Internet Collections
Table of Contents
1. 一些(个人)博客收集
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1.1. Paul Graham
1.2. qiusir rssub
1.3. XahLee
1.4. 王垠
1.5. 阮一峰 rssub
1.6. 黑客技术 hack
really good website, butt, no rss
1.7. 易姐
1.8. floooh(The Brain Dump) c
07 年开始, cpu emulator
1.8.2. Modern C for C++ Peeps
Modern C is not a subset of C++
1.9. King's way hack iot
1.11. 这可太刑了
1.12. 写着写着就懂了 elixir
elixir/erlang大佬, 公众号: HelloElixir
1.14. 文辉的烂笔头 lowlevel
第一次查过的问题,就应该记下来 !
第二次再查的问题,就必须记下来 !
1.14.1. 浅谈熔断和幽灵
1.14.2. 解决Org-Mode表格不对齐问题
更纱黑体 使中文恰好为英文宽度两倍
使用字体比 valign 更通用, 但是不好看
1.15. scinart lisp
1.16. bozhang rssable
05 年开始, 天文学
1.17. luogu blog: emacs dunnet 教程 emacs
1.18. IceGuye
1.20. NIL: setf 中「f」的本意
1.21. 第 N 个质数 c algorithm
看不懂, 先收藏着
1.22. 阳光少年( rust python
1.23. mrxn hack
网安, data-leak
1.24. include-yy c lisp emacs
1.24.1. 蝴蝶效应与emacs动画
1.24.2. 由(λ(x)(x x))看elisp与scheme之区别
这个问题其实就是 Lisp-1 和 Lisp-2 的区别导致的
Lisp-1 的变量命名空间和函数命名空间是统一的,而在 Lisp-2 中两者是分开的
1.27. 以太坊evm笔记
1.28. Alynx Zhou linux rssable
1.29. Core Dumped rust lowlevel emacs
1.31. Cogito, ergo sum rssable
1.32. Tomas Petricek rssub
F#, M1(r0$0f+, very high quality
1.32.1. commodore64 BASIC
1.32.2. async in C#(gotchas) and F#
1.34. lightless blog hack
1.35. The State of GPGPU in Rust rust lowlevel
1.36. Light & Truth
from ruanyifeng
1.39. 蓝天
1.39.1. 我把硬盘换到了新电脑上,这是 Btrfs 上的数据发生的变化
1.39.2. 最傻的代码错误:一个空格酿成的血案
1.39.3. 用 nginx 建立 Gopher 网站 gopher
1.41. UlyC python
1.41.1. sourcehut, 一个反叛而又正统的代码托管平台
1.41.2. 2021年, 用更现代的方法使用PGP
同样是非对称算法, 为什么PGP的私钥就长这么多呢?
因为他们用的算法不同, 比特币默认使用的是ECDSA的 secp256k1算法, 该算法只是用来签名和认证, 并不用来加密
(signify 只用于签名认证, age 只用于加密, 所以密钥也比较短)
1.41.3. Cross-Origin Read Blocking
1.42. kernal
Welcome to the darkest dungeon of kernal
1.44. vimacs
Written with Vim and Emacs
A member of Linux Club of Peking University.
cat-v-like sidebar style
1.44.2. 谈电子邮件和即时通讯
1.47. Nyxt: Why should I care about Gopher? gopher
By making something a little bit more inaccessible, we are inadvertently putting a filter on what is being posted.
This makes it a great way to avoid a lot of the low effort noise published on popular/accessible platforms.
As a result, Gopher is full of interesting, enriching, high quality content.
The authors are posting out of passion, and with great commitment.
Don't get me wrong, there's nonsense on Gopher too, but far less of it.
1.47.1. 社区本地人与永恒的九月(Eternal September)
1.48. Peter 's Homepage rssub
GE d@ s: a C++$ UBL+++$ P++(–)$ L++(-)$ !E W+++(-)$ !N !o K–? w !O !M !V PS++ PE- Y+ PGP+ t+ 5+++ X+ R tv b+ DI D+ G e++ h r+++ y+++*
1.48.1. Gopher? Gopher.
1.49. 巧用 CSS 显示 HTML 源码
1.52. Konstantinos Foutzopoulos
1.52.1. Unix filesystem hierarchy
1.52.3. Urbit, an alien system software
1.53. 金步国作品集 lowlevel linux
kernel, LFS
1.54. B
1.54.1. yanemame
1.54.2. 我不会编程
B站: 美味的樱桃菌
1.54.3. CC linux
B站: 称呼我C先生
1.54.4. lunaixsky c lowlevel
1.54.5. EndlessPeak linux
1.55. ZhiHu
1.55.1. 用Go语言汇编计算fibonacci数列 lowlevel
1.55.2. 倔强的程序员
编! 译! 原! 理!
1.55.3. 知乎专栏: 技术考古 plan9
1.55.4. 知乎专栏: 嘶吼RoarTalk hack
1.55.5. 我抵制Notepad++的理由
1.56. shenjack/HWS/fri3nds
1.56.1. 老网虫
1.56.2. yang-qwq
1.56.3. zhanganzhi
1.56.4. 芒果快评
今年的新博客, 友链有踏浪
2. YouTube 收集(没有账号, 这就是我的收藏夹)
2.1. Computer Science
2.1.1. Rust 让你感觉像个天才
2.1.2. CMD 登录B站
2.1.3. Rust aes加密(legacy)
2.1.4. tsoding helloworld in c
2.1.6. tsoding virtual machine in C , some notes
2.1.8. fireship bitcoin
大概是我见过最好的讲区块链的视频了, 除了…JS 啊啊啊
2.1.10. tsoding irc client in ocaml
0:50 List.fold_left faster than fold_right, but haskell is opposite
1:00 I like ocaml, that's how python should look like,
but ocaml itself is not ideal, you have to take ocaml and throw O away, and that's perfect
1:03 to be fair p___hub is more interesting than this, that's for sure, so let's use Makefile (instead of dune)
1:50 sexplib?
2:14 "how many american server you have already hacked" - "I don't count them I'm sorry"
2.1.11. ArcaOS: Modern OS/2
2.1.14. Fast Inverse Square Root — A Quake III Algorithm
2.2. Cyber Security
2.2.2. shit express hacked
2.2.3. DT: Privacy & Security
2.2.4. Chris Titus Tech: The Biggest Linux Security Mistakes
"Security is a journey, not a destination!"
2.4. Minecraft
2.4.1. Mojang & Minecraft 开始衰落了吗?
2.4.2. SciCraft Update Plans
2.4.3. Tantan: MC + Fez
2.5. ?
2.5.1. IceGuye aka 姑射冰尘
2.5.2. DT: Odysee
2.5.3. Homemade Silicon Chips!
2.5.4. Why I'm Suing YouTube.
a story about YouTube’s intentional efforts to undermine the United States of America in collusion with the Russian government.
It’s also a story about copyright infringement
— and YouTube’s willful blindness to bad actors who openly admit
to filing patently fraudulent DMCA counter-notifications to avoid the termination of their accounts.
2.5.5. Yes, Everyone on the Internet Is a Loser.
I agree
2.5.6. Beating 5 Scam Arcade Games with Science
2.5.7. TODO BBS The Documentary(8)
3. r
3.1. unixporn
3.1.1. reddit: family reunion
3.1.2. pocket pc
3.1.3. win7 :)
3.1.4. [KDE] Cherry Blossoms
4. Other
4.1. Python-5
from tsoding's first porth video, (he is using debian, 37:00 copilot xd)
4.2. cat -v
not only harmful stuff <3
4.3. fediverse wiki
The Fediverse is a giant Network of social media platforms
4.3.1. there's another thing webmention which I found from Xe's blog
4.4. the beam book and learn you some erlang
4.5. Adequacy: Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?
BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system,
invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos.
4.6. GNU C Language Intro and Reference Manual
To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider
whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,
foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example.
4.7. 如何解读EVA
4.9. oxygenos
his final year project in high school, 2008
a webos using oxygen visual design
4.10. Hacker News: A better formulation of DRY(Don't Repeat Yourself) is SPOT (Single Point Of Truth)
4.12. Phrack Magazine
worth reading