#+TITLE: Run a Lua Demo #+DATE: <2023-07-25 二> #+OPTIONS: \n:nil Lua is everywhere. Neovim uses lua, Vis uses lua; when I visited [[./internet_collections.org::#lantian][Lantian]]'s website[fn:1], it's running [[https://openresty.org/][OpenResty]]; when I'm [[https://bookfere.com/post/970.html][jailbreaking]] Kindle, it uses a lua script and [[https://github.com/koreader/koreader][Koreader]] uses lua. So I want to learn a little lua, just enough to handle daily tasks. I visited lua.org and found the [[https://www.lua.org/cgi-bin/demo][demo]]. The idea of knowing how it works immediately came to my mind. By searching on DDG[fn:2] I fount it have a hidden demo program called demo, it's just the script for running demo (talk about that later why I'm sure about it). I copied it and added the essential html in the print block, put it on the server, use [[https://man.openbsd.org/slowcgi.8][slowcgi(8)]] to serve it with [[https://man.openbsd.org/httpd.8][httpd(8)]]. Then I got "No such file or directory". I carefully checked the path and permission, but the error still exists Finally StackOverflow taught me that the execution environment should also be located in the chroot environment. For security, chroot is needed. Well, just [[https://blog.syndcat.com/?p=181][statically]] link lua[fn:3]. #+BEGIN_SRC makefile MYLDFLAGS= -static #+END_SRC It runs well, but the =-- continue HTML began in shell script= line indicates it's not the only file in the CGI application. I found the rest of them at [[https://web.tecgraf.puc-rio.br/~lhf/ftp/lua/#demo]] from [[http://lua-users.org/lists/lua-l/][lua-l]] mailing list. It contains 3 files #+BEGIN_EXAMPLE demo the CGI script demo.html the HTML page demo.lua the Lua program that runs user programs #+END_EXAMPLE The shell script takes =QUERY_STRING= and replace textarea with =$QUERY_STRING.lua=. So demo?demo just prints the demo.lua itself in the same directory. I thought my single-file solution is better because it don't need to fork twice and perform file IO, and it can be even better. I added resource limit according to [[https://www.lua.org/pil/][PIL]] chapter 25 "SandBoxing" #+BEGIN_SRC lua local steplimit = 100 local memlimit = 100 local count = 0 local function step () count = count + 1 if collectgarbage("count") > memlimit then error("DoSer uses too much memory") end if count > steplimit then error("DoSer uses too much CPU") end end debug.sethook(step, "", 100) #+END_SRC source code: https://github.com/dongdigua/demo.lua * Footnotes [fn:1] I found his page all empty so I sent him an email, he quickly fixed it. [fn:2] DuckDuckGo, not DongDiGua [fn:3] If =make freebsd= don't work, try =make generic=