannelEvent : W . Event ,
RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent : W . Event ,
RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent : W . Event ,
RTCTrackEvent : W . Event ,
SecurityPolicyViolationEvent : W . Event ,
SensorErrorEvent : W . Event ,
SpeechRecognitionError : W . Event ,
SpeechRecognitionEvent : W . Event ,
SpeechSynthesisEvent : W . Event ,
StorageEvent : W . Event ,
SyncEvent : W . Event ,
TextEvent : W . Event ,
TouchEvent : W . Event ,
TrackEvent : W . Event ,
TransitionEvent : W . Event ,
WebKitTransitionEvent : W . Event ,
UIEvent : W . Event ,
VRDeviceEvent : W . Event ,
VRDisplayEvent : W . Event ,
VRSessionEvent : W . Event ,
WheelEvent : W . Event ,
MojoInterfaceRequestEvent : W . Event ,
ResourceProgressEvent : W . Event ,
USBConnectionEvent : W . Event ,
IDBVersionChangeEvent : W . Event ,
AudioProcessingEvent : W . Event ,
OfflineAudioCompletionEvent : W . Event ,
WebGLContextEvent : W . Event ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
EventTarget : W . EventTarget ,
HTMLFormElement : W . FormElement ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
ImageData : W . ImageData ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Document : W . Node ,
DocumentFragment : W . Node ,
HTMLDocument : W . Node ,
ShadowRoot : W . Node ,
XMLDocument : W . Node ,
Attr : W . Node ,
DocumentType : W . Node ,
Node : W . Node ,
NodeList : W . NodeList ,
RadioNodeList : W . NodeList ,
HTMLSelectElement : W . SelectElement ,
HTMLTableCellElement : W . TableCellElement ,
HTMLTableDataCellElement : W . TableCellElement ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
HTMLTableHeaderCellElement : W . TableCellElement ,
Window : W . Window ,
DOMWindow : W . Window ,
DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope : W . WorkerGlobalScope ,
ServiceWorkerGlobalScope : W . WorkerGlobalScope ,
SharedWorkerGlobalScope : W . WorkerGlobalScope ,
WorkerGlobalScope : W . WorkerGlobalScope ,
IDBKeyRange : P . KeyRange
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
} ) ;
hunkHelpers . setOrUpdateLeafTags ( {
DOMError : true ,
MediaError : true ,
Navigator : true ,
NavigatorConcurrentHardware : true ,
NavigatorUserMediaError : true ,
OverconstrainedError : true ,
PositionError : true ,
SQLError : true ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
DataView : true ,
ArrayBufferView : false ,
Float32Array : true ,
Float64Array : true ,
Int16Array : true ,
Int32Array : true ,
Int8Array : true ,
Uint16Array : true ,
Uint32Array : true ,
Uint8ClampedArray : true ,
CanvasPixelArray : true ,
Uint8Array : false ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
HTMLAudioElement : true ,
HTMLBRElement : true ,
HTMLBaseElement : true ,
HTMLBodyElement : true ,
HTMLButtonElement : true ,
HTMLCanvasElement : true ,
HTMLContentElement : true ,
HTMLDListElement : true ,
HTMLDataElement : true ,
HTMLDataListElement : true ,
HTMLDetailsElement : true ,
HTMLDialogElement : true ,
HTMLEmbedElement : true ,
HTMLFieldSetElement : true ,
HTMLHRElement : true ,
HTMLHeadElement : true ,
HTMLHeadingElement : true ,
HTMLHtmlElement : true ,
HTMLIFrameElement : true ,
HTMLImageElement : true ,
HTMLInputElement : true ,
HTMLLIElement : true ,
HTMLLabelElement : true ,
HTMLLegendElement : true ,
HTMLLinkElement : true ,
HTMLMapElement : true ,
HTMLMediaElement : true ,
HTMLMenuElement : true ,
HTMLMetaElement : true ,
HTMLMeterElement : true ,
HTMLModElement : true ,
HTMLOListElement : true ,
HTMLObjectElement : true ,
HTMLOptGroupElement : true ,
HTMLOptionElement : true ,
HTMLOutputElement : true ,
HTMLParagraphElement : true ,
HTMLParamElement : true ,
HTMLPictureElement : true ,
HTMLPreElement : true ,
HTMLProgressElement : true ,
HTMLQuoteElement : true ,
HTMLScriptElement : true ,
HTMLShadowElement : true ,
HTMLSlotElement : true ,
HTMLSourceElement : true ,
HTMLSpanElement : true ,
HTMLStyleElement : true ,
HTMLTableCaptionElement : true ,
HTMLTableColElement : true ,
HTMLTableElement : true ,
HTMLTableRowElement : true ,
HTMLTableSectionElement : true ,
HTMLTemplateElement : true ,
HTMLTextAreaElement : true ,
HTMLTimeElement : true ,
HTMLTitleElement : true ,
HTMLTrackElement : true ,
HTMLUListElement : true ,
HTMLUnknownElement : true ,
HTMLVideoElement : true ,
HTMLDirectoryElement : true ,
HTMLFontElement : true ,
HTMLFrameElement : true ,
HTMLFrameSetElement : true ,
HTMLMarqueeElement : true ,
HTMLElement : false ,
HTMLAnchorElement : true ,
HTMLAreaElement : true ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
Blob : true ,
File : true ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
CDATASection : true ,
CharacterData : true ,
Comment : true ,
ProcessingInstruction : true ,
Text : true ,
CSSStyleDeclaration : true ,
MSStyleCSSProperties : true ,
CSS2Properties : true ,
HTMLDivElement : true ,
DOMException : true ,
DOMTokenList : true ,
SVGAElement : true ,
SVGAnimateElement : true ,
SVGAnimateMotionElement : true ,
SVGAnimateTransformElement : true ,
SVGAnimationElement : true ,
SVGCircleElement : true ,
SVGClipPathElement : true ,
SVGDefsElement : true ,
SVGDescElement : true ,
SVGDiscardElement : true ,
SVGEllipseElement : true ,
SVGFEBlendElement : true ,
SVGFEColorMatrixElement : true ,
SVGFEComponentTransferElement : true ,
SVGFECompositeElement : true ,
SVGFEConvolveMatrixElement : true ,
SVGFEDiffuseLightingElement : true ,
SVGFEDisplacementMapElement : true ,
SVGFEDistantLightElement : true ,
SVGFEFloodElement : true ,
SVGFEFuncAElement : true ,
SVGFEFuncBElement : true ,
SVGFEFuncGElement : true ,
SVGFEFuncRElement : true ,
SVGFEGaussianBlurElement : true ,
SVGFEImageElement : true ,
SVGFEMergeElement : true ,
SVGFEMergeNodeElement : true ,
SVGFEMorphologyElement : true ,
SVGFEOffsetElement : true ,
SVGFEPointLightElement : true ,
SVGFESpecularLightingElement : true ,
SVGFESpotLightElement : true ,
SVGFETileElement : true ,
SVGFETurbulenceElement : true ,
SVGFilterElement : true ,
SVGForeignObjectElement : true ,
SVGGElement : true ,
SVGGeometryElement : true ,
SVGGraphicsElement : true ,
SVGImageElement : true ,
SVGLineElement : true ,
SVGLinearGradientElement : true ,
SVGMarkerElement : true ,
SVGMaskElement : true ,
SVGMetadataElement : true ,
SVGPathElement : true ,
SVGPatternElement : true ,
SVGPolygonElement : true ,
SVGPolylineElement : true ,
SVGRadialGradientElement : true ,
SVGRectElement : true ,
SVGScriptElement : true ,
SVGSetElement : true ,
SVGStopElement : true ,
SVGStyleElement : true ,
SVGElement : true ,
SVGSVGElement : true ,
SVGSwitchElement : true ,
SVGSymbolElement : true ,
SVGTSpanElement : true ,
SVGTextContentElement : true ,
SVGTextElement : true ,
SVGTextPathElement : true ,
SVGTextPositioningElement : true ,
SVGTitleElement : true ,
SVGUseElement : true ,
SVGViewElement : true ,
SVGGradientElement : true ,
SVGComponentTransferFunctionElement : true ,
SVGFEDropShadowElement : true ,
SVGMPathElement : true ,
Element : false ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
AbortPaymentEvent : true ,
AnimationEvent : true ,
AnimationPlaybackEvent : true ,
ApplicationCacheErrorEvent : true ,
BackgroundFetchClickEvent : true ,
BackgroundFetchEvent : true ,
BackgroundFetchFailEvent : true ,
BackgroundFetchedEvent : true ,
BeforeInstallPromptEvent : true ,
BeforeUnloadEvent : true ,
BlobEvent : true ,
CanMakePaymentEvent : true ,
ClipboardEvent : true ,
CloseEvent : true ,
CompositionEvent : true ,
CustomEvent : true ,
DeviceMotionEvent : true ,
DeviceOrientationEvent : true ,
ErrorEvent : true ,
Event : true ,
InputEvent : true ,
SubmitEvent : true ,
ExtendableEvent : true ,
ExtendableMessageEvent : true ,
FetchEvent : true ,
FocusEvent : true ,
FontFaceSetLoadEvent : true ,
ForeignFetchEvent : true ,
GamepadEvent : true ,
HashChangeEvent : true ,
InstallEvent : true ,
KeyboardEvent : true ,
MediaEncryptedEvent : true ,
MediaKeyMessageEvent : true ,
MediaQueryListEvent : true ,
MediaStreamEvent : true ,
MediaStreamTrackEvent : true ,
MessageEvent : true ,
MIDIConnectionEvent : true ,
MIDIMessageEvent : true ,
MouseEvent : true ,
DragEvent : true ,
MutationEvent : true ,
NotificationEvent : true ,
PageTransitionEvent : true ,
PaymentRequestEvent : true ,
PaymentRequestUpdateEvent : true ,
PointerEvent : true ,
PopStateEvent : true ,
PresentationConnectionAvailableEvent : true ,
PresentationConnectionCloseEvent : true ,
ProgressEvent : true ,
PromiseRejectionEvent : true ,
PushEvent : true ,
RTCDataChannelEvent : true ,
RTCDTMFToneChangeEvent : true ,
RTCPeerConnectionIceEvent : true ,
RTCTrackEvent : true ,
SecurityPolicyViolationEvent : true ,
SensorErrorEvent : true ,
SpeechRecognitionError : true ,
SpeechRecognitionEvent : true ,
SpeechSynthesisEvent : true ,
StorageEvent : true ,
SyncEvent : true ,
TextEvent : true ,
TouchEvent : true ,
TrackEvent : true ,
TransitionEvent : true ,
WebKitTransitionEvent : true ,
UIEvent : true ,
VRDeviceEvent : true ,
VRDisplayEvent : true ,
VRSessionEvent : true ,
WheelEvent : true ,
MojoInterfaceRequestEvent : true ,
ResourceProgressEvent : true ,
USBConnectionEvent : true ,
IDBVersionChangeEvent : true ,
AudioProcessingEvent : true ,
OfflineAudioCompletionEvent : true ,
WebGLContextEvent : true ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
EventTarget : false ,
HTMLFormElement : true ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
ImageData : true ,
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
Document : true ,
DocumentFragment : true ,
HTMLDocument : true ,
ShadowRoot : true ,
XMLDocument : true ,
Attr : true ,
DocumentType : true ,
Node : false ,
NodeList : true ,
RadioNodeList : true ,
HTMLSelectElement : true ,
HTMLTableCellElement : true ,
HTMLTableDataCellElement : true ,
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
HTMLTableHeaderCellElement : true ,
Window : true ,
DOMWindow : true ,
DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope : true ,
ServiceWorkerGlobalScope : true ,
SharedWorkerGlobalScope : true ,
WorkerGlobalScope : true ,
IDBKeyRange : true
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
} ) ;
2024-03-23 09:57:06 +08:00
H . NativeTypedArray . $nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView" ;
H . _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin . $nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView" ;
H . _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin . $nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView" ;
H . NativeTypedArrayOfDouble . $nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView" ;
H . _NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin . $nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView" ;
H . _NativeTypedArrayOfInt _NativeTypedArray _ListMixin _FixedLengthListMixin . $nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView" ;
H . NativeTypedArrayOfInt . $nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView" ;
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
} ) ( ) ;
convertAllToFastObject ( holders ) ;
convertToFastObject ( $ ) ;
( function ( callback ) {
if ( typeof document === "undefined" ) {
callback ( null ) ;
return ;
2024-03-05 21:38:47 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
if ( typeof document . currentScript != "undefined" ) {
callback ( document . currentScript ) ;
return ;
2024-03-04 22:52:37 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
var scripts = document . scripts ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
2024-03-05 22:09:51 +08:00
function onLoad ( event ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < scripts . length ; ++ i )
scripts [ i ] . removeEventListener ( "load" , onLoad , false ) ;
callback ( event . target ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < scripts . length ; ++ i )
scripts [ i ] . addEventListener ( "load" , onLoad , false ) ;
} ) ( function ( currentScript ) {
init . currentScript = currentScript ;
var callMain = V . main ;
if ( typeof dartMainRunner === "function" )
dartMainRunner ( callMain , [ ] ) ;
callMain ( [ ] ) ;
} ) ;
2024-03-04 12:29:26 +08:00
} ) ( ) ;
2024-03-17 13:27:42 +08:00
//# sourceMappingURL=out.js.map