
This commit is contained in:
littlefairy 2024-04-04 20:34:51 +08:00
parent 1b46c09a32
commit b6a48f5704

View File

@ -23,15 +23,15 @@ console.log("run_env", run_env);
let logger = {
// debug: 只在 from_code 时输出
debug: function (...msg) {
// if (run_env.from_code) {
// 上个色
// let last_stack = new Error().stack;
// console.log("\x1b[32mlogger<", last_stack, ">:", ...msg, "\x1b[0m")
console.log("\x1b[32mlogger:", ...msg, "\x1b[0m")
// }
if (run_env.from_code) {
// 上个色
// let last_stack = new Error().stack;
// console.log("\x1b[32mlogger<", last_stack, ">:", ...msg, "\x1b[0m")
console.log("\x1b[32mlogger:", ...msg, "\x1b[0m")
info: function (...msg) {
console.log("logger: ", ...msg)
console.log("logger: ", msg)
@ -357,11 +357,7 @@ var A = {
eR(a) {
var s = window.localStorage,
r = LangData.eQ("i")
logger.debug("set item to localstorage")
if (!run_env.from_code) {
s.setItem(r, a)
logger.debug("set item to localstorage")
s.setItem(r, a)
s = $.nx()
r = s.b
if (r >= 4) H.throw_expression(s.ee())
@ -3506,6 +3502,9 @@ var A = {
P = {
_AsyncRun__initializeScheduleImmediate() {
// if (run_env.from_code) {
// console.log("creating scheduleImmediate")
// }
logger.debug("creating scheduleImmediate")
var s, r, q = {}
if (self.scheduleImmediate != null) {
@ -3630,7 +3629,6 @@ var A = {
cO(a, b) {
logger.info("joining cO")
var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f = {},
e = f.a = a
for (s = t.h; true;) {
@ -3734,20 +3732,16 @@ var A = {
uD() {
logger.info("calling uD", $.ms)
$.ms = true
try {
} finally {
$.eO = null
$.ms = false
if ($.cR != null) {
if ($.cR != null) $.nw().$1(P.ow())
ou(a) {
logger.debug("calling ou", $.ms)
var s = new P.i0(a),
r = $.eN
if (r == null) {
@ -5995,7 +5989,7 @@ var A = {
return J.lV(a.e, b.e)
nT(a0, a1, a2, a3) {
var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f = 0,
var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, Plr, f = 0,
e = $.T(),
d = H.b([], t.q),
c = H.b([], t.H),
@ -6032,10 +6026,10 @@ var A = {
i = H.b([], k)
h = H.b([], k)
k = H.b([], k)
g = 0
g = new T.Plr(a0, a1, a2, a3, f, e, d, c, b, a, s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, j, i, h, k, g, g, g, $.W(), g)
g.a1(a0, a1, a2, a3)
return g
Plr = 0
Plr = new T.Plr(a0, a1, a2, a3, f, e, d, c, b, a, s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, j, i, h, k, Plr, Plr, Plr, $.W(), Plr)
Plr.a1(a0, a1, a2, a3)
return Plr
t6(a, b) {
return J.lV(b.b, a.b)
@ -9674,9 +9668,9 @@ P.kD.prototype = {
P.l8.prototype = {
e8(a, b) {
if (run_env.from_code) {
// b.$0()
// setTimeout
// setTimeout(H.convert_dart_closure_to_js_md5(new P.kC(b), 0), 0)
setTimeout(H.convert_dart_closure_to_js_md5(new P.kC(b), 0), 0)
} else {
if (self.setTimeout != null) {
// self.setTimeout(H.convert_dart_closure_to_js_md5(new P.l9(this, b), 0), a)
@ -12459,56 +12453,56 @@ L.iR.prototype = {
return this.dJ(0, b)
dJ(a, b) {
var async_goto = 0,
async_completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z),
this_ = this,
var s = 0,
r = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z),
q = this,
p, o, n, m, l
var $async$ae = P._wrapJsFunctionForAsync(function (c, d) {
if (c === 1) return P.async_rethrow(d, async_completer)
while (true) switch (async_goto) {
if (c === 1) return P.async_rethrow(d, r)
while (true) switch (s) {
case 0:
this_.Q = b
p = this_.ch
q.Q = b
p = q.ch
p[0] = Date.now() + 1
o = this_.e, n = o.length, m = 0
o = q.e, n = o.length, m = 0
case 2:
if (!(m < o.length)) {
async_goto = 4
s = 4
async_goto = 5
s = 5
return P._asyncAwait(o[m].az(), $async$ae)
case 5:
case 3:
o.length === n || (0, H.F)(o), ++m
async_goto = 2
s = 2
case 4:
n = this_.f, l = n.length, m = 0
n = q.f, l = n.length, m = 0
case 6:
if (!(m < n.length)) {
async_goto = 8
s = 8
async_goto = 9
s = 9
return P._asyncAwait(n[m].az(), $async$ae)
case 9:
case 7:
n.length === l || (0, H.F)(n), ++m
async_goto = 6
s = 6
case 8:
o = new H.y(o, new L.iS(), H._arrayInstanceType(o).i("y<1,@>")).aV(0, "\r") + "\n" + new H.y(n, new L.iT(), H._arrayInstanceType(n).i("y<1,@>")).aV(0, "\r") + "\n"
o = C.e.gaB().ab(o)
n = H.instanceType(o).i("a9<z.E>")
l = n.i("y<M.E,l*>")
l = P.List_List_of(new H.y(new H.a9(o, n), new L.iU(this_), l), true, l.i("M.E"))
l = P.List_List_of(new H.y(new H.a9(o, n), new L.iU(q), l), true, l.i("M.E"))
C.Array.a5(l, H.fJ(p.buffer, 0, null))
return P.async_return(null, async_completer)
return P.async_return(null, r)
return P._asyncStartSync($async$ae, async_completer)
return P._asyncStartSync($async$ae, r)
L.iS.prototype = {
@ -13059,9 +13053,7 @@ HtmlRenderer.fq.prototype = {
fe(a0) {
// run update
let stack = new Error().stack
logger.debug("fq.fe start", stack)
logger.debug("fq.fe start")
var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, h, g, f, e, d, c, b, this_ = this
if (a0.length < 6) return
s = X.f4(a0, 0)
@ -13167,7 +13159,6 @@ HtmlRenderer.fq.prototype = {
q.display = "none"
logger.debug("end fq.fe")
b4() {
// 实力评估 主循环?
@ -15948,7 +15939,6 @@ T.hp.prototype = {
T.df.prototype = {
gan() {
logger.info("getting df.gan")
return H.b([0, $.lL(), $.d1(), $.mX(), $.iI(), $.iH(), $.eT(), $.n0()], t.i)
F() {
@ -16529,9 +16519,7 @@ T.fo.prototype = {
O() {
// 运行时?
// 对战 主循环?
// let stack = new Error().stack
// logger.info("运行 主循环", stack)
logger.debug("运行 主循环")
var async_goto = 0,
async_completer = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.d),
result_, p = [],
@ -16600,7 +16588,7 @@ T.fo.prototype = {
ae(a, b) {
if (run_env.from_code) {
// return null
return null
return this.dM(0, b)
@ -16639,8 +16627,7 @@ T.fo.prototype = {
// }
// })
// return P._asyncStartSync($async$ae, async_completer)
let this_ = this,
p, o, n, m, l, k, j
let this_ = this, p, o, n, m, l, k, j
this_.db = b
p = Date.now()
o = $.bx()
@ -16912,12 +16899,15 @@ T.Plr.prototype = {
a1(a, b, c, d) {
// Plr 构造函数
// 名字字符输入的处理在此
var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i, this_ = this
this_.I = this_.gfJ()
s = this_.r = this_.a
r = this_.b
if (r != null && r !== "" && r !== s) {
// 有战队情况下构造名字
r = this_.e = H.as_string(s) + "@" + H.as_string(this_.b)
} else {
this_.e = this_.b = s
r = s
@ -17017,7 +17007,7 @@ T.Plr.prototype = {
cg() {
// buildAsync
var s = 0,
r = P._makeAsyncAwaitCompleter(t.z),
this_ = this
@ -17032,35 +17022,40 @@ T.Plr.prototype = {
return P._asyncStartSync($async$cg, r)
az() {
var s, this_ = this
// buildAsync
var weapon, this_ = this
s = this_.r1
if (s != null) s.bn()
this_.dm(C.Array.cL(this_.t, $.au()), C.Array.cL(this_.E, $.au()))
s = this_.r1
if (s != null) s.cs()
weapon = this_.r1
if (weapon != null) weapon.bn()
this_.aU() // initRawAttr
this_.bP() // initLists
this_.dm(C.Array.cL(this_.t, $.au()), C.Array.cL(this_.E, $.au())) // initSkills
weapon = this_.r1
if (weapon != null) weapon.cs()
this_.bs() // addSkillsToProc
this_.cn() // initValues
aU() {
var s, r, q, p, o = this
for (s = $.Z(); s < $.d1(); s += $.B()) {
r = o.q
q = C.Array.al(o.t, s, s + $.B())
// initRawAttr
var s, r, q, p, this_ = this
for (s = $.Z(); s < 31; s += $.B()) {
r = this_.q
q = C.Array.al(this_.t, s, s + $.B())
if (!!q.immutable$list) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("sort"))
p = q.length - 1
if (p - 0 <= 32) H.ej(q, 0, p, J.bO())
else H.ei(q, 0, p, J.bO())
C.Array.j(r, q[$.i()])
r = o.q
q = C.Array.al(o.t, 0, $.Z())
r = this_.q
q = C.Array.al(this_.t, 0, $.Z())
C.Array.j(r, C.Array.dz(C.Array.al(q, $.B(), $.ap()), new T.jX()) + $.mK())
// 至此属性初始化完毕this_.q就是八围 但前7围要+36才是面板属性
// test
//this_.q = [-36, 0, 0, 0, -36, 0, 0, 100]
bP() {
@ -17147,44 +17142,45 @@ T.Plr.prototype = {
dm(list, original) {
// initSkills
var s, r, q, p, o = this,
var s, sortedSkills, q, p, this_ = this,
n = 0,
m = n
// src中被移除的计算技能部分
while (true) {
if (!(n < $.aR() && n < o.k2.length)) break
s = o.k2[n]
r = C.Array.al(list, m, m + $.C())
if (!!r.immutable$list) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("sort"))
q = r.length - 1
if (q - 0 <= 32) H.ej(r, 0, q, J.bO())
else H.ei(r, 0, q, J.bO())
p = r[0] - $.Z()
s.ao(o, p)
r = 0
if (p > r) {
r = C.Array.al(original, m, m + $.C())
if (!!r.immutable$list) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("sort"))
q = r.length - 1
if (q - 0 <= 32) H.ej(r, 0, q, J.bO())
else H.ei(r, 0, q, J.bO())
if (!(n < $.aR() && n < this_.k2.length)) break
s = this_.k2[n]
sortedSkills = C.Array.al(list, m, m + $.C())
if (!!sortedSkills.immutable$list) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("sort"))
q = sortedSkills.length - 1
if (q - 0 <= 32) H.ej(sortedSkills, 0, q, J.bO())
else H.ei(sortedSkills, 0, q, J.bO())
p = sortedSkills[0] - $.Z()
s.ao(this_, p)
sortedSkills = 0
if (p > sortedSkills) {
sortedSkills = C.Array.al(original, m, m + $.C())
if (!!sortedSkills.immutable$list) H.throw_expression(P.UnsupportError("sort"))
q = sortedSkills.length - 1
if (q - 0 <= 32) H.ej(sortedSkills, 0, q, J.bO())
else H.ei(sortedSkills, 0, q, J.bO())
q = 0
if (r[q] - $.Z() <= q) s.e = true
if (sortedSkills[q] - $.Z() <= q) s.e = true
m += $.C()
for (; r = o.k2, n < r.length; ++n) r[n].ao(o, 0)
for (; sortedSkills = this_.k2, n < sortedSkills.length; ++n) sortedSkills[n].ao(this_, 0)
bs() {
// boostPassive or addSkillsToProc??
var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l = this
for (s = 0, r = l.k4; q = l.k2, s < q.length; ++s) {
p = q[s]
if (p.f > 0 && p instanceof T.ActionSkill) r.push(p)
// addSkillsToProc
var s, r, sortedSkills, skl, o, n, m, this_ = this
for (s = 0, r = this_.k4; sortedSkills = this_.k2, s < sortedSkills.length; ++s) {
skl = sortedSkills[s]
if (skl.f > 0 && skl instanceof T.ActionSkill) r.push(skl)
q = r.length
sortedSkills = r.length
o = 0
if (q > o)
for (s = q - $.i(); s >= o; --s) {
if (sortedSkills > o)
for (s = sortedSkills - $.i(); s >= o; --s) {
n = r[s]
if (!n.e) {
n.f = n.f * $.t()
@ -17193,21 +17189,21 @@ T.Plr.prototype = {
m = new T.jW()
r = l.k2
r = this_.k2
if (r.length >= $.aR()) {
r = r[$.p7()]
q = l.t
m.$3(r, q[$.a6()], q[$.pR()])
q = l.k2[$.eT()]
r = l.t
m.$3(q, r[$.n_()], r[$.b2()])
sortedSkills = this_.t
m.$3(r, sortedSkills[$.a6()], sortedSkills[$.pR()])
sortedSkills = this_.k2[$.eT()]
r = this_.t
m.$3(sortedSkills, r[$.n_()], r[$.b2()])
for (s = 0, r = l.k1; s < r.length; ++s) {
p = r[s]
if (p.f > 0) p.W()
for (s = 0, r = this_.k1; s < r.length; ++s) {
skl = r[s]
if (skl.f > 0) skl.W()
cn() {
cn() { // initValues
var s = this
s.fx = s.fy
@ -17217,15 +17213,14 @@ T.Plr.prototype = {
// updateStates
var s, this_ = this
this_.ch = this_.b0(this_.q[0], $.cj())
this_.cx = this_.b0(this_.q[$.i()], $.cj())
this_.cy = this_.b0(this_.q[$.t()], $.cj()) + 160
console.log("this_.cy", this_.cy)
console.log("this_.q", this_.q)
this_.db = this_.b0(this_.q[$.B()], $.cj())
this_.dx = this_.b0(this_.q[$.C()], $.cj())
this_.dy = this_.b0(this_.q[$.X()], $.cj())
this_.fr = this_.b0(this_.q[$.a4()], $.n1())
this_.fy = this_.q[$.ap()]
this_.cx = this_.b0(this_.q[1], $.cj())
this_.cy = this_.b0(this_.q[2], $.cj()) + 160
this_.db = this_.b0(this_.q[3], $.cj())
this_.dx = this_.b0(this_.q[4], $.cj())
this_.dy = this_.b0(this_.q[5], $.cj())
this_.fr = this_.b0(this_.q[6], $.n1())
this_.fy = this_.q[7]
this_.z = this_.y
this_.id = $.T()
@ -17234,13 +17229,13 @@ T.Plr.prototype = {
ci() {
// calcAttrSum
var s, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i = this,
var attr_sum, r, q, p, o, n, m, l, k, j, i = this,this_=this,
h = i.M = 0
for (s = h; r = $.ap(), h < r; ++h) {
s += i.q[h]
i.M = s
for (attr_sum = h; h < 7; ++h) {
attr_sum += this_.q[h]
this_.M = attr_sum
q = i.q
q = this_.q
p = q[0]
o = q[$.i()]
n = $.t()
@ -17249,7 +17244,7 @@ T.Plr.prototype = {
k = q[$.X()]
j = $.B()
i.N = (p - o + m + l - k) * n + q[j] + q[$.a4()]
i.Y = s * j + q[r]
i.Y = attr_sum * j + q[r]
i.H = $.W()
dN(a, b, c) {
@ -20011,7 +20006,6 @@ var t = (function rtii() {
lazy_old($, "x7", "mU", function () {
return X.k("+O2YYGy,+H", 45)
// return 36
lazy_old($, "vJ", "oZ", function () {
return X.D("xF s,sTeiD", 45)
@ -20127,7 +20121,6 @@ var t = (function rtii() {
lazy_old($, "wW", "d1", function () {
return X.k("p&kJ 5Q!{M", 75)
// return 31
lazy_old($, "xj", "mX", function () {
return X.k("^M0K:>w!&P", 91)
@ -20270,7 +20263,6 @@ var t = (function rtii() {
lazy_old($, "wv", "pl", function () {
return X.D("WT)~pf:~hB", 91)
// return 2000
lazy_old($, "xm", "mY", function () {
// return X.k("T)Ok_x`s]G", 40)
@ -21135,7 +21127,6 @@ function main() {
logger.debug("so just here?", async_goto, error_code)
case 1:
$.ms = false
return P.async_return(q, async_completer)
case 2:
return P.async_rethrow(async_result_1, async_completer)