299 lines
10 KiB
299 lines
10 KiB
import time
import random
import asyncio
import argparse
import traceback
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Any
# import qtoml
import socketio
from colorama import Fore
from nacl.signing import SigningKey
# from lib_not_dr.types import Options
from lib_not_dr.loggers import config
from data_struct import Message, ReplyMessage, get_config, BotConfig, BotStatus
_version_ = "0.2.2"
logger = config.get_logger('icalingua')
BOTCONFIG: BotConfig = get_config()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# --debug
# --config=config.toml
# -n --no-notice
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument('-d', '--debug', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-n', '--no-notice', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', type=str)
args = parser.parse_args()
if args.debug:
logger.global_level = 0
if args.config:
# global BOTCONFIG
BOTCONFIG: BotConfig = get_config(args.config)
if args.no_notice:
BOTCONFIG.notice_start = False
BotStatus = BotStatus()
sio: socketio.AsyncClient = socketio.AsyncClient()
@sio.on('connect') # type: ignore
def connect():
logger.info(f'{Fore.GREEN}icalingua 已连接')
@sio.on('requireAuth') # type: ignore
async def require_auth(salt: str, versions: Dict[str, str]):
logger.info(f"{Fore.BLUE}versions: {versions}\n{type(salt)}|{salt=}")
# 准备数据
sign = SigningKey(bytes.fromhex(BOTCONFIG.private_key))
signature = sign.sign(bytes.fromhex(salt))
# 发送数据
await sio.emit('auth', signature.signature)
logger.info(f"{Fore.BLUE}send auth emit")
# @sio.on('requireAuth')
# def require_auth(*data: Dict[str, Any]):
# logger.info(f"{Fore.BLUE}requireAuth: {data}")
@sio.on('auth') # type: ignore
def auth(data: Dict[str, Any]):
logger.info(f"auth: {data}")
@sio.on('authFailed') # type: ignore
async def auth_failed():
await sio.disconnect()
@sio.on('authSucceed') # type: ignore
def auth_succeed():
@sio.on('connect_error') # type: ignore
def connect_error(*args, **kwargs):
logger.info(f"连接错误 {args}, {kwargs}")
@sio.on('updateRoom') # type: ignore
def update_room(data: Dict[str, Any]):
logger.info(f"{Fore.CYAN}update_room: {data}")
def safe_eval(code: str) -> str:
# code = code.replace('help', '坏东西!\n')
# code = code.replace('bytes', '坏东西!\n')
# code = code.replace('encode', '坏东西!\n')
# code = code.replace('decode', '坏东西!\n')
# code = code.replace('compile', '屑的!\n')
# code = code.replace('globals', '拿不到!\n')
code = code.replace('os', '坏东西!\n')
code = code.replace('sys', '坏东西!\n')
# code = code.replace('input', '坏东西!\n')
# code = code.replace('__', '啊哈!\n')
# code = code.replace('import', '很坏!\n')
code = code.replace(' kill', '别跑!\n')
code = code.replace(' rm ', '别跑!\n')
code = code.replace('exit', '好坏!\n')
code = code.replace('eval', '啊哈!\n')
code = code.replace('exec', '抓住!\n')
start_time = time.time()
import os
import math
import decimal
global_val = {'time': time,
'math': math,
'decimal': decimal,
'random': random,
'__import__': '<built-in function __import__>',
'globals': '也别惦记你那个 globals 了',
'compile': '想得美',
'help': '虽然但是 help 也不行',
'exit': '不许 exit',
'input': '你想干嘛',
'return': '别惦记你那个 return 了',
'getattr': '<built-in function getattr>',
'setattr': '<built-in function setattr>'}
os.system = '不许'
result = str(eval(code, global_val, {}))
limit = 500
if len(result) > limit:
result = result[:limit]
result = traceback.format_exc()
end_time = time.time()
result = result.replace(BOTCONFIG.private_key, '***')
result = result.replace(BOTCONFIG.host, '***')
logger.info(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}safe_eval: {result}")
if result == '6' or result == 6:
result = '他确实等于 6'
result = f'{code}\neval result:\n{result}\n耗时: {end_time - start_time} s'
return result
error = traceback.format_exc()
result = f'error:\n{error}'
return result
@sio.on('addMessage') # type: ignore
async def add_message(data: Dict[str, Any]):
logger.info(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}add_message: {data}")
is_self = data['message']['senderId'] == BOTCONFIG.self_id
sender_name = data['message']['username']
sender_id = data['message']['senderId']
content = data['message']['content']
room_id = data['roomId']
if not is_self:
if content == '/bot':
message = Message(content=f'icalingua bot test v{_version_}',
await sio.emit('sendMessage', message.to_json())
elif content.startswith('=='):
evals: str = content[2:]
result = safe_eval(evals)
# whitelist = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', ' ', '.', '+', '-', '*', '/', '(', ')', '<',
# '>', '=']
# evals = evals.replace('**', '')
# express = ''
# for text in evals:
# if text in whitelist:
# express += text
# if express == '':
# result = '你在干嘛'
# else:
# result = str(eval(express))
reply = ReplyMessage(id=data['message']['_id'])
message = Message(content=result,
await asyncio.sleep(random.random() * 2)
await sio.emit('sendMessage', message.to_json())
elif content == '!!jrrp':
randomer = random.Random(f'{sender_id}-{data["message"]["date"]}-jrrp-{_version_}')
result = randomer.randint(0, 50) + randomer.randint(0, 50)
logger.info(f'{sender_name} 今日人品值为 {result}')
reply = ReplyMessage(id=data['message']['_id'])
message = Message(content=f'{sender_name} 今日人品值为 {result}',
await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
await sio.emit('sendMessage', message.to_json())
# 如果只包括一个或多个 6
# elif data['message']['content'].replace(' ', '') in ('6', '666', '六', '3+3', '5+1', '4+2', '2+4', '1+5'):
# reply = ReplyMessage(id=data['message']['_id'])
# message = Message(content='你 6 nm 呢',
# reply_to=reply,
# room_id=room_id)
# await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
# await sio.emit('sendMessage', message.to_json())
@sio.on('deleteMessage') # type: ignore
def delete_message(message_id: str):
logger.info(f"{Fore.MAGENTA}delete_message: {message_id}")
@sio.on('setMessages') # type: ignore
def set_messages(data: Dict[str, Any]):
logger.info(f"{Fore.YELLOW}set_messages: {data}\nmessage_len: {len(data['messages'])}")
async def notice_startup(room_list: List[int]):
for notice_room in BOTCONFIG.notice_room:
if notice_room in room_list:
notice_message = Message(content=f'ica bot v{_version_}', room_id=notice_room)
await sio.emit('sendMessage', notice_message.to_json())
BotStatus.inited = True
logger.info("inited", tag='notice room')
logger.warn(f"未找到通知房间: {notice_room}", tag='notice room')
await asyncio.sleep(random.randint(2, 5))
@sio.on('setAllRooms') # type: ignore
async def set_all_rooms(rooms: List[Dict[str, Any]]):
BotStatus.running = True
room_list: List[int] = [room.get('roomId') for room in rooms] # type: ignore
if not BotStatus.inited:
logger.info("initing...", tag='setAllRooms')
logger.debug(f"room_list: {room_list}", tag='setAllRooms')
if BOTCONFIG.notice_start:
await notice_startup(room_list)
if room_list != BotStatus.rooms:
logger.info(f"{Fore.YELLOW}set_all_rooms: {rooms}\nlen: {len(rooms)}\n")
BotStatus.rooms = room_list
logger.info(f"更新房间: {room_list}", tag='setAllRooms')
@sio.on('setAllChatGroups') # type: ignore
def set_all_chat_groups(groups: List[Dict[str, Any]]):
logger.info(f"{Fore.YELLOW}set_all_chat_groups: {groups}\nlen: {len(groups)}\n")
@sio.on('notify') # type: ignore
def notify(data: List[Tuple[str, Any]]):
logger.info(f"notify: {data}")
@sio.on('closeLoading') # type: ignore
def close_loading(_):
@sio.on('onlineData') # type: ignore
def online_data(data: Dict[str, Any]):
logger.info(f"{Fore.GREEN}online_data: {data}")
@sio.on('*') # type: ignore
def catch_all(event, data):
logger.info(f"{Fore.RED}catch_all: {event}|{data}")
async def main():
while True:
await self.eio.wait()
await self.sleep(1) # give the reconnect task time to start up
if not self._reconnect_task:
await self._reconnect_task
if self.eio.state != 'connected':
await sio.connect(BOTCONFIG.host)
await sio.wait()
if __name__ == '__main__':
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception: