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No commits in common. "087199fb0dfa3ddc186fa13eb2e1e3ed5a3365f3" and "d655b4f19a56acd6a912d85edf8207c39a7a11f9" have entirely different histories.

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@ -959,8 +959,7 @@ var H = {
return r
char_code_to_char(a) {
// unicodeToChar
cC(a) {
var s
if (a <= 65535) return String.fromCharCode(a)
if (a <= 1114111) {
@ -4660,8 +4659,6 @@ var H = {
T = {
ty(a, b, c, d, e) {
// SklAbsorb 的 onDamage (static)
// static void onDamage(Plr caster, Plr target, int dmg, R r, RunUpdates updates) {
var s, r, q, p = 0
if (c > p && !(a.fx <= p)) {
s = C.JsInt.P(c + 1, $.t())
@ -4670,7 +4667,6 @@ var H = {
q = p - r
if (s > q) s = q
a.fx = r + s
// [1]回复体力[2]点
p = LangData.get_lang("imin")
r = new T.HPlr(r)
r.a = a.e
@ -4833,7 +4829,7 @@ var H = {
ica_state =, $.bS()))
if (ica_state == null) {
ica_state = new T.IceState(b, $.cX())
ica_state.x = new T.PreStepImpl(ica_state)
ica_state.x = new T.fY(ica_state)
r.m(0, $.bS(), ica_state)
b.rx.j(0, ica_state)
b.ry.j(0, ica_state.x)
@ -5940,14 +5936,14 @@ var H = {
d = 0,
c = H.b([d, d, d, d, d, d], t.i),
b = 0
e.a = -$.t() // -2
e.a = -$.t()
e.b = -1
e.c = b
s = new T.lD(e, c)
for (d = a.length, r = b; r < d; ++r) {
q = C.String.a8(a, r)
if (q < $.d_()) {
if (q === $.at()) { // 32
if (q === $.at()) {
@ -6023,9 +6019,9 @@ var H = {
p = Math.pow(d, p)
d = $.pB() // 32
d = $.pB()
o = c[1] // 检查是否为 number
o = Math.pow(d, o)
d = $.pS()
@ -6059,7 +6055,7 @@ var H = {
d = $.rq()
if (g < -d) return (g + d) / ($.pD() + d -
return $.ao() // 0
return $.ao()
DummyRunUpdates(a, b) {
var s = a.Q - b.Q
@ -7417,8 +7413,8 @@ var H = {
jY: function jY() { },
IMeta: function x() { },
UpdateStateEntry: function aZ() { },
PreStepEntry: function cB() { },
PreDefendEntry: function bH() { },
cB: function cB() { },
bH: function bH() { },
PostDefendEntry: function aB() { },
PostDamageEntry: function ah() { },
PreActionEntry: function aV() { },
@ -7429,7 +7425,7 @@ var H = {
_.x = a
_.c = _.b = _.a = null
PreStepImpl: function fY(a) {
fY: function fY(a) {
var _ = this
_.x = a
_.c = _.b = _.a = null
@ -7506,7 +7502,7 @@ var H = {
_.f = a
_.c = _.b = _.a = _.r = null
ProtectStat: function dV(a, b) {
dV: function dV(a, b) {
var _ = this
_.r = a
_.x = b
@ -10997,39 +10993,39 @@ = {
return q.eO(a, b, c, d)
eO(a, b, c, d) {
var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, this_ = this,
var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l = this,
k = 65533,
j = this_.b,
i = this_.c,
j = l.b,
i = l.c,
h = new P.cH(""),
g = b + 1,
f = a[b]
$label0$0: for (s = this_.a; true;) {
$label0$0: for (s = l.a; true;) {
for (; true; g = p) {
i = j <= 32 ? f & 61694 >>> r : (f & 63 | i << 6) >>> 0
j = C.String.a8(" \x000:XECCCCCN:lDb \x000:XECCCCCNvlDb \x000:XECCCCCN:lDb AAAAA\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00AAAAA00000AAAAA:::::AAAAAGG000AAAAA00KKKAAAAAG::::AAAAA:IIIIAAAAA000\x800AAAAA\x00\x00\x00\x00 AAAAA", j + r)
if (j === 0) {
h.a += H.char_code_to_char(i)
h.a += H.cC(i)
if (g === c) break $label0$0
} else if ((j & 1) !== 0) {
if (s) switch (j) {
case 69:
case 67:
h.a += H.char_code_to_char(k)
h.a += H.cC(k)
case 65:
h.a += H.char_code_to_char(k);
h.a += H.cC(k);
q = h.a += H.char_code_to_char(k)
h.a = q + H.char_code_to_char(k)
q = h.a += H.cC(k)
h.a = q + H.cC(k)
} else {
this_.b = j
this_.c = g - 1
l.b = j
l.c = g - 1
return ""
j = 0
@ -11056,21 +11052,21 @@ = {
p = n
if (o - g < 20)
for (m = g; m < o; ++m) h.a += H.char_code_to_char(a[m])
for (m = g; m < o; ++m) h.a += H.cC(a[m])
else h.a +=, g, o)
if (o === c) break $label0$0
g = p
} else g = p
if (d && j > 32)
if (s) h.a += H.char_code_to_char(k)
if (s) h.a += H.cC(k)
else {
this_.b = 77
this_.c = c
l.b = 77
l.c = c
return ""
this_.b = j
this_.c = i
l.b = j
l.c = i
s = h.a
return s.charCodeAt(0) == 0 ? s : s
@ -14042,8 +14038,6 @@ T.SklAbsorb.prototype = {
var s = a[0].a,
r = T.getAt(this.r, true, c),
q = $.ph()
// sklAbsorb
// [0]发起[吸血攻击]
d.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("FfpA"), this.r, s, null, null, 1, 1000, 100))
s.a3(r * q, true, this.r, T.v6(), c, d)
@ -14154,11 +14148,8 @@ T.SklAssassinate.prototype = {
aD(a, b, c, d) {
// postDamage
var s = d.a
// sklAssassinateFailed
// [0]的[潜行]被识破
s.push(T.RunUpdateCancel_init(LangData.get_lang("kMgn"), this.r, this.fy))
@ -14396,7 +14387,7 @@ T.PlrClone.prototype = {
bf() {
var s = T.lC(this.a6.a),
r = T.lC(this.b),
q = $.a4() // 6
q = $.a4()
this.x = Math.max(, r - q)
$ibC: 1
@ -16688,13 +16679,8 @@ T.Engine.prototype = {
b0 = sorted_names[h]
// async_goto = 6
name2p.h(0, b0).az()
// 说明:
// 这里的 await 实际上是没意义的
// 因为 .cg 实际上只是 .az 的 async 包装
// 这里又直接 await 了,实际上是多余的
// 所以直接去掉这个分支, 同时直接调用 .az
// return P._asyncAwait(name2p.h(0, b0).cg(), $async$bD)
// case 6:
// return P._asyncAwait(name2p.h(0, b0).cg(), $async$bD)
// case 6:
n = name2p.h(0, b0)
m = this_.b // rc4_holder
// name2p[name].sortInt = r.rFFFFFF;
@ -17245,23 +17231,18 @@ T.Plr.prototype = {
bf() {
// 检查名字长度
var s, this_ = this,
q = this_.a, // name
p = q.length // name.length
// > 80
q = this_.a,
p = q.length
if (p > $.b3()) throw H.wrap_expression(p)
p = this_.b.length
// > 64
if (p > $.au()) throw H.wrap_expression(p)
q = T.lC(q) // name
p = T.lC(this_.b) // team
s = $.a4() // 6
q = T.lC(q)
p = T.lC(this_.b)
s = $.a4()
this_.x = Math.max(, p - s)
console.log("name", this.a, "team", this.b, "x(final)", this_.x, "p(team)", p, "q(name)", q)
b0(a, b) {
// 这又是啥
return C.d.aI(a * ($.T() - this.x / b))
cA(a) {
@ -17283,7 +17264,7 @@ T.Plr.prototype = {
cg() {
// buildAsync wrapper
// buildAsync outer?
var s = 0,
r = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z),
this_ = this
@ -17298,12 +17279,9 @@ T.Plr.prototype = {
return P._asyncStartSync($async$cg, r)
az() {
// buildAsync inner
// buildAsync
var weapon, diy, this_ = this
// 检查名字长度
weapon = this_.weapon
if (weapon != null) // preUpgrade
@ -17331,7 +17309,7 @@ T.Plr.prototype = {
if (diyskills) {
} else, 64), C.Array.cL(this_.E, 64)) // initSkills
} else, $.au()), C.Array.cL(this_.E, $.au())) // initSkills
} else {, $.au()), C.Array.cL(this_.E, $.au())) // initSkills
@ -17873,8 +17851,8 @@ T.IMeta.prototype = {
K(a, b) { }
T.UpdateStateEntry.prototype = {}
T.PreStepEntry.prototype = {}
T.PreDefendEntry.prototype = {}
T.cB.prototype = {}
T.bH.prototype = {}
T.PostDefendEntry.prototype = {}
T.PostDamageEntry.prototype = {}
T.PreActionEntry.prototype = {}
@ -17888,7 +17866,7 @@ T.UpdateStateImpl.prototype = {
return 1 / 0
T.PreStepImpl.prototype = {
T.fY.prototype = {
ga4() {
return 1 / 0
@ -18207,7 +18185,7 @@ T.SklMerge.prototype = {
$ify: 1
T.ProtectStat.prototype = {
T.dV.prototype = {
gT() {
return 0
@ -18247,8 +18225,6 @@ T.ProtectStat.prototype = {
var s, r, q, p = this.dG(f)
if (p != null) {
s = p.r
// sklProtect
// [0][守护][1]
g.a.push(T.RunUpdate_init(LangData.get_lang("JzmA"), s, d, null, null, $.bg(), 1000, 100))
a = s.du(a, b, c, e, f, g)
r = $.ao()
@ -18293,7 +18269,7 @@ T.SklProtect.prototype = {
n = o.r2
r = t.Q.a(n.h(0, $.d6()))
if (r == null) {
r = new T.ProtectStat(o, H.b([], t.gN))
r = new T.dV(o, H.b([], t.gN))
n.m(0, $.d6(), r)
o.y1.j(0, r)
@ -19456,11 +19432,7 @@ LangData.k_.prototype = {
inherit(P.cF, P.p)
inherit(HtmlRenderer.fW, HtmlRenderer.PlrView)
[T.Skill, T.UpdateStateEntry, T.PostDefendEntry,
T.PostActionEntry, T.PreStepEntry, T.PreDefendEntry,
T.PostDamageEntry, T.PreActionEntry, T.aF]
inherit_many(Sgls.MEntry, [T.Skill, T.UpdateStateEntry, T.PostDefendEntry, T.PostActionEntry, T.cB, T.bH, T.PostDamageEntry, T.PreActionEntry, T.aF])
[T.ActionSkill, T.SklAokijiDefend, T.SklCovidDefend, T.SklIkarugaDefend,
T.SklLazyDefend, T.SklMarioReraise, T.SklSlimeSpawn,
@ -19497,12 +19469,12 @@ LangData.k_.prototype = {
inherit(T.SklYuriControl, T.SklCharm)
inherit_many(T.IPlr, [T.NPlr, T.HPlr, T.MPlr, T.DPlr])
inherit_many(T.RunUpdate, [T.RunUpdateCancel, T.RunUpdateWin])
inherit(T.PreStepImpl, T.PreStepEntry)
inherit(T.fY, T.cB)
inherit(T.PostDamageImpl, T.PostDamageEntry)
inherit_many(T.PreActionEntry, [T.PreActionImpl, T.RinickModifierPreAction])
inherit(T.cp, T.aF)
inherit(T.ij, T.PreDefendEntry)
inherit(T.ProtectStat, T.ij)
inherit(T.ij, T.bH)
inherit(T.dV, T.ij)
inherit(T.ShieldStat_, T.ShieldStat)
inherit_many(T.Weapon, [T.BossWeapon, T.WeaponDeathNote, T.GuiYue, T.NoWeapon, T.RinickModifier, T.WeaponS11, T.kv])
inherit(T.hy, T.SklMarioReraise)
@ -20349,8 +20321,7 @@ var t = (function rtii() {
// MARK: 数字反混淆
lazy_old($, "wX", "at", function () {
// return X.k("vF:G*ee&GC", 12)
return 32
return X.k("vF:G*ee&GC", 12)
lazy_old($, "vF", "a", function () {
// return X.k("IIq4zN_QaD", 19)
@ -20412,8 +20383,7 @@ var t = (function rtii() {
return 6
lazy_old($, "xA", "au", function () {
// return X.k("[kT:g-|3XH", 42)
return 64
return X.k("[kT:g-|3XH", 42)
lazy_old($, "w1", "cj", function () {
return X.D("`H)#qK]@HN", 15)
@ -20744,8 +20714,7 @@ var t = (function rtii() {
return X.D("q;}N|c|3wS", 42)
lazy_old($, "x0", "pB", function () {
// return X.D("}2ZxxZec)R", 37)
return 32
return X.D("}2ZxxZec)R", 37)
lazy_old($, "xB", "pS", function () {
return X.D("'%s.<Y.W9R", 36)
@ -21678,5 +21647,5 @@ function main() {
logger.debug("反混淆", LangData.get_lang("imin"));
logger.debug("反混淆", LangData.get_lang("EYAn"));
// logger.debug("running main:", main()) // 执行main函数