dongdigua's blog Blog! Emacs webfeeder.el 日, 04 12月 2022 13:34:39 +0800 狗日的腾讯会议
由于本文是全中文, 所以可能会有人转载
故再次声名: 本文以 CC BY-NC-SA 许可发布, 转载请注明原作者: dongdigua/d0ngd1gua
这篇文章欢迎传播, 但是传播必须要符合许可协议


正如我早就预料到的: 变成像屎一样是腾讯家软件发展的必然.

它现在如此"成功"的原因和其他腾讯系软件一样, 趁着国内某些方面软件技术的空白, 赶紧抄袭国外的技术!

凭借这大量的码农和"大公司的可信度", 吸引一大批用户并让他们对其产生依赖后, 开始收割!

我自认为我上网课的历程算是见证了腾讯会议的发家史, 也是疫情宅家才让我接触到互联网的大千世界.

自疫情上网课, 我就一直用腾讯会议, 但同时也用瞩目, 那个传奇的 Zoom 的国内版,

这种洋软件被对待的方式也是很普遍–不是被挡在长城外, 就是产生一个 奇妙的国内版.

当时, 每当瞩目更新一个新功能(实际上是 Zoom), 腾讯会议总能在一个月左右跟进, 你出一个我抄一个.

虽然我才刚入坑互联网, 却也与同学们得出了"腾讯会议抄袭瞩目"这一有趣的结论.

现在看来, 这太正常了, 抄袭就是腾讯家的一贯作风!

又过了很长一段时间, 再上网课时, 发现腾讯会议加了"啸应用",

那时我已经对腾讯的发家史了解很多了, 这也太正常了, 国内互联网"大厂"最爱干的就是小程序, 制造生态孤岛.

所以我觉得还能让人忍受, 不就是继 WeeChatOS 之后又一个 T encentM eetingOS 嘛…

不, 格局小了! 接下来发生的事才叫一个有趣, 才算的上腾讯真正的优良传统.

现在, 视频选项中加了美颜, 加了头饰, 完美契合了中国网民的虚荣心.

不出所料, 头饰收费, 诶, 有那个占了 0.2G 内置 UE4 引擎的焯级QQ秀那味了.

虚拟背景, 自定义背景是"限免", 那就是下一步要收费喽.

那我觉得你腾讯下一步可以把 Live2D 从别的软件扒出来加进去, 皮肤再收个费, 完美!

当然, 作为卑微的普通学生用户, 不管那些时髦东西, 能正常上课就行了, 吗?

接下来才是我写这篇文章骂腾讯的直接原因: 连正常上课都, 得加钱!

曾经全国线上授课办公, 钉钉还没完全崛起, 腾讯会议绝对是网课主力军.

当时除了人数有免费限制(我记得是100人)外, 也没什么别的要钱的地方.

而现在, 只有部分地区上网课, 结果免费的只能 三个人 开摄像头!!!

这缺的不是资源, 是良心!

当然, 学生乐意了, 因为在老师意识到必须交钱之前可以有正当理由不开摄像头…

解决方案? 当然有很多开源免费高质量的 会议软件和服务,

但是人们大多不想改变, 甘愿在屋檐下低头.

看着老师桌面上 Office 2006, 满屏悬浮球, 中国特供版 Flash… 至于 360, 见怪不怪了.


他们没有想过也没有能力让自己的电脑为自己所用, 意识不到自己在被垃圾软件控制着.


这种关系国民教育的关键领域, 由这种坑钱公司控制着,

但要是让"官方"来呢? 便成 人教版Pad那种 熊样

(如果有人能在档案馆找到网页存档, 欢迎联系添加)

希望, 在我们这一代网民!

"青年要立志做大事, 不要立志进大厂", 希望同学们将来真正为中国乃至世界的软件技术作出贡献,

而不是去大厂做那些坑人的, 骗钱的, 破坏别人电脑的, 违背良心的, 无意义的工作.

最后, 让我们畅想一个富有中国特色开源软件的生态吧(暂时没找到原作者):

  • VSCode 中国版需手机扫码登录

  • npm install 默认 50KB 每秒, 想加速请开通 npm 网盘会员

  • Github 分 "高速下载, 离线下载, 本地下载" 等 5 个按钮,

    未登录用户每小时仅限 clone 一个仓库, 同时点击下载后随机弹窗广告

  • Stack Overflow 支持付费推广回答, 可长期置顶莆田系统培训版招生信息

  • TypeScript 泛型仅限微软注册会员使用, 升级黄金 VIP 可解锁类型体操递归上限

  • 前端 UI 组件库内置贪玩蓝月广告, 支持付费关闭

  • 免费用户 gcc 编译 -j 并发数限制为 1, 需并行编译者欢迎打赏开通 GNU 大会员

  • Android Studio 深度集成反诈骗中心, 将反诈功能编译进每一个 APK

]]> 五, 02 12月 2022 08:00:00 +0800
New(and Newer) Blog Architecture

1. Branch

I've never fully learnt git before(only search for garbage when meeted with problem), so I recently read ProGit.

And I have some good ideas on my repo architecture: I should make use of branch, obviously.

1.1. Idea is:

seperate the source file(org) and the generated files(html, feed.xml)

so I can

1.1.1. clearly look at the diff

1.1.2. delete the generated files if I want

because those static files are really unecessary and takes much space

1.2. So what

1.2.1. use filter-branch to remove the huge feed.xml in the full history

1.2.2. ignore the generated files in the source repo

1.2.3. merge the source repo into site repo when I think it's ok

don't remove the source(org) in the site repo,

if build in main and checkout to site, those html will be overwritten

1.2.4. and I will use the same stratagy on my YW sub-website if there's no problem

I'm testing using CI on YW sub-site before deploying on this precious repo

1.3. Need Advice

I'm really new to do this. If you have a better idea, or this is somehow useful to you,

contact me, please!

2. CI

I previously thought of using CI to deploy blog, but I thought it too difficult, so just keep status quo.

But for many times I want to build a NixOS with wayland and lots of other big util(such as clang and metasploit),

if I build it on my machine, it will take up too many spaces and make no use except for building iso.

So it urged me to use a CI, after some trying, I found it not difficult and in fact, very useful!

I can have my huge feed.xml(which contains each of my post) dynamically generated by CI, it will save lots of spaces!

I will bundle my entire history mess and put it on release, like previous big change,

then use the Nuclear Option filter-branch to delete those generated big files.

]]> 日, 20 11月 2022 08:00:00 +0800


老师上课放(U盘里)视频的时候 "啪" 把U盘拔了!

下一次插上就提示 "是否格式化" :)

反正闲时间太多, 我就准备试试给修复一下, 使用我在我文具盒里待了两年的工具箱: Ventoy 启动盘


我首先是对 Linux 文件系统有一定基础, 也进行过不少操作(如多次安装gentoo和arch)

也搞过一些文件系统损坏的事(比如调分区坏过C盘), 还算有经验

于是我上老师电脑启动了两年前放在工具箱盘里的 Fedora Workstation 34


把老师的U盘插上, "嘎嗒"一声熟悉的 gnome 提示音, U盘没显示


mount -t 试试? 是不是没文件系统坏了没识别? 不是

fsck 试试? 不行

嗯??? 似乎有点超出我的知识储备和经验了


只有一个整盘, 没有分区号? 凭直觉, 我觉得那就是分区表坏了

然后查了一下(当然用英文查), 有没有能修复分区表的? testdisk

然后先用 dd 整盘备份一下, 跑 testdisk




和 testdisk 一家的软件还有 photorec, 我似乎在 linuxcn 见过(懒得去找链接了)



一节课之后, 文件(和曾经被删除的)都回来了



联系我后将磁盘镜像传到 FTP 服务器, 不接百度网盘


16GiB 以下 0.3 XMR

16~64GiB 0.5 XMR


恢复完之后我想瞅瞅那些教学视频, 正常来讲 f34 应该有解码器的, 但是没有


]]> 日, 13 11月 2022 08:00:00 +0800
Clear Kernel Build Error? Fix It

when I compile Clear kernel with LLVM enabled, I got this error:

arch/x86/kernel/cpu/intel_epb.c:172:2: error: call to undeclared function 'sched_set_itmt_power_ratio';
ISO C99 and later do not support implicit function declarations [-Werror,-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
        sched_set_itmt_power_ratio(256 - val * 2, cpu);
arch/x86/kernel/cpu/intel_epb.c:172:2: note: did you mean 'sched_set_itmt_core_prio'?
./arch/x86/include/asm/topology.h:189:20: note: 'sched_set_itmt_core_prio' declared here
static inline void sched_set_itmt_core_prio(int prio, int core_cpu)
1 error generated.

it's obvious that the sched_set_itmt_power_ratio function is undeclared

so I added the following like the function on top of it

and it is able to compile :)

 ---  /home/gentoo/linux/topology.h
 +++  arch/x86/include/asm/topology.h
 @@ -189,6 +189,9 @@
 static inline void sched_set_itmt_core_prio(int prio, int core_cpu)
+static inline void sched_set_itmt_power_ratio(int prio, int core_cpu)
 static inline int sched_set_itmt_support(void)
        return 0;

Notice: I'm ignorant about C programming, so if anything's wrong, please contact me

]]> 五, 04 11月 2022 08:00:00 +0800
Gentoo LLVM_TARGETS not Working?

Recently, I would like to test switching from gcc to clang on my Gentoo VM.

warning: you will be crazy to have too many packages can't be build with clang

1. problem

First I want to make LLVM not targeting too many platform, but changing LLVM_TARGETS don't work

[ebuild  N     ] sys-devel/llvm-15.0.3:15::gentoo   USE= "binutils-plugin libffi
 ncurses -debug -doc -exegesis -libedit -test -verify-sig -xar -xml -z3 -zstd"
 LLVM_TARGETS= "(AArch64) (AMDGPU) (ARM) (AVR) (BPF) (Hexagon) (Lanai) (MSP430)
 (Mips) (NVPTX) (PowerPC) (RISCV) (Sparc) (SystemZ) (VE) (WebAssembly) (X86)
 (XCore) (-ARC) (-CSKY) (-DirectX) (-LoongArch) (-M68k) (-SPIRV)" 241 KiB    

2. and I found [solved] LLVM_TARGETS not respected?(Mar 2022) on gentoo forum

It seems that global LLVM_TARGETS setting is not respected,

and flags such as llvm_targets_AArch64, llvm_targets_ARM, are no longer there.

They're now forced by default as a precaution.

3. solution

3.1. add something like */* -llvm_targets_AArch64 into /etc/portage/profile/package.use.force

I excluded all targets exept for X86, but still 3 left: AMDGPU, BPF, NVPTX

3.2. so I also add sys-devel/llvm -llvm_targets_AMDGPU -llvm_targets_BPF -llvm_targets_NVPTX in /etc/portage/package.use/

3.3. and don't forget to add that three excluder to clang or other compiler that uses llvm

4. finally I got this:

[ebuild  N     ] sys-devel/llvm-15.0.3:15::gentoo   USE= "binutils-plugin libffi
 ncurses -debug -doc -exegesis -libedit -test -verify-sig -xar -xml -z3 -zstd"
 LLVM_TARGETS= "(X86) -AArch64 -AMDGPU (-ARC) -ARM -AVR -BPF (-CSKY) (-DirectX)
 -Hexagon -Lanai (-LoongArch) (-M68k) -MSP430 -Mips -NVPTX -PowerPC -RISCV
 (-SPIRV) -Sparc -SystemZ -VE -WebAssembly -XCore" 241 KiB
]]> 六, 29 10月 2022 08:00:00 +0800
CentOS/Fedora 不同配置/变体都默认安装了什么软件(组)

for 中文特别兴趣小组)



1. CentOS

CentOS 安装时可选不同的配置



CentOS-Stream 8 为例, 定义软件组的文件是 comps.xml

左边的基本环境就是 tag 列表


< environment  variant= "BaseOS">
  < id>custom-environmentid>
  < name>Custom Operating Systemname>
  < display_order>5display_order>
< environment  variant= "BaseOS">
  < id>minimal-environmentid>
  < name>Minimal Installname>
  < display_order>4display_order>
< environment>
  < id>server-product-environmentid>
  < name>Servername>
  < display_order>2display_order>
< environment  arch= "aarch64,s390x,ppc64le,x86_64">
  < id>graphical-server-environmentid>
  < name>Server with GUIname>
  < display_order>1display_order>
< environment  variant= "BaseOS">
  < id>cloud-server-environmentid>
  < name>Cloud Servername>
  < display_order>3display_order>
< environment  variant= "BaseOS">
  < id>web-server-environmentid>
  < name>Web Servername>
  < display_order>50display_order>
< environment>
  < id>infrastructure-server-environmentid>
  < name>Infrastructure Servername>
  < display_order>60display_order>
< environment  variant= "AppStream"  arch= "x86_64,ppc64le">
  < id>developer-workstation-environmentid>
  < name>Development and Creative Workstationname>
  < display_order>90display_order>
< environment  variant= "AppStream"  arch= "x86_64,ppc64le">
  < id>gnome-desktop-environmentid>
  < name>GNOME Desktopname>
  < display_order>80display_order>
< environment  variant= "AppStream"  arch= "x86_64,ppc64le">
  < id>workstation-product-environmentid>
  < name>Workstationname>
  < display_order>3display_order>
< environment  variant= "AppStream"  arch= "x86_64">
  < id>virtualization-host-environmentid>
  < name>Virtualization Hostname>
  < display_order>70display_order>

但还是对不上, 应该很接近了…吧?


然后瞅一眼产生的临时文件 /tmp/dnf.cache/

├── appstream-831abc7e9d6a1a72
│  ├── metalink.xml
│  └── repodata
│     ├── 95f4408838f85e23117d7d89ab47e1029692a443722e0e315fe3db07c32ee573-modules.yaml.xz
│     ├── 2047121fda8828f9b4d611cbfb736a89048cb411356e7ac2bdd95d927d044791-filelists.xml.gz
│     ├── e27fd8f9028bdc339a014f95debd07da4ef7b217522d14721af050aa9e7cf93e-primary.xml.gz
│     ├── f0d518764a274c71de0773b3590932ded56234b2f6ac4bf025d125b7ed29269f-comps-AppStream.x86_64.xml
│     ├── gen
│     │  └── groups.xml
│     └── repomd.xml
├── baseos-044cae74d71fe9ea
│  ├── metalink.xml
│  └── repodata
│     ├── 88ded6c02c5c3c62ab02250505cf0b8dee3af85819b666731c3cf813c275db6c-primary.xml.gz
│     ├── b47aeefede03d4d530f4538bf8f73531fd1a6a2bb66ca1778e3423c4dec34121-filelists.xml.gz
│     ├── d52d95f0f2d1a56b197a698aa328813a7e45e2d5b2883e04f4a3f604638b7a4a-comps-BaseOS.x86_64.xml
│     ├── gen
│     │  └── groups.xml
│     └── repomd.xml

那里面的 *-comps-*.xml

就正好是 1~4 和两个 99


< environment>
  < id>graphical-server-environmentid>
  < name>Server with GUIname>
  < description>An integrated, easy-to-manage server with a graphical interface.description>
  < display_order>1display_order>
  < grouplist>
    < groupid>base-xgroupid>
    < groupid>container-managementgroupid>
    < groupid>coregroupid>
    < groupid>fontsgroupid>
    < groupid>gnome-desktopgroupid>
    < groupid>guest-desktop-agentsgroupid>
    < groupid>hardware-monitoringgroupid>
    < groupid>hardware-supportgroupid>
    < groupid>headless-managementgroupid>
    < groupid>internet-browsergroupid>
    < groupid>multimediagroupid>
    < groupid>networkmanager-submodulesgroupid>
    < groupid>print-clientgroupid>
    < groupid>server-productgroupid>
    < groupid>standardgroupid>
  < optionlist> optionlist>
< environment>
  < id>server-product-environmentid>
  < name>Servername>
  < description>An integrated, easy-to-manage server.description>
  < display_order>2display_order>
  < grouplist>
    < groupid>container-managementgroupid>
    < groupid>coregroupid>
    < groupid>hardware-supportgroupid>
    < groupid>headless-managementgroupid>
    < groupid>server-productgroupid>
    < groupid>standardgroupid>
  < optionlist> optionlist>
< environment>
  < id>virtualization-host-environmentid>
  < name>Virtualization Hostname>
  < description>Minimal virtualization host.description>
  < display_order>99display_order>
  < grouplist>
    < groupid>basegroupid>
    < groupid>coregroupid>
    < groupid>standardgroupid>
    < groupid>virtualization-hypervisorgroupid>
    < groupid>virtualization-toolsgroupid>
  < optionlist> optionlist>
< environment>
  < id>workstation-product-environmentid>
  < name>Workstationname>
  < description>Workstation is a user-friendly desktop system for laptops and PCs.description>
  < display_order>4display_order>
  < grouplist>
    < groupid>base-xgroupid>
    < groupid>coregroupid>
    < groupid>fontsgroupid>
    < groupid>gnome-desktopgroupid>
    < groupid>guest-desktop-agentsgroupid>
    < groupid>hardware-supportgroupid>
    < groupid>internet-browsergroupid>
    < groupid>multimediagroupid>
    < groupid>networkmanager-submodulesgroupid>
    < groupid>print-clientgroupid>
    < groupid>standardgroupid>
    < groupid>workstation-productgroupid>
  < optionlist> optionlist>


< environment>
  < id>custom-environmentid>
  < name>Custom Operating Systemname>
  < description>Basic building block for a custom RHEL system.description>
  < display_order>99display_order>
  < grouplist>
    < groupid>coregroupid>
  < optionlist> optionlist>
< environment>
  < id>minimal-environmentid>
  < name>Minimal Installname>
  < description>Basic functionality.description>
  < display_order>3display_order>
  < grouplist>
    < groupid>coregroupid>
  < optionlist> optionlist>
< environment>
  < id>server-product-environmentid>
  < name>Servername>
  < description>An integrated, easy-to-manage server.description>
  < display_order>2display_order>
  < grouplist>
    < groupid>coregroupid>
    < groupid>hardware-supportgroupid>
    < groupid>headless-managementgroupid>
    < groupid>server-productgroupid>
    < groupid>standardgroupid>
  < optionlist> optionlist>

2. Fedora

Fedora 分不同的变体, 常见的是 Server 和 Workstation

与 CentOS 不同, Fedora 是在 kickstarts 定义的变体

[Payload] 中定义了安装哪些软件(组)

然后根据 comps.xml 就知道安装了什么软件

2.1. Workstation


< environment>
  < id>workstation-product-environmentid>
  < _name>Fedora Workstation_name>
  < _description>Fedora Workstation is a user friendly desktop system for laptops and PCs._description>
  < display_order>2display_order>
  < grouplist>
    < groupid>base-xgroupid>
    < groupid>container-managementgroupid>
    < groupid>coregroupid>
    < groupid>firefoxgroupid>
    < groupid>fontsgroupid>
    < groupid>gnome-desktopgroupid>
    < groupid>guest-desktop-agentsgroupid>
    < groupid>hardware-supportgroupid>
    < groupid>libreofficegroupid>
    < groupid>multimediagroupid>
    < groupid>networkmanager-submodulesgroupid>
    < groupid>printinggroupid>
    < groupid>workstation-productgroupid>
  < optionlist> optionlist>

2.2. Server


< environment>
  < id>server-product-environmentid>
  < name>Servername>
  < display_order>2display_order>
  < grouplist>
    < groupid>server-productgroupid>
    < groupid>standardgroupid>
    < groupid>coregroupid>
    < groupid>hardware-supportgroupid>
    < groupid>headless-managementgroupid>
    < groupid>container-managementgroupid>
  < optionlist> optionlist>
]]> 四, 29 9月 2022 08:00:00 +0800
Matrix chat (clients comparation, proxy setting)

I wanna use matrix just because many people use it.

1. comparation of clients, sorted by satisfaction

1.1. neochat


1.2. quaternion

small but have most of function

fancy scrollbar, can configure proxy in app

wayland support not good: error copying image(like qutebrowser)

1.3. ement.el

I like doing everything in emacs, with keyboard

but it don't work:

1.4. fractal

HUGE and not fully fonctionall

1.5. thunderbird

all-in-one solution, matrix support is not good: cannot show picture

I even don't use it for email(I use Geary)

2. how to set proxy

2.1. neochat

env: http_proxy

2.2. fractal

env: https_proxy

accroding to reqwest document

2.3. ement.el

var: plz-curl-default-args

]]> 四, 22 9月 2022 08:00:00 +0800



1. 扩充自 庄主人肉大炮 我的置顶评论

如果再遇到给它洗白的人, 可以把下面这些怼过去

1.1. 日月脏主 Wiki


1.4. fallen屠龙炮

最开始根本没有标注原作者, 而且还说"感谢TIS成员的帮助", 然而TIS成员并没有进行任何帮助


]]> 日, 11 9月 2022 08:00:00 +0800

here are some of my ideas, most of which are unachieveable now

you can steal them, but you'd better let me know and add a reference

2. Rust wasm 制作 schemetic/litemetica 渲染器

3. 用 sway 实现 用窗口玩游戏(×)用游戏玩窗口(√)的效果

4. 不同 Linux 内核(xanmod, clear)玩 MC 性能对比

5. emacs mode: eww show console.log() in Message

6. win7WM

just a dream

7. join DN42

8. 一个能使用 APP(key) 功能的 bili 客户端


9. 用 eww 实现苹果的 "灵动岛"?

呵呵, 在B站看到这样的基本就是壁纸软件的广告

10. Nethack x Minecraft

]]> 五, 09 9月 2022 08:00:00 +0800
Something About MGLNDD Scans

1. DONE stretchoid opt-out

it's this domain's workers that COMSTANTLY scanning the WHOLE internet

2. Some related link

2.2. SANS internet storm center diary

about the scanner and IP range

2.4. 【水蓝石】 近日图书馆出入人员信息逸事和小恶魔创造【持续更新】




  1. HackerFactor: Scans & Attacks

2.5. zhihu:repost-translation: 如何建立一个基本的蜜罐

the original post is gone



他们没有确定他们正在做什么或为什么他们在161 / udp扫描我的蜜罐。(端口161 / udp是为简单的网络管理协议(SNMP)保留的,并且经常容易受到攻击。)

是的,他们把“malicious”拼错了 - 因此它可能不会出现在谷歌搜索“stretchoid and malicious”的结果中。

]]> 三, 17 8月 2022 08:00:00 +0800
Something About Wayland(swaywm)

1. Solution

1.1. VirtualBox

1.1.1. cursor


1.1.2. egl error

enable 3D acceleration in VirtualBox

1.2. unable to drop root

donot run under root

1.2.1. in normal user, libseat permission deniened

add user in video group

login as user, not root

1.3. iBus

1.3.1. reddit: ibus on swaywm

so I use emacs pyim

1.4. Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified

1.4.1. sudo -E

1.4.2. lxpolkit(directly execute) or polkit-gnome(prettier, at /usr/libexec/polkit-gnome-authentication-agent-1)

1.5. cannot start sway on lightdm

yes, still not stable, and it can't remenber which DE you used last time

so use gdm is a better choice?

SDDM is fantastic! It is themeable,

I'm using elarun, a oxygen-like smooth crystal theme, materia-kde is also a good choice

1.5.1. Fedora 37 don't work

sddm don't work on fedora37, so switch to gdm

1.5.2. environment variable missing?

trick: add Exec=zsh -c sway in /usr/share/wayland-sessions/sway.desktop

1.6. obs

don't remove the include line in sway/config, and it will be fine

1.7. cursor theme not working

from this issue

add seat seat0 xcursor_theme Oxygen_White in sway config file

1.10. emacs tool-bar not working(cannot toggle and icon theme missing)

1.10.1. cannot toggle: disable custon default-frame-alist, or just use floating mode

1.10.2. TODO icon theme missing: ?

1.11. Option –create on workspace prev_on_output|next_on_output?

this feature is not compatible with i3, so sway didn't accept the pr

2. Ref

2.4. prtsc is Print

xev/wev is helpful

2.6. Configs


a great config

2.6.2. Ruixi-rebirth's dotfiles

sway, very beautiful, from COSSIG

2.6.3. a Paid config

this is excellent, but…not for me, I'd like something simpler

  1. archcraft

2.6.4. 夜 - Yoru

awesome config!

]]> 日, 07 8月 2022 08:00:00 +0800
Binary Exploit Resources I Recently Trying to Learn

1. resources

1.2. website

1.2.1. picoCTF

2. tools

2.1. code auditing


2.1.1. pscan

2.1.2. rats

2.1.3. splint

2.1.4. flawfinder

2.2. debug

2.2.1. gdb

2.3. reverse

2.3.1. radare2

  1. iaito

2.3.2. hopper(non-free)

3. notes on video

3.1. 0x04: asm basics

3.1.1. to show assembly in the source code window in gud, M-x gdb-display-disassembly-buffer

3.2. 0x06: tools

3.2.1. simple tools

  1. hexdump

  2. strings

    all printable letters

  3. objdump


  4. strace/ltrace

    trace sys/lib call

3.2.2. 0x0A: deal with numbers

  1. endian?

    from Wikipedia

    Big-Endian.svg.png Little-Endian.svg.png

    x86 is little endian

  2. tools

    1. python

      >>>  int( '111', 2)
      >>>  hex(123)
      >>>  import struct
      >>> struct.pack( ", 0x61626364)  #  little endian
      b 'dcba'
      >>> struct.pack( ">I", 0x61626364)  #  big endian
      b 'abcd'
    2. iex

      iex(1)> <<0x61626364::32>>
      iex(2)>  Base.decode16( "61626364")
      { :ok,  "abcd"}
]]> 三, 29 6月 2022 08:00:00 +0800
Recommend EverForest Theme

强烈推荐 everforest 这个主题

Everforest is a green based color scheme, it's designed to be warm and soft in order to protect developers' eyes.

是一个绿色系护眼主题, 正如名字, 有森林的气息

分为暗色和亮色, 每一种都有三种不同深浅的背景

作者是中国人, 制作了许多高质量 Vim 主题

1. emacs

这个主题在 2022-06-29 才开始制作 emacs 版本

目前还没在 melpa 上, 所以需要手动安装

我一看到这个就从 Nord 换过来了

我加入了 whitespace-mode 的支持, 默认的颜色太晃眼睛啦


放一段 Rust 代码的效果


]]> 一, 27 6月 2022 08:00:00 +0800
这一天终于来了, B站显示 IP 属地


1. 我的看法

这个事情真正要打击的那些 诈骗/造假/海外势力, 并不会受到影响,


那些所谓的"翻车"博主, 大多数可能只是公司在国内, 却因为这件事被各大媒体揪出来.

对于那些网络喷子, 这种事估计不会减少它们的言论, 反而会加重"地域黑"…

对于普通人, 大多数肯定是没什么影响, 也根本不在意,

但是有些人, 只想公开自己想让别人看见的,


2. 2022-7-25-12:00 公开显示 IP 属地

3. reference

3.1. from zhihu

掰锝胃, 这个链接的截图在B站不到半小时就被删除了…

B口口口口( ), 口口口口( ).

]]> 六, 18 6月 2022 08:00:00 +0800
Editor Cheatsheet

1. VIM

1.1. deletion

key usage
D delete to end of line

1.2. edit

key usage
u/C-r 撤销/重做
c i { change inside {}
"{register}y/p 向/从寄存器拷贝

1.3. movement

key usage
w/e 下一个单词/单词尾
b 单词头
H/M/L 当前页面可见顶部/中间/底部
C-u(f)/d 上/下翻页
% 到对应括号
{} 段落跳转
g ; goto last change
g */# 正/反查找光标下的词
g d/D 跳转到本地/全局定义

1.4. visual

key usage next
C-v 矩形区域选择 S-i 插入, esc 批量执行

1.5. file/split

key usage
:n/:N 文件之间切换
:b 切换到文件
C-w h/j/k/l 切换分屏窗口
ZZ :wq


2.1. org

key usage
C-c | 创建表格
C-c C-e 导出 HTML
C-c C-x C-v toggle render images
C-c C-l 编辑链接
C-c C-, org-insert-structure-template

Bold italic underline strikethrough code verbatim

2.2. normal

key usage
M-% 替换
M-; 区域切换注释
C-x C-; 行切换注释
C-y paste to minibuffer
M-&/! async/shell command
C-M-\ indent-region

2.3. eww/elpher (essensial)

key usage
TAB shr-next-link/elpher-next-link
d eww-download/elpher-download
g eww-reload/elpher-go
G eww
l eww-back-url
ˆ elpher-back-url
& eww-browse-with-external-browser
w eww-copy-page-url
C/c elpher-copy-current/link-url
v eww-view-page-source
. elpher-view-raw

3. Git

Git 能离线使用只是个传说, 你仍然需要联网搜索该用哪个命令传什么参数

git log --stat | perl -ne  'END { print $c } $c += $1 if /(\d+) insertions/;'
git log --pretty=tformat: --numstat | awk  '{ add += $1; subs += $2; loc += $1 - $2 } END { printf "added lines: %s, removed lines: %s, total lines: %s\n", add, subs, loc }'

git show :1:file   #  1common 2ours 3theirs

4. Fish

key usage
M-Left/Right jump world, or prevd/nextd
M-s sudo the last command
M-w what is this
]]> 一, 13 6月 2022 08:00:00 +0800
Internet Collections

1. 一些(个人)博客收集

        _                                                  ___
 /\    /   _  ._ _|_  _. o ._    |\/|  _.  _  o  _  _. |    |  ._   _|  _
/--\   \_ (/_ |   |_ (_| | | |   |  | (_| (_| | (_ (_| |   _|_ | | (_| (/_ ><

1.2. qiusir    rssub

1.3. XahLee


1.4. 王垠

1.5. 阮一峰    rssub

1.6. 黑客技术    hack

really good website, butt, no rss

1.7. Bryan Ford

leads the Decentralized/Distributed Systems (DEDIS) lab

Two Principles of Deadlines:

  1. All deadlines converge on the same day—Deadline Day.

  2. Every day is Deadline Day.

1.9. floooh(The Brain Dump)    c

07 年开始, cpu emulator

1.9.2. Modern C for C++ Peeps

Modern C is not a subset of C++

1.10. Core Dumped    rust  lowlevel  emacs

all 7 article are of high quality

1.13. 这可太刑了


1.14. 写着写着就懂了    elixir

elixir/erlang大佬, 公众号: HelloElixir

1.15. lujun9972    emacs  rssub


1.15.1. emacs document

1.16. 文辉的烂笔头    lowlevel


第一次查过的问题,就应该记下来 !

第二次再查的问题,就必须记下来 !

1.16.2. 解决Org-Mode表格不对齐问题

更纱黑体 使中文恰好为英文宽度两倍, 使用字体比 valign 更通用, 但是不好看

1.17. scinart    lisp


1.18. bozhang    rssable

05 年开始, 天文学

1.20. IceGuye

1.23. 第 N 个质数    c  algorithm

看不懂, 先收藏着

1.24. mrxn    hack

网安, data-leak

1.25. include-yy    c  lisp  emacs


1.25.2. 由(λ(x)(x x))看elisp与scheme之区别

这个问题其实就是 Lisp-1 和 Lisp-2 的区别导致的

Lisp-1 的变量命名空间和函数命名空间是统一的,而在 Lisp-2 中两者是分开的

  1. Xah Lee Lisp-1 vs Lisp-2

1.27. keep coding    rust  c  lowlevel  backend


1.27.1. EmacsTalk

1.27.2. 现代化 C    c

1.28. Tomas Petricek    rssub

F#, M1(r0$0f+, very high quality

1.29. 弦外之音    c  lowlevel


1.30. TODO lightless blog    hack

1.31. The State of GPGPU in Rust    rust  lowlevel

1.33. Xe Iaso    rssub

1.33.1. series: V

  1. V for Vaporware


1.33.2. Nim and Tup

1.33.3. OpenSSL gave everyone alarm fatigue

funny byte

 ---  a/crypto/punycode.c
 +++  b/crypto/punycode.c
 @@ -181,7 +181,7 @@  int ossl_punycode_decode(const char *pEncoded, const size_t enc_len,
         n = n + i / (written_out + 1);
         i %= (written_out + 1);

-        if (written_out > max_out)
+        if (written_out >= max_out)
             return 0;

         memmove(pDecoded + i + 1, pDecoded + i,

1.35. UlyC    python

1.35.2. 2021年, 用更现代的方法使用PGP

同样是非对称算法, 为什么PGP的私钥就长这么多呢?

因为他们用的算法不同, 比特币默认使用的是ECDSA的 secp256k1算法, 该算法只是用来签名和认证, 并不用来加密

(signify 只用于签名认证, age 只用于加密, 所以密钥也比较短)

  1. 震惊! 竟然有人在 GitHub 上冒充我的身份!

1.36. kernal

Welcome to the darkest dungeon of kernal

1.36.1. Dumping Linuxfx customers    fun

A Windows-like distro including the spyware and activation

1.37. vimacs

Written with Vim and Emacs. A member of Linux Club of Peking University.

with cat-v-like sidebar style

1.39. Nyxt: Why should I care about Gopher?    gopher

By making something a little bit more inaccessible, we are inadvertently putting a filter on what is being posted.

This makes it a great way to avoid a lot of the low effort noise published on popular/accessible platforms.

As a result, Gopher is full of interesting, enriching, high quality content.

The authors are posting out of passion, and with great commitment.

Don't get me wrong, there's nonsense on Gopher too, but far less of it.

1.39.1. 社区本地人与永恒的九月(Eternal September)





1.40. TODO Peter 's Homepage    rssub

GE d@ s: a C++$ UBL+++$ P++(–)$ L++(-)$ !E W+++(-)$ !N !o K–? w !O !M !V PS++ PE- Y+ PGP+ t+ 5+++ X+ R tv b+ DI D+ G e++ h r+++ y+++*

1.40.1. Gopher? Gopher.

1.42. phenix3443    c  emacs


1.43. julienblanchard/typed-hole    plan9

1.43.1. pmikkelsen

1.45. 金步国作品集    lowlevel  linux

kernel, LFS

1.51. B

1.51.1. yanemame


1.51.2. 我不会编程


B站: 美味的樱桃菌

1.51.3. CC    linux

B站: 称呼我C先生

1.51.4. lunaixsky    c  lowlevel

1.51.5. EndlessPeak    linux

1.52. ZhiHu

1.52.2. 倔强的程序员

编! 译! 原! 理!

1.52.3. 专栏: 技术考古    plan9


1.52.4. 专栏: 嘶吼RoarTalk    hack


1.52.6. 如何解读EVA




1.52.7. linuxcn: 少年黑客对自由软件的自由漫谈

linuxcn 里唯一一个让我感觉很有必要把链接放在这的文章

1.52.8. Z-library 域名被扣押,应急访问办法

use the power of tor:

1.53. shenjack/HWS/fri3nds

1.53.1. 老网虫

1.53.2. yang-qwq

1.53.3. zhanganzhi

1.53.4. 芒果快评

今年的新博客, 友链有踏浪

2. YouTube 收集(没有账号, 这就是我的收藏夹)

2.1. Computer Science

2.1.1. tsoding

  1. helloworld in c

  2. virtual machine in C , some notes

  3. irc client in ocaml

    0:50 List.fold_left faster than fold_right, but haskell is opposite

    1:00 I like ocaml, that's how python should look like,

    but ocaml itself is not ideal, you have to take ocaml and throw O away, and that's perfect

    1:03 to be fair p___hub is more interesting than this, that's for sure, so let's use Makefile (instead of dune)

    1:50 sexplib?

    2:14 "how many american server you have already hacked" - "I don't count them I'm sorry"

  4. Parsing Java Bytecode with Python

    0:05 look how TINY Java code is

    0:06 nonono all the opensource are controlled by coporation actually,

    they create a text editor plugin and sell the free code for $10 a month

  5. Hacking TCC compiler

    If we allowed `.` being treated automagically as `->` in C when used on pointers to structs,

    how much existing C code would be broken?

2.6. ?

2.6.3. Why I'm Suing YouTube.

a story about YouTube’s intentional efforts to undermine the United States of America in collusion with the Russian government.

It’s also a story about copyright infringement

— and YouTube’s willful blindness to bad actors who openly admit

to filing patently fraudulent DMCA counter-notifications to avoid the termination of their accounts.

2.6.5. Beating 5 Scam Arcade Games with Science


4. Mail

4.1. GNU C Language Intro and Reference Manual

To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider

whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,

foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example.

5. Other

5.1. Python-5

from tsoding's first porth video, (he is using debian, 37:00 copilot xd)

5.2. cat -v

not only harmful stuff <3

5.3. fediverse wiki

The Fediverse is a giant Network of social media platforms

5.3.1. there's another thing webmention which I found from Xe's blog

5.5. Adequacy: Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system,

invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos.

5.7. oxygenos

his final year project in high school, 2008

a webos using oxygen visual design

5.9. gccemacs


]]> 日, 05 6月 2022 08:00:00 +0800