var data = [
"富强民主文明和谐, 自由平等公正法治, 爱国敬业诚信友善",
"解放思想, 实事求是, 与时俱进",
"谁甘人生黯淡无光 谁愿做叶不争艳芳",
"Fly high my friend, until we meet again",
"李无用地瓜碱水, 硒钫铕𬭶鿔合金",
"我这人有几个缺点: 第一, 不会数数; 第二, 记性不好; 第四, 不会数数",
"Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.",
"The internet is FULL, go away!",
"May the --force be with you",
"Software that sucks less",
"whoami: No system is safe",
"Can’t keep up! Is the server overloaded?\nRunning 5000ms or 100 ticks behind",
"write terrible nonsensical code to\nensure the Copilot doesn't take over as captain",
"Big Brother is Watching You",
"李彦宏: 我想中国人可以更加开放,对隐私问题没有那么敏感。\n如果他们愿意用隐私交换便捷性,很多情况下他们是愿意的。",
"AT&T field",
"I □ Unicode",
"ravynOS, Always; FreeBSD, Mostly; Linux, Sometimes; macOS, Maybe",
"Your text editor runs in a web browser,\nMy web browser runs inside a text editor,\nWe are not the same",
"It’s the metadata, stupid",
"tsoding: I know there is Python-5",
"他很善于表达, 可惜没什么可表达的",
"It's confidential",
"Emacs has Evil, but Vim doesn't have Magit",
var index = Math.floor((Math.random() * data.length));
window.document.getElementById("quote").innerHTML = "\"" + data[index] + "\"";