#+TITLE: 2023 了, 试试 emacs 29 #+DATE: <2023-01-02 一> #+OPTIONS: toc:1 2023 了, 元旦假期, 想体验一下新版本的 emacs, 我已经眼馋好久了 发行版还没提供? 自己编译, 而且自己编译可以自定义一些选项, 比如 pgtk 完整的新特性去看 =etc/NEWS= (btw, =emacs-news-mode= 也是新加的) * build emacs (with musl?) [[https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/172518559][gcc 参数来源]] #+BEGIN_SRC sh ./configure CFLAGS="-march=native -O3 -pipe -finline-functions -fno-math-errno -fno-trapping-math -fgraphite-identity -floop-nest-optimize -ftree-loop-distribution -fno-semantic-interposition -fipa-pta -fno-plt" \ --with-x=no \ --with-gpm=no \ --with-pgtk \ --with-native-compilation \ --with-json \ --with-sqlite3 \ --with-tree-sitter \ --with-webp \ --with-gif #+END_SRC @@html:
@@ @@html:but what about musl? (CC=musl-gcc)@@ #+BEGIN_SRC text checking whether GTK compiles... no configure: error: Gtk+ wanted, but it does not compile, see config.log. #+END_SRC #+BEGIN_SRC text hello, I tried to build emacs with musl-gcc, but it says: error: Gtk+ wanted, but it does not compile it can build using normal gcc and it can build on voidlinux dalias: <3 o_O dongdigua: you'd have to share some logs in full for us to help at all but you'd be better off asking your Linux distribution it is mostly `ld: error: unable to find library` sam_: so i think it is probably something about the wrapper script musl-gcc (does not? should not?) pick up on host libraries because they were built against glibc and not musl so musl-gcc will not pick up on those or at least they will just not work and will break configure heat: so I should use those libraries that is built on musl? like voidlinux I mentioned above yes ok ERC> #+END_SRC @@html:
@@ * dump? 现在开启 =native-comp= 时 =dump-emacs-portable= 没法弄, 见: [[https://emacs-china.org/t/emacs-29-with-native-comp-dump/22762][emacs china: emacs 29 with native-comp 无法 dump]] 试着不开 native-comp dump 了一下, 也就加快了 0.2 s, 而且有各种问题, 算啦算啦 * 我 有切身体会/还没体验但是认为很不错 的新特性 ** [[https://emacs-china.org/t/emacs/19806]["真" 背景透明]] 这是我提前了解到的第一个 emacs29 特性, [[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1ca41127KY][evan 的视频]] 但是有透明通道的图片不会跟着透明 ** [[https://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/SmoothScrolling][平滑滚动]] 搜索 emacs29 蹦出来的 ** elisp-byte-compile-file ** emoji 😀 ** package-vc-install 但是 =package-report-bug= 有点迷惑 * 我认为早就该加了但是现在才加入 ** erc-sasl 我编译的时候偶然发现的 =erc-sasl.el= 我去! 终于有 sasl 了! 不用第三方的 [[https://github.com/emacs-circe/circe][circe]] 了! *只需要 customize =erc-modules= 加入 sasl, 然后用 =erc-tls= 就成了* 这个最早 12 年就有人提出了 ([[https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/erc-discuss/2012-02/msg00001.html][注释里给的链接]]) ** restart-emacs ** package-update(-all) * 29.1 - =use-package= - more =*-ts-mode=