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synced 2025-02-20 11:29:15 +08:00
long time no commit
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@ -39,4 +39,7 @@ to fight against those exam website
* refactor .emacs using org-mode literate programming and file structure
* webzine
* 完美随身听
- 转盘输入
- 能作为 TOTP 生成器
- 能播放 bad apple
* start wayland WM/DE in systemd-nspawn
@ -281,6 +281,8 @@ finger m@f.xosc.org
It's so cool, especially for testing and reviewing.(from [[https://www.ruanyifeng.com/blog/2023/02/weekly-issue-241.html][ruanyifeng 241]])
** [[https://akarin.dev][✨小透明・宸✨ 存在感消失的地方|ω•`)]]
** [[https://nichi.co][Nick Cao (#archlinux-cn matrix)]]
** TODO [[http://akkartik.name/][Kartik Agaram]]
*** [[http://akkartik.name/post/literate-programming][Literate programming: Knuth is doing it wrong]]
** B/HWS/fri3nds
@ -385,6 +387,7 @@ inspiration: Veritasium
**** [[https://youtu.be/9s8vjf_vLaA][SmoothLife on GPU]]
**** [[https://youtu.be/iPrltr1b6Q4][I implemented Goto in OCaml]]
**** [[https://youtu.be/PgDqBZFir1A][Weird Parts of C you probably never heard of: Hot loading, X macro]]
**** [[https://youtu.be/b-q4QBy52AA][Web in Native Assembly (Linux x86_64)]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/0rJ94rbdteE][Rust 让你感觉像个天才]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/nfF91Z6fqGk][CMD 登录B站]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/crnEygp4C6g][Jeff Geerling: FINALLY! A GPU works on the Raspberry Pi!]]
@ -439,6 +442,7 @@ of services running on Earth and eventually
bringing down BitBucket entirely as it could not
handle writing through this interplanetary loop.
*** [[https://youtu.be/Kn0MxHlima0][My4TH - A discrete CPU Forth computer]]
** [[https://www.youtube.com/@Computerphile][<C>]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/BAo5C2qbLq8][Network Time Protocol (NTP)]]
@ -519,6 +523,10 @@ to filing patently fraudulent DMCA counter-notifications to avoid the terminatio
*** [[https://youtu.be/n9YDz-Iwgyw][Reclaim your freedom with free libre software now - Richard Stallman of Free Software Movement]]
When I was trying to download this video, I found that youtube-dl was broken!
*** [[https://youtu.be/UDE4NxawbCs][Nostalgic Minecraft Music with Cool Instruments]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/48AOOynnmqU][What Happened To Google Search?]]
[[https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=30347719][Hacker News: Google Search Is Dying]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/k2C4lbbIH0c][How Raspberry Pis are made (Factory Tour)]]
* r
@ -555,8 +563,7 @@ Huwawei NB!
** [[https://lore.kernel.org/lkml/63efd7ab.170a0220.3442b.6609@mx.google.com/][Linus: If you cannot explain a merge, then JUST DON'T DO IT]]
** [[https://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/emacs-devel/2023-01/msg00425.html][Re: Consideration for Rust contributions in Emacs]]
from emacs-china, about multi-thread
** [[https://lore.kernel.org/all/20230314103316.313e5f61@kernel.org/][We don't feel comfortable accepting patches from or relating to hardware produced by your organization]]
** [[https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=2208553][xfs metadata corruption after upgrade to 6.3.3 kernel]]
** [[https://lists.opensuse.org/archives/list/factory@lists.opensuse.org/thread/KJMMAZFTP2MPKWKFZCYUROZFJ44BNVB5/][Leap Replacement - Results from recent contributor survey]]
* Other
@ -616,3 +623,5 @@ BSD asm
** [[https://oldcompcz.github.io/jgs/][jgs ASCII art]]
** TODO [[http://retrobase.cn][retrobase 识旧知新]]
** [[https://www.zzzuckerberg.com][Legal Lullabies]]
** [[https://11-90-an.github.io/rseditor][rseditor]]
** [[https://floooh.github.io/visualz80remix/][Visual Z80 Remix]]
@ -312,9 +312,66 @@ aur.archlinux.org #07b
我甚至还可以把 IPv6, SSL, MAIL, STREAM 的功能通通去掉, 因为我的环境用不到.
* ZFS?
之前我只是在唯一的U口上插了一个 32G U盘, 但随着我在服务器上放的东西越来越多并越来越依赖它,
我开始对数据安全担忧: 万一哪天整个U盘坏了呢? 而且这似乎正在发生着, 我已经看到这样的报错了:
(da1:umass-sim1:1:0:0): CAM status: CCB request completed with an error
(da1:umass-sim1:1:0:0): Retrying command, 1 more tries remain
所以我考虑用 ZFS 组个 RAIDz, 这样 3 块 32G U盘可以得到接近 64G 的空间并且允许一个U盘坏掉.
创建存储池等基本操作请看 [[https://docs.freebsd.org/en/books/handbook/zfs/][Chapter 22. The Z File System (ZFS)]]
弄完我就开心地睡觉了, 后台把之前U盘的东西 =rsync= 过来, 寻思这么先进的文件系统不会出什么问题吧, 即使有也能自我修复.
第二天一早醒来, DEGRADED, 一个盘掉了, 查看 dmesg, 又是大量的报错:
(da1:umass-sim1:1:0:0): Retrying command, 0 more tries remain
(da1:umass-sim1:1:0:0): SYNCHRONIZE CACHE(10). CDB: 35 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
(da1:umass-sim1:1:0:0): CAM status: CCB request completed with an error
(da1:umass-sim1:1:0:0): Error 5, Retries exhausted
(da1:umass-sim1:1:0:0): got CAM status 0x44
(da1:umass-sim1:1:0:0): fatal error, failed to attach to device
da1 at umass-sim1 bus 1 scbus1 target 0 lun 0
da1: <Netac OnlyDisk 2.00> s/n 8355111095836336751 detached
(da1:umass-sim1:1:0:0): Periph destroyed
嘶~ 不应该呀, 新买的盘. 拔掉尝试修复以及几次重启和重新创建阵列后, 还是过一段时间三个盘中就会有 1~2 个坏的.
因为之前的盘一直没坏, 所以可以排除 USB 集线器的问题, 所以问题就出在 *朗科京东自营旗舰店* 上买的这仨盘.
上 #archlinux-cn-offtopic 问一圈:
18:27 <digua> 各位, 朗科京东自营旗舰店 的U盘质量怎么样啊, 我买了 3 个, 组 ZFS 坏了俩
18:28 <nichi_bot> [啥玩意啊 咋回事啊 那咋整啊 大佬帮帮忙啊] > <@matterbridge:nichi.co> [digua] 各位, 朗科京东自营旗舰店 的U盘质量怎么样啊, 我买了 3 个, 组 ZFS 坏了俩
18:28 <nichi_bot> [啥玩意啊 咋回事啊 那咋整啊 大佬帮帮忙啊] 。。。。。
18:28 <nichi_bot> [gauge] u 盘还要 zfs 嘛
18:28 <nichi_bot> [啥玩意啊 咋回事啊 那咋整啊 大佬帮帮忙啊] 你不知道 U 盘用的是最次最次的颗粒吗
18:29 <nichi_bot> [啥玩意啊 咋回事啊 那咋整啊 大佬帮帮忙啊] 起夜级挑剩下来的给消费级 nvme 挑剩下来的给 sata 硬盘挑剩下来的给 U 盘
18:29 <digua> gauge, 用在软路由上(
18:30 <nichi_bot> [啥玩意啊 咋回事啊 那咋整啊 大佬帮帮忙啊] ?你软路由还 zfs
18:30 <nichi_bot> [Kimiblock Moe] U 盘不就拿来刷 archiso 嘛
18:30 <nichi_bot> [Kimiblock Moe] 除此以外还有啥用啊
18:30 <nichi_bot> [啥玩意啊 咋回事啊 那咋整啊 大佬帮帮忙啊] 我以为 j1900 跑 esxi 和 pve 已经够离谱了
18:31 <digua> 弄着玩呀
18:31 <HoroBot> 🍋🙈🐰🙊🍈🌝
18:31 <nichi_bot> [啥玩意啊 咋回事啊 那咋整啊 大佬帮帮忙啊] 你真要弄的话 建议搞点硬盘盒然后插 nvme
18:34 <nichi_bot> [Jack Smith] > <@matterbridge:nichi.co> [digua] 各位, 朗科京东自营旗舰店 的U盘质量怎么样啊, 我买了 3 个, 组 ZFS 坏了俩
18:34 <nichi_bot> [Jack Smith] u盘不可靠🤣
18:34 <nichi_bot> [Jack Smith] > <啥玩意啊 咋回事啊 那咋整啊 大佬帮帮忙啊> ?你软路由还 zfs
18:34 <nichi_bot> [Jack Smith] 我tf卡btrfs🙈
ZFS 这个技术很棒, 但得等我弄到靠谱的盘...
又买了两个海康威视星云固态盘, 只买两个是因为我感觉小处理器可能计算校验和会有压力.
这回速度可以, 3MB/s
大量 IO 任务还是会阻塞, 可以用 =nq= 排个队列.
* Ref
- [[https://feng.si/posts/2019/06/freebsd-and-risc-v-the-future-of-open-source-iot-ecosystem/][FreeBSD 与 RISC-V: 开源物联网生态系统的未来]]
- [[https://lists.freebsd.org/archives/freebsd-arm/2021-June/000149.html][freebsd-arm: FriendlyARM NanoPi R2S board support.]]
- [[https://hauweele.net/~gawen/blog/?p=2662][FreeBSD on NanoPi R2S]] 提到网络有时会卡住, 我也遇到了
- 关于 systemd 有个不错的视频: [[https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1oo4y1x7Nw][【人肉精翻】systemd的悲剧]] [[https://youtu.be/o_AIw9bGogo][YouTube]]
- [[https://docs.freebsd.org/en/articles/rc-scripting/][Practical rc.d scripting in BSD]]
- [[https://szclsya.me/zh-cn/posts/storage/zfs-setup/][ZFS 入门指北:规划与创建存储池]]
@ -1,4 +1,8 @@
#+TITLE: 逝题归档
#+OPTIONS: html-postamble:nil
@ -32,3 +32,4 @@ NBT 标签的版本应转换为该作品最低兼容版本.
* ref
[[https://github.com/shenjackyuanjie/Minecraft_Science_Tree][Minecraft_Science_Tree by shenjack]]
[[https://youtu.be/y3evoHjV3FM][Will We Ever Run Out Of Redstone?]]
Reference in New Issue
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