2024-11-17 16:22:38 +08:00

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Raw Blame History

Internet Collections

         _                                                  ___
  /\    /   _  ._ _|_  _. o ._    |\/|  _.  _  o  _  _. |    |  ._   _|  _
 /--\   \_ (/_ |   |_ (_| | | |   |  | (_| (_| | (_ (_| |   _|_ | | (_| (/_ ><

You can always find something magical on the Internet. says an anonymous AI

(Personal) Blogs

qiusir   rssub

阮一峰   rssub

黑客技术   hack

really good website, butt, no rss

Core Dumped   rust lowlevel emacs

a guy trying to rust emacs

金步国作品集   lowlevel linux

kernel, LFS

null program   lowlevel rssub

author of elfeed, nasm-mode

写着写着就懂了   elixir

elixir/erlang大佬, 公众号: HelloElixir

lujun9972   emacs rssub



一个作家对现代互联网的 "彷徨"

I like to explore how technology impacts society

文辉的烂笔头   lowlevel


第一次查过的问题,就应该记下来 ! 第二次再查的问题,就必须记下来 !


更纱黑体 使中文恰好为英文宽度两倍, 使用字体比 valign 更通用, 但是不好看

include-yy 攒 emacs   c lisp emacs rssub


由(λ(x)(x x))看elisp与scheme之区别

这个问题其实就是 Lisp-1 和 Lisp-2 的区别导致的 Lisp-1 的变量命名空间和函数命名空间是统一的,而在 Lisp-2 中两者是分开的

keep coding   rust c lowlevel backend



migrated to codeberg

现代化 C   c

弦外之音   c lowlevel

lightless blog   hack

eur1ka (pwn)   hack

Xe Iaso   rssub

series: V

V for Vaporware


OpenSSL gave everyone alarm fatigue

funny byte

--- a/crypto/punycode.c
+++ b/crypto/punycode.c
@@ -181,7 +181,7 @@ int ossl_punycode_decode(const char *pEncoded, const size_t enc_len,
         n = n + i / (written_out + 1);
         i %= (written_out + 1);

-        if (written_out > max_out)
+        if (written_out >= max_out)
             return 0;

         memmove(pDecoded + i + 1, pDecoded + i,

UlyC   python

2021年, 用更现代的方法使用PGP   PGP

同样是非对称算法, 为什么PGP的私钥就长这么多呢 因为他们用的算法不同, 比特币默认使用的是ECDSA的 secp256k1算法, 该算法只是用来签名和认证, 并不用来加密 (signify 只用于签名认证, age 只用于加密, 所以密钥也比较短)


Welcome to the darkest dungeon of kernal

Dumping Linuxfx customers   fun

A Windows-like distro including the spyware and activation


Written with Vim and Emacs. A member of Linux Club of Peking University. blug signer with cat-v-like sidebar style


社区本地人与永恒的九月(Eternal September)

几乎所有大众互联网社区都难逃此宿命。要想避免永恒九月,社区必须要足够克制,有节奏地引导新人加入。 但是过去20年互联网行业大发展的基本模式就是吸引大量用户、获取大平台地位、取得超额收益。 用户量是商业成功的互联网平台所必须追求的第一目标。要想获得商业成功,永恒九月来得越早越凶猛越好。

Nyxt: Why should I care about Gopher?   gopher

By making something a little bit more inaccessible, we are inadvertently putting a filter on what is being posted.

mthli: 深入理解达夫设备

PuTTY's author: Coroutines in C   wow

// Black Magic
#define crBegin static int state=0; switch(state) { case 0:
#define crReturn(x) do { state=__LINE__; return x; case __LINE__:; } while (0)
#define crFinish }
int function(void) {
    static int i;
    for (i = 0; i &lt 10; i++)


exotic silicon   wow

very beautiful page

Console Screendumps   mailinglist

a1k0n   math

Drew DeVault's blog

the author of sway & sourcehut

What is this Gemini thing anyway, and why am I excited about it?

openssl s_client -crlf -servername shenjack.top -connect shenjack.top:1965


https://theoryware.net/button.gif everforest theme, also have a big collection


gemini://xosc.org finger m@f.xosc.org

Tyler   git

Git Notes: git's coolest, most unloved­ feature

It's so cool, especially for testing and reviewing.(from ruanyifeng 241)

seh.dev   plan9





有价值炮灰   hack


第 N 个质数   c algorithm

看不懂, 先收藏着


编! 译! 原! 理!

技术考古   wow plan9


专栏: 嘶吼RoarTalk   hack



人需不需要存在的意义 人需不需要互相之间完全理解 自我封闭是否是应对外界压力的合理方式

linuxcn: 少年黑客对自由软件的自由漫谈

linuxcn 里唯一一个让我感觉很有必要把链接放在这的文章

YouTube (没有账号, 这就是我的收藏夹)

Computer Science


irc client in ocaml
0:50 List.fold_left faster than fold_right, but haskell is opposite
1:00 I like ocaml, that's how python should look like,
     but ocaml itself is not ideal, you have to take ocaml and throw O away, and that's perfect
1:03 to be fair p___hub is more interesting than this, that's for sure, so let's use Makefile (instead of dune)
1:50 sexplib?
2:14 "how many american server you have already hacked" - "I don't count them I'm sorry"
Parsing Java Bytecode with Python

0:05 look how TINY Java code is 0:06 nonono all the opensource are controlled by coporation actually, they create a text editor plugin and sell the free code for $10 a month

Hacking TCC compiler

If we allowed `.` being treated automagically as `->` in C when used on pointers to structs, how much existing C code would be broken?

Porth: nasm -> fasm

how do I use that thing??? 0:36 working so fasm is really FAST, and KolibriOS also use it! but fasm don't support debug information (dwarf2)

First Ancient Neural Network in C

intro: he talked about Russian gov and where to flee inspiration: Veritasium

mmap syscall
  • allocate memory
  • rw files
  • IPC

Hyprland on Fedora Install

a good example for my probable feora minimal re-installation 0:32 RockyLinux rock solid 0:52 if you don't want failed boot after changing fstab, run `systemctl daemon-reload` 0:55 Windows95 bash shell 1:15 start build 1:44 we got Hyprland now 2:27 Hyprland lets go, how do we get here? no idea, but at least we get a recording 4:15 you can call yourself a ricer when you have an anime girl sit in the background, that's true

Resolve is Impossible to Install on Fedora 38

quote: this operating system, the operating system we do not speak its name (in that video he succesfully installed DaVinci on Rocky) 0:18 if you start seeing a whole bunch of tesla streams on my channel tomorrow you guys know what happened

How GitHub's Database Self-Destructed in 43 Seconds

click to open

Come back in 2047 when BitBucket's
lunar data center failure causes extreme latency
as the terrestrial hardware was incapable of
communicating with the Martian data center
without the extra hop at the Moon causing the
fail-safe mechanism to launch the backup lunar proxy
which had its calculation incorrectly
done using inches instead of centimeters so
it veered off course into the primary us-east
data center which caused a new primary to be
promoted on Mars exacerbating the latency
of services running on Earth and eventually
bringing down BitBucket entirely as it could not
handle writing through this interplanetary loop.


IceGuye aka 姑射冰尘

I found her playing NetHack on bilibili, but account was deleted

Why I'm Suing YouTube.

a story about YouTubes intentional efforts to undermine the United States of America in collusion with the Russian government. Its also a story about copyright infringement — and YouTubes willful blindness to bad actors who openly admit to filing patently fraudulent DMCA counter-notifications to avoid the termination of their accounts.

Plasma piano


Reclaim your freedom with free libre software now - Richard Stallman of Free Software Movement

When I was trying to download this video, I found that youtube-dl was broken!


cat -v

not only harmful stuff <3





Adequacy: Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system, invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos.


his final year project in high school, 2008 a webos using oxygen visual design


RTFSC Read The F**king Source Code ☺!


software minimalism, Neat*

NASM Assembly Language Tutorials

good learning resource!