Binary Exploit Resources I Recently Trying to Learn

1. resources

1.2. website

1.2.1. picoCTF

2. tools

2.1. code auditing


2.1.1. pscan

2.1.2. rats

2.1.3. splint

2.1.4. flawfinder

2.2. debug

2.2.1. gdb

2.3. reverse

2.3.1. radare2

  1. iaito

2.3.2. hopper(non-free)

3. notes on video

3.1. 0x04: asm basics

3.1.1. to show assembly in the source code window in gud, M-x gdb-display-disassembly-buffer

3.2. 0x06: tools

3.2.1. simple tools

  1. hexdump
  2. strings

    all printable letters

  3. objdump


  4. strace/ltrace

    trace sys/lib call

3.2.2. 0x0A: deal with numbers

  1. endian?

    from Wikipedia Big-Endian.svg.png Little-Endian.svg.png x86 is little endian

  2. tools
    1. python
      >>> int('111', 2)
      >>> hex(123)
      >>> import struct
      >>> struct.pack("<I", 0x61626364) # little endian
      >>> struct.pack(">I", 0x61626364) # big endian
    2. iex
      iex(1)> <<0x61626364::32>>
      iex(2)> Base.decode16("61626364")
      {:ok, "abcd"}

Author: dongdigua

Created: 2022-08-07 日 21:50