@ -12,8 +12,14 @@
务必使用“/script invoke summon 玩家名”召唤假人,可以避免将他们计入记分板总分!
务必使用“/script invoke summon 玩家名”召唤假人,可以避免将他们计入记分板总分!
务必使用“/script invoke kill 玩家名”移除假人,否则其标签无法删除!
务必使用“/script invoke kill 玩家名”移除假人,否则其标签无法删除!
@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
scoreboard objectives add carpet dummy
scoreboard objectives add carpet dummy
scoreboard players reset carpet carpet
scoreboard players reset carpet carpet
team add fakePlayer
team modify fakePlayer prefix [{"text":"假的"}]
function fz:carpet/carpet
function fz:carpet/carpet
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
script run __command() -> ( help() ); help() ->( print('使用帮助:'); print('/script invoke summon xxx生成玩家'); print('/script invoke kill xxx删除玩家'); print('/script invoke tp xxx x y z,传送假玩家,xyz可替换为\"s\"来代表你的位置'); print('/script invoke killall删除全部玩家'); print('tagplayer Version: 0.0.0-SNAPSHOT-20200106.2207'); '' ); __config() -> m( l('stay_loaded', true)); global_tag = 'carpetBot'; global_tag_no_bot = 'noCarpetBot'; __check_offline(player_name) ->( if (!(player (player_name)), exit('§4假人'+player_name+'未在线'); '' ); if (!query(player(player_name),'has_tag',global_tag), exit('§4'+player_name+'不是假人'); '' ); ); __check_online(player_name) ->( if (player(player_name), if (query(player(player_name),'has_tag',global_tag), exit('§4假人'+player_name+'已经在线了'); '' ); exit('§4玩家'+player_name+'已经在线了'); '' ); ); __check_pos(x) ->( x = number(x); if(x == null, exit('§4请输入正确的坐标'); '' ); return(x) ); __check_tick(tick) ->( tick = str('%d',number(tick+0.5)); if(tick == null, exit('§4请输入正确的游戏刻间隔'); '' ); if(tick < 2, exit(str('§4整数不能小于2,却发现了%d',tick)); '' ); return(tick) ); summon(player_name) ->( s_player = player(); player_name = replace(player_name, '\\s',''); __check_online(player_name); run(str('player %s spawn at %f %f %f', player_name, s_player~'x', s_player~'y', s_player~'z')); if (!(player(player_name)), exit('§4生成失败') ); if(query(player(player_name),'has_tag',global_tag_no_bot), modify(player(player_name),'clear_tag',global_tag_no_bot) ); modify(player(player_name), 'tag', global_tag); print('已为'+player_name+'添加标签 '); '' ); kill(player_name) ->( player_name = replace(player_name, '\\s',''); __check_offline(player_name); modify(player(player_name), 'tag', global_tag_no_bot); print('已将'+player(player_name)+'移交§6FZ\'sDataPack§f清除标签'); run(str('player %s kill', player_name)); game_tick(50); if(player(player_name), exit( modify(player(player_name), 'tag', global_tag); print('§4清除失败'); print('已重新添加'+player_name+'的标签'); '' ); ); print('已清除'+player_name); '' ); killall() ->( i = 0; player_list = player('all'); loop(2147483647,,, one_player = slice(player_list,i,i+1); one_player_str = join('',one_player); if(one_player_str=='', break() ); if(query(player(one_player_str),'has_tag',global_tag), do_fake_player = 1; modify(player(one_player_str), 'tag', global_tag_no_bot) );run(str('player %s kill', one_player_str)); i = i+1; ); if(do_fake_player != 1, exit('§4不存在假人'); '' ); print('已将全部假人移交§6FZ\'sDataPack§f清除标签'); game_tick(50); print('已清除全部假人'); '' ); tp(player_name,x,y,z) ->( __check_offline(player_name); s_player = player(); if(x == 's', x = s_player~'x' ); if(y == 's', y = s_player~'y' ); if(z == 's', z = s_player~'z' ); x = __check_pos(x); y = __check_pos(y); z = __check_pos(z); run(str('tp %s %f %f %f', player_name, x, y, z)); '' );
script run __command() -> ( help());__config() -> m( l('stay_loaded', true)); global_version = 'Version: 0.0.0-SNAPSHOT-dev.20200109.1737';global_tag = 'carpetBot';global_new_bot = 'newCarpetBot';__check_offline(player_name) ->( if (!(player (player_name)), exit('§4假人'+player_name+'未在线'); '' ); if (!query(player(player_name),'has_tag',global_tag), exit('§4'+player_name+'不是假人'); '' ););__check_online(player_name) ->( if (player(player_name), if (query(player(player_name),'has_tag',global_tag), exit('§4假人'+player_name+'已经在线了'); '' ); exit('§4玩家'+player_name+'已经在线了'); '' ););__check_pos(x) ->( x = number(x); if(x == null, exit('§4请输入正确的坐标'); '' ); return(x));__check_tick(tick) ->( tick = str('%d',number(tick+0.5)); if(tick == null, exit('§4请输入正确的游戏刻间隔'); '' ); if(tick < 2, exit(str('§4整数不能小于2,却发现了%d',tick)); '' ); return(tick));help() ->( print('使用帮助:'); print('/script invoke summon xxx 生成假人'); print('/script invoke kill xxx 删除假人'); print('/script invoke killall 删除全部假人'); print('/script invoke tp xxx x y z 传送假玩家,xyz可替换为\"s\"来代表你的位置'); print(global_version); '');summon(player_name) ->( s_player = player(); player_name = replace(player_name, '\\s',''); __check_online(player_name); run(str('player %s spawn at %f %f %f', player_name, s_player~'x', s_player~'y', s_player~'z')); if (!(player(player_name)), exit('§4生成失败') ); modify(player(player_name), 'tag', global_tag); modify(player(player_name), 'tag', global_new_bot); print('已为'+player_name+'添加标签和队伍'); game_tick(50); modify(player(player_name), 'clear_tag', global_new_bot); '');kill(player_name) ->( player_name = replace(player_name, '\\s',''); __check_offline(player_name); run(str('player %s kill', player_name)); game_tick(50); print('已清除'+player_name); '');killall() ->( i = 0; player_list = player('all'); loop(2147483647,,, one_player = slice(player_list,i,i+1); one_player_str = join('',one_player); if(one_player_str=='', break() ); if(query(player(one_player_str),'has_tag',global_tag), do_fake_player = 1; ); modify(player(one_player_str), 'tag', global_tag_no_bot); run(str('player %s kill', one_player_str)); i = i+1; ); if(do_fake_player != 1, exit('§4不存在假人'); '' ); print('已将全部假人移交§6FZ\'sDataPack§f清除标签'); game_tick(50); print('已清除全部假人'); '');tp(player_name,x,y,z) ->( __check_offline(player_name); s_player = player(); if(x == 's', x = s_player~'x' ); if(y == 's', y = s_player~'y' ); if(z == 's', z = s_player~'z' ); x = __check_pos(x); y = __check_pos(y); z = __check_pos(z); run(str('tp %s %f %f %f', player_name, x, y, z)); '');
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
@ -1 +1,2 @@
scoreboard objectives remove carpet
scoreboard objectives remove carpet
team remove fakePlayer
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
execute if score installed installed matches 1 run function fz:main
@ -4,15 +4,20 @@
# @Last Modified time: 2019-12-15 03:53:27
# @Last Modified time: 2019-12-15 03:53:27
# @License: GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0)
# @License: GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPL-3.0)
# This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0.
# This project is licensed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v3.0
# Copyright (C)2019-2020 Harvey.Kang
# Copyright (C)2019-2020 Harvey.Kang
scoreboard objectives add version dummy
scoreboard objectives add versionMajor dummy
scoreboard objectives add versionMinor dummy
scoreboard objectives add versionPatch dummy
scoreboard players operation version version = version version
scoreboard players operation version version = version version
execute if score version version matches ..132 run function fz:updatebeforeinstall133
execute if score version version matches ..132 run function fz:update/before/1.3.3
execute if score version version matches 133 run function fz:updatebeforeinstall134
execute if score version version matches 133 run function fz:update/before/1.3.3d
scoreboard objectives add installed dummy
scoreboard players set installed installed 1
gamerule disableElytraMovementCheck true
gamerule disableElytraMovementCheck true
scoreboard objectives add leaveGame minecraft.custom:minecraft.leave_game
scoreboard objectives add timeCounter dummy
scoreboard objectives add timeCounter dummy
scoreboard objectives add 20 dummy
scoreboard objectives add 20 dummy
scoreboard objectives add 1 dummy
scoreboard objectives add 1 dummy
@ -26,8 +31,11 @@ function fz:cleaner/install
function fz:logintips/install
function fz:logintips/install
function fz:config/install
function fz:config/install
execute if score installed installed matches ..132 run function fz:updateafterinstall133
execute if score version version matches ..132 run function fz:update/after/1.3.3
execute if score installed installed matches 133 run function fz:updateafterinstall134
execute if score version version matches 133 run function fz:update/after/1.3.3d
scoreboard players set version version 1331
function fz:update/after/1.4
scoreboard players set version versionMajor 1
scoreboard players set version versionMinor 4
scoreboard players set version versionPatch 0
tellraw @a [{"text":"[Datapack]"},{"text":" FZ'sDataPack v1.3.3 installed successfully","color":"gold"}]
tellraw @a [{"text":"[Datapack]"},{"text":" FZ'sDatapack-","color":"gold"},{"score":{"objective":"versionMajor","name":"version"},"color":"gold"},{"text":".","color":"gold"},{"score":{"objective":"versionMinor","name":"version"},"color":"gold"},{"text":".","color":"gold"},{"score":{"objective":"versionPatch","name":"version"},"color":"gold"},{"text":"-dev.20200109.1743 installed successfully","color":"gold"}]
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
execute as @a unless score @s leaveGame matches -2147483648..2147483647 run scoreboard players operation @s leaveGame = @s leaveGame
tellraw @a[scores={leaveGame=0..}] [{"text":"使用"},{"text":"/trigger cleaner set -1或≥30(单位:秒)","underlined":true,"clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/trigger cleaner set "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"点击以写入聊天栏"}},{"text":"来关/开扫地姬"}]
tellraw @a[scores={leaveGame=0..}] [{"text":"使用"},{"text":"/trigger scoreswitch set -1或1-9","underlined":true,"clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/trigger scoreswitch set "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"点击以写入聊天栏"}},{"text":"来关/开记分板"}]
execute if score carpet carpet matches 1.. run tellraw @a[scores={leaveGame=0..}] [{"text":"务必使用","color":"dark_red"},{"text":"/script invoke summon 玩家名","underlined":true,"color":"red","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/script invoke summon "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"点击以写入聊天栏"}},{"text":"召唤假人,可以避免将他们计入记分板总分!","color":"dark_red"}]
execute if score carpet carpet matches 1.. run tellraw @a[scores={leaveGame=0..}] [{"text":"务必使用","color":"dark_red"},{"text":"/script invoke kill 玩家名","underlined":true,"color":"red","clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/script invoke kill "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"点击以写入聊天栏"}},{"text":"删除假人,否则其标签无法删除!","color":"dark_red"}]
execute if score carpet carpet matches 1.. run tellraw @a[scores={leaveGame=0..}] [{"text":"使用"},{"text":"/script invoke tp 玩家名 x y z","underlined":true,"clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/script invoke tp "},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"点击以写入聊天栏"}},{"text":"传送假人,用\"s\"代替坐标可表示玩家位置"}]
execute if score carpet carpet matches 1.. run tellraw @a[scores={leaveGame=0..}] [{"text":"使用"},{"text":"/script invoke kill 玩家名","underlined":true,"clickEvent":{"action":"suggest_command","value":"/script invoke killall"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"点击以写入聊天栏"}},{"text":"删除全部假人"}]
tellraw @a[scores={leaveGame=0..}] [{"text":"使用","color":"gold"},{"text":"/trigger options","underlined":true,"clickEvent":{"action":"run_command","value":"/trigger options"},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"点击以访问全部设置"}},{"text":"以访问全部设置"}]
scoreboard players set @a[scores={leaveGame=0..}] leaveGame -1
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
function fz:score/main
function fz:score/main
function fz:sleep/main
function fz:sleep/main
function fz:cleaner/trigger
function fz:cleaner/trigger
function fz:logintips/main
function fz:logintips
function fz:noai/main
function fz:noai/main
function fz:config/main
function fz:config/main
@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ scoreboard objectives add damageTaken minecraft.custom:minecraft.damage_taken
scoreboard objectives add actCounter minecraft.custom:minecraft.play_one_minute
scoreboard objectives add actCounter minecraft.custom:minecraft.play_one_minute
scoreboard objectives add totalList dummy
scoreboard objectives add totalList dummy
scoreboard objectives add activation dummy
scoreboard objectives add activation dummy
scoreboard objectives add botDeath deathCount
scoreboard objectives modify digCounter displayname {"text":"挖掘榜","color":"gray"}
scoreboard objectives modify digCounter displayname {"text":"挖掘榜","color":"gray"}
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
execute as @a[tag=!carpetBot] if score @s actCounter matches 72000.. run function fz:score/activationcarry
execute as @a[tag=!carpetBot] if score @s actCounter matches 72000.. run function fz:score/activationcarry
execute as @a[tag=carpetBot] run scoreboard players operation @s actCounter -= 1 1
scoreboard players add scoreboard timeCounter 1
scoreboard players add scoreboard timeCounter 1
@ -75,6 +76,7 @@ execute if score 总活跃时间 totalActivation matches 1.. run scoreboard play
#execute if score totalHurt totalHurt matches ..0 run function fz:score/totalnodisplay/damagetaken
#execute if score totalHurt totalHurt matches ..0 run function fz:score/totalnodisplay/damagetaken
#execute if score totalActivation totalActivation matches ..0 run function fz:score/activation/totalnodisplay
#execute if score totalActivation totalActivation matches ..0 run function fz:score/activation/totalnodisplay
execute as @a[tag=noCarpetBot] run function fz:score/removebottag
execute as @a[tag=carpetBot,team=!fakePlayer] run function fz:score/runaddprefix
execute as @a[tag=carpetBot,tag=!newCarpetBot] if score @s leaveGame matches 0 run function fz:score/runbotdead
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
team join fakePlayer @s
execute if entity @s[tag=newCarpetBot] run tellraw @a {"text":"↑假的"}
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
tag @s remove carpetBot
team leave @s
execute if score @s botDeath matches 1.. run scoreboard players operation @s deathCounter -= 1 1
execute if score @s botDeath matches 1.. run scoreboard players reset @s botDeath
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@ scoreboard objectives setdisplay
scoreboard objectives setdisplay
scoreboard objectives setdisplay
scoreboard objectives setdisplay
scoreboard objectives setdisplay
scoreboard objectives remove botDeath
scoreboard objectives remove diamond_pickaxe
scoreboard objectives remove diamond_pickaxe
scoreboard objectives remove diamond_axe
scoreboard objectives remove diamond_axe
@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
scoreboard objectives remove timeCounter
scoreboard objectives remove timeCounter
scoreboard objectives remove 20
scoreboard objectives remove 20
scoreboard objectives remove version
scoreboard objectives remove version
scoreboard objectives remove leaveGame
scoreboard objectives remove installed
function fz:carpet/uninstall
function fz:carpet/uninstall
function fz:health/uninstall
function fz:health/uninstall
function fz:sleep/uninstall
function fz:sleep/uninstall
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1 @@
scoreboard objectives remove version
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
scoreboard objectives remove installed
scoreboard players operation 总挖掘数 totalList = totalDug totalList
scoreboard players operation 总击杀数 totalList = totalKilled totalList
scoreboard players operation 总死亡数 totalList = totalDeath totalList
scoreboard players operation 总交易数 totalList = totalTraded totalList
scoreboard players operation 总钓鱼数 totalList = totalFished totalList
scoreboard players operation 总受伤害量 totalList = totalHurt totalList
scoreboard players operation 总活跃时间 totalList = totalActivation totalList
scoreboard players reset totalDug
scoreboard players reset totalKilled
scoreboard players reset totalDeath
scoreboard players reset totalTraded
scoreboard players reset totalFished
scoreboard players reset totalHurt
scoreboard players reset totalActivation
scoreboard objectives remove scoreswitch
scoreboard objectives remove actCounter
scoreboard objectives setdisplay
team remove displayScoresOff
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
scoreboard objectives setdisplay
team remove displayScoresOff
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
"values": [
"values": [
Reference in New Issue
Block a user