'use strict'; // let name_input = "!test!\n\natest\n\ntest2"; let name_input = "this_is_a\nthis_is_b"; // let name_input = ` // '9tEUG@LuoTianyi // t2W%(s@LuoTianyi // mTWD1soR原创@LuoTianyi // 天依 VEfVDZVpD@candle // 凶镬9aY5DnWAq@candle // Raven qPu%yV$O@candle // seed:自生自灭 #1@!`; let assets_data = { lang: null, gAd: null, }; let run_env = { from_code: (typeof window == "undefined"), is_node: (typeof Bun == "undefined"), is_bun: (typeof Bun != "undefined"), }; console.log("run_env", run_env); let is_debug = true; // let is_debug = false; let logger = { // debug: 只在 from_code 时输出 debug: function (...msg) { if (run_env.from_code && is_debug) { // 上个色 console.log("\x1b[32mlogger:", ...msg, "\x1b[0m") } }, info: function (...msg) { console.log("logger: ", msg) } } function fmt_RunUpdate(update) { let message = update.d; let source_plr = update.e.a; let target_plr = update.f; if (target_plr !== null && target_plr.a !== null) { target_plr = target_plr.a } else { target_plr = "none" } let affect = update.x; if (affect !== null && affect.a !== null) { affect = affect.a } else { affect = "none" } return { message: message, source_plr: source_plr, target_plr: target_plr, affect: affect, // raw: update, } } if (run_env.from_code) { console.log("Running from code"); // 整一套虚拟的window和document // 但说实话十分生草 // list of elements let stored_elements = []; global.window = { sessionStorage: function () { }, localStorage: function () { }, }; class fake_class_list { constructor() { this.datas = [] }; add(data) { this.datas.push(data) }; contains(data) { return this.datas.includes(data) }; item(index) { if (index >= this.datas.length) { let stack = new Error().stack; logger.info("fake_class_list.item", stack); return null } return this.datas[index] }; } class fake_element { constructor(tag) { this.childList = []; this.tag = tag; this.width = 0; this.height = 0; this.style = {}; this.classList = new fake_class_list(); this.styleSheets = [ "something" ]; this.length = 0; this.innerHTML = ""; // 把自己加到列表里 stored_elements.push(this); }; querySelector(tag) { // 搜索一下有没有这个元素 for (let i = 0; i < this.childList.length; i++) { if (this.childList[i].tag == tag) { return this.childList[i]; } } }; appendChild(element) { this.childList.push(element); }; addEventListener() { }; } global.document = { createElement: function (tag) { // return fake_element.fake_init(tag); return new fake_element(tag); }, createTextNode: function (data) { let node = new fake_element("text"); node.innerHTML = data; return node; }, querySelector: function (tag) { // 搜索一下有没有这个元素 logger.debug("querySelector", tag); for (let i = 0; i < stored_elements.length; i++) { if (stored_elements[i].tag == tag) { return stored_elements[i]; } } }, body: new fake_element("body"), styleSheets: [{ "some": "thing" }], }; let fake_plist = document.createElement(".plist"); let fake_pbody = document.createElement(".pbody"); // logger.debug(stored_elements) global.self = global.window; // 读取文件 let fs = require("fs"); let path = require("path"); let assets_path = path.join(__dirname, "assets"); // 加载 zh.json let lang_path = path.join(assets_path, "zh.json"); let lang_data = fs.readFileSync(lang_path, "utf-8"); // 加载 gAd.md let gAd_path = path.join(assets_path, "gAd.md"); let gAd_data = fs.readFileSync(gAd_path, "utf-8"); assets_data.lang = lang_data; assets_data.gAd = gAd_data; } let why_ns = 0; function copyProperties(a, b) { var s = Object.keys(a) for (var r = 0; r < s.length; r++) { var q = s[r] b[q] = a[q] } } function mixinProperties(from, to) { var s = Object.keys(from) for (var r = 0; r < s.length; r++) { var q = s[r] if (!to.hasOwnProperty(q)) to[q] = from[q] } } function inherit(cls, sup) { cls.prototype.constructor = cls cls.prototype["$i" + cls.name] = cls if (sup != null) { cls.prototype.__proto__ = sup.prototype return } } function inheritMany(sup, classes) { for (var s = 0; s < classes.length; s++) inherit(classes[s], sup) } function mixin(cls, mixin) { mixinProperties(mixin.prototype, cls.prototype) cls.prototype.constructor = cls } function lazyOld(holder, name, getterName, initializer) { var uninitializedSentinel = holder; holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel; holder[getterName] = function () { holder[getterName] = function () { H.throwCyclicInit(name); }; var result; var sentinelInProgress = initializer; try { if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel) { result = holder[name] = sentinelInProgress; result = holder[name] = initializer(); } else result = holder[name]; } finally { if (result === sentinelInProgress) holder[name] = null; holder[getterName] = function () { return this[name]; }; } return result; }; } function lazy(holder, name, getterName, initializer) { var uninitializedSentinel = holder; holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel; holder[getterName] = function () { if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel) holder[name] = initializer(); holder[getterName] = function () { return this[name]; }; return holder[name]; }; } function lazyFinal(holder, name, getterName, initializer) { var uninitializedSentinel = holder; holder[name] = uninitializedSentinel; holder[getterName] = function () { if (holder[name] === uninitializedSentinel) { var value = initializer(); if (holder[name] !== uninitializedSentinel) H.throwLateInitializationError(name); holder[name] = value; } holder[getterName] = function () { return this[name]; }; return holder[name]; }; } function makeConstList(list) { list.immutable$list = Array list.fixed$length = Array return list } var y = 0 function instanceTearOffGetter(a, b) { var s = b.fs[0] if (a) return new Function("parameters, createTearOffClass, cache", "return function tearOff_" + s + y++ + "(receiver) {" + "if (cache === null) cache = createTearOffClass(parameters);" + "return new cache(receiver, this);" + "}")(b, H.mx, null) else return new Function("parameters, createTearOffClass, cache", "return function tearOff_" + s + y++ + "() {" + "if (cache === null) cache = createTearOffClass(parameters);" + "return new cache(this, null);" + "}")(b, H.mx, null) } function staticTearOffGetter(a) { var s = null return function () { if (s === null) s = H.mx(a).prototype return s } } var x = 0 function tearOffParameters(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) { if (typeof h == "number") h += x return { co: a, iS: b, iI: c, rC: d, dV: e, cs: f, fs: g, fT: h, aI: i || 0, nDA: j } } function installStaticTearOff(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { var s = tearOffParameters(a, true, false, c, d, e, f, g, h, false) var r = staticTearOffGetter(s) a[b] = r } function installInstanceTearOff(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j) { c = !!c var s = tearOffParameters(a, false, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, !!j) var r = instanceTearOffGetter(c, s) a[b] = r } function setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag(a) { var s = init.interceptorsByTag if (!s) { init.interceptorsByTag = a return } copyProperties(a, s) } function setOrUpdateLeafTags(a) { var s = init.leafTags if (!s) { init.leafTags = a return } copyProperties(a, s) } function updateTypes(a) { var s = init.types var r = s.length s.push.apply(s, a) return r } function updateHolder(a, b) { copyProperties(b, a) return a } var hunkHelpers = function () { var s = function (a, b, c, d, e) { return function (f, g, h, i) { return installInstanceTearOff(f, g, a, b, c, d, [h], i, e, false) } }, r = function (a, b, c, d) { return function (e, f, g, h) { return installStaticTearOff(e, f, a, b, c, [g], h, d) } } return { inherit: inherit, inheritMany: inheritMany, mixin: mixin, installStaticTearOff: installStaticTearOff, installInstanceTearOff: installInstanceTearOff, _instance_0u: s(0, 0, null, ["$0"], 0), _instance_1u: s(0, 1, null, ["$1"], 0), _instance_2u: s(0, 2, null, ["$2"], 0), _instance_0i: s(1, 0, null, ["$0"], 0), _instance_1i: s(1, 1, null, ["$1"], 0), _instance_2i: s(1, 2, null, ["$2"], 0), _static_0: r(0, null, ["$0"], 0), _static_1: r(1, null, ["$1"], 0), _static_2: r(2, null, ["$2"], 0), makeConstList: makeConstList, lazy: lazy, lazyFinal: lazyFinal, lazyOld: lazyOld, updateHolder: updateHolder, updateTypes: updateTypes, setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag: setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag, setOrUpdateLeafTags: setOrUpdateLeafTags } }() var A = { eR(a) { var s = window.localStorage, r = LangData.eQ("i") s.setItem(r, a) s = $.nx() r = s.b if (r >= 4) H.throw_expression(s.ee()) if ((r & 1) !== 0) s.cc(a) else if ((r & 3) === 0) s.en().j(0, new P.er(a)) }, vo(a) { var s = $.nx() s.toString new P.cM(s, H._instanceType(s).i("cM<1>")).f4(a) return } }, C = {}, Sgls = { o6(a) { var s, r, q if ($.k8.J(0, a)) return $.k8.h(0, a) s = $.e_ $.e_ = s + 1 r = "icon_" + s $.k8.m(0, a, r) q = Sgls.tt(a).toDataURL("image/png", null) $.mg.m(0, a, q) t.w.a(C.v.gbl(document.styleSheets)).insertRule("div." + r + ' { background-image:url("' + H.as_string(q) + '"); }', $.e_ - 1) return r }, tw() { $.rW.aw(0, new Sgls.k7()) }, tv(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f = W.j4() f.width = 128 f.height = 128 f.getContext("2d").drawImage($.md, 0, 0) s = J.cm(P.my(f.getContext("2d").getImageData(0, 0, 128, 128))) for (r = t.i, q = 0; q < 38; ++q) { p = C.JsInt.V(q, 8) * 64 + C.JsInt.ag(q, 8) * 8192 o = H.b([], r) for (n = 0; n < 16; ++n) for (m = n * 512, l = 0; l < 16; ++l) { k = p + l * 4 + m j = s[k] if (j > s[k + 1]) o.push(j) else o.push(0) } $.dZ.push(o) } for (q = 0; q < 8; ++q) { p = q * 64 + 57344 i = H.b([], r) h = H.b([], r) for (n = 0; n < 16; ++n) for (m = n * 512, l = 0; l < 16; ++l) { k = p + l * 4 + m j = s[k] g = k + 1 if (j > s[g]) i.push(j) else i.push(0) j = s[g] if (j > s[k + 2]) h.push(255 - j) else h.push(255) } $.me.push(i) $.o5.push(h) } $.nt().bM(0, "") }, tt(a) { var s, r, q = new LangData.SuperRC4() q.bd(LangData.fZ(a), 2) s = q.c s.toString r = H._arrayInstanceType(s).i("y<1,l*>") return Sgls.ts(P.List_List_of(new H.y(s, new Sgls.k5(), r), true, r.i("M.E"))) }, ts(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f = C.d.V(a[0], $.me.length), e = t.i, d = H.b([], e) d.push(C.d.V(a[1], $.dZ.length)) s = a[2] r = $.dZ.length q = C.d.V(s, r) if (q === d[0]) { q = C.d.V(a[3], r) p = 4 } else p = 3 d.push(q) o = p + 1 if (a[p] < 4) { p = o + 1 d.push(C.d.V(a[o], $.dZ.length)) o = p + 1 if (a[p] < 64) { p = o + 1 d.push(C.d.V(a[o], $.dZ.length)) } else p = o } else p = o n = $.nu().getContext("2d") o = p + 1 m = C.d.V(a[p], $.d7() - 6) l = $.mf[m] s = l[0] r = l[1] k = l[2] n.toString n.fillStyle = "rgba(" + s + ", " + r + ", " + k + ", 1)" n.fillRect(1, 1, 14, 14) j = H.b([], e) i = new Sgls.k6(j, m, d) for (p = o, h = 0; h < d.length; ++h) { o = p + 1 g = C.d.V(a[p], $.d7()) for (p = o; !i.$1(g); p = o) { o = p + 1 g = C.d.V(a[p], $.d7()) } j.push(g) Sgls.o4(n, $.dZ[d[h]], $.mf[g]) } Sgls.tu(n, f) return $.nu() }, o4(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p, o for (s = 0, r = 0, q = 0; q < 16; ++q) for (p = 0; p < 16; ++p) { o = r + 3 if (b[s] > 0) { J.cm($.d8())[r] = c[0] J.cm($.d8())[r + 1] = c[1] J.cm($.d8())[r + 2] = c[2] J.cm($.d8())[o] = b[s] } else J.cm($.d8())[o] = 0; ++s r += 4 } o = $.lS().getContext("2d"); (o && C.k).dw(o, $.d8(), 0, 0) a.drawImage($.lS(), 0, 0) }, tu(a, b) { var s, r, q, p Sgls.o4(a, $.me[b], H.b([64, 64, 64], t.i)) s = P.my(a.getImageData(0, 0, 16, 16)) r = $.o5[b] for (q = J.bv(s), p = 0; p < 256; ++p) q.gck(s)[p * 4 + 3] = r[p] C.k.dw(a, s, 0, 0) }, k7: function k7() { }, k4: function k4() { }, k5: function k5() { }, k6: function k6(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = c }, MList: function c(a) { var _ = this _.a = 0 _.c = _.b = null _.$ti = a }, a_: function a_(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = null _.c = b _.$ti = c }, MEntry: function n() { } }, H = { m8: function m8() { }, ls(a, b, c) { if (a == null) throw H.wrap_expression(new H.dO(b, c.i("dO<0>"))) return a }, t5(a, b, c, d) { if (t.gw.b(a)) return new H.dr(a, b, c.i("@<0>").aL(d).i("dr<1,2>")) return new H.c6(a, b, c.i("@<0>").aL(d).i("c6<1,2>")) }, fu() { return new P.bJ("No element") }, rY() { return new P.bJ("Too many elements") }, tJ(a, b) { // H.hL(a, 0, J.aw(a) - 1, b) H.hL(a, 0, a.length - 1, b) }, hL(a, b, c, d) { if (c - b <= 32) H.ej(a, b, c, d) else H.ei(a, b, c, d) }, ej(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o for (s = b + 1, r = J.a3(a); s <= c; ++s) { q = r.h(a, s) p = s while (true) { if (!(p > b && d.$2(r.h(a, p - 1), q) > 0)) break o = p - 1 r.m(a, p, r.h(a, o)) p = o } r.m(a, p, q) } }, ei(a3, a4, a5, a6) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i = C.JsInt.ag(a5 - a4 + 1, 6), h = a4 + i, g = a5 - i, f = C.JsInt.ag(a4 + a5, 2), e = f - i, d = f + i, c = J.a3(a3), b = c.h(a3, h), a = c.h(a3, e), a0 = c.h(a3, f), a1 = c.h(a3, d), a2 = c.h(a3, g) if (a6.$2(b, a) > 0) { s = a a = b b = s } if (a6.$2(a1, a2) > 0) { s = a2 a2 = a1 a1 = s } if (a6.$2(b, a0) > 0) { s = a0 a0 = b b = s } if (a6.$2(a, a0) > 0) { s = a0 a0 = a a = s } if (a6.$2(b, a1) > 0) { s = a1 a1 = b b = s } if (a6.$2(a0, a1) > 0) { s = a1 a1 = a0 a0 = s } if (a6.$2(a, a2) > 0) { s = a2 a2 = a a = s } if (a6.$2(a, a0) > 0) { s = a0 a0 = a a = s } if (a6.$2(a1, a2) > 0) { s = a2 a2 = a1 a1 = s } c.m(a3, h, b) c.m(a3, f, a0) c.m(a3, g, a2) c.m(a3, e, c.h(a3, a4)) c.m(a3, d, c.h(a3, a5)) r = a4 + 1 q = a5 - 1 // if (J.Y(a6.$2(a, a1), 0)) { if (a6.$2(a, a1) === 0) { for (p = r; p <= q; ++p) { o = c.h(a3, p) n = a6.$2(o, a) if (n === 0) continue if (n < 0) { if (p !== r) { c.m(a3, p, c.h(a3, r)) c.m(a3, r, o) } ++r } else for (; true;) { n = a6.$2(c.h(a3, q), a) if (n > 0) { --q continue } else { m = q - 1 if (n < 0) { c.m(a3, p, c.h(a3, r)) l = r + 1 c.m(a3, r, c.h(a3, q)) c.m(a3, q, o) q = m r = l break } else { c.m(a3, p, c.h(a3, q)) c.m(a3, q, o) q = m break } } } } k = true } else { for (p = r; p <= q; ++p) { o = c.h(a3, p) if (a6.$2(o, a) < 0) { if (p !== r) { c.m(a3, p, c.h(a3, r)) c.m(a3, r, o) } ++r } else if (a6.$2(o, a1) > 0) for (; true;) if (a6.$2(c.h(a3, q), a1) > 0) { --q if (q < p) break continue } else { m = q - 1 if (a6.$2(c.h(a3, q), a) < 0) { c.m(a3, p, c.h(a3, r)) l = r + 1 c.m(a3, r, c.h(a3, q)) c.m(a3, q, o) r = l } else { c.m(a3, p, c.h(a3, q)) c.m(a3, q, o) } q = m break } } k = false } j = r - 1 c.m(a3, a4, c.h(a3, j)) c.m(a3, j, a) j = q + 1 c.m(a3, a5, c.h(a3, j)) c.m(a3, j, a1) H.hL(a3, a4, r - 2, a6) H.hL(a3, q + 2, a5, a6) if (k) return if (r < h && q > g) { // for (; J.Y(a6.$2(c.h(a3, r), a), 0);) { for (; a6.$2(c.h(a3, r), a) === 0;) { ++r } // for (; J.Y(a6.$2(c.h(a3, q), a1), 0);) { for (; a6.$2(c.h(a3, q), a1) === 0;) { --q } for (p = r; p <= q; ++p) { o = c.h(a3, p) if (a6.$2(o, a) === 0) { if (p !== r) { c.m(a3, p, c.h(a3, r)) c.m(a3, r, o) } ++r } else if (a6.$2(o, a1) === 0) for (; true;) if (a6.$2(c.h(a3, q), a1) === 0) { --q if (q < p) break continue } else { m = q - 1 if (a6.$2(c.h(a3, q), a) < 0) { c.m(a3, p, c.h(a3, r)) l = r + 1 c.m(a3, r, c.h(a3, q)) c.m(a3, q, o) r = l } else { c.m(a3, p, c.h(a3, q)) c.m(a3, q, o) } q = m break } } H.hL(a3, r, q, a6) } else H.hL(a3, r, q, a6) }, fz: function fz(a) { this.a = a }, ff: function ff(a) { this.a = a }, dO: function dO(a, b) { this.a = a this.$ti = b }, A: function A() { }, M: function M() { }, cv: function cv(a, b) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = 0 _.d = null }, c6: function c6(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.$ti = c }, dr: function dr(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.$ti = c }, fB: function fB(a, b) { this.a = null this.b = a this.c = b }, y: function y(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.$ti = c }, cf: function cf(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.$ti = c }, hX: function hX(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, du: function du() { }, hV: function hV() { }, cJ: function cJ() { }, a9: function a9(a, b) { this.a = a this.$ti = b }, oP(a) { var s, r = init.mangledGlobalNames[a] if (r != null) return r s = "minified:" + a return s }, oG(a, b) { var s if (b != null) { s = b.x if (s != null) return s } return t.aU.b(a) }, as_string(a) { var res if (typeof a == "string") { return a } if (typeof a == "number") { if (a !== 0) { return "" + a } } else if (true === a) { return "true" } else if (false === a) { return "false" } else if (a == null) { return "null" } res = J.b4(a) if (typeof res != "string") throw H.wrap_expression(H.R(a)) return res }, Primitives_objectHashCode(a) { var s = a.$identityHash if (s == null) { s = Math.random() * 0x3fffffff | 0 a.$identityHash = s } return s }, tk(a, b) { var s, r if (typeof a != "string") H.throw_expression(H.R(a)) s = /^\s*[+-]?((0x[a-f0-9]+)|(\d+)|([a-z0-9]+))\s*$/i.exec(a) if (s == null) return null r = s[3] if (r != null) return parseInt(a, 10) if (s[2] != null) return parseInt(a, 16) return null }, jZ(a) { return H.tc(a) }, tc(a) { var s, r, q, p if (a instanceof P.Object) return H._rtiToString(H.instanceType(a), null) if (J.cV(a) === C.J || t.bI.b(a)) { s = C.p(a) r = s !== "Object" && s !== "" if (r) return s q = a.constructor if (typeof q == "function") { p = q.name if (typeof p == "string") r = p !== "Object" && p !== "" else r = false if (r) return p } } return H._rtiToString(H.instanceType(a), null) }, nY(a) { var s, r, q, p, o = a.length if (o <= 500) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a) for (s = "", r = 0; r < o; r = q) { q = r + 500 p = q < o ? q : o s += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a.slice(r, p)) } return s }, tl(a) { var s, r, q, p = H.b([], t.dC) for (s = a.length, r = 0; r < a.length; a.length === s || (0, H.F)(a), ++r) { q = a[r] if (!H.aP(q)) throw H.wrap_expression(H.R(q)) if (q <= 65535) p.push(q) else if (q <= 1114111) { p.push(55296 + (C.JsInt.am(q - 65536, 10) & 1023)) p.push(56320 + (q & 1023)) } else throw H.wrap_expression(H.R(q)) } return H.nY(p) }, nZ(a) { var s, r, q for (s = a.length, r = 0; r < s; ++r) { q = a[r] if (!H.aP(q)) throw H.wrap_expression(H.R(q)) if (q < 0) throw H.wrap_expression(H.R(q)) if (q > 65535) return H.tl(a) } return H.nY(a) }, tm(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p if (c <= 500 && b === 0 && c === a.length) return String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a) for (s = b, r = ""; s < c; s = q) { q = s + 500 p = q < c ? q : c r += String.fromCharCode.apply(null, a.subarray(s, p)) } return r }, cC(a) { var s if (a <= 65535) return String.fromCharCode(a) if (a <= 1114111) { s = a - 65536 return String.fromCharCode((C.JsInt.am(s, 10) | 55296) >>> 0, s & 1023 | 56320) } throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(a, 0, 1114111, null, null)) }, aG(a) { if (a.date === void 0) a.date = new Date(a.a) return a.date }, tj(a) { return a.b ? H.aG(a).getUTCFullYear() + 0 : H.aG(a).getFullYear() + 0 }, th(a) { return a.b ? H.aG(a).getUTCMonth() + 1 : H.aG(a).getMonth() + 1 }, td(a) { return a.b ? H.aG(a).getUTCDate() + 0 : H.aG(a).getDate() + 0 }, te(a) { return a.b ? H.aG(a).getUTCHours() + 0 : H.aG(a).getHours() + 0 }, tg(a) { return a.b ? H.aG(a).getUTCMinutes() + 0 : H.aG(a).getMinutes() + 0 }, ti(a) { return a.b ? H.aG(a).getUTCSeconds() + 0 : H.aG(a).getSeconds() + 0 }, tf(a) { return a.b ? H.aG(a).getUTCMilliseconds() + 0 : H.aG(a).getMilliseconds() + 0 }, bQ(a, b) { var s, r = "index" if (!H.aP(b)) return new P.aS(true, b, r, null) // s = J.aw(a) s = a.length if (b < 0 || b >= s) return P.ft(b, a, r, null, s) return P.k0(b, r) }, uP(a, b, c) { if (a > c) return P.a8(a, 0, c, "start", null) if (b != null) if (b < a || b > c) return P.a8(b, a, c, "end", null) return new P.aS(true, b, "end", null) }, R(a) { return new P.aS(true, a, null, null) }, ar(a) { if (typeof a != "number") throw H.wrap_expression(H.R(a)) return a }, wrap_expression(a) { var s, r if (a == null) a = new P.fL() s = new Error() s.dartException = a r = H.vn if ("defineProperty" in Object) { Object.defineProperty(s, "message", { get: r }) s.name = "" } else s.toString = r return s }, vn() { return J.b4(this.dartException) }, throw_expression(a) { throw H.wrap_expression(a) }, F(a) { throw H.wrap_expression(P.aK(a)) }, br(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, n a = H.quoteStringForRegExp(a.replace(String({}), "$receiver$")) s = a.match(/\\\$[a-zA-Z]+\\\$/g) if (s == null) s = H.b([], t.s) r = s.indexOf("\\$arguments\\$") q = s.indexOf("\\$argumentsExpr\\$") p = s.indexOf("\\$expr\\$") o = s.indexOf("\\$method\\$") n = s.indexOf("\\$receiver\\$") return new H.kh(a.replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$arguments\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$argumentsExpr\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$expr\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$method\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)").replace(new RegExp("\\\\\\$receiver\\\\\\$", "g"), "((?:x|[^x])*)"), r, q, p, o, n) }, ki(a) { return function ($expr$) { var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$" try { $expr$.$method$($argumentsExpr$) } catch (s) { return s.message } }(a) }, o8(a) { return function ($expr$) { try { $expr$.$method$ } catch (s) { return s.message } }(a) }, JsNoSuchMethodError(a, b) { var s = b == null, r = s ? null : b.method return new H.JsNoSuchMethodError(a, r, s ? null : b.receiver) }, unwrap_Exception(ex) { if (ex == null) return new H.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException(ex) if (ex instanceof H.ExceptionAndStackTrace) return H.saveStackTrace(ex, ex.a) if (typeof ex !== "object") return ex if ("dartException" in ex) return H.saveStackTrace(ex, ex.dartException) return H._unwrapNonDartException(ex) }, saveStackTrace(ex, err) { if (t.u.b(err)) if (err.$thrownJsError == null) err.$thrownJsError = ex return err }, _unwrapNonDartException(ex) { var message, number, is_error_code, t1, nsme, not_closure, null_call, null_literal_call, undef_call, undef_literal_call, null_property, undef_property, undef_literal_property, match, e = null if (!("message" in ex)) return ex message = ex.message if ("number" in ex && typeof ex.number == "number") { number = ex.number is_error_code = number & 65535 if ((C.JsInt.am(number, 16) & 8191) === 10) switch (is_error_code) { case 438: return H.saveStackTrace(ex, H.JsNoSuchMethodError(H.as_string(message) + " (Error " + is_error_code + ")", e)) case 445: case 5007: t1 = H.as_string(message) + " (Error " + is_error_code + ")" return H.saveStackTrace(ex, new H.NullError(t1, e)) } } if (ex instanceof TypeError) { nsme = $.r7() not_closure = $.r8() null_call = $.r9() null_literal_call = $.ra() undef_call = $.rd() undef_literal_call = $.re() null_property = $.rc() $.rb() undef_property = $.rg() undef_literal_property = $.rf() match = nsme.aH(message) if (match != null) return H.saveStackTrace(ex, H.JsNoSuchMethodError(message, match)) else { match = not_closure.aH(message) if (match != null) { match.method = "call" return H.saveStackTrace(ex, H.JsNoSuchMethodError(message, match)) } else { match = null_call.aH(message) if (match == null) { match = null_literal_call.aH(message) if (match == null) { match = undef_call.aH(message) if (match == null) { match = undef_literal_call.aH(message) if (match == null) { match = null_property.aH(message) if (match == null) { match = null_literal_call.aH(message) if (match == null) { match = undef_property.aH(message) if (match == null) { match = undef_literal_property.aH(message) t1 = match != null } else t1 = true } else t1 = true } else t1 = true } else t1 = true } else t1 = true } else t1 = true } else t1 = true if (t1) { return H.saveStackTrace(ex, new H.NullError(message, match == null ? e : match.method)) } } } return H.saveStackTrace(ex, new H.hU(typeof message == "string" ? message : "")) } if (ex instanceof RangeError) { if (typeof message == "string" && message.indexOf("call stack") !== -1) return new P.el() message = function (b) { try { return String(b) } catch (d) { } return null }(ex) return H.saveStackTrace(ex, new P.aS(false, e, e, typeof message == "string" ? message.replace(/^RangeError:\s*/, "") : message)) } if (typeof InternalError == "function" && ex instanceof InternalError) if (typeof message == "string" && message === "too much recursion") return new P.el() return ex }, getTraceFromException(a) { var s if (a instanceof H.ExceptionAndStackTrace) return a.b if (a == null) return new H.eE(a) s = a.$cachedTrace if (s != null) return s return a.$cachedTrace = new H.eE(a) }, vd(a) { if (a == null || typeof a != "object") return J.lZ(a) else return H.Primitives_objectHashCode(a) }, uQ(a, b) { var s, r, q, p = a.length for (s = 0; s < p; s = q) { r = s + 1 q = r + 1 b.m(0, a[s], a[r]) } return b }, invokeClosure(closure, numberOfArguments, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) { switch (numberOfArguments) { case 0: return closure.$0() case 1: return closure.$1(arg1) case 2: return closure.$2(arg1, arg2) case 3: return closure.$3(arg1, arg2, arg3) case 4: return closure.$4(arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) } throw H.wrap_expression(new P.kG("Unsupported number of arguments for wrapped closure")) }, // MARK: convert_dart_closure_to_js_md5 // convertDartClosureToJS convert_dart_closure_to_js_md5(closure, arity) { var func if (closure == null) return null func = closure.$identity // if (!!s) return s if (func) return func func = function (closure_, arity_, invoker) { return function (arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) { return invoker(closure_, arity_, arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4) } }(closure, arity, H.invokeClosure) closure.$identity = func return func }, Closure_fromTearOff(a2) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i = a2.co, h = a2.iS, g = a2.iI, f = a2.nDA, e = a2.aI, d = a2.fs, c = a2.cs, b = d[0], a = c[0], a0 = i[b], a1 = a2.fT a1.toString s = h ? Object.create(new H.StaticClosure().constructor.prototype) : Object.create(new H.BoundClosure(null, null).constructor.prototype) s.$initialize = s.constructor if (h) r = function static_tear_off() { this.$initialize() } else { q = $.bk $.bk = q + 1 q = new Function("a,b" + q, "this.$initialize(a,b" + q + ")") r = q } s.constructor = r r.prototype = s s.$_name = b s.$_target = a0 q = !h if (q) p = H.Closure_forwardCallTo(b, a0, g, f) else { s.$static_name = b p = a0 } s.$S = H.Closure__computeSignatureFunctionNewRti(a1, h, g) s[a] = p for (o = p, n = 1; n < d.length; ++n) { m = d[n] if (typeof m == "string") { l = i[m] k = m m = l } else k = "" j = c[n] if (j != null) { if (q) m = H.Closure_forwardCallTo(k, m, g, f) s[j] = m } if (n === e) o = m } s.$C = o s.$R = a2.rC s.$D = a2.dV return r }, Closure__computeSignatureFunctionNewRti(a, b, c) { if (typeof a == "number") return a if (typeof a == "string") { if (b) throw H.wrap_expression("Cannot compute signature for static tearoff.") return function (d, e) { return function () { return e(this, d) } }(a, H.rF) } throw H.wrap_expression("Error in functionType of tearoff") }, Closure_cspForwardCall(arity, is_super_call, stub_name, func) { var get_self = H.BoundClosure_selfOf switch (is_super_call ? -1 : arity) { case 0: return function (e, f) { return function () { return f(this)[e]() } }(stub_name, get_self) case 1: return function (e, f) { return function (g) { return f(this)[e](g) } }(stub_name, get_self) case 2: return function (e, f) { return function (g, h) { return f(this)[e](g, h) } }(stub_name, get_self) case 3: return function (e, f) { return function (g, h, i) { return f(this)[e](g, h, i) } }(stub_name, get_self) case 4: return function (e, f) { return function (g, h, i, j) { return f(this)[e](g, h, i, j) } }(stub_name, get_self) case 5: return function (e, f) { return function (g, h, i, j, k) { return f(this)[e](g, h, i, j, k) } }(stub_name, get_self) default: return function (e, f) { return function () { return e.apply(f(this), arguments) } }(func, get_self) } }, Closure_forwardCallTo(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n = "receiver" if (c) return H.Closure_forwardInterceptedCallTo(a, b, d) s = b.length r = d || s >= 27 if (r) return H.Closure_cspForwardCall(s, d, a, b) if (s === 0) { r = $.bk $.bk = r + 1 q = "self" + H.as_string(r) r = "return function(){var " + q + " = this." p = $.dh return new Function(r + (p == null ? $.dh = H.BoundClosure_selfFieldName(n) : p) + ";return " + q + "." + H.as_string(a) + "();}")() } o = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split("").splice(0, s).join(",") r = $.bk $.bk = r + 1 o += H.as_string(r) r = "return function(" + o + "){return this." p = $.dh return new Function(r + (p == null ? $.dh = H.BoundClosure_selfFieldName(n) : p) + "." + H.as_string(a) + "(" + o + ");}")() }, Closure_cspForwardInterceptedCall(arity, is_super_call, name, func) { var get_self = H.BoundClosure_selfOf, get_receiver = H.BoundClosure_receiverOf switch (is_super_call ? -1 : arity) { case 0: throw H.wrap_expression(new H.RuntimeError("Intercepted function with no arguments.")) case 1: return function (e, f, g) { return function () { return f(this)[e](g(this)) } }(name, get_receiver, get_self) case 2: return function (e, f, g) { return function (h) { return f(this)[e](g(this), h) } }(name, get_receiver, get_self) case 3: return function (e, f, g) { return function (h, i) { return f(this)[e](g(this), h, i) } }(name, get_receiver, get_self) case 4: return function (e, f, g) { return function (h, i, j) { return f(this)[e](g(this), h, i, j) } }(name, get_receiver, get_self) case 5: return function (e, f, g) { return function (h, i, j, k) { return f(this)[e](g(this), h, i, j, k) } }(name, get_receiver, get_self) case 6: return function (e, f, g) { return function (h, i, j, k, l) { return f(this)[e](g(this), h, i, j, k, l) } }(name, get_receiver, get_self) default: return function (e, f, g) { return function () { var q = [g(this)] Array.prototype.push.apply(q, arguments) return e.apply(f(this), q) } }(func, get_receiver, get_self) } }, Closure_forwardInterceptedCallTo(a, b, c) { var stub_name, arity, looked_up_func, t1, t2, args = $.nE if (args == null) args = $.nE = H.BoundClosure_selfFieldName("interceptor") stub_name = $.dh if (stub_name == null) stub_name = $.dh = H.BoundClosure_selfFieldName("receiver") arity = b.length looked_up_func = c || arity >= 28 if (looked_up_func) return H.Closure_cspForwardInterceptedCall(arity, c, a, b) if (arity === 1) { looked_up_func = "return function(){return this." + args + "." + H.as_string(a) + "(this." + stub_name + ");" t1 = $.bk $.bk = t1 + 1 return new Function(looked_up_func + H.as_string(t1) + "}")() } t2 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz".split("").splice(0, arity - 1).join(",") looked_up_func = "return function(" + t2 + "){return this." + args + "." + H.as_string(a) + "(this." + stub_name + ", " + t2 + ");" t1 = $.bk $.bk = t1 + 1 return new Function(looked_up_func + H.as_string(t1) + "}")() }, mx(a) { // 理论上不能改, 但是似乎可以 // 上面是因为这玩意在普通版里是用来拼接的, 但是这里似乎没用于拼接 return H.Closure_fromTearOff(a) }, rF(a, b) { // BoundClosure_evalRecipe // or // BoundClosure_evalRecipeIntercepted return H._Universe_evalInEnvironment(init.typeUniverse, H.instanceType(a.a), b) }, BoundClosure_selfOf(a) { return a.a }, BoundClosure_receiverOf(a) { return a.b }, BoundClosure_selfFieldName(a) { var s, r, q, p = new H.BoundClosure("receiver", "interceptor"), o = J.nL(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(p)) for (s = o.length, r = 0; r < s; ++r) { q = o[r] if (p[q] === a) return q } throw H.wrap_expression(P.bz("Field name " + a + " not found.", null)) }, throwCyclicInit(a) { throw H.wrap_expression(new P.CyclicInitializationError(a)) }, getIsolateAffinityTag(a) { return init.getIsolateTag(a) }, defineProperty(a, b, c) { // 笑死, 根本没人用 Object.defineProperty(a, b, { value: c, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true }) }, lookupAndCacheInterceptor(obj) { var s, r, q, p, o, n = $.oB.$1(obj), m = $.lt[n] if (m != null) { Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, { value: m, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true }) return m.i } s = $.ly[n] if (s != null) return s r = init.interceptorsByTag[n] if (r == null) { q = $.ov.$2(obj, n) if (q != null) { m = $.lt[q] if (m != null) { Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, { value: m, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true }) return m.i } s = $.ly[q] if (s != null) return s r = init.interceptorsByTag[q] n = q } } if (r == null) return null s = r.prototype p = n[0] if (p === "!") { m = H.makeLeafDispatchRecord(s) $.lt[n] = m Object.defineProperty(obj, init.dispatchPropertyName, { value: m, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true }) return m.i } if (p === "~") { $.ly[n] = s return s } if (p === "-") { o = H.makeLeafDispatchRecord(s) Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), init.dispatchPropertyName, { value: o, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true }) return o.i } if (p === "+") return H.patchInteriorProto(obj, s) if (p === "*") throw H.wrap_expression(P.hT(n)) if (init.leafTags[n] === true) { o = H.makeLeafDispatchRecord(s) Object.defineProperty(Object.getPrototypeOf(obj), init.dispatchPropertyName, { value: o, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true }) return o.i } else return H.patchInteriorProto(obj, s) }, patchInteriorProto(a, b) { var s = Object.getPrototypeOf(a) Object.defineProperty(s, init.dispatchPropertyName, { value: J.makeDispatchRecord(b, s, null, null), enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true }) return b }, makeLeafDispatchRecord(a) { return J.makeDispatchRecord(a, false, null, !!a.$iag) }, makeDefaultDispatchRecord(a, b, c) { var s = b.prototype if (init.leafTags[a] === true) return H.makeLeafDispatchRecord(s) else return J.makeDispatchRecord(s, c, null, null) }, initNativeDispatch() { if (true === $.mA) return $.mA = true if (!run_env.from_code) { H.initNativeDispatchContinue() } }, initNativeDispatchContinue() { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l $.lt = Object.create(null) $.ly = Object.create(null) H.initHooks() s = init.interceptorsByTag r = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(s) // 检测是否在网页内运行 if (typeof window != "undefined") { window q = function () { } for (p = 0; p < r.length; ++p) { o = r[p] n = $.oL.$1(o) if (n != null) { m = H.makeDefaultDispatchRecord(o, s[o], n) if (m != null) { Object.defineProperty(n, init.dispatchPropertyName, { value: m, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true }) q.prototype = n } } } } for (p = 0; p < r.length; ++p) { o = r[p] if (/^[A-Za-z_]/.test(o)) { l = s[o] s["!" + o] = l s["~" + o] = l s["-" + o] = l s["+" + o] = l s["*" + o] = l } } }, initHooks() { var p, o, n, m = C.w() p = m.getTag o = m.getUnknownTag n = m.prototypeForTag $.oB = new H.lv(p) $.ov = new H.lw(o) $.oL = new H.lx(n) }, // 笑死了, 我把所有调用删掉了(在之前的commit) // applyHooksTransformer(transformer, hooks) { // return transformer(hooks) || hooks // }, JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(source, multiline, case_sensitive, unicode, dot_all, global) { var s = multiline ? "m" : "", r = case_sensitive ? "" : "i", q = unicode ? "u" : "", p = dot_all ? "s" : "", o = global ? "g" : "", regex_xp = function (source, modifiers) { try { return new RegExp(source, modifiers) } catch (e) { return e } }(source, s + r + q + p + o) if (regex_xp instanceof RegExp) return regex_xp throw H.wrap_expression(P.FormatException("Illegal RegExp pattern (" + String(regex_xp) + ")", source, null)) }, iF(a, b, c) { var s if (typeof b == "string") return a.indexOf(b, c) >= 0 else { s = J.lU(b, C.String.ay(a, c)) s = s.gbv(s) return !s } }, oz(a) { if (a.indexOf("$", 0) >= 0) return a.replace(/\$/g, "$$$$") return a }, vk(a, b, c, d) { var s = b.d_(a, d) if (s == null) return a return H.mG(a, s.b.index, s.gbh(), c) }, quoteStringForRegExp(a) { if (/[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/.test(a)) return a.replace(/[[\]{}()*+?.\\^$|]/g, "\\$&") return a }, mF(a, b, c) { var s = H.vj(a, b, c) return s }, vj(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p if (b === "") { if (a === "") return c s = a.length for (r = c, q = 0; q < s; ++q) r = r + a[q] + c return r.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? r : r } p = a.indexOf(b, 0) if (p < 0) return a if (a.length < 500 || c.indexOf("$", 0) >= 0) return a.split(b).join(c) return a.replace(new RegExp(H.quoteStringForRegExp(b), "g"), H.oz(c)) }, mv(a) { return a }, oO(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p if (typeof b == "string") return H.vi(a, b, c, H.uv()) if (!t.eh.b(b)) throw H.wrap_expression(P.da(b, "pattern", "is not a Pattern")) for (s = J.lU(b, a), s = s.ga0(s), r = 0, q = ""; s.u();) { p = s.gC() q = q + H.as_string(H.mv(C.String.af(a, r, p.gbc(p)))) + H.as_string(c.$1(p)) r = p.gbh() } s = q + H.as_string(H.mv(C.String.ay(a, r))) return s.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? s : s }, vh(a, b, c) { var s, r, q = a.length, p = H.as_string(c.$1("")) for (s = 0; s < q;) { p += H.as_string(b.$1(new H.bK(s, ""))) if ((C.String.a8(a, s) & 4294966272) === 55296 && q > s + 1) if ((C.String.a8(a, s + 1) & 4294966272) === 56320) { r = s + 2 p += H.as_string(c.$1(C.String.af(a, s, r))) s = r continue } p += H.as_string(c.$1(a[s])); ++s } p = p + H.as_string(b.$1(new H.bK(s, ""))) + H.as_string(c.$1("")) return p.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? p : p }, vi(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o = b.length if (o === 0) return H.vh(a, c, d) s = a.length for (r = 0, q = ""; r < s;) { p = a.indexOf(b, r) if (p === -1) break q = q + H.as_string(d.$1(C.String.af(a, r, p))) + H.as_string(c.$1(new H.bK(p, b))) r = p + o } q += H.as_string(d.$1(C.String.ay(a, r))) return q.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? q : q }, iG(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n if (typeof b == "string") { s = a.indexOf(b, d) if (s < 0) return a return H.mG(a, s, s + b.length, c) } if (b instanceof H.JSSyntaxRegExp) return d === 0 ? a.replace(b.b, H.oz(c)) : H.vk(a, b, c, d) if (b == null) H.throw_expression(H.R(b)) r = J.rt(b, a, d) q = r.ga0(r) if (!q.u()) return a p = q.gC() r = p.gbc(p) o = p.gbh() n = P.cE(r, o, a.length) return H.mG(a, r, n, c) }, mG(a, b, c, d) { var s = a.substring(0, b), r = a.substring(c) return s + d + r }, kh: function kh(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.e = e _.f = f }, NullError: function dP(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, JsNoSuchMethodError: function fx(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = c }, hU: function hU(a) { this.a = a }, NullThrownFromJavaScriptException: function jR(a) { this.a = a }, ExceptionAndStackTrace: function dt(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, eE: function eE(a) { this.a = a this.b = null }, c_: function c_() { }, j5: function j5() { }, j6: function j6() { }, TearOffClosure: function kg() { }, StaticClosure: function kc() { }, BoundClosure: function dg(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, RuntimeError: function h3(a) { this.a = a }, JsLinkedHashMap: function aT(a) { var _ = this _.a = 0 _.f = _.e = _.d = _.c = _.b = null _.r = 0 _.$ti = a }, JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure: function jH(a) { this.a = a }, jK: function jK(a, b) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.d = _.c = null }, dC: function dC(a, b) { this.a = a this.$ti = b }, fA: function fA(a, b) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.d = _.c = null }, lv: function lv(a) { this.a = a }, lw: function lw(a) { this.a = a }, lx: function lx(a) { this.a = a }, JSSyntaxRegExp: function ct(a, b) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.d = _.c = null }, ew: function ew(a) { this.b = a }, hZ: function hZ(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = c }, kz: function kz(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = null }, bK: function bK(a, b) { this.a = a this.c = b }, ip: function ip(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = c }, l3: function l3(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = null }, mq(a, b, c) { if (!H.aP(b)) throw H.wrap_expression(P.bz("Invalid view offsetInBytes " + H.as_string(b), null)) }, on(a) { return a }, fJ(a, b, c) { var s H.mq(a, b, c) s = new Uint8Array(a, b) return s }, _checkValidIndex(index, list, len) { if (index >>> 0 !== index || index >= len) throw H.wrap_expression(H.bQ(list, index)) }, ug(a, b, c) { var s if (!(a >>> 0 !== a)) s = b >>> 0 !== b || a > b || b > c else s = true if (s) throw H.wrap_expression(H.uP(a, b, c)) return b }, dJ: function dJ() { }, ab: function ab() { }, NativeTypedArray: function cw() { }, NativeTypedArrayOfDouble: function c9() { }, NativeTypedArrayOfInt: function dK() { }, fE: function fE() { }, fF: function fF() { }, fG: function fG() { }, fH: function fH() { }, fI: function fI() { }, dL: function dL() { }, cx: function cx() { }, _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin: function ey() { }, _NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin: function ez() { }, _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin: function eA() { }, _NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin: function eB() { }, Rti__getQuestionFromStar(a, b) { var s = b.c return s == null ? b.c = H._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(a, b.z, true) : s }, Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(a, b) { var s = b.c return s == null ? b.c = H._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(a, "bl", [b.z]) : s }, Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(a) { var s = a.y if (s === 6 || s === 7 || s === 8) return H.Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(a.z) return s === 11 || s === 12 }, Rti__getCanonicalRecipe(a) { return a.cy }, findType(a) { return H._Universe_addErasedTypes(init.typeUniverse, a, false) }, _substitute(a, b, a0, a1) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c = b.y switch (c) { case 5: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: return b case 6: s = b.z r = H._substitute(a, s, a0, a1) if (r === s) return b return H._Universe__lookupStarRti(a, r, true) case 7: s = b.z r = H._substitute(a, s, a0, a1) if (r === s) return b return H._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(a, r, true) case 8: s = b.z r = H._substitute(a, s, a0, a1) if (r === s) return b return H._Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(a, r, true) case 9: q = b.Q p = H._substituteArray(a, q, a0, a1) if (p === q) return b return H._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(a, b.z, p) case 10: o = b.z n = H._substitute(a, o, a0, a1) m = b.Q l = H._substituteArray(a, m, a0, a1) if (n === o && l === m) return b return H._Universe__lookupBindingRti(a, n, l) case 11: k = b.z j = H._substitute(a, k, a0, a1) i = b.Q h = H._substituteFunctionParameters(a, i, a0, a1) if (j === k && h === i) return b return H._Universe__lookupFunctionRti(a, j, h) case 12: g = b.Q a1 += g.length f = H._substituteArray(a, g, a0, a1) o = b.z n = H._substitute(a, o, a0, a1) if (f === g && n === o) return b return H._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(a, n, f, true) case 13: e = b.z if (e < a1) return b d = a0[e - a1] if (d == null) return b return d default: throw H.wrap_expression(P.iP("Attempted to substitute unexpected RTI kind " + c)) } }, _substituteArray(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o = b.length, n = H.ld(o) for (s = false, r = 0; r < o; ++r) { q = b[r] p = H._substitute(a, q, c, d) if (p !== q) s = true n[r] = p } return s ? n : b }, _substituteNamed(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = b.length, l = H.ld(m) for (s = false, r = 0; r < m; r += 3) { q = b[r] p = b[r + 1] o = b[r + 2] n = H._substitute(a, o, c, d) if (n !== o) s = true l.splice(r, 3, q, p, n) } return s ? l : b }, _substituteFunctionParameters(a, b, c, d) { var s, r = b.a, q = H._substituteArray(a, r, c, d), p = b.b, o = H._substituteArray(a, p, c, d), n = b.c, m = H._substituteNamed(a, n, c, d) if (q === r && o === p && m === n) return b s = new H.ib() s.a = q s.b = o s.c = m return s }, b(a, b) { a[init.arrayRti] = b return a }, closureFunctionType(a) { var s = a.$S if (s != null) { if (typeof s == "number") return H.uU(s) return a.$S() } return null }, instanceOrFunctionType(a, b) { var s if (H.Rti__isUnionOfFunctionType(b)) if (a instanceof H.c_) { s = H.closureFunctionType(a) if (s != null) return s } return H.instanceType(a) }, instanceType(a) { var s if (a instanceof P.Object) { s = a.$ti return s != null ? s : H._instanceTypeFromConstructor(a) } if (Array.isArray(a)) return H._arrayInstanceType(a) return H._instanceTypeFromConstructor(J.cV(a)) }, _arrayInstanceType(a) { var s = a[init.arrayRti], r = t.gn if (s == null) return r if (s.constructor !== r.constructor) return r return s }, _instanceType(a) { var s = a.$ti return s != null ? s : H._instanceTypeFromConstructor(a) }, _instanceTypeFromConstructor(a) { var s = a.constructor, r = s.$ccache if (r != null) return r return H._instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss(a, s) }, _instanceTypeFromConstructorMiss(a, b) { var s = a instanceof H.c_ ? a.__proto__.__proto__.constructor : b, r = H.u9(init.typeUniverse, s.name) b.$ccache = r return r }, uU(a) { var s, r = init.types, q = r[a] if (typeof q == "string") { s = H._Universe_addErasedTypes(init.typeUniverse, q, false) r[a] = s return s } return q }, mz(a) { var s, r, q, p = a.x if (p != null) return p s = a.cy r = s.replace(/\*/g, "") if (r === s) return a.x = new H.iu(a) q = H._Universe_addErasedTypes(init.typeUniverse, r, true) p = q.x return a.x = p == null ? q.x = new H.iu(q) : p }, vp(a) { return H.mz(H._Universe_addErasedTypes(init.typeUniverse, a, false)) }, ul(a) { var s, r, q, p = this, o = t.K if (p === o) return H.cQ(p, a, H.uq) if (!H.isStrongTopType(p)) if (!(p === t.c)) o = p === o else o = true else o = true if (o) return H.cQ(p, a, H.ut) o = p.y s = o === 6 ? p.z : p if (s === t.ci) r = H.aP else if (s === t.gR || s === t.di) r = H.up else if (s === t.N) r = H.ur else r = s === t.y ? H.lm : null if (r != null) return H.cQ(p, a, r) if (s.y === 9) { q = s.z if (s.Q.every(H.v0)) { p.r = "$i" + q if (q === "w") return H.cQ(p, a, H.uo) return H.cQ(p, a, H.us) } } else if (o === 7) return H.cQ(p, a, H.uj) return H.cQ(p, a, H.uh) }, cQ(a, b, c) { a.b = c return a.b(b) }, _installSpecializedAsCheck(a) { var s, r, this_ = this if (!H.isStrongTopType(this_)) { if (!(this_ === t.c)) { s = this_ === t.K } else { s = true } } else { s = true } if (s) { r = H.ue } else { if (this_ === t.K) { r = H.ud } else { r = H._generalNullableAsCheckImplementation } } this_.a = r return this_.a(a) }, ln(a) { var t1, r = a.y if (!H.isStrongTopType(a)) if (!(a === t.c)) if (!(a === t.aw)) if (r !== 7) t1 = r === 8 && H.ln(a.z) || a === t.P || a === t.T else t1 = true else t1 = true else t1 = true else t1 = true return t1 }, uh(a) { var s = this if (a == null) return H.ln(s) return H._isSubtype(init.typeUniverse, H.instanceOrFunctionType(a, s), null, s, null) }, uj(a) { if (a == null) return true return this.z.b(a) }, us(a) { var s, r = this if (a == null) return H.ln(r) s = r.r if (a instanceof P.Object) return !!a[s] return !!J.cV(a)[s] }, uo(a) { var s, r = this if (a == null) return H.ln(r) if (typeof a != "object") return false if (Array.isArray(a)) return true s = r.r if (a instanceof P.Object) return !!a[s] return !!J.cV(a)[s] }, Au(a) { var s = this if (a == null) return a else if (s.b(a)) return a H._failedAsCheck(a, s) }, _generalNullableAsCheckImplementation(a) { var s = this if (a == null) return a // set run time info else if (s.b(a)) return a // console.log("faild nullable as check", a, s) let stack = new Error().stack // console.log(stack) H._failedAsCheck(a, s) }, _failedAsCheck(a, b) { throw H.wrap_expression(H.u_(H._Error_compose(a, H.instanceOrFunctionType(a, b), H._rtiToString(b, null)))) }, _Error_compose(a, b, c) { var s = P.jh(a), r = H._rtiToString(b == null ? H.instanceType(a) : b, null) return s + ": type '" + H.as_string(r) + "' is not a subtype of type '" + H.as_string(c) + "'" }, u_(a) { return new H.eI("TypeError: " + a) }, aC(a, b) { return new H.eI("TypeError: " + H._Error_compose(a, null, b)) }, uq(a) { return a != null }, ud(a) { return a }, ut(a) { return true }, ue(a) { return a }, lm(a) { return true === a || false === a }, Ag(a) { if (true === a) return true if (false === a) return false throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "bool")) }, Ai(a) { if (true === a) return true if (false === a) return false if (a == null) return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "bool")) }, Ah(a) { if (true === a) return true if (false === a) return false if (a == null) return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "bool?")) }, Aj(a) { if (typeof a == "number") return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "double")) }, Al(a) { if (typeof a == "number") return a if (a == null) return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "double")) }, Ak(a) { if (typeof a == "number") return a if (a == null) return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "double?")) }, aP(a) { return typeof a == "number" && Math.floor(a) === a }, Am(a) { if (typeof a == "number" && Math.floor(a) === a) return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "int")) }, Ao(a) { if (typeof a == "number" && Math.floor(a) === a) return a if (a == null) return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "int")) }, An(a) { if (typeof a == "number" && Math.floor(a) === a) return a if (a == null) return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "int?")) }, up(a) { return typeof a == "number" }, Ap(a) { if (typeof a == "number") return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "num")) }, Ar(a) { if (typeof a == "number") return a if (a == null) return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "num")) }, Aq(a) { if (typeof a == "number") return a if (a == null) return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "num?")) }, ur(a) { return typeof a == "string" }, As(a) { if (typeof a == "string") return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "String")) }, lg(a) { if (typeof a == "string") return a if (a == null) return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "String")) }, At(a) { if (typeof a == "string") return a if (a == null) return a throw H.wrap_expression(H.aC(a, "String?")) }, uB(a, b) { var s, r, q for (s = "", r = "", q = 0; q < a.length; ++q, r = ", ") s += C.String.B(r, H._rtiToString(a[q], b)) return s }, op(a4, a5, a6) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a, a0, a1, a2, a3 = ", " if (a6 != null) { s = a6.length if (a5 == null) { a5 = H.b([], t.s) r = null } else r = a5.length q = a5.length for (p = s; p > 0; --p) a5.push("T" + (q + p)) for (o = t.cK, n = t.c, m = t.K, l = "<", k = "", p = 0; p < s; ++p, k = a3) { l = C.String.B(l + k, a5[a5.length - 1 - p]) j = a6[p] i = j.y if (!(i === 2 || i === 3 || i === 4 || i === 5 || j === o)) if (!(j === n)) h = j === m else h = true else h = true if (!h) l += C.String.B(" extends ", H._rtiToString(j, a5)) } l += ">" } else { l = "" r = null } o = a4.z g = a4.Q f = g.a e = f.length d = g.b c = d.length b = g.c a = b.length a0 = H._rtiToString(o, a5) for (a1 = "", a2 = "", p = 0; p < e; ++p, a2 = a3) a1 += C.String.B(a2, H._rtiToString(f[p], a5)) if (c > 0) { a1 += a2 + "[" for (a2 = "", p = 0; p < c; ++p, a2 = a3) a1 += C.String.B(a2, H._rtiToString(d[p], a5)) a1 += "]" } if (a > 0) { a1 += a2 + "{" for (a2 = "", p = 0; p < a; p += 3, a2 = a3) { a1 += a2 if (b[p + 1]) a1 += "required " a1 += J.iN(H._rtiToString(b[p + 2], a5), " ") + b[p] } a1 += "}" } if (r != null) { a5.toString a5.length = r } return l + "(" + a1 + ") => " + H.as_string(a0) }, _rtiToString(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = a.y if (m === 5) return "erased" if (m === 2) return "dynamic" if (m === 3) return "void" if (m === 1) return "Never" if (m === 4) return "any" if (m === 6) { s = H._rtiToString(a.z, b) return s } if (m === 7) { r = a.z s = H._rtiToString(r, b) q = r.y return J.iN(q === 11 || q === 12 ? C.String.B("(", s) + ")" : s, "?") } if (m === 8) return "FutureOr<" + H.as_string(H._rtiToString(a.z, b)) + ">" if (m === 9) { p = H.uG(a.z) o = a.Q return o.length > 0 ? p + ("<" + H.uB(o, b) + ">") : p } if (m === 11) return H.op(a, b, null) if (m === 12) return H.op(a.z, b, a.Q) if (m === 13) { b.toString n = a.z return b[b.length - 1 - n] } return "?" }, uG(a) { var s, r = init.mangledGlobalNames[a] if (r != null) return r s = "minified:" + a return s }, ua(a, b) { var s = a.tR[b] for (; typeof s == "string";) s = a.tR[s] return s }, u9(universe, b) { var s, r, q, p, o, n = universe.eT, m = n[b] if (m == null) return H._Universe_addErasedTypes(universe, b, false) else if (typeof m == "number") { s = m r = H._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(universe, 5, "#") q = H.ld(s) for (p = 0; p < s; ++p) q[p] = r o = H._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(universe, b, q) n[b] = o return o } else return m }, _Universe_addRules(universe, b) { return H.ol(universe.tR, b) }, _Universe_addErasedTypes(universe, b) { return H.ol(universe.eT, b) }, _Universe_addErasedTypes(universe, b, c) { var s, r = universe.eC, q = r.get(b) if (q != null) return q s = H._Parser_parse(H.oe(universe, null, b, c)) r.set(b, s) return s }, _Universe_evalInEnvironment(universe, b, c) { var s, r, q = b.ch if (q == null) q = b.ch = new Map() s = q.get(c) if (s != null) return s r = H._Parser_parse(H.oe(universe, b, c, true)) q.set(c, r) return r }, _Universe_bind(universe, b, c) { var s, r, q, p = b.cx if (p == null) p = b.cx = new Map() s = c.cy r = p.get(s) if (r != null) return r q = H._Universe__lookupBindingRti(universe, b, c.y === 10 ? c.Q : [c]) p.set(s, q) return q }, _Universe__installTypeTests(a, b) { b.a = H._installSpecializedAsCheck b.b = H.ul return b }, _Universe__lookupTerminalRti(a, b, c) { var s, r, q = a.eC.get(c) if (q != null) return q s = new H.Rti(null, null) s.y = b s.cy = c r = H._Universe__installTypeTests(a, s) a.eC.set(c, r) return r }, _Universe__lookupStarRti(a, b, c) { var s, r = b.cy + "*", q = a.eC.get(r) if (q != null) return q s = H.u4(a, b, r, c) a.eC.set(r, s) return s }, u4(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q if (d) { s = b.y if (!H.isStrongTopType(b)) r = b === t.P || b === t.T || s === 7 || s === 6 else r = true if (r) return b } q = new H.Rti(null, null) q.y = 6 q.z = b q.cy = c return H._Universe__installTypeTests(a, q) }, _Universe__lookupQuestionRti(a, b, c) { var s, r = b.cy + "?", q = a.eC.get(r) if (q != null) return q s = H.u3(a, b, r, c) a.eC.set(r, s) return s }, u3(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p if (d) { s = b.y if (!H.isStrongTopType(b)) if (!(b === t.P || b === t.T)) if (s !== 7) r = s === 8 && H.lz(b.z) else r = true else r = true else r = true if (r) return b else if (s === 1 || b === t.aw) return t.P else if (s === 6) { q = b.z if (q.y === 8 && H.lz(q.z)) return q else return H.Rti__getQuestionFromStar(a, b) } } p = new H.Rti(null, null) p.y = 7 p.z = b p.cy = c return H._Universe__installTypeTests(a, p) }, _Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(a, b, c) { var s, r = b.cy + "/", q = a.eC.get(r) if (q != null) return q s = H.u1(a, b, r, c) a.eC.set(r, s) return s }, u1(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q if (d) { s = b.y if (!H.isStrongTopType(b)) if (!(b === t.c)) r = b === t.K else r = true else r = true if (r || b === t.K) return b else if (s === 1) return H._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(a, "bl", [b]) else if (b === t.P || b === t.T) return t.bG } q = new H.Rti(null, null) q.y = 8 q.z = b q.cy = c return H._Universe__installTypeTests(a, q) }, _Universe__lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti(a, b) { var s, r, q = "" + b + "^", p = a.eC.get(q) if (p != null) return p s = new H.Rti(null, null) s.y = 13 s.z = b s.cy = q r = H._Universe__installTypeTests(a, s) a.eC.set(q, r) return r }, iv(a) { var s, r, q, p = a.length for (s = "", r = "", q = 0; q < p; ++q, r = ",") s += r + a[q].cy return s }, u0(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = a.length for (s = "", r = "", q = 0; q < m; q += 3, r = ",") { p = a[q] o = a[q + 1] ? "!" : ":" n = a[q + 2].cy s += r + p + o + n } return s }, _Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p = b if (c.length > 0) p += "<" + H.iv(c) + ">" s = a.eC.get(p) if (s != null) return s r = new H.Rti(null, null) r.y = 9 r.z = b r.Q = c if (c.length > 0) r.c = c[0] r.cy = p q = H._Universe__installTypeTests(a, r) a.eC.set(p, q) return q }, _Universe__lookupBindingRti(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p, o, n if (b.y === 10) { s = b.z r = b.Q.concat(c) } else { r = c s = b } q = s.cy + (";<" + H.iv(r) + ">") p = a.eC.get(q) if (p != null) return p o = new H.Rti(null, null) o.y = 10 o.z = s o.Q = r o.cy = q n = H._Universe__installTypeTests(a, o) a.eC.set(q, n) return n }, _Universe__lookupFunctionRti(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p, o, n = b.cy, m = c.a, l = m.length, k = c.b, j = k.length, i = c.c, h = i.length, g = "(" + H.iv(m) if (j > 0) { s = l > 0 ? "," : "" r = H.iv(k) g += s + "[" + r + "]" } if (h > 0) { s = l > 0 ? "," : "" r = H.u0(i) g += s + "{" + r + "}" } q = n + (g + ")") p = a.eC.get(q) if (p != null) return p o = new H.Rti(null, null) o.y = 11 o.z = b o.Q = c o.cy = q r = H._Universe__installTypeTests(a, o) a.eC.set(q, r) return r }, _Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(a, b, c, d) { var s, r = b.cy + ("<" + H.iv(c) + ">"), q = a.eC.get(r) if (q != null) return q s = H.u2(a, b, c, r, d) a.eC.set(r, s) return s }, u2(a, b, c, d, e) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l if (e) { s = c.length r = H.ld(s) for (q = 0, p = 0; p < s; ++p) { o = c[p] if (o.y === 1) { r[p] = o; ++q } } if (q > 0) { n = H._substitute(a, b, r, 0) m = H._substituteArray(a, c, r, 0) return H._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(a, n, m, c !== m) } } l = new H.Rti(null, null) l.y = 12 l.z = b l.Q = c l.cy = d return H._Universe__installTypeTests(a, l) }, oe(a, b, c, d) { return { u: a, e: b, r: c, s: [], p: 0, n: d } }, _Parser_parse(a) { var s, r, q, t3, array, head, m, l, k, j, i, h, g = a.r, f = a.s for (s = g.length, r = 0; r < s;) { q = g.charCodeAt(r) if (q >= 48 && q <= 57) r = H._Parser_handleDigit(r + 1, q, g, f) else if ((((q | 32) >>> 0) - 97 & 65535) < 26 || q === 95 || q === 36) r = H._Parser_handleIdentifier(a, r, g, f, false) else if (q === 46) r = H._Parser_handleIdentifier(a, r, g, f, true) else { ++r switch (q) { case 44: break case 58: f.push(false) break case 33: f.push(true) break case 59: f.push(H._Parser_toType(a.u, a.e, f.pop())) break case 94: f.push(H._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionParameterRti(a.u, f.pop())) break case 35: f.push(H._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(a.u, 5, "#")) break case 64: f.push(H._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(a.u, 2, "@")) break case 126: f.push(H._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(a.u, 3, "~")) break case 60: f.push(a.p) a.p = f.length break case 62: t3 = a.u array = f.splice(a.p) H._Parser_toTypes(a.u, a.e, array) a.p = f.pop() head = f.pop() if (typeof head == "string") f.push(H._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(t3, head, array)) else { m = H._Parser_toType(t3, a.e, head) switch (m.y) { case 11: f.push(H._Universe__lookupGenericFunctionRti(t3, m, array, a.n)) break default: f.push(H._Universe__lookupBindingRti(t3, m, array)) break } } break case 38: H._Parser_handleExtendedOperations(a, f) break case 42: l = a.u f.push(H._Universe__lookupStarRti(l, H._Parser_toType(l, a.e, f.pop()), a.n)) break case 63: l = a.u f.push(H._Universe__lookupQuestionRti(l, H._Parser_toType(l, a.e, f.pop()), a.n)) break case 47: l = a.u f.push(H._Universe__lookupFutureOrRti(l, H._Parser_toType(l, a.e, f.pop()), a.n)) break case 40: f.push(a.p) a.p = f.length break case 41: t3 = a.u k = new H.ib() j = t3.sEA i = t3.sEA head = f.pop() if (typeof head == "number") switch (head) { case -1: j = f.pop() break case -2: i = f.pop() break default: f.push(head) break } else f.push(head) array = f.splice(a.p) H._Parser_toTypes(a.u, a.e, array) a.p = f.pop() k.a = array k.b = j k.c = i f.push(H._Universe__lookupFunctionRti(t3, H._Parser_toType(t3, a.e, f.pop()), k)) break case 91: f.push(a.p) a.p = f.length break case 93: array = f.splice(a.p) H._Parser_toTypes(a.u, a.e, array) a.p = f.pop() f.push(array) f.push(-1) break case 123: f.push(a.p) a.p = f.length break case 125: array = f.splice(a.p) H._Parser_toTypesNamed(a.u, a.e, array) a.p = f.pop() f.push(array) f.push(-2) break default: throw "Bad character " + q } } } h = f.pop() return H._Parser_toType(a.u, a.e, h) }, _Parser_handleDigit(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q = b - 48 for (s = c.length; a < s; ++a) { r = c.charCodeAt(a) if (!(r >= 48 && r <= 57)) break q = q * 10 + (r - 48) } d.push(q) return a }, _Parser_handleIdentifier(parser, start, source, stack, has_period) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = start + 1 for (s = source.length; m < s; ++m) { r = source.charCodeAt(m) if (r === 46) { if (has_period) break has_period = true } else { if (!((((r | 32) >>> 0) - 97 & 65535) < 26 || r === 95 || r === 36)) q = r >= 48 && r <= 57 else q = true if (!q) break } } p = source.substring(start, m) if (has_period) { s = parser.u o = parser.e if (o.y === 10) o = o.z n = H.ua(s, o.z)[p] if (n == null) H.throw_expression('No "' + p + '" in "' + H.Rti__getCanonicalRecipe(o) + '"') stack.push(H._Universe_evalInEnvironment(s, o, n)) } else stack.push(p) return m }, _Parser_handleExtendedOperations(a, stack) { var s = stack.pop() if (0 === s) { stack.push(H._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(a.u, 1, "0&")) return } if (1 === s) { stack.push(H._Universe__lookupTerminalRti(a.u, 4, "1&")) return } throw H.wrap_expression(P.iP("Unexpected extended operation " + H.as_string(s))) }, _Parser_toType(a, b, c) { if (typeof c == "string") return H._Universe__lookupInterfaceRti(a, c, a.sEA) else if (typeof c == "number") return H._Parser_indexToType(a, b, c) else return c }, _Parser_toTypes(a, b, c) { var s, r = c.length for (s = 0; s < r; ++s) c[s] = H._Parser_toType(a, b, c[s]) }, _Parser_toTypesNamed(a, b, c) { var s, r = c.length for (s = 2; s < r; s += 3) c[s] = H._Parser_toType(a, b, c[s]) }, _Parser_indexToType(a, b, c) { var s, r, q = b.y if (q === 10) { if (c === 0) return b.z s = b.Q r = s.length if (c <= r) return s[c - 1] c -= r b = b.z q = b.y } else if (c === 0) return b if (q !== 9) throw H.wrap_expression(P.iP("Indexed base must be an interface type")) s = b.Q if (c <= s.length) return s[c - 1] throw H.wrap_expression(P.iP("Bad index " + c + " for " + b.k(0))) }, _isSubtype(a, b, c, d, e) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j if (b === d) return true if (!H.isStrongTopType(d)) if (!(d === t.c)) s = d === t.K else s = true else s = true if (s) return true r = b.y if (r === 4) return true if (H.isStrongTopType(b)) return false if (b.y !== 1) s = b === t.P || b === t.T else s = true if (s) return true q = r === 13 if (q) if (H._isSubtype(a, c[b.z], c, d, e)) return true p = d.y if (r === 6) return H._isSubtype(a, b.z, c, d, e) if (p === 6) { s = d.z return H._isSubtype(a, b, c, s, e) } if (r === 8) { if (!H._isSubtype(a, b.z, c, d, e)) return false return H._isSubtype(a, H.Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(a, b), c, d, e) } if (r === 7) { s = H._isSubtype(a, b.z, c, d, e) return s } if (p === 8) { if (H._isSubtype(a, b, c, d.z, e)) return true return H._isSubtype(a, b, c, H.Rti__getFutureFromFutureOr(a, d), e) } if (p === 7) { s = H._isSubtype(a, b, c, d.z, e) return s } if (q) return false s = r !== 11 if ((!s || r === 12) && d === t.Z) return true if (p === 12) { if (b === t.O) return true if (r !== 12) return false o = b.Q n = d.Q m = o.length if (m !== n.length) return false c = c == null ? o : o.concat(c) e = e == null ? n : n.concat(e) for (l = 0; l < m; ++l) { k = o[l] j = n[l] if (!H._isSubtype(a, k, c, j, e) || !H._isSubtype(a, j, e, k, c)) return false } return H._isFunctionSubtype(a, b.z, c, d.z, e) } if (p === 11) { if (b === t.O) return true if (s) return false return H._isFunctionSubtype(a, b, c, d, e) } if (r === 9) { if (p !== 9) return false return H._isFunctionSubtype(a, b, c, d, e) } return false }, _isFunctionSubtype(a2, a3, a4, a5, a6) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a, a0, a1 if (!H._isSubtype(a2, a3.z, a4, a5.z, a6)) return false s = a3.Q r = a5.Q q = s.a p = r.a o = q.length n = p.length if (o > n) return false m = n - o l = s.b k = r.b j = l.length i = k.length if (o + j < n + i) return false for (h = 0; h < o; ++h) { g = q[h] if (!H._isSubtype(a2, p[h], a6, g, a4)) return false } for (h = 0; h < m; ++h) { g = l[h] if (!H._isSubtype(a2, p[o + h], a6, g, a4)) return false } for (h = 0; h < i; ++h) { g = l[m + h] if (!H._isSubtype(a2, k[h], a6, g, a4)) return false } f = s.c e = r.c d = f.length c = e.length for (b = 0, a = 0; a < c; a += 3) { a0 = e[a] for (; true;) { if (b >= d) return false a1 = f[b] b += 3 if (a0 < a1) return false if (a1 < a0) continue g = f[b - 1] if (!H._isSubtype(a2, e[a + 2], a6, g, a4)) return false break } } return true }, _isFunctionSubtype(a, b, c, d, e) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l = b.z, k = d.z for (; l !== k;) { s = a.tR[l] if (s == null) return false if (typeof s == "string") { l = s continue } r = s[k] if (r == null) return false q = r.length p = q > 0 ? new Array(q) : init.typeUniverse.sEA for (o = 0; o < q; ++o) p[o] = H._Universe_evalInEnvironment(a, b, r[o]) return H.om(a, p, null, c, d.Q, e) } n = b.Q m = d.Q return H.om(a, n, null, c, m, e) }, om(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var s, r, q, p = b.length for (s = 0; s < p; ++s) { r = b[s] q = e[s] if (!H._isSubtype(a, r, d, q, f)) return false } return true }, lz(a) { var s, r = a.y if (!(a === t.P || a === t.T)) if (!H.isStrongTopType(a)) if (r !== 7) if (!(r === 6 && H.lz(a.z))) s = r === 8 && H.lz(a.z) else s = true else s = true else s = true else s = true return s }, v0(a) { var s if (!H.isStrongTopType(a)) if (!(a === t.c)) s = a === t.K else s = true else s = true return s }, isStrongTopType(a) { var kind = a.y // t.cK nullable_Object return kind === 2 || kind === 3 || kind === 4 || kind === 5 || a === t.cK }, ol(a, b) { var s, r, q = Object.keys(b), p = q.length for (s = 0; s < p; ++s) { r = q[s] a[r] = b[r] } }, ld(a) { return a > 0 ? new Array(a) : init.typeUniverse.sEA }, Rti: function Rti(a, b) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.x = _.r = _.c = null _.y = 0 _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = _.Q = _.z = null }, ib: function ib() { this.c = this.b = this.a = null }, iu: function iu(a) { this.a = a }, i9: function i9() { }, eI: function eI(a) { this.a = a }, ve(a) { if (typeof dartPrint == "function") { dartPrint(a) return } if (typeof console == "object" && typeof console.log != "undefined") { console.log(a) return } if (typeof window == "object") return if (typeof print == "function") { print(a) return } throw "Unable to print message: " + String(a) }, throwLateInitializationError(a) { return H.throw_expression(new H.fz("Field '" + H.as_string(a) + "' has been assigned during initialization.")) } }, J = { makeDispatchRecord(a, b, c, d) { return { i: a, p: b, e: c, x: d } }, getNativeInterceptor(a) { var proto, r, q, interceptor, o, n = a[init.dispatchPropertyName] if (n == null) if ($.mA == null) { H.initNativeDispatch() n = a[init.dispatchPropertyName] } if (n != null) { proto = n.p if (false === proto) return n.i if (true === proto) return a r = Object.getPrototypeOf(a) if (proto === r) return n.i if (n.e === r) throw H.wrap_expression(P.hT("Return interceptor for " + H.as_string(proto(a, n)))) } q = a.constructor if (q == null) interceptor = null else { o = $.kU if (o == null) o = $.kU = init.getIsolateTag("_$dart_js") interceptor = q[o] } if (interceptor != null) return interceptor // interceptor = H.lookupAndCacheInterceptor(a) // if (interceptor != null) return interceptor if (typeof a == "function") return C.JavaScriptFunction proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(a) if (proto == null) return C.PlainJavaScriptObject if (proto === Object.prototype) return C.PlainJavaScriptObject if (typeof q == "function") { o = $.kU if (o == null) o = $.kU = init.getIsolateTag("_$dart_js") Object.defineProperty(q, o, { value: C.UnknownJavaScriptObject, enumerable: false, writable: true, configurable: true }) return C.UnknownJavaScriptObject } return C.UnknownJavaScriptObject }, rZ(a, b) { if (!H.aP(a)) throw H.wrap_expression(P.da(a, "length", "is not an integer")) if (a < 0 || a > 4294967295) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(a, 0, 4294967295, "length", null)) return J.t0(new Array(a), b) }, t_(a, b) { if (!H.aP(a) || a < 0) throw H.wrap_expression(P.bz("Length must be a non-negative integer: " + H.as_string(a), null)) return H.b(new Array(a), b.i("E<0>")) }, t0(a, b) { return J.nL(H.b(a, b.i("E<0>"))) }, nL(a) { a.fixed$length = Array return a }, t1(a, b) { return J.lV(a, b) }, check_str_legeal(a) { if (a < 256) switch (a) { case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 32: case 133: case 160: return true default: return false } switch (a) { case 5760: case 8192: case 8193: case 8194: case 8195: case 8196: case 8197: case 8198: case 8199: case 8200: case 8201: case 8202: case 8232: case 8233: case 8239: case 8287: case 12288: case 65279: return true default: return false } }, check_from_start(a, b) { var s, r for (s = a.length; b < s;) { r = C.String.a8(a, b) if (r !== 32 && r !== 13 && !J.check_str_legeal(r)) break; ++b } return b }, check_from_end(a, b) { var s, r for (; b > 0; b = s) { s = b - 1 r = C.String.aQ(a, s) if (r !== 32 && r !== 13 && !J.check_str_legeal(r)) break } return b }, cV(a) { if (typeof a == "number") { if (Math.floor(a) == a) return J.JsInt.prototype return J.jF.prototype } if (typeof a == "string") return J.JsString.prototype if (a == null) return J.cs.prototype if (typeof a == "boolean") return J.fw.prototype if (a.constructor == Array) return J.JsArray.prototype if (typeof a != "object") { if (typeof a == "function") return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype return a } if (a instanceof P.Object) return a return J.getNativeInterceptor(a) }, a3(a) { if (typeof a == "string") return J.JsString.prototype if (a == null) return a if (a.constructor == Array) return J.JsArray.prototype if (typeof a != "object") { if (typeof a == "function") return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype return a } if (a instanceof P.Object) return a return J.getNativeInterceptor(a) }, cW(a) { if (a == null) return a if (a.constructor == Array) return J.JsArray.prototype if (typeof a != "object") { if (typeof a == "function") return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype return a } if (a instanceof P.Object) return a return J.getNativeInterceptor(a) }, oA(a) { if (typeof a == "number") return J.JsNumber.prototype if (typeof a == "string") return J.JsString.prototype if (a == null) return a if (!(a instanceof P.Object)) return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype return a }, aQ(a) { if (typeof a == "string") return J.JsString.prototype if (a == null) return a if (!(a instanceof P.Object)) return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype return a }, uR(a) { if (a == null) return J.cs.prototype if (!(a instanceof P.Object)) return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype return a }, bv(a) { if (a == null) return a if (typeof a != "object") { if (typeof a == "function") return J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype return a } if (a instanceof P.Object) return a return J.getNativeInterceptor(a) }, uS(a) { if (a == null) return a if (!(a instanceof P.Object)) return J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype return a }, iN(a, b) { if (typeof a == "number" && typeof b == "number") return a + b return J.oA(a).B(a, b) }, Y(a, b) { if (a == null) return b == null if (typeof a != "object") return b != null && a === b return J.cV(a).aW(a, b) }, J(a, b) { if (typeof b === "number") if (a.constructor == Array || typeof a == "string" || H.oG(a, a[init.dispatchPropertyName])) if (b >>> 0 === b && b < a.length) return a[b] return J.a3(a).h(a, b) }, lT(a, b, c) { if (typeof b === "number") if ((a.constructor == Array || H.oG(a, a[init.dispatchPropertyName])) && !a.immutable$list && b >>> 0 === b && b < a.length) return a[b] = c return J.cW(a).m(a, b, c) }, rr(a, b) { return J.cW(a).a5(a, b) }, rs(a, b, c, d) { // add_event_listener return J.bv(a).eF(a, b, c, d) }, lU(a, b) { return J.aQ(a).de(a, b) }, rt(a, b, c) { return J.aQ(a).bK(a, b, c) }, ny(a, b) { return J.aQ(a).aQ(a, b) }, lV(a, b) { return J.oA(a).bg(a, b) }, lW(a, b) { return J.a3(a).w(a, b) }, lX(a, b, c) { return J.a3(a).dh(a, b, c) }, iO(a, b, c, d) { return J.bv(a).eQ(a, b, c, d) }, ru(a, b) { return J.cW(a).ai(a, b) }, nz(a, b) { return J.aQ(a).cl(a, b) }, bj(a, b, c, d, e) { return J.bv(a).eR(a, b, c, d, e) }, lY(a, b) { return J.cW(a).aw(a, b) }, rv(a) { return J.bv(a).geH(a) }, cm(a) { return J.bv(a).gck(a) }, lZ(a) { return J.cV(a).gak(a) }, by(a) { return J.cW(a).ga0(a) }, aw(a) { return J.a3(a).gp(a) }, m_(a, b) { return J.a3(a).aT(a, b) }, rw(a, b, c) { return J.aQ(a).dq(a, b, c) }, m0(a, b, c) { return J.bv(a).dt(a, b, c) }, nA(a) { return J.cW(a).fq(a) }, rx(a) { return J.bv(a).fv(a) }, ry(a, b) { // set a length -> b return J.a3(a).sp(a, b) }, m1(a, b) { return J.aQ(a).bA(a, b) }, rz(a, b, c) { return J.uS(a).dN(a, b, c) }, nB(a, b) { return J.aQ(a).ay(a, b) }, rA(a, b, c) { return J.aQ(a).af(a, b, c) }, rB(a) { return J.aQ(a).fN(a) }, b4(a) { return J.cV(a).k(a) }, rC(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { return J.bv(a).fO(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) }, rD(a) { // return J.aQ(a).trim_name(a) J.JsString.prototype.trim_name(a) }, Interceptor: function af() { }, fw: function fw() { }, cs: function cs() { }, bE: function bE() { }, PlainJavaScriptObject: function fO() { }, UnknownJavaScriptObject: function bs() { }, JavaScriptFunction: function bn() { }, JsArray: function E(a) { this.$ti = a }, JsUnmodifiableArray: function jG(a) { this.$ti = a }, db: function db(a, b) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = 0 _.d = null }, JsNumber: function dA() { }, JsInt: function dz() { }, jF: function jF() { }, JsString: function bD() { } }, L = { ProfileWinChance: function iR(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = 1000 _.d = 33554431 _.e = c _.f = d _.r = e _.x = f _.z = _.y = 0 _.Q = null _.ch = g }, iS: function iS() { }, iT: function iT() { }, iU: function iU(a) { this.a = a } }, LangData = { eQ(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, n a.toString s = new H.ff(a) s = new H.cv(s, s.gp(s)) r = 7 q = 5 p = 3 o = 1 for (; s.u();) { n = s.d r = C.JsInt.V((r + n + o) * 17, 52) q = C.JsInt.V((q + n * r) * 23, 52) p = C.JsInt.V((p + n + q) * 47, 52) o = C.JsInt.V((o + n * p) * 13, 52) } r = r < 26 ? r + 65 : r + 71 q = q < 26 ? q + 65 : q + 71 p = p < 26 ? p + 65 : p + 71 return P.mh(H.b([r, q, p, o < 26 ? o + 65 : o + 71], t.i), 0, null) }, j(a, b) { // let result = C.e.bt(0, X.f4(a, b)) let result = C.T_kk.ab(X.f4(a, b)) logger.debug("O.j", a, b, result) return result }, get_lang(a) { var s = $.od.h(0, a) logger.debug("O.d", a, s) if (s == null) return "" return s }, load_lang(a) { J.lY(a, new LangData.lA()) }, lA: function lA() { }, fZ(a) { var s = H.b([0], t.i) C.Array.a5(s, C.e.gaB().ab(a)) return s }, SuperRC4: function b9() { this.b = this.a = 0 this.c = null }, k_: function k_(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, oC(a) { var s, r, q = "deepmess.com" if (a) { s = new Y.RC4() s.bd(C.e.gaB().ab(q), 2) s.di(H.b([32, 46, 189, 177, 148, 32], t.i)) return s } else { r = new Y.RC4() r.bd(C.e.gaB().ab(q), 1) return r } } }, P = { _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate() { var s, r, q = {} if (self.scheduleImmediate != null) { return P.uK() } if (self.MutationObserver != null && self.document != null) { s = self.document.createElement("div") r = self.document.createElement("span") q.a = null new self.MutationObserver(H.convert_dart_closure_to_js_md5(new P.kB(q), 1)).observe(s, { childList: true }) return new P._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure(q, s, r) } else if (self.setImmediate != null) { // _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate return P.uL() } // _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer return P.uM() }, _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride(a) { self.scheduleImmediate(H.convert_dart_closure_to_js_md5(new P.kC(a), 0)) }, _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate(a) { self.setImmediate(H.convert_dart_closure_to_js_md5(new P.kD(a), 0)) }, _AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer(a) { P.Timer__createTimer(C.I, a) }, Timer__createTimer(a, b) { var s = C.JsInt.ag(a.a, 1000) return P.Timerimpl(s < 0 ? 0 : s, b) }, Timerimpl(a, b) { var s = new P._TimerImpl() s.e8(a, b) return s }, _makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(a) { return new P.i_(new P._Future($.P, a.i("U<0>")), a.i("i_<0>")) }, _asyncStartSync(a, b) { a.$2(0, null) // a(0, null) b.b = true return b.a }, _asyncAwait(a, b) { P._awaitOnObject(a, b) }, _asyncReturn(a, b) { b.bM(0, a) }, async_rethrow(a, b) { b.cj(H.unwrap_Exception(a), H.getTraceFromException(a)) }, _awaitOnObject(object, body_function) { var s, future, q = new P._awaitOnObject_closure(body_function), p = new P._awaitOnObject_closure0(body_function) if (object instanceof P._Future) object.d7(q, p, t.z) else { s = t.z if (t.h.b(object)) object.cz(q, p, s) else { future = new P._Future($.P, t.eI) future.a = 8 future.c = object future.d7(q, p, s) } } }, _wrapJsFunctionForAsync(func) { var protected_func = function (fn, error_) { return function (error_code, async_result) { while (true) try { if (run_env.from_code) { // console.log("O._wrapJsFunctionForAsync", error_code, async_result) } fn(error_code, async_result) break } catch (error) { console.error(error.stack) async_result = error error_code = error_ } } }(func, 1) return $.P.ct(new P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure(protected_func)) }, async_error(a, b) { var s = H.ls(a, "error", t.K) return new P.f3(s, b == null ? P.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(a) : b) }, AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(a) { var s if (t.u.b(a)) { s = a.gbz() if (s != null) return s } return C.G }, future_future_delayed(a, b) { var s = new P._Future($.P, b.i("U<0>")) P.Timer_Timer(a, new P.jp(null, s, b)) return s }, rM(a) { return new P.cg(new P._Future($.P, a.i("U<0>")), a.i("cg<0>")) }, _Future__chainCoreFuture(a, b) { var s, r for (; s = a.a, (s & 4) !== 0;) a = a.c if ((s & 24) !== 0) { r = b.bI() b.c1(a) P._Future__propagateToListeners(b, r) } else { r = b.c b.a = b.a & 1 | 4 b.c = a a.d3(r) } }, _Future__propagateToListeners(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f = {}, t1 = f.a = a for (s = t.h; true;) { r = {} q = t1.a p = (q & 16) === 0 o = !p if (b == null) { if (o && (q & 1) === 0) { t1 = t1.c P._rootHandleUncaughtError(t1.a, t1.b) } return } r.a = b n = b.a for (t1 = b; n != null; t1 = n, n = m) { t1.a = null P._Future__propagateToListeners(f.a, t1) r.a = n m = n.a } q = f.a l = q.c r.b = o r.c = l if (p) { k = t1.c k = (k & 1) !== 0 || (k & 15) === 8 } else k = true if (k) { j = t1.b.b if (o) { q = q.b === j q = !(q || q) } else q = false if (q) { P._rootHandleUncaughtError(l.a, l.b) return } i = $.P if (i !== j) $.P = j else i = null t1 = t1.c if ((t1 & 15) === 8) new P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback(r, f, o).$0() else if (p) { if ((t1 & 1) !== 0) new P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback(r, l).$0() } else if ((t1 & 2) !== 0) new P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError(f, r).$0() if (i != null) $.P = i t1 = r.c if (s.b(t1)) { q = r.a.$ti q = q.i("bl<2>").b(t1) || !q.Q[1].b(t1) } else q = false if (q) { h = r.a.b if (t1 instanceof P._Future) if ((t1.a & 24) !== 0) { g = h.c h.c = null b = h.bJ(g) h.a = t1.a & 30 | h.a & 1 h.c = t1.c f.a = t1 continue } else P._Future__chainCoreFuture(t1, h) else h.cV(t1) return } } h = r.a.b g = h.c h.c = null b = h.bJ(g) t1 = r.b q = r.c if (!t1) { h.a = 8 h.c = q } else { h.a = h.a & 1 | 16 h.c = q } f.a = h t1 = h } }, _registerErrorHandler(a, b) { if (t.C.b(a)) return b.ct(a) if (t.J.b(a)) return a throw H.wrap_expression(P.da(a, "onError", u.c)) }, _microtaskLoop() { var s, r for (s = $.cR; s != null; s = $.cR) { $.eO = null r = s.b $.cR = r if (r == null) $.eN = null s.a.$0() } }, _startMicrotaskLoop() { $.ms = true try { P._microtaskLoop() } finally { $.eO = null $.ms = false if ($.cR != null) $.nw().$1(P.ow()) } }, _scheduleAsyncCallback(a) { var s = new P.i0(a), r = $.eN if (r == null) { $.cR = $.eN = s if (!$.ms) { $.nw().$1(P.ow()) } } else $.eN = r.b = s }, _schedulePriorityAsyncCallback(a) { var s, r, q, p = $.cR if (p == null) { P._scheduleAsyncCallback(a) $.eO = $.eN return } s = new P.i0(a) r = $.eO if (r == null) { s.b = p $.cR = $.eO = s } else { q = r.b s.b = q $.eO = r.b = s if (q == null) $.eN = s } }, scheduleMicrotask(a) { var s = null, r = $.P if (C.f === r) { P.cS(s, s, C.f, a) return } P.cS(s, s, r, r.cf(a)) }, StreamIterator_StreamIterator(a) { H.ls(a, "stream", t.K) return new P.io() }, mu(a) { // what? return }, tS(a, b) { if (b == null) b = P.uN() if (t.da.b(b)) return a.ct(b) if (t.aX.b(b)) return b throw H.wrap_expression(P.bz("handleError callback must take either an Object (the error), or both an Object (the error) and a StackTrace.", null)) }, ux(a, b) { P._rootHandleUncaughtError(a, b) }, Timer_Timer(a, b) { var s = $.P if (s === C.f) return P.Timer__createTimer(a, b) return P.Timer__createTimer(a, s.cf(b)) }, _rootHandleUncaughtError(a, b) { P._schedulePriorityAsyncCallback(new P.lo(a, b)) }, os(a, b, c, d) { var s, r = $.P if (r === c) return d.$0() $.P = c s = r try { r = d.$0() return r } finally { $.P = s } }, _rootRun(a, b, c, d, e) { var s, r = $.P if (r === c) return d.$1(e) $.P = c s = r try { r = d.$1(e) return r } finally { $.P = s } }, _rootRunUnary(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var s, r = $.P if (r === c) return d.$2(e, f) $.P = c s = r try { r = d.$2(e, f) return r } finally { $.P = s } }, cS(a, b, c, d) { if (C.f !== c) d = c.cf(d) P._scheduleAsyncCallback(d) }, kB: function kB(a) { this.a = a }, _AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure: function kA(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = c }, kC: function kC(a) { this.a = a }, kD: function kD(a) { this.a = a }, _TimerImpl: function l8() { }, _TimerImpl_internalCallback: function l9(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, i_: function i_(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = false this.$ti = b }, _awaitOnObject_closure: function lh(a) { this.a = a }, _awaitOnObject_closure0: function li(a) { this.a = a }, _wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure: function lr(a) { this.a = a }, f3: function f3(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, jp: function jp(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = c }, i4: function i4() { }, cg: function cg(a, b) { this.a = a this.$ti = b }, _FutureListener: function cN(a, b, c, d, e) { var _ = this _.a = null _.b = a _.c = b _.d = c _.e = d _.$ti = e }, _Future: function U(a, b) { var _ = this _.a = 0 _.b = a _.c = null _.$ti = b }, kH: function kH(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, kO: function kO(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, kK: function kK(a) { this.a = a }, kL: function kL(a) { this.a = a }, kM: function kM(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = c }, kJ: function kJ(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, kN: function kN(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, kI: function kI(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = c }, _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback: function kR(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = c }, _Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure: function kS(a) { this.a = a }, _Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback: function kQ(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, _Future__propagateToListeners_handleError: function kP(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, i0: function i0(a) { this.a = a this.b = null }, em: function em() { }, ke: function ke(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, kf: function kf(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, hO: function hO() { }, hP: function hP() { }, im: function im() { }, l2: function l2(a) { this.a = a }, i1: function i1() { }, cK: function cK(a, b, c, d) { var _ = this _.a = null _.b = 0 _.d = a _.e = b _.f = c _.$ti = d }, cM: function cM(a, b) { this.a = a this.$ti = b }, i5: function i5(a, b, c, d) { var _ = this _.x = a _.a = b _.d = c _.e = d _.r = null }, i3: function i3() { }, eF: function eF() { }, i7: function i7() { }, er: function er(a) { this.b = a this.a = null }, ii: function ii() { }, kW: function kW(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, eG: function eG() { this.c = this.b = null this.a = 0 }, io: function io() { }, lf: function lf() { }, lo: function lo(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, _RootZone: function kX() { }, kY: function kY(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, _RootZone_bindCallback_closure: function kZ(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = c }, create_meta_map(a, b) { return new H.JsLinkedHashMap(a.i("@<0>").aL(b).i("aT<1,2>")) }, create_StringInt_map(a, b, c) { // Map return H.uQ(a, new H.JsLinkedHashMap(b.i("@<0>").aL(c).i("aT<1,2>"))) }, cu(a, b) { return new H.JsLinkedHashMap(a.i("@<0>").aL(b).i("aT<1,2>")) }, c5(a) { return new P.eu(a.i("eu<0>")) }, ml() { var s = Object.create(null) s[""] = s delete s[""] return s }, rX(a, b, c) { var s, r if (P.mt(a)) { if (b === "(" && c === ")") return "(...)" return b + "..." + c } s = H.b([], t.s) $.ch.push(a) try { P.uu(a, s) } finally { $.ch.pop() } r = P.o7(b, s, ", ") + c return r.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? r : r }, IterableBase_iterableToFullString(a, b, c) { var s, r if (P.mt(a)) return b + "..." + c s = new P.cH(b) $.ch.push(a) try { r = s r.a = P.o7(r.a, a, ", ") } finally { $.ch.pop() } s.a += c r = s.a return r.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? r : r }, mt(a) { var s, r for (s = $.ch.length, r = 0; r < s; ++r) if (a === $.ch[r]) return true return false }, uu(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l = a.ga0(a), k = 0, j = 0 while (true) { if (!(k < 80 || j < 3)) break if (!l.u()) return s = H.as_string(l.gC()) b.push(s) k += s.length + 2; ++j } if (!l.u()) { if (j <= 5) return r = b.pop() q = b.pop() } else { p = l.gC(); ++j if (!l.u()) { if (j <= 4) { b.push(H.as_string(p)) return } r = H.as_string(p) q = b.pop() k += r.length + 2 } else { o = l.gC(); ++j for (; l.u(); p = o, o = n) { n = l.gC(); ++j if (j > 100) { while (true) { if (!(k > 75 && j > 3)) break k -= b.pop().length + 2; --j } b.push("...") return } } q = H.as_string(p) r = H.as_string(o) k += r.length + q.length + 4 } } if (j > b.length + 2) { k += 5 m = "..." } else m = null while (true) { if (!(k > 80 && b.length > 3)) break k -= b.pop().length + 2 if (m == null) { k += 5 m = "..." } } if (m != null) b.push(m) b.push(q) b.push(r) }, nQ(a, b) { var s, r, q = P.c5(b) for (s = a.length, r = 0; r < a.length; a.length === s || (0, H.F)(a), ++r) q.j(0, b.a(a[r])) return q }, nR(a) { var s, r = {} if (P.mt(a)) return "{...}" s = new P.cH("") try { $.ch.push(a) s.a += "{" r.a = true J.lY(a, new P.jM(r, s)) s.a += "}" } finally { $.ch.pop() } r = s.a return r.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? r : r }, eu: function eu(a) { var _ = this _.a = 0 _.f = _.e = _.d = _.c = _.b = null _.r = 0 _.$ti = a }, kV: function kV(a) { this.a = a this.c = this.b = null }, ie: function ie(a, b) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.d = _.c = null }, dy: function dy() { }, dE: function dE() { }, z: function z() { }, dG: function dG() { }, jM: function jM(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, aU: function aU() { }, dY: function dY() { }, eC: function eC() { }, ev: function ev() { }, eM: function eM() { }, uy(a, b) { var s, r, q, p = null try { p = JSON.parse(a) } catch (r) { s = H.unwrap_Exception(r) q = P.FormatException(String(s), null, null) throw H.wrap_expression(q) } q = P.lk(p) return q }, lk(a) { var s if (a == null) return null if (typeof a != "object") return a if (Object.getPrototypeOf(a) !== Array.prototype) return new P.ic(a, Object.create(null)) for (s = 0; s < a.length; ++s) a[s] = P.lk(a[s]) return a }, tL(a, b, c, d) { var s, r if (b instanceof Uint8Array) { s = b d = s.length if (d - c < 15) return null r = P.tM(a, s, c, d) if (r != null && a) if (r.indexOf("\ufffd") >= 0) return null return r } return null }, tM(a, b, c, d) { var s = a ? $.ri() : $.rh() if (s == null) return null if (0 === c && d === b.length) return P.o9(s, b) return P.o9(s, b.subarray(c, P.cE(c, d, b.length))) }, o9(a, b) { var s, r try { s = a.decode(b) return s } catch (r) { H.unwrap_Exception(r) } return null }, uc(a) { switch (a) { case 65: return "Missing extension byte" case 67: return "Unexpected extension byte" case 69: return "Invalid UTF-8 byte" case 71: return "Overlong encoding" case 73: return "Out of unicode range" case 75: return "Encoded surrogate" case 77: return "Unfinished UTF-8 octet sequence" default: return "" } }, ub(a, b, c) { var s, r, q = c - b, p = new Uint8Array(q) for (s = 0; s < q; ++s) { r = a[b + s] p[s] = (r & 4294967040) >>> 0 !== 0 ? 255 : r } return p }, ic: function ic(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = null }, id: function id(a) { this.a = a }, km: function km() { }, kl: function kl() { }, fg: function fg() { }, fi: function fi() { }, jg: function jg() { }, js: function js() { }, jr: function jr() { }, jI: function jI() { }, jJ: function jJ(a) { this.a = a }, kj: function kj() { }, kn: function kn() { }, lc: function lc(a) { this.b = 0 this.c = a }, kk: function kk(a) { this.a = a }, lb: function lb(a) { this.a = a this.b = 16 this.c = 0 }, oF(a) { var s = H.tk(a, null) if (s != null) return s throw H.wrap_expression(P.FormatException(a, null, null)) }, Error__objectToString(a) { if (a instanceof H.c_) return a.k(0) return "Instance of '" + H.as_string(H.jZ(a)) + "'" }, aL(a, b, c, d) { var s, r = c ? J.t_(a, d) : J.rZ(a, d) if (a !== 0 && b != null) for (s = 0; s < r.length; ++s) r[s] = b return r }, List_List_of(a, b, c) { var s = P.List_List__of(a, c) return s }, List_List__of(a, b) { var s, r if (Array.isArray(a)) return H.b(a.slice(0), b.i("E<0>")) // JSArray<0> s = H.b([], b.i("E<0>")) for (r = J.by(a); r.u();) s.push(r.gC()) return s }, mh(a, b, c) { var s, r if (Array.isArray(a)) { s = a r = s.length c = P.cE(b, c, r) return H.nZ(b > 0 || c < r ? s.slice(b, c) : s) } if (t.bm.b(a)) return H.tm(a, b, P.cE(b, c, a.length)) return P.tK(a, b, c) }, tK(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p, o = null if (b < 0) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(b, 0, a.length, o, o)) s = c == null if (!s && c < b) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(c, b, a.length, o, o)) r = J.by(a) for (q = 0; q < b; ++q) if (!r.u()) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(b, 0, q, o, o)) p = [] if (s) for (; r.u();) p.push(r.gC()) else for (q = b; q < c; ++q) { if (!r.u()) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(c, b, q, o, o)) p.push(r.gC()) } return H.nZ(p) }, RegExp_RegExp(a) { return new H.JSSyntaxRegExp(a, H.JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(a, false, true, false, false, false)) }, o7(a, b, c) { var s = J.by(b) if (!s.u()) return a if (c.length === 0) { do a += H.as_string(s.gC()) while (s.u()) } else { a += H.as_string(s.gC()) for (; s.u();) a = a + c + H.as_string(s.gC()) } return a }, rN(a) { var s = Math.abs(a), r = a < 0 ? "-" : "" if (s >= 1000) return "" + a if (s >= 100) return r + "0" + s if (s >= 10) return r + "00" + s return r + "000" + s }, rO(a) { if (a >= 100) return "" + a if (a >= 10) return "0" + a return "00" + a }, fk(a) { if (a >= 10) return "" + a return "0" + a }, duration_milsec_sec(millsec, sec) { // a: milliseconds // b: seconds return new P.Duration(1e6 * sec + 1000 * millsec) }, jh(a) { if (typeof a == "number" || H.lm(a) || a == null) return J.b4(a) if (typeof a == "string") return JSON.stringify(a) return P.Error__objectToString(a) }, iP(a) { return new P.f2(a) }, bz(a, b) { return new P.aS(false, null, b, a) }, da(a, b, c) { return new P.aS(true, a, b, c) }, tn(a) { var s = null return new P.cD(s, s, false, s, s, a) }, k0(a, b) { return new P.cD(null, null, true, a, b, "Value not in range") }, a8(a, b, c, d, e) { return new P.cD(b, c, true, a, d, "Invalid value") }, tp(a, b, c, d) { if (a < b || a > c) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(a, b, c, d, null)) return a }, cE(a, b, c) { if (0 > a || a > c) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(a, 0, c, "start", null)) if (b != null) { if (a > b || b > c) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(b, a, c, "end", null)) return b } return c }, to(a, b) { if (a < 0) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(a, 0, null, b, null)) return a }, ft(a, b, c, d, e) { var s = e == null ? J.aw(b) : e return new P.fs(s, true, a, c, "Index out of range") }, UnsupportError(a) { return new P.hW(a) }, hT(a) { return new P.hS(a) }, cd(a) { return new P.bJ(a) }, aK(a) { return new P.fh(a) }, FormatException(a, b, c) { return new P.jm(a, b, c) }, dq: function dq(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, Duration: function c1(a) { this.a = a }, Duration_toString_sixDigits: function jc() { }, Duration_toString_twoDigits: function jd() { }, O: function O() { }, f2: function f2(a) { this.a = a }, bc: function bc() { }, fL: function fL() { }, aS: function aS(a, b, c, d) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d }, cD: function cD(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var _ = this _.e = a _.f = b _.a = c _.b = d _.c = e _.d = f }, fs: function fs(a, b, c, d, e) { var _ = this _.f = a _.a = b _.b = c _.c = d _.d = e }, hW: function hW(a) { this.a = a }, hS: function hS(a) { this.a = a }, bJ: function bJ(a) { this.a = a }, fh: function fh(a) { this.a = a }, fM: function fM() { }, el: function el() { }, CyclicInitializationError: function fj(a) { this.a = a }, kG: function kG(a) { this.a = a }, jm: function jm(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = c }, L: function L() { }, fv: function fv() { }, N: function N() { }, Object: function H() { }, iq: function iq() { }, cH: function cH(a) { this.a = a }, my(a) { var s if (t.I.b(a)) { s = J.cm(a) if (s.constructor === Array) if (typeof CanvasPixelArray !== "undefined") { s.constructor = CanvasPixelArray s.BYTES_PER_ELEMENT = 1 } return a } return new P.eJ(a.data, a.height, a.width) }, uO(a) { if (a instanceof P.eJ) return { data: a.a, height: a.b, width: a.c } return a }, m3() { return window.navigator.userAgent }, _StructuredClone: function l4() { }, l5: function l5(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, l6: function l6(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, kw: function kw() { }, ky: function ky(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, eJ: function eJ(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = c }, _StructuredCloneDart2Js: function ir(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, kx: function kx(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = false }, vf(a, b) { var s = new P._Future($.P, b.i("U<0>")), r = new P.cg(s, b.i("cg<0>")) a.then(H.convert_dart_closure_to_js_md5(new P.lE(r), 1), H.convert_dart_closure_to_js_md5(new P.lF(r), 1)) return s }, jQ: function jQ(a) { this.a = a }, lE: function lE(a) { this.a = a }, lF: function lF(a) { this.a = a }, o_() { return C.F }, kT: function kT() { }, cF: function cF() { }, p: function p() { } }, S = { fK: function fK() { } }, T = { ty(a, b, c, d, e) { var s, r, q, p = 0 if (c > p && !(a.fx <= p)) { s = C.JsInt.P(c + $.i(), $.t()) p = a.fy r = a.fx q = p - r if (s > q) s = q a.fx = r + s p = LangData.get_lang("imin") r = new T.HPlr(r) r.a = a.e r.d = a.fx e.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(p, a, r, new T.HRecover(s), null, s, 1000, 100)) } }, nC(a) { var s = new T.BerserkState($.i(), 0) s.r = a return s }, tA(a, b, c, d, e) { var s, r = 0 if (c > r && !(b.fx <= r)) { if (b.a7($.aJ(), d)) return s = t.aJ.a(b.r2.h(0, $.aJ())) if (s == null) { s = T.nC(b) s.aP(0) e.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("jIRA"), $.nc()), a, b, null, null, $.a6(), 1000, 100)) } else s.fr = s.fr + 1 if (a.r2.J(0, $.a7())) s.fr = s.fr + 1 } }, CharmState_init(a, b) { var s = new T.CharmState(a, b, $.i()) s.y = new T.PostActionImpl(s) return s }, getMinionName(plr) { var s, r, q for (s = t.fM; s.b(plr);) plr = plr.gap() s = plr.r2 r = t.f5.a(s.h(0, $.na())) if (r == null) { r = new T.MinionCount(0) s.m(0, $.na(), r) } s = H.as_string(plr.a) + "?" q = r.b r.b = q + 1 return s + H.as_string(q) + "@" + H.as_string(plr.b) }, init_PlrClone(owner) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f = owner.a, e = owner.b, d = owner.c, c = owner.d, b = 0, a = $.T(), a0 = H.b([], t.q), a1 = H.b([], t.H), a2 = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W), a3 = new Sgls.MList(t.n) a3.c = a3 a3.b = a3 s = new Sgls.MList(t.p) s.c = s s.b = s r = new Sgls.MList(t.g) r.c = r r.b = r q = new Sgls.MList(t.G) q.c = q q.b = q p = new Sgls.MList(t._) p.c = p p.b = p o = new Sgls.MList(t.e) o.c = o o.b = o n = new Sgls.MList(t.k) n.c = n n.b = n m = new Sgls.MList(t.l) m.c = m m.b = m l = new Sgls.MList(t.m) l.c = l l.b = l k = t.i j = H.b([], k) i = H.b([], k) h = H.b([], k) k = H.b([], k) g = 0 g = new T.PlrClone(f, e, d, c, b, a, a0, a1, a2, a3, s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, j, i, h, k, g, g, g, $.W(), g) g.a1(f, e, d, c) g.cm = owner g.e = T.getMinionName(owner instanceof T.PlrClone ? g.a6 = owner.a6 : g.a6 = owner) f = owner.t f = H.b(f.slice(0), H._arrayInstanceType(f)) g.t = f return g }, tC(a, b, c, d, e) { var s, r = 0 if (c > r && !(b.fx <= r)) { if (b.a7($.bh(), d)) return r = b.r2 s = t.dK.a(r.h(0, $.bh())) if (s == null) { s = new T.CurseState(a, b, $.pK(), $.t()) s.y = new T.UpdateStateImpl(s) r.m(0, $.bh(), s) b.y2.j(0, s) b.rx.j(0, s.y) b.F() } else { s.z = s.z + $.Z() s.Q = s.Q + 1 } if (r.h(0, $.a7()) != null) { s.z = s.z + $.Z() s.Q = s.Q + 1 } e.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("spfN"), $.qx()), a, b, null, null, $.a6(), 1000, 100)) } }, tD(a, b, c, d, e) { var s, r, q, p, o if (c > 0) { s = b.r2 r = s.gad(s) q = P.List_List_of(r, true, H._instanceType(r).i("L.E")) C.Array.aJ(q) for (r = q.length, p = 0; p < q.length; q.length === r || (0, H.F)(q), ++p) { o = s.h(0, q[p]) if (o.gT() > 0) o.K(a, e) } s = b.go r = $.au() if (s > r) b.go = s - r else { r = $.at() if (s > r) b.go = 0 else b.go = s - r } } }, tE(a, b, c, d, e) { var s, r = 0 if (c > r && !(b.fx <= r)) { if (b.a7($.eY(), d)) return r = b.r2 s = t.a.a(r.h(0, $.eY())) if (s == null) { s = new T.FireState($.ao()) r.m(0, $.eY(), s) } s.b = s.b + $.b0() } }, tF(a, b, c, d, e) { var ica_state, r = 0 if (c > r && !(b.fx <= r)) { if (b.a7($.bS(), d)) return r = b.r2 ica_state = t.ck.a(r.h(0, $.bS())) if (ica_state == null) { ica_state = new T.IceState(b, $.cX()) ica_state.x = new T.fY(ica_state) r.m(0, $.bS(), ica_state) b.rx.j(0, ica_state) b.ry.j(0, ica_state.x) b.F() } else ica_state.y = ica_state.y + $.cX() // iceState.frozenStep += 2048; if (a.r2.J(0, $.a7())) ica_state.y = ica_state.y + $.bx() // sklIceHit // [1]被[冰冻]了 r = T.RunUpdate_init(C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("HBga"), $.qF()), a, b, null, null, $.bg(), 1000, 100) e.a.push(r) } }, tI(a, b, c, d, e) { var s, r if (c > $.C() && !(b.fx <= 0)) { if (b.a7($.bT(), d)) return s = b.r2 r = t.ax.a(s.h(0, $.bT())) if (r == null) { r = new T.PoisonState(a, b, $.C()) r.y = T.getAt(a, true, d) * $.eV() s.m(0, $.bT(), r) b.x2.j(0, r) } else { r.y = r.y + T.getAt(a, true, d) * $.eV() r.z = $.C() r.r = a } e.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("Okln"), $.qH()), a, b, null, null, $.a6(), 1000, 100)) } }, getAt(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p, o = b ? a.dx : a.ch, n = t.i, m = H.b([c.n() & 127, c.n() & 127, c.n() & 127, o + $.au(), o], n) C.Array.aJ(m) s = m[$.t()] m = c.n() r = $.au() q = c.n() p = $.au() n = H.b([(m & 63) + r, (q & 63) + p, o + p], n) C.Array.aJ(n) return s * n[$.i()] * a.id }, d9(a, b, c) { if (b) return a.dy + $.au() return a.cx + $.au() }, bW(a, b, c) { var s = $.eW() + b - a, r = $.ap() if (s < r) s = r if (s > $.au()) s = C.JsInt.P(s, $.C()) + $.aI() return c.n() <= s }, rateHiHp(a) { var s = a.fx if (s < $.as()) return $.pz() if (s > $.mR()) return $.py() return s }, choose_boss(name, clan_name, fgt, weapon_name) { // MARK: WTF 什么鬼这么长 var team_name, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a, a0, a1, a2, a3 = null if (clan_name == $.nk()) { team_name = 0 r = $.T() q = H.b([], t.q) p = H.b([], t.H) o = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) n = new Sgls.MList(t.n) n.c = n n.b = n m = new Sgls.MList(t.p) m.c = m m.b = m l = new Sgls.MList(t.g) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.G) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t._) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.e) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t.k) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.l) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.m) f.c = f f.b = f e = t.i d = H.b([], e) c = H.b([], e) b = H.b([], e) e = H.b([], e) a = 0 a = new T.PlrBossTest(name, clan_name, name, a3, team_name, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, d, c, b, e, a, a, a, $.W(), a) a.a1(name, clan_name, name, a3) a.e4(name, clan_name, fgt) return a } // MARK: BOSS INIT(上面也是) if (clan_name == $.qR()) { team_name = 0 r = $.T() q = H.b([], t.q) p = H.b([], t.H) o = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) n = new Sgls.MList(t.n) n.c = n n.b = n m = new Sgls.MList(t.p) m.c = m m.b = m l = new Sgls.MList(t.g) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.G) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t._) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.e) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t.k) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.l) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.m) f.c = f f.b = f e = t.i d = H.b([], e) c = H.b([], e) b = H.b([], e) e = H.b([], e) a = 0 a = new T.PlrBossTest2(name, clan_name, name, a3, team_name, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, d, c, b, e, a, a, a, $.W(), a) a.a1(name, clan_name, name, a3) a.e5(name, clan_name) return a } // MARK: 强评? // cl -> ! team_name = $.cl() if (clan_name == team_name) { if (name == $.lQ()) { r = 0 q = H.as_string(name) + H.as_string($.aD()) p = 0 o = $.T() n = H.b([], t.q) m = H.b([], t.H) l = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) k = new Sgls.MList(t.n) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.p) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.g) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t.G) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t._) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.e) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.k) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.l) d.c = d d.b = d c = new Sgls.MList(t.m) c.c = c c.b = c b = t.i a = H.b([], b) a0 = H.b([], b) a1 = H.b([], b) b = H.b([], b) a2 = 0 a2 = new T.PlrBossMario(r, name, team_name, q, a3, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, a, a0, a1, b, a2, a2, a2, $.W(), a2) a2.a1(name, team_name, q, a3) a2.av(name, team_name) return a2 } if (name == $.qP()) { r = H.as_string(name) + H.as_string($.aD()) q = 0 p = $.T() o = H.b([], t.q) n = H.b([], t.H) m = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) l = new Sgls.MList(t.n) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.p) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.g) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.G) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t._) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.e) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.k) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.l) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.m) d.c = d d.b = d c = t.i b = H.b([], c) a = H.b([], c) a0 = H.b([], c) c = H.b([], c) a1 = 0 a1 = new T.PlrBossSonic(name, team_name, r, a3, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, b, a, a0, c, a1, a1, a1, $.W(), a1) a1.a1(name, team_name, r, a3) a1.av(name, team_name) return a1 } if (name == $.qo()) { r = H.as_string(name) + H.as_string($.aD()) q = 0 p = $.T() o = H.b([], t.q) n = H.b([], t.H) m = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) l = new Sgls.MList(t.n) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.p) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.g) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.G) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t._) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.e) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.k) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.l) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.m) d.c = d d.b = d c = t.i b = H.b([], c) a = H.b([], c) a0 = H.b([], c) c = H.b([], c) a1 = 0 a1 = new T.PlrBossMosquito(name, team_name, r, a3, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, b, a, a0, c, a1, a1, a1, $.W(), a1) a1.a1(name, team_name, r, a3) a1.av(name, team_name) return a1 } if (name == $.qY()) { r = H.as_string(name) + H.as_string($.aD()) q = 0 p = $.T() o = H.b([], t.q) n = H.b([], t.H) m = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) l = new Sgls.MList(t.n) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.p) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.g) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.G) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t._) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.e) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.k) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.l) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.m) d.c = d d.b = d c = t.i b = H.b([], c) a = H.b([], c) a0 = H.b([], c) c = H.b([], c) a1 = 0 a1 = new T.PlrBossYuri(name, team_name, r, a3, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, b, a, a0, c, a1, a1, a1, $.W(), a1) a1.a1(name, team_name, r, a3) a1.av(name, team_name) return a1 } if (name == $.qO()) return T.rE(name, team_name) if (name == $.qh()) { r = H.as_string(name) + H.as_string($.aD()) q = 0 p = $.T() o = H.b([], t.q) n = H.b([], t.H) m = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) l = new Sgls.MList(t.n) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.p) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.g) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.G) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t._) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.e) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.k) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.l) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.m) d.c = d d.b = d c = t.i b = H.b([], c) a = H.b([], c) a0 = H.b([], c) c = H.b([], c) a1 = 0 a1 = new T.PlrBossIkaruga(name, team_name, r, a3, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, b, a, a0, c, a1, a1, a1, $.W(), a1) a1.a1(name, team_name, r, a3) a1.av(name, team_name) return a1 } if (name == $.qb()) { r = H.as_string(name) + H.as_string($.aD()) q = 0 p = $.T() o = H.b([], t.q) n = H.b([], t.H) m = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) l = new Sgls.MList(t.n) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.p) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.g) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.G) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t._) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.e) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.k) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.l) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.m) d.c = d d.b = d c = t.i b = H.b([], c) a = H.b([], c) a0 = H.b([], c) c = H.b([], c) a1 = 0 a1 = new T.PlrBossConan(name, team_name, r, a3, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, b, a, a0, c, a1, a1, a1, $.W(), a1) a1.a1(name, team_name, r, a3) a1.av(name, team_name) return a1 } if (name == $.q9()) { r = H.as_string(name) + H.as_string($.aD()) q = 0 p = $.T() o = H.b([], t.q) n = H.b([], t.H) m = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) l = new Sgls.MList(t.n) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.p) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.g) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.G) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t._) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.e) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.k) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.l) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.m) d.c = d d.b = d c = t.i b = H.b([], c) a = H.b([], c) a0 = H.b([], c) c = H.b([], c) a1 = 0 a1 = new T.PlrBossAokiji(name, team_name, r, a3, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, b, a, a0, c, a1, a1, a1, $.W(), a1) a1.a1(name, team_name, r, a3) a1.av(name, team_name) return a1 } if (name == $.d5()) { r = H.as_string(name) + H.as_string($.aD()) q = 0 p = $.T() o = H.b([], t.q) n = H.b([], t.H) m = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) l = new Sgls.MList(t.n) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.p) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.g) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.G) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t._) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.e) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.k) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.l) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.m) d.c = d d.b = d c = t.i b = H.b([], c) a = H.b([], c) a0 = H.b([], c) c = H.b([], c) a1 = 0 a1 = new T.PlrBossLazy(name, team_name, r, a3, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, b, a, a0, c, a1, a1, a1, $.W(), a1) a1.a1(name, team_name, r, a3) a1.av(name, team_name) return a1 } // covid if (name == $.ck()) { r = H.as_string(name) + H.as_string($.aD()) q = 0 p = $.T() o = H.b([], t.q) n = H.b([], t.H) m = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) l = new Sgls.MList(t.n) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.p) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.g) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.G) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t._) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.e) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.k) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.l) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.m) d.c = d d.b = d c = t.i b = H.b([], c) a = H.b([], c) a0 = H.b([], c) c = H.b([], c) a1 = 0 a1 = new T.PlrBossCovid(name, team_name, r, a3, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, b, a, a0, c, a1, a1, a1, $.W(), a1) a1.a1(name, team_name, r, a3) a1.av(name, team_name) return a1 } if (name == $.qL()) { r = H.as_string(name) + H.as_string($.aD()) q = 0 p = $.T() o = H.b([], t.q) n = H.b([], t.H) m = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) l = new Sgls.MList(t.n) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.p) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.g) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.G) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t._) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.e) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.k) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.l) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.m) d.c = d d.b = d c = t.i b = H.b([], c) a = H.b([], c) a0 = H.b([], c) c = H.b([], c) a1 = 0 a1 = new T.PlrBossSaitama(name, team_name, r, a3, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, b, a, a0, c, a1, a1, a1, $.W(), a1) a1.a1(name, team_name, r, a3) a1.av(name, team_name) return a1 } r = $.ni() if (J.m1(name, r)) { r = H.as_string(r) + H.as_string($.aD()) q = 0 p = $.T() o = H.b([], t.q) n = H.b([], t.H) m = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) l = new Sgls.MList(t.n) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.p) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.g) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.G) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t._) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.e) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.k) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.l) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.m) d.c = d d.b = d c = t.i b = H.b([], c) a = H.b([], c) a0 = H.b([], c) c = H.b([], c) a1 = 0 a1 = new T.PlrSeed(name, team_name, r, a3, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, b, a, a0, c, a1, a1, a1, $.W(), a1) a1.a1(name, team_name, r, a3) r = a1.r = C.String.ay(name, $.X()) team_name = $.C() $.vq = r.length > team_name && C.String.a8(r, team_name) === $.q0() ? $.pE() : $.mS() return a1 } // boosted if ($.nr().J(0, name)) { team_name = $.cl() r = $.nr().h(0, name) q = 0 p = $.T() o = H.b([], t.q) n = H.b([], t.H) m = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) l = new Sgls.MList(t.n) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.p) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.g) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.G) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t._) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.e) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.k) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.l) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.m) d.c = d d.b = d c = t.i b = H.b([], c) a = H.b([], c) a0 = H.b([], c) c = H.b([], c) a1 = 0 a1 = new T.PlrBoost(r, name, team_name, name, weapon_name, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, b, a, a0, c, a1, a1, a1, $.W(), a1) a1.a1(name, team_name, name, weapon_name) a1.e1(name, team_name, r, weapon_name) return a1 } team_name = $.cl() r = 0 q = $.T() p = H.b([], t.q) o = H.b([], t.H) n = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) m = new Sgls.MList(t.n) m.c = m m.b = m l = new Sgls.MList(t.p) l.c = l l.b = l k = new Sgls.MList(t.g) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.G) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t._) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t.e) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.k) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.l) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.m) e.c = e e.b = e d = t.i c = H.b([], d) b = H.b([], d) a = H.b([], d) d = H.b([], d) a0 = 0 a0 = new T.PlrEx(name, team_name, name, weapon_name, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, c, b, a, d, a0, a0, a0, $.W(), a0) a0.a1(name, team_name, name, weapon_name) a0.e2(name, team_name, name, weapon_name) return a0 } return T.init_plr(name, clan_name, a3, weapon_name) }, oq(a) { var s = a.d if (s != null) s = C.String.cl(s, $.qm()) || C.String.cl(s, $.qn()) else s = false return s }, j7(a, b, c, d, e) { // Plr caster, Plr target, int mutation, R r, RunUpdates updates var s, r, q, p, o, n = b.r2, m = t.cu, l = m.a(n.h(0, $.ck())) if (l != null) s = l.b && !l.c.w(0, c) else s = true if (s) { s = 0 r = new T.CovidState(a, b, s, c, s) r.k1 = new T.PostActionImpl(r) r.k2 = new T.PreActionImpl(r) m = m.a(n.h(0, $.ck())) r.id = m s = r.go if (m != null) m.c.j(0, s) else { m = P.c5(t.B) q = new T.CovidMeta(m) m.j(0, s) r.id = q n.m(0, $.ck(), q) } b.x2.j(0, r.k1) b.x1.j(0, r.k2) b.F() // sklCovidHit // [1]感染了[新冠病毒] e.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("toAn"), a, b, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) for (n = a.y.a.e, m = n.length, p = 0; p < n.length; n.length === m || (0, H.F)(n), ++p) { o = n[p] // if (J.Y(o, b)) { if (o === b) { // p.spsum += 2048 o.l = o.l + $.bx() } else { // p.spsum -= 256 o.l = o.l - $.eX() } } return true } return false }, tB(a, b, c, d, e) { if (b.r2.h(0, $.ck()) == null && (d.n() & 63) + 1 < c) T.j7(a, b, $.bg(), d, e) }, LazyState_init(a, b) { var s = new T.LazyState(a, b, 0) s.fy = new T.PostActionImpl(s) s.go = new T.UpdateStateImpl(s) s.id = new T.PreActionImpl(s) return s }, beLazy(a, b, c) { var s, r = null, q = 1000, p = b.n() if (p < $.b1()) { s = c.a s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("yZbn"), a, r, r, r, 0, q, 100)) } else if (p < $.ci()) { s = c.a s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("PdCA"), a, r, r, r, 0, q, 100)) } else if (p < $.mJ()) { s = c.a s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("gjTN"), a, r, r, r, 0, q, 100)) } else if (p < $.pc()) { s = c.a s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("xraA"), a, r, r, r, 0, q, 100)) } else { s = c.a if (p < $.pp()) s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("OBXn"), a, r, r, r, 0, q, 100)) else s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("fNKA"), a, r, r, r, 0, q, 100)) } s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("hXqA"), a, r, r, r, 0, q, 100)) }, tG(a, b, c, d, e) { if (t.r.a(b.r2.h(0, $.d5())) == null && !(b instanceof T.PlrBossLazy)) { T.LazyState_init(a, b).aP(0) e.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("JnTA"), a, b, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) } }, tH(a, b) { var s = new T.SklMarioReraise(b, 0) s.r = a return s }, rE(a2, a3) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f = 0, e = H.as_string(a2) + H.as_string($.aD()), d = 0, c = $.T(), b = H.b([], t.q), a = H.b([], t.H), a0 = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W), a1 = new Sgls.MList(t.n) a1.c = a1 a1.b = a1 s = new Sgls.MList(t.p) s.c = s s.b = s r = new Sgls.MList(t.g) r.c = r r.b = r q = new Sgls.MList(t.G) q.c = q q.b = q p = new Sgls.MList(t._) p.c = p p.b = p o = new Sgls.MList(t.e) o.c = o o.b = o n = new Sgls.MList(t.k) n.c = n n.b = n m = new Sgls.MList(t.l) m.c = m m.b = m l = new Sgls.MList(t.m) l.c = l l.b = l k = t.i j = H.b([], k) i = H.b([], k) h = H.b([], k) k = H.b([], k) g = 0 g = new T.PlrBossSlime(f, a2, a3, e, null, d, c, b, a, a0, a1, s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, j, i, h, k, g, g, g, $.W(), g) g.a1(a2, a3, e, null) g.av(a2, a3) return g }, init_BossSlime2(a2, a3, a4) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f = 0, e = H.as_string(a3) + H.as_string($.aD()), d = 0, c = $.T(), b = H.b([], t.q), a = H.b([], t.H), a0 = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W), a1 = new Sgls.MList(t.n) a1.c = a1 a1.b = a1 s = new Sgls.MList(t.p) s.c = s s.b = s r = new Sgls.MList(t.g) r.c = r r.b = r q = new Sgls.MList(t.G) q.c = q q.b = q p = new Sgls.MList(t._) p.c = p p.b = p o = new Sgls.MList(t.e) o.c = o o.b = o n = new Sgls.MList(t.k) n.c = n n.b = n m = new Sgls.MList(t.l) m.c = m m.b = m l = new Sgls.MList(t.m) l.c = l l.b = l k = t.i j = H.b([], k) i = H.b([], k) h = H.b([], k) k = H.b([], k) g = 0 g = new T.BossSlime2(a2, f, a3, a4, e, null, d, c, b, a, a0, a1, s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, j, i, h, k, g, g, g, $.W(), g) g.a1(a3, a4, e, null) g.av(a3, a4) g.e = T.getMinionName(a2) g.eV() return g }, parse_names(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e = null, d = t.E, c = H.b([], d), b = C.String.cK(a, $.r_()) for (s = 0; s < b.length; ++s) { r = b[s] q = $.r0() r.toString r = H.iG(r, q, " ", 0) q = $.nq() b[s] = H.iG(r, q, "", 0) } // for (; J.Y(C.Array.gbl(b), "");) { for (; C.Array.gbl(b) === "";) { b.pop() if (b.length === 0) return H.b([], d) } p = C.Array.w(b, "") && true d = t.t o = H.b([], d) for (s = 0, r = t.V, q = !p, n = e; s < b.length; ++s) { m = b[s] if (m === "") { if (o.length !== 0) c.push(o) o = H.b([], d) n = e continue } if (q) { if (o.length !== 0) c.push(o) o = H.b([], d) } // if includes "+" // weapon l = $.lO() m.toString // if (l == null) H.throw_expression(H.R(l)) // if (H.iF(m, l, 0)) { if (m.includes("+")) { k = C.String.aT(m, $.lO()) // j = C.String.dF(C.String.ay(m, k + $.i())) j = C.String.trim_name(C.String.ay(m, k + $.i())) l = C.String.af(m, 0, k) i = $.nq() m = H.iG(l, i, "", 0) } else { j = e } // console.log("weapon: " + j) l = $.n3() if (l == null) H.throw_expression(H.R(l)) if (H.iF(m, l, 0)) { h = C.String.cK(m, $.n3()) if (J.m1(h[0], " ")) { l = 0 h[l] = J.nB(h[l], $.i()) } if (!J.Y(h[$.i()], "")) { l = h[$.i()] i = $.n5() l.toString if (i == null) H.throw_expression(H.R(i)) g = J.a3(l) f = g.gp(l) if (0 > f) H.throw_expression(P.a8(0, 0, g.gp(l), e, e)) l = H.iF(l, i, 0) } else l = true if (l) o.push(H.b([h[0], null, j], r)) else o.push(H.b([h[0], h[$.i()], j], r)) } else if (C.String.bA(m, " ")) { o.push(H.b([C.String.ay(m, $.i()), n, j], r)) } else { if (s + $.i() < b.length) { l = $.n5() if (l == null) H.throw_expression(H.R(l)) l = !H.iF(m, l, 0) && J.m1(b[s + $.i()], " ") } else l = false if (l) n = m else { o.push(H.b([m, null, j], r)) n = e } } } if (o.length !== 0) c.push(o) return c }, // Engine start! start_main(target) { var async_goto = 0, async_completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.eF), result, p, o, n, m, runner, k, j, i, h var $async$c2 = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (async_error_code, async_result) { if (async_error_code === 1) return P.async_rethrow(async_result, async_completer) while (true) switch (async_goto) { case 0: k = t.eV j = H.b([], k) i = t.L h = H.b([], i) k = H.b([], k) i = H.b([], i) p = H.b([], t.gr) o = 0 n = $.i() m = -n // run here? runner = new T.Engine(j, h, k, i, new H.JsLinkedHashMap(t.d5), target, p, o, m, m, new Float64Array(n)) async_goto = 3 return P._asyncAwait(runner.bD(), $async$c2) case 3: result = runner async_goto = 1 // break case 1: return P._asyncReturn(result, async_completer) } }) return P._asyncStartSync($async$c2, async_completer) }, DummyRunUpdates_init(a, b) { // T.v4 var s = a.e, r = 0 return T.DummyRunUpdates(s[r], b.e[r]) }, RunUpdate_init(message, caster, c, d, e, f, delay0, delay1) { // logger.debug("RunUpdate_init", message, H.as_string(caster), H.as_string(c), H.as_string(d)) var s = new T.RunUpdate(f, 0, 0, message, caster, c, e, d) // var s = new T.aX(f, delay0, delay1, message, caster, c, e, d) // s.aK(message, caster, c, d, e, f, delay0, delay1) s.aK(message, caster, c, d, e, f, 0, 0) return s }, RunUpdateCancel_init(a, b, c) { var s = null, r = new T.RunUpdateCancel(0, 1000, 500, a, b, c, s, s) r.aK(a, b, c, s, s, 0, 1000, 500) return r }, mw() { var s, r, q, p if ($.lj == null) { $.lj = P.c5(t.B) s = -$.i() for (r = 0; q = $.ox, p = q.length, r < p; ++r) { s += C.String.a8(q, r) - $.b2() $.lj.j(0, C.JsInt.V(s * $.pF(), $.pn()) + $.p9() + p) } } return $.lj }, lC(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e = {}, d = 0, c = H.b([d, d, d, d, d, d], t.i), b = 0 e.a = -$.t() e.b = -$.i() e.c = b s = new T.lD(e, c) for (d = a.length, r = b; r < d; ++r) { q = C.String.a8(a, r) if (q < $.d_()) { if (q === $.at()) { ++b continue } if (q !== $.mW()) p = q >= $.aI() && q <= $.pO() else p = true if (p) s.$1(0) else if (q >= $.q6() && q <= $.p5()) s.$1($.i()) else if (q >= $.pT() && q <= $.q3()) s.$1($.t()) else s.$1($.B()) } else if (T.mw().w(0, q)) s.$1($.C()) else { p = $.X() o = c[p] if (o > 0) c[p] = o + 1 s.$1(p) } } d = $.t() if (b > d) { p = 0 c[p] = c[p] + b } n = e.a m = 0 if (n < m) { e.a = m n = m } p = e.c o = $.av() if (p > o) { l = $.C() o = p - o c[l] = c[l] + o l = $.B() c[l] = c[l] + o n += o * d } if (n > m) { d = $.B() c[d] = c[d] + 1 for (k = $.X(); k >= m; --k) { d = c[k] if (d > m) { c[k] = d + e.a break } } d = $.B() c[d] = c[d] - 1 for (r = m; r < $.a4(); ++r) { d = c[r] if (d > m) if (d >= n) { c[r] = d - n break } else { n -= d c[r] = m } } } d = $.C() p = c[d] o = $.i() if (p == o) { p = $.X() c[p] = c[p] + o c[d] = m } d = $.pa() p = c[m] H.ar(d) H.ar(p) p = Math.pow(d, p) d = $.pB() o = c[$.i()] H.ar(d) H.ar(o) o = Math.pow(d, o) d = $.pS() l = c[$.t()] H.ar(d) H.ar(l) l = Math.pow(d, l) d = $.ps() j = c[$.B()] H.ar(d) H.ar(j) j = Math.pow(d, j) d = $.pm() i = c[$.C()] H.ar(d) H.ar(i) i = Math.pow(d, i) d = $.W() h = c[$.X()] H.ar(d) H.ar(h) g = Math.log(p * o * l * j * i * Math.pow(d, h)) if (g > $.aI()) { f = $.n1() if (g > f) g = f g = g * $.b0() + $.eW() } else if (g < $.eW()) g = g * $.b0() + $.cY() g -= $.at() if (g > 0) return g / ($.rp() - T.mw().a) else { d = $.rq() if (g < -d) return (g + d) / ($.pD() + d - T.mw().a) } return $.ao() }, DummyRunUpdates(a, b) { var s = a.Q - b.Q if (s !== 0) return s return J.lV(a.e, b.e) }, init_plr(name, clan_name, fgt, weapon) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, f = 0, e = $.T(), d = H.b([], t.q), c = H.b([], t.H), b = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W), a = new Sgls.MList(t.n) a.c = a a.b = a s = new Sgls.MList(t.p) s.c = s s.b = s r = new Sgls.MList(t.g) r.c = r r.b = r q = new Sgls.MList(t.G) q.c = q q.b = q p = new Sgls.MList(t._) p.c = p p.b = p o = new Sgls.MList(t.e) o.c = o o.b = o n = new Sgls.MList(t.k) n.c = n n.b = n m = new Sgls.MList(t.l) m.c = m m.b = m l = new Sgls.MList(t.m) l.c = l l.b = l k = t.i j = H.b([], k) i = H.b([], k) h = H.b([], k) k = H.b([], k) let plr = new T.Plr(name, clan_name, fgt, weapon, f, e, d, c, b, a, s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, j, i, h, k, 0, 0, 0, $.W(), 0) plr.a1(name, clan_name, fgt, weapon) return plr }, t6(a, b) { return J.lV(b.b, a.b) }, tx(a, b, c, d, e) { }, tz(a, b, c, d, e) { }, SklAttack_init(a) { var s = new T.SklAttack(0) s.r = a return s }, SklSimpleAttack_init(a) { var s = new T.SklSimpleAttack(0) s.r = a return s }, NoWeapon(a, b) { var s = new T.NoWeapon(a, b, P.aL($.av(), 0, false, t.B)) s.a = a return s }, Weapon_factory(a, b) { var s = new T.Weapon(a, b, P.aL($.av(), 0, false, t.B)) s.a = a return s }, SklAbsorb: function e1(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklAccumulate: function h5(a, b) { var _ = this _.fr = null _.fx = a _.e = false _.f = b _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklAssassinate: function h7(a) { var _ = this _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = null _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, BerserkState: function dd(a, b) { var _ = this _.fr = a _.e = false _.f = b _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklBerserk: function h9(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklCharge: function ha(a, b) { var _ = this _.fx = _.fr = null _.fy = a _.e = false _.f = b _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, CharmState: function dj(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.r = a _.x = b _.y = null _.z = c _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, SklCharm: function e3(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, MinionCount: function dI(a) { this.b = a }, PlrClone: function PlrClone(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.cm = _.a6 = null _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, SklClone: function e4(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklCloneCallback: function k9() { }, SklCritical: function e5(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, CurseState: function dn(a, b, c, d) { var _ = this _.r = a _.x = b _.y = null _.z = c _.Q = d _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, SklCurse: function hf(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklDisperse: function hh(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklExchange: function hi(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, FireState: function c3(a) { this.b = a }, SklFire: function cc(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, sklHalf: function e7(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, HasteState: function dw(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.x = a _.y = null _.z = b _.Q = c _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, SklHaste: function hk(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklHeal: function e8(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklHealCallback: function ka(a) { this.a = a }, IceState: function dx(a, b) { var _ = this _.r = a _.x = null _.y = b _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, SklIce: function e9(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklIron: function ho(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = null _.go = a _.id = b _.e = false _.f = c _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, PoisonState: function dS(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.r = a _.x = b _.y = null _.z = c _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, SklPoison: function ht(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklQuake: function hv(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklRapid: function ec(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklRevive: function hx(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklPossess: function hu(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, PlrShadow: function fS(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a6 = _.aj = null _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, SklShadow: function hB(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SlowState: function eh(a, b) { var _ = this _.x = a _.y = null _.z = b _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, SklSlow: function hG(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklExplode: function hj(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, PlrSummon: function fT(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.bi = _.aj = null _.aR = false _.a6 = null _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, SklSummon: function hx(a) { var _ = this _.fr = null _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklThunder: function hu(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, PlrBossAokiji: function f5(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, SklAokijiDefend: function h6(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklAokijiIceAge: function e2(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, PlrBoost: function fP(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) { var _ = this _.a6 = a _.a = b _.b = c _.c = d _.d = e _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = f _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = g _.k1 = h _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = i _.r1 = null _.r2 = j _.rx = k _.ry = l _.x1 = m _.x2 = n _.y1 = o _.y2 = p _.G = q _.L = r _.S = s _.A = false _.q = a0 _.X = null _.E = a1 _.t = a2 _.a2 = a3 _.M = a4 _.N = a5 _.Y = a6 _.H = a7 _.l = a8 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, PlrBossTest: function fU(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, PlrBossTest2: function fV(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, PlrEx: function fQ(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, PlrBoss: function cz() { }, PlrBossConan: function f6(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, SklConan: function hb(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.fr = a _.fx = b _.e = false _.f = c _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, PlrBossCovid: function f7(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, CovidMeta: function dk(a) { this.b = false this.c = a }, CovidState: function dl(a, b, c, d, e) { var _ = this _.fr = a _.fx = b _.fy = c _.go = d _.k2 = _.k1 = _.id = null _.e = false _.f = e _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklCovidDefend: function he(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklCovidAttack: function hd(a, b) { var _ = this _.fr = a _.e = false _.f = b _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, PlrBossIkaruga: function f8(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, SklIkarugaDefend: function hn(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklIkarugaAttack: function hm(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, PlrBossLazy: function de(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, LazyState: function dB(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.fr = a _.fx = b _.id = _.go = _.fy = null _.e = false _.f = c _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklLazyDefend: function hq(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklLazyAttack: function hp(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.fr = a _.fx = b _.e = false _.f = c _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, PlrBossMario: function df(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) { var _ = this _.aC = a _.aR = _.bi = _.aj = null _.a = b _.b = c _.c = d _.d = e _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = f _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = g _.k1 = h _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = i _.r1 = null _.r2 = j _.rx = k _.ry = l _.x1 = m _.x2 = n _.y1 = o _.y2 = p _.G = q _.L = r _.S = s _.A = false _.q = a0 _.X = null _.E = a1 _.t = a2 _.a2 = a3 _.M = a4 _.N = a5 _.Y = a6 _.H = a7 _.l = a8 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, SklMarioGet: function hr(a, b) { var _ = this _.fr = a _.e = false _.f = b _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklMarioReraise: function ea(a, b) { var _ = this _.Q = a _.e = false _.f = b _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, PlrBossMosquito: function f9(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, PlrBossSaitama: function fa(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, SklSaitama: function hA(a, b, c, d, e) { var _ = this _.fr = a _.fx = b _.fy = c _.go = d _.id = null _.e = false _.f = e _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, PlrSeed_: function PlrSeed_() { }, PlrSeed: function PlrSeed(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, PlrBossSlime: function PlrBossSlime(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8) { var _ = this _.aC = a _.a = b _.b = c _.c = d _.d = e _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = f _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = g _.k1 = h _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = i _.r1 = null _.r2 = j _.rx = k _.ry = l _.x1 = m _.x2 = n _.y1 = o _.y2 = p _.G = q _.L = r _.S = s _.A = false _.q = a0 _.X = null _.E = a1 _.t = a2 _.a2 = a3 _.M = a4 _.N = a5 _.Y = a6 _.H = a7 _.l = a8 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, BossSlime2: function BossSlime2(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9) { var _ = this _.dk = a _.aC = b _.a = c _.b = d _.c = e _.d = f _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = g _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = h _.k1 = i _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = j _.r1 = null _.r2 = k _.rx = l _.ry = m _.x1 = n _.x2 = o _.y1 = p _.y2 = q _.G = r _.L = s _.S = a0 _.A = false _.q = a1 _.X = null _.E = a2 _.t = a3 _.a2 = a4 _.M = a5 _.N = a6 _.Y = a7 _.H = a8 _.l = a9 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, SklSlimeSpawnState: function hF() { }, SklSlimeSpawn: function ef(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, PlrBossSonic: function fc(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, PlrBossYuri: function fd(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, SklYuriControl: function eg(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, Engine: function Engine(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = null _.c = b _.d = c _.e = d _.f = null // 可从 this.gbu 获取 _.r = e _.x = f _.z = g _.Q = h _.ch = i _.cx = false _.cy = null _.db = j _.dx = k }, jk: function jk() { }, jj: function jj() { }, jl: function jl(a) { this.a = a }, ji: function ji(a) { this.a = a }, Grp: function b7(a, b, c, d, e) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = null _.c = b _.d = c _.e = d _.f = e }, IPlr: function fr() { }, NPlr: function bF() { this.a = null }, HPlr: function V(a) { var _ = this _.b = null _.c = a _.a = _.d = null }, MPlr: function dF() { this.a = this.c = this.b = null }, DPlr: function dp() { this.a = null }, HDamage: function bB(a) { this.a = a }, HRecover: function bm(a) { this.a = a }, RunUpdate: function aX(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.e = e _.f = f _.r = g _.x = h }, RunUpdateCancel: function h2(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.e = e _.f = f _.r = g _.x = h }, RunUpdateWin: function dX(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.e = e _.f = f _.r = g _.x = h }, aq: function aq(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, lD: function lD(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, Minion: function aM() { }, Plr: function init_plr(a, b, c, d, e, f, skills, actions, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, q, r, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { /*skl.f -> skl.level action.e -> action.boosted Plr的属性 this.k1 -> skills 打乱前的技能,固定顺序,是createSkills操作的属性 this.k2 -> sortedSkills 打乱后的技能,顺序不固定,initSkills操作的属性 this.k4 -> 主动技能actions this.q -> 八围,前七围要+36才是显示的数字 k1,k2,k4数组应该是引用技能对象(地址)的,所以更改一个后,在其他会随时同步 */ var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = skills _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = actions _.weapon = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = q _.S = r _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, jX: function jX() { }, BoostPassive: function BoostPassive() { }, // boostPassive jY: function jY() { }, IMeta: function x() { }, UpdateStateEntry: function aZ() { }, cB: function cB() { }, bH: function bH() { }, PostDefendEntry: function aB() { }, PostDamageEntry: function ah() { }, PreActionEntry: function aV() { }, PostActionEntry: function bq() { }, aF: function aF() { }, UpdateStateImpl: function UpdateStateImpl(a) { var _ = this _.x = a _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, fY: function fY(a) { var _ = this _.x = a _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, PostDefendImpl: function PostDefendImpl(a, b) { var _ = this _.r = a _.x = b _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, PostDamageImpl: function cA(a) { var _ = this _.x = a _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, PreActionImpl: function ca(a) { var _ = this _.x = a _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, PostActionImpl: function b8(a) { var _ = this _.x = a _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, cp: function cp(a) { var _ = this _.x = a _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, bG: function bG(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, Skill: function Skill() { }, ActionSkill: function b5() { }, SklAttack: function h8(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklSimpleAttack: function hD(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklCounter: function SklCounter(a) { var _ = this _.Q = false _.cx = _.ch = null _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklDefend: function SklDefend(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklHide: function SklHide(a) { var _ = this _.ch = _.Q = null _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, MergeState: function fC() { }, SklMerge: function SklMerge(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, dV: function dV(a, b) { var _ = this _.r = a _.x = b _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, SklProtect: function SklProtect(a) { var _ = this _.Q = null _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklReflect: function SklReflect(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklReraise: function SklReraise(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, ShieldStat_: function e0(a, b) { var _ = this _.r = a _.x = b _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, SklShield: function SklShield(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklUpgrade: function SklUpgrade(a) { var _ = this _.Q = null _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SkillVoid: function SkillVoid(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, PlrZombie: function fX(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p, dies, kills, s, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7) { var _ = this _.a6 = _.aj = null _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.z = _.y = _.x = _.r = _.f = _.e = null _.Q = e _.go = _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = _.cx = _.ch = null _.id = f _.k1 = g _.k3 = _.k2 = null _.k4 = h _.r1 = null _.r2 = i _.rx = j _.ry = k _.x1 = l _.x2 = m _.y1 = n _.y2 = o _.G = p _.L = dies _.S = kills _.A = false _.q = s _.X = null _.E = a0 _.t = a1 _.a2 = a2 _.M = a3 _.N = a4 _.Y = a5 _.H = a6 _.l = a7 _.a_ = _.Z = false _.I = null }, ZombieState: function hY() { }, SklZombie: function SklZombie(a) { var _ = this _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, BossWeapon: function j2(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.a = null _.b = a _.c = b _.f = _.e = _.d = null _.r = c }, SklDeathNote: function hg(a) { var _ = this _.fx = _.fr = null _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, WeaponDeathNote: function eo(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.a = null _.b = a _.c = b _.f = _.e = _.d = null _.r = c }, DummyChargeMeta: function fl() { }, GuiYue: function jq(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.a = null _.b = a _.c = b _.f = _.e = _.d = null _.r = c }, NoWeapon: function jN(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.a = null _.b = a _.c = b _.f = _.e = _.d = null _.r = c }, RinickModifier: function k1(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.a = null _.b = a _.c = b _.f = _.e = _.d = null _.r = c }, k3: function k3() { }, RinickModifierPreAction: function h0(a) { var _ = this _.r = a _.c = _.b = _.a = null }, k2: function k2(a) { this.a = a }, RinickModifierUpdateState: function RinickModifierUpdateState() { this.c = this.b = this.a = null }, SklRinickModifierClone: function SklRinickModifierClone(a, b) { var _ = this _.fr = a _.e = false _.f = b _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, hy: function hy(a, b) { var _ = this _.Q = a _.e = false _.f = b _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, SklS11: function hz(a, b) { var _ = this _.fr = a _.e = false _.f = b _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, kb: function kb() { }, WeaponS11: function ep(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.a = null _.b = a _.c = b _.f = _.e = _.d = null _.r = c }, Weapon: function Weapon(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.a = null _.b = a _.c = b _.f = _.e = _.d = null _.r = c }, kq: function kq() { }, kr: function kr() { }, ks: function ks() { }, kt: function kt() { }, ku: function ku() { }, ko: function ko() { }, kp: function kp() { }, hc: function hc(a) { var _ = this _.Q = false _.cx = _.ch = null _.e = false _.f = a _.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null }, kv: function kv(a, b, c) { var _ = this _.a = null _.b = a _.c = b _.f = _.e = _.d = null _.r = c }, ij: function ij() { }, ShieldStat: function ik() { } }, V = { // 评分 // 普评/强评 ProfileMain: function iV(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = false _.d = 1000 _.e = 33554431 _.f = c _.r = d _.x = null _.y = e _.z = f _.ch = _.Q = 0 _.cx = null _.cy = g }, j_: function j_(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, j0: function j0() { }, j1: function j1(a) { this.a = a } }, W = { j4() { var s = document.createElement("canvas") return s }, rP(a, b, c) { var s, doc_body = document.body doc_body.toString s = C.BodyElement.aA(doc_body, a, b, c) s.toString doc_body = new H.cf(new W.az(s), new W.jf(), t.ac.i("cf")) return t.R.a(doc_body.gba(doc_body)) }, ds(a) { var s, r, q = "element tag unavailable" try { s = J.bv(a) if (typeof s.gdD(a) == "string") q = s.gdD(a) } catch (r) { H.unwrap_Exception(r) } return q }, nK() { var s = document.createElement("img") return s }, es(a, b, c, d) { // 设置 event listener var s = W.uJ(new W.kF(c), t.aD) if (s != null) { J.rs(a, b, s, false) } return new W.ia(a, b, s, false) }, oc(a) { var s = document.createElement("a"), r = new W.l_(s, window.location) r = new W.cP(r) r.e6(a) return r }, tT(a, b, c, d) { return true }, tU(a, b, c, d) { var s, r = d.a, q = r.a q.href = c s = q.hostname r = r.b if (!(s == r.hostname && q.port == r.port && q.protocol == r.protocol)) if (s === "") if (q.port === "") { r = q.protocol r = r === ":" || r === "" } else r = false else r = false else r = true return r }, oh() { var s = t.N, r = P.nQ(C.r, s), q = H.b(["TEMPLATE"], t.s) s = new W.it(r, P.c5(s), P.c5(s), P.c5(s), null) s.e7(null, new H.y(C.r, new W.l7(), t.fj), q, null) return s }, ll(a) { return W.oa(a) }, oa(a) { if (a === window) return a else return new W.kE(a) }, uJ(a, b) { var s = $.P if (s === C.f) return a return s.eI(a, b) }, HtmlElement: function HtmlElement() { }, AnchorElement: function AnchorElement() { }, AreaElement: function AreaElement() { }, BaseElement: function BaseElement() { }, Blob: function Blob() { }, BodyElement: function BodyElement() { }, CanvasElement: function CanvasElement() { }, CanvasRenderingContext2D: function CanvasRenderingContext2D() { }, b6: function b6() { }, co: function co() { }, j8: function j8() { }, dm: function dm() { }, c0: function c0() { }, ja: function ja() { }, jb: function jb() { }, Element: function Element() { }, jf: function jf() { }, o: function o() { }, fn: function fn() { }, File: function cq() { }, fp: function fp() { }, c4: function c4() { }, jL: function jL() { }, c8: function c8() { }, dH: function dH() { }, bp: function bp() { }, az: function az(a) { this.a = a }, v: function v() { }, dM: function dM() { }, dQ: function dQ() { }, h4: function h4() { }, ek: function ek() { }, hN: function hN() { }, kd: function kd(a) { this.a = a }, bb: function bb() { }, ce: function ce() { }, en: function en() { }, hQ: function hQ() { }, hR: function hR() { }, cI: function cI() { }, aY: function aY() { }, eq: function eq() { }, cL: function cL() { }, ex: function ex() { }, eH: function eH() { }, i2: function i2() { }, i8: function i8(a) { this.a = a }, m5: function m5(a, b) { this.a = a this.$ti = b }, ia: function ia(a, b, c, d) { var _ = this _.b = a _.c = b _.d = c _.e = d }, kF: function kF(a) { this.a = a }, cP: function cP(a) { this.a = a }, cr: function cr() { }, dN: function dN(a) { this.a = a }, jP: function jP(a) { this.a = a }, jO: function jO(a, b, c) { this.a = a this.b = b this.c = c }, eD: function eD() { }, l0: function l0() { }, l1: function l1() { }, it: function it(a, b, c, d, e) { var _ = this _.e = a _.a = b _.b = c _.c = d _.d = e }, l7: function l7() { }, is: function is() { }, dv: function dv(a, b) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = -1 _.d = null }, kE: function kE(a) { this.a = a }, l_: function l_(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, ix: function ix(a) { this.a = a this.b = 0 }, le: function le(a) { this.a = a }, i6: function i6() { }, ig: function ig() { }, ih: function ih() { }, il: function il() { }, iy: function iy() { }, iz: function iz() { }, iA: function iA() { }, iB: function iB() { } }, X = { dc(a) { // 似乎是什么算号方法? var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = a.length, l = P.aL(C.d.R(m * 8 / 6.5), 0, true, t.B) for (s = 0, r = 0, q = 0, p = 0, o = 0; o < m; ++o) { s = (s | C.JsInt.bX(a[o] & 255 ^ 0, r)) >>> 0 r += 8 if (r > 13) { q = s & 8191 if (q > 456) { s = s >>> 13 r -= 13 } else { q = s & 16383 s = s >>> 14 r -= 14 } n = p + 1 // l[p] = J.J($.iM(), C.JsInt.V(q, 93)) l[p] = $.iM()[C.JsInt.V(q, 93)] p = n + 1 // l[n] = J.J($.iM(), q / 93 | 0) l[n] = $.iM()[q / 93 | 0] } } if (r > 0) { n = p + 1 // l[p] = J.J($.iM(), C.JsInt.V(s, 93)) l[p] = $.iM()[C.JsInt.V(s, 93)] if (r > 7 || s > 92) { p = n + 1 // l[n] = J.J($.iM(), s / 93 | 0) l[n] = $.iM()[s / 93 | 0] } else { p = n } } C.Array.sp(l, p) return P.mh(l, 0, null) }, f4(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j = a.length, i = P.aL(C.d.R(j * 7 / 8), 0, true, t.B) for (s = J.aQ(a), r = 0, q = 0, p = -1, o = 0, n = 0; n < j; ++n) { m = s.a8(a, n) if (m > 126) continue // l = J.J($.oS(), m) l = $.oS()[m] if (l === 93) { continue } if (p === -1) { p = l } else { p += l * 93 r |= C.JsInt.bX(p, q) q += (p & 8191) > 456 ? 13 : 14 do { k = o + 1 i[o] = r & 255 ^ b r = r >>> 8 q -= 8 if (q > 7) { o = k continue } else break } while (true) o = k p = -1 } } if (p !== -1) { k = o + 1 i[o] = ((r | C.JsInt.bX(p, q)) ^ b) >>> 0 o = k } C.Array.sp(i, o) return i }, k(a, b) { var s, r, q = new Uint8Array(H.on(X.f4(a, b))).buffer H.mq(q, 0, null) s = q.byteLength r = C.JsInt.ag(s - 0, 4) let result = new Uint32Array(q, 0, r)[1] // return new Uint32Array(q, 0, r)[1] // if (run_env.from_code) { // console.log("X.k", a, b, result) // } logger.debug("X.k", a, b, result) return result }, D(a, b) { var s, r, q = new Uint8Array(H.on(X.f4(a, b))).buffer H.mq(q, 0, null) s = q.byteLength r = C.JsInt.ag(s - 0, 4) let result = new Float32Array(q, 0, r)[1]; // return new Float32Array(q, 0, r)[1] // if (run_env.from_code) { // console.log("X.D", a, b, result) // } logger.debug("X.D", a, b, result) return result }, je: function je() { }, j9: function j9() { }, ProfileFind: function iW(a, b) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = -1 _.c = 33554431 _.e = 0 _.f = null _.r = b }, iX: function iX() { }, iY: function iY(a) { this.a = a }, iZ: function iZ(a) { this.a = a } }, Y = { RC4: function dW() { this.b = this.a = 0 this.c = null } }, HtmlRenderer = { add_span(a) { var s = document.createElement("span") s.classList.add(a) return s }, add_div(a) { var s = document.createElement("div") s.classList.add(a) return s }, add_p(a) { var s = document.createElement("p") s.classList.add(a) return s }, static_init() { var async_goto = 0, r = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z), q, p var $async$jv = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (a, b) { if (a === 1) return P.async_rethrow(b, r) while (true) switch (async_goto) { case 0: if (run_env.from_code) { // 直接忽略这里的 wait async_goto = 2 } else { Sgls.tw() q = W.nK() $.md = q W.es(q, "load", Sgls.vg(), false) $.md.src = "" async_goto = 2 // 等待这个 callback 被调用 return P._asyncAwait($.nt().a, $async$jv) } case 2: if (run_env.from_code) { logger.debug("loading gAd data") LangData.load_lang(t.cF.a(C.C.bt(0, assets_data.lang))) // LangData.v1(assets_data.lang) // LangData.load_lang(assets_data.lang) } else { p = window.sessionStorage.getItem(LangData.eQ("ll")) if (typeof p == "string") { LangData.load_lang(t.cF.a(C.C.bt(0, p))) } } return P._asyncReturn(null, r) } }) return P._asyncStartSync($async$jv, r) }, outer_main(a) { var s = document let plist = s.querySelector(".plist") let pbody = s.querySelector(".pbody") s = new HtmlRenderer.inner_render(plist, pbody, a, $.ro().ax(256)) s.e0(a) logger.debug("finish html.outer_main") return s }, aA(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var s = a.measureText(b) if (f && s.width < e) c += C.d.ag(e - s.width, 2) a.fillText(b, c, d + 15, e) return s.width }, ju(a, b, c, d) { $.bU().src = $.mg.h(0, b.fy) a.drawImage($.bU(), c + 4, d + 6) HtmlRenderer.aA(a, b.dx, c + 24, d + 5, 90, false) }, rV(a, b) { logger.debug("reaching html.rV") var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h = "#000000", g = "#EEEEEE", f = W.j4(), e = 1 if (a.length + b.length <= 128) e = 2 f.width = 320 * e f.height = ((a.length + b.length) * 26 + 88) * e + 24 s = f.getContext("2d") s.imageSmoothingEnabled = false s.fillStyle = "white" J.bj(s, 0, 0, f.width, f.height) if (!J.Y(e, 1)) J.rC(s, e, 0, 0, e, 0, 0) q = document.body q.toString s.font = window.getComputedStyle(q, "").font s.fillStyle = h HtmlRenderer.aA(s, "\u21dc\u3000" + LangData.get_lang("CeaN") + "\u3000\u21dd", 0, 4, 320, true) r = 26 s.fillStyle = "#FAFAFA" J.bj(s, 0, r, 320, 32) s.fillStyle = g J.bj(s, 0, r, 320, 2) s.fillStyle = h p = HtmlRenderer.aA(s, LangData.get_lang("ePya"), 0, r + 8, 114, true) HtmlRenderer.aA(s, LangData.get_lang("AoUA"), 114, r + 8, 46, true) HtmlRenderer.aA(s, LangData.get_lang("aXIa"), 160, r + 8, 46, true) HtmlRenderer.aA(s, LangData.get_lang("MdQa"), 206, r + 8, 114, true) $.bU().src = "" q = $.bU() o = C.d.ag(114 - p, 2) - 24 J.iO(s, q, o, r + 6) q = $.bU() n = C.d.ag(114 + p, 2) + 4 J.iO(s, q, n, r + 6) r += 32 for (q = a.length, m = 0; m < a.length; a.length === q || (0, H.F)(a), ++m) { l = a[m] s.fillStyle = g J.bj(s, 0, r, 320, 2) s.fillStyle = "#ddddd0" J.bj(s, 22, r + 4, C.d.aI(l.z.offsetWidth), 2) s.fillStyle = "#4c4" J.bj(s, 22, r + 4, C.d.R(l.go / 4), 2) s.fillStyle = h HtmlRenderer.ju(s, l, 0, r) HtmlRenderer.aA(s, C.JsInt.k(l.c), 114, r + 5, 46, true) HtmlRenderer.aA(s, C.JsInt.k(l.d), 160, r + 5, 46, true) k = l.e if (k != null) HtmlRenderer.ju(s, $.ay.h(0, k), 206, r) r += 26 } s.fillStyle = "#FAFAFA" J.bj(s, 0, r, 320, 32) s.fillStyle = g J.bj(s, 0, r, 320, 2) s.fillStyle = h HtmlRenderer.aA(s, LangData.get_lang("eFKN"), 0, r + 8, 114, true) HtmlRenderer.aA(s, LangData.get_lang("AoUA"), 114, r + 8, 46, true) HtmlRenderer.aA(s, LangData.get_lang("aXIa"), 160, r + 8, 46, true) HtmlRenderer.aA(s, LangData.get_lang("MdQa"), 206, r + 8, 114, true) $.bU().src = "" J.iO(s, $.bU(), o, r + 6) J.iO(s, $.bU(), n, r + 6) r += 32 for (q = b.length, m = 0; m < b.length; b.length === q || (0, H.F)(b), ++m) { j = b[m] s.fillStyle = g J.bj(s, 0, r, 320, 2) s.fillStyle = h HtmlRenderer.ju(s, j, 0, r) HtmlRenderer.aA(s, C.JsInt.k(j.c), 114, r + 5, 46, true) HtmlRenderer.aA(s, C.JsInt.k(j.d), 160, r + 5, 46, true) o = j.e if (o != null) HtmlRenderer.ju(s, $.ay.h(0, o), 206, r) r += 26 } s.fillStyle = "#F8F8F8" J.bj(s, 0, r, 320, 2) try { J.rx(s) r *= e s.fillStyle = "#888888" HtmlRenderer.aA(s, $.qp(), 0, r + 2, 140, false) } catch (i) { H.unwrap_Exception(i) } return f }, rU(a, b) { var s = a.c, r = b.c if (s === r) return a.cx - b.cx return r - s }, t9(a) { var s = J.m_(a, "+") if (s > -1) return C.String.af(a, 0, s) + '' + C.String.ay(a, s) + "" return a }, t7(a, b, c) { var s = HtmlRenderer.add_div("plr_list"), r = HtmlRenderer.add_div("sgl"), q = HtmlRenderer.add_div("name"), p = HtmlRenderer.add_div("maxhp"), o = HtmlRenderer.add_div("oldhp"), n = HtmlRenderer.add_div("hp"), m = $.jU + 1 $.jU = m m = new HtmlRenderer.PlrView(a, s, r, q, p, o, n, m) m.cP(a, b, c, {}) return m }, t8(a, b, c) { var s = HtmlRenderer.add_div("plr_list"), r = HtmlRenderer.add_div("sgl"), q = HtmlRenderer.add_div("name"), p = HtmlRenderer.add_div("maxhp"), o = HtmlRenderer.add_div("oldhp"), n = HtmlRenderer.add_div("hp"), m = $.jU + 1 $.jU = m m = new HtmlRenderer.fW(a, s, r, q, p, o, n, m) m.cP(a, b, false, {}) return m }, _updateToHtml(a) { var s, span_element, q, p, o, max_hp_element, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f = a.a if (f > 0 && a.e != null) $.ay.h(0, a.e.gb2()).dc(f) s = H.b([], t.j) span_element = HtmlRenderer.add_span("u") C.R.by(span_element, H.oO(a.d, $.rm(), new HtmlRenderer.lq(new HtmlRenderer._renderItem(s, a), a), null), $.bV()) for (f = s.length, q = t.A, p = 0; p < s.length; s.length === f || (0, H.F)(s), ++p) { o = s[p] if (o instanceof T.HPlr) { max_hp_element = q.a(span_element.querySelector("." + H.as_string(o.b) + " > .maxhp")) m = o.c if (m >= o.d) { l = document k = l.createElement("div") k.classList.add("oldhp") j = k.style m = "" + C.d.R(m / 4) + "px" j.width = m i = l.createElement("div") i.classList.add("hp") m = i.style l = "" + C.d.R(o.d / 4) + "px" m.width = l max_hp_element.appendChild(k) max_hp_element.appendChild(i) } else { l = document h = l.createElement("div") h.classList.add("healhp") j = h.style g = "" + C.d.R(o.d / 4) + "px" j.width = g i = l.createElement("div") i.classList.add("hp") l = i.style m = "" + C.d.R(m / 4) + "px" l.width = m max_hp_element.appendChild(h) max_hp_element.appendChild(i) } } else if (o instanceof T.DPlr) { q.a(span_element.querySelector(".name")).classList.add("namedie") } } return span_element }, // MARK: html render init inner_render: function inner_render(plist, pbody, profiler, randomer) { var _ = this _.a = plist _.b = pbody _.c = profiler // 输入的 profiler _.d = null _.f = _.e = false _.r = 3 _.x = randomer _.y = 2 _.Q = _.z = null _.ch = 0 _.cx = null _.cy = true _.db = null _.dx = true }, jx: function jx(a) { this.a = a }, jy: function jy() { }, jw: function jw() { }, jA: function jA(a, b, c, d) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d }, addPlrToTable: function jz(a) { this.a = a }, jB: function jB() { }, jC: function jC() { }, jD: function jD(a) { this.a = a }, send_win_data: function jE(a, b, c, d, e) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = b _.c = c _.d = d _.e = e }, PlrGroup: function jT(a) { this.a = a this.b = null }, PlrView: function ax(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = null _.d = _.c = 0 _.e = null _.f = b _.r = null _.x = c _.y = d _.z = e _.Q = f _.ch = g _.cx = h _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = null _.go = 0 }, jV: function jV(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, fW: function fW(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { var _ = this _.a = a _.b = null _.d = _.c = 0 _.e = null _.f = b _.r = null _.x = c _.y = d _.z = e _.Q = f _.ch = g _.cx = h _.fy = _.fx = _.fr = _.dy = _.dx = _.db = _.cy = null _.go = 0 }, _renderItem: function lp(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b }, lq: function lq(a, b) { this.a = a this.b = b } } var w = [A, C, Sgls, H, J, L, LangData, P, S, T, V, W, X, Y, HtmlRenderer] var $ = {} H.m8.prototype = {} J.Interceptor.prototype = { aW(a, b) { return a === b }, gak(a) { return H.Primitives_objectHashCode(a) }, k(a) { return "Instance of '" + H.as_string(H.jZ(a)) + "'" } } J.fw.prototype = { k(a) { return String(a) }, gak(a) { return a ? 519018 : 218159 }, $iac: 1 } J.cs.prototype = { aW(a, b) { return null == b }, k(a) { return "null" }, gak(a) { return 0 }, gcw(a) { return C.S }, $iN: 1 } J.bE.prototype = { gak(a) { return 0 }, k(a) { return String(a) }, $inM: 1 } J.PlainJavaScriptObject.prototype = {} J.UnknownJavaScriptObject.prototype = {} J.JavaScriptFunction.prototype = { k(a) { var s = a[$.oR()] if (s == null) return this.dQ(a) return "JavaScript function for " + H.as_string(J.b4(s)) } } J.JsArray.prototype = { j(a, b) { if (!!a.fixed$length) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("add")) a.push(b) }, cu(a, b) { var s if (!!a.fixed$length) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("removeAt")) s = a.length if (b >= s) throw H.wrap_expression(P.k0(b, null)) return a.splice(b, 1)[0] }, co(a, b, c) { if (!!a.fixed$length) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("insert")) if (b < 0 || b > a.length) throw H.wrap_expression(P.k0(b, null)) a.splice(b, 0, c) }, U(a, b) { var s if (!!a.fixed$length) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("remove")) for (s = 0; s < a.length; ++s) if (J.Y(a[s], b)) { a.splice(s, 1) return true } return false }, // push all elements of b to a a5(a, b) { var s, r if (a.fixed$length) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("addAll")) if (Array.isArray(b)) { this.ea(a, b) return } for (s = b.length, r = 0; r < b.length; b.length === s || (0, H.F)(b), ++r) a.push(b[r]) }, // push all elements of b to a ea(a, b) { var s, r = b.length if (r === 0) return if (a === b) throw H.wrap_expression(P.aK(a)) for (s = 0; s < r; ++s) a.push(b[s]) }, f5(a, b, c) { return new H.y(a, b, H._arrayInstanceType(a).i("@<1>").aL(c).i("y<1,2>")) }, aV(a, b) { var s, r = P.aL(a.length, "", false, t.N) for (s = 0; s < a.length; ++s) r[s] = H.as_string(a[s]) return r.join(b) }, dz(a, b) { var s, r, q = a.length if (q === 0) throw H.wrap_expression(H.fu()) s = a[0] for (r = 1; r < q; ++r) { s = b.$2(s, a[r]) if (q !== a.length) throw H.wrap_expression(P.aK(a)) } return s }, dl(a, b) { var s, r, q = a.length for (s = 0; s < q; ++s) { r = a[s] if (b.$1(r)) return r if (a.length !== q) throw H.wrap_expression(P.aK(a)) } throw H.wrap_expression(H.fu()) }, ai(a, b) { return a[b] }, al(a, b, c) { var s if (b == null) H.throw_expression(H.R(b)) if (!H.aP(b)) throw H.wrap_expression(H.R(b)) s = a.length if (b > s) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(b, 0, s, "start", null)) if (c == null) c = s else if (c < b || c > s) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(c, b, s, "end", null)) if (b === c) return H.b([], H._arrayInstanceType(a)) return H.b(a.slice(b, c), H._arrayInstanceType(a)) }, cL(a, b) { return this.al(a, b, null) }, geT(a) { if (a.length > 0) return a[0] throw H.wrap_expression(H.fu()) }, gbl(a) { var s = a.length if (s > 0) return a[s - 1] throw H.wrap_expression(H.fu()) }, df(a, b) { var s, r = a.length for (s = 0; s < r; ++s) { if (b.$1(a[s])) return true if (a.length !== r) throw H.wrap_expression(P.aK(a)) } return false }, bb(a, b) { if (!!a.immutable$list) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("sort")) H.tJ(a, b == null ? J.bO() : b) }, aJ(a) { return this.bb(a, null) }, aT(a, b) { var s, r = a.length if (0 >= r) return -1 for (s = 0; s < r; ++s) if (J.Y(a[s], b)) return s return -1 }, w(a, b) { var s for (s = 0; s < a.length; ++s) // if (J.Y(a[s], b)) return true if (a[s] === b) { return true } return false }, k(a) { return P.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(a, "[", "]") }, ga0(a) { return new J.db(a, a.length) }, gak(a) { return H.Primitives_objectHashCode(a) }, gp(a) { return a.length }, sp(a, b) { if (a.fixed$length) { H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("set length")) } if (!H.aP(b)) throw H.wrap_expression(P.da(b, "newLength", null)) a.length = b }, h(a, b) { if (!H.aP(b)) throw H.wrap_expression(H.bQ(a, b)) if (b >= a.length || b < 0) throw H.wrap_expression(H.bQ(a, b)) return a[b] }, m(a, b, c) { if (a.immutable$list) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("indexed set")) if (!H.aP(b)) throw H.wrap_expression(H.bQ(a, b)) if (b >= a.length || b < 0) throw H.wrap_expression(H.bQ(a, b)) a[b] = c }, $iA: 1, $iw: 1 } J.JsUnmodifiableArray.prototype = {} J.db.prototype = { gC() { return this.d }, u() { var s, r = this, q = r.a, p = q.length if (r.b !== p) throw H.wrap_expression(H.F(q)) s = r.c if (s >= p) { r.d = null return false } r.d = q[s] r.c = s + 1 return true } } J.JsNumber.prototype = { bg(a, b) { var s if (typeof b != "number") throw H.wrap_expression(H.R(b)) if (a < b) return -1 else if (a > b) return 1 else if (a === b) { if (a === 0) { s = this.gcp(b) if (this.gcp(a) === s) return 0 if (this.gcp(a)) return -1 return 1 } return 0 } else if (isNaN(a)) { if (isNaN(b)) return 0 return 1 } else return -1 }, gcp(a) { return a === 0 ? 1 / a < 0 : a < 0 }, R(a) { var s, r if (a >= 0) { if (a <= 2147483647) { s = a | 0 return a === s ? s : s + 1 } } else if (a >= -2147483648) return a | 0 r = Math.ceil(a) if (isFinite(r)) return r throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("" + a + ".ceil()")) }, eW(a) { var s, r if (a >= 0) { if (a <= 2147483647) return a | 0 } else if (a >= -2147483648) { s = a | 0 return a === s ? s : s - 1 } r = Math.floor(a) if (isFinite(r)) return r throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("" + a + ".floor()")) }, aI(a) { if (a > 0) { if (a !== 1 / 0) return Math.round(a) } else if (a > -1 / 0) return 0 - Math.round(0 - a) throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("" + a + ".round()")) }, k(a) { if (a === 0 && 1 / a < 0) return "-0.0" else return "" + a }, gak(a) { var s, r, q, p, o = a | 0 if (a === o) return o & 536870911 s = Math.abs(a) r = Math.log(s) / 0.6931471805599453 | 0 q = Math.pow(2, r) p = s < 1 ? s / q : q / s return ((p * 9007199254740992 | 0) + (p * 3542243181176521 | 0)) * 599197 + r * 1259 & 536870911 }, V(a, b) { var s if (typeof b != "number") throw H.wrap_expression(H.R(b)) s = a % b if (s === 0) return 0 if (s > 0) return s if (b < 0) return s - b else return s + b }, P(a, b) { if (typeof b != "number") throw H.wrap_expression(H.R(b)) if ((a | 0) === a) if (b >= 1 || b < -1) return a / b | 0 return this.d6(a, b) }, ag(a, b) { return (a | 0) === a ? a / b | 0 : this.d6(a, b) }, d6(a, b) { var s = a / b if (s >= -2147483648 && s <= 2147483647) return s | 0 if (s > 0) { if (s !== 1 / 0) return Math.floor(s) } else if (s > -1 / 0) return Math.ceil(s) throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("Result of truncating division is " + H.as_string(s) + ": " + H.as_string(a) + " ~/ " + b)) }, bX(a, b) { if (typeof b != "number") throw H.wrap_expression(H.R(b)) if (b < 0) throw H.wrap_expression(H.R(b)) return b > 31 ? 0 : a << b >>> 0 }, ez(a, b) { return b > 31 ? 0 : a << b >>> 0 }, am(a, b) { var s if (a > 0) s = this.d5(a, b) else { s = b > 31 ? 31 : b s = a >> s >>> 0 } return s }, d5(a, b) { return b > 31 ? 0 : a >>> b } } J.JsInt.prototype = { $il: 1 } J.jF.prototype = {} J.JsString.prototype = { aQ(a, b) { if (!H.aP(b)) throw H.wrap_expression(H.bQ(a, b)) if (b < 0) throw H.wrap_expression(H.bQ(a, b)) if (b >= a.length) H.throw_expression(H.bQ(a, b)) return a.charCodeAt(b) }, a8(a, b) { if (b >= a.length) throw H.wrap_expression(H.bQ(a, b)) return a.charCodeAt(b) }, bK(a, b, c) { var s = b.length if (c > s) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(c, 0, s, null, null)) return new H.ip(b, a, c) }, de(a, b) { return this.bK(a, b, 0) }, dq(a, b, c) { var s, r, q = null, p = b.length if (c > p) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(c, 0, p, q, q)) s = a.length if (c + s > p) return q for (r = 0; r < s; ++r) if (this.a8(b, c + r) !== this.a8(a, r)) return q return new H.bK(c, a) }, B(a, b) { if (typeof b != "string") throw H.wrap_expression(P.da(b, null, null)) return a + b }, cl(a, b) { var s, r if (typeof b != "string") H.throw_expression(H.R(b)) s = b.length r = a.length if (s > r) return false return b === this.ay(a, r - s) }, fu(a, b, c) { P.tp(0, 0, a.length, "startIndex") return H.iG(a, b, c, 0) }, cK(a, b) { if (b == null) H.throw_expression(H.R(b)) if (typeof b == "string") return H.b(a.split(b), t.s) else if (b instanceof H.JSSyntaxRegExp && b.gep().exec("").length - 2 === 0) return H.b(a.split(b.b), t.s) else return this.ek(a, b) }, ek(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = H.b([], t.s) for (s = J.lU(b, a), s = s.ga0(s), r = 0, q = 1; s.u();) { p = s.gC() o = p.gbc(p) n = p.gbh() q = n - o if (q === 0 && r === o) continue m.push(this.af(a, r, o)) r = n } if (r < a.length || q > 0) m.push(this.ay(a, r)) return m }, bA(a, b) { // a start with b var s if (typeof b == "string") { s = b.length if (s > a.length) return false return b === a.substring(0, s) } return J.rw(b, a, 0) != null }, af(a, b, c) { if (!H.aP(b)) H.throw_expression(H.R(b)) return a.substring(b, P.cE(b, c, a.length)) }, ay(a, b) { return this.af(a, b, null) }, fN(a) { return a.toLowerCase() }, trim_name(a) { // trim unicode 133(\n) var s, r, q, p = a.trim(), o = p.length if (o === 0) return p if (this.a8(p, 0) === 133) { s = J.check_from_start(p, 1) if (s === o) return "" } else s = 0 r = o - 1 q = this.aQ(p, r) === 133 ? J.check_from_end(p, r) : o if (s === 0 && q === o) return p return p.substring(s, q) }, cG(a, b) { var s, r if (0 >= b) return "" if (b === 1 || a.length === 0) return a if (b !== b >>> 0) throw H.wrap_expression(C.D) for (s = a, r = ""; true;) { if ((b & 1) === 1) r = s + r b = b >>> 1 if (b === 0) break s += s } return r }, fh(a, b, c) { var s = b - a.length if (s <= 0) return a return this.cG(c, s) + a }, aT(a, b) { var s, r, q if (b == null) H.throw_expression(H.R(b)) s = a.length if (typeof b == "string") return a.indexOf(b, 0) for (r = J.aQ(b), q = 0; q <= s; ++q) if (r.dq(b, a, q) != null) return q return -1 }, dh(a, b, c) { var s if (b == null) H.throw_expression(H.R(b)) s = a.length if (c > s) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(c, 0, s, null, null)) return H.iF(a, b, c) }, w(a, b) { return this.dh(a, b, 0) }, bg(a, b) { var s if (typeof b != "string") throw H.wrap_expression(H.R(b)) if (a === b) s = 0 else s = a < b ? -1 : 1 return s }, k(a) { return a }, gak(a) { var s, r, q for (s = a.length, r = 0, q = 0; q < s; ++q) { r = r + a.charCodeAt(q) & 536870911 r = r + ((r & 524287) << 10) & 536870911 r ^= r >> 6 } r = r + ((r & 67108863) << 3) & 536870911 r ^= r >> 11 return r + ((r & 16383) << 15) & 536870911 }, gp(a) { return a.length }, $ifN: 1, $im: 1 } H.fz.prototype = { k(a) { var s = "LateInitializationError: " + this.a return s } } H.ff.prototype = { gp(a) { return this.a.length }, h(a, b) { return C.String.aQ(this.a, b) } } H.dO.prototype = { k(a) { return "Null is not a valid value for the parameter '" + this.a + "' of type '" + H.mz(this.$ti.c).k(0) + "'" }, $ibc: 1 } H.A.prototype = {} H.M.prototype = { ga0(a) { return new H.cv(this, this.gp(this)) }, aV(a, b) { var s, r, q, p = this, o = p.gp(p) if (b.length !== 0) { if (o === 0) return "" s = H.as_string(p.ai(0, 0)) if (o !== p.gp(p)) throw H.wrap_expression(P.aK(p)) for (r = s, q = 1; q < o; ++q) { r = r + b + H.as_string(p.ai(0, q)) if (o !== p.gp(p)) throw H.wrap_expression(P.aK(p)) } return r.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? r : r } else { for (q = 0, r = ""; q < o; ++q) { r += H.as_string(p.ai(0, q)) if (o !== p.gp(p)) throw H.wrap_expression(P.aK(p)) } return r.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? r : r } }, f3(a) { return this.aV(a, "") }, bV(a, b) { return this.dP(0, b) }, fM(a, b) { return P.List_List_of(this, true, H._instanceType(this).i("M.E")) }, fL(a) { return this.fM(a, true) } } H.cv.prototype = { gC() { return this.d }, u() { var s, r = this, q = r.a, p = J.a3(q), o = p.gp(q) if (r.b !== o) throw H.wrap_expression(P.aK(q)) s = r.c if (s >= o) { r.d = null return false } r.d = p.ai(q, s); ++r.c return true } } H.c6.prototype = { ga0(a) { return new H.fB(J.by(this.a), this.b) }, gp(a) { return J.aw(this.a) } } H.dr.prototype = { $iA: 1 } H.fB.prototype = { u() { var s = this, r = s.b if (r.u()) { s.a = s.c.$1(r.gC()) return true } s.a = null return false }, gC() { return this.a } } H.y.prototype = { gp(a) { return J.aw(this.a) }, ai(a, b) { return this.b.$1(J.ru(this.a, b)) } } H.cf.prototype = { ga0(a) { return new H.hX(J.by(this.a), this.b) } } H.hX.prototype = { u() { var s, r for (s = this.a, r = this.b; s.u();) if (r.$1(s.gC())) return true return false }, gC() { return this.a.gC() } } H.du.prototype = { sp(a, b) { throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("Cannot change the length of a fixed-length list")) } } H.hV.prototype = { m(a, b, c) { throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("Cannot modify an unmodifiable list")) }, sp(a, b) { throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("Cannot change the length of an unmodifiable list")) } } H.cJ.prototype = {} H.a9.prototype = { gp(a) { return J.aw(this.a) }, ai(a, b) { var s = this.a, r = J.a3(s) return r.ai(s, r.gp(s) - 1 - b) } } H.kh.prototype = { aH(a) { var s, r, q = this, p = new RegExp(q.a).exec(a) if (p == null) return null s = Object.create(null) r = q.b if (r !== -1) s.arguments = p[r + 1] r = q.c if (r !== -1) s.argumentsExpr = p[r + 1] r = q.d if (r !== -1) s.expr = p[r + 1] r = q.e if (r !== -1) s.method = p[r + 1] r = q.f if (r !== -1) s.receiver = p[r + 1] return s } } H.NullError.prototype = { k(a) { var s = this.b if (s == null) return "NoSuchMethodError: " + H.as_string(this.a) return "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '" + s + "' on null" } } H.JsNoSuchMethodError.prototype = { k(a) { var s, r = this, q = "NoSuchMethodError: method not found: '", p = r.b if (p == null) return "NoSuchMethodError: " + H.as_string(r.a) s = r.c if (s == null) return q + p + "' (" + H.as_string(r.a) + ")" return q + p + "' on '" + s + "' (" + H.as_string(r.a) + ")" } } H.hU.prototype = { k(a) { var s = this.a return s.length === 0 ? "Error" : "Error: " + s } } H.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException.prototype = { k(a) { return "Throw of null ('" + (this.a === null ? "null" : "undefined") + "' from JavaScript)" } } H.ExceptionAndStackTrace.prototype = {} H.eE.prototype = { k(a) { var s, r = this.b if (r != null) return r r = this.a s = r !== null && typeof r === "object" ? r.stack : null return this.b = s == null ? "" : s }, $iba: 1 } H.c_.prototype = { k(a) { var s = this.constructor, r = s == null ? null : s.name return "Closure '" + H.oP(r == null ? "unknown" : r) + "'" }, gfR() { return this }, $C: "$1", $R: 1, $D: null } H.j5.prototype = { $C: "$0", $R: 0 } H.j6.prototype = { $C: "$2", $R: 2 } H.TearOffClosure.prototype = {} H.StaticClosure.prototype = { k(a) { var s = this.$static_name if (s == null) return "Closure of unknown static method" return "Closure '" + H.oP(s) + "'" } } H.BoundClosure.prototype = { aW(a, b) { if (b == null) return false if (this === b) return true if (!(b instanceof H.BoundClosure)) return false return this.$_target === b.$_target && this.a === b.a }, gak(a) { return (H.vd(this.a) ^ H.Primitives_objectHashCode(this.$_target)) >>> 0 }, k(a) { return "Closure '" + H.as_string(this.$_name) + "' of " + ("Instance of '" + H.as_string(H.jZ(this.a)) + "'") } } H.RuntimeError.prototype = { k(a) { return "RuntimeError: " + this.a } } H.JsLinkedHashMap.prototype = { gp(a) { return this.a }, gbv(a) { return this.a === 0 }, gad(a) { return new H.dC(this, H._instanceType(this).i("dC<1>")) }, gfP(a) { var s = this, r = H._instanceType(s) return H.t5(s.gad(s), new H.JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure(s), r.c, r.Q[1]) }, J(a, b) { var s, r if (typeof b == "string") { s = this.b if (s == null) return false return this.ei(s, b) } else { r = this.f_(b) return r } }, f_(a) { var s = this, r = s.d if (r == null) return false return s.bR(s.bG(r, s.bQ(a)), a) >= 0 }, h(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o = this, n = null if (typeof b == "string") { s = o.b if (s == null) return n r = o.bp(s, b) q = r == null ? n : r.b return q } else if (typeof b == "number" && (b & 0x3ffffff) === b) { p = o.c if (p == null) return n r = o.bp(p, b) q = r == null ? n : r.b return q } else return o.f0(b) }, f0(a) { var s, r, q = this, p = q.d if (p == null) return null s = q.bG(p, q.bQ(a)) r = q.bR(s, a) if (r < 0) return null return s[r].b }, m(a, b, c) { var s, r, q = this if (typeof b == "string") { s = q.b q.cQ(s == null ? q.b = q._newHashTable() : s, b, c) } else if (typeof b == "number" && (b & 0x3ffffff) === b) { r = q.c q.cQ(r == null ? q.c = q._newHashTable() : r, b, c) } else q.f2(b, c) }, f2(a, b) { var s, r, q, p = this, o = p.d if (o == null) o = p.d = p._newHashTable() s = p.bQ(a) r = p.bG(o, s) if (r == null) p.cd(o, s, [p.c_(a, b)]) else { q = p.bR(r, a) if (q >= 0) r[q].b = b else r.push(p.c_(a, b)) } }, U(a, b) { var s if (typeof b == "string") return this.eu(this.b, b) else { s = this.f1(b) return s } }, f1(a) { var s, r, q, p, o = this, n = o.d if (n == null) return null s = o.bQ(a) r = o.bG(n, s) q = o.bR(r, a) if (q < 0) return null p = r.splice(q, 1)[0] o.d9(p) if (r.length === 0) o.c4(n, s) return p.b }, ah(a) { var s = this if (s.a > 0) { s.b = s.c = s.d = s.e = s.f = null s.a = 0 s.c9() } }, aw(a, b) { var this_ = this, r = this_.e, q = this_.r for (; r != null;) { // 频率输出 call b.$2(r.a, r.b) if (q !== this_.r) { throw H.wrap_expression(P.aK(this_)) } r = r.c } }, cQ(a, b, c) { var s = this.bp(a, b) if (s == null) this.cd(a, b, this.c_(b, c)) else s.b = c }, eu(a, b) { var s if (a == null) return null s = this.bp(a, b) if (s == null) return null this.d9(s) this.c4(a, b) return s.b }, c9() { this.r = this.r + 1 & 67108863 }, c_(a, b) { var s, r = this, q = new H.jK(a, b) if (r.e == null) r.e = r.f = q else { s = r.f s.toString q.d = s r.f = s.c = q } ++r.a r.c9() return q }, d9(a) { var s = this, r = a.d, q = a.c if (r == null) s.e = q else r.c = q if (q == null) s.f = r else q.d = r; --s.a s.c9() }, bQ(a) { return J.lZ(a) & 0x3ffffff }, bR(a, b) { var s, r if (a == null) return -1 s = a.length for (r = 0; r < s; ++r) if (J.Y(a[r].a, b)) return r return -1 }, k(a) { return P.nR(this) }, bp(a, b) { return a[b] }, bG(a, b) { return a[b] }, cd(a, b, c) { a[b] = c }, c4(a, b) { delete a[b] }, ei(a, b) { return this.bp(a, b) != null }, _newHashTable() { var s = "", r = Object.create(null) this.cd(r, s, r) this.c4(r, s) return r } } H.JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure.prototype = { $1(a) { return this.a.h(0, a) }, $S() { return H._instanceType(this.a).i("2(1)") } } H.jK.prototype = {} H.dC.prototype = { gp(a) { return this.a.a }, ga0(a) { var s = this.a, r = new H.fA(s, s.r) r.c = s.e return r } } H.fA.prototype = { gC() { return this.d }, u() { var s, r = this, q = r.a if (r.b !== q.r) throw H.wrap_expression(P.aK(q)) s = r.c if (s == null) { r.d = null return false } else { r.d = s.a r.c = s.c return true } } } H.lv.prototype = { $1(a) { return this.a(a) }, $S: 28 } H.lw.prototype = { $2(a, b) { return this.a(a, b) }, $S: 48 } H.lx.prototype = { $1(a) { return this.a(a) }, $S: 58 } H.JSSyntaxRegExp.prototype = { k(a) { return "RegExp/" + this.a + "/" + this.b.flags }, geq() { var s = this, r = s.c if (r != null) return r r = s.b return s.c = H.JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(s.a, r.multiline, !r.ignoreCase, r.unicode, r.dotAll, true) }, gep() { var s = this, r = s.d if (r != null) return r r = s.b return s.d = H.JSSyntaxRegExp_makeNative(s.a + "|()", r.multiline, !r.ignoreCase, r.unicode, r.dotAll, true) }, eU(a) { var s if (typeof a != "string") H.throw_expression(H.R(a)) s = this.b.exec(a) if (s == null) return null return new H.ew(s) }, bK(a, b, c) { var s = b.length if (c > s) throw H.wrap_expression(P.a8(c, 0, s, null, null)) return new H.hZ(this, b, c) }, de(a, b) { return this.bK(a, b, 0) }, d_(a, b) { var s, r = this.geq() r.lastIndex = b s = r.exec(a) if (s == null) return null return new H.ew(s) }, $ifN: 1, $io0: 1 } H.ew.prototype = { gbc(a) { return this.b.index }, gbh() { var s = this.b return s.index + s[0].length }, cF(a) { return this.b[a] }, $ic7: 1 } H.hZ.prototype = { ga0(a) { return new H.kz(this.a, this.b, this.c) } } H.kz.prototype = { gC() { return this.d }, u() { var s, r, q, p, o, n = this, m = n.b if (m == null) return false s = n.c r = m.length if (s <= r) { q = n.a p = q.d_(m, s) if (p != null) { n.d = p o = p.gbh() if (p.b.index === o) { if (q.b.unicode) { s = n.c q = s + 1 if (q < r) { s = C.String.aQ(m, s) if (s >= 55296 && s <= 56319) { s = C.String.aQ(m, q) s = s >= 56320 && s <= 57343 } else s = false } else s = false } else s = false o = (s ? o + 1 : o) + 1 } n.c = o return true } } n.b = n.d = null return false } } H.bK.prototype = { gbh() { return this.a + this.c.length }, cF(a) { if (a !== 0) throw H.wrap_expression(P.k0(a, null)) return this.c }, $ic7: 1, gbc(a) { return this.a } } H.ip.prototype = { ga0(a) { return new H.l3(this.a, this.b, this.c) } } H.l3.prototype = { u() { var s, r, this_ = this, p = this_.c, o = this_.b, n = o.length, m = this_.a, l = m.length if (p + n > l) { this_.d = null return false } s = m.indexOf(o, p) if (s < 0) { this_.c = l + 1 this_.d = null return false } r = s + n this_.d = new H.bK(s, o) this_.c = r === this_.c ? r + 1 : r return true }, gC() { var s = this.d s.toString return s } } H.dJ.prototype = { $idJ: 1 } H.ab.prototype = { $iab: 1 } H.NativeTypedArray.prototype = { gp(a) { return a.length }, $iag: 1 } H.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble.prototype = { h(a, b) { H._checkValidIndex(b, a, a.length) return a[b] }, m(a, b, c) { H._checkValidIndex(b, a, a.length) a[b] = c }, $iA: 1, $iw: 1 } H.NativeTypedArrayOfInt.prototype = { m(a, b, c) { H._checkValidIndex(b, a, a.length) a[b] = c }, $iA: 1, $iw: 1 } H.fE.prototype = { h(a, b) { H._checkValidIndex(b, a, a.length) return a[b] } } H.fF.prototype = { h(a, b) { H._checkValidIndex(b, a, a.length) return a[b] } } H.fG.prototype = { h(a, b) { H._checkValidIndex(b, a, a.length) return a[b] } } H.fH.prototype = { h(a, b) { H._checkValidIndex(b, a, a.length) return a[b] } } H.fI.prototype = { h(a, b) { H._checkValidIndex(b, a, a.length) return a[b] } } H.dL.prototype = { gp(a) { return a.length }, h(a, b) { H._checkValidIndex(b, a, a.length) return a[b] } } H.cx.prototype = { gp(a) { return a.length }, h(a, b) { H._checkValidIndex(b, a, a.length) return a[b] }, $icx: 1 } H._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.prototype = {} H._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = {} H._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin.prototype = {} H._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.prototype = {} H.Rti.prototype = { i(a) { return H._Universe_evalInEnvironment(init.typeUniverse, this, a) }, aL(a) { return H._Universe_bind(init.typeUniverse, this, a) } } H.ib.prototype = {} H.iu.prototype = { k(a) { return H._rtiToString(this.a, null) } } H.i9.prototype = { k(a) { return this.a } } H.eI.prototype = { $ibc: 1 } P.kB.prototype = { $1(a) { var s = this.a, r = s.a s.a = null r.$0() }, $S: 22 } P._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure.prototype = { $1(callback) { var t1, t2 this.a.a = callback t1 = this.b t2 = this.c t1.firstChild ? t1.removeChild(t2) : t1.appendChild(t2) }, $S: 27 } P.kC.prototype = { $0() { this.a.$0() }, $S: 18 } P.kD.prototype = { $0() { this.a.$0() }, $S: 18 } P._TimerImpl.prototype = { e8(a, b) { if (run_env.from_code) { // b.$0() // setTimeout setTimeout(H.convert_dart_closure_to_js_md5(new P.kC(b), 0), 0) } else { if (self.setTimeout != null) { self.setTimeout(H.convert_dart_closure_to_js_md5(new P._TimerImpl_internalCallback(this, b), 0), 0) // b.$0() // 草,这下…… 6 } else { throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("`setTimeout()` not found.")) } } } } P._TimerImpl_internalCallback.prototype = { $0() { this.b.$0() }, $S: 0 } P.i_.prototype = { bM(a, b) { var s, this_ = this if (!this_.b) this_.a.cS(b) else { s = this_.a if (this_.$ti.i("bl<1>").b(b)) s.cW(b) else s.c2(b) } }, cj(a, b) { var s if (b == null) { b = P.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(a) } s = this.a if (this.b) s.be(a, b) else s.cT(a, b) } } P._awaitOnObject_closure.prototype = { $1(a) { return this.a.$2(0, a) }, $S: 5 } P._awaitOnObject_closure0.prototype = { $2(a, b) { this.a.$2(1, new H.ExceptionAndStackTrace(a, b)) }, $S: 60 } P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure.prototype = { $2(a, b) { this.a(a, b) }, $S: 61 } P.f3.prototype = { k(a) { return H.as_string(this.a) }, $iO: 1, gbz() { return this.b } } P.jp.prototype = { $0() { this.b.cY(null) }, $S: 0 } P.i4.prototype = { cj(a, b) { var s H.ls(a, "error", t.K) s = this.a if ((s.a & 30) !== 0) throw H.wrap_expression(P.cd("Future already completed")) if (b == null) b = P.AsyncError_defaultStackTrace(a) s.cT(a, b) }, dg(a) { return this.cj(a, null) } } P.cg.prototype = { bM(a, b) { var s = this.a if ((s.a & 30) !== 0) throw H.wrap_expression(P.cd("Future already completed")) s.cS(b) } } P._FutureListener.prototype = { f6(a) { if ((this.c & 15) !== 6) return true return this.b.b.cv(this.d, a.a) }, eZ(a) { var s, error_callback = this.e, q = null, t4 = this.b.b if (t.C.b(error_callback)) q = t4.fC(error_callback, a.a, a.b) else q = t4.cv(error_callback, a.a) try { t4 = q return t4 } catch (s) { if (t.eK.b(H.unwrap_Exception(s))) { if ((this.c & 1) !== 0) throw H.wrap_expression(P.bz("The error handler of Future.then must return a value of the returned future's type", "onError")) throw H.wrap_expression(P.bz("The error handler of Future.catchError must return a value of the future's type", "onError")) } else throw s } } } P._Future.prototype = { cz(a, b, c) { var s, r, q = $.P if (q === C.f) { if (b != null && !t.C.b(b) && !t.J.b(b)) throw H.wrap_expression(P.da(b, "onError", u.c)) } else if (b != null) b = P._registerErrorHandler(b, q) s = new P._Future(q, c.i("U<0>")) r = b == null ? 1 : 3 this.c0(new P._FutureListener(s, r, a, b, this.$ti.i("@<1>").aL(c).i("cN<1,2>"))) return s }, fI(a, b) { return this.cz(a, null, b) }, d7(a, b, c) { var s = new P._Future($.P, c.i("U<0>")) this.c0(new P._FutureListener(s, 19, a, b, this.$ti.i("@<1>").aL(c).i("cN<1,2>"))) return s }, ex(a) { this.a = this.a & 1 | 16 this.c = a }, c1(a) { this.a = a.a & 30 | this.a & 1 this.c = a.c }, c0(a) { var s = this, r = s.a if (r <= 3) { a.a = s.c s.c = a } else { if ((r & 4) !== 0) { r = s.c if ((r.a & 24) === 0) { r.c0(a) return } s.c1(r) } P.cS(null, null, s.b, new P.kH(s, a)) } }, d3(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, this_ = this, m = {} m.a = a if (a == null) return s = this_.a if (s <= 3) { r = this_.c this_.c = a if (r != null) { q = a.a for (p = a; q != null; p = q, q = o) o = q.a p.a = r } } else { if ((s & 4) !== 0) { s = this_.c if ((s.a & 24) === 0) { s.d3(a) return } this_.c1(s) } m.a = this_.bJ(a) P.cS(null, null, this_.b, new P.kO(m, this_)) } }, bI() { var s = this.c this.c = null return this.bJ(s) }, bJ(a) { var current, prev, next for (current = a, prev = null; current != null; prev = current, current = next) { next = current.a current.a = prev } return prev }, cV(a) { var s, r, q, this_ = this this_.a ^= 2 try { a.cz(new P.kK(this_), new P.kL(this_), t.P) } catch (q) { s = H.unwrap_Exception(q) r = H.getTraceFromException(q) P.scheduleMicrotask(new P.kM(this_, s, r)) } }, // 动画帧调用? cY(a) { var s = this, r = s.bI() s.a = 8 s.c = a P._Future__propagateToListeners(s, r) }, c2(a) { var s = this, r = s.bI() s.a = 8 s.c = a P._Future__propagateToListeners(s, r) }, be(a, b) { var s = this.bI() this.ex(P.async_error(a, b)) P._Future__propagateToListeners(this, s) }, cS(a) { if (this.$ti.i("bl<1>").b(a)) { this.cW(a) return } this.ed(a) }, ed(a) { this.a ^= 2 P.cS(null, null, this.b, new P.kJ(this, a)) }, cW(a) { var this_ = this if (this_.$ti.b(a)) { if ((a.a & 16) !== 0) { this_.a ^= 2 P.cS(null, null, this_.b, new P.kN(this_, a)) } else P._Future__chainCoreFuture(a, this_) return } this_._chainForeignFuture(a) }, cT(a, b) { this.a ^= 2 P.cS(null, null, this.b, new P.kI(this, a, b)) }, $ibl: 1 } P.kH.prototype = { $0() { P._Future__propagateToListeners(this.a, this.b) }, $S: 0 } P.kO.prototype = { $0() { P._Future__propagateToListeners(this.b, this.a.a) }, $S: 0 } P.kK.prototype = { $1(a) { var s, r, q, p = this.a p.a ^= 2 try { p.c2(p.$ti.c.a(a)) } catch (q) { s = H.unwrap_Exception(q) r = H.getTraceFromException(q) p.be(s, r) } }, $S: 22 } P.kL.prototype = { $2(a, b) { this.a.be(a, b) }, $S: 32 } P.kM.prototype = { $0() { this.a.be(this.b, this.c) }, $S: 0 } P.kJ.prototype = { $0() { this.a.c2(this.b) }, $S: 0 } P.kN.prototype = { $0() { P._Future__chainCoreFuture(this.b, this.a) }, $S: 0 } P.kI.prototype = { $0() { this.a.be(this.b, this.c) }, $S: 0 } P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback.prototype = { $0() { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = this, l = null try { q = m.a.a l = q.b.b.fA(q.d) } catch (p) { s = H.unwrap_Exception(p) r = H.getTraceFromException(p) if (m.c) { q = m.b.a.c.a o = s o = q == null ? o == null : q === o q = o } else q = false o = m.a if (q) o.c = m.b.a.c else o.c = P.async_error(s, r) o.b = true return } if (l instanceof P._Future && (l.a & 24) !== 0) { if ((l.a & 16) !== 0) { q = m.a q.c = l.c q.b = true } return } if (t.h.b(l)) { n = m.b.a q = m.a q.c = l.fI(new P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure(n), t.z) q.b = false } }, $S: 0 } P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure.prototype = { $1(a) { return this.a }, $S: 52 } P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback.prototype = { $0() { var e, s, t1, t2, exception try { t1 = this.a t2 = t1.a t1.c = t2.b.b.cv(t2.d, this.b) } catch (exception) { e = H.unwrap_Exception(exception) s = H.getTraceFromException(exception) t1 = this.a t1.c = P.async_error(e, s) t1.b = true } }, $S: 0 } P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError.prototype = { $0() { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k = this try { s = k.a.a.c p = k.b if (p.a.f6(s) && p.a.e != null) { p.c = p.a.eZ(s) p.b = false } } catch (o) { r = H.unwrap_Exception(o) q = H.getTraceFromException(o) p = k.a.a.c n = p.a m = r l = k.b if (n == null ? m == null : n === m) l.c = p else l.c = P.async_error(r, q) l.b = true } }, $S: 0 } P.i0.prototype = {} P.em.prototype = { gp(a) { var s = {}, r = new P._Future($.P, t.fJ) s.a = 0 this.dn(new P.ke(s, this), true, new P.kf(s, r), r.geg()) return r } } P.ke.prototype = { $1(a) { ++this.a.a }, $S() { return H._instanceType(this.b).i("~(1)") } } P.kf.prototype = { $0() { this.b.cY(this.a.a) }, $S: 0 } P.hO.prototype = {} P.hP.prototype = {} P.im.prototype = { ger() { if ((this.b & 8) === 0) return this.a return this.a.gcC() }, en() { var s, r = this if ((r.b & 8) === 0) { s = r.a return s == null ? r.a = new P.eG() : s } s = r.a.gcC() return s }, geB() { var s = this.a return (this.b & 8) !== 0 ? s.gcC() : s }, ee() { if ((this.b & 4) !== 0) return new P.bJ("Cannot add event after closing") return new P.bJ("Cannot add event while adding a stream") }, eA(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n = this if ((n.b & 3) !== 0) throw H.wrap_expression(P.cd("Stream has already been listened to.")) s = $.P r = d ? 1 : 0 P.tS(s, b) q = new P.i5(n, a, s, r) p = n.ger() s = n.b |= 1 if ((s & 8) !== 0) { o = n.a o.scC(q) o.fw() } else n.a = q q.ey(p) s = q.e q.e = s | 32 new P.l2(n).$0() q.e &= 4294967263 q.cX((s & 4) !== 0) return q } } P.l2.prototype = { $0() { // do nothing P.mu(this.a.d) }, $S: 0 } P.i1.prototype = { cc(a) { this.geB().ec(new P.er(a)) } } P.cK.prototype = {} P.cM.prototype = { gak(a) { return (H.Primitives_objectHashCode(this.a) ^ 892482866) >>> 0 }, aW(a, b) { if (b == null) return false if (this === b) return true return b instanceof P.cM && b.a === this.a } } P.i5.prototype = { d1() { var s = this.x if ((s.b & 8) !== 0) s.a.fS(0) P.mu(s.e) }, d2() { var s = this.x if ((s.b & 8) !== 0) s.a.fw() P.mu(s.f) } } P.i3.prototype = { ey(a) { if (a == null) return this.r = a if (a.c != null) { this.e |= 64 a.bW(this) } }, d1() { }, d2() { }, ec(a) { var s, r = this, q = r.r if (q == null) q = new P.eG() r.r = q q.j(0, a) s = r.e if ((s & 64) === 0) { s |= 64 r.e = s if (s < 128) q.bW(r) } }, cc(a) { var s = this, r = s.e s.e = r | 32 s.d.dC(s.a, a) s.e &= 4294967263 s.cX((r & 4) !== 0) }, cX(a) { var s, r, this_ = this, p = this_.e if ((p & 64) !== 0 && this_.r.c == null) { p = this_.e = p & 4294967231 if ((p & 4) !== 0) if (p < 128) { s = this_.r s = s == null ? null : s.c == null s = s !== false } else { s = false } else { s = false } if (s) { p &= 4294967291 this_.e = p } } for (; true; a = r) { if ((p & 8) !== 0) { this_.r = null return } r = (p & 4) !== 0 if (a === r) break this_.e = p ^ 32 if (r) this_.d1() else this_.d2() p = this_.e &= 4294967263 } if ((p & 64) !== 0 && p < 128) { this_.r.bW(this_) } } } P.eF.prototype = { dn(a, b, c, d) { return this.a.eA(a, d, c, b === true) }, f4(a) { return this.dn(a, null, null, null) } } P.i7.prototype = {} P.er.prototype = {} P.ii.prototype = { bW(a) { var s = this, r = s.a if (r === 1) return if (r >= 1) { s.a = 1 return } P.scheduleMicrotask(new P.kW(s, a)) s.a = 1 } } P.kW.prototype = { $0() { var s, r, q = this.a, p = q.a q.a = 0 if (p === 3) return s = q.b r = s.a q.b = r if (r == null) q.c = null this.b.cc(s.b) }, $S: 0 } P.eG.prototype = { j(a, b) { var s = this, r = s.c if (r == null) s.b = s.c = b else s.c = r.a = b } } P.io.prototype = {} P.lf.prototype = {} P.lo.prototype = { $0() { var s = H.wrap_expression(this.a) s.stack = J.b4(this.b) throw s }, $S: 0 } P._RootZone.prototype = { fE(a) { var s, r, q try { if (C.f === $.P) { a.$0() return } P.os(null, null, this, a) } catch (q) { s = H.unwrap_Exception(q) r = H.getTraceFromException(q) P._rootHandleUncaughtError(s, r) } }, fG(a, b) { var s, r, q try { if (C.f === $.P) { a.$1(b) return } P._rootRun(null, null, this, a, b) } catch (q) { s = H.unwrap_Exception(q) r = H.getTraceFromException(q) P._rootHandleUncaughtError(s, r) } }, dC(a, b) { return this.fG(a, b, t.z) }, cf(a) { return new P.kY(this, a) }, eI(a, b) { return new P._RootZone_bindCallback_closure(this, a, b) }, fB(a) { if ($.P === C.f) return a.$0() return P.os(null, null, this, a) }, fA(a) { return this.fB(a, t.z) }, fF(a, b) { if ($.P === C.f) return a.$1(b) return P._rootRun(null, null, this, a, b) }, cv(a, b) { return this.fF(a, b, t.z, t.z) }, fD(a, b, c) { if ($.P === C.f) return a.$2(b, c) return P._rootRunUnary(null, null, this, a, b, c) }, fC(a, b, c) { return this.fD(a, b, c, t.z, t.z, t.z) }, fp(a) { return a }, ct(a) { return this.fp(a, t.z, t.z, t.z) } } P.kY.prototype = { $0() { return this.a.fE(this.b) }, $S: 0 } P._RootZone_bindCallback_closure.prototype = { $1(a) { return this.a.dC(this.b, a) }, $S() { return this.c.i("~(0)") } } P.eu.prototype = { ga0(a) { var s = new P.ie(this, this.r) s.c = this.e return s }, gp(a) { return this.a }, w(a, b) { var s, r if (typeof b == "string" && b !== "__proto__") { s = this.b if (s == null) return false return s[b] != null } else if (typeof b == "number" && (b & 1073741823) === b) { r = this.c if (r == null) return false return r[b] != null } else return this.eh(b) }, eh(a) { var s = this.d if (s == null) return false return this.d0(s[this.cZ(a)], a) >= 0 }, j(a, b) { var s, r, q = this if (typeof b == "string" && b !== "__proto__") { s = q.b return q.cR(s == null ? q.b = P.ml() : s, b) } else if (typeof b == "number" && (b & 1073741823) === b) { r = q.c return q.cR(r == null ? q.c = P.ml() : r, b) } else return q.e9(b) }, e9(a) { var s, r, q = this, p = q.d if (p == null) p = q.d = P.ml() s = q.cZ(a) r = p[s] if (r == null) p[s] = [q.cb(a)] else { if (q.d0(r, a) >= 0) return false r.push(q.cb(a)) } return true }, cR(a, b) { if (a[b] != null) return false a[b] = this.cb(b) return true }, ef() { this.r = this.r + 1 & 1073741823 }, cb(a) { var s, r = this, q = new P.kV(a) if (r.e == null) r.e = r.f = q else { s = r.f s.toString q.c = s r.f = s.b = q } ++r.a r.ef() return q }, cZ(a) { return J.lZ(a) & 1073741823 }, d0(a, b) { var s, r if (a == null) return -1 s = a.length for (r = 0; r < s; ++r) // if (J.Y(a[r].a, b)) return r if (a[r].a === b) return r return -1 } } P.kV.prototype = {} P.ie.prototype = { gC() { return this.d }, u() { var s = this, r = s.c, q = s.a if (s.b !== q.r) throw H.wrap_expression(P.aK(q)) else if (r == null) { s.d = null return false } else { s.d = r.a s.c = r.b return true } } } P.dy.prototype = {} P.dE.prototype = { $iA: 1, $iw: 1 } P.z.prototype = { ga0(a) { return new H.cv(a, this.gp(a)) }, ai(a, b) { return this.h(a, b) }, k(a) { return P.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(a, "[", "]") } } P.dG.prototype = {} P.jM.prototype = { $2(a, b) { var s, r = this.a if (!r.a) this.b.a += ", " r.a = false r = this.b s = r.a += H.as_string(a) r.a = s + ": " r.a += H.as_string(b) }, $S: 51 } P.aU.prototype = { aw(a, b) { var s, r for (s = J.by(this.gad(a)); s.u();) { r = s.gC() b.$2(r, this.h(a, r)) } }, gp(a) { return J.aw(this.gad(a)) }, k(a) { return P.nR(a) }, $ibo: 1 } P.dY.prototype = { a5(a, b) { var s for (s = J.by(b); s.u();) this.j(0, s.gC()) }, k(a) { return P.IterableBase_iterableToFullString(this, "{", "}") } } P.eC.prototype = { $iA: 1 } P.ev.prototype = {} P.eM.prototype = {} P.ic.prototype = { h(a, b) { var s, r = this.b if (r == null) return this.c.h(0, b) else if (typeof b != "string") return null else { s = r[b] return typeof s == "undefined" ? this.es(b) : s } }, gp(a) { var s if (this.b == null) { s = this.c s = s.gp(s) } else s = this.bF().length return s }, gad(a) { var s if (this.b == null) { s = this.c return s.gad(s) } return new P.id(this) }, aw(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o = this if (o.b == null) return o.c.aw(0, b) s = o.bF() for (r = 0; r < s.length; ++r) { q = s[r] p = o.b[q] if (typeof p == "undefined") { p = P.lk(o.a[q]) o.b[q] = p } b.$2(q, p) if (s !== o.c) throw H.wrap_expression(P.aK(o)) } }, bF() { var s = this.c if (s == null) s = this.c = H.b(Object.keys(this.a), t.s) return s }, es(a) { var s if (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(this.a, a)) return null s = P.lk(this.a[a]) return this.b[a] = s } } P.id.prototype = { gp(a) { var s = this.a return s.gp(s) }, ai(a, b) { var s = this.a return s.b == null ? s.gad(s).ai(0, b) : s.bF()[b] }, ga0(a) { var s = this.a if (s.b == null) { s = s.gad(s) s = s.ga0(s) } else { s = s.bF() s = new J.db(s, s.length) } return s } } P.km.prototype = { $0() { var s, r try { s = new TextDecoder("utf-8", { fatal: true }) return s } catch (r) { H.unwrap_Exception(r) } return null }, $S: 11 } P.kl.prototype = { $0() { var s, r try { s = new TextDecoder("utf-8", { fatal: false }) return s } catch (r) { H.unwrap_Exception(r) } return null }, $S: 11 } P.fg.prototype = {} P.fi.prototype = {} P.jg.prototype = {} P.js.prototype = { k(a) { return "unknown" } } P.jr.prototype = { ab(a) { var s = this.ej(a, 0, a.length) return s == null ? a : s }, ej(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p for (s = b, r = null; s < c; ++s) { switch (a[s]) { case "&": q = "&" break case '"': q = """ break case "'": q = "'" break case "<": q = "<" break case ">": q = ">" break case "/": q = "/" break default: q = null } if (q != null) { if (r == null) r = new P.cH("") if (s > b) r.a += C.String.af(a, b, s) r.a += q b = s + 1 } } if (r == null) return null if (c > b) r.a += J.rA(a, b, c) p = r.a return p.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? p : p } } P.jI.prototype = { bt(a, b) { var s = P.uy(b, this.geP().a) return s }, geP() { return C.L } } P.jJ.prototype = {} P.kj.prototype = { bt(a, b) { return C.T_kk.ab(b) }, gaB() { return C.E } } P.kn.prototype = { ab(a) { var s, r, q, p = P.cE(0, null, a.length), o = p - 0 if (o === 0) return new Uint8Array(0) s = o * 3 r = new Uint8Array(s) q = new P.lc(r) if (q.eo(a, 0, p) !== p) { J.ny(a, p - 1) q.ce() } return new Uint8Array(r.subarray(0, H.ug(0, q.b, s))) } } P.lc.prototype = { ce() { var s = this, r = s.c, q = s.b, p = s.b = q + 1 r[q] = 239 q = s.b = p + 1 r[p] = 191 s.b = q + 1 r[q] = 189 }, eD(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o = this if ((b & 64512) === 56320) { s = 65536 + ((a & 1023) << 10) | b & 1023 r = o.c q = o.b p = o.b = q + 1 r[q] = s >>> 18 | 240 q = o.b = p + 1 r[p] = s >>> 12 & 63 | 128 p = o.b = q + 1 r[q] = s >>> 6 & 63 | 128 o.b = p + 1 r[p] = s & 63 | 128 return true } else { o.ce() return false } }, eo(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l = this if (b !== c && (C.String.aQ(a, c - 1) & 64512) === 55296) --c for (s = l.c, r = s.length, q = b; q < c; ++q) { p = C.String.a8(a, q) if (p <= 127) { o = l.b if (o >= r) break l.b = o + 1 s[o] = p } else { o = p & 64512 if (o === 55296) { if (l.b + 4 > r) break n = q + 1 if (l.eD(p, C.String.a8(a, n))) q = n } else if (o === 56320) { if (l.b + 3 > r) break l.ce() } else if (p <= 2047) { o = l.b m = o + 1 if (m >= r) break l.b = m s[o] = p >>> 6 | 192 l.b = m + 1 s[m] = p & 63 | 128 } else { o = l.b if (o + 2 >= r) break m = l.b = o + 1 s[o] = p >>> 12 | 224 o = l.b = m + 1 s[m] = p >>> 6 & 63 | 128 l.b = o + 1 s[o] = p & 63 | 128 } } } return q } } P.kk.prototype = { ab(a) { var s = this.a, r = P.tL(s, a, 0, null) if (r != null) return r return new P.lb(s).eK(a, 0, null, true) } } P.lb.prototype = { eK(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o = this, n = P.cE(b, c, a.length) if (b === n) return "" s = P.ub(a, b, n) r = o.c3(s, 0, n - b, true) q = o.b if ((q & 1) !== 0) { p = P.uc(q) o.b = 0 throw H.wrap_expression(P.FormatException(p, a, b + o.c)) } return r }, c3(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q = this if (c - b > 1000) { s = C.JsInt.ag(b + c, 2) r = q.c3(a, b, s, false) if ((q.b & 1) !== 0) return r return r + q.c3(a, s, c, d) } return q.eO(a, b, c, d) }, eO(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l = this, k = 65533, j = l.b, i = l.c, h = new P.cH(""), g = b + 1, f = a[b] $label0$0: for (s = l.a; true;) { for (; true; g = p) { r = C.String.a8("AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHIHHHJEEBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBKCCCCCCCCCCCCDCLONNNMEEEEEEEEEEE", f) & 31 i = j <= 32 ? f & 61694 >>> r : (f & 63 | i << 6) >>> 0 j = C.String.a8(" \x000:XECCCCCN:lDb \x000:XECCCCCNvlDb \x000:XECCCCCN:lDb AAAAA\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00AAAAA00000AAAAA:::::AAAAAGG000AAAAA00KKKAAAAAG::::AAAAA:IIIIAAAAA000\x800AAAAA\x00\x00\x00\x00 AAAAA", j + r) if (j === 0) { h.a += H.cC(i) if (g === c) break $label0$0 break } else if ((j & 1) !== 0) { if (s) switch (j) { case 69: case 67: h.a += H.cC(k) break case 65: h.a += H.cC(k); --g break default: q = h.a += H.cC(k) h.a = q + H.cC(k) break } else { l.b = j l.c = g - 1 return "" } j = 0 } if (g === c) break $label0$0 p = g + 1 f = a[g] } p = g + 1 f = a[g] if (f < 128) { while (true) { if (!(p < c)) { o = c break } n = p + 1 f = a[p] if (f >= 128) { o = n - 1 p = n break } p = n } if (o - g < 20) for (m = g; m < o; ++m) h.a += H.cC(a[m]) else h.a += P.mh(a, g, o) if (o === c) break $label0$0 g = p } else g = p } if (d && j > 32) if (s) h.a += H.cC(k) else { l.b = 77 l.c = c return "" } l.b = j l.c = i s = h.a return s.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? s : s } } P.dq.prototype = { aW(a, b) { if (b == null) return false return b instanceof P.dq && this.a === b.a && this.b === b.b }, bg(a, b) { return C.JsInt.bg(this.a, b.a) }, gak(a) { var s = this.a return (s ^ C.JsInt.am(s, 30)) & 1073741823 }, k(a) { var s = this, r = P.rN(H.tj(s)), q = P.fk(H.th(s)), p = P.fk(H.td(s)), o = P.fk(H.te(s)), n = P.fk(H.tg(s)), m = P.fk(H.ti(s)), l = P.rO(H.tf(s)) if (s.b) return r + "-" + q + "-" + p + " " + o + ":" + n + ":" + m + "." + l + "Z" else return r + "-" + q + "-" + p + " " + o + ":" + n + ":" + m + "." + l } } P.Duration.prototype = { aW(a, b) { if (b == null) return false return b instanceof P.Duration && this.a === b.a }, gak(a) { return C.JsInt.gak(this.a) }, bg(a, b) { return C.JsInt.bg(this.a, b.a) }, k(a) { var s, r, q, p = new P.Duration_toString_twoDigits(), o = this.a if (o < 0) return "-" + new P.Duration(0 - o).k(0) s = p.$1(C.JsInt.ag(o, 6e7) % 60) r = p.$1(C.JsInt.ag(o, 1e6) % 60) q = new P.Duration_toString_sixDigits().$1(o % 1e6) return "" + C.JsInt.ag(o, 36e8) + ":" + H.as_string(s) + ":" + H.as_string(r) + "." + H.as_string(q) } } P.Duration_toString_sixDigits.prototype = { $1(a) { if (a >= 1e5) return "" + a if (a >= 1e4) return "0" + a if (a >= 1000) return "00" + a if (a >= 100) return "000" + a if (a >= 10) return "0000" + a return "00000" + a }, $S: 12 } P.Duration_toString_twoDigits.prototype = { $1(a) { if (a >= 10) return "" + a return "0" + a }, $S: 12 } P.O.prototype = { gbz() { return H.getTraceFromException(this.$thrownJsError) } } P.f2.prototype = { k(a) { var s = this.a if (s != null) return "Assertion failed: " + P.jh(s) return "Assertion failed" } } P.bc.prototype = {} P.fL.prototype = { k(a) { return "Throw of null." } } P.aS.prototype = { gc7() { return "Invalid argument" + (!this.a ? "(s)" : "") }, gc6() { return "" }, k(a) { var s, r, q = this, p = q.c, o = p == null ? "" : " (" + p + ")", n = q.d, m = n == null ? "" : ": " + n, l = q.gc7() + o + m if (!q.a) return l s = q.gc6() r = P.jh(q.b) return l + s + ": " + r } } P.cD.prototype = { gc7() { return "RangeError" }, gc6() { var s, r = this.e, q = this.f if (r == null) s = q != null ? ": Not less than or equal to " + H.as_string(q) : "" else if (q == null) s = ": Not greater than or equal to " + H.as_string(r) else if (q > r) s = ": Not in inclusive range " + H.as_string(r) + ".." + H.as_string(q) else s = q < r ? ": Valid value range is empty" : ": Only valid value is " + H.as_string(r) return s } } P.fs.prototype = { gc7() { return "RangeError" }, gc6() { if (this.b < 0) return ": index must not be negative" var s = this.f if (s === 0) return ": no indices are valid" return ": index should be less than " + H.as_string(s) }, gp(a) { return this.f } } P.hW.prototype = { k(a) { return "Unsupported operation: " + this.a } } P.hS.prototype = { k(a) { var s = this.a return s != null ? "UnimplementedError: " + s : "UnimplementedError" } } P.bJ.prototype = { k(a) { return "Bad state: " + this.a } } P.fh.prototype = { k(a) { var s = this.a if (s == null) return "Concurrent modification during iteration." return "Concurrent modification during iteration: " + P.jh(s) + "." } } P.fM.prototype = { k(a) { return "Out of Memory" }, gbz() { return null }, $iO: 1 } P.el.prototype = { k(a) { return "Stack Overflow" }, gbz() { return null }, $iO: 1 } P.CyclicInitializationError.prototype = { k(a) { var s = this.a return s == null ? "Reading static variable during its initialization" : "Reading static variable '" + s + "' during its initialization" } } P.kG.prototype = { k(a) { return "Exception: " + this.a } } P.jm.prototype = { k(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g = this.a, f = g != null && "" !== g ? "FormatException: " + H.as_string(g) : "FormatException", e = this.c, d = this.b if (typeof d == "string") { if (e != null) s = e < 0 || e > d.length else s = false if (s) e = null if (e == null) { if (d.length > 78) d = C.String.af(d, 0, 75) + "..." return f + "\n" + d } for (r = 1, q = 0, p = false, o = 0; o < e; ++o) { n = C.String.a8(d, o) if (n === 10) { if (q !== o || !p) ++r q = o + 1 p = false } else if (n === 13) { ++r q = o + 1 p = true } } f = r > 1 ? f + (" (at line " + r + ", character " + (e - q + 1) + ")\n") : f + (" (at character " + (e + 1) + ")\n") m = d.length for (o = e; o < m; ++o) { n = C.String.aQ(d, o) if (n === 10 || n === 13) { m = o break } } if (m - q > 78) if (e - q < 75) { l = q + 75 k = q j = "" i = "..." } else { if (m - e < 75) { k = m - 75 l = m i = "" } else { k = e - 36 l = e + 36 i = "..." } j = "..." } else { l = m k = q j = "" i = "" } h = C.String.af(d, k, l) return f + j + h + i + "\n" + C.String.cG(" ", e - k + j.length) + "^\n" } else return e != null ? f + (" (at offset " + H.as_string(e) + ")") : f } } P.L.prototype = { bV(a, b) { return new H.cf(this, b, H._instanceType(this).i("cf")) }, gp(a) { var s, r = this.ga0(this) for (s = 0; r.u();) ++s return s }, gbv(a) { return !this.ga0(this).u() }, gba(a) { var s, r = this.ga0(this) if (!r.u()) throw H.wrap_expression(H.fu()) s = r.gC() if (r.u()) throw H.wrap_expression(H.rY()) return s }, ai(a, b) { var s, r, q P.to(b, "index") for (s = this.ga0(this), r = 0; s.u();) { q = s.gC() if (b === r) return q; ++r } throw H.wrap_expression(P.ft(b, this, "index", null, r)) }, k(a) { return P.rX(this, "(", ")") } } P.fv.prototype = {} P.N.prototype = { gak(a) { return P.Object.prototype.gak.call(this, this) }, k(a) { return "null" } } P.Object.prototype = { $iH: 1, aW(a, b) { return this === b }, gak(a) { return H.Primitives_objectHashCode(this) }, k(a) { return "Instance of '" + H.as_string(H.jZ(this)) + "'" }, gcw(a) { var s = this instanceof H.c_ ? H.closureFunctionType(this) : null return H.mz(s == null ? H.instanceType(this) : s) }, toString() { return this.k(this) } } P.iq.prototype = { k(a) { return "" }, $iba: 1 } P.cH.prototype = { gp(a) { return this.a.length }, k(a) { var s = this.a return s.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? s : s } } W.HtmlElement.prototype = {} W.AnchorElement.prototype = { k(a) { return String(a) } } W.AreaElement.prototype = { k(a) { return String(a) } } W.BaseElement.prototype = { $icn: 1 } W.Blob.prototype = { $ibX: 1 } W.BodyElement.prototype = { $ibY: 1 } W.CanvasElement.prototype = { geJ(a) { return a.getContext("2d") } } W.CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype = { eN(a, b, c) { var s = P.my(a.createImageData(b, c)) return s }, eR(a, b, c, d, e) { return a.fillRect(b, c, d, e) }, dw(a, b, c, d) { a.putImageData(P.uO(b), c, d) return }, fv(a) { return a.resetTransform() }, fO(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { return a.transform(b, c, d, e, f, g) }, eQ(a, b, c, d) { return a.drawImage(b, c, d) } } W.b6.prototype = { gp(a) { return a.length } } W.co.prototype = { cU(a, b) { var s = $.oQ(), r = s[b] if (typeof r == "string") return r r = this.eC(a, b) s[b] = r return r }, eC(a, b) { var s if (b.replace(/^-ms-/, "ms-").replace(/-([\da-z])/ig, function (c, d) { return d.toUpperCase() }) in a) return b s = $.oT() + b if (s in a) return s return b }, d4(a, b, c, d) { a.setProperty(b, c, d) }, gp(a) { return a.length } } W.j8.prototype = {} W.dm.prototype = { $idm: 1 } W.c0.prototype = { $ic0: 1 } W.ja.prototype = { k(a) { return String(a) } } W.jb.prototype = { gp(a) { return a.length } } W.Element.prototype = { geH(a) { return new W.i8(a) }, k(a) { return a.localName }, bk(a, b, c, d, e) { var s, r = this.aA(a, c, d, e) switch (b.toLowerCase()) { case "beforebegin": a.parentNode.insertBefore(r, a) break case "afterbegin": s = a.childNodes a.insertBefore(r, s.length > 0 ? s[0] : null) break case "beforeend": a.appendChild(r) break case "afterend": s = a.parentNode s.toString s.insertBefore(r, a.nextSibling) break default: H.throw_expression(P.bz("Invalid position " + b, null)) } }, aA(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p if (c == null) { if (d == null) { s = $.nJ if (s == null) { s = H.b([], t.x) r = new W.dN(s) s.push(W.oc(null)) s.push(W.oh()) $.nJ = r d = r } else d = s } s = $.nI if (s == null) { s = new W.ix(d) $.nI = s c = s } else { s.a = d c = s } } else if (d != null) throw H.wrap_expression(P.bz("validator can only be passed if treeSanitizer is null", null)) if ($.bA == null) { s = document r = s.implementation.createHTMLDocument("") $.bA = r $.m4 = r.createRange() r = $.bA.createElement("base") t.cR.a(r) s = s.baseURI s.toString r.href = s $.bA.head.appendChild(r) } s = $.bA if (s.body == null) { r = s.createElement("body") s.body = t.b.a(r) } s = $.bA if (t.b.b(a)) { s = s.body s.toString q = s } else { s.toString q = s.createElement(a.tagName) $.bA.body.appendChild(q) } if ("createContextualFragment" in window.Range.prototype && !C.Array.w(C.O, a.tagName)) { $.m4.selectNodeContents(q) s = $.m4 s.toString p = s.createContextualFragment(b == null ? "null" : b) } else { q.innerHTML = b p = $.bA.createDocumentFragment() for (; s = q.firstChild, s != null;) p.appendChild(s) } if (q !== $.bA.body) J.nA(q) c.cH(p) document.adoptNode(p) return p }, eM(a, b, c) { return this.aA(a, b, c, null) }, by(a, b, c) { a.textContent = null a.appendChild(this.aA(a, b, null, c)) }, cJ(a, b) { return this.by(a, b, null) }, gdD(a) { return a.tagName }, $iQ: 1 } W.jf.prototype = { $1(a) { return t.R.b(a) }, $S: 47 } W.o.prototype = { $io: 1 } W.fn.prototype = { eF(receiver, type, listener, options) { if (listener != null) { this.add_event_listener(receiver, type, listener, false) } }, add_event_listener(receiver, type, listener, options) { // console.log("md5.js add event listener type:", type, "receiver:", receiver, "listener:", listener, options) // console.log("receiver == window", receiver == window) // var stack = new Error().stack // console.log(stack) receiver.addEventListener(type, H.convert_dart_closure_to_js_md5(listener, 1), false) // return receiver.addEventListener(type, listener, false) } } W.File.prototype = { $icq: 1 } W.fp.prototype = { gp(a) { return a.length } } W.c4.prototype = { gck(a) { return a.data }, $ic4: 1 } W.jL.prototype = { k(a) { return String(a) } } W.c8.prototype = { $ic8: 1 } W.dH.prototype = { $idH: 1 } W.bp.prototype = { $ibp: 1 } W.az.prototype = { gba(a) { var s = this.a, r = s.childNodes.length if (r === 0) throw H.wrap_expression(P.cd("No elements")) if (r > 1) throw H.wrap_expression(P.cd("More than one element")) s = s.firstChild s.toString return s }, a5(a, b) { var s, r, q, p = b.a, o = this.a if (p !== o) for (s = p.childNodes.length, r = 0; r < s; ++r) { q = p.firstChild q.toString o.appendChild(q) } return }, m(a, b, c) { var s = this.a s.replaceChild(c, s.childNodes[b]) }, ga0(a) { var s = this.a.childNodes return new W.dv(s, s.length) }, gp(a) { return this.a.childNodes.length }, sp(a, b) { throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("Cannot set length on immutable List.")) }, h(a, b) { return this.a.childNodes[b] } } W.v.prototype = { fq(a) { var s = a.parentNode if (s != null) s.removeChild(a) }, k(a) { var s = a.nodeValue return s == null ? this.dO(a) : s }, $iv: 1 } W.dM.prototype = { gp(a) { return a.length }, h(a, b) { if (b >>> 0 !== b || b >= a.length) throw H.wrap_expression(P.ft(b, a, null, null, null)) return a[b] }, m(a, b, c) { throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")) }, sp(a, b) { throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("Cannot resize immutable List.")) }, ai(a, b) { return a[b] }, $iA: 1, $iag: 1, $iw: 1 } W.dQ.prototype = {} W.h4.prototype = { gp(a) { return a.length } } W.ek.prototype = {} W.hN.prototype = { h(a, b) { return a.getItem(H.lg(b)) }, aw(a, b) { var s, r, q for (s = 0; true; ++s) { r = a.key(s) if (r == null) return q = a.getItem(r) q.toString b.$2(r, q) } }, gad(a) { var s = H.b([], t.s) this.aw(a, new W.kd(s)) return s }, gp(a) { return a.length }, $ibo: 1 } W.kd.prototype = { $2(a, b) { return this.a.push(a) }, $S: 41 } W.bb.prototype = { $ibb: 1 } W.ce.prototype = {} W.en.prototype = { aA(a, b, c, d) { var s, r if ("createContextualFragment" in window.Range.prototype) return this.bY(a, b, c, d) s = W.rP("" + H.as_string(b) + "
", c, d) r = document.createDocumentFragment() r.toString s.toString new W.az(r).a5(0, new W.az(s)) return r } } W.hQ.prototype = { aA(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p if ("createContextualFragment" in window.Range.prototype) return this.bY(a, b, c, d) s = document r = s.createDocumentFragment() s = C.u.aA(s.createElement("table"), b, c, d) s.toString s = new W.az(s) q = s.gba(s) q.toString s = new W.az(q) p = s.gba(s) r.toString p.toString new W.az(r).a5(0, new W.az(p)) return r } } W.hR.prototype = { aA(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q if ("createContextualFragment" in window.Range.prototype) return this.bY(a, b, c, d) s = document r = s.createDocumentFragment() s = C.u.aA(s.createElement("table"), b, c, d) s.toString s = new W.az(s) q = s.gba(s) r.toString q.toString new W.az(r).a5(0, new W.az(q)) return r } } W.cI.prototype = { $icI: 1 } W.aY.prototype = {} W.eq.prototype = { fg(a, b, c) { var s = W.oa(a.open(b, c)) return s }, dt(a, b, c) { a.postMessage(new P._StructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).aO(b), c) return } } W.cL.prototype = { $icL: 1 } W.ex.prototype = { gp(a) { return a.length }, h(a, b) { if (b >>> 0 !== b || b >= a.length) throw H.wrap_expression(P.ft(b, a, null, null, null)) return a[b] }, m(a, b, c) { throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")) }, sp(a, b) { throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("Cannot resize immutable List.")) }, ai(a, b) { return a[b] }, $iA: 1, $iag: 1, $iw: 1 } W.eH.prototype = { gp(a) { return a.length }, h(a, b) { if (b >>> 0 !== b || b >= a.length) throw H.wrap_expression(P.ft(b, a, null, null, null)) return a[b] }, m(a, b, c) { throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("Cannot assign element of immutable List.")) }, sp(a, b) { throw H.wrap_expression(P.UnsupportError("Cannot resize immutable List.")) }, gbl(a) { var s = a.length if (s > 0) return a[s - 1] throw H.wrap_expression(P.cd("No elements")) }, ai(a, b) { return a[b] }, $iA: 1, $iag: 1, $iw: 1 } W.i2.prototype = { aw(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o for (s = this.gad(this), r = s.length, q = this.a, p = 0; p < s.length; s.length === r || (0, H.F)(s), ++p) { o = s[p] b.$2(o, q.getAttribute(o)) } }, gad(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = this.a.attributes m.toString s = H.b([], t.s) for (r = m.length, q = t.h9, p = 0; p < r; ++p) { o = q.a(m[p]) if (o.namespaceURI == null) { n = o.name n.toString s.push(n) } } return s } } W.i8.prototype = { h(a, b) { return this.a.getAttribute(H.lg(b)) }, gp(a) { return this.gad(this).length } } W.m5.prototype = {} W.ia.prototype = {} W.kF.prototype = { $1(a) { return this.a.$1(a) }, $S: 39 } W.cP.prototype = { e6(a) { var s if ($.et.gbv($.et)) { for (s = 0; s < 262; ++s) $.et.m(0, C.M[s], W.uV()) for (s = 0; s < 12; ++s) $.et.m(0, C.l[s], W.uW()) } }, b_(a) { return $.rl().w(0, W.ds(a)) }, aM(a, b, c) { var s = $.et.h(0, H.as_string(W.ds(a)) + "::" + b) if (s == null) s = $.et.h(0, "*::" + b) if (s == null) return false return s.$4(a, b, c, this) }, $iaN: 1 } W.cr.prototype = { ga0(a) { return new W.dv(a, this.gp(a)) } } W.dN.prototype = { b_(a) { return C.Array.df(this.a, new W.jP(a)) }, aM(a, b, c) { return C.Array.df(this.a, new W.jO(a, b, c)) }, $iaN: 1 } W.jP.prototype = { $1(a) { return a.b_(this.a) }, $S: 13 } W.jO.prototype = { $1(a) { return a.aM(this.a, this.b, this.c) }, $S: 13 } W.eD.prototype = { e7(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q this.a.a5(0, c) s = b.bV(0, new W.l0()) r = b.bV(0, new W.l1()) this.b.a5(0, s) q = this.c q.a5(0, C.P) q.a5(0, r) }, b_(a) { return this.a.w(0, W.ds(a)) }, aM(a, b, c) { var s = this, r = W.ds(a), q = s.c if (q.w(0, H.as_string(r) + "::" + b)) return s.d.eG(c) else if (q.w(0, "*::" + b)) return s.d.eG(c) else { q = s.b if (q.w(0, H.as_string(r) + "::" + b)) return true else if (q.w(0, "*::" + b)) return true else if (q.w(0, H.as_string(r) + "::*")) return true else if (q.w(0, "*::*")) return true } return false }, $iaN: 1 } W.l0.prototype = { $1(a) { return !C.Array.w(C.l, a) }, $S: 14 } W.l1.prototype = { $1(a) { return C.Array.w(C.l, a) }, $S: 14 } W.it.prototype = { aM(a, b, c) { if (this.dX(a, b, c)) return true if (b === "template" && c === "") return true if (a.getAttribute("template") === "") return this.e.w(0, b) return false } } W.l7.prototype = { $1(a) { return "TEMPLATE::" + H.as_string(a) }, $S: 10 } W.is.prototype = { b_(a) { var s if (t.ew.b(a)) return false s = t.g7.b(a) if (s && W.ds(a) === "foreignObject") return false if (s) return true return false }, aM(a, b, c) { if (b === "is" || C.String.bA(b, "on")) return false return this.b_(a) }, $iaN: 1 } W.dv.prototype = { u() { var s = this, r = s.c + 1, q = s.b if (r < q) { // s.d = J.J(s.a, r) s.d = s.a[r] s.c = r return true } s.d = null s.c = q return false }, gC() { return this.d } } W.kE.prototype = { dt(a, b, c) { this.a.postMessage(new P._StructuredCloneDart2Js([], []).aO(b), c) } } W.l_.prototype = {} W.ix.prototype = { cH(a) { var s, r = new W.le(this) do { s = this.b r.$2(a, null) } while (s !== this.b) }, br(a, b) { ++this.b if (b == null || b !== a.parentNode) J.nA(a) else b.removeChild(a) }, ew(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o, n = true, m = null, l = null try { m = J.rv(a) l = m.a.getAttribute("is") s = function (c) { if (!(c.attributes instanceof NamedNodeMap)) return true if (c.id == "lastChild" || c.name == "lastChild" || c.id == "previousSibling" || c.name == "previousSibling" || c.id == "children" || c.name == "children") return true var k = c.childNodes if (c.lastChild && c.lastChild !== k[k.length - 1]) return true if (c.children) if (!(c.children instanceof HTMLCollection || c.children instanceof NodeList)) return true var j = 0 if (c.children) j = c.children.length for (var i = 0; i < j; i++) { var h = c.children[i] if (h.id == "attributes" || h.name == "attributes" || h.id == "lastChild" || h.name == "lastChild" || h.id == "previousSibling" || h.name == "previousSibling" || h.id == "children" || h.name == "children") return true } return false }(a) n = s ? true : !(a.attributes instanceof NamedNodeMap) } catch (p) { H.unwrap_Exception(p) } r = "element unprintable" try { r = J.b4(a) } catch (p) { H.unwrap_Exception(p) } try { q = W.ds(a) this.ev(a, b, n, r, q, m, l) } catch (p) { if (H.unwrap_Exception(p) instanceof P.aS) throw p else { this.br(a, b) window o = "Removing corrupted element " + H.as_string(r) if (typeof console != "undefined") window.console.warn(o) } } }, ev(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = this if (c) { m.br(a, b) window s = "Removing element due to corrupted attributes on <" + d + ">" if (typeof console != "undefined") window.console.warn(s) return } if (!m.a.b_(a)) { m.br(a, b) window s = "Removing disallowed element <" + H.as_string(e) + "> from " + H.as_string(b) if (typeof console != "undefined") window.console.warn(s) return } if (g != null) if (!m.a.aM(a, "is", g)) { m.br(a, b) window s = "Removing disallowed type extension <" + H.as_string(e) + ' is="' + g + '">' if (typeof console != "undefined") window.console.warn(s) return } s = f.gad(f) r = H.b(s.slice(0), H._arrayInstanceType(s)) for (q = f.gad(f).length - 1, s = f.a; q >= 0; --q) { p = r[q] o = m.a n = J.rB(p) H.lg(p) if (!o.aM(a, n, s.getAttribute(p))) { window o = "Removing disallowed attribute <" + H.as_string(e) + " " + p + '="' + H.as_string(s.getAttribute(p)) + '">' if (typeof console != "undefined") window.console.warn(o) s.removeAttribute(p) } } if (t.aW.b(a)) { s = a.content s.toString m.cH(s) } } } W.le.prototype = { $2(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o, n = this.a switch (a.nodeType) { case 1: n.ew(a, b) break case 8: case 11: case 3: case 4: break default: n.br(a, b) } s = a.lastChild for (; s != null;) { r = null try { r = s.previousSibling if (r != null) { q = r.nextSibling p = s p = q == null ? p != null : q !== p q = p } else q = false if (q) { q = P.cd("Corrupt HTML") throw H.wrap_expression(q) } } catch (o) { H.unwrap_Exception(o) q = s; ++n.b p = q.parentNode p = a == null ? p != null : a !== p if (p) { p = q.parentNode if (p != null) p.removeChild(q) } else a.removeChild(q) s = null r = a.lastChild } if (s != null) this.$2(s, a) s = r } }, $S: 26 } W.i6.prototype = {} W.ig.prototype = {} W.ih.prototype = {} W.il.prototype = {} W.iy.prototype = {} W.iz.prototype = {} W.iA.prototype = {} W.iB.prototype = {} P._StructuredClone.prototype = { bj(a) { var s, r = this.a, q = r.length for (s = 0; s < q; ++s) if (r[s] === a) return s r.push(a) this.b.push(null) return q }, aO(a) { var s, r, q, p = this, o = {} if (a == null) return a if (H.lm(a)) return a if (typeof a == "number") return a if (typeof a == "string") return a if (a instanceof P.dq) return new Date(a.a) if (t.fv.b(a)) throw H.wrap_expression(P.hT("structured clone of RegExp")) if (t.c8.b(a)) return a if (t.fK.b(a)) return a if (t.I.b(a)) return a if (t.bZ.b(a) || t.dD.b(a) || t.bK.b(a)) return a if (t.eO.b(a)) { s = p.bj(a) r = p.b q = o.a = r[s] if (q != null) return q q = {} o.a = q r[s] = q J.lY(a, new P.l5(o, p)) return o.a } if (t.aH.b(a)) { s = p.bj(a) q = p.b[s] if (q != null) return q return p.eL(a, s) } if (t.eH.b(a)) { s = p.bj(a) r = p.b q = o.b = r[s] if (q != null) return q q = {} o.b = q r[s] = q p.eY(a, new P.l6(o, p)) return o.b } throw H.wrap_expression(P.hT("structured clone of other type")) }, eL(a, b) { var s, r = J.a3(a), q = r.gp(a), p = new Array(q) this.b[b] = p for (s = 0; s < q; ++s) p[s] = this.aO(r.h(a, s)) return p } } P.l5.prototype = { $2(a, b) { this.a.a[a] = this.b.aO(b) }, $S: 24 } P.l6.prototype = { $2(a, b) { this.a.b[a] = this.b.aO(b) }, $S: 23 } P.kw.prototype = { bj(a) { var s, r = this.a, q = r.length for (s = 0; s < q; ++s) if (r[s] === a) return s r.push(a) this.b.push(null) return q }, aO(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j = this, i = {} if (a == null) return a if (H.lm(a)) return a if (typeof a == "number") return a if (typeof a == "string") return a if (a instanceof Date) { s = a.getTime() if (Math.abs(s) <= 864e13) r = false else r = true if (r) H.throw_expression(P.bz("DateTime is outside valid range: " + s, null)) H.ls(true, "isUtc", t.y) return new P.dq(s, true) } if (a instanceof RegExp) throw H.wrap_expression(P.hT("structured clone of RegExp")) if (typeof Promise != "undefined" && a instanceof Promise) return P.vf(a, t.z) q = Object.getPrototypeOf(a) if (q === Object.prototype || q === null) { p = j.bj(a) r = j.b o = i.a = r[p] if (o != null) return o n = t.z o = P.cu(n, n) i.a = o r[p] = o j.eX(a, new P.ky(i, j)) return i.a } if (a instanceof Array) { m = a p = j.bj(m) r = j.b o = r[p] if (o != null) return o n = J.a3(m) l = n.gp(m) o = j.c ? new Array(l) : m r[p] = o for (r = J.cW(o), k = 0; k < l; ++k) r.m(o, k, j.aO(n.h(m, k))) return o } return a } } P.ky.prototype = { $2(a, b) { var s = this.a.a, r = this.b.aO(b) J.lT(s, a, r) return r }, $S: 25 } P.eJ.prototype = { $ic4: 1, gck(a) { return this.a } } P._StructuredCloneDart2Js.prototype = { eY(a, b) { var s, r, q, p for (s = Object.keys(a), r = s.length, q = 0; q < r; ++q) { p = s[q] b.$2(p, a[p]) } } } P.kx.prototype = { eX(a, b) { var s, r, q, p for (s = Object.keys(a), r = s.length, q = 0; q < s.length; s.length === r || (0, H.F)(s), ++q) { p = s[q] b.$2(p, a[p]) } } } P.jQ.prototype = { k(a) { return "Promise was rejected with a value of `" + (this.a ? "undefined" : "null") + "`." } } P.lE.prototype = { $1(a) { return this.a.bM(0, a) }, $S: 5 } P.lF.prototype = { $1(a) { if (a == null) return this.a.dg(new P.jQ(a === undefined)) return this.a.dg(a) }, $S: 5 } P.kT.prototype = { ax(a) { if (a <= 0 || a > 4294967296) throw H.wrap_expression(P.tn("max must be in range 0 < max \u2264 2^32, was " + H.as_string(a))) return Math.random() * a >>> 0 } } P.cF.prototype = { $icF: 1 } P.p.prototype = { aA(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n if (d == null) { s = H.b([], t.x) d = new W.dN(s) s.push(W.oc(null)) s.push(W.oh()) s.push(new W.is()) } c = new W.ix(d) r = '' + H.as_string(b) + "" s = document q = s.body q.toString p = C.BodyElement.eM(q, r, c) o = s.createDocumentFragment() p.toString s = new W.az(p) n = s.gba(s) for (; s = n.firstChild, s != null;) o.appendChild(s) return o }, $ip: 1 } Y.RC4.prototype = { bd(a, b) { // init var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l = new Array(256) l.fixed$length = Array l = this.c = H.b(l, t.i) for (s = 0; s < 256; ++s) l[s] = s r = a.length for (q = 0; q < b; ++q) for (p = 0, o = 0; o < 256; ++o) { n = a[C.JsInt.V(o, r)] m = l[o] p = p + m + n & 255 l[o] = l[p] l[p] = m } this.a = this.b = 0 }, bO(a) { // update var s, r, q, p, o, n = this, m = a.length for (s = 0; s < m; ++s) { r = n.a = n.a + 1 & 255 q = n.b p = n.c o = p[r] q = n.b = q + o & 255 p[r] = p[q] p[q] = o a[s] = (a[s] ^ p[p[r] + p[q] & 255]) >>> 0 n.b = q + a[s] & 255 } }, di(a) { // init? var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = this, l = a.length for (s = 0; s < l; ++s) { r = m.a = m.a + 1 & 255 q = m.b p = m.c o = p[r] q = m.b = q + o & 255 p[r] = p[q] p[q] = o n = a[s] a[s] = (n ^ p[p[r] + p[q] & 255]) >>> 0 m.b = q + n & 255 } }, n() { // next byte from ShadowR var _this = this, r = _this.a = _this.a + 1 & 255, q = _this.b, p = _this.c, o = p[r] q = _this.b = q + o & 255 p[r] = p[q] p[q] = o return p[p[r] + p[q] & 255] } } L.ProfileWinChance.prototype = { gbu(a) { return null }, dY(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k = this for (s = k.a, r = s.length, q = k.e, p = k.r, o = 0; o < s.length; s.length === r || (0, H.F)(s), ++o) { n = s[o] m = J.a3(n) l = T.choose_boss(m.h(n, 0), m.h(n, 1), null, m.h(n, 2)) q.push(l) p.push(l.e) } for (s = k.b, r = s.length, p = k.f, o = 0; o < s.length; s.length === r || (0, H.F)(s), ++o) { n = s[o] m = J.a3(n) p.push(T.choose_boss(m.h(n, 0), m.h(n, 1), null, m.h(n, 2))) } s = q.length if (s + p.length >>> 4 === 0) { for (o = 0; o < s; ++o) { l = q[o] l.I = l.gbT() } for (s = p.length, o = 0; o < s; ++o) { l = p[o] l.I = l.gbT() } } }, O() { // 胜率评分 logger.info("胜率输出 main") var async_goto = 0, async_completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.d), some_q, this_ = this, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d var $async$O = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (async_error_code, async_result) { if (async_error_code === 1) return P.async_rethrow(async_result, async_completer) while (true) switch (async_goto) { case 0: d = this_.x if (d.length !== 0) { some_q = C.Array.cu(d, 0) async_goto = 1 break } if (this_.z >= this_.c) { some_q = null async_goto = 1 break } o = this_.r, n = t.v, m = this_.a, l = this_.b, k = t.V, j = t.D, i = 0 case 3: if (!(i < 100)) { async_goto = 4 break } h = H.b([m, l, [H.b([H.as_string($.ni()) + this_.d++, $.cl()], k)]], j) if (this_.z === 0) h.pop() async_goto = 5 return P._asyncAwait(T.start_main(h), $async$O) case 5: g = async_result f = null case 6: // if (!true) { // async_goto = 8 // break // } async_goto = 9 return P._asyncAwait(g.O(), $async$O) case 9: e = async_result if (e == null) { async_goto = 8 break } case 7: f = e async_goto = 6 break case 8: if (C.Array.w(o, n.a(f.a[0]).e.gb2())) ++this_.y; ++i; ++this_.z async_goto = 3 break case 4: o = t.U n = H.b([], o) m = t.Y l = H.b([], m) // 实力评估中...[2]% // benchmarking n.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("pkGN"), null, null, C.JsInt.ag(this_.z, 100), null, 0, 0, 0)) if (this_.z >= this_.c) { o = H.b([], o) m = H.b([], m) // 》 胜率: [2]% // benchmarkRatio o.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("Pnrn"), null, null, this_.y * 100 / this_.c, null, 0, 1000, 100)) d.push(new T.aq(o, m)) this_.c *= 10 } some_q = new T.aq(n, l) async_goto = 1 break case 1: return P._asyncReturn(some_q, async_completer) } }) // let stack = new Error().stack // console.log("L.iR.O", stack) return P._asyncStartSync($async$O, async_completer) }, ae(a, b) { return this.dJ(0, b) }, dJ(a, b) { var async_goto = 0, async_completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z), this_ = this, p, o, n, m, l var $async$ae = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (async_error_code, async_result) { if (async_error_code === 1) return P.async_rethrow(async_result, async_completer) while (true) switch (async_goto) { case 0: this_.Q = b p = this_.ch p[0] = Date.now() + 1 o = this_.e, n = o.length, m = 0 case 2: if (!(m < o.length)) { async_goto = 4 break } async_goto = 5 return P._asyncAwait(o[m].az(), $async$ae) case 5: case 3: o.length === n || (0, H.F)(o), ++m async_goto = 2 break case 4: n = this_.f, l = n.length, m = 0 case 6: if (!(m < n.length)) { async_goto = 8 break } async_goto = 9 return P._asyncAwait(n[m].az(), $async$ae) case 9: case 7: n.length === l || (0, H.F)(n), ++m async_goto = 6 break case 8: o = new H.y(o, new L.iS(), H._arrayInstanceType(o).i("y<1,@>")).aV(0, "\r") + "\n" + new H.y(n, new L.iT(), H._arrayInstanceType(n).i("y<1,@>")).aV(0, "\r") + "\n" o = C.e.gaB().ab(o) // MARK: bun/nodejs 运行时报错 // console.log(o) n = H.instanceType(o).i("a9") l = n.i("y") l = P.List_List_of(new H.y(new H.a9(o, n), new L.iU(this_), l), true, l.i("M.E")) C.Array.a5(l, H.fJ(p.buffer, 0, null)) A.eR(X.dc(l)) return P._asyncReturn(null, async_completer) } }) return P._asyncStartSync($async$ae, async_completer) } } L.iS.prototype = { $1(a) { return a.I.$0() }, $S: 3 } L.iT.prototype = { $1(a) { return a.I.$0() }, $S: 3 } L.iU.prototype = { $1(a) { return (a ^ this.a.Q) >>> 0 }, $S: 2 } X.je.prototype = { $0() { var s, r = P.aL(93, 0, false, t.B) for (s = 0; s < 93; ++s) r[s] = C.String.a8(u.b, s) return r }, $S: 21 } X.j9.prototype = { $0() { var s, r = P.aL(128, 93, false, t.B) for (s = 0; s < 93; ++s) r[C.String.a8(u.b, s)] = s return r }, $S: 21 } V.ProfileMain.prototype = { gbu(a) { return null }, dZ(a, b) { // 什么奇怪的算法? var s, lst, q, p, o, n, plr, this_ = this, names = this_.b // if (k.length === 2 && J.Y(J.J(k[0], 0), J.J(k[1], 0)) && J.Y(J.J(k[0], 1), J.J(k[1], 1))) { if (names.length === 2 && (names[0][0] == names[1][0]) && (names[0][1] == names[1][1])) { names.pop() this_.c = true } for (s = names.length, lst = this_.f, q = this_.r, p = 0; p < names.length; names.length === s || (0, H.F)(names), ++p) { o = names[p] plr = T.choose_boss(o[0], o[1], null, o[2]) this.f.push(plr) q.push(plr.e) } names = lst.length if (names + 5 >>> 4 === 0) for (p = 0; p < names; ++p) { plr = lst[p] plr.I = plr.gbT() } if (q.length === 1) { this_.x = q[0] } }, O() { // 实力评分 main // 普评? + logger.debug("评分 输出") var async_goto = 0, async_completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.d), result, this_ = this, update_list, n, this_b, l, k, j, round_count, flighter, g, f, engine_result, some_d, result_getter, b, a, a0, a1, a2, a3, outer_display var $async$O = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (async_error_code, async_result) { if (async_error_code === 1) return P.async_rethrow(async_result, async_completer) while (true) { // console.log("running case", async_goto) switch (async_goto) { case 0: outer_display = this_.y if (outer_display.length !== 0) { result = C.Array.cu(outer_display, 0) async_goto = 1 break } if (this_.ch >= this_.d) { result = null async_goto = 1 break } outer_display = this_.r update_list = t.v n = this_.z this_b = this_.b l = this_.a k = t.V j = t.D round_count = 0 case 3: if (!(round_count < 100)) { // 场数 >= 100 async_goto = 4 break } // 继续运行 if (this_b.length === 1 && !this_.c) { // 单人 flighter = H.b([ [this_b[0], H.b(["" + this_.e++, l], k)], [H.b(["" + this_.e++, l], k), H.b(["" + this_.e++, l], k)] ], j) } else { // 多人 g = [] flighter = H.b([this_b, g], j) for (f = 0; f < this_b.length; ++f) { g.push(H.b(["" + this_.e++, l], k)) } } async_goto = 5 return P._asyncAwait(T.start_main(flighter), $async$O) case 5: engine_result = async_result some_d = null case 6: async_goto = 9 return P._asyncAwait(engine_result.O(), $async$O) case 9: result_getter = async_result if (result_getter == null) { async_goto = 8 break } for (b = result_getter.a, a = b.length, a0 = 0; a0 < b.length; b.length === a || (0, H.F)(b), ++a0) { a1 = b[a0] if (a1.a > 0) { a2 = a1.e a2 = a2 != null && a2.gb2() == this_.x } else a2 = false if (a2) { a3 = a1.d if (a3.startsWith("[0]")) { if (n.J(0, a3)) { n.m(0, a3, n.h(0, a3) + 1) } else { n.m(0, a3, 1) } } } } case 7: // console.log("start case 7") some_d = result_getter async_goto = 6 break case 8: // console.log("start case 8") // console.log(outer_display, "\n", update_list, "\n", some_d) if (outer_display.includes(update_list.a(some_d.a[0]).e.gb2())) { // 胜利场 ++this_.Q }; ++round_count; ++this_.ch // this.ch -> 运行场数 async_goto = 3 break case 4: outer_display = H.b([], t.U) update_list = H.b([], t.Y) // 实力评估中...[2]% // benchmarking let benchmarking = LangData.get_lang("pkGN") // 实力评估中...[2]% + this.Q // benchmarking = benchmarking + "胜场: " + this_.Q + "胜率: " + (this_.Q / this_.ch) // debug 用, 输出csv格式 // benchmarking = this_.Q + "," + this_.ch + "," + (this_.Q / this_.ch) outer_display.push(T.RunUpdate_init(benchmarking, null, null, C.JsInt.ag(this_.ch, 100), null, 0, 0, 0)) if (this_.ch >= this_.d) { // 阶段目标场数达到 this_.eS() } result = new T.aq(outer_display, update_list) async_goto = 1 break case 1: return P._asyncReturn(result, async_completer) } } }) return P._asyncStartSync($async$O, async_completer) }, // 实力评分 输出 eS() { var s, this_ = this, q = H.b([], t.U), p = H.b([], t.Y) // 》 实力评分: [2] // benchmarkScore q.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("JkWn"), null, null, this_.Q * 1e4 / this_.d, null, 0, 1000, 100)) this_.y.push(new T.aq(q, p)) if (this_.x != null) { s = new T.NPlr() // s.a = this_.f[0].e s.a = this.f[0].e this_.z.aw(0, new V.j_(this_, s)) } // console.log("iV.e5 this.d", this.d) // this.d => 下一个目标 this_.d *= 10 // console.log("iV.e5 this.d", this.d) }, ae(a, b) { return this.dK(0, b) }, dK(a, b) { var async_goto = 0, async_completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z), this_ = this, seed, o, n, m, l var $async$ae = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (async_error_code, async_result) { if (async_error_code === 1) return P.async_rethrow(async_result, async_completer) while (true) switch (async_goto) { case 0: this_.cx = b seed = this_.cy seed[0] = Date.now() + 1 o = this_.f n = o.length m = 0 case 2: if (!(m < o.length)) { async_goto = 4 break } async_goto = 5 return P._asyncAwait(o[m].az(), $async$ae) case 5: case 3: o.length === n || (0, H.F)(o), ++m async_goto = 2 break case 4: o = new H.y(o, new V.j0(), H._arrayInstanceType(o).i("y<1,@>")).aV(0, "\r") + "\n" o = C.e.gaB().ab(o) n = H.instanceType(o).i("a9") l = n.i("y") l = P.List_List_of(new H.y(new H.a9(o, n), new V.j1(this_), l), true, l.i("M.E")) C.Array.a5(l, H.fJ(seed.buffer, 0, null)) A.eR(X.dc(l)) return P._asyncReturn(null, async_completer) } }) return P._asyncStartSync($async$ae, async_completer) } } V.j_.prototype = { // 频率 输出 $2(a, b) { var s, r, get_quote, p, o = null, n = this.a if (b / n.d > 0.005) { s = H.b([], t.U) r = H.b([], t.Y) get_quote = $.iK() // $.iK = ?? // J.lW if (J.lW(a, $.ne())) { get_quote = "0" } p = this.b s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(a, p, o, get_quote, o, 0, 1000, 100)) // 频率: [2]% // benchmarkSkill s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("GJgn"), p, o, b * 100 / n.d, o, 0, 1000, 100)) n.y.push(new T.aq(s, r)) // console.log("benchmark", a, b, n.d, s) let stack = new Error().stack // console.log(stack) } }, $S: 29 } V.j0.prototype = { $1(a) { return a.I.$0() }, $S: 3 } V.j1.prototype = { $1(a) { return (a ^ this.a.cx) >>> 0 }, $S: 2 } X.ProfileFind.prototype = { gbu(a) { return null }, e_(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g for (s = a.length, r = this.a, q = 0; q < a.length; a.length === s || (0, H.F)(a), ++q) { p = a[q] o = J.a3(p) n = $.rn().eU(o.h(p, 0)) if (r.length === 0 && n != null) { m = n.b[0] s = m.length l = Math.pow(10, s) for (k = t.V, j = 0; j < l; ++j) { i = o.h(p, 0) h = C.String.fh(C.JsInt.k(j), s, "0") i.toString g = J.aw(i) if (0 > g) H.throw_expression(P.a8(0, 0, g, "startIndex", null)) r.push(H.b([H.iG(i, m, h, 0), o.h(p, 1), o.h(p, 2)], k)) } return } else r.push(p) } }, O() { logger.debug("搜索 主循环") var async_goto = 0, async_completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.d), q, this_ = this, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d var $async$O = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (a, b) { if (a === 1) return P.async_rethrow(b, async_completer) while (true) switch (async_goto) { case 0: e = this_.b d = this_.a if (e >= d.length) { q = null async_goto = 1 break } if (e < 0) { this_.b = 0 e = H.b([], t.U) o = H.b([], t.Y) e.push($.K()) if (d.length >>> 13 > 0) { // searchInvalid // 错误,目前最多支持8000人搜索 e.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("BUaa"), null, null, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) this_.b = d.length + 1 } else { // searchStart // 搜索开始... e.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("UZBn"), null, null, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) } q = new T.aq(e, o) async_goto = 1 break } e = t.V, o = t.t, n = t.E case 3: if (!(m = this_.b, m < d.length)) { async_goto = 4 break } l = d[m] this_.b = m + 1 k = H.b([H.b([l, H.b(["" + this_.c++, "\x02"], e)], o), H.b([H.b(["" + this_.c++, "\x02"], e), H.b(["" + this_.c++, "\x02"], e)], o)], n) async_goto = 5 return P._asyncAwait(T.start_main(k), $async$O) case 5: j = b i = C.Array.dl(j.c, new X.iX()) h = i.dE() + "\n" g = i.Y case 6: async_goto = 8 return P._asyncAwait(j.O(), $async$O) case 8: if (!(b != null)) { async_goto = 7 break }; async_goto = 6 break case 7: f = 0 case 9: if (!(f < 12)) { async_goto = 11 break } async_goto = 12 return P._asyncAwait(T.start_main(k), $async$O) case 12: j = b case 13: async_goto = 15 return P._asyncAwait(j.O(), $async$O) case 15: if (!(b != null)) { async_goto = 14 break }; async_goto = 13 break case 14: case 10: ++f async_goto = 9 break case 11: async_goto = g > 1200 ? 16 : 17 break case 16: ++this_.e async_goto = 18 // return P._asyncAwait(P.future_future_delayed(new P.Duration(1), t.z), $async$O) // return P._asyncAwait(P.future_future_delayed(new P.Duration(1e6), t.z), $async$O) break case 18: e = this_.r e[0] = Date.now() + 1 o = C.e.gaB().ab(h) n = H.instanceType(o).i("a9") m = n.i("y") m = P.List_List_of(new H.y(new H.a9(o, n), new X.iY(this_), m), true, m.i("M.E")) e = e.buffer e = new Uint8Array(e, 0) C.Array.a5(m, e) A.eR(X.dc(m)) async_goto = 4 break case 17: async_goto = 3 break case 4: e = H.b([], t.U) o = H.b([], t.Y) e.push($.K()) // 评分输出 if (run_env.from_code) { console.log("outputing score") } if (this_.b >= d.length) { e.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("tdaa"), null, null, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) if (this_.e === 0) { e.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("lIYA"), null, null, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) } } q = new T.aq(e, o) async_goto = 1 break case 1: return P._asyncReturn(q, async_completer) } }) console.log("X.iW.O") return P._asyncStartSync($async$O, async_completer) }, ae(a, b) { return this.dL(0, b) }, dL(a, b) { var async_goto = 0, async_completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z), this_ = this, p, o, n, m var $async$ae = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (async_error_code, async_result) { if (async_error_code === 1) return P.async_rethrow(async_result, async_completer) while (true) switch (async_goto) { case 0: this_.f = b p = this_.r p[0] = Date.now() + 1 o = C.e.gaB().ab("\t\t\t\t\n") n = H.instanceType(o).i("a9") m = n.i("y") m = P.List_List_of(new H.y(new H.a9(o, n), new X.iZ(this_), m), true, m.i("M.E")) C.Array.a5(m, H.fJ(p.buffer, 0, null)) A.eR(X.dc(m)) return P._asyncReturn(null, async_completer) } }) return P._asyncStartSync($async$ae, async_completer) } } X.iX.prototype = { $1(a) { return a.b !== "\x02" }, $S: 30 } X.iY.prototype = { $1(a) { return (a ^ this.a.f) >>> 0 }, $S: 2 } X.iZ.prototype = { $1(a) { return (a ^ this.a.f) >>> 0 }, $S: 2 } S.fK.prototype = { aM(a, b, c) { return true }, b_(a) { return true }, $iaN: 1 } HtmlRenderer.inner_render.prototype = { e0(a) { // a -> profiler input var s, root, q, this_ = this if (this_.a == null) return // this.gfd -> this.fe if (run_env.from_code) { logger.info("before main") this_.b4() logger.info("after main") return } else { A.vo(this_.gfd()) } // this.gbc -> this.dI // this_.d = P.Timer_Timer(P.duration_milsec_sec(10, 0), this_.gbc(this_)) this_.d = P.Timer_Timer(P.duration_milsec_sec(0, 0), this.gbc(this_)) if (!run_env.from_code) { // this.gff -> this.ds W.es(window, "resize", this_.gff(this_), false) } this_.ds(0, null) s = HtmlRenderer.add_p("row") root = this_.b root.appendChild(s) q = HtmlRenderer.add_span("welcome") q.textContent = LangData.get_lang("CeaN") s.appendChild(q) q = HtmlRenderer.add_span("welcome2") q.textContent = LangData.get_lang("NosN") s.appendChild(q) let profiler = this_.c if (profiler.gbu(profiler) != null) { // MARK: 获取是否有 error // 有 error 就加上去 (没啥意义, 默认为 null) // gbu: 获取某个东西, 只有 Engine 才是 this.f // 测号相关都是 null // get error profiler = profiler.gbu(profiler) root.appendChild(document.createTextNode(profiler)) } // 添加 event listener logger.debug("加速等待器 注册") if (!run_env.from_code) { // this.gfb -> this.fc W.es(window, "message", this_.gfb(this_), false) } }, // MARK: 接受加速按钮 fc(func_self, event) { if (event.data == "??") { this.y = 2000 // 触发加速 } }, // MARK: resize ds(a, b) { if (run_env.from_code) { return } var s = this.a if (window.innerWidth < 500) { s.classList.remove("hlist") s.classList.add("vlist") s = this.b s.classList.remove("hbody") s.classList.add("vbody") } else { s.classList.remove("vlist") s.classList.add("hlist") s = this.b s.classList.remove("vbody") s.classList.add("hbody") } }, dI(a) { this.c.ae(0, this.x) }, // MARK: main? fe(a0) { // onNames() var s, r, q, p, o, group_raw, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, this_ = this if (a0.length < 6) return s = X.f4(a0, 0) r = C.Array.al(s, 0, s.length - 8) q = H._arrayInstanceType(r).i("a9<1>") p = q.i("y") o = t.bQ group_raw = P.List_List_of(new H.y(H.b(C.e.bt(0, P.List_List_of(new H.y(new H.a9(r, q), new HtmlRenderer.jx(this_), p), true, p.i("M.E"))).split("\n"), t.s), new HtmlRenderer.jy(), o), true, o.i("M.E")) r = group_raw.length if (r > 1) { // if (!J.Y(J.J(J.J(n[0], 0), 0), "")) { // 如果第一个元素不是空字符串 if (group_raw[0][0][0] !== "") { for (m = 0; m < group_raw.length; group_raw.length === r || (0, H.F)(group_raw), ++m) { l = group_raw[m] q = J.a3(l) if (q.gp(l) > 1) { this_.e = true } for (q = q.ga0(l); q.u();) if (J.aw(q.gC()) > 7) { this_.f = true } } k = H.b([], t.t) for (r = group_raw.length, q = this_.a, p = this_.b, m = 0; m < group_raw.length; group_raw.length === r || (0, H.F)(group_raw), ++m) { l = group_raw[m] o = J.a3(l) if (o.gp(l) === 1 && J.aw(o.h(l, 0)) < 3) { if (J.aw(o.h(l, 0)) > 1) k.push(o.h(l, 0)) continue } o = this_.e j = this_.f i = document.createElement("div") i.classList.add("plrg_list") h = new HtmlRenderer.PlrGroup(i) h.e3(l, o, j) q.appendChild(i) p.appendChild(h.b) } for (r = k.length, m = 0; m < k.length; k.length === r || (0, H.F)(k), ++m) { g = k[m] f = document.createElement("p") f.classList.add("row") // f.textContent = J.J(g, 1) f.textContent = g[1] p.appendChild(f) } } r = this_.b q = document r.appendChild(q.createElement("hr")) r.appendChild(q.createElement("br")) // r -> 中间变量 // this.y -> plrlen // this.r -> preboost q = $.ay q = this_.y = q.gp(q) r = q > 10 ? this_.y = 10 : q r += this_.r // 这里才是有用的加速 // if this_.y > 2000 // = 2000 this_.y = 2000 if (this_.Q != null) return this_.b4() this_.z = group_raw } else { e = group_raw[0] r = J.a3(e) // q = J.J(r.h(e, 0), 0) q = r.h(e, 0)[0] r = r.h(e, 1) // d = J.J(r, 0) d = r[0] if (!$.ay.J(0, d)) { c = $.ay.h(0, q) b = HtmlRenderer.t8(c.a, r, false) b.b = c b.x.setAttribute("class", "sgl") r = c.f q = b.f t.A.a(r.parentElement).insertBefore(q, r.nextElementSibling) q = q.style q.display = "none" } } }, b4() { // nextUpdate() // MARK: 渲染器主"循环" var async_goto = 0, async_complete = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z), q, this_ = this, o var $async$b4 = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (async_error_code, async_result) { if (async_error_code === 1) return P.async_rethrow(async_result, async_complete) while (true) switch (async_goto) { case 0: this_.d = null o = this_.Q async_goto = o == null || o.a.length === 0 ? 3 : 4 break case 3: async_goto = 5 // O -> nextUpdates return P._asyncAwait(this_.c.O(), $async$b4) case 5: this_.Q = async_result async_goto = 6 // 我们仍然不知道他为啥要在这里 delay 1ms // return P._asyncAwait(P.future_future_delayed(P.duration_milsec_sec(1, 0), t.z), $async$b4) // return P._asyncAwait(P.future_future_delayed(P.duration_milsec_sec(0, 0), t.z), $async$b4) // break case 6: this_.db = null this_.dx = true this_.ch = 1800 case 4: o = this_.Q if (o == null) { async_goto = 1 break } // logger.debug("nextUpdate", o.a[0]) this_.ft(C.Array.cu(o.a, 0)) case 1: return P._asyncReturn(q, async_complete) } }) return P._asyncStartSync($async$b4, async_complete) }, ft(a) { // renderUpdate() var s, r, q, p, this_ = this if (a == $.K()) { this_.db = null this_.cy = true this_.b4() return } s = a.b r = this_.ch if (s < r) s = r this_.ch = a.c this_.cx = a q = this_.y if (q >= 2000) { p = this_.Q p = !(p == null || p.a.length === 0) } else { p = false } if (p) { this_.c5(this_.cy) this_.cy = false } else { // this_.d = P.Timer_Timer(P.duration_milsec_sec(C.JsInt.P(s, C.d.aI(Math.sqrt(q / 2))), 0), this_.gel()) // this.gel -> this.c5, em? this_.d = P.Timer_Timer(P.duration_milsec_sec(0, 0), this_.gel()) } }, c5(a) { // _doRenderUpdate var s, r, this_ = this if (a && !run_env.from_code) { s = this_.b r = C.d.aI(s.scrollHeight) - s.clientHeight a = r - C.d.aI(s.scrollTop) < 50 || C.d.aI(s.scrollTop) / r > 0.95 } if (this_.cx instanceof T.RunUpdateWin) { this_.fQ() } else if (run_env.from_code) { logger.info(fmt_RunUpdate(this_.cx)) this_.b4() return } else { s = this_.db if (s == null) { s = HtmlRenderer.add_p("row") this_.db = s this_.b.appendChild(s) if (this_.dx) this_.dx = false else { s = this_.db; (s && C.Q).cJ(s, "\u2003") } } else s.appendChild(document.createTextNode(", ")) this_.db.appendChild(HtmlRenderer._updateToHtml(this_.cx)) this_.b4() } if (a && !run_env.from_code) { s = this_.b s.scrollTop = C.JsInt.aI(C.d.aI(s.scrollHeight) - s.clientHeight) } }, em() { return this.c5(true) }, // MARK: 结束 fQ() { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, this_ = this // e = "click", let d = this_.b, document_ = document if (run_env.from_code) { logger.debug("到达代码最高层! fQ!") logger.info(fmt_RunUpdate(this_.cx)) return } d.appendChild(document_.createElement("br")) s = this_.cx.e.gb2() r = $.ay.h(0, s).a q = t.ak p = H.b([], q) o = H.b([], q) n = [] $.ay.aw(0, new HtmlRenderer.jA(r, p, n, o)) C.Array.bb(p, HtmlRenderer.oD()) C.Array.bb(o, HtmlRenderer.oD()) m = document_.createElement("table") l = new HtmlRenderer.addPlrToTable(m) k = document_.createElement("tr") j = document_.createElement("td") k.appendChild(j) C.j.by(j, C.String.B(J.iN($.nh(), LangData.get_lang("ePya")), $.nh()), $.bV()) q = j.style q.minWidth = "112px" q = j.style q.height = "32px" j = document_.createElement("td") k.appendChild(j) j.textContent = LangData.get_lang("AoUA") q = j.style q.width = "44px" j = document_.createElement("td") k.appendChild(j) j.textContent = LangData.get_lang("aXIa") q = j.style q.width = "44px" j = document_.createElement("td") k.appendChild(j) j.textContent = LangData.get_lang("MdQa") q = j.style q.minWidth = "112px" q = k.style q.background = "#FAFAFA" m.appendChild(k) for (q = p.length, i = 0; i < p.length; p.length === q || (0, H.F)(p), ++i) l.$1(p[i]) k = document_.createElement("tr") j = document_.createElement("td") k.appendChild(j) C.j.by(j, C.String.B(J.iN($.nf(), LangData.get_lang("eFKN")), $.nf()), $.bV()) q = j.style q.height = "32px" j = document_.createElement("td") k.appendChild(j) j.textContent = LangData.get_lang("AoUA") j = document_.createElement("td") k.appendChild(j) j.textContent = LangData.get_lang("aXIa") j = document_.createElement("td") k.appendChild(j) j.textContent = LangData.get_lang("MdQa") q = k.style q.background = "#FAFAFA" m.appendChild(k) for (q = o.length, i = 0; i < o.length; o.length === q || (0, H.F)(o), ++i) l.$1(o[i]) d.appendChild(m) h = HtmlRenderer.add_div("buttonBar") d.appendChild(h) g = document_.createElement("button") g.textContent = LangData.get_lang("xPRN") // 返回 h.appendChild(g) W.es(g, "click", new HtmlRenderer.jB(), false) g = document_.createElement("button") g.textContent = LangData.get_lang("KXmn") // 分享 h.appendChild(g) W.es(g, "click", new HtmlRenderer.jC(), false) g = document_.createElement("button") g.textContent = LangData.get_lang("Zvon") // 帮助 h.appendChild(g) W.es(g, "click", new HtmlRenderer.jD($.qq()), false) d = h.style document_ = "" + (C.d.aI(m.offsetWidth) - C.d.aI(h.offsetWidth) - 8) + "px" d.marginLeft = document_ if (W.ll(window.parent) !== window) { new HtmlRenderer.send_win_data(this_, p, o, n, $.ay.h(0, this_.z[0][0][0])).$0() } // 显示 done_target logger.debug("done_target") window.parent.postMessage("done_fight", "*") } } HtmlRenderer.jx.prototype = { $1(a) { return (a ^ this.a.x) >>> 0 }, $S: 2 } HtmlRenderer.jy.prototype = { $1(a) { var s = t.dG return P.List_List_of(new H.y(H.b(a.split("\r"), t.s), new HtmlRenderer.jw(), s), true, s.i("M.E")) }, $S: 35 } HtmlRenderer.jw.prototype = { $1(a) { return H.b(a.split("\t"), t.s) }, $S: 36 } HtmlRenderer.jA.prototype = { $2(a, b) { var this_ = this if (b.b == null) if (b.a === this_.a) { this_.b.push(b) this_.c.push(b.db) } else this_.d.push(b) }, $S: 37 } HtmlRenderer.addPlrToTable.prototype = { $1(a) { var s, r, q = "beforeend", p = document, o = p.createElement("tr"), n = p.createElement("td") o.appendChild(n) C.j.bk(n, q, a.f.outerHTML, null, $.bV()) n.classList.add("namdtd") n = p.createElement("td") o.appendChild(n) n.textContent = C.JsInt.k(a.c) n = p.createElement("td") o.appendChild(n) n.textContent = C.JsInt.k(a.d) s = a.e if (s != null) { r = $.ay.h(0, s) n = p.createElement("td") o.appendChild(n) C.j.bk(n, q, r.fr, null, null) n.classList.add("namdtd") } else o.appendChild(p.createElement("td")) this.a.appendChild(o) }, $S: 38 } HtmlRenderer.jB.prototype = { $1(a) { var s = t.X J.m0(W.ll(window.parent), P.create_StringInt_map(["button", "refresh"], s, s), "*") }, $S: 6 } HtmlRenderer.jC.prototype = { $1(a) { var s = t.X J.m0(W.ll(window.parent), P.create_StringInt_map(["button", "share"], s, s), "*") }, $S: 6 } HtmlRenderer.jD.prototype = { $1(a) { C.U.fg(window, this.a, "_blank") }, $S: 6 } HtmlRenderer.send_win_data.prototype = { $0() { var s = 0, r = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.P), q = this, p, win_data, n var $async$$0 = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (a, b) { if (a === 1) return P.async_rethrow(b, r) while (true) switch (s) { case 0: n = t.z s = 2 // return P._asyncAwait(P.future_future_delayed(P.duration_milsec_sec(1, 0), n), $async$$0) return P._asyncAwait(P.future_future_delayed(P.duration_milsec_sec(0, 0), n), $async$$0) // break case 2: p = HtmlRenderer.rV(q.b, q.c) win_data = P.create_StringInt_map(["winners", q.d, "all", q.a.z, "pic", p.toDataURL("image/png", null), "firstKill", q.e.e ], n, n) // send win_data to parent J.m0(W.ll(window.parent), win_data, "*") // if (from_node) { // // 怎么着输出一下 win_data // } return P._asyncReturn(null, r) } }) return P._asyncStartSync($async$$0, r) }, $S: 40 } HtmlRenderer.PlrGroup.prototype = { e3(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p, o = this if (b || c) o.b = HtmlRenderer.add_div("plrg_body_gouped") else o.b = HtmlRenderer.add_div("plrg_body") for (s = J.by(a), r = o.a; s.u();) { q = s.gC() if (J.aw(q) < 2) return p = HtmlRenderer.t7(o, q, c) r.appendChild(p.f) o.b.appendChild(p.r) } } } HtmlRenderer.PlrView.prototype = { da() { var s = this.b if (s != null) s.da() else ++this.d }, dc(a) { var s = this.b if (s != null) s.dc(a) else this.c = this.c + a }, cP(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i = this, h = null, g = '
', e = "beforeend" i.cy = "pid" + i.cx if (c) i.r = HtmlRenderer.add_div("plr1") else i.r = HtmlRenderer.add_div("plr0") s = J.a3(b) i.db = s.h(b, 0) i.dx = s.h(b, 1) $.ay.m(0, i.db, i) i.fy = s.h(b, 2) i.dy = s.h(b, 3) r = i.y if (c) r.textContent = " " + H.as_string(i.db) + " " else r.textContent = " " + H.as_string(i.dx) + " " r = i.x r.toString q = Sgls.o6(i.fy) r.classList.add(q) if (J.nz(i.fy, $.aD())) i.y.textContent = " " + H.as_string(i.dx) + " " p = s.h(b, 4) o = J.m_(p, "+") if (o > -1) { r = i.go = P.oF(C.String.af(p, 0, o)) p = C.String.ay(p, o) } else { r = i.go = P.oF(s.h(b, 4)) p = h } n = "" + C.d.R(r / 4) + "px" r = i.z q = r.style q.width = n q = i.r q.appendChild(i.x) q.appendChild(i.y) m = J.m_(i.dy, "+") if (m > -1) { q = i.r l = HtmlRenderer.add_span("small") l.textContent = J.nB(i.dy, m) q.appendChild(l) i.r.appendChild(document.createTextNode(" ")) } i.fr = g + i.cy + '">' + H.as_string(i.x.outerHTML) + f + C.o.ab(i.dx) + "
" i.fx = g + i.cy + '">' + H.as_string(i.x.outerHTML) + f + C.o.ab(i.dx) + '
' if (c) { k = HtmlRenderer.add_div("detail") q = i.r l = LangData.get_lang("BxJN") + (" " + H.as_string(i.go)) j = document q.appendChild(j.createTextNode(l)) if (p != null) { q = i.r l = HtmlRenderer.add_span("small") l.textContent = p q.appendChild(l) } i.r.appendChild(k) i.r.appendChild(j.createElement("br")) d.a = 5 C.h.cJ(k, H.oO(LangData.get_lang("ezfN"), "[]", new HtmlRenderer.jV(d, b), h)) // if (!J.Y(s.h(b, 12), "")) { if (s.h(b, 12) !== "") { switch (s.h(b, 12)) { case "2": C.h.bk(k, e, C.String.B(" ", $.qC()), h, $.bV()) break case "1": C.h.bk(k, e, C.String.B(" ", $.qB()), h, $.bV()) break case "0": C.h.bk(k, e, C.String.B(" ", $.qA()), h, $.bV()) break default: C.h.bk(k, e, C.String.B(" ", $.qv()), h, $.bV()) } } } s = t.A i.x = s.a(i.x.cloneNode(true)) s = s.a(i.y.cloneNode(true)) i.y = s s.textContent = " " + H.as_string(i.dx) + " " s = i.f s.appendChild(i.x) s.appendChild(i.y) r.appendChild(i.Q) r.appendChild(i.ch) s.appendChild(r) i.bU(i.go) }, bU(a) { var s, r, q, p = this p.go = a s = "" + C.d.R(a / 4) + "px" r = p.Q.style r.width = s r = p.ch.style r.width = s r = p.f if (a <= 0) { r = r.style r.toString C.i.d4(r, C.i.cU(r, "opacity"), "0.5", "") } else { q = r.style q.toString C.i.d4(q, C.i.cU(q, "opacity"), "", "") r = r.style r.display = "" } } } HtmlRenderer.jV.prototype = { $1(a) { // return HtmlRenderer.t9(J.J(this.b, this.a.a++)) return HtmlRenderer.t9(this.b[this.a.a++]) }, $S: 17 } HtmlRenderer.fW.prototype = {} HtmlRenderer._renderItem.prototype = { $1(a) { // _renderItem var s, r, q if (a instanceof T.NPlr) return $.ay.h(0, a.a).fr if (a instanceof T.HPlr) { s = $.ay.h(0, a.a) s.bU(a.d) a.b = s.cy this.a.push(a) return s.fx } if (a instanceof T.DPlr) { s = $.ay.h(0, a.a) r = this.b.e if (r != null) { r = r.gb2() s.e = r q = $.ay s.toString q.h(0, r).da() } s.bU(0) this.a.push(a) return s.fr } if (a instanceof T.MPlr) { s = $.ay.h(0, a.a) s.bU(a.b) r = "" + C.d.R(a.c / 4) + "px" q = s.z.style q.width = r s.fx = '
' + H.as_string(s.y.outerHTML) + '
' return s.fr } if (a instanceof T.HDamage) return '
' + H.as_string(a.a) + "
" if (a instanceof T.HRecover) return '
' + H.as_string(a.a) + "
" return J.b4(a) }, $S: 42 } HtmlRenderer.lq.prototype = { $1(a) { var s, r = this, q = a.cF(0) if (q === "[0]") return r.a.$1(r.b.e) else if (q === "[1]") return r.a.$1(r.b.f) else if (q === "[2]") return r.a.$1(r.b.x) else { s = J.aQ(q) if (r.b instanceof T.RunUpdateCancel) return '' + s.af(q, 1, q.length - 1) + "" else return '' + s.af(q, 1, q.length - 1) + "" } }, $S: 17 } Sgls.k7.prototype = { $2(a, b) { var s, r, q = "data:image/gif;base64," + H.as_string(b), p = $.e_ $.e_ = p + 1 s = "icon_" + p r = H.as_string(a) + "@!" $.k8.m(0, r, s) $.mg.m(0, r, q) if (!run_env.from_code) { t.w.a(C.v.gbl(document.styleSheets)).insertRule("div." + s + ' { background-image:url("' + q + '"); }', $.e_ - 1) } }, $S: 65 } Sgls.k4.prototype = { $0() { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h = new Array($.d7()) h.fixed$length = Array s = H.b(h, t.gt) for (h = t.he, r = 0; q = $.d7(), r < q; ++r) { q = new Array(q) q.fixed$length = Array q = H.b(q, h) s[r] = q q[r] = 0 } for (r = 1; r < $.d7(); ++r) for (p = 0; p < r; ++p) { h = $.mf q = h[r] o = q[0] h = h[p] n = h[0] m = (o - n) * 0.3 l = (q[1] - h[1]) * 0.4 k = (q[2] - h[2]) * 0.25 j = o * 0.15 + o * 0.25 + o * 0.1 - (n * 0.15 + n * 0.25 + n * 0.1) i = Math.sqrt(m * m + l * l + k * k + j * j) J.lT(s[p], r, i) J.lT(s[r], p, i) } return s }, $S: 44 } Sgls.k5.prototype = { $1(a) { return ((a ^ 6) >>> 0) * 99 + 218 & 255 }, $S: 2 } Sgls.k6.prototype = { $1(a) { var s, r, q, p = this, o = p.a if (o.length > 0) if (a === p.b) { s = p.c s = s[0] !== s[1] } else s = false else s = false if (s) return true // if (J.J(J.J($.nv(), a), p.b) < 90) if ($.nv()[a][p.b] < 90) { return false } for (s = o.length, r = 0; r < s; ++r) if (o[r] === a) return true for (r = 0; r < o.length; o.length === s || (0, H.F)(o), ++r) { q = o[r] // if (J.J(J.J($.nv(), a), q) < 90) { if ($.nv()[a][q] < 90) { return false } } return true }, $S: 45 } LangData.lA.prototype = { $2(a, b) { if (typeof b == "string" && !C.String.w(b, "<") && !C.String.w(b, ">")) $.od.m(0, LangData.eQ(H.lg(a)), b) }, $S: 23 } Sgls.MList.prototype = { j(a, b) { var s, r, q, p = this if (b.a === p) return if (b.ga4() === 1 / 0 || p.b === p) { p.bH(p.c, b) return } s = b.ga4() r = t.gl if (r.a(p.c).ga4() <= s) { p.bH(p.c, b) return } q = r.a(p.b) for (; true;) { if (q.ga4() > s) { p.bH(q.c, b) return } q = r.a(q.b) } p.bH(p.c, b) }, U(a, b) { if (b.a !== this) return false this.d8(b) return true }, ga0(a) { return new Sgls.a_(this, this.b, this.$ti.i("a_<1*>")) }, gp(a) { return this.a }, ah(a) { var s, r, q = this, p = q.b for (s = q.$ti.i("1*"); p !== q; p = r) { s.a(p) r = p.gaE() p.sc8(null) p.sbq(null) p.saE(null) } q.c = q q.b = q q.a = 0 }, gbv(a) { return this.a === 0 }, bH(a, b) { var s if (b.a != null) throw H.wrap_expression(P.cd("MEntry is already in a MList")) b.a = this s = a.gaE() s.sbq(b) b.c = a b.b = s a.saE(b); ++this.a }, d8(a) { a.b.sbq(a.c) a.c.saE(a.b); --this.a a.a = null }, gaE() { return this.b }, saE(a) { return this.b = a }, sbq(a) { return this.c = a } } Sgls.a_.prototype = { gC() { return this.b }, u() { var s = this, r = s.c if (r === s.a) { s.b = null return false } s.$ti.i("1*").a(r) s.b = r s.c = r.gaE() if (s.b.gc8() == null) return s.u() return true } } Sgls.MEntry.prototype = { // MARK: sortId ga4() { return 1e4 // 10000 }, D() { var s = this.a if (s != null) s.d8(this) }, gc8() { return this.a }, gaE() { return this.b }, sc8(a) { return this.a = a }, saE(a) { return this.b = a }, sbq(a) { return this.c = a } } T.SklAbsorb.prototype = { au(a, b) { var s if (b) { s = this.r if (s.fy - s.fx < $.at()) return false } return this.aX(a, b) }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s = a[0].a, r = T.getAt(this.r, true, c), q = $.ph() d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("FfpA"), this.r, s, null, null, $.i(), 1000, 100)) s.a3(r * q, true, this.r, T.v6(), c, d) } } T.SklAccumulate.prototype = { au(a, b) { var s if (this.fr.a != null) return false if (b) { s = this.r if (s.fx < $.cZ()) return false if (s.r2.h(0, $.lN()) != null) return false } return this.aX(a, b) }, aa(a, b, c) { return H.b([], t.F) }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s = this, r = null, q = LangData.get_lang("zEuN"), p = s.r, o = d.a o.push(T.RunUpdate_init(q, p, p, r, r, $.i(), 1000, 100)) s.r.rx.j(0, s.fr) s.r.r2.m(0, $.lN(), s) if (s.r.r2.J(0, $.a7())) { s.fx = s.fx + $.i() q = s.r q.l = q.l + $.pM() } s.r.F() q = s.r q.l = q.l + $.lM() q = C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("gIKN"), $.qu()) p = s.r o.push(T.RunUpdate_init(q, p, p, r, r, 0, 1000, 100)) }, ar(a) { a.id = a.id * this.fx }, gT() { return $.i() }, K(a, b) { var s, r = this r.fr.D() r.r.r2.U(0, $.lN()) r.r.F() if (a != null) { s = b.a s.push($.K()) s.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(LangData.get_lang("xrNA"), a, r.r)) } r.fx = $.pi() }, $ix: 1 } T.SklAssassinate.prototype = { au(a, b) { if (b && this.r.r2.J(0, $.bT())) return false return this.aX(a, b) }, as(a, b) { if (b) return a.fx > $.eU() return true }, a9(a, b, c) { return this.bx(a, b, c, true) }, aa(a, b, c) { if (this.fy != null) return H.b([], t.F) return this.dU(0, b, c) }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p = this, o = null, n = p.fy if (n == null) { p.fy = a[0].a d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("RmAN"), p.r, p.fy, o, o, $.i(), 1000, 100)) p.r.x1.j(0, p.fr) n = p.r n.l = n.l + n.dx * $.B() n = n.r2.J(0, $.a7()) s = p.r if (n) s.l = s.l + $.p8() else s.G.j(0, p.fx) } else { p.ah(0) if (n.fx > 0) { s = d.a s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("iLaN"), p.r, n, o, o, $.i(), 1000, 100)) r = T.getAt(p.r, true, c) q = T.getAt(p.r, true, c) if (q > r) r = q q = T.getAt(p.r, true, c) if (q > r) r = q if (n.a7($.d2(), c)) { // dodge (通用回避) // [0][回避]了攻击 s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("BtqN"), n, p.r, o, o, 0, 1000, 100)) return } n.bN(r * $.mZ(), true, p.r, T.ad(), c, d) } } }, aD(a, b, c, d) { var s = d.a s.push($.K()) s.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(LangData.get_lang("kMgn"), this.r, this.fy)) this.ah(0) }, aN(a, b, c, d) { var s = this.fy if (s != null && s.fx > 0) return this else this.ah(0) return null }, ah(a) { this.fy = null this.fx.D() this.fr.D() } } T.BerserkState.prototype = { gT() { return -$.i() }, b9(a) { return a.b5(this.r.y.a.e) }, a9(a, b, c) { return c.gbo() * a.H }, aN(a, b, c, d) { return this }, aP(a) { var s = this s.r.r2.m(0, $.aJ(), s) s.r.x1.j(0, s) }, K(a, b) { var s, r = this r.D() r.r.r2.U(0, $.aJ()) if (r.r.fx > 0) { s = b.a s.push($.K()) // sklBerserkEnd // [1]从[狂暴]中解除 s.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(LangData.get_lang("cHVa"), a, r.r)) } }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p = this p.fr = p.fr - 1 s = a[0].a r = T.getAt(p.r, false, c) q = $.eV() d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("UeAn"), p.r, s, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) s.a3(r * q, false, p.r, T.ad(), c, d) if (p.fr == 0) p.K(null, d) }, $ix: 1, $iaV: 1 } T.SklBerserk.prototype = { as(a, b) { if (b) { if (a.r2.h(0, $.aJ()) != null) return false return !(a instanceof T.Minion) } return true }, a9(a, b, c) { var s = this.bC(a, b, c), r = a.r2 return r.h(0, $.aJ()) != null || r.h(0, $.aE()) != null ? s / $.eV() : s }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s = a[0].a, r = T.getAt(this.r, true, c) d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("wnjN"), this.r, s, null, null, $.i(), 1000, 100)) s.a3(r, true, this.r, T.v7(), c, d) } } T.SklCharge.prototype = { au(a, b) { if (this.r.r2.J(0, $.a7())) return false if (b) if (this.r.fx < $.ci()) return false return this.aX(a, b) }, aa(a, b, c) { return H.b([], t.F) }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s = this, r = LangData.get_lang("yUxA"), q = s.r d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(r, q, q, null, null, $.i(), 1000, 100)) s.fy = s.fy + $.t() s.r.x2.j(0, s.fx) s.r.rx.j(0, s.fr) s.r.r2.m(0, $.a7(), s) s.r.F() q = s.r q.go = q.go + $.at() }, at(a, b) { var s = this.fy - 1 this.fy = s if (s <= 0) this.K(null, b) }, ar(a) { a.id = a.id * $.B() }, gT() { return $.i() }, K(a, b) { var s, r = this r.fx.D() r.fr.D() r.r.r2.U(0, $.a7()) r.r.F() if (a != null) { s = b.a s.push($.K()) s.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(LangData.get_lang("WNcn"), a, r.r)) } }, $ix: 1 } T.CharmState.prototype = { gT() { return -$.i() }, ar(a) { this.x.z = this.r }, at(a, b) { var s = this.z - 1 this.z = s if (s === 0) this.K(null, b) }, aP(a) { var s = this, r = s.x r.r2.m(0, $.aE(), s) r.rx.j(0, s) r.x2.j(0, s.y) r.F() }, K(a, b) { var s, r this.D() s = this.x s.r2.U(0, $.aE()) this.y.D() s.F() if (s.fx > 0) { r = b.a r.push($.K()) r.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(LangData.get_lang("EsXa"), a, s)) } }, $ix: 1 } T.SklCharm.prototype = { as(a, b) { var s if (b) { s = a.r2 if (s.J(0, $.aE()) && t.o.a(s.h(0, $.aE())).z > $.i()) return false } return true }, a9(a, b, c) { var s = this.bZ(a, b, c, true), r = a.r2 return r.h(0, $.aE()) != null || r.h(0, $.aJ()) != null ? s / $.t() : s }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, charm_state, this_ = this, p = null, o = a[0].a, n = d.a // sklCharm // [0]使用[魅惑] n.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("UUan"), this_.r, o, p, p, $.i(), 1000, 100)) if (!o.a7($.aE(), c)) s = o.fx > 0 && !o.A && T.bW(this_.r.dx, o.db + o.dy, c) else s = true if (s) { // dodge (通用回避) // [0][回避]了攻击 n.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("BtqN"), o, this_.r, p, p, $.as(), 1000, 100)) return } charm_state = t.o.a(o.r2.h(0, $.aE())) if (charm_state == null) { charm_state = T.CharmState_init(this_.r.z, o) charm_state.aP(0) } else { s = this_.r.z if (s != charm_state.r) charm_state.r = s else charm_state.z = charm_state.z + 1 } if (this_.r.r2.J(0, $.a7())) charm_state.z = charm_state.z + $.B() // sklCharmHit // [1]被[魅惑]了 n.push(T.RunUpdate_init(C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("yjhn"), $.nd()), this_.r, o, p, p, $.cZ(), 1000, 100)) } } T.MinionCount.prototype = { gT() { return 0 } } T.PlrClone.prototype = { gap() { return this.a6 }, bs() { var s, r, q, p, o = this.k1, n = o.length, m = this.cm if (n === m.k1.length) for (s = 0; s < n; ++s) { r = o[s] q = r.f p = m.k1[s].f if (q > p) r.f = p } this.dR() }, aU() { var s = this.cm.q s = H.b(s.slice(0), H._arrayInstanceType(s)) this.q = s this.ci() }, bf() { var s = T.lC(this.a6.a), r = T.lC(this.b), q = $.a4() this.x = Math.max(H.ar(s), r - q) }, $ibC: 1 } T.SklClone.prototype = { aa(a, b, c) { return H.b([], t.F) }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k = this, j = null k.f = C.d.R(k.f * ((c.n() & 63) + $.au()) / $.cj()) if (!k.r.r2.J(0, $.a7())) { s = k.r.q for (r = 0; q = $.ap(), r < q; ++r) s[r] = C.d.R(s[r] * $.p1()) s[q] = C.d.R(s[q] * $.b0()) q = k.r q.fx = C.d.R(q.fx * $.b0()) k.r.ci() k.r.F() } p = T.init_PlrClone(k.r) p.y = k.r.y p.az() p.l = c.n() * $.C() + $.eX() q = k.r p.fx = q.fx if (q.fx + q.dx < c.n()) { q = k.f o = $.i() k.f = C.JsInt.am(q, o) + o } q = C.Array.dl(p.k1, new T.SklCloneCallback()) if (q != null) q.f = C.d.R(Math.sqrt(H.ar(k.f))) // sklClone // [0]使用[分身] q = LangData.get_lang("yWWn") o = new T.MPlr() o.cO(k.r) n = d.a n.push(T.RunUpdate_init(q, o, k.r, j, j, $.a6(), 1000, 100)) k.r.y.aZ(p) // sklCloned // 出现一个新的[1] o = LangData.get_lang("pKQn") q = k.r m = p.fx l = new T.HPlr(m) l.a = p.e l.d = m n.push(T.RunUpdate_init(o, q, l, j, j, 0, 1000, 100)) } } T.SklCloneCallback.prototype = { $1(a) { return a instanceof T.SklClone }, $S: 46 } T.SklCritical.prototype = { v(a, b, c, d) { var s = this, r = a[0].a, q = T.getAt(s.r, false, c) * $.pf(), p = T.getAt(s.r, false, c) * $.eV() if (p > q) q = p p = T.getAt(s.r, false, c) * $.pg() if (p > q) q = p d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("mFkn"), s.r, r, null, null, $.i(), 1000, 100)) r.a3(q, false, s.r, T.ad(), c, d) } } T.CurseState.prototype = { gT() { return -$.i() }, aq(a, b, c, d, e) { var s = this if (a > 0 && (d.n() & 63) < s.z) { // sklCurseDamage // [诅咒]使伤害加倍 e.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("wTSa"), s.r, s.x, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) a *= s.Q } return a }, ar(a) { a.N = a.N * $.C() }, K(a, b) { var s, r this.D() s = this.x s.r2.U(0, $.bh()) s.rx.U(0, this.y) s.F() if (s.fx > 0) { r = b.a r.push($.K()) // sklCurseEnd // [1]从[诅咒]中解除 r.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(LangData.get_lang("yULA"), a, s)) } }, $ix: 1 } T.SklCurse.prototype = { as(a, b) { var s if (b) { if (!(a.fx < $.b3())) { s = a.r2 s = s.J(0, $.bh()) && t.dK.a(s.h(0, $.bh())).z > $.at() } else s = true if (s) return false } return true }, a9(a, b, c) { var s = this.bC(a, b, c) return a.r2.h(0, $.bh()) != null ? s / $.t() : s }, // act v(a, b, c, d) { var s = a[0].a let atp = T.getAt(this.r, true, c) // sklCurse // [0]使用[诅咒] d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("AqCN"), this.r, s, null, null, $.i(), 1000, 100)) s.a3(atp, true, this.r, T.v9(), c, d) // target.attacked(atp, true, owner, onDamage, r, updates); } } T.SklDisperse.prototype = { a9(a, b, c) { var s = this.bC(a, b, c) return b && a instanceof T.Minion && a.fx > $.ci() ? s * $.t() : s }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s = this, r = null, q = "Dt.shield", p = a[0].a, o = T.getAt(s.r, true, c), n = d.a // sklDisperse [0]使用[净化] n.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("cDPa"), s.r, p, r, r, $.as(), 1000, 100)) if (p.a7($.lP(), c)) { // dodge (通用回避) // [0][回避]了攻击 n.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("BtqN"), p, s.r, r, r, $.as(), 1000, 100)) return } n = p.r2 if (n.J(0, q)) n.h(0, q).K(s.r, d) if (n.J(0, "Dt.iron")) n.h(0, "Dt.iron").K(s.r, d) if (p instanceof T.Minion) p.bN(o * $.pw(), true, s.r, T.oI(), c, d) else p.bN(o, true, s.r, T.oI(), c, d) } } T.SklExchange.prototype = { as(a, b) { if (b) return a.fx - this.r.fx > $.at() return a.fx > this.r.fx }, a9(a, b, c) { var s = this.bZ(a, b, c, true) return b ? s * a.fx : s }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l = this, k = null l.f = C.JsInt.P(l.f + $.i(), $.t()) s = a[0].a r = d.a r.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("fcfa"), l.r, s, k, k, $.i(), 1000, 100)) if (!s.a7($.d3(), c)) q = s.fx > 0 && !s.A && !l.r.r2.J(0, $.a7()) && T.bW(l.r.dx, s.dy + s.cx + s.db, c) else q = true if (q) { // dodge (通用回避) // [0][回避]了攻击 r.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("BtqN"), s, l.r, k, k, $.as(), 1000, 100)) return } if (l.r.r2.J(0, $.a7())) { q = l.r q.l = q.l + s.l s.l = 0 } q = l.r p = q.fx o = s.fx q.fx = o s.fx = p n = q.fx m = q.fy if (n > m) q.fx = m q = C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("RQta"), $.qD()) n = l.r m = new T.HPlr(p) m.a = n.e m.d = n.fx n = new T.HPlr(o) n.a = s.e n.d = s.fx r.push(T.RunUpdate_init(q, m, n, k, k, (o - p) * $.t(), 1000, 100)) s.cr(o - s.fx, o, l.r, c, d) } } T.FireState.prototype = { gT() { return -$.i() } } T.SklFire.prototype = { v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p = a[0].a, o = t.a.a(p.r2.h(0, $.eY())) if (o == null) o = new T.FireState($.ao()) s = T.getAt(this.r, true, c) r = $.mM() q = o.b // sklFire // [0]使用[火球术] d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("mAoA"), this.r, p, null, null, $.i(), 1000, 100)) p.a3(s * (r + q), true, this.r, T.oJ(), c, d) // target.attacked(atp, true, owner, onFire, r, updates); } } T.sklHalf.prototype = { as(a, b) { var s if (b) { s = a.fx return s > $.eU() && s < $.lM() } return true }, a9(a, b, c) { return this.bx(a, b, c, true) * a.fx }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i = this, h = null, g = a[0].a, f = d.a f.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("lSVA"), i.r, g, h, h, $.i(), 1000, 100)) s = i.r.fr + C.JsInt.P($.pG() - g.fx, $.B()) r = 0 if (s < r) s = r if (!g.a7($.eZ(), c)) q = g.fx > 0 && !g.A && !i.r.r2.J(0, $.a7()) && T.bW(s, g.dy + g.db, c) else q = true if (q) { // dodge (通用回避) // [0][回避]了攻击 f.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("BtqN"), g, i.r, h, h, $.as(), 1000, 100)) return } p = g.fx q = i.r o = q.dx n = g.dy m = $.t() l = C.JsInt.P(o - C.JsInt.P(n, m), m) + $.pL() if (q.r2.J(0, $.a7())) l = i.r.dx + $.b1() k = $.q7() if (l > k) l = k q = g.fx o = $.ci() o = C.d.R(q * (o - l) / o) g.fx = o j = p - o o = LangData.get_lang("Hxra") q = i.r n = new T.HPlr(p) n.a = g.e n.d = g.fx f.push(T.RunUpdate_init(o, q, n, new T.HDamage(l), h, j, 1000, 100)) if (j > 0) g.cr(j, p, i.r, c, d) } } T.HasteState.prototype = { gT() { return $.i() }, ar(a) { var s = this.x s.cy = s.cy * this.z }, at(a, b) { var s = this.Q - 1 this.Q = s if (s === 0) this.K(null, b) }, K(a, b) { var s, r this.D() s = this.x s.r2.U(0, $.d4()) this.y.D() s.F() if (s.fx > 0) { r = b.a r.push($.K()) // sklHasteEnd // [1]从[疾走]中解除 r.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(LangData.get_lang("wlqa"), a, s)) } }, $ix: 1 } T.SklHaste.prototype = { b9(a) { return a.b5(this.r.z.f) }, as(a, b) { var s if (b) { if (a.fx < $.a6()) return false s = a.r2 if (s.h(0, $.d4()) != null && (t.e_.a(s.h(0, $.d4())).Q + $.i()) * $.a6() > a.fx) return false return !(a instanceof T.Minion) } return true }, a9(a, b, c) { var s if (b) { s = T.rateHiHp(a) * a.M return a.r2.h(0, $.d4()) != null ? s / $.C() : s } return c.gbo() }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p = this, o = null, n = a[0].a, m = d.a m.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("pHka"), p.r, n, o, o, $.a6(), 1000, 100)) s = p.r s.l = s.l + s.cy s = n.r2 r = t.e_.a(s.h(0, $.d4())) if (r == null) { r = new T.HasteState(n, $.t(), $.B()) r.y = new T.PostActionImpl(r) s.m(0, $.d4(), r) n.rx.j(0, r) n.x2.j(0, r.y) n.F() } else r.Q = r.Q + $.t() if (p.r.r2.J(0, $.a7())) { s = r.z q = $.t() r.z = s + q r.Q = r.Q + q } m.push(T.RunUpdate_init(C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("DDWN"), $.qE()), p.r, n, o, o, 0, 1000, 100)) } } T.SklHeal.prototype = { b9(a) { return a.b5(this.r.z.f) }, as(a, b) { if (b) return a.fx + $.b3() < a.fy return a.fx < a.fy }, a9(a, b, c) { var s = {} if (b) { s.a = a.fy - a.fx a.r2.aw(0, new T.SklHealCallback(s)) return s.a = s.a * a.M } return c.gbo() }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l = this, k = l.f if (k > $.av()) l.f = k - 1 s = a[0].a r = C.d.R(T.getAt(l.r, true, c) / $.pQ()) q = s.fy - s.fx if (r > q) r = q k = d.a // sklHeal // [0]使用[治愈魔法] k.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("Yiea"), l.r, s, null, null, r, 1000, 100)) p = s.fx s.fx = p + r // recover // [1]回复体力[2]点 o = LangData.get_lang("imin") n = l.r m = new T.HPlr(p) m.a = s.e m.d = s.fx k.push(T.RunUpdate_init(o, n, m, new T.HRecover(r), null, 0, 1000, 100)) s.bL(l.r, d) } } T.SklHealCallback.prototype = { $2(a, b) { var s if (b.gT() < 0) { s = this.a s.a = s.a + $.au() } }, $S: 16 } T.IceState.prototype = { gT() { return -$.i() }, ar(a) { a.A = true }, fo(a, b, c) { var s, r = this, q = 0 if (a > q) { s = r.y if (s > q) { r.y = s - a return q } else if (a + r.r.l >= $.bx()) { r.K(null, c) return 0 } } return a }, K(a, b) { var s, r this.D() s = this.r s.r2.U(0, $.bS()) this.x.D() s.F() if (s.fx > 0) { r = b.a r.push($.K()) r.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(LangData.get_lang("aQYN"), a, s)) } }, $ix: 1 } T.SklIce.prototype = { a9(a, b, c) { var s = this.bC(a, b, c) return a.r2.h(0, $.bS()) != null ? s / $.t() : s }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s = a[0].a, r = T.getAt(this.r, true, c), q = $.p0() d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("yMvn"), this.r, s, null, null, $.i(), 1000, 100)) s.a3(r * q, true, this.r, T.mE(), c, d) } } T.SklIron.prototype = { ga4() { return $.pJ() }, au(a, b) { if (this.fr.a != null) return false return this.aX(a, b) }, aa(a, b, c) { return H.b([], t.F) }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s = this, r = null, q = LangData.get_lang("syPN"), p = s.r, o = d.a o.push(T.RunUpdate_init(q, p, p, r, r, $.a6(), 1000, 100)) s.r.y2.j(0, s.fr) s.r.x2.j(0, s.fx) s.r.rx.j(0, s.fy) s.r.r2.m(0, $.n7(), s) s.r.F() s.id = $.B() p = $.p3() q = s.r s.go = p + q.dx if (q.r2.J(0, $.a7())) { q = s.id p = $.C() s.id = q + p s.go = s.go + ($.pq() + s.r.dx * p) } q = s.r q.l = q.l - $.eX() q = C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("RCnN"), $.qG()) p = s.r o.push(T.RunUpdate_init(q, p, p, r, r, 0, 1000, 100)) }, aq(a, b, c, d, e) { var s = 0 if (a > s) { s = this.go if (a <= s) { a = $.i() this.go = s - (a - a) } else { a -= s this.K(b, e) } return a } return s }, at(a, b) { var s = this, r = s.id - 1 s.id = r if (r === 0) { s.K(null, b) r = s.r r.l = r.l - $.d_() } }, ar(a) { var s = this.r s.H = s.H * $.pe() }, gT() { return this.id }, K(a, b) { var s, r, q, p = this p.fr.D() p.fx.D() p.fy.D() p.r.r2.U(0, $.n7()) p.r.F() s = b.a if (a != null) { s.push($.K()) s.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(LangData.get_lang("qomn"), a, p.r)) } else { s.push($.K()) r = LangData.get_lang("GGuN") q = p.r s.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(r, q, q)) } p.go = p.id = 0 }, $ix: 1 } T.PoisonState.prototype = { gT() { return -$.i() }, at(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o, n = this, m = n.x if (m.fx > 0) { s = n.y r = $.i() q = n.z p = s * (r + (q - r) * $.oX()) / q n.y = s - p o = C.d.R(p / (m.dx + $.au())) // sklPoisonDamage // [1][毒性发作] b.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("nEWa"), n.r, m, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) m.aF(o, n.r, T.ad(), a, b) m = n.z - 1 n.z = m if (m === 0) n.K(null, b) } }, K(a, b) { var s, r = this.x r.r2.U(0, $.bT()) this.D() if (r.fx > 0) { s = b.a s.push($.K()) // sklPoisonEnd // [1]从[中毒]中解除 s.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(LangData.get_lang("hIga"), a, r)) } }, $ix: 1 } T.SklPoison.prototype = { v(a, b, c, d) { var s = a[0].a, r = T.getAt(this.r, true, c) d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("efnA"), this.r, s, null, null, $.i(), 1000, 100)) s.a3(r, true, this.r, T.vb(), c, d) } } T.SklQuake.prototype = { gb7() { return $.X() }, gb8() { return $.a4() }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n = c.n() < 128 ? $.X() : $.C(), m = t.j, l = H.b([], m), k = 0 while (true) { if (!(k < n && k < a.length)) break l.push(a[k].a); ++k } s = LangData.get_lang("QQLa") r = this.r m = H.b(l.slice(0), m) q = d.a q.push(T.RunUpdate_init(s, r, null, null, m, $.i(), 1000, 100)) for (k = 0; k < l.length; ++k) { m = T.getAt(this.r, true, c) s = $.px() r = l.length p = $.p_() o = l[k] if (o.fx > 0) { q.push($.K()) o.a3(m * s / (r + p), true, this.r, T.ad(), c, d) } } } } T.SklRapid.prototype = { gb7() { return $.B() }, gb8() { return $.X() }, v(a, a0, a1, a2) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g = this, f = null, e = 1000, d = a1.n() < 128 ? $.B() : $.t(), c = a.length, b = $.B() if (c > b) a = (a && C.Array).al(a, 0, b) for (c = a.length, s = 0; s < c; ++s) a[s].b = $.ao() r = 0 for (c = a2.a, q = r; q < d; ++q) { b = g.r p = b.fx o = 0 if (!(p > o && !b.A)) return n = a[r] p = n.a if (p.fx <= o) q -= $.b0() else { b = T.getAt(b, false, a1) o = $.mI() m = n.b l = $.oY() n.b = m + 1 if (q === 0) { k = LangData.get_lang("yGEA") j = g.r i = new T.RunUpdate(0, e, 100, k, j, p, f, f) i.aK(k, j, p, f, f, 0, e, 100) c.push(i) } else { k = LangData.get_lang("dRsa") j = g.r i = $.i() h = new T.RunUpdate(i, e, 100, k, j, p, f, f) h.aK(k, j, p, f, f, i, e, 100) c.push(h) } if (p.a3(b * (o - m * l), false, g.r, T.ad(), a1, a2) <= 0) return c.push($.K()) } r = C.JsInt.V(r + (a1.n() & 3), a.length) } } } T.SklRevive.prototype = { b9(a) { return a.b5(this.r.z.e) }, as(a, b) { return a.fx <= 0 && !(a instanceof T.Minion) && !a.r2.J(0, $.iJ()) }, a9(a, b, c) { var s if (b) { s = a.M s.toString return s } return c.gbo() }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l = this, k = null l.f = C.JsInt.P(l.f + $.i(), $.t()) s = a[0].a r = C.d.R(T.getAt(l.r, true, c) / $.pZ()) q = s.fy if (r > q) r = q p = d.a p.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("FXSa"), l.r, s, k, k, $.i(), 1000, 100)) p.push(T.RunUpdate_init(C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("rFJa"), $.ng()), l.r, s, k, k, r + $.a6(), 1000, 100)) s.fx = r o = s.y if (!C.Array.w(o.f, s)) { n = o.a if (!C.Array.w(n.c, s)) C.Array.j(n.c, s) n = n.e if (!C.Array.w(n, s)) { m = o.f if (m.length > 0) C.Array.co(n, C.Array.aT(n, C.Array.gbl(m)) + $.i(), s) else n.push(s) } C.Array.j(o.f, s) } o = LangData.get_lang("imin") n = l.r m = new T.HPlr(0) m.a = s.e m.d = s.fx p.push(T.RunUpdate_init(o, n, m, new T.HRecover(r), k, 0, 1000, 100)) } } T.SklPossess.prototype = { ao(a, b) { this.r = a this.f = C.JsInt.P(b, $.t()) + $.mU() }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p = this, o = null, n = a[0].a, m = d.a // sklPossess // [0]使用[附体] m.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("dxVA"), p.r, n, o, o, 0, 1000, 100)) if (!n.a7($.aJ(), c)) s = n.fx > 0 && !n.A && T.bW(p.r.dx, n.dy, c) else s = true if (s) { // dodge (通用回避) // [0][回避]了攻击 m.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("BtqN"), n, p.r, o, o, $.as(), 1000, 100)) return } r = t.aJ.a(n.r2.h(0, $.aJ())) if (r == null) { r = T.nC(n) r.fr = $.C() r.aP(0) } else r.fr = r.fr + $.C() // sklBerserkHit // [1]进入[狂暴]状态 m.push(T.RunUpdate_init(C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("jIRA"), $.nc()), p.r, n, o, o, 0, 1000, 100)) m = p.r q = m.fx m.fx = 0 m.bm(q, o, c, d) } } T.PlrShadow.prototype = { gap() { return this.aj.r }, ac() { this.k3 = T.SklAttack_init(this) this.k1.push(new T.SklPossess(0)) }, aU() { var s, r this.bB() s = this.q r = $.ap() s[r] = C.d.P(s[r], $.t()) } } T.SklShadow.prototype = { au(a, b) { if (b) if (this.r.fx < $.b3()) return false return this.aX(a, b) }, aa(a, b, c) { return H.b([], t.F) }, v(a7, a8, a9, b0) { var s, shadow_name, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a, a0, a1, a2, a3, a4, this_ = this, a6 = null this_.f = C.d.R(this_.f * $.mI()) s = b0.a s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("USvA"), this_.r, a6, a6, a6, $.a6(), 1000, 100)) shadow_name = H.as_string(this_.r.a) + "?" + H.as_string($.qM()) // r = name + "?" + "shadow" // console.log("T.hB.v", shadow_name, a5.r.a, H.e($.qM())) q = this_.r p = q.b q = q.c o = 0 n = $.T() m = H.b([], t.q) l = H.b([], t.H) k = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) j = new Sgls.MList(t.n) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.p) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t.g) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t.G) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t._) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.e) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.k) d.c = d d.b = d c = new Sgls.MList(t.l) c.c = c c.b = c b = new Sgls.MList(t.m) b.c = b b.b = b a = t.i a0 = H.b([], a) a1 = H.b([], a) a2 = H.b([], a) a = H.b([], a) a3 = 0 a4 = new T.PlrShadow(shadow_name, p, q, a6, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a0, a1, a2, a, a3, a3, a3, $.W(), a3) a4.a1(shadow_name, p, q, a6) a4.a6 = new T.cp(a4) a4.aj = this_ a4.e = T.getMinionName(this_.r) a4.r = LangData.get_lang("VdSN") q = this_.r a4.y = q.y q.L.j(0, a4.a6) a4.az() if (this_.r.r2.J(0, $.a7())) a4.l = $.bx() else a4.l = -$.bx() this_.r.y.aZ(a4) shadow_name = LangData.get_lang("wHun") q = this_.r p = a4.fx o = new T.HPlr(p) o.a = a4.e o.d = p s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(shadow_name, q, o, a6, a6, 0, 1000, 100)) } } T.SlowState.prototype = { gT() { return -$.i() }, ar(a) { var s = this.x s.cy = C.JsInt.P(s.cy, $.t()) }, at(a, b) { var s = this.z - 1 this.z = s if (s === 0) this.K(null, b) }, K(a, b) { var s, r this.D() s = this.x s.r2.U(0, $.bi()) this.y.D() s.F() if (s.fx > 0) { r = b.a r.push($.K()) // sklSlowEnd // [1]从[迟缓]中解除 r.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(LangData.get_lang("EJLN"), a, s)) } }, $ix: 1 } T.SklSlow.prototype = { as(a, b) { var s if (b) { if (!(a.fx < $.b3())) { s = a.r2 s = s.J(0, $.bi()) && t.S.a(s.h(0, $.bi())).z > $.i() } else s = true if (s) return false } return true }, a9(a, b, c) { var s = this.bZ(a, b, c, true) return a.r2.h(0, $.bi()) != null ? s / $.t() : s }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q = this, p = null, o = a[0].a, n = d.a n.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("hdla"), q.r, o, p, p, $.i(), 1000, 100)) if (!o.a7($.bi(), c)) s = o.fx > 0 && !o.A && T.bW(q.r.dx, o.dy, c) else s = true if (s) { // dodge (通用回避) // [0][回避]了攻击 n.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("BtqN"), o, q.r, p, p, $.as(), 1000, 100)) return } o.l = o.l - (o.cy + $.au()) s = o.r2 r = t.S.a(s.h(0, $.bi())) if (r == null) { r = new T.SlowState(o, $.t()) r.y = new T.PostActionImpl(r) s.m(0, $.bi(), r) o.rx.j(0, r) o.x2.j(0, r.y) o.F() } else r.z = r.z + $.t() if (q.r.r2.J(0, $.a7())) r.z = r.z + $.C() n.push(T.RunUpdate_init(C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("YNva"), $.qJ()), q.r, o, p, p, $.a6(), 1000, 100)) } } T.SklExplode.prototype = { v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n = this, m = a[0].a, l = t.a.a(m.r2.h(0, $.eY())) if (l == null) l = new T.FireState($.ao()) s = T.getAt(n.r, true, c) r = $.mZ() q = l.b // sklExplode // [0]使用[自爆] d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("Ycen"), n.r, m, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) p = n.r o = p.fx p.fx = 0 m.a3(s * (r + q), true, p, T.oJ(), c, d) n.r.bm(o, null, c, d) } } T.PlrSummon.prototype = { gap() { return this.aj.r }, aU() { var s, r, q, p this.bB() s = this.q r = $.ap() s[r] = C.d.P(s[r], $.B()) r = 0 s[r] = r q = $.i() p = this.aj.r.q s[q] = p[q] s[$.C()] = r r = $.X() s[r] = p[r] }, ac() { this.k3 = T.SklAttack_init(this) var s = this.k1 s.push(new T.SklFire(0)) s.push(new T.SklFire(0)) s.push(new T.SklExplode(0)) }, bP() { var s, r = this r.dS() s = r.bi if (s == null) s = r.bi = new T.PostDamageImpl(r) r.G.j(0, s) }, aD(a, b, c, d) { this.aR = true this.aj.r.aF(C.JsInt.P(a, $.t()), b, T.ad(), c, d) this.aR = false }, b1(a, b, c, d) { var s = this, r = s.fx, q = 0 if (r > q) { s.fx = q if (!s.aR) s.bm(r, null, c, d) } s.a6.D() return false } } T.SklSummon.prototype = { au(a, b) { var s if (b) if (this.r.fx < $.b3()) return false s = this.fr return (s == null || s.fx <= 0) && this.aX(a, b) }, aa(a, b, c) { return H.b([], t.F) }, v(a6, a7, a8, a9) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, a, a0, a1, summoned_plr, this_ = this, a4 = null, a5 = a9.a // sklSummon // [0]使用[血祭] a5.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("sCza"), this_.r, a4, a4, a4, $.a6(), 1000, 100)) s = this_.fr if (s == null) { s = H.as_string(this_.r.a) + "?" + H.as_string($.qQ()) r = this_.r q = r.b r = r.c p = 0 o = $.T() n = H.b([], t.q) m = H.b([], t.H) l = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) k = new Sgls.MList(t.n) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.p) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.g) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t.G) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t._) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.e) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.k) e.c = e e.b = e d = new Sgls.MList(t.l) d.c = d d.b = d c = new Sgls.MList(t.m) c.c = c c.b = c b = t.i a = H.b([], b) a0 = H.b([], b) a1 = H.b([], b) b = H.b([], b) summoned_plr = new T.PlrSummon(s, q, r, a4, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, a, a0, a1, b, 0, 0, 0, $.W(), 0) summoned_plr.a1(s, q, r, a4) summoned_plr.a6 = new T.cp(summoned_plr) summoned_plr.aj = this_ summoned_plr.e = T.getMinionName(this_.r) this_.fr = summoned_plr // sklSummonName // 使魔 summoned_plr.r = LangData.get_lang("DxYn") summoned_plr = this_.fr summoned_plr.y = this_.r.y summoned_plr.az() } else { s.bP() s.bs() s.cn() } this_.r.L.j(0, this_.fr.a6) // this_.fr.l = a8.n() * $.C() this_.fr.l = a8.n() * 4 if (this_.r.r2.J(0, $.a7())) { this_.fr.bi.D() this_.fr.l = $.bx() } this_.r.y.aZ(this_.fr) // sklSummoned s = LangData.get_lang("qhOn") // 召唤出[1] r = this_.r q = this_.fr p = q.fx o = new T.HPlr(p) o.a = q.e o.d = p a5.push(T.RunUpdate_init(s, r, o, a4, a4, 0, 1000, 100)) } } T.SklThunder.prototype = { v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k = this, j = null, i = 1000, h = a[0].a, updates = d.a updates.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("hyoA"), k.r, h, j, j, $.i(), i, 100)) s = $.B() + (c.n() & 3) r = $.ci() + k.r.db for (q = 0, p = q, o = false; q < s; ++q) { n = k.r if (n.fx > p && !n.A && h.fx > p) { updates.push($.K()) if (h.fx > 0 && !h.A && T.bW(r, h.dy + h.db, c)) { if (o) { // sklThunderEnd // [0][回避]了攻击(雷击) p = LangData.get_lang("EORN") n = k.r m = new T.RunUpdate(0, i, 100, p, h, n, j, j) m.aK(p, h, n, j, j, 0, i, 100) updates.push(m) } else { // dodge (通用回避) // [0][回避]了攻击 p = LangData.get_lang("BtqN") n = k.r m = new T.RunUpdate(0, i, 100, p, h, n, j, j) m.aK(p, h, n, j, j, 0, i, 100) updates.push(m) } return } r -= $.Z() p = T.getAt(k.r, true, c) n = $.oZ() l = updates.length m = k.r m = h.aF(h.aq(C.d.R(p * n / T.d9(h, true, c)), m, T.ad(), c, d), m, T.ad(), c, d) n = 0 if (m > n) o = true updates[l].b = $.mR() p = n } } } } T.PlrBossAokiji.prototype = { gan() { var s = $.bg() return H.b([s, $.lI(), s, $.Z(), $.lK(), $.C(), s, $.q5()], t.i) }, ac() { var s, r this.k3 = T.SklAttack_init(this) s = this.k1 s.push(new T.SklAokijiDefend(0)) r = new T.SklAokijiIceAge(0) r.f = $.pW() s.push(r) r = new T.SklIce(0) r.f = $.b3() s.push(r) } } T.SklAokijiDefend.prototype = { aq(a, b, c, d, e) { // if (a > 0 && J.Y(c, T.mE())) { if (a > 0 && (c === T.mE())) { // sklAokijiDefend // [0][吸收]所有冰冻伤害 e.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("HwtN"), this.r, null, null, null, a, 1000, 100)) return -a } // return a > 0 && J.Y(c, T.oH()) ? 0 : a return a > 0 && (c === T.oH()) ? 0 : a }, W() { this.r.y2.j(0, this) }, $iaB: 1 } T.SklAokijiIceAge.prototype = { gb7() { return $.X() }, gb8() { return $.a4() }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = t.j, l = H.b([], m) for (s = 0; s < a.length; ++s) l.push(a[s].a) // sklAokijiIceAge // [0]使用[冰河时代] r = LangData.get_lang("PRrA") q = this.r m = H.b(l.slice(0), m) p = d.a p.push(T.RunUpdate_init(r, q, null, null, m, $.i(), 1000, 100)) o = T.getAt(this.r, true, c) * $.mQ() / (l.length + $.b0()) for (s = 0; s < l.length; ++s) { n = l[s] if (n.fx > 0) { p.push($.K()) n.a3(o, true, this.r, T.mE(), c, d) } } } } T.PlrBoost.prototype = { e1(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o = this for (s = $.a4(), r = o.a6; s < $.b1(); ++s) { q = o.t p = (q[s] | $.at()) >>> 0 q[s] = p q[s] = p + r } for (s = $.p6(); s < $.aR(); ++s) { q = o.t q[s] = q[s] + r } for (s = $.mO(); s < $.iI(); ++s) { q = o.t q[s] = q[s] + r } for (s = $.au(); s < $.d_(); ++s) { q = o.t p = (q[s] | $.aR()) >>> 0 q[s] = p q[s] = p + r } }, a7(a, b) { return (b.n() & 127) < this.a6 } } T.PlrBossTest.prototype = { e4(a, b, c) { var s, r, q for (s = 0; s < $.b1(); ++s) { r = this.t q = r[s] if (q < $.cY()) r[s] = $.b2() - q } }, bf() { this.x = $.ao() } } T.PlrBossTest2.prototype = { e5(a, b) { var s, r, q for (s = 0; s < $.b1(); ++s) { r = this.t q = r[s] if (q < $.at()) r[s] = $.b2() - q } }, bf() { this.x = $.ao() } } T.PlrEx.prototype = { e2(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n = this for (s = $.a4(); r = $.b1(), s < r; ++s) { q = n.t p = q[s] o = $.mV() if (p < o) q[s] = ((p & $.eT()) >>> 0) + o } for (s = r; s < $.d_(); ++s) { q = n.t p = q[s] if (p < $.aR()) q[s] = p + $.at() } q = H.b([], t.i) C.Array.a5(q, n.t) n.E = q }, cA(a) { }, bf() { this.x = $.ao() } } T.PlrBoss.prototype = { av(a, b) { LangData.get_lang(LangData.eQ(H.as_string($.n4()) + H.as_string(a))) this.r = LangData.get_lang(LangData.eQ(H.as_string($.n4()) + H.as_string(a))) }, gan() { return null }, aU() { var s, r, q = this q.bB() if (q.gan() != null) for (s = 0; r = q.q, s < r.length; ++s) r[s] = r[s] + q.gan()[s] }, dm(a, b) { var s, r, q for (s = 0, r = this.k1; s < r.length; ++s) { q = r[s] q.ao(this, q.f) } }, bs() { var s, r, q, p for (s = 0, r = this.k1, q = this.k4; s < r.length; ++s) { p = r[s] if (p instanceof T.ActionSkill) q.push(p) } for (s = 0; s < r.length; ++s) r[s].W() }, cE() { // getScoreStr() // return $.iK() return "??" }, gaS() { return [] }, gaG() { // List get immuned => [Dt.assassinate, Dt.charm, Dt.berserk, Dt.half, Dt.curse, Dt.exchange, Dt.slow, Dt.ice]; return H.b([$.d2(), $.aE(), $.aJ(), $.eZ(), $.bh(), $.d3(), $.bi(), $.bS()], t.V) }, a7(a, b) { if (C.Array.w(this.gaS(), a)) return b.n() < 240 if (C.Array.w(this.gaG(), a)) return b.n() < 192 return b.n() < 84 } } T.PlrBossConan.prototype = { gan() { var s = 0 return H.b([s, $.aI(), -$.mT(), $.as(), s, $.mV(), $.lI(), $.po()], t.i) }, gaS() { return H.b([$.aE()], t.V) }, ac() { var s = new T.SklConan(this, -$.i(), 0) s.r = this this.k3 = s } } T.SklConan.prototype = { gb7() { return $.B() }, gb8() { return $.C() }, as(a, b) { return !(a instanceof T.Minion) }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = this, l = null, k = 1000 for (; a == null;) a = m.aa(0, true, c) s = a[0].a r = m.fx q = $.i() if (r === -q && a.length === q) { m.fx = q r = d.a // sklConanKillUnknown // [0]在一间密室中发现了一具无名尸体 r.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("uMZa"), m.r, l, l, l, 0, k, 100)) r.push($.K()) } r = m.fx q = 0 if (r > q) { m.fx = r - 1 // [0]正在进行推理 // sklConanThinking d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("Gikn"), m.r, l, l, l, 0, k, 100)) return } p = s.fx s.fx = q o = a.length n = $.i() r = o === n && r === q q = d.a if (r) { // sklConanThinkingFinish // [0]推理完毕 q.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("dEsa"), m.r, l, l, l, 0, k, 100)) // sklConanThinkingFinish2 // 真相只有一个 q.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("RmQa"), m.r, l, l, l, l, $.eS(), $.lH())) // sklConanThinkingFinish3 // 凶手就是你 q.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("imLn"), m.r, l, l, l, 0, k, 100)) // sklConanKillLast // [1] r = LangData.get_lang("woia") o = m.r n = new T.HPlr(p) n.a = s.e n.d = s.fx q.push(T.RunUpdate_init(r, o, n, new T.HDamage(p), l, p + $.b3(), k, 100)) } else { m.fx = n r = LangData.get_lang("MtDN") o = m.r n = new T.HPlr(p) n.a = s.e n.d = s.fx q.push(T.RunUpdate_init(r, o, n, new T.HDamage(p), l, p + $.b3(), k, 100)) } s.bm(p, m.r, c, d) r = m.r q = r.l + s.y.f.length * $.eS() r.l = q o = $.lJ() if (q > o) r.l = o } } T.PlrBossCovid.prototype = { gan() { var s = $.Z(), r = $.n2(), q = 0, p = $.cY() return H.b([s, r, q, p, q, p, q, $.a6()], t.i) }, gaG() { return H.b([$.aE(), $.aJ(), $.d3()], t.V) }, ac() { var s = 0 this.k3 = new T.SklCovidAttack(this, s) this.k1.push(new T.SklCovidDefend(s)) } } T.CovidMeta.prototype = { gT() { return 0 }, K(a, b) { }, $ix: 1 } T.CovidState.prototype = { at(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l = this, k = l.fx if (k.fx > 0 && l.fy > $.i()) { s = C.d.R((T.getAt(k, true, a) + l.go * $.b3()) / T.d9(k, true, a)) r = l.fr q = b.a // sklCovidDamage // [1][肺炎]发作 q.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("VZaN"), r, k, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) p = k.aF(s, r, T.ad(), a, b) o = 0 if (p > o && r.fx > o) { o = $.i() n = C.JsInt.am(s, o) m = r.fx if (m >= r.fy) n = C.JsInt.d5(n, $.t()) + o if (n > p) n = p r.fx = m + n // recover // [1]回复体力[2]点 o = LangData.get_lang("imin") m = new T.HPlr(m) m.a = r.e m.d = r.fx q.push(T.RunUpdate_init(o, r, m, new T.HRecover(n), null, 0, 1000, 100)) } } if (l.fy > $.a4()) { l.D() l.id.b = true l.k1.D() l.k2.D() k.F() } }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k = this, j = null, i = 1000 if (k.fy == 0 || c.n() > k.fx.fr) { k.fy = k.fy + (c.n() & 3) for (s = 0, r = k.fx, q = k.fr, p = t.cu; s < $.X(); ++s) { o = c.b5(q.y.a.e) if (o !== r && o != q) { n = p.a(o.r2.h(0, $.ck())) if (n != null) { m = k.go m = !n.c.w(0, m) } else m = true if (m) { if (o.y == r.y) k.fH(o, c, d) else { l = T.getAt(r, false, c) // sklAttack // [0]发起攻击 p = LangData.get_lang("EYAn") m = new T.RunUpdate(0, i, 100, p, r, o, j, j) m.aK(p, r, o, j, j, 0, i, 100) d.a.push(m) o.a3(l, false, q, k.gf9(), c, d) } return } } } } r = k.fy + (c.n() & 3) k.fy = r q = k.fr p = k.fx m = d.a if (r > $.t()) m.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("Ojba"), q, p, j, j, 0, i, 100)) else m.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("JBrN"), q, p, j, j, 0, i, 100)) }, fH(a, b, c) { var s, r = null, q = this.fx, p = c.a p.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("UFQa"), q, a, r, r, 0, 1000, 100)) s = a.fr s = T.oq(a) ? s + $.pd() : C.JsInt.am(s, $.i()) if (b.n() < s) { p.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("kloA"), q, a, r, r, 0, 1000, 100)) return false } else return T.j7(this.fr, a, this.go, b, c) }, fa(a, b, c, d, e) { T.j7(this.fr, b, this.go, d, e) }, aN(a, b, c, d) { var s if (c.n() < 64) { s = c.n() & 127 this.go = s this.id.c.j(0, s) } return this }, gap() { return this.fr } } T.SklCovidDefend.prototype = { W() { this.r.G.j(0, this) }, aD(a, b, c, d) { if (b.r2.h(0, $.ck()) == null) { if (T.oq(b) && c.n() < 192) return T.j7(this.r, b, $.bg(), c, d) } }, $iah: 1 } T.SklCovidAttack.prototype = { v(a, b, c, d) { var s = a[0].a, r = this.fr, q = T.getAt(r, false, c) // sklAttack // [0]发起攻击 d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("EYAn"), r, s, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) s.a3(q, false, r, T.v8(), c, d) }, gap() { return this.fr } } T.PlrBossIkaruga.prototype = { gan() { return H.b([$.aI(), $.iI(), $.mN(), $.mW(), $.Z(), $.mL(), $.mT(), $.mJ()], t.i) }, gaG() { return H.b([$.d2(), $.eZ(), $.d3(), $.bT(), $.bi(), $.bS()], t.V) }, a7(a, b) { if (a == $.bh()) return false return this.cM(a, b) }, ac() { var s, r this.k3 = T.SklAttack_init(this) s = this.k1 s.push(new T.SklIkarugaDefend(0)) r = new T.SklIkarugaAttack(0) r.f = $.aI() s.push(r) } } T.SklIkarugaDefend.prototype = { ga4() { return $.pk() }, aq(a, b, c, d, e) { var s if (a > 0) { s = $.i() s = (a & s) >>> 0 === s } else s = false if (s) { // sklIkarugaDefend // [0][吸收]所有奇数伤害 e.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("iOkN"), this.r, null, null, null, a, 1000, 100)) return -a } return a }, W() { this.r.y2.j(0, this) }, $iaB: 1 } T.SklIkarugaAttack.prototype = { gb7() { return $.X() }, gb8() { return $.a4() }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = t.j, l = H.b([], m) for (s = 0; s < a.length; ++s) l.push(a[s].a) // sklIkarugaAttack // [0]使用[能量释放] r = LangData.get_lang("UeNa") q = this.r m = H.b(l.slice(0), m) p = d.a p.push(T.RunUpdate_init(r, q, null, null, m, $.i(), 1000, 100)) o = T.getAt(this.r, true, c) * $.mQ() / (l.length + $.b0()) for (s = 0; s < l.length; ++s) { n = l[s] if (n.fx > 0) { p.push($.K()) m = this.r n.aF(n.aq(C.d.R(o / T.d9(n, true, c)), m, T.ad(), c, d), m, T.ad(), c, d) } } } } T.PlrBossLazy.prototype = { gan() { var s = 0 return H.b([s, $.q2(), $.Z(), -$.as(), s, $.b1(), s, $.cZ()], t.i) }, gaG() { return H.b([$.d2(), $.eZ(), $.bh(), $.d3()], t.V) }, ac() { var s = $.T(), r = 0 this.k3 = new T.SklLazyAttack(this, s, r) this.k1.push(new T.SklLazyDefend(r)) } } T.LazyState.prototype = { gT() { return 0 }, ar(a) { var s = this.fx s.cy = C.JsInt.P(s.cy, $.t()) }, at(a, b) { var s, r, q = this.fx if (q.fx > 0) { s = this.fr r = C.d.R(T.getAt(s, true, a) / T.d9(q, true, a)) // sklLazyDamage // [1][懒癌]发作 b.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("sPnN"), s, q, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) q.aF(r, s, T.ad(), a, b) } }, aP(a) { var this_ = this, r = this_.fx r.r2.m(0, $.d5(), this_) r.rx.j(0, this_.go) r.x2.j(0, this_.fy) r.x1.j(0, this_.id) r.F() }, K(a, b) { var s, r = this r.D() s = r.fx s.r2.U(0, $.d5()) r.fy.D() r.id.D() r.go.D() s.F() }, v(a, b, c, d) { T.beLazy(this.fx, c, d) }, aN(a, b, c, d) { if (c.n() < 128) return this return a }, $ix: 1, gap() { return this.fr } } T.SklLazyDefend.prototype = { W() { this.r.G.j(0, this) }, aD(a, b, c, d) { if (t.r.a(b.r2.h(0, $.d5())) == null) { T.LazyState_init(this.r, b).aP(0) // sklLazyHit // [1]感染了[懒癌] d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("JnTA"), this.r, b, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) } }, $iah: 1 } T.SklLazyAttack.prototype = { v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p = this, o = a[0].a if (t.r.a(o.r2.h(0, $.d5())) != null && c.n() < 128) { T.beLazy(p.fr, c, d) p.fx = p.fx + $.b0() return } s = p.fr r = T.getAt(s, false, c) q = p.fx // sklAttack // [0]发起攻击 d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("EYAn"), s, o, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) if (o.a3(r * q, false, s, T.va(), c, d) > 0) p.fx = $.T() }, gap() { return this.fr } } T.PlrBossMario.prototype = { gan() { return H.b([0, $.lL(), $.d1(), $.mX(), $.iI(), $.iH(), $.eT(), $.n0()], t.i) }, F() { var s = this s.dT() if (s.aC > 0) s.id = s.id * $.mM() }, gaS() { return [] }, gaG() { return H.b([$.d2()], t.V) }, a7(a, b) { if (a == $.lP()) return false return this.cM(a, b) }, ac() { var s, r, q = this q.k3 = T.SklSimpleAttack_init(q) s = 0 q.aj = new T.SklFire(s) s = new T.SklMarioGet(q, s) s.r = q s.f = $.b2() q.bi = s r = q.k1 r.push(s) r.push(q.aj) s = T.tH(q, $.B()) q.aR = s r.push(s) } } T.SklMarioGet.prototype = { gT() { return $.i() }, ao(a, b) { }, au(a, b) { var s = this.fr, r = s.aC, q = $.t() if (r >= q) { if (s.aR.Q >= q) return false return a.n() < $.ap() } return a.n() < 128 }, aa(a, b, c) { return H.b([], t.F) }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q = this, p = null, o = 1000, n = q.fr n.r2.m(0, $.lQ(), q) s = n.aC = n.aC + 1 if (s === $.i()) { s = d.a s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("iRhA"), q.r, p, p, p, 0, o, 100)) n.F() s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("zqHn"), q.r, p, p, p, 0, o, 100)) } else { r = d.a if (s === $.t()) { r.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("LJOA"), q.r, p, p, p, 0, o, 100)) n.aj.f = $.cZ() r.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("cZhN"), q.r, p, p, p, 0, o, 100)) } else { r.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("ovXA"), q.r, p, p, p, 0, o, 100)) s = n.aR s.Q = s.Q + 1 r.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("FshN"), q.r, p, n.aR.Q, p, 0, o, 100)) } } n.l = n.l + $.lH() }, K(a, b) { var s = this.fr s.r2.U(0, $.lQ()) s.aC = s.aj.f = 0 s.F() }, $ix: 1 } T.SklMarioReraise.prototype = { ga4() { return $.lG() }, ao(a, b) { }, b1(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q = this, p = null, o = q.Q - 1 q.Q = o if (o > 0) { q.r.bL(p, d) q.dA(0, d) o = LangData.get_lang("IUIN") s = q.r r = new T.HPlr(0) r.a = s.e r.d = s.fx r = T.RunUpdate_init(o, r, p, p, p, 0, 1000, 100) r.b = $.lJ() o = d.a o.push(r) o.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("FshN"), q.r, p, q.Q, p, 0, 1000, 100)) q.dd(c, d) return true } return false }, dA(a, b) { var s = this.r s.fx = s.fy t.ch.a(s).bi.K(null, b) }, dd(a, b) { }, W() { this.r.L.j(0, this) }, $iaF: 1 } T.PlrBossMosquito.prototype = { gan() { return H.b([-$.B(), $.eW(), $.pv(), $.pY(), $.X(), $.ap(), $.cY(), -$.lK()], t.i) }, gaS() { return H.b([$.d2(), $.lP()], t.V) }, gaG() { return H.b([$.aJ(), $.aE()], t.V) }, ac() { this.k3 = T.SklSimpleAttack_init(this) var s = new T.SklAbsorb(0) s.f = $.ci() this.k1.push(s) } } T.PlrBossSaitama.prototype = { gan() { return H.b([$.pX(), $.pI(), $.n0(), $.q_(), $.pV(), $.pU(), 0, $.q1()], t.i) }, gaS() { return H.b([$.eZ(), $.d3()], t.V) }, gaG() { return H.b([$.aJ(), $.bi(), $.bS()], t.V) }, ac() { var s = 0, r = t.cr r = new T.SklSaitama(s, s, P.c5(r), P.c5(r), 0) r.id = new T.PostDefendImpl(1 / 0, r) this.k3 = r this.k1.push(r) } } T.SklSaitama.prototype = { W() { this.r.y2.j(0, this.id) }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o = this, n = null if (o.fx / (o.fy.a + o.go.a / $.B() + $.i()) > $.mP()) { s = d.a s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("dlfA"), o.r, n, n, n, n, $.eS(), $.lH())) s.push($.K()) s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("tHLa"), o.r, n, n, n, 0, 1000, 100)) s = o.r s.y.dj(s) return } s = o.fr if (s < $.Z()) { o.fr = s + 1 return } r = a[0].a s = T.getAt(o.r, false, c) q = $.cY() // sklAttack // [0]发起攻击 d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("EYAn"), o.r, r, n, n, 0, 1000, 100)) r.a3(s * q, false, o.r, T.ad(), c, d) for (s = o.r.y.a.e, q = s.length, p = 0; p < q; ++p) s[p].l = 0 o.r.l = $.pb() }, aq(a, b, c, d, e) { var s = this, r = s.fy if (t.fM.b(b)) { r.j(0, b.gap()) s.go.j(0, b) } else r.j(0, b) s.fx = s.fx + a return C.JsInt.P(a, $.ci()) } } T.PlrSeed_.prototype = {} T.PlrSeed.prototype = {} T.PlrBossSlime.prototype = { gan() { var s = $.a4(), r = $.mN() return H.b([s, r, $.X(), $.mL(), $.lL(), r, $.cY(), $.n_()], t.i) }, gaS() { return H.b([], t.V) }, gaG() { return H.b([$.bT()], t.V) }, ac() { this.k3 = T.SklSimpleAttack_init(this) this.k1.push(new T.SklSlimeSpawn(0)) } } T.BossSlime2.prototype = { gan() { return null }, eV() { var s, r, q, p = this if (p.aC == $.i()) { for (s = 0; r = $.Z(), s < r; ++s) p.t[s] = $.aR() for (s = r; s < $.b1(); ++s) { q = p.t q[s] = (q[s] | $.aR()) >>> 0 } } else { for (s = 0; r = $.Z(), s < r; ++s) p.t[s] = -$.X() for (s = r; s < $.b1(); ++s) { q = p.t q[s] = (q[s] | $.at()) >>> 0 } } }, a7(a, b) { return false }, ac() { // createSkills() var s, r, this_ = this this_.aC = this_.dk.aC + $.i() this_.k3 = T.SklAttack_init(this_) s = this_.k1 if (this_.aC == $.i()) s.push(new T.SklSlimeSpawn(0)) else { r = new T.sklHalf(0) r.f = $.at() s.push(r) r = new T.SklHeal(0) r.f = $.at() s.push(r) } }, $ibC: 1, gap() { return this.dk } } T.SklSlimeSpawnState.prototype = { gT() { return 0 } } T.SklSlimeSpawn.prototype = { ga4() { return $.ao() // return 0 }, b1(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, this_ = this, k = null this_.r.r2.m(0, $.iJ(), new T.SklSlimeSpawnState()) s = d.a s.push($.K()) // sklSlimeSpawn // [0][分裂] s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("BJOA"), this_.r, k, k, k, 0, 1000, 100)) r = t.b8 q = r.a(this_.r) p = T.init_BossSlime2(q, q.a, q.b) p.y = this_.r.y p.az() p.l = c.n() * $.C() this_.r.y.aZ(p) r = r.a(this_.r) o = T.init_BossSlime2(r, r.a, r.b) o.y = this_.r.y o.az() o.l = c.n() * $.C() this_.r.y.aZ(o) // sklSlimeSpawned // 分成了[0] 和 [1] r = LangData.get_lang("eHVA") q = p.fx n = new T.HPlr(q) n.a = p.e n.d = q q = o.fx m = new T.HPlr(q) m.a = o.e m.d = q s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(r, n, m, k, k, 0, 1000, 100)) return false }, W() { this.r.L.j(0, this) }, $iaF: 1 } T.PlrBossSonic.prototype = { gan() { var s = $.Z(), r = $.a4(), q = $.eS(), p = 0 return H.b([s, -r, q, p, s, -$.eT(), r, p], t.i) }, gaS() { return H.b([], t.V) }, gaG() { return H.b([$.bT()], t.V) }, ac() { var s, r this.k3 = T.SklSimpleAttack_init(this) s = this.k1 r = new T.SklRapid(0) r.f = $.aI() s.push(r) r = new T.SklCritical(0) r.f = $.aI() s.push(r) r = new T.SklCounter(0) r.f = $.aI() s.push(r) } } T.PlrBossYuri.prototype = { gan() { return H.b([$.pt(), $.d1(), $.mX(), $.n2(), $.bg(), $.X(), $.at(), $.eW()], t.i) }, gaS() { return H.b([], t.V) }, gaG() { return H.b([], t.V) }, ac() { var s, r this.k3 = T.SklSimpleAttack_init(this) s = this.k1 r = new T.SklYuriControl(0) r.f = $.eX() s.push(r) r = new T.SklDefend(0) r.f = $.aI() s.push(r) r = new T.SklReflect(0) r.f = $.aI() s.push(r) } } T.SklYuriControl.prototype = { as(a, b) { var s = a.y, r = this.r return s != r.z && a !== r && !a.r2.J(0, $.aE()) }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o = null, n = a[0].a, m = d.a // sklYuriControl // [0]使用[心灵控制] m.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("wneN"), this.r, n, o, o, $.i(), 1000, 100)) s = n.y.c.length r = $.B() if (s < r) s = r q = t.o.a(n.r2.h(0, $.aE())) p = this.r if (q == null) { q = T.CharmState_init(p.z, n) q.z = s q.aP(0) } else { q.r = p.z q.z = q.z + s } // sklCharmHit // [1]被[魅惑]了 m.push(T.RunUpdate_init(C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("yjhn"), $.nd()), this.r, n, o, o, $.cZ(), 1000, 100)) } } T.Engine.prototype = { bD() { logger.debug("看起来到 main 了") // 我盯上你了 var async_goto = 0, async_completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z), q, this_ = this, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, runner, d, c, b, a, a0, a1, player, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, a8, a9, b0, b1, b2, seed_names var $async$bD = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (async_error_code, async_result) { if (async_error_code === 1) return P.async_rethrow(async_result, async_completer) while (true) switch (async_goto) { case 0: seed_names = H.b([], t.V) for (o = this_.x, n = o.length, m = t.eG, l = this_.r, k = this_.z, j = t.L, i = this_.a, h = 0; h < o.length; o.length === n || (0, H.F)(o), ++h) { g = o[h] f = H.b([], j) runner = new T.Grp(this_, f, H.b([], j), H.b([], j), H.b([], j)) for (d = (g && C.Array).ga0(g); d.u();) { c = d.gC() if (!(c instanceof T.Plr)) if (m.b(c) && J.aw(c) >= $.t()) { b = J.a3(c) b.h(c, 0) b.h(c, $.i()) a = b.gp(c) a0 = $.t() a1 = a > a0 ? b.h(c, a0) : null if (typeof b.h(c, $.i()) == "string") { a = J.aw(b.h(c, $.i())) a0 = $.i() a = a === a0 && J.ny(b.h(c, a0), 0) < $.pC() } else a = false if (a) { player = T.choose_boss(b.h(c, 0), b.h(c, $.i()), this_, a1) } else { player = T.init_plr(b.h(c, 0), b.h(c, $.i()), runner.b, a1) } // a2 = a ? T.init_boss(b.h(c, 0), b.h(c, $.i()), this_, a1) : T.init_plr(b.h(c, 0), b.h(c, $.i()), e.b, a1) if (player instanceof T.PlrSeed_) { // PlrSeed seed_names.push(player.e) k.push(player) continue } if (l.J(0, player.e)) continue if (runner.b == null) runner.b = player.c player.y = runner f.push(player) l.m(0, player.e, player) } } if (f.length !== 0) { i.push(runner) a3 = f.length for (a4 = 0; a4 < a3; ++a4) { player = f[a4] for (a5 = a4 + $.i(); a5 < a3; ++a5) { a6 = f[a5] if (player.b == a6.b) { player.cA(a6.E) a6.cA(player.E) } } } } } this_.Q = i.length if (C.JsInt.am(l.gp(l), $.Z()) > 0) { // errorMaxPlayer // 错误,目前最多支持1000人PK this_.f = LangData.get_lang("CefA") async_goto = 1 break } if (l.gp(l) < $.t()) { // errorMinPlayer // 错误,请至少输入两行名字 this_.f = LangData.get_lang("MAda") async_goto = 1 break } o = l.gad(l) a7 = P.List_List_of(o, true, H._instanceType(o).i("L.E")) C.Array.aJ(a7) if (seed_names.length !== 0) { a8 = H.b(a7.slice(0), H._arrayInstanceType(a7)) C.Array.a5(a8, seed_names) C.Array.aJ(a8) } else { a8 = a7 } o = C.Array.aV(a8, "\r") a9 = C.e.gaB().ab(o) let rc4_holder = new LangData.SuperRC4() rc4_holder.bd(a9, $.i()) this_.b = rc4_holder rc4_holder.bO(a9) o = a7.length, h = 0 case 3: if (!(h < a7.length)) { async_goto = 5 break } b0 = a7[h] async_goto = 6 return P._asyncAwait(l.h(0, b0).cg(), $async$bD) case 6: n = l.h(0, b0) m = this_.b n.Q = (m.n() << 16 | m.n() << 8 | m.n()) >>> 0 case 4: a7.length === o || (0, H.F)(a7), ++h async_goto = 3 break case 5: for (o = i.length, h = 0; h < i.length; i.length === o || (0, H.F)(i), ++h) { runner = i[h] n = runner.c m = H._arrayInstanceType(n) k = H.b(n.slice(0), m) runner.d = k n = H.b(n.slice(0), m) if (n.immutable$list) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("sort")) m = n.length - 1 if (m - 0 <= 32) H.ej(n, 0, m, T.mD()) else H.ei(n, 0, m, T.mD()) runner.e = n n = H.b(n.slice(0), H._arrayInstanceType(n)) runner.f = n } o = l.gfP(l) o = P.List_List_of(o, true, H._instanceType(o).i("L.E")) C.Array.bb(o, T.mD()) this_.c = o if (C.JsInt.am(l.gp(l) + $.X(), $.C()) === 0) for (o = this_.c, n = o.length, h = 0; h < n; ++h) { player = o[h] player.I = player.gbT() } o = H.b(i.slice(0), H._arrayInstanceType(i)) // T.DummyRunUpdates_init C.Array.bb(o, T.v4()) this_.d = o for (n = o.length, m = t.i, l = this_.e, h = 0; h < o.length; o.length === n || (0, H.F)(o), ++h) { b1 = o[h] for (k = b1.f, j = k.length, b2 = 0; b2 < k.length; k.length === j || (0, H.F)(k), ++b2) { player = k[b2] i = this_.b f = player.e i.bO(C.e.gaB().ab(f)) } this_.b.bO(H.b([0], m)) C.Array.a5(l, b1.f) } for (o = this_.c, n = o.length, h = 0; h < o.length; o.length === n || (0, H.F)(o), ++h) o[h].l = this_.b.n() case 1: return P._asyncReturn(q, async_completer) } }) return P._asyncStartSync($async$bD, async_completer) }, bE() { why_ns = 0 }, fz(a, b) { var s, this_ = this, q = this_.ch, p = $.i(), o = this_.c p = C.JsInt.V(q + p, o.length) this_.ch = p J.rz(o[p], this_.b, b) for (q = t.Y; p = b.b, p.length !== 0;) { b.b = H.b([], q) for (o = p.length, s = 0; s < p.length; p.length === o || (0, H.F)(p), ++s) p[s].$2(this_.b, b) } }, O() { // 运行时? // logger.debug("运行 主循环") var async_goto = 0, async_completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.d), result_, p = [], this_ = this, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f var $async$O = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (a, b) { if (a === 1) return P.async_rethrow(b, async_completer) while (true) $async$outer: switch (async_goto) { case 0: if (this_.cx) { result_ = null async_goto = 1 break } n = new T.aq(H.b([], t.U), H.b([], t.Y)) k = this_.cy async_goto = k != null ? 3 : 4 break case 3: k = k.c[0] // win // [2]获得胜利 j = LangData.get_lang("eTpN") logger.debug("getting win from T.fo.O") i = 0 h = $.lJ() g = new T.RunUpdateWin(i, h, 100, j, k, null, null, null) g.aK(j, k, null, null, null, i, h, 100) n.a.push(g) this_.cx = true async_goto = 5 // return P._asyncAwait(this_.bE(), $async$O) why_ns = 0 // $.mc = 0 // 来自bE() case 5: result_ = n async_goto = 1 // break case 4: try { for (; this_.cy == null;) { this_.fz(0, n) if (n.a.length !== 0) { result_ = n async_goto = 1 break $async$outer } } } catch (e) { m = H.unwrap_Exception(e) l = H.getTraceFromException(e) } if (n.a.length !== 0) { result_ = n async_goto = 1 break } result_ = null async_goto = 1 break case 1: return P._asyncReturn(result_, async_completer) } }) return P._asyncStartSync($async$O, async_completer) }, ae(a, b) { if (run_env.from_code) { // 这里已经在外面跑过了 return null } return this.dM(0, b) }, dM(a, b) { // start(int tt) async { // var async_goto = 0, // async_completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z), // this_ = this, // p, o, n, m, l, k, j // var $async$ae = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (c, d) { // if (c === 1) return P.async_rethrow(d, async_completer) // while (true) switch (async_goto) { // case 0: // this_.db = b // p = Date.now() // o = $.bx() // n = this_.dx // n[0] = p + o // o = this_.a // m = new H.y(o, new T.jk(), H._arrayInstanceType(o).i("y<1,m*>")).aV(0, "\n") // p = this_.z // o = p.length // if (o !== 0) // for (l = 0; l < p.length; p.length === o || (0, H.F)(p), ++l) { // k = p[l] // m += "\n" + H.as_string(k.e) + "\t" + H.as_string(k.a) // } // p = C.e.gaB().ab(m) // o = H.instanceType(p).i("a9") // j = o.i("y") // j = P.List_List_of(new H.y(new H.a9(p, o), new T.jl(this_), j), true, j.i("M.E")) // C.Array.a5(j, H.fJ(n.buffer, 0, null)) // A.eR(X.dc(j)) // return P.async_return(null, async_completer) // } // }) // return P._asyncStartSync($async$ae, async_completer) let this_ = this, p, o, n, m, l, k, j this_.db = b p = Date.now() o = $.bx() n = this_.dx n[0] = p + o o = this_.a m = new H.y(o, new T.jk(), H._arrayInstanceType(o).i("y<1,m*>")).aV(0, "\n") p = this_.z o = p.length if (o !== 0) for (l = 0; l < p.length; p.length === o || (0, H.F)(p), ++l) { k = p[l] m += "\n" + H.as_string(k.e) + "\t" + H.as_string(k.a) } p = C.e.gaB().ab(m) o = H.instanceType(p).i("a9") j = o.i("y") j = P.List_List_of(new H.y(new H.a9(p, o), new T.jl(this_), j), true, j.i("M.E")) C.Array.a5(j, H.fJ(n.buffer, 0, null)) A.eR(X.dc(j)) }, cq(a, b) { return this.f7(a, b) }, f7(a, b) { var async_goto = 0, r = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z), q = this, p, o, n var $async$cq = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (c, d) { if (c === 1) return P.async_rethrow(d, r) while (true) switch (async_goto) { case 0: n = H.as_string(a.gap().e) + "\r" + H.as_string(a.I.$0()) n = C.e.gaB().ab(n) p = H.instanceType(n).i("a9") o = p.i("y") o = P.List_List_of(new H.y(new H.a9(n, p), new T.ji(q), o), true, o.i("M.E")) C.Array.a5(o, H.fJ(q.dx.buffer, 0, null)) A.eR(X.dc(o)) return P._asyncReturn(null, r) } }) return P._asyncStartSync($async$cq, r) }, gbu(a) { return this.f } } T.jk.prototype = { $1(a) { var s = a.d return new H.y(s, new T.jj(), H._arrayInstanceType(s).i("y<1,@>")).aV(0, "\r") }, $S: 49 } T.jj.prototype = { $1(a) { return a.I.$0() }, $S: 3 } T.jl.prototype = { $1(a) { return (a ^ this.a.db) >>> 0 }, $S: 2 } T.ji.prototype = { $1(a) { return (a ^ this.a.db) >>> 0 }, $S: 2 } T.Grp.prototype = { aZ(a) { var s, r, q = this, p = q.a if (!C.Array.w(p.c, a)) { // $.mc = $.ns() - 1 why_ns -= 1 C.Array.j(p.c, a) } s = p.e if (!C.Array.w(s, a)) { r = q.f if (r.length > 0) C.Array.co(s, C.Array.aT(s, C.Array.gbl(r)) + $.i(), a) else s.push(a) if (p.db > -$.i()) p.cq(a, q) } // if (!C.Array.w(q.e, a)) C.Array.j(q.e, a) // if (!C.Array.w(q.d, a)) C.Array.j(q.d, a) // if (!C.Array.w(q.f, a)) C.Array.j(q.f, a) if (!q.e.includes(a)) q.e.push(a) if (!q.d.includes(a)) q.d.push(a) if (!q.f.includes(a)) q.f.push(a) }, dj(a) { var s, r, q, p C.Array.U(this.f, a) s = this.a r = s.e C.Array.U(r, a) if (s.ch <= C.Array.aT(s.c, a)) --s.ch C.Array.U(s.c, a) q = this.f.length p = 0 if (q === p) { s.Q = s.Q - 1 q = r[p].y if (q.f.length === r.length) { s.cy = q H.throw_expression(q) } } }, k(a) { return "[" + H.as_string(this.c[0].r) + "]" } } T.IPlr.prototype = { k(a) { return this.a }, gb2() { return this.a } } T.NPlr.prototype = {} T.HPlr.prototype = {} T.MPlr.prototype = { cO(a) { this.a = a.e this.b = a.fx this.c = a.fy } } T.DPlr.prototype = {} T.HDamage.prototype = { k(a) { return J.b4(this.a) } } T.HRecover.prototype = { k(a) { return J.b4(this.a) } } T.RunUpdate.prototype = { aK(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) { var s, r, q, this_ = this, tmp = this_.e // caster if (tmp instanceof T.Plr) { s = new T.NPlr() s.a = tmp.e this_.e = s } // target tmp = this_.f if (tmp instanceof T.Plr) { s = new T.NPlr() s.a = tmp.e this_.f = s } // param tmp = this_.x if (tmp instanceof T.Plr) { s = new T.NPlr() s.a = tmp.e this_.x = s } // targets2 tmp = this_.r if (tmp != null) for (r = 0; r < tmp.length; ++r) { s = tmp[r] if (s instanceof T.Plr) { q = new T.NPlr() q.a = s.e tmp[r] = q } } }, // to string k(a) { var _this = this, r = _this.d, q = _this.e if (q != null) { q = q.k(0) if (typeof q != "string") H.throw_expression(H.R(q)) r = H.mF(r, "[Dn.n0]", q) } q = _this.f if (q != null) { q = q.k(0) if (typeof q != "string") H.throw_expression(H.R(q)) r = H.mF(r, "[Dn.n1]", q) } q = _this.x if (q != null) { q = J.b4(q) if (typeof q != "string") H.throw_expression(H.R(q)) r = H.mF(r, "[Dn.n2]", q) } return r } } T.RunUpdateCancel.prototype = {} T.RunUpdateWin.prototype = {} T.aq.prototype = { k(a) { // return H.e(this.a) // console.log(a, this.a, H.e(this.a)) return H.as_string(this.a) } } T.lD.prototype = { $1(a) { var s, r = this.a r.c = r.c + 1 s = this.b s[a] = s[a] + 1 if (a != r.b) { r.a = r.a + 1 r.b = a } }, $S: 50 } T.Minion.prototype = { b1(a, b, c, d) { var s = this, r = s.fx, q = 0 if (r > q) { s.fx = q s.bm(r, null, c, d) } s.a6.D() return false }, cD() { // minionDie // [1]消失了 return LangData.get_lang("Kcon") }, bf() { this.x = $.ao() }, $ibC: 1 } T.Plr.prototype = { a7(a, b) { return false }, bw(a) { var s, r, q, this_ = this if (this_.fx <= 0 || this_.A) return false s = a.n() r = (((s & 15) + 1) * ((C.JsInt.am(s, 4) & 15) + 1) >>> 5) + 1 q = this_.go if (q >= r) { this_.go = q - r return true } return false }, a1(a, b, c, d) { // Plr 构造函数 // 名字字符输入的处理在此 var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, this_ = this this_.I = this_.gfJ() s = this_.r = this_.a // 名字第一部分 r = this_.b // @ 号以后的东西 if (r != null && r !== "" && r !== s) { // 有战队情况下构造名字 r = this_.e = H.as_string(s) + "@" + H.as_string(this_.b) } else { this_.e = this_.b = s r = s } this_.f = r q = this_.d // + 号以后的东西 if (q != null && q !== "") { // MARK: DIY part if (q.startsWith("diy")) { this_.diy = q.slice(3) } else { this_.f = H.as_string(r) + "+" + H.as_string(q) // 武器列表 r = $.rj() console.log("$.rj()", $.rj()) if (r.J(0, q)) { p = r.h(0, q).$2(q, this_) } else if (J.nz(q, $.cl())) { p = new T.BossWeapon(q, this_, P.aL($.av(), 0, false, t.B)) p.a = q p.a = C.String.af(q, 0, q.length - $.i()) } else { p = T.Weapon_factory(q, this_) } o = new LangData.SuperRC4() o.bd(LangData.fZ(p.a), $.t()) p.b3(o) this_.weapon = p } } if (J.lW(s, " ")) { this_.r = s.split(" ")[0] } if (this_.c == null) { this_.c = this_.b } r = new LangData.SuperRC4() r.bd(LangData.fZ(this_.b), $.i()) this_.X = r // q = $.ns() // $.mc = q + 1 q = why_ns why_ns += 1 q = C.JsInt.P(Math.abs(q), $.bx()) n = 0 if (q > n) { q = r.c m = q[n] l = $.i() q[n] = q[l] q[l] = m } r.dB(0, LangData.fZ(s), $.t()) for (s = this_.X.c, s.length, r = this_.a2, k = 0; k < 256; ++k) { j = s[k] i = (j * $.nW + $.nV & $.mP()) >>> 0 if (i >= $.mb && i < $.r2()) { C.Array.j(this_.t, (i + $.r3() * $.r4().ax($.eX()) & $.b2()) >>> 0) } else r.push(j) } s = this_.t s = H.b(s.slice(0), H._arrayInstanceType(s)) this_.E = s this_.ac() // createSkills, 对this.k1直接操作,顺序固定 this_.k2 = this_.X.dH(this_.k1, t.c5) // 以某种方式打乱顺序? }, bf() { var s, this_ = this, q = this_.a, p = q.length if (p > $.b3()) throw H.wrap_expression(p) p = this_.b.length if (p > $.au()) throw H.wrap_expression(p) q = T.lC(q) p = T.lC(this_.b) s = $.a4() this_.x = Math.max(H.ar(q), p - s) }, b0(a, b) { return C.d.aI(a * ($.T() - this.x / b)) }, cA(a) { //upgrade /// upgrade leader from team member var s, this_ = this if (a.length === this_.t.length) { for (s = $.ap(); s < this_.t.length; ++s) // if (J.Y(a[s - $.i()], r.E[s]) && a[s] > r.t[s]) { if ((a[s - $.i()] === this_.E[s]) && a[s] > this_.t[s]) { this_.t[s] = a[s] } if (this_.a == this_.b) for (s = $.X(); s < this_.t.length; ++s) // if (J.Y(a[s - $.t()], r.E[s]) && a[s] > r.t[s]) { if ((a[s - $.t()] === this_.E[s]) && a[s] > this_.t[s]) { this_.t[s] = a[s] } } }, cg() { // var s = 0, r = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z), this_ = this var $async$cg = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (a, b) { if (a === 1) return P.async_rethrow(b, r) while (true) switch (s) { case 0: this_.az() return P._asyncReturn(null, r) } }) return P._asyncStartSync($async$cg, r) }, az() { // buildAsync var weapon, diy, this_ = this this_.bf() weapon = this_.weapon if (weapon != null) weapon.bn() this_.aU() // initRawAttr this_.bP() // initLists // DIY自定义属性 diy = this_.diy if (diy != null) { try { var tmparr = diy.split("]"); var attrs = JSON.parse(tmparr[0] + "]"); if (tmparr[1].startsWith("{")) var diyskills = JSON.parse(tmparr[1]); if (attrs.length != 8) throw new Error('八围要有八个元素') } catch (error) { console.error(error) alert("DIY捏人格式错误, 请检查"); } if (attrs) { for (var i = 0; i < 7; i++) { attrs[i] -= 36; // 为当前项减去36 } this.q = attrs } if (diyskills) { this.diy_skills(diyskills) } else this_.dm(C.Array.cL(this_.t, $.au()), C.Array.cL(this_.E, $.au())) // initSkills } else { this_.dm(C.Array.cL(this_.t, $.au()), C.Array.cL(this_.E, $.au())) // initSkills } weapon = this_.weapon if (weapon != null) weapon.cs() this_.bs() // addSkillsToProc this_.cn() // initValues }, aU() { // initRawAttr var s, r, q, p, this_ = this for (s = $.Z(); s < 31; s += $.B()) { r = this_.q q = C.Array.al(this_.t, s, s + $.B()) if (!!q.immutable$list) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("sort")) p = q.length - 1 if (p - 0 <= 32) H.ej(q, 0, p, J.bO()) else H.ei(q, 0, p, J.bO()) C.Array.j(r, q[$.i()]) } r = this_.q q = C.Array.al(this_.t, 0, $.Z()) C.Array.aJ(q) C.Array.j(r, C.Array.dz(C.Array.al(q, $.B(), $.ap()), new T.jX()) + $.mK()) // 至此,属性初始化完毕,this_.q就是八围 但前7围要+36才是面板属性!!! // test //this_.q = [-36, 0, 0, 0, -36, 0, 0, 100] }, bP() { //initLists var this_ = this C.Array.sp(this_.k4, 0) this_.r2.ah(0) this_.rx.ah(0) this_.ry.ah(0) this_.x1.ah(0) this_.x2.ah(0) this_.y1.ah(0) this_.y2.ah(0) this_.G.ah(0) // postdamages this_.L.ah(0) // dies this_.S.ah(0) // kills }, ac() { // create skills // createSkills() var skills, r, q this.k3 = T.SklAttack_init(this) skills = this.k1 skills.push(new T.SklFire(0)); // 0 skills.push(new T.SklIce(0)); // 1 skills.push(new T.SklThunder(0)); // 2 skills.push(new T.SklQuake(0)); // 3 skills.push(new T.SklAbsorb(0)); // 4 skills.push(new T.SklPoison(0)); // 5 skills.push(new T.SklRapid(0)); // 6 skills.push(new T.SklCritical(0)); // 7 skills.push(new T.sklHalf(0)); // 8 skills.push(new T.SklExchange(0)); // 9 skills.push(new T.SklBerserk(0)); // 10 skills.push(new T.SklCharm(0)); // 11 skills.push(new T.SklHaste(0)); // 12 skills.push(new T.SklSlow(0)); // 13 skills.push(new T.SklCurse(0)); // 14 skills.push(new T.SklHeal(0)); // 15 skills.push(new T.SklRevive(0)); // 16 skills.push(new T.SklDisperse(0)); // 17 r = 0 r = new T.SklIron(r, r, r) q = new T.PostDefendImpl(1 / 0, r) r.fr = q r.fx = new T.PostActionImpl(r) r.fy = new T.UpdateStateImpl(r) q.r = $.lG() skills.push(r) // 18 r = 0 r = new T.SklCharge(r, r) r.fr = new T.UpdateStateImpl(r) r.fx = new T.PostActionImpl(r) skills.push(r) // 19 r = new T.SklAccumulate($.pj(), 0) r.fr = new T.UpdateStateImpl(r) skills.push(r) // 20 r = new T.SklAssassinate(0) r.fr = new T.PreActionImpl(r) r.fx = new T.PostDamageImpl(r) skills.push(r) // 21 skills.push(new T.SklSummon(0)); // 22 skills.push(new T.SklClone(0)); // 23 skills.push(new T.SklShadow(0)); // 24 skills.push(new T.SklDefend(0)); // 25 skills.push(new T.SklProtect(0)); // 26 skills.push(new T.SklReflect(0)); // 27 skills.push(new T.SklReraise(0)); // 28 skills.push(new T.SklShield(0)); // 29 skills.push(new T.SklCounter(0)); // 30 skills.push(new T.SklMerge(0)); // 31 skills.push(new T.SklZombie(0)); // 32 r = new T.SklUpgrade(0) r.Q = new T.UpdateStateImpl(r) skills.push(r) // 33 r = new T.SklHide(0) r.ch = new T.UpdateStateImpl(r) r.Q = new T.PreActionImpl(r) skills.push(r) // 34 skills.push(new T.SkillVoid(0)) skills.push(new T.SkillVoid(0)) skills.push(new T.SkillVoid(0)) skills.push(new T.SkillVoid(0)) skills.push(new T.SkillVoid(0)) }, diy_skills(diyskills) { try { // MARK: 自定义技能 var sortedSkills = this.k2 var this_ = this // 初始化技能 for (var n = 0; n < this.k2.length; n++) this.k2[n].ao(this, 0) // 遍历diyskills字典的键 var keys = Object.keys(diyskills); for (var k = 0; k < keys.length; k++) { // 遍历skills数组中的对象 var key = keys[k] for (var i = 0; i < sortedSkills.length; i++) { if (sortedSkills[i].constructor.name.toLowerCase() == key.toLowerCase()) { sortedSkills[i].f = diyskills[key]; // skills[i].ao(this, this.f) if (i != k) { // 把技能的顺序排一下 [sortedSkills[i], sortedSkills[k]] = [sortedSkills[k], sortedSkills[i]] } break; } } } } catch (error) { console.log("error diy") console.error(error) } }, dm(list, original) { // initSkills var skill, sortedSkills, q, p, this_ = this, n = 0, m = 0 // src中被移除的计算技能部分 while (true) { if (!(n < $.aR() && n < this_.k2.length)) break skill = this_.k2[n] sortedSkills = C.Array.al(list, m, m + $.C()) if (!!sortedSkills.immutable$list) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("sort")) q = sortedSkills.length - 1 if (q - 0 <= 32) H.ej(sortedSkills, 0, q, J.bO()) else H.ei(sortedSkills, 0, q, J.bO()) p = sortedSkills[0] - 10 skill.ao(this_, p) sortedSkills = 0 if (p > sortedSkills) { sortedSkills = C.Array.al(original, m, m + $.C()) if (!!sortedSkills.immutable$list) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("sort")) q = sortedSkills.length - 1 if (q - 0 <= 32) H.ej(sortedSkills, 0, q, J.bO()) else H.ei(sortedSkills, 0, q, J.bO()) q = 0 if (sortedSkills[q] - 10 <= q) skill.e = true } ++n m += $.C() // 4 } // console.log("this_.k2:",this_.k2) for (; sortedSkills = this_.k2, n < sortedSkills.length; ++n) sortedSkills[n].ao(this_, 0) // sorted skills是this.k2, }, bs() { // addSkillsToProc var s, actions, sortedSkills, skl, o, act, boostPassive, this_ = this for (s = 0, actions = this_.k4; sortedSkills = this_.k2, s < sortedSkills.length; ++s) { skl = sortedSkills[s] if (skl.f > 0 && skl instanceof T.ActionSkill) actions.push(skl) } if (this.diy == undefined) { if (actions.length > 0) for (s = actions.length - 1; s >= 0; --s) { act = actions[s] if (!act.e) { // !act.boosted act.f = act.f * 2 act.e = true break } } } boostPassive = new T.BoostPassive() var skills = this_.k2 if (skills.length >= $.aR()) { skills = skills[$.p7()] sortedSkills = this_.t boostPassive.boostPassive(skills, sortedSkills[$.a6()], sortedSkills[$.pR()]) sortedSkills = this_.k2[$.eT()] skills = this_.t boostPassive.boostPassive(sortedSkills, skills[$.n_()], skills[$.b2()]) } for (s = 0, skills = this_.k1; s < skills.length; ++s) { skl = skills[s] if (skl.f > 0) skl.W() } }, cn() { // initValues var s = this s.F() s.fx = s.fy s.go = C.JsInt.P(s.fr, $.t()) }, F() { /* void updateStates() { atk = attr[0]; def = attr[1]; spd = attr[2] + 160; agl = attr[3]; mag = attr[4]; mdf = attr[5]; itl = attr[6]; maxhp = attr[7]; calcAttrSum(); allyGroup = group; atboost = 1.0; frozen = false; for (UpdateStateEntry ude in updatestates) { ude.updateState(this); } } */ var s, this_ = this this_.ch = this_.b0(this_.q[0], $.cj()) this_.cx = this_.b0(this_.q[1], $.cj()) this_.cy = this_.b0(this_.q[2], $.cj()) + 160 this_.db = this_.b0(this_.q[3], $.cj()) this_.dx = this_.b0(this_.q[4], $.cj()) this_.dy = this_.b0(this_.q[5], $.cj()) this_.fr = this_.b0(this_.q[6], $.n1()) this_.fy = this_.q[7] this_.ci() this_.z = this_.y this_.id = $.T() this_.A = false for (s = this_.rx, s = new Sgls.a_(s, s.b, s.$ti.i("a_<1*>")); s.u();) { s.b.ar(this_) } }, ci() { // calcAttrSum var attr_sum, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i = this, this_ = this, h = i.M = 0 for (attr_sum = h; h < 7; ++h) { attr_sum += this_.q[h] this_.M = attr_sum } q = this_.q p = q[0] o = q[$.i()] n = $.t() m = q[n] l = q[$.C()] k = q[$.X()] j = $.B() i.N = (p - o + m + l - k) * n + q[j] + q[$.a4()] i.Y = attr_sum * j + q[r] i.H = $.W() }, dN(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, this_ = this if (this_.fx <= 0) return s = this_.cy * (b.n() & 3) r = this_.ry if (!r.gbv(r)) for (r = new Sgls.a_(r, r.b, r.$ti.i("a_<1*>")); r.u();) s = r.b.x.fo(s, b, c) r = this_.l = this_.l + s q = $.bx() if (r > q) { this_.l = r - q this_.eE(0, b, c) } }, eE(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, this_ = this, k = null, j = (b.n() & 63) < this_.fr 0 s = this_.fn(j, b, c) if (this_.A) return if (s == null) { r = (b.n() & 15) + $.av() if (this_.go >= r) { for (q = this_.k4, p = q.length, o = k, n = 0; n < q.length; q.length === p || (0, H.F)(q), ++n) { m = q[n] if (!m.au(b, j)) continue o = m.aa(0, j, b) if (o == null) continue s = m break } this_.go = this_.go - r } else o = k } else o = k if (s == null) s = this_.k3 s.v(o == null ? s.aa(0, j, b) : o, j, b, c) if ((b.n() & 127) < this_.fr + $.au()) this_.go = this_.go + $.aR() this_.at(b, c) if (this_.Z) this_.bL(k, c) }, bL(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o, this_ = this if (this_.a_) { this_.Z = true return } this_.Z = false for (s = this_.r2, r = s.gad(s), r = P.List_List_of(r, true, H._instanceType(r).i("L.E")), C.Array.aJ(r), q = r.length, p = 0; p < r.length; r.length === q || (0, H.F)(r), ++p) { o = r[p] if (s.h(0, o).gT() < 0) { s.h(0, o).K(a, b) s.U(0, o) } } }, fn(a, b, c) { var s, r for (s = this.x1, s = new Sgls.a_(s, s.b, s.$ti.i("a_<1*>")), r = null; s.u();) r = s.b.aN(r, a, b, c) return r }, at(a, b) { var s this.a_ = true b.a.push($.K()) for (s = this.x2, s = new Sgls.a_(s, s.b, s.$ti.i("a_<1*>")); s.u();) s.b.at(a, b) this.a_ = false }, du(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var s, r for (s = this.y1, s = new Sgls.a_(s, s.b, s.$ti.i("a_<1*>")); s.u();) { a = s.b.dv(a, b, c, this, d, e, f) r = $.ao() if (a == r) return r } return a }, aq(a, b, c, d, e) { var s for (s = this.y2, s = new Sgls.a_(s, s.b, s.$ti.i("a_<1*>")); s.u();) a = s.b.aq(a, b, c, d, e) return a }, a3(a, b, c, d, e, f) { var s, r, q, p = this a = p.du(a, b, c, d, e, f) if (a == $.ao()) return 0 s = p.db if (b) { r = p.dy + s q = c.dx + c.db } else { r = p.cx + s q = c.ch + c.db } if (p.fx > 0 && !p.A && T.bW(q, r, e)) { // dodge (通用回避) // [0][回避]了攻击 f.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("BtqN"), p, c, null, null, $.as(), 1000, 100)) return 0 } return p.bN(a, b, c, d, e, f) }, bN(a, b, c, d, e, f) { return this.aF(this.aq(C.d.R(a / T.d9(this, b, e)), c, d, e, f), c, d, e, f) }, aF(a, b, c, d, e) { var s, r, q, p, o, n = this if (a < 0) { s = n.fx r = s - a n.fx = r q = n.fy if (r > q) n.fx = q r = LangData.get_lang("imin") q = new T.HPlr(s) q.a = n.e q.d = n.fx e.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(r, b, q, new T.HRecover(-a), null, 0, 1000, 100)) return 0 } p = LangData.get_lang("kZsn") r = 0 if (a === r) { e.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(C.String.B(C.String.fu(p, "1", "0"), $.ne()), n, n, new T.HDamage(0), null, 10, 1000, 100)) return 0 } s = n.fx q = s - a n.fx = q if (q <= r) n.fx = r if (a >= $.eU()) p = C.String.B(p, $.qz()) else if (a >= $.cZ()) p = C.String.B(p, $.qy()) r = new T.HPlr(s) r.a = n.e r.d = n.fx o = T.RunUpdate_init(p, b, r, new T.HDamage(a), null, a, 1000, 100) if (a > $.pr()) o.b = $.d0() else o.b = $.eS() + a * $.t() e.a.push(o) c.$5(b, n, a, d, e) return n.cr(a, s, b, d, e) }, cr(a, b, c, d, e) { var s for (s = this.G, s = new Sgls.a_(s, s.b, s.$ti.i("a_<1*>")); s.u();) s.b.aD(a, c, d, e) if (this.fx <= 0) { this.bm(b, c, d, e) return b } else return a }, cD() { return LangData.get_lang("avqN") }, bm(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, this_ = this, p = d.a p.push($.K()) s = this_.cD() r = new T.DPlr() r.a = this_.e p.push(T.RunUpdate_init(s, b, r, null, null, $.b1(), 1000, 100)) for (p = this_.L, p = new Sgls.a_(p, p.b, p.$ti.i("a_<1*>")); p.u();) if (p.b.b1(a, b, c, d)) break if (this_.fx > 0) return this_.y.dj(this_) if (b != null && b.fx > 0) b.bS(this_, c, d) }, bS(a, b, c) { // kill() var s for (s = this.S, s = new Sgls.a_(s, s.b, s.$ti.i("a_<1*>")); s.u();) if (s.b.bS(a, b, c)) break }, k(a) { return "[" + H.as_string(this.r) + "]" }, fK() { var s = this return H.as_string(s.e) + "\t" + H.as_string(s.r) + "\t" + H.as_string(s.c) + "\t" + H.as_string(s.f) + "\t" + H.as_string(s.fy) }, cE() { // 1200 here var s, r = this.Y, q = $.p4() if (r > q) { s = C.JsInt.P(r - q, $.a6()) r = $.t() if (s > r) return C.JsInt.k(r) else return C.JsInt.k(s) } return "" }, dE() { var s, r, q, p, o = this, n = H.b([], t.V) if (o instanceof T.PlrBoss) n = C.N else { s = H.b([], t.i) for (r = 10; r < $.d1(); r += $.B()) { q = C.Array.al(o.E, r, r + $.B()) if (!!q.immutable$list) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("sort")) p = q.length - 1 if (p - 0 <= 32) H.ej(q, 0, p, J.bO()) else H.ei(q, 0, p, J.bO()) s.push(q[$.i()]) } q = C.Array.al(o.E, 0, 10) C.Array.aJ(q) s.push(C.Array.dz(C.Array.al(q, $.B(), $.ap()), new T.jY()) + $.mK()) for (r = 0; r < s.length; ++r) if (o.q[r] > s[r]) n.push(H.as_string($.lO()) + H.as_string(o.q[r] - s[r])) else n.push("") } return H.as_string(o.e) + "\t" + H.as_string(o.r) + "\t" + H.as_string(o.c) + "\t" + H.as_string(o.f) + "\t" + H.as_string(o.fy) + n[$.ap()] + "\t" + H.as_string(o.aY(o.q[0])) + n[0] + "\t" + H.as_string(o.aY(o.q[$.i()])) + n[$.i()] + "\t" + H.as_string(o.aY(o.q[$.t()])) + n[$.t()] + "\t" + H.as_string(o.aY(o.q[$.B()])) + n[$.B()] + "\t" + H.as_string(o.aY(o.q[$.C()])) + n[$.C()] + "\t" + H.as_string(o.aY(o.q[$.X()])) + n[$.X()] + "\t" + H.as_string(o.aY(o.q[$.a4()])) + n[$.a4()] + "\t" + H.as_string(o.cE()) }, aY(a) { var s = $.mU() if (a > $.q4()) { return $.iK() // ?? } return C.JsInt.k(a + s) }, gb2() { return this.e } } T.jX.prototype = { $2(a, b) { return a + b }, $S: 15 } T.BoostPassive.prototype = { boostPassive(a, b, c) { var s = a.f if (s > 0 && !a.e) { a.f = s + Math.min(Math.min(H.ar(b), H.ar(c)), s) a.e = true } }, $S: 53 } T.jY.prototype = { $2(a, b) { return a + b }, $S: 15 } T.IMeta.prototype = { K(a, b) { } } T.UpdateStateEntry.prototype = {} T.cB.prototype = {} T.bH.prototype = {} T.PostDefendEntry.prototype = {} T.PostDamageEntry.prototype = {} T.PreActionEntry.prototype = {} T.PostActionEntry.prototype = {} T.aF.prototype = {} T.UpdateStateImpl.prototype = { ar(a) { this.x.ar(a) }, ga4() { return 1 / 0 } } T.fY.prototype = { ga4() { return 1 / 0 } } T.PostDefendImpl.prototype = { aq(a, b, c, d, e) { return this.x.aq(a, b, c, d, e) }, ga4() { return this.r } } T.PostDamageImpl.prototype = { aD(a, b, c, d) { return this.x.aD(a, b, c, d) }, ga4() { return 1 / 0 } } T.PreActionImpl.prototype = { aN(a, b, c, d) { return this.x.aN(a, b, c, d) }, ga4() { return 1 / 0 } } T.PostActionImpl.prototype = { at(a, b) { return this.x.at(a, b) }, ga4() { return 1 / 0 } } T.cp.prototype = { b1(a, b, c, d) { this.x.b1(a, b, c, d) return false }, ga4() { return 1 / 0 } } T.bG.prototype = {} T.Skill.prototype = { ao(a, b) { var s this.r = a s = 0 if (b > s) this.f = b else this.f = s }, W() { }, b9(a) { var s = this.gap().z return a.fm(s.a.e, s.f) }, as(a, b) { return true }, a9(a, b, c) { return this.bx(a, b, c, false) }, bx(a, b, c, d) { if (b) if (this.gap().y.a.Q > $.t()) return T.rateHiHp(a) * a.y.f.length * a.H else if (d) return T.rateHiHp(a) * a.M * a.H else return $.i() / T.rateHiHp(a) * a.N * a.H return c.gbo() + a.H }, gb7() { return $.t() }, gb8() { return $.B() }, aa(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p, o = this, n = b ? o.gb8() : o.gb7(), m = H.b([], t.L), l = 0, k = -n while (true) { if (!(l <= n && k <= n)) break c$0: { s = o.b9(c) if (s == null) return null if (!o.as(s, b)) { ++k break c$0 } if (!C.Array.w(m, s)) { m.push(s) if (m.length >= n) break } else ++l } } if (m.length === 0) return null r = H.b([], t.F) for (q = m.length, p = 0; p < m.length; m.length === q || (0, H.F)(m), ++p) { s = m[p] r.push(new T.bG(s, o.a9(s, b, c))) } C.Array.bb(r, T.v5()) return r }, gap() { return this.r } } T.ActionSkill.prototype = { au(a, b) { // prob // this.level return (a.n() & 127) < this.f } } T.SklAttack.prototype = { v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o = this, n = null, m = a[0].a if (b) { s = o.r s = s.dx > s.ch } else s = false if (s) { s = o.r r = C.JsInt.am(s.dx - s.ch, $.t()) q = s.go if (q >= r) { s.go = q - r p = T.getAt(s, true, c) // sklAttack // [0]发起攻击 d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("VQhA"), o.r, m, n, n, 0, 1000, 100)) m.a3(p, true, o.r, T.ad(), c, d) return } } p = T.getAt(o.r, false, c) // sklAttack // [0]发起攻击 d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("EYAn"), o.r, m, n, n, 0, 1000, 100)) m.a3(p, false, o.r, T.oH(), c, d) } } T.SklSimpleAttack.prototype = { v(a, b, c, d) { var s = a[0].a, r = T.getAt(this.r, false, c) // sklAttack // [0]发起攻击 d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("EYAn"), this.r, s, null, null, 0, 1000, 100)) s.a3(r, false, this.r, T.ad(), c, d) } } T.SklCounter.prototype = { W() { this.r.G.j(0, this) }, aD(a, b, c, d) { var s = this if (b.y == s.r.z && (c.n() & 63) < s.r.fr) return if (s.ch === d) { if (s.Q && b != s.cx) if ((c.n() & 127) < s.f) s.cx = b } else { s.ch = d if (c.n() < s.f) { s.cx = b s.Q = true d.b.push(s.gdr()) } } }, f8(a, b) { var s, r, q, p = this p.Q = false p.ch = null if (p.cx.fx > 0 && p.r.bw(a)) { s = T.getAt(p.r, false, a) r = $.K() q = b.a q.push(r) q.push(T.RunUpdate_init(C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("VgaN"), $.qw()), p.r, p.cx, null, null, $.i(), 1000, 100)) p.cx.a3(s, false, p.r, T.ad(), a, b) } }, $iah: 1 } T.SklDefend.prototype = { ga4() { return $.pl() }, aq(a, b, c, d, e) { if (d.n() < this.f && this.r.bw(d)) { e.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("NIMn"), this.r, b, null, null, $.bg(), 1000, 100)) return C.JsInt.P(a, $.t()) } return a }, W() { this.r.y2.j(0, this) }, $iaB: 1 } T.SklHide.prototype = { W() { var s = this s.r.G.j(0, s) s.r.x1.j(0, s.Q) }, aD(a, b, c, d) { var s = this, r = s.f, q = 0 if (r <= q || s.ch.a != null) return r = s.r if (r.fx > q && !r.A && r.z.f.length > $.i() && (c.n() & 63) < s.f) { s.r.rx.j(0, s.ch) s.r.F() r = LangData.get_lang("oIIa") q = s.r d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(r, q, q, null, null, $.Z(), 1000, 100)) } }, aN(a, b, c, d) { var s = this.ch if (s.a != null) { s.D() this.r.F() } }, ar(a) { var s, r, q, p = this.r p.H = p.H / $.Z() s = this.f r = $.b2() if (s > r) { q = s - r p.db = p.db + q p.cx = p.cx + q p.dy = p.dy + q } }, $iah: 1 } T.MergeState.prototype = { gT() { return 0 } } T.SklMerge.prototype = { W() { this.r.S.j(0, this) }, bS(a, b, c) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, this_ = this, j = null if ((b.n() & 63) < this_.f) { for (s = 0, r = this_.r.q, q = r.length, p = a.q, o = false; s < q; ++s) { n = p[s] if (n > r[s]) { r[s] = n o = true } } s = 0 r = a.k1 while (true) { q = this_.r.k1 if (!(s < q.length && s < r.length)) break m = q[s] l = r[s] q = J.uR(m) if (q.gcw(m) !== q.gcw(m)) break q = l.f p = m.f if (q > p) { if (p === 0) { m.f = q if (m instanceof T.ActionSkill) this_.r.k4.push(m) m.W() } else m.f = q o = true } ++s } r = a.go q = this_.r if (r > q.go) { q.go = r a.go = 0 } r = a.l p = q.l if (r > p) { q.l = p + r a.l = 0 } if (o) { a.r2.m(0, $.iJ(), new T.MergeState()) this_.r.F() r = c.a r.push($.K()) r.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("yGkN"), this_.r, a, j, j, $.a6(), $.d0(), 100)) q = LangData.get_lang("PGSN") p = new T.MPlr() p.cO(this_.r) r.push(T.RunUpdate_init(q, p, a, j, j, 0, 1000, 100)) return true } } return false }, $ify: 1 } T.dV.prototype = { gT() { return 0 }, dG(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, n = this for (s = n.x, r = n.r, q = r.r2; s.length !== 0;) { p = a.b5(s) if (p.r.z == r.y && (a.n() & 127) < p.f && p.r.bw(a)) { p.cI(a) return p } else { C.Array.U(s, p) if (s.length === 0) { o = n.a if (o != null) { n.b.sbq(n.c) n.c.saE(n.b); --o.a n.a = null } q.U(0, $.d6()) } p.Q = null } } return null }, fs(a) { var s = this.x C.Array.U(s, a) if (s.length === 0) { this.D() this.r.r2.U(0, $.d6()) } }, dv(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { var s, r, q, p = this.dG(f) if (p != null) { s = p.r g.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("JzmA"), s, d, null, null, $.bg(), 1000, 100)) a = s.du(a, b, c, e, f, g) r = $.ao() if (a == r) return r q = T.d9(s, b, f) s.aF(s.aq(C.d.eW(a * $.b0() / q), c, e, f, g), c, e, f, g) return $.ao() } return a } } T.SklProtect.prototype = { b9(a) { var s = this.r return a.fk(s.z.f, s) }, as(a, b) { return !(a instanceof T.Minion) }, a9(a, b, c) { var s, r if (b) { s = $.i() r = t.Q.a(a.r2.h(0, $.d6())) if (r != null) s = r.x.length + $.i() return $.i() / T.rateHiHp(a) * a.N / s } return c.gbo() }, cI(a) { var s, r, q = this, p = q.aa(0, (a.n() & 127) < q.r.fr, a), o = p != null ? p[0].a : null, n = q.Q if (n == o) return if (n != null) { s = t.Q.a(n.r2.h(0, $.d6())) if (s != null) s.fs(q) } q.Q = o if (o != null) { n = o.r2 r = t.Q.a(n.h(0, $.d6())) if (r == null) { r = new T.dV(o, H.b([], t.gN)) n.m(0, $.d6(), r) o.y1.j(0, r) } r.x.push(q) } }, at(a, b) { this.cI(a) return false }, W() { this.r.x2.j(0, this) }, $ibq: 1 } T.SklReflect.prototype = { dv(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { var s, r, q = this if (c.fx <= 0) return a if (f.n() < q.f && f.n() < 128 && q.r.bw(f)) { s = T.getAt(q.r, true, f) * $.b0() if (s > a) s = a g.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("lnNA"), $.qI()), q.r, c, null, null, $.as(), $.d0(), 100)) c.a3(s, true, q.r, e, f, g) r = q.r r.l = r.l - $.mY() return $.ao() } return a }, W() { this.r.y1.j(0, this) }, $ibH: 1 } T.SklReraise.prototype = { ga4() { return $.lG() }, b1(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p = this, o = c.n(), n = p.f if ((o & 127) < n) { p.f = C.JsInt.P(n + $.i(), $.t()) o = C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("DWRn"), $.ng()) n = p.r s = d.a s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(o, n, n, null, null, $.b3(), $.d0(), 100)) p.r.fx = (c.n() & 15) + 1 n = LangData.get_lang("imin") o = p.r r = new T.HPlr(0) r.a = o.e q = o.fx r.d = q s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(n, o, r, new T.HRecover(q), null, 0, 1000, 100)) return true } return false }, W() { this.r.L.j(0, this) }, $iaF: 1 } T.ShieldStat_.prototype = { ga4() { return $.pP() }, gT() { var s = this.x, r = 0 if (s > r) return $.i() return r }, aq(a, b, c, d, e) { var s = this.x, r = 0 if (s == r) return a if (a > s) { this.x = r a -= r } else { this.x = s - a a = r } return a }, K(a, b) { this.D() this.r.r2.U(0, $.lR()) } } T.SklShield.prototype = { aN(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, this_ = this if (this_.f > 0) { s = t.eb.a(this_.r.r2.h(0, $.lR())) if (s == null) { r = this_.r s = new T.ShieldStat_(r, 0) r.r2.m(0, $.lR(), s) this_.r.y2.j(0, s) } r = this_.f q = s.x if (r >= q) s.x = q + (c.ax($.i() + C.JsInt.P(r * $.B(), $.C())) + $.i()) } return a }, W() { this.r.x1.j(0, this) }, $iaV: 1 } T.SklUpgrade.prototype = { W() { this.r.G.j(0, this) }, aD(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q = this, p = null, o = q.f, n = 0 if (o <= n || q.Q.a != null) return s = $.aR() r = $.b2() if (o > r) s += o - r o = q.r.fx if (o > n && o < s + (c.n() & 63) && (c.n() & 63) < q.f) { q.r.r2.m(0, $.nl(), q) q.r.rx.j(0, q.Q) q.r.F() o = d.a o.push($.K()) n = LangData.get_lang("TRcn") r = q.r o.push(T.RunUpdate_init(n, r, r, p, p, $.a6(), $.d0(), 100)) r = C.String.B(LangData.get_lang("iTtn"), $.qK()) n = q.r o.push(T.RunUpdate_init(r, n, n, p, p, 0, 1000, 100)) n = q.r n.l = n.l + $.lM() } }, gT() { return $.i() }, K(a, b) { var s, r = this r.r.r2.U(0, $.nl()) r.Q.D() r.r.F() if (r.r.fx > 0) { s = b.a s.push($.K()) s.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(LangData.get_lang("Ebza"), a, r.r)) } }, ar(a) { var s = this.r, r = s.ch, q = $.lI() s.ch = r + q s.cx = s.cx + q s.db = s.db + q s.dx = s.dx + q s.dy = s.dy + q q = s.cy r = $.as() s.cy = q + r s.fr = s.fr + r }, $ix: 1, $iah: 1 } T.SkillVoid.prototype = { ao(a, b) { this.r = a this.f = 0 }, au(a, b) { return false }, aa(a, b, c) { return null }, v(a, b, c, d) { return } } T.PlrZombie.prototype = { gap() { return this.aj.r }, ac() { this.k3 = T.SklAttack_init(this) }, aU() { var s, r this.bB() s = this.q r = 0 s[r] = r s[$.a4()] = r r = $.ap() s[r] = C.d.P(s[r], $.t()) } } T.ZombieState.prototype = { gT() { return 0 } } T.SklZombie.prototype = { W() { this.r.S.j(0, this) }, bS(a6, a7, a8) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, dies, kills, b, a, a0, a1, a2, a3, this_ = this, a5 = null if (!(a6 instanceof T.Minion) && (a7.n() & 63) < this_.f && this_.r.bw(a7)) { a6.r2.m(0, $.iJ(), new T.ZombieState()) s = H.as_string(this_.r.a) + "?" + H.as_string($.qZ()) r = this_.r q = r.b r = r.c p = 0 o = $.T() n = H.b([], t.q) m = H.b([], t.H) l = P.create_meta_map(t.X, t.W) k = new Sgls.MList(t.n) k.c = k k.b = k j = new Sgls.MList(t.p) j.c = j j.b = j i = new Sgls.MList(t.g) i.c = i i.b = i h = new Sgls.MList(t.G) h.c = h h.b = h g = new Sgls.MList(t._) g.c = g g.b = g f = new Sgls.MList(t.e) f.c = f f.b = f e = new Sgls.MList(t.k) e.c = e e.b = e dies = new Sgls.MList(t.l) dies.c = dies dies.b = dies kills = new Sgls.MList(t.m) kills.c = kills kills.b = kills b = t.i a = H.b([], b) a0 = H.b([], b) a1 = H.b([], b) b = H.b([], b) a2 = 0 a3 = new T.PlrZombie(s, q, r, a5, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, dies, kills, a, a0, a1, b, a2, a2, a2, $.W(), a2) a3.a1(s, q, r, a5) a3.a6 = new T.cp(a3) a3.aj = this_ a3.e = T.getMinionName(this_.r) // sklZombieName // 丧尸 a3.r = LangData.get_lang("KYSn") r = this_.r a3.y = r.y r.L.j(0, a3.a6) a3.az() a3.l = a7.n() * $.C() this_.r.y.aZ(a3) r = a8.a r.push($.K()) // sklZombie // [0][召唤亡灵] r.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("apma"), this_.r, a6, a5, a5, $.a6(), $.d0(), 100)) // sklZombied // [2]变成了[1] q = LangData.get_lang("kXba") s = this_.r a2 = a3.fx b = new T.HPlr(a2) b.a = a3.e b.d = a2 r.push(T.RunUpdate_init(q, s, b, a6, H.b([a6], t.j), 0, 1000, 100)) return true } return false }, $ify: 1 } T.BossWeapon.prototype = { b3(a) { a.dB(0, LangData.fZ(this.c.e), $.t()) this.cN(a) }, cB(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k = c[d], j = a[d], i = d + $.i(), h = c[i] i = a[i] s = d + $.t() r = c[s] s = a[s] for (q = 0, p = q; p < $.B(); ++p) { o = d + p n = c[o] m = b[o] l = n - m if (l > q) b[o] = m + l else { n = $.at() if (m < n) b[o] = m + n } } return Math.abs(k - j) + Math.abs(h - i) + Math.abs(r - s) }, bn() { var s = this, r = s.c s.cB(r.E, r.t, s.d, $.ap()) s.dW() } } T.SklDeathNote.prototype = { au(a, b) { var s = this.fx if (s != null && s.fx > 0) if (b) return s.y != this.r.y else return a.n() < 128 return false }, W() { this.r.G.j(0, this.fr) }, aa(a, b, c) { return H.b([], t.F) }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p = this d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("NbSn"), p.r, p.fx, null, null, $.as(), 1000, 100)) s = p.fx s.aF(s.fx, p.r, T.ad(), c, d) s = p.r s.cy = s.cy - $.cX() r = s.go q = 0 if (r > q) s.go = q p.fx = null }, aD(a, b, c, d) { var s if (a > 0) { s = this.r s = b != s && T.bW(b.fr + b.dy, s.fr + s.dx, c) } else s = false if (s) this.fx = b } } T.WeaponDeathNote.prototype = { b6() { var s, r = new T.SklDeathNote(0) r.e = true r.fr = new T.PostDamageImpl(r) s = this.c r.ao(s, $.i()) s.k1.push(r) s = s.k2; (s && C.Array).j(s, r) } } T.DummyChargeMeta.prototype = { gT() { return 0 }, K(a, b) { }, $ix: 1 } T.GuiYue.prototype = { b3(a) { }, bn() { }, b6() { this.c.r2.m(0, $.a7(), new T.DummyChargeMeta()) } } T.NoWeapon.prototype = { b3(a) { }, bn() { }, b6() { } } T.RinickModifier.prototype = { cs() { var s, r = this.c, q = r.q, p = H._arrayInstanceType(q).i("y<1,l*>") p = this.r = P.List_List_of(new H.y(q, new T.k3(), p), true, p.i("M.E")) r = r.q q = $.ap() r = r[q] s = $.r5() if (r < s) p[q] = s - r else p[q] = 0 this.dV() }, b6() { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l = this.c l.rx.j(0, new T.RinickModifierUpdateState()) // Rinick if (l.e != $.iL()) { for (l = l.k2, s = l.length, r = 0; r < l.length; l.length === s || (0, H.F)(l), ++r) { q = l[r] p = q.f if (p == 0) { q.f = $.C() q.W() } else q.f = C.JsInt.ez(p, $.i()) } return } lst = [0, 2, 15, 18, 27, 28, 32, 37, 38] // for (s = [0, $.t(), $.eT(), $.iH(), $.pu(), $.iI(), $.at(), $.pH(), $.lL()], r = 0; r < 9; ++r) { for (s = lst, r = 0; r < 9; ++r) { o = s[r] q = l.k2[o] if (q.f == 0) { q.f = $.av() q.W() } else H.ve(J.b4(o)) } for (s = l.k2, p = s.length, r = 0; r < s.length; s.length === p || (0, H.F)(s), ++r) { q = s[r] if (!(q instanceof T.ActionSkill)) { n = q.f if (n == 0) { q.f = $.aR() q.W() } else q.f = n + $.aR() } } m = new T.SklAokijiIceAge(0) m.ao(l, $.as()) s = l.k1 s.push(m) p = l.k2; (p && C.Array).j(p, m) m = new T.SklYuriControl(0) m.ao(l, $.Z()) s.push(m) p = l.k2; (p && C.Array).j(p, m) m = new T.hy($.t(), 0) m.r = l $.av() s.push(m) s = l.k2; (s && C.Array).j(s, m) m.r.L.j(0, m) l.x1.j(0, new T.RinickModifierPreAction(l)) } } T.k3.prototype = { $1(a) { return $.b2() - a }, $S: 2 } T.RinickModifierPreAction.prototype = { ga4() { return $.ao() }, aN(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o = {} o.a = false s = this.r s.r2.aw(0, new T.k2(o)) if (o.a) { o = d.a r = o.length s.bL(s, d) if (o.length !== r) { // weaponRModifierUse // [0]使用[属性修改器] C.Array.co(o, r, T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("UeyA"), s, null, null, null, $.a6(), 1000, 100)) o.push($.K()) } } o = s.y q = o.a.e.length o = o.f.length p = C.JsInt.am(q - o, $.i()) - o o = 0 if (p > o) { q = new T.SklRinickModifierClone(p, o) q.ao(s, o) return q } return a } } T.k2.prototype = { $2(a, b) { if (b.gT() < 0) this.a.a = true }, $S: 16 } T.RinickModifierUpdateState.prototype = { ga4() { return $.ao() }, ar(a) { var s = a.q, r = 0, q = s[r], p = $.b2() if (q < p) { s[r] = p a.ch = p } r = $.i() if (s[r] < p) { s[r] = p a.cx = p } r = $.t() if (s[r] < p) { s[r] = p a.cy = p + $.eU() } r = $.B() if (s[r] < p) { s[r] = p a.db = p } r = $.C() if (s[r] < p) { s[r] = p a.dx = p } r = $.X() if (s[r] < p) { s[r] = p a.dy = p } r = $.a4() if (s[r] < p) { s[r] = p a.fr = p } } } T.SklRinickModifierClone.prototype = { v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k = this, j = null k.r.l = c.n() * $.C() + $.cX() s = d.a // weaponRModifierUse // [0]使用[属性修改器] s.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("UeyA"), k.r, j, j, j, $.a6(), 1000, 100)) for (r = 0, q = k.fr; r < q; ++r) { p = T.init_PlrClone(k.r) p.y = k.r.y p.az() p.l = c.n() * $.C() + $.cX() k.r.y.aZ(p) s.push($.K()) // sklCloned // 出现一个新的[1] o = LangData.get_lang("pKQn") n = k.r m = p.fx l = new T.HPlr(m) l.a = p.e l.d = m m = new T.RunUpdate(0, 1000, 100, o, n, l, j, j) m.aK(o, n, l, j, j, 0, 1000, 100) s.push(m) } } } T.hy.prototype = { dA(a, b) { C.Array.sp(this.r.q, 0) this.r.aU() this.r.cn() }, dd(a, b) { var s, r, q = this.r.y, p = q.a.e.length q = q.f.length s = C.JsInt.am(p - q, $.i()) - q if (s > 0) { b.a.push($.K()) r = new T.SklRinickModifierClone(s, 0) r.ao(this.r, $.i()) r.v(H.b([], t.F), true, a, b) } } } T.SklS11.prototype = { au(a, b) { if (this.f == 0) return false return (a.n() & 63) + this.f > this.r.fr }, aa(a, b, c) { return H.b([], t.F) }, v(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o = this, n = null, m = 1000, l = d.a l.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("Rdya"), o.r, n, n, n, 0, m, 100)) if (c.n() < 64) { l.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("ibDN"), o.r, n, n, n, 0, m, 100)) o.fr = o.fr - 1 } else { s = c.ax($.ap()) r = (c.n() & 31) + $.a4() q = o.r p = q.q p[s] = p[s] + r q.F() l.push(T.RunUpdate_init("[" + H.as_string($.r6()[s]) + "]" + LangData.get_lang("zbya"), o.r, n, r, n, 0, m, 100)) } q = o.r q.l = q.l + $.cX() q = o.fr - (c.n() & 3) o.fr = q if (q <= 0) { l.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("ToLa"), o.r, n, n, n, 0, m, 100)) if (o.f < $.as()) { l.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("BcJa"), o.r, n, n, n, 0, m, 100)) o.f = 0 } else { l.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("kHPN"), o.r, n, n, n, 0, m, 100)) o.f = $.i() } o.r.aF((c.n() & 31) + $.aR(), o.r, T.ad(), c, d) } } } T.kb.prototype = { $1(a) { return J.rD(a) }, $S: 55 } T.WeaponS11.prototype = { b3(a) { var s, r this.cN(a) s = $.p2() r = 0 this.r = H.b([s, r, s, r, r, r, r, r], t.i) }, b6() { var s = this.c, r = s.k2, q = new T.SklS11($.B(), 0) q.e = true q.ao(s, $.d1()); (r && C.Array).j(r, q) } } T.Weapon.prototype = { b3(a) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, this_ = this, e = a.c e.toString s = H._arrayInstanceType(e).i("y<1,l*>") this_.d = P.List_List_of(new H.y(e, new T.ko(), s), true, s.i("M.E")) this_.e = a.ax($.bg()) r = a.ax($.av()) e = $.a4() s = this_.d q = s && C.Array if (r === e) { p = q.al(s, $.bg(), $.aI()) } else { e = q.al(s, $.bg(), $.aI()) s = H._arrayInstanceType(e).i("y<1,l*>") p = P.List_List_of(new H.y(e, new T.kp(), s), true, s.i("M.E")) p[r] = $.iH() } o = 0 for (e = p.length, n = o, m = n, l = 0; l < e; ++l) { k = p[l] if (k > o) { ++n m += k } } m *= $.B() e = this_.d j = (e && C.Array).al(e, o, $.av()) C.Array.aJ(j) i = j[$.i()] + j[$.C()] + n for (k = 0, h = i; e = $.ap(), k < e; ++k) { g = C.d.P(i * p[k], m) h -= g * $.B() this_.r[k] = g } if (p[e] > 0) this_.r[e] = h }, cB(a, b, c, d) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = c[d] - a[d], l = $.i(), k = d + l, j = c[k] - a[k] k = $.t() s = d + k r = c[s] - a[s] s = 0 if (m > s && j > s && r > s) { q = d + C.JsInt.V(m + j + r + $.q8(), $.B()) p = c[q] o = b[q] n = C.d.P(p - o, k) + l if (n > s) b[q] = o + n } return Math.abs(m) + Math.abs(j) + Math.abs(r) }, bn() { // preUpgrade var s, r, q, p = this, o = 0 for (s = $.Z(), r = p.c; s < $.d1(); s += $.B()) { o += p.cB(r.E, r.t, p.d, s) } r = C.JsInt.P($.mY() - o, $.a4()) p.f = r q = 0 if (r < q) { p.f = q } }, cs() { // postUpgrade var s, r, q for (s = 0, r = this.c; s < $.av(); ++s) { q = r.q q[s] = q[s] + this.r[s] } this.b6() }, b6() { // upgradeSkill var s = this.c.k1[this.e], r = s.f if (r == 0) s.e = true s.f = r + this.f } } T.kq.prototype = { $2(a, b) { var s = new T.WeaponS11(a, b, P.aL($.av(), 0, false, t.B)) s.a = a return s }, $S: 56 } T.kr.prototype = { $2(a, b) { var s = new T.WeaponDeathNote(a, b, P.aL($.av(), 0, false, t.B)) s.a = a return s }, $S: 57 } T.ks.prototype = { $2(a, b) { var s // Rinick if (b.b == $.iL()) { s = new T.RinickModifier(a, b, P.aL($.av(), 0, false, t.B)) s.a = a return s } else return T.NoWeapon(a, b) }, $S: 7 } T.kt.prototype = { $2(a, b) { var s if (C.Array.w($.r1(), b.b)) { s = new T.GuiYue(a, b, P.aL($.av(), 0, false, t.B)) s.a = a return s } else return T.NoWeapon(a, b) }, $S: 7 } T.ku.prototype = { $2(a, b) { var s if (C.Array.w($.rk(), b.b)) { s = new T.kv(a, b, P.aL($.av(), 0, false, t.B)) s.a = a return s } else return T.NoWeapon(a, b) }, $S: 7 } T.ko.prototype = { $1(a) { return (a & $.b2()) >>> 0 }, $S: 2 } T.kp.prototype = { $1(a) { if (a > $.pN()) return a - $.b1() return 0 }, $S: 2 } T.hc.prototype = { aD(a, b, c, d) { var s = this if (b.y == s.r.z) return if (s.ch === d) { if (s.Q && b != s.cx) s.cx = b } else { s.ch = d s.cx = b s.Q = true d.b.push(s.gdr()) } } } T.kv.prototype = { b3(a) { }, bn() { }, b6() { var s = new T.hc(0), r = this.c s.ao(r, $.i()) r.k1.push(s) } } T.ij.prototype = {} T.ShieldStat.prototype = {} LangData.SuperRC4.prototype = { // MARK: RC4 init dB(a, b, c) { // init rc4 var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = b.length for (s = this.c, r = 0; r < c; ++r) for (q = 0, p = 0; p < 256; ++p) { o = b[C.JsInt.V(p, m)] n = s[p] q = q + n + o & 255 s[p] = s[q] s[q] = n } this.a = this.b = 0 }, // MARK: RC4 next dH(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o, n, m = a.length if (m <= 1) return a s = H.b([], t.i) C.Array.sp(s, m) for (r = 0; r < m; ++r) s[r] = r for (q = 0, r = 0; r < 2; ++r) for (p = 0; p < m; ++p) { o = this.ax(m) n = s[p] q = C.JsInt.V(q + n + o, m) s[p] = s[q] s[q] = n } m = t.fh.aL(b.i("0*")).i("y<1,2>") // return X.map((e) => list[e]).toList(); return P.List_List_of(new H.y(s, new LangData.k_(a, b), m), true, m.i("M.E")) }, fi(a) { var s = a.length if (s === 1) return a[0] else if (s > 1) return a[this.ax(s)] return null }, b5(a) { return this.fi(a, t.z) }, fj(a, b) { var s, r, q = a.length if (q === 1) { // if (!J.Y(a[0], b)) return a[0] if (a[0] !== b) return a[0] } else if (q > 1) { s = C.Array.aT(a, b) if (s < 0) return a[this.ax(a.length)] r = this.ax(a.length - 1) return a[r >= s ? r + 1 : r] } return null }, fk(a, b) { return this.fj(a, b, t.z) }, fl(a, b) { var s, r, q, p, o = b.length if (o === 0) return this.b5(a) s = C.Array.geT(b) r = b.length if (a.length > r) { q = C.Array.aT(a, s) p = this.ax(a.length - r) return a[p >= q ? p + r : p] } return null }, fm(a, b) { return this.fl(a, b, t.z) }, gbo() { return (this.n() << 8 | this.n()) >>> 0 }, ax(a) { var s, r if (a === 0) return 0 s = this.n() r = a do { s = (s << 8 | this.n()) >>> 0 if (s >= a) s = C.JsInt.V(s, a) r = C.JsInt.am(r, 8) } while (r !== 0) return s } } LangData.k_.prototype = { $1(a) { return this.a[a] }, $S() { return this.b.i("0*(l*)") } }; (function aliases() { // MARK: 类型别名 var s = J.Interceptor.prototype s.dO = s.k s = J.bE.prototype s.dQ = s.k s = P.L.prototype s.dP = s.bV s = W.Element.prototype s.bY = s.aA s = W.eD.prototype s.dX = s.aM s = T.PlrBoss.prototype s.cM = s.a7 s = T.Plr.prototype s.bB = s.aU s.dS = s.bP s.dR = s.bs s.dT = s.F s = T.Skill.prototype s.bC = s.a9 s.bZ = s.bx s.dU = s.aa s = T.ActionSkill.prototype s.aX = s.au s = T.Weapon.prototype s.cN = s.b3 s.dW = s.bn s.dV = s.cs })(); (function installTearOffs() { // MARK: 静态实例 var static_2 = hunkHelpers._static_2, static_1 = hunkHelpers._static_1, static_0 = hunkHelpers._static_0, instance_2u = hunkHelpers._instance_2u, install_static_tearoff = hunkHelpers.installStaticTearOff, instance_1i = hunkHelpers._instance_1i, instance_0i = hunkHelpers._instance_0i, instance_1u = hunkHelpers._instance_1u, install_instance_tear_off = hunkHelpers.installInstanceTearOff, instance_0u = hunkHelpers._instance_0u static_2(J, "bO", "t1", 59) static_1(H, "uv", "mv", 10) static_1(P, "uK", "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateJsOverride", 4) static_1(P, "uL", "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithSetImmediate", 4) static_1(P, "uM", "_AsyncRun__scheduleImmediateWithTimer", 4) static_0(P, "ow", "_startMicrotaskLoop", 0) static_2(P, "uN", "ux", 9) instance_2u(P._Future.prototype, "geg", "be", 9) install_static_tearoff(W, "uV", 4, null, ["$4"], ["tT"], 20, 0) install_static_tearoff(W, "uW", 4, null, ["$4"], ["tU"], 20, 0) static_2(HtmlRenderer, "oD", "rU", 62) let html_holder = HtmlRenderer.inner_render.prototype instance_1i(html_holder, "gfb", "fc", 31) instance_1i(html_holder, "gff", "ds", 8) instance_0i(html_holder, "gbc", "dI", 0) instance_1u(html_holder, "gfd", "fe", 33) install_instance_tear_off(html_holder, "gel", 0, 0, null, ["$1", "$0"], ["c5", "em"], 34, 0, 0) instance_0u(html_holder = T.Plr.prototype, "gfJ", "fK", 19) instance_0u(html_holder, "gbT", "dE", 19) static_1(Sgls, "vg", "tv", 8) install_static_tearoff(T, "v6", 5, null, ["$5"], ["ty"], 1, 0) install_static_tearoff(T, "v7", 5, null, ["$5"], ["tA"], 1, 0) install_static_tearoff(T, "v9", 5, null, ["$5"], ["tC"], 1, 0) install_static_tearoff(T, "oI", 5, null, ["$5"], ["tD"], 1, 0) install_static_tearoff(T, "oJ", 5, null, ["$5"], ["tE"], 1, 0) install_static_tearoff(T, "mE", 5, null, ["$5"], ["tF"], 1, 0) install_static_tearoff(T, "vb", 5, null, ["$5"], ["tI"], 1, 0) install_static_tearoff(T, "v8", 5, null, ["$5"], ["tB"], 1, 0) install_static_tearoff(T, "va", 5, null, ["$5"], ["tG"], 1, 0) static_2(T, "v4", "DummyRunUpdates_init", 63) static_2(T, "mD", "DummyRunUpdates", 64) static_2(T, "v5", "t6", 43) install_static_tearoff(T, "ad", 5, null, ["$5"], ["tx"], 1, 0) install_static_tearoff(T, "oH", 5, null, ["$5"], ["tz"], 1, 0) install_instance_tear_off(T.CovidState.prototype, "gf9", 0, 5, null, ["$5"], ["fa"], 1, 0, 0) instance_2u(T.SklCounter.prototype, "gdr", "f8", 54) })(); (function inheritance() { // MARK: 继承链 var mixin = hunkHelpers.mixin, inherit = hunkHelpers.inherit, inherit_many = hunkHelpers.inheritMany inherit(P.Object, null) inherit_many(P.Object, [H.m8, J.Interceptor, J.db, P.O, P.ev, P.L, H.cv, P.fv, H.du, H.hV, H.kh, H.NullThrownFromJavaScriptException, H.ExceptionAndStackTrace, H.eE, H.c_, P.aU, H.jK, H.fA, H.JSSyntaxRegExp, H.ew, H.kz, H.bK, H.l3, H.Rti, H.ib, H.iu, P._TimerImpl, P.i_, P.f3, P.i4, P._FutureListener, P._Future, P.i0, P.em, P.hO, P.hP, P.im, P.i1, P.i3, P.i7, P.ii, P.io, P.lf, P.eM, P.kV, P.ie, P.z, P.dY, P.fg, P.js, P.lc, P.lb, P.dq, P.Duration, P.fM, P.el, P.kG, P.jm, P.N, P.iq, P.cH, W.j8, W.m5, W.cP, W.cr, W.dN, W.eD, W.is, W.dv, W.kE, W.l_, W.ix, P._StructuredClone, P.kw, P.eJ, P.jQ, P.kT, Y.RC4, L.ProfileWinChance, V.ProfileMain, X.ProfileFind, S.fK, HtmlRenderer.inner_render, HtmlRenderer.PlrGroup, HtmlRenderer.PlrView, Sgls.a_, Sgls.MEntry, T.IMeta, T.Plr, T.CovidMeta, T.Engine, T.Grp, T.IPlr, T.HDamage, T.HRecover, T.RunUpdate, T.aq, T.bG, T.Weapon, T.DummyChargeMeta] ) inherit_many(J.Interceptor, [J.fw, J.cs, J.bE, J.JsArray, J.JsNumber, J.JsString, H.dJ, H.ab, W.fn, W.Blob, W.CanvasRenderingContext2D, W.i6, W.bb, W.ja, W.jb, W.o, W.c4, W.jL, W.ig, W.il, W.iy, W.iA]) inherit_many(J.bE, [J.PlainJavaScriptObject, J.UnknownJavaScriptObject, J.JavaScriptFunction]) inherit(J.JsUnmodifiableArray, J.JsArray) inherit_many(J.JsNumber, [J.JsInt, J.jF]) inherit_many(P.O, [H.fz, H.dO, P.bc, H.JsNoSuchMethodError, H.hU, H.RuntimeError, H.i9, P.f2, P.fL, P.aS, P.hW, P.hS, P.bJ, P.fh, P.CyclicInitializationError]) inherit(P.dE, P.ev) inherit_many(P.dE, [H.cJ, W.az]) inherit(H.ff, H.cJ) inherit_many(P.L, [H.A, H.c6, H.cf, P.dy, H.ip, Sgls.MList]) inherit_many(H.A, [H.M, H.dC]) inherit(H.dr, H.c6) inherit_many(P.fv, [H.fB, H.hX]) inherit_many(H.M, [H.y, H.a9, P.id]) inherit(H.NullError, P.bc) inherit_many(H.c_, [H.j5, H.j6, H.TearOffClosure, H.JsLinkedHashMap_values_closure, H.lv, H.lx, P.kB, P._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate_closure, P._awaitOnObject_closure, P.kK, P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback_closure, P.ke, P._RootZone_bindCallback_closure, P.Duration_toString_sixDigits, P.Duration_toString_twoDigits, W.jf, W.kF, W.jP, W.jO, W.l0, W.l1, W.l7, P.lE, P.lF, L.iS, L.iT, L.iU, V.j0, V.j1, X.iX, X.iY, X.iZ, HtmlRenderer.jx, HtmlRenderer.jy, HtmlRenderer.jw, HtmlRenderer.addPlrToTable, HtmlRenderer.jB, HtmlRenderer.jC, HtmlRenderer.jD, HtmlRenderer.jV, HtmlRenderer._renderItem, HtmlRenderer.lq, Sgls.k5, Sgls.k6, T.SklCloneCallback, T.jk, T.jj, T.jl, T.ji, T.lD, T.BoostPassive, T.k3, T.kb, T.ko, T.kp, LangData.k_] ) inherit_many(H.TearOffClosure, [H.StaticClosure, H.BoundClosure]) inherit(P.dG, P.aU) inherit_many(P.dG, [H.JsLinkedHashMap, P.ic, W.i2]) inherit_many(H.j6, [H.lw, P._awaitOnObject_closure0, P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync_closure, P.kL, P.jM, W.kd, W.le, P.l5, P.l6, P.ky, V.j_, HtmlRenderer.jA, Sgls.k7, LangData.lA, T.SklHealCallback, T.jX, T.jY, T.k2, T.kq, T.kr, T.ks, T.kt, T.ku] ) inherit(H.hZ, P.dy) inherit(H.NativeTypedArray, H.ab) inherit_many(H.NativeTypedArray, [H._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin, H._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin]) inherit(H._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin, H._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin) inherit(H.NativeTypedArrayOfDouble, H._NativeTypedArrayOfDouble_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin) inherit(H._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin, H._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin) inherit(H.NativeTypedArrayOfInt, H._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin) inherit_many(H.NativeTypedArrayOfInt, [H.fE, H.fF, H.fG, H.fH, H.fI, H.dL, H.cx]) inherit(H.eI, H.i9) inherit_many(H.j5, [P.kC, P.kD, P._TimerImpl_internalCallback, P.jp, P.kH, P.kO, P.kM, P.kJ, P.kN, P.kI, P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleWhenCompleteCallback, P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleValueCallback, P._Future__propagateToListeners_handleError, P.kf, P.l2, P.kW, P.lo, P.kY, P.km, P.kl, X.je, X.j9, HtmlRenderer.send_win_data, Sgls.k4]) inherit(P.cg, P.i4) inherit(P.cK, P.im) inherit(P.eF, P.em) inherit(P.cM, P.eF) inherit(P.i5, P.i3) inherit(P.er, P.i7) inherit(P.eG, P.ii) inherit(P._RootZone, P.lf) inherit(P.eC, P.eM) inherit(P.eu, P.eC) inherit(P.fi, P.hP) inherit_many(P.fg, [P.jg, P.jI]) inherit_many(P.fi, [P.jr, P.jJ, P.kn, P.kk]) inherit(P.kj, P.jg) inherit_many(P.aS, [P.cD, P.fs]) inherit_many(W.fn, [W.v, W.dH, W.eq]) inherit_many(W.v, [W.Element, W.b6, W.cL]) inherit_many(W.Element, [W.HtmlElement, P.p]) inherit_many(W.HtmlElement, [W.AnchorElement, W.AreaElement, W.BaseElement, W.BodyElement, W.CanvasElement, W.c0, W.fp, W.dQ, W.h4, W.ek, W.ce, W.en, W.hQ, W.hR, W.cI] ) inherit(W.co, W.i6) inherit(W.dm, W.bb) inherit(W.File, W.Blob) inherit_many(W.o, [W.c8, W.aY]) inherit(W.bp, W.aY) inherit(W.ih, W.ig) inherit(W.dM, W.ih) inherit(W.hN, W.il) inherit(W.iz, W.iy) inherit(W.ex, W.iz) inherit(W.iB, W.iA) inherit(W.eH, W.iB) inherit(W.i8, W.i2) inherit(W.ia, P.hO) inherit(W.it, W.eD) inherit(P._StructuredCloneDart2Js, P._StructuredClone) inherit(P.kx, P.kw) inherit(P.cF, P.p) inherit(HtmlRenderer.fW, HtmlRenderer.PlrView) inherit_many(Sgls.MEntry, [T.Skill, T.UpdateStateEntry, T.PostDefendEntry, T.PostActionEntry, T.cB, T.bH, 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[T.CharmState, T.HasteState, T.IceState, T.SlowState, T.UpdateStateImpl, T.RinickModifierUpdateState] ) inherit_many(T.IMeta, [T.MinionCount, T.FireState, T.SklSlimeSpawnState, T.MergeState, T.ZombieState]) inherit_many(T.Plr, [T.PlrClone, T.Minion, T.PlrBoss, T.PlrBoost, T.PlrBossTest, T.PlrBossTest2, T.PlrEx, T.PlrSeed_]) inherit_many(T.PostDefendEntry, [T.CurseState, T.PostDefendImpl, T.ShieldStat]) inherit_many(T.PostActionEntry, [T.PoisonState, T.PostActionImpl]) inherit_many(T.Minion, [T.PlrShadow, T.PlrSummon, T.PlrZombie]) inherit_many(T.PlrBoss, [T.PlrBossAokiji, T.PlrBossConan, T.PlrBossCovid, T.PlrBossIkaruga, T.PlrBossLazy, T.PlrBossMario, T.PlrBossMosquito, T.PlrBossSaitama, T.PlrBossSlime, T.PlrBossSonic, T.PlrBossYuri] ) inherit(T.PlrSeed, T.PlrSeed_) inherit(T.BossSlime2, T.PlrBossSlime) inherit(T.SklYuriControl, T.SklCharm) inherit_many(T.IPlr, [T.NPlr, T.HPlr, T.MPlr, T.DPlr]) inherit_many(T.RunUpdate, [T.RunUpdateCancel, T.RunUpdateWin]) inherit(T.fY, T.cB) 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"R0lGODlhEAAQAMIEAAAAAAcHB7MABFuV/////////////////yH5BAEKAAcALAAAAAAQABAAAANKeLrRsZA1Qlw8jmoCGgzaMAiC9iiTOFBk6WGUypLUk4pbW00EvhG0XWz1C2Z8o9kO1uuNSqUKCqR60l5MZ1AqAf0skczudJliFwkAOw==", "lazy", "R0lGODlhEAAQAMICAAAAAAgICP+3t/////+3t/+3t/+3t/+3tyH5BAEKAAQALAAAAAAQABAAAANPSLpM8K9JMCqQDoIwwp3VQG1fBnFeWFKW6GnL1rFi87raSQQcvXEhHkeQGwqOncBxKeAxj07io6kkQZXPKJM3YCa7yySwIhwnd5qAokhIAAA7", "mario", "R0lGODlhEAAQAIEAMQAAANgoAPz8/AAAACH5BAEAAAAALAAAAAAQABAAAQJBhD2px6AhRFgshRvvHCdJGH1CgoDhKXEWqLHboH2tvEItpq3ZvXvnfPIphooI0YgcLXyjpLKDQnE6g6hxSiVSAAUAOw==", "mosquito", "R0lGODlhEAAQAKECAAAAAP8AAP///////yH5BAEKAAMALAAAAAAQABAAAAJB3ICpaCnxRIRKoAkpsJu/AHpch4DgxR0kcK6GKrGB+zrylrzH2OL62or9SKcYYIgr5mq82eXI5AQtw1gxhVwwDAUAOw==", "saitama", "R0lGODlhEAAQAMIGAAAAAAgICGxsbP/AmP/PV/////jIUfjIUSH5BAEKAAcALAAAAAAQABAAAANKeLrRsZC1MVw8juraYNhUIVYSGIodZprPtG7ZC8YyFxSC8OZFAIi4nJAnAhgLx2DxZwQQCMZn7hmFOp/YKZZa3Xqth6bR1xADDgkAOw==", "seed", "R0lGODlhEAAQAMIDAAAAAG9tbUCy5////////////////////yH5BAEKAAQALAAAAAAQABAAAANFSLrQsJC1MVwkjuraVN6gA4CDIJCNSW5BkJon2LZpAMdzMLiAYN85HQ/28wWHpmJrN3sRjUya4xm0YJzNTmTKe1wkWkgCADs=", "slime", "R0lGODlhEAAQAMIEAAABAFaSRV6qSLn9qgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACH5BAEKAAQALAAAAAAQABAAAANCSKrQvpA4QcWDrWoLsB5bxwDVYApB2jClaaaqRMIuCk92CuYBR8G9DSUjLBI3wMpRQzvhis4OqVUbjopKkczBvSQAADs=", "sonic", "R0lGODlhEAAQAMIDAAgICOgSJh9O/////////////////////yH5BAEKAAQALAAAAAAQABAAAANBSLrQsJA1IVwkjuraINDDsFUSFYZbh5knqj2T0LpUBp4jN9JpnJuc1S8UIGE+uUBRJRQonzXP5LlkSpCWy/URSQAAOw==", "yuri", "R0lGODlhEAAQAKEDAAAAAN4H28asxv///yH5BAEKAAMALAAAAAAQABAAAAI+hI85EB3s4DNBiFcvs3NjvmlL9WkesEDnKI7fw8Lpi6roMJ42jh8NNeEJVb+bsFc0HIfB5ZFhdPIO0mf0WAAAOw=="], s, s) }() $.mg = function () { var s = t.X return P.cu(s, s) }() $.k8 = function () { var s = t.X return P.cu(s, s) }() $.e_ = 0 $.mf = function () { var s = t.i return H.b([H.b([255, 255, 255], s), H.b([255, 255, 255], s), H.b([0, 0, 0], s), H.b([0, 180, 0], s), H.b([0, 255, 0], s), H.b([255, 0, 0], s), H.b([255, 192, 0], s), H.b([255, 255, 0], s), H.b([0, 224, 128], s), H.b([255, 0, 128], s), H.b([255, 108, 0], s), H.b([0, 108, 255], s), H.b([0, 192, 255], s), H.b([0, 255, 255], s), H.b([128, 120, 255], s), H.b([128, 224, 255], s), H.b([255, 0, 255], s), H.b([40, 40, 255], s), H.b([128, 0, 255], s), H.b([0, 144, 0], s), H.b([144, 0, 0], s)], t.f) }() $.md = null $.dZ = H.b([], t.f) $.me = H.b([], t.f) $.o5 = H.b([], t.f) $.od = function () { var s = t.X return P.cu(s, s) }() $.ox = "" $.lj = null $.mb = 0 $.nV = 0 $.nW = 0 })(); (function lazyInitializers() { var lazy_final = hunkHelpers.lazyFinal, lazy_old = hunkHelpers.lazyOld lazy_final($, "vy", "oR", function () { return H.getIsolateAffinityTag("_$dart_dartClosure") }) lazy_final($, "A0", "r7", function () { return H.br(H.ki({ toString: function () { return "$receiver$" } })) }) lazy_final($, "A1", "r8", function () { return H.br(H.ki({ $method$: null, toString: function () { return "$receiver$" } })) }) lazy_final($, "A2", "r9", function () { return H.br(H.ki(null)) }) lazy_final($, "A3", "ra", function () { return H.br(function () { var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$" try { null.$method$($argumentsExpr$) } catch (q) { return q.message } }()) }) lazy_final($, "A6", "rd", function () { return H.br(H.ki(void 0)) }) lazy_final($, "A7", "re", function () { return H.br(function () { var $argumentsExpr$ = "$arguments$" try { (void 0).$method$($argumentsExpr$) } catch (q) { return q.message } }()) }) lazy_final($, "A5", "rc", function () { return H.br(H.o8(null)) }) lazy_final($, "A4", "rb", function () { return H.br(function () { try { null.$method$ } catch (q) { return q.message } }()) }) lazy_final($, "A9", "rg", function () { return H.br(H.o8(void 0)) }) lazy_final($, "A8", "rf", function () { return H.br(function () { try { (void 0).$method$ } catch (q) { return q.message } }()) }) lazy_final($, "Ae", "nw", function () { return P._AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate() }) lazy_final($, "Aa", "rh", function () { return new P.km().$0() }) lazy_final($, "Ab", "ri", function () { return new P.kl().$0() }) lazy_final($, "vx", "oQ", function () { return {} }) lazy_final($, "Af", "rl", function () { return P.nQ(["A", "ABBR", "ACRONYM", "ADDRESS", "AREA", "ARTICLE", "ASIDE", "AUDIO", "B", "BDI", "BDO", "BIG", "BLOCKQUOTE", "BR", "BUTTON", "CANVAS", "CAPTION", "CENTER", "CITE", "CODE", "COL", "COLGROUP", "COMMAND", "DATA", "DATALIST", "DD", "DEL", "DETAILS", "DFN", "DIR", "DIV", "DL", "DT", "EM", "FIELDSET", "FIGCAPTION", "FIGURE", "FONT", "FOOTER", "FORM", "H1", "H2", "H3", "H4", "H5", "H6", "HEADER", "HGROUP", "HR", "I", "IFRAME", "IMG", "INPUT", "INS", "KBD", "LABEL", "LEGEND", "LI", "MAP", "MARK", "MENU", "METER", "NAV", "NOBR", "OL", "OPTGROUP", "OPTION", "OUTPUT", "P", "PRE", "PROGRESS", "Q", "S", "SAMP", "SECTION", "SELECT", "SMALL", "SOURCE", "SPAN", "STRIKE", "STRONG", "SUB", "SUMMARY", "SUP", "TABLE", "TBODY", "TD", "TEXTAREA", "TFOOT", "TH", "THEAD", "TIME", "TR", "TRACK", "TT", "U", "UL", "VAR", "VIDEO", "WBR"], t.N) }) lazy_final($, "vD", "mH", function () { return J.lX(P.m3(), "Opera", 0) }) lazy_final($, "vC", "oV", function () { return !$.mH() && J.lX(P.m3(), "Trident/", 0) }) lazy_final($, "vB", "oU", function () { return J.lX(P.m3(), "Firefox", 0) }) lazy_final($, "vA", "oT", function () { return "-" + $.oW() + "-" }) lazy_final($, "vE", "oW", function () { if ($.oU()) var q = "moz" else if ($.oV()) q = "ms" else q = $.mH() ? "o" : "webkit" return q }) lazy_old($, "zB", "iM", function () { return new X.je().$0() }) lazy_old($, "vz", "oS", function () { return new X.j9().$0() }) lazy_old($, "Ay", "rn", function () { return P.RegExp_RegExp("\\?\\?\\?") }) lazy_old($, "Ax", "bV", function () { return new S.fK() }) lazy_old($, "zJ", "bU", function () { return W.nK() }) lazy_old($, "Av", "rm", function () { return P.RegExp_RegExp("\\[.*?\\]") }) lazy_old($, "zT", "d7", function () { return 21 }) lazy_old($, "zV", "nv", function () { return new Sgls.k4().$0() }) lazy_old($, "zS", "nt", function () { return P.rM(t.X) }) lazy_old($, "zU", "nu", function () { var q = W.j4() q.width = 16 q.height = 16 return q }) lazy_old($, "zW", "lS", function () { var q = W.j4() q.width = 16 q.height = 16 return q }) lazy_old($, "zX", "d8", function () { var q = $.lS() q = (q && C.H).geJ(q) return (q && C.k).eN(q, 16, 16) }) lazy_old($, "Az", "ro", function () { return P.o_() }) // MARK: 字符串反混淆 lazy_old($, "yg", "cl", function () { // return LangData.j("bB", 89) return "!" }) lazy_old($, "y0", "lO", function () { // return LangData.j("YA", 51) return "+" }) lazy_old($, "y3", "n3", function () { // return LangData.j("CA", 66) return "@" }) lazy_old($, "y4", "aD", function () { // return LangData.j("{[A", 63) return "@!" }) lazy_old($, "ya", "n5", function () { // return LangData.j("DA", 57) return ":" }) lazy_old($, "yh", "qc", function () { // return LangData.j("l1C~5RJB", 71) return "!test!" }) lazy_old($, "zm", "nk", function () { // return LangData.j("lA", 39) return "\u0002" }) lazy_old($, "zn", "qR", function () { // return LangData.j("iA", 33) return "\u0003" }) lazy_old($, "yN", "iK", function () { // return O.j("=+A", 37) return "??" }) lazy_old($, "y2", "d2", function () { // return LangData.j("+R/Iv*Y(WVEu;E", 21) return "assassinate" }) lazy_old($, "yi", "d3", function () { // return LangData.j("NNCU", 17) }) lazy_old($, "zA", "qZ", function () { return LangData.j("CXmc>1nB", 39) }) lazy_old($, "ze", "qM", function () { // return LangData.j("qnQymy)B", 38) return "shadow" }) lazy_old($, "zl", "qQ", function () { return LangData.j("WG/z.8^B", 55) }) lazy_old($, "yE", "na", function () { // return LangData.j("EMzI&'T=]Q:wUF", 13) return "minionCount" }) lazy_old($, "y6", "n4", function () { // return LangData.j("1m3tkgG&,{P", 97) return "bossName_" }) lazy_old($, "yB", "lQ", function () { // return LangData.j("6ct2H)A", 11) return "mario" }) lazy_old($, "zk", "qP", function () { // return LangData.j("`I|YpgA", 76) return "sonic" }) lazy_old($, "yF", "qo", function () { // return LangData.j("$v&,:z_4~N", 62) return "mosquito" }) lazy_old($, "zz", "qY", function () { // return LangData.j("jh&DG", 89) return "yuri" }) lazy_old($, "zi", "qO", function () { // return LangData.j("~vBK@@A", 29) return "slime" }) lazy_old($, "ys", "qh", function () { // return LangData.j("MWSWRPJLA", 99) return "ikaruga" }) lazy_old($, "yb", "qb", function () { // return LangData.j("()9--8A", 54) return "conan" }) lazy_old($, "y1", "q9", function () { // return LangData.j(" &~zX$CC", 55) return "aokiji" }) lazy_old($, "yy", "d5", function () { // return LangData.j(":[+0Z", 31) return "lazy" }) lazy_old($, "yd", "ck", function () { // return LangData.j("jtK1|]A", 31) return "covid" }) lazy_old($, "zc", "qL", function () { // return LangData.j("ki9e8.M(G", 13) return "saitama" }) lazy_old($, "yP", "iL", function () { // return LangData.j("5,G0b3[B", 51) return "Rinick" }) lazy_old($, "yw", "n8", function () { return LangData.j("<2g5xSgD", 9) }) lazy_old($, "yx", "qk", function () { return LangData.j("&N8l5JCD", 30) }) lazy_old($, "yn", "n6", function () { return LangData.j("xKHh?e,D", 53) }) lazy_old($, "yA", "n9", function () { return LangData.j("]Kp3u~>B", 31) }) lazy_old($, "zx", "no", function () { return LangData.j(")a/8n!RE", 83) }) lazy_old($, "zs", "nm", function () { return LangData.j("{MxpF,@rO?LB", 82) }) lazy_old($, "yM", "nb", function () { return LangData.j("nS)Vs$[ M^3", 86) }) lazy_old($, "y9", "qa", function () { return LangData.j("lbb@`TID", 19) }) lazy_old($, "zu", "nn", function () { return LangData.j("`:W7Ze/ON.S+HIW", 22) }) lazy_old($, "zv", "qW", function () { return LangData.j("&%v5AaC/]<&>Z^X0#B", 58) }) lazy_old($, "zy", "np", function () { return LangData.j("_?d>JT-C", 37) }) lazy_old($, "yu", "qi", function () { return LangData.j("udp%0&+$r>dB", 94) }) lazy_old($, "zh", "nj", function () { return LangData.j("vx;rs", 50) }) lazy_old($, "yI", "qr", function () { return LangData.j("7YF", 48) }) lazy_old($, "yJ", "qs", function () { return LangData.j("KYXO", 32) }) lazy_old($, "zr", "qU", function () { return LangData.j("2V~6yfHkOb>", 49) }) lazy_old($, "yq", "qg", function () { return LangData.j("oz%!U'YF", 73) }) lazy_old($, "yv", "qj", function () { return LangData.j("b@U>k|&P@hk", 0) }) lazy_old($, "yO", "qt", function () { return LangData.j("ihMZ}G'RC", 77) }) lazy_old($, "zw", "qX", function () { return LangData.j("[w9L]M/>Ge/", 38) }) lazy_old($, "yp", "qf", function () { return LangData.j("@9Y.X", 51) }) lazy_old($, "zf", "qN", function () { return LangData.j("?%#5nL[OI", 41) }) lazy_old($, "zd", "ni", function () { // return LangData.j("tU`0/mA", 2) return "seed:" }) lazy_old($, "yC", "qm", function () { // return LangData.j(";kC;Z", 12) return "dio" }) lazy_old($, "yD", "qn", function () { return LangData.j("Ox2j(}6B", 62) }) lazy_old($, "zb", "nh", function () { return LangData.j("[uA.6OlzvO7Io;KYC<#H!O04nL9lDiKDyXAl?D", 53) }) lazy_old($, "z5", "nf", function () { return LangData.j("yW+04ekCs/(`M<^%pzOPaP!1g.9`f=6Iowx7KqyA", 12) }) lazy_old($, "yZ", "qA", function () { return LangData.j("k/#av`/R%K.8Z7cPJ9pwz`{AF+bl~3A#IuZEVK'4QE", 95) }) lazy_old($, "z_", "qB", function () { return LangData.j("v$CbW=5[7IUs)PPLW,sxa=*&f1P>)'phAl2JRm,c,S", 83) }) lazy_old($, "z0", "qC", function () { return LangData.j("teGc0KOSrNDn<3!fVR;xwKG}r,gwB5]wrX:A]M-i)A", 47) }) lazy_old($, "yS", "qv", function () { return LangData.j("~6[*>;8,bI~u#l=L&&YF];/;,IMvuigm*[3EuNSB", 81) }) lazy_old($, "yW", "ne", function () { return LangData.j("HOa,^Auk1x84LRKOnLivoA,^CvRYpI$Y&JxtF7P", 33) }) lazy_old($, "yX", "qy", function () { return LangData.j("r;.1;m!Y`$*76X[kFwDg?m
" }) lazy_old($, "z1", "qD", function () { return LangData.j("m^Jd-SooyPlLaL/Ysyzz;S1Xa8kh4Zid1[SY;Ez^Jd8D", 59) }) lazy_old($, "z2", "qE", function () { return LangData.j("gM2vT&:&)xr*lb#RYZ:ZP&#[`yi*b5+ho<2JdcW&y~Iv0z?VN#;^E8>?3&Gow5j0Q0fK1Ei/RoS", 85) }) lazy_old($, "z9", "qJ", function () { return LangData.j("SWAyuI%B&,6%p;k8VH,Nd %*JE53*T,AxA#v{MB", 44) }) lazy_old($, "yU", "qw", function () { // return LangData.j("Gc[I~fhNT#6]XuGrfUx.`fSI=!'?Pa~kiiRw" }) lazy_old($, "z7", "qI", function () { return LangData.j(">)z*M_zwoSP", 57) return "deepmess.com/namerena" }) lazy_old($, "yH", "qq", function () { // return O.j("0fc/5.@{T*a]T^#TU9!P(q*yRaP@yG*Vp>'aEnltB", 31) return "https://deepmess.com/zh/namerena/" }) lazy_old($, "zN", "nr", function () { // return P.dD([LangData.j("JIi6cgXO*d_", 22), $.iH(), LangData.j("Fmi6Vr!~c@]4ElFk,dC", 55), $.mO(), LangData.j("OeQh>Rep f~;YzR^Y%E", 16), $.lK()], t.X, t.B) /* static Map boosted = { b('田一人'):18, b('云剑狄卡敢'):25, b('云剑穸跄祇'):35 };*/ return P.create_StringInt_map( ["田一人", 18, "云剑狄卡敢", 25, "云剑穸跄祇", 35], t.X, t.B ) }) lazy_old($, "zE", "r0", function () { return P.RegExp_RegExp("^\\s+[:@]*\\s*") }) lazy_old($, "zF", "nq", function () { return P.RegExp_RegExp("\\s+$") }) lazy_old($, "zD", "r_", function () { return P.RegExp_RegExp("\\r?\\n") }) // MARK: 空 RunUpdate (newline) lazy_old($, "zR", "K", function () { var q = null return T.RunUpdate_init("\n", q, q, q, q, 0, 1000, 100) }) lazy_old($, "vq", "rp", function () { return $.mS() }) lazy_old($, "vr", "rq", function () { return $.C() }) // MARK: 数字反混淆 lazy_old($, "wX", "at", function () { return X.k("vF:G*ee&GC", 12) }) lazy_old($, "vF", "a", function () { // return X.k("IIq4zN_QaD", 19) return 0 }) lazy_old($, "vP", "i", function () { // return X.k("P1JU9kNX~I", 52) return 1 }) lazy_old($, "wr", "t", function () { // return X.k("Oi}Eh'8SJR", 99) return 2 }) lazy_old($, "wn", "ph", function () { return X.D("od`D$R=0SJ", 85) }) lazy_old($, "vY", "cZ", function () { return X.k("5>pu'qyiIM", 70) }) lazy_old($, "xq", "pM", function () { return X.k("_a3=L4dckG", 37) }) lazy_old($, "xe", "lM", function () { return X.k("p,,c!10-FQ", 93) }) lazy_old($, "wq", "pj", function () { // return X.D("qCDXr5,MXA", 61) return 1.7000000476837158 }) lazy_old($, "wp", "pi", function () { return X.D("Lo=*]5Lg#G", 25) }) lazy_old($, "w9", "eU", function () { return X.k("uo2[vY3QwA", 3) }) lazy_old($, "wQ", "B", function () { return X.k("Cv.c@Ovh.D", 22) }) lazy_old($, "wa", "p8", function () { return X.k("o8#!>[]y;B.O6'DA", 63) return 0.7799999713897705 }) lazy_old($, "vK", "b0", function () { return X.D("KvLG}E$m7J", 7) }) lazy_old($, "xc", "C", function () { // return X.k("T,tQQy%'LN", 76) return 4 }) lazy_old($, "wH", "eX", function () { // return X.k("$YcaZZ:WUG", 36) return 256 }) lazy_old($, "wk", "pf", function () { return X.D("NS 98:}]PR", 92) }) lazy_old($, "wm", "pg", function () { return X.D("pa+s[!w!iR", 91) }) lazy_old($, "xh", "pK", function () { return X.k("KW3YIK.WUG", 36) }) lazy_old($, "xN", "b3", function () { // return X.k("}:|quIE(@P", 92) return 80 }) lazy_old($, "vQ", "Z", function () { // return X.k("F]CU/7E(@P", 92) return 10 }) lazy_old($, "wN", "pw", function () { return X.D("4S|&JW$AZI", 32) }) lazy_old($, "vG", "ao", function () { // return X.D("G*Oej(8SJR", 99) return 0 }) lazy_old($, "wo", "mM", function () { return X.D("15uE1}!JpC", 7) }) lazy_old($, "x8", "pG", function () { return X.k(",c 1O:RhDB", 6) }) lazy_old($, "xk", "pL", function () { return X.k("O[u;0UIM7I", 50) }) lazy_old($, "xp", "b1", function () { return X.k("wuf,zOjn(G", 39) }) lazy_old($, "xX", "q7", function () { return X.k("F lu;X_QaD", 38) }) lazy_old($, "xM", "av", function () { return X.k("3u,161Bd^L", 69) }) lazy_old($, "xw", "pQ", function () { return X.D("v_v-8FUs/M", 8) }) lazy_old($, "vT", "cX", function () { return X.k("@Ii!xsrBxF", 64) }) lazy_old($, "ww", "bx", function () { // return X.k("27>.]$_Rm<-VA", 65) }) lazy_old($, "vL", "p_", 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() { return X.k("j-Da]5rziP", 89) }) lazy_old($, "w8", "aR", function () { return X.k("o.qW!KX[gF", 31) }) lazy_old($, "wE", "mO", function () { // return X.k("#U<=KBe&GC", 24) return 25 }) lazy_old($, "wL", "iI", function () { return X.k("s4Ff$Io{jB", 16) }) lazy_old($, "vX", "cY", function () { return X.k("l@(lK%,MPO", 82) }) lazy_old($, "xz", "b2", function () { return X.k("Q9p3NSeckG", 37) }) lazy_old($, "xg", "mV", function () { return X.k("cP|R0-|R1L", 67) }) lazy_old($, "w4", "eT", function () { return X.k("ji|Q32jBxF", 64) }) lazy_old($, "we", "iH", function () { // return X.k("6GYapjUG%F", 33) return 18 }) lazy_old($, "x1", "mT", function () { return X.k("'Y_#*mIydE", 25) }) lazy_old($, "wA", "po", function () { return X.k("Vi~q&TZ3'B", 10) }) lazy_old($, "vS", "eS", function () { return X.k("L@p[XtryHH", 41) }) lazy_old($, "wt", "lH", function () { return X.k("EyW}d_Bc6D", 42) }) lazy_old($, "wT", "lJ", function () { return X.k("9 bo->vyHH", 82) }) lazy_old($, "xS", "n2", function () { return X.k("CYe ;WIfsG", 75) }) lazy_old($, "wh", "pd", function () { return X.k("pPr4b;M|NE", 48) }) lazy_old($, "wz", "mN", function () { return X.k("75%]B3 4yP", 90) }) lazy_old($, "xi", "mW", function () { return X.k("?B72]Go)^E", 57) }) lazy_old($, "wf", "mL", function () { return X.k("'o:uEW5R/I", 51) }) lazy_old($, "w5", "mJ", function () { return X.k(")J](DyK=VQ", 94) }) lazy_old($, "wu", "pk", function () { return X.D("i]3&hT~B-H", 28) }) lazy_old($, "xR", "q2", function () { return X.k("x7KOo1~b6D", 21) }) lazy_old($, "wg", "pc", function () { return X.k(",7Wg$o8b>A", 5) }) lazy_old($, "wB", "pp", function () { return X.k("sy_Q{nF(@P", 92) }) lazy_old($, "wi", "T", function () { // return X.D("xPJ>uk!cw!&P", 91) }) lazy_old($, "xF", "n0", function () { return X.k("ISp/mK84,M", 74) }) lazy_old($, "wM", "pv", function () { return X.k("GiA5WP.8[B", 11) }) lazy_old($, "xJ", "pY", function () { return X.k("EK3xBLQz4M", 73) }) lazy_old($, "xI", "pX", function () { return X.k("Eh~/5KGoYM", 71) }) lazy_old($, "xb", "pI", function () { return X.k("sL|G/'Bd^L", 69) }) lazy_old($, "xL", "q_", function () { return X.k(">uy0Rt=+WC", 13) }) lazy_old($, "xE", "pV", function () { return X.k("y&D50SrziP", 89) }) lazy_old($, "xD", "pU", function () { return X.k("3M:L}N@i=O", 86) }) lazy_old($, "xQ", "q1", function () { return X.k("~bL%3?)L?F", 34) }) lazy_old($, "wG", "mP", function () { return X.k("[V-z)3H<`H", 46) }) lazy_old($, "wd", "pb", function () { return X.k(",r=TU*tMlL", 66) }) lazy_old($, "xP", "q0", function () { return X.k("0X)=.x6uSP", 88) }) lazy_old($, "x5", "pE", function () { return X.k("w~Ou?!0.eC", 27) }) lazy_old($, "wZ", "mS", function () { // return X.k("dG|*}T{.AF", 29) return 32768 }) lazy_old($, "xy", "n_", function () { return X.k("*,uU([GoYM", 71) }) lazy_old($, "wJ", "pt", function () { return X.k(")~>SOZS1PH", 83) }) lazy_old($, "x2", "pC", function () { return X.k(">Lk@cu3H*Q", 97) }) lazy_old($, "x6", "pF", function () { // return X.k("|@?Of-toCP", 87) return 3517 }) lazy_old($, "wy", "pn", function () { // return X.k("v8kF:K:=`H", 46) return 20897 }) lazy_old($, "wb", "p9", function () { // return X.k("AL&(*/#5BK", 58) return 16468 }) lazy_old($, "xs", "pO", function () { // return X.k("rO!p(83H*Q", 97) return 57 }) lazy_old($, "xW", "q6", function () { // return X.k("!%REZf|.IF", 59) return 97 }) lazy_old($, "w_", "p5", function () { return X.k("ssdUZ-o{jB", 16) }) lazy_old($, "xC", "pT", function () { return X.k("3=FRq0=+WC", 13) }) lazy_old($, "xT", "q3", function () { return X.k(">(E4.I@i=O", 86) }) lazy_old($, "wc", "pa", function () { return X.D("q;}N|c|3wS", 42) }) lazy_old($, "x0", "pB", function () { return X.D("}2ZxxZec)R", 37) }) lazy_old($, "xB", "pS", function () { return X.D("'%s.0V$cSfO", 83) }) lazy_old($, "wK", "pu", function () { return X.k("C<7,}Y`[?K", 63) }) lazy_old($, "xx", "pR", function () { // return X.k("=mymvqAAAA", 0) return 61 }) lazy_old($, "wF", "pr", function () { return X.k("OsofdmW-bN", 77) }) lazy_old($, "w6", "d0", function () { return X.k("_lv_}:$R/I", 51) }) lazy_old($, "vZ", "p4", function () { return X.k("@:On3OXckG", 37) }) lazy_old($, "xU", "q4", function () { return X.k("0iPS=")) }) })(); // MARK: Native support (function nativeSupport() { ! function () { init.getIsolateTag = function (a) { return "___dart_" + a + init.isolateTag } var r = "___dart_isolate_tags_" var q = Object[r] || (Object[r] = Object.create(null)) var p = "_ZxYxX" for (var o = 0; ; o++) { var n = p + "_" + o + "_" if (!(n in q)) { q[n] = 1 init.isolateTag = n break } } init.dispatchPropertyName = init.getIsolateTag("dispatch_record") }() hunkHelpers.setOrUpdateInterceptorsByTag({ DOMError: J.Interceptor, DOMImplementation: J.Interceptor, MediaError: J.Interceptor, Navigator: J.Interceptor, NavigatorConcurrentHardware: J.Interceptor, NavigatorUserMediaError: J.Interceptor, OverconstrainedError: J.Interceptor, PositionError: J.Interceptor, GeolocationPositionError: 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H._NativeTypedArrayOfInt_NativeTypedArray_ListMixin_FixedLengthListMixin.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView" H.NativeTypedArrayOfInt.$nativeSuperclassTag = "ArrayBufferView" })() Function.prototype.$2 = function (a, b) { return this(a, b) } Function.prototype.$1 = function (a) { return this(a) } Function.prototype.$0 = function () { return this() } Function.prototype.$3 = function (a, b, c) { return this(a, b, c) } Function.prototype.$4 = function (a, b, c, d) { return this(a, b, c, d) } Function.prototype.$1$1 = function (a) { return this(a) } Function.prototype.$5 = function (a, b, c, d, e) { return this(a, b, c, d, e) } Function.prototype.$7 = function (a, b, c, d, e, f, g) { return this(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) } Function.prototype.$6 = function (a, b, c, d, e, f) { return this(a, b, c, d, e, f) }; function main() { var async_goto = 0, async_completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z), q, switch_to = 2, async_result_1, n = [], m, l, rc4_holder, j, raw_names, h, profiler, f, e, d, c, b, a, a0_getter, a1, a2, a3, a4, a5, a6, a7, team_1, team_2, b0 var $async$iE = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (error_code, async_result) { if (error_code === 1) { async_result_1 = async_result async_goto = switch_to } while (true) switch (async_goto) { case 0: team_1 = LangData.oC(true).c team_2 = team_1[$.B()] $.mb = team_2 $.ta = team_2 + $.d_() $.nV = team_1[$.C()] $.nW = team_1[$.X()] $.tb = team_1[$.a4()] if (run_env.from_code) { console.log("initing from node") $.ox = assets_data.gAd } else { // a2 = window.localStorage.getItem(LanData.j("T|a`4tFX30f3:o_Vx]na4ki/|ye&j=D", 15)) a2 = window.localStorage.getItem("go​ogle_experiment_mod1") // console.log("a2", a2) if (a2 != null) { $.ox = new H.a9(H.b(a2.split(""), t.s), t.bJ).f3(0) } } async_goto = 3 return P._asyncAwait(HtmlRenderer.static_init(), $async$iE) case 3: // MARK: 名字输入位置 // 战斗框输入位置 // 这里请输入一个被混淆过的名字 switch_to = 5 if (run_env.from_code) { raw_names = name_input console.log("node input\n----------\n" + raw_names, "\n----------") } else { m = window.sessionStorage.getItem(LangData.eQ("k")) l = X.f4(m, 0) rc4_holder = LangData.oC(false) let type_tmp = t.i j = H.b([], type_tmp) // MARK: 这里会被替换成某个 随机? 255 长度数组 // 然后把这个随机数组的所有内容 push 到 j 里去 J.rr(j, H.b([1, 3, 0, 9], type_tmp)) rc4_holder.bO(j) // update 他 rc4_holder.di(l) raw_names = C.e.bt(0, l) } // 或者直接在这里输入一个原始字符串 h = T.parse_names(raw_names) // if (J.Y(J.J(J.J(h, 0)[0], 0), $.qc())) { if ($.qc() === h[0][0][0]) { logger.debug("进入测号 init") $.vr = 6 // if (J.aw(h) === 2) if (h.length === 2) { // if (J.J(h, 1).length > 10 || J.lW(J.J(J.J(h, 1)[0], 0), O.j("S,AF", 5))) { // LangData.j("S,AF", 5) -> ??? if (h[1].length > 10 || J.lW(h[1][0][0], LangData.j("S,AF", 5))) { logger.info("官方搜号") team_1 = h[1] team_2 = H.b([], t.t) profiler = new X.ProfileFind(team_2, new Float64Array(1)) d.e_(team_1) f = HtmlRenderer.outer_main(profiler) f.r = 2000 async_goto = 1 break } else { logger.info("官方测号-评分") e = $.nk() // if (J.J(h, 0).length === 2 && J.Y(J.J(J.J(h, 0)[1], 0), $.cl())) { if (h[0].length === 2 && h[0][1][0] === $.cl()) { team_1 = h[1] e = $.cl() } team_1 = h[1] team_2 = e a3 = H.b([], t.L) a4 = H.b([], t.V) a5 = H.b([], t.M) profiler = new V.ProfileMain(team_2, team_1, a3, a4, a5, P.cu(t.X, t.B), new Float64Array(1)) profiler.dZ(team_1, team_2) profiler.d = 1000 c = HtmlRenderer.outer_main(profiler) c.r = 2000 async_goto = 1 break } } else if (h.length === 3) { logger.info("官方测号-胜率") team_1 = h[1] team_2 = h[2] a3 = t.L a4 = H.b([], a3) a3 = H.b([], a3) a5 = H.b([], t.V) a6 = H.b([], t.M) profiler = new L.ProfileWinChance(team_1, team_2, a4, a3, a5, a6, new Float64Array(1)) profiler.dY(team_1, team_2) profiler.c = 1000 a = HtmlRenderer.outer_main(profiler) a.r = 2000 async_goto = 1 break } } async_goto = 8 return P._asyncAwait(T.start_main(h), $async$iE) case 8: HtmlRenderer.outer_main(async_result) switch_to = 2 async_goto = 7 break case 5: switch_to = 4 b0 = async_result_1 a1 = H.unwrap_Exception(b0) H.getTraceFromException(b0) async_goto = 7 break case 4: async_goto = 2 break case 7: case 1: return P._asyncReturn(q, async_completer) case 2: return P.async_rethrow(async_result_1, async_completer) } }) return P._asyncStartSync($async$iE, async_completer) } main(); // logger.debug("反混淆", LangData.get_lang("EYAn"));