collections concreate heading

- tsoding
- LiveOverflow
- Computerfile
- Mail
This commit is contained in:
dongdigua 2022-12-03 20:15:17 +08:00
parent 6bf27b4c22
commit dea813690a

View File

@ -185,7 +185,7 @@ Don't get me wrong, there's nonsense on Gopher too, but far less of it.
#+ATTR_HTML: :width 256px
** [[][Peter 's Homepage]] :rssub:
** TODO [[][Peter 's Homepage]] :rssub:
GE d@ s: a C++$ UBL+++$ P++(--)$ L++(-)$ !E W+++(-)$ !N !o K--? w !O !M !V PS++ PE- Y+ PGP+ t+ 5+++ X+ R tv b+ DI D+ G e++ h r+++ y+++*
@ -210,7 +210,6 @@ kernel, LFS
*** [[][Meditations on riding through the desert]]
** [[][Matthew Lee]]
*** [[][深入理解达夫设备]]
**** [[][mail archive]]
*** [[][有栈协程与无栈协程]]
**** [[][PuTTY's author: Coroutines in C]]
** TODO [[][explain X window system]]
@ -265,16 +264,12 @@ use the power of tor:
今年的新博客, 友链有踏浪
* YouTube 收集(没有账号, 这就是我的收藏夹)
#+TAGS: tsoding(s) DT(D) LiveOverflow(L)
# I think the quality of DT's video is falling
** Computer Science
*** [[][Rust 让你感觉像个天才]]
*** [[][CMD 登录B站]]
*** [[][Every Clojure Talk Ever]]
*** [[][tsoding helloworld in c]]
*** [[][tsoding virtual machine in C]] , [[][some notes]]
*** [[][what if I try to malloc too much memory]]
*** [[][what your favourite pl says about you]]
*** [[][tsoding irc client in ocaml]]
*** [[][tsoding]]
**** [[][helloworld in c]]
**** [[][virtual machine in C]] , [[][some notes]]
**** [[][irc client in ocaml]]
0:50 List.fold_left faster than fold_right, but haskell is opposite
1:00 I like ocaml, that's how python should look like,
@ -283,6 +278,20 @@ use the power of tor:
1:50 sexplib?
2:14 "how many american server you have already hacked" - "I don't count them I'm sorry"
**** [[][Parsing Java Bytecode with Python]]
0:05 look how TINY Java code is
0:06 nonono all the opensource are controlled by coporation actually,
they create a text editor plugin and sell the free code for $10 a month
**** [[][Hacking TCC compiler]]
If we allowed `.` being treated /automagically/ as `->` in C when used on pointers to structs,
how much existing C code would be broken?
*** [[][Rust 让你感觉像个天才]]
*** [[][CMD 登录B站]]
*** [[][Every Clojure Talk Ever]]
*** [[][what if I try to malloc too much memory]]
*** [[][what your favourite pl says about you]]
*** [[][ArcaOS: Modern OS/2 ]]
*** [[][集线器,交换机和路由器的区别]]
**** [[][MAC Address Explained]]
@ -290,24 +299,25 @@ use the power of tor:
*** [[][I coded a fractal on an Apple II+]]
*** [[][Fast Inverse Square Root — A Quake III Algorithm]]
*** [[][tsoding: Parsing Java Bytecode with Python]]
0:05 look how TINY Java code is
0:06 nonono all the opensource are controlled by coporation actually,
they create a text editor plugin and sell the free code for $10 a month
*** [[][Computerphile: Network Time Protocol (NTP)]]
*** [[][Gavin Freeborn: Commandline tools and tips]]
** [[][Computerphile]]
*** [[][Network Time Protocol (NTP)]]
*** [[][Just In Time (JIT) Compilers]]
** Cyber Security
*** [[][Discover Vulnerabilities in Intel CPUs!]]
*** LiveOverflow
**** [[][Minecraft HACKED]]
**** [[][Discover Vulnerabilities in Intel CPUs!]]
**** [[][Student Finds Hidden Devices in the College Library]]
**** [[][is leaking your IP really dangerous]]
**** [[][CSS Keylogger - old is new again]]
*** [[][shit express hacked]]
*** [[][DT: Privacy & Security]]
*** [[][Student Finds Hidden Devices in the College Library]]
*** [[][Chris Titus Tech: The Biggest Linux Security Mistakes]]
"Security is a journey, not a destination!"
*** [[][How To Become Invisible Online # level 3]]
*** [[][CSS Keylogger - old is new again]]
*** [[][zip files & hack... (CVE-2022-1271 zgrep/gzip)]]
*** [[][is leaking your IP really dangerous]]
*** [[][JH: zip files & hack... (CVE-2022-1271 zgrep/gzip)]]
** Math
*** [[][Group Theory]]
@ -320,7 +330,6 @@ use the power of tor:
*** [[][Mojang & Minecraft 开始衰落了吗?]]
*** [[][SciCraft Update Plans]]
*** [[][Tantan: MC + Fez]]
*** [[][Minecraft HACKED (LiveOverflow)]]
** ?
*** [[][IceGuye aka 姑射冰尘]]
@ -351,6 +360,17 @@ to filing patently fraudulent DMCA counter-notifications to avoid the terminatio
*** [[][MC enchant: regex be like...]]
*** [[][New episode of ElectricianHumor]]
* Mail
** [[][GNU C Language Intro and Reference Manual]]
To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider
whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,
foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example.
** [[][PHP function hashing mechanism was strlen()]]
** [[][Duffs device]]
** [[][Support for unmerged-usr systems will be REMOVED]]
* Other
@ -367,17 +387,10 @@ The Fediverse is a giant Network of social media platforms
BSD, Lunix, Debian and Mandrake are all versions of an illegal hacker operation system,
invented by a Soviet computer hacker named Linyos Torovoltos.
** [[][GNU C Language Intro and Reference Manual]]
To any NSA and FBI agents reading my email: please consider
whether defending the US Constitution against all enemies,
foreign or domestic, requires you to follow Snowden's example.
** [[][The Window Manager Report]]
** [[][oxygenos]]
his final year project in high school, 2008
a webos using oxygen visual design
** [[][PHP function hashing mechanism was strlen()]]
** [[][Phrack Magazine]]
worth reading
*** [[][Smashing The Stack For Fun And Profit]]