#! /usr/bin/elixir # this is a simple script to monthly tagging git # for I always rewrite the history and tags will be missing # use elixir is, fun and elegant defmodule GitMonthlyTag do def main do get_log() |> parse_date() #|> IO.inspect() |> sort_by_m() |> Enum.map(&gen_tag_cmd(&1)) #|> Enum.each(&IO.puts(&1)) |> Enum.each(&System.shell(&1) |> IO.inspect()) end def get_log do {log, 0} = System.cmd("git", ["log", "--reverse", "--pretty='%as %h'"]) log |> String.trim() |> String.replace(~r/['-]/, "") |> String.split("\n") |> Enum.map(&String.split(&1, " ")) |> Enum.map(&List.to_tuple(&1)) end def parse_date(data) do data |> Enum.map(fn {date, hash} -> {String.to_integer(date), hash} end) end def sort_by_m(data) do psort(data, 19700101, []) end defp psort([], _, acc), do: acc defp psort([{hd, hash} | tl], prev, acc) do cond do hash==prev -> psort(tl(tl), hd, acc) Enum.any?(prev..hd, fn x -> rem(x, 100) == 0 end) -> psort(tl, hd, [{hd, hash} | acc]) true -> psort(tl, hd, acc) end end def gen_tag_cmd({date_n, hash}) do ym = div(date_n, 100) y = rem(div(ym, 100), 100) m = rem(ym, 100) "git tag #{y}.#{m} #{hash}" end end GitMonthlyTag.main()