use { log::{error, warn}, serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}, serde_json::Result, std::{env, fs}, }; const CONFIG_PATH: &str = "config.toml"; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct Config { /// http or https /// CENTER_URL pub center_url: String, /// CLUSTER_IP pub host_ip: String, /// CLUSTER_PORT pub host_port: u32, /// CLUSTER_ID pub cluster_id: String, /// CLUSTER_SECRET pub cluster_secret: String, /// NO_DEMAON pub no_demaon: bool, } impl Config { pub fn new( center_url: Option, host_ip: Option, host_port: Option, cluster_id: String, cluster_secret: String, no_demaon: Option, ) -> Self { // Self { center_url: center_url.unwrap_or("".to_string()), host_ip: host_ip.unwrap_or("".to_string()), host_port: host_port.unwrap_or(8080), cluster_id, cluster_secret, no_demaon: no_demaon.unwrap_or(false), } } pub fn convert_from_env() { // Load from env let center_url = env::var("CENTER_URL").ok(); let host_ip = env::var("CLUSTER_IP").ok(); let host_port = env::var("CLUSTER_PORT").unwrap().parse::().ok(); let no_demaon = env::var("NO_DAEMON").unwrap().parse::().ok(); // Load from env let cluster_id = env::var("CLUSTER_ID").unwrap_or_else(|err| { error!("CLUSTER_ID must be set"); panic!("{}", err); }); let cluster_secret = env::var("CLUSTER_SECRET").unwrap_or_else(|err| { error!("CLUSTER_SECRET must be set"); panic!("{}", err); }); // Decrapated warning if env::var("CLUSTER_BYOC").is_ok() { warn!("CLUSTER_BYOC is deprecated, ignored"); } if env::var("DISABLE_ACCESS_LOG").is_ok() { warn!("DISABLE_ACCESS_LOG is deprecated, ignored"); } if env::var("FORCE_NOOPEN").is_ok() { warn!("FORCE_NOOPEN is deprecated, ignored"); } if env::var("ENABLE_NGINX").is_ok() { warn!("ENABLE_NGINX is deprecated, ignored"); // If you want to use Nginx, why would you choose this program? } // Create config let config = Config::new( center_url, host_ip, host_port, cluster_id, cluster_secret, no_demaon, ); // Save config; } pub fn save(&self) { if !fs::canonicalize(CONFIG_PATH).is_ok() { fs::File::create(CONFIG_PATH).unwrap_or_else(|err| { error!("Failed to create config file"); panic!("{}", err); }); //TODO: Trigger initialization } fs::write(CONFIG_PATH, toml::to_string(&self).unwrap()).unwrap_or_else(|err| { error!("Failed to save config"); panic!("{}", err); }); } pub fn load() -> Result { todo!("Not implemented yet") } pub fn join_center_url(&self, path: &str) -> String { format!("{}{}", self.center_url, path) } }