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new post: BBS BGK->UTF8
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@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
#+TITLE: 支线任务: 中文 BBS GBK 转 UTF8
#+DATE: <2023-01-27 五>
我过年这两天在服务器运维群看到了 水木清华BBS 这个东西,
于是就 telnet 试了下, 发现字符集是 GBK!
emmm, 设置环境变量启动终端不行, 就得在 gnome-terminal 设置里面弄.
进去看了, 发现好多神奇的东西, 但整体还是没落, 现在还是虎年的欢迎页面...
接合我之前在 sdf.org, 新黑客词典, youtube 等地方看到的关于 BBS 的记忆片段,
我在 Back To BBS 节目里面看到了 [[https://syncterm.bbsdev.net][Syncterm]] 和 [[http://www.mysticbbs.com/downloads.html][Netrunner]],
一个不支持中文, 一个根本无法启动 (cannot open display).
然后我找到了 qterm, 先是在水木 FreeBSD 版块看见的, 后来搜索 BBS 客户端时想起来了.
下下来试一下, 不错. 但是我不想为了这一个东西而装一个额外软件, 还得编译.
然后就想, 如果不能终端解码, 那为啥不先转换成 UTF8 再显示呢?
那就 iconv? 结果人家是全输入完 EOF 了才显示...
有没有方式能不缓冲而是 on-the-fly 呢? 搜索引擎没搜到.
iconv 是基于 libiconv 库, 看看文档就能写了, 虽然我基本没写过 C 代码.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iconv.h>
#define UTF8_SIZE 4
convert_one(iconv_t cd)
char inbuf[2] = {0};
char outbuf[UTF8_SIZE] = {0};
size_t insize = 1;
size_t outsize = UTF8_SIZE;
char c = getchar();
if (c == EOF)
return 1;
inbuf[0] = c;
char * pIn = inbuf;
char * pOut = (char*) outbuf;
size_t iconv_result = iconv(cd, &pIn, &insize, &pOut, &outsize);
if (iconv_result == (size_t) -1) {
inbuf[1] = getchar();
insize = 2;
iconv(cd, &pIn, &insize, &pOut, &outsize);
for (int i = 0; i < UTF8_SIZE; i++) {
if (outbuf[i] != 0)
return 0;
iconv_t cd = iconv_open("UTF8", "GBK");
while (1)
if (convert_one(cd) == 1) break;
return 0;
好使, 但是, 我写这篇文章的时候又过去看了眼那个帖子的回复, 发现有这个:
luit -encoding gbk <command>
嗯, 好使...
另一个帖子说 GNU screen 也可以,
然后搜索 screen 转码的时候看到了这个 [[https://wadarochi.github.io/2011/05/24/GNU-screen-encoding的替代品,自制BBS转码脚本/][GNU screen encoding的替代品,自制BBS转码脚本]]
@ -19,18 +19,20 @@
| "{register}y/p | 向/从寄存器拷贝 |
** movement
| key | usage |
| w/e | 下一个单词/单词尾 |
| b | 单词头 |
| key | usage |
| w/e | 下一个单词/单词尾 |
| b | 单词头 |
| H/M/L | 当前页面可见顶部/中间/底部 |
| C-u(f)/d | 上/下翻页 |
| % | 到对应括号 |
| {} | 段落跳转 |
| g ; | goto last change |
| g */# | 正/反查找光标下的词 |
| g d/D | 跳转到本地/全局定义 |
| C-w | jump between splits |
| C-u(f)/d | 上/下翻页 |
| % | 到对应括号 |
| {} | 段落跳转 |
| g ; | goto last change |
| g */# | 正/反查找光标下的词 |
| g d/D | 跳转到本地/全局定义 |
| C-w | jump between splits |
| C-o/i | Older/Newer position |
| ` | mark |
** file/split
| key | usage |
@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
#+TAGS: lowlevel(w) frontend(f) backend(b) algorithm(a) math(t)
#+TAGS: hack(h) fun(u) wow(O)
#+TAGS: emacs(m) linux(x) iot(i) plan9(9) BSD(B)
#+TAGS: smth
#+OPTIONS: toc:1 ^:{}
#+TITLE: Internet Collections
@ -13,13 +14,19 @@
/--\ \_ (/_ | |_ (_| | | | | | (_| (_| | (_ (_| | _|_ | | (_| (/_ ><
这才是互联网好玩的地方, 你总能在某个奇怪的角落发现神奇的东西
-- 我
* (Personal) Blogs
:CUSTOM_ID: blog
#+TAGS: rssable(s) rssub(U) gopher(g)
** Random Stuff Floating Around
not related to the root blog entry (I don't know what I mean)
not related to the root blog entry (I don't know what I mean, do you?)
*** [[https://www.luogu.com.cn/blog/ivystorm/emacs-adventuredunnet-tong-guan-jiao-cheng][luogu blog: emacs dunnet 教程]] :emacs:
*** [[https://bheisler.github.io/post/state-of-gpgpu-in-rust/][The State of GPGPU in Rust]] :rust:lowlevel:
*** [[https://secretgeek.github.io/html_wysiwyg/][巧用 CSS 显示 HTML 源码]] :frontend:
@ -234,8 +241,10 @@ int function(void) {
** [[https://ifaceless.github.io/2019/11/17/guide-to-linux-scheduler/][论文学习之 Linux 调度器]]
*** [[https://ifaceless.github.io/2019/10/30/linux-kernel-dev-notes/][Linux Kernel Development 学习与总结]]
** [[https://hardenedlinux.github.io][Hardened GNU/Linux]] :hack:
** TODO [[https://briancallahan.net][Dr. Brian Robert Callahan]] :BSD:
*** [[https://briancallahan.net/blog/20220629.html][OpenBSD has two new C compilers: chibicc and kefir]] :smth:
** B
** B/HWS/fri3nds
*** [[https://shakaianee.top/][社会易姐]]
*** [[https://blog.yangmame.org/][yanemame]]
@ -251,14 +260,22 @@ EvanMeek / B站: 美味的樱桃菌
**** [[https://sh.alynx.one/posts/Linux-Mooncake-Jokes/][Linux 用户的月饼食用手册]] :fun:
**** [[https://sh.alynx.one/posts/Do-Not-Fill-My-Email-with-Silly-Ads/][不要拿愚蠢的广告来污染我的邮箱]]
**** [[https://sh.alynx.one/posts/Emacs-Monaco-Box-drawing-Character/][Emacs 和 Monaco 字体和 Box-drawing Character]]
*** [[http://www.z.org.cn/][老网虫]]
*** [[https://blog.yang-qwq.ml][yang-qwq]]
*** [[http://blog.zhanganzhi.com/][zhanganzhi]]
*** [[https://blog.bluemangoo.net/][芒果快评]]
今年的新博客, 友链有踏浪
*** [[https://acyanbird.github.io][山奈]]
** ZhiHu
*** [[https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/138719668][用Go语言汇编计算fibonacci数列]] :lowlevel:
*** [[https://www.cnblogs.com/zjjws/p/13346020.html][第 N 个质数]] :c:algorithm:
看不懂, 先收藏着
*** [[https://www.zhihu.com/column/c_1313110231912726528][倔强的程序员]]
编! 译! 原! 理!
*** [[https://www.zhihu.com/column/c_185117725][专栏: 技术考古]] :plan9:
*** [[https://www.zhihu.com/column/c_185117725][专栏: 技术考古]] :wow:plan9:
**** [[https://web.archive.org/web/20220423091317/https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/502733643][archive: 那些古老又优美的 GUI]] :smth:
***** [[https://guidebookgallery.org][GUI Gallery]]
*** [[https://www.zhihu.com/column/roartalk][专栏: 嘶吼RoarTalk]] :hack:
*** [[https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/464565089][我抵制Notepad++的理由]]
@ -279,12 +296,6 @@ use the power of tor:
*** [[https://www.zhihu.com/question/306745383][ubuntu重启变成了debian怎么办?]]
U boom tu
** shenjack/HWS/fri3nds
*** [[http://www.z.org.cn/][老网虫]]
*** [[https://blog.yang-qwq.ml][yang-qwq]]
*** [[http://blog.zhanganzhi.com/][zhanganzhi]]
*** [[https://blog.bluemangoo.net/][芒果快评]]
今年的新博客, 友链有踏浪
* YouTube (没有账号, 这就是我的收藏夹)
@ -404,11 +415,12 @@ to filing patently fraudulent DMCA counter-notifications to avoid the terminatio
**** [[https://youtu.be/2CnAzLB0OjU][DT: As The Web Grows Bigger, It Seems Smaller]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/Rsxao9ptdmI][Beating 5 Scam Arcade Games with Science]]
*** [[https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLgE-9Sxs2IBVgJkY-1ZMj0tIFxsJ-vOkv][BBS The Documentary(8)]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/k35uDHs7Z9E][DT: A Disturbing Descent Into The Mind Of A Mad Man]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/GlovVvBAIGk][DT: Keeping A Positive Attitude Even After Storm Destroys My Backyard]]
*** [[https://www.youtube.com/@lecturesbywalterlewin.they9259][Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ♥ Physics]] :wow:
*** [[https://youtu.be/dIivJwz5jL8][Nyan Cat piano arrangement sight-read by Tom Brier]]
*** [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLop3s1hMlSJKXqmuFjK7gbJh2WAyllTTY][Back to the BBS]]
**** [[https://www.erb.pw][homepage]]
* r
@ -441,6 +453,8 @@ to filing patently fraudulent DMCA counter-notifications to avoid the terminatio
Huwawei NB!
** [[https://lkml.org/lkml/2007/7/27/426][Linus re SD]]
** [[https://marc.info/?l=openbsd-tech&m=167374666324119&w=2][openbsd-tech: xonly on amd64: testing wanted]]
** [[https://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-current/2003-July/006889.html][freebsd : Annoucning DragonFly BSD!]]
** [[https://minnie.tuhs.org/pipermail/tuhs/2022-April/025643.html][TUHS: Sad News - we last two wonderful people in the past few weeks]]
* Other
@ -109,6 +109,7 @@ grub> boot
我没有安装那些 "现代化 UNIX 工具", 比如 htop bat exa zoxide, (ripgrep 除外, 太好用了)
7z 真的好用, 但是我觉得更应该学学标准的 UNIX 压缩解压工具
doas pkg_add firefox neovim git pcmanfm noto-cjk # 特别必要的
doas pkg_add ripgrep fzf ncdu neofetch ranger p7zip colortree # 好用的工具
@ -313,7 +314,9 @@ iwx0 at pci0 dev 20 function 3 "Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201" rev 0x20, msix
:CUSTOM_ID: btrfs
我有时候会想访问 Linux 上的文件, 但是似乎不支持 btrfs...
我有时候会想访问 Linux 上的文件, 但是似乎不支持 btrfs...[fn:13]
** [[https://dongdigua.github.io/bbs_gbk_utf8][支线任务: 中文 BBS GBK 转 UTF8]]
* Footnotes
@ -333,6 +336,7 @@ iwx0 at pci0 dev 20 function 3 "Intel Wi-Fi 6 AX201" rev 0x20, msix
[fn:10] https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq4.html#SendDmesg
[fn:11] FAQ: dmesg archive https://www.mail-archive.com/misc@openbsd.org/msg162300.html
[fn:12] NYC*BUG dmesgd https://dmesgd.nycbug.org/index.cgi
[fn:13] Accessing Other Filesystems https://www.openbsd.org/faq/faq14.html#foreignfs
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