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synced 2025-02-20 06:59:15 +08:00
damn_tm a few change, collections
wayland: fix env variable with shell wrapper collect: - add fun tag - [RM] coder.rs too many article not unuseful to me - [RM] Light & Truth - [YT/RM] leagacy Rust AES - [EXPAND] Alynx Zhou - [EXPAND] 写代码的西瓜 - explain X11
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,30 +1,30 @@
#+TITLE: 狗日的腾讯会议
#+DESCRIPTION: 有什么业务是腾讯不做的吗
#+DESCRIPTION: 有什么业务是腾讯不做的吗?
#+DATE: <2022-12-02 五>
#+BEGIN_SRC text
由于本文是全中文, 所以可能会有人转载
故再次声名: 本文以 CC BY-NC-SA 许可发布, 转载请注明原作者: dongdigua
故再次声名: 本文以 CC BY-NC-SA 许可发布, 转载请注明原作者: dongdigua/d0ngd1gua
这篇文章欢迎传播, 但是传播必须要符合许可协议
正如我造就预料到的: 变成像屎一样是腾讯家软件发展的必然
正如我早就预料到的: 变成像屎一样是腾讯家软件发展的必然.
它现在如此"成功"的原因和其他腾讯系软件一样, 趁着国内某些方面软件技术的空白, 赶紧抄袭国外的技术!
凭借这大量的码农和"大公司的可信度", 吸引一大批用户并让他们对其产生依赖后, 开始收割!
我自认为我上网课的历程算是见证了腾讯会议的发家史, 也是疫情宅家才让我接触到互联网的大千世界.
自疫情上网课, 我就一直用腾讯会议, 但同时也用瞩目, 那个传奇的 [[https://zoom.us][Zoom]] 的国内版,
这种洋软件被对待的房事也是很普遍--不是被挡在长城外, 就是产生一个[[https://www.kookapp.cn/][奇妙]]的国内版.
这种洋软件被对待的方式也是很普遍--不是被挡在长城外, 就是产生一个[[https://www.kookapp.cn/][奇妙]]的国内版.
当时, 每当瞩目更新一个新功能(实际上是 Zoom), 腾讯会议总能在一个月左右跟进, 你出一个我抄一个.
虽然我才刚入坑互联网, 却也与同学们得出了"腾讯会议抄袭瞩目"这一有趣的结论.
现在看来, 这太正常了, 抄袭就是腾讯家的一贯作风!
又过了很长一段时间, 再上网课时, 发现腾讯会议加了"啸应用",
那时我已经对腾讯的发家史了解很多了, 觉得这简直太正常了, 国内互联网"大厂"最爱干的就是小程序.
那时我已经对腾讯的发家史了解很多了, 这也太正常了, 国内互联网"大厂"最爱干的就是小程序, 制造生态孤岛.
所以我觉得还能让人忍受, 不就是继 WeeChatOS 之后又一个 T_{encent}M_{eeting}OS 嘛...
不, 格局小了! 接下来发生的事才叫一个有趣, 才算的上腾讯真正的优良传统.
@ -32,8 +32,8 @@
现在, 视频选项中加了美颜, 加了头饰, 完美契合了中国网民的虚荣心.
不出所料, 头饰收费, 诶, 有那个占了 0.2G 内置 UE4 引擎的焯级QQ秀那味了.
虚拟背景, 自定义背景是"限免", 那就是下一步要收费喽.
那我觉得腾讯下一步可以把 Live2D 从别的软件扒出来加进去, 皮肤再收个费, 完美!
当然, 作为卑微的普通学生用户, 能正常上课就行了, 不管那些时髦东西.
那我觉得你腾讯下一步可以把 Live2D 从别的软件扒出来加进去, 皮肤再收个费, 完美!
当然, 作为卑微的普通学生用户, 不管那些时髦东西, 能正常上课就行了, 吗?
接下来才是我写这篇文章骂腾讯的直接原因: 连正常上课都, 得加钱!
曾经全国线上授课办公, 钉钉还没完全崛起, 腾讯会议绝对是网课主力军.
@ -43,11 +43,11 @@
当然, 学生乐意了, 因为在老师意识到必须交钱之前可以有正当理由不开摄像头...
解决方案? 当然有很多开源免费高质量的会议软件和服务,
解决方案? 当然有很多开源免费高质量的[[https://linux.cn/article-12453-1.html][会议软件和服务]],
但是人们大多不想改变, 甘愿在屋檐下低头.
看着老师桌面上 Office 2006, 满屏悬浮球, 中国特供版 Flash, 至于 360, 见怪不怪了,
看着老师桌面上 Office 2006, 满屏悬浮球, 中国特供版 Flash... 至于 360, 见怪不怪了.
他们没有想过也没有能力让自己的电脑为自己所用, 意识不到自己在被垃圾软件控制着.
@ -56,7 +56,7 @@
(如果有人能在档案馆找到网页存档, 欢迎联系添加)
希望, 在我们这一代网民!
"青年人要立大志, 而不要励志进大厂", 希望同学们将来真正为中国软件技术作出贡献,
"青年要立志做大事, 不要立志进大厂", 希望同学们将来真正为中国乃至世界的软件技术作出贡献,
而不是去大厂做那些坑人的, 骗钱的, 破坏别人电脑的, 违背良心的, 无意义的工作.
最后, 让我们畅想一个富有中国特色开源软件的生态吧(暂时没找到原作者):
@ -66,6 +66,6 @@
未登录用户每小时仅限 clone 一个仓库, 同时点击下载后随机弹窗广告
- Stack Overflow 支持付费推广回答, 可长期置顶莆田系统培训版招生信息
- TypeScript 泛型仅限微软注册会员使用, 升级黄金 VIP 可解锁类型体操递归上限
- 前端 UI 库内置贪玩蓝月广告, 支持付费关闭
- 前端 UI 组件库内置贪玩蓝月广告, 支持付费关闭
- 免费用户 gcc 编译 -j 并发数限制为 1, 需并行编译者欢迎打赏开通 GNU 大会员
- Android Studio 深度集成反诈骗中心, 将反诈功能编译进每一个 APK
@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
#+TAGS: elixir(e) rust(r) c(c) lisp(l) python(p) nim(n)
#+TAGS: lowlevel(w) frontend(f) backend(b) algorithm(a) math(t)
#+TAGS: hack(h) funny(y)
#+TAGS: hack(h) fun(u)
#+TAGS: emacs(m) linux(x) iot(i) plan9(9) BSD(B)
#+OPTIONS: toc:1 ^:{}
@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ Two Principles of Deadlines:
2. Every day is Deadline Day.
*** [[https://bford.info/pub/net/p2pnat/][Peer-to-Peer Communication Across Network Address Translators]]
** [[https://shakaianee.top/][易姐]]
** [[https://shakaianee.top/][社会易姐]]
** [[https://floooh.github.io/][floooh(The Brain Dump)]] :c:
07 年开始, cpu emulator
*** [[https://floooh.github.io/2021/12/17/cycle-stepped-z80.html][2021: A new cycle-stepped Z80 emulator]]
@ -40,13 +40,17 @@ Two Principles of Deadlines:
Modern C is not a subset of C++
** [[https://coredumped.dev/][Core Dumped]] :rust:lowlevel:emacs:
all 7 article are of high quality
** [[https://blog.stdio.io][King's way]] :hack:iot:
*** [[https://blog.stdio.io/438][Linux内核学习阶段小结 (MOOC)]]
*** [[https://blog.stdio.io/471][OpenWRT 绕过校园天翼宽带客户端限制(ppp)]]
*** [[https://blog.stdio.io/1411][那些玩出花的“加速”/“隧道”工具]]
**** [[https://blog.stdio.io/471][OpenWRT 绕过校园天翼宽带客户端限制(ppp)]]
*** [[https://blog.stdio.io/935][一次意外的 hello world 探索之旅]]
** [[https://xiaosong.fun/][小耸]] :c:
*** [[https://xiaosong.fun/2022/01/01/lock-free-base-queue/][无锁编程基础与无锁队列的实现]]
*** [[https://xiaosong.fun/2020/05/04/bug-and-mos/][打蚊子与找bug]]
*** [[https://xiaosong.fun/2020/11/05/tcp-shake/][为什么TCP是三次握手?而不是两次或四次?]]
*** [[https://xiaosong.fun/2020/05/04/bug-and-mos/][打蚊子与找bug]] :fun:
** [[https://piaogewala.ga/][这可太刑了]]
** [[https://www.cnblogs.com/zhongwencool/][写着写着就懂了]] :elixir:
@ -72,10 +76,12 @@ CPU, IC, ARM
** [[http://jujuba.me/][Ground Oddity]]
*** [[http://jujuba.me/posts/program-analysis-via-llvm-pass.html][LLVM Pass来实现简化版taint analysis]]
*** [[http://jujuba.me/posts/taste-of-code.html][代码的taste]]
#+ATTR_HTML: :width 256px
** [[https://cireu.github.io/2019/09/17/lisp-setf/][NIL: setf 中「f」的本意]]
** [[https://www.cnblogs.com/zjjws/p/13346020.html][第 N 个质数]] :c:algorithm:
看不懂, 先收藏着
** [[https://www.coder.rs/][阳光少年(coder.rs)]] :rust:python:
** [[https://mrxn.net/][mrxn]] :hack:
网安, data-leak
** [[http://incf19.com/yynotes/][include-yy]] :c:lisp:emacs:
@ -93,13 +99,11 @@ Lisp-1 的变量命名空间和函数命名空间是统一的,而在 Lisp-2
**** [[https://www.functor.me/post/programming/y-combinator][functor.me: 从零开始理解 Y 组合子]]
*** [[https://nihil.cc/posts/gnu_c_ext/][GNU C 一些有趣的扩展语法]]
*** [[https://nihil.cc/posts/shell-redirect/][特别全面! Shell 中的管道、重定向、进程替换]]
** TODO [[https://sh.alynx.one/][Alynx Zhou]] :linux:rssable:
** [[https://coredumped.dev/][Core Dumped]] :rust:lowlevel:emacs:
** [[https://liujiacai.net/][keep coding]] :rust:c:lowlevel:backend:
*** [[https://emacstalk.github.io/][EmacsTalk]]
*** [[https://liujiacai.net/blog/2022/04/30/modern-c/][现代化 C]] :c:
*** [[https://liujiacai.net/blog/2018/06/15/garbage-collection-intro/][深入浅出垃圾回收(1/4)]]
** [[http://tomasp.net/][Tomas Petricek]] :rssub:
F#, M1(r0$0f+, very high quality
*** [[http://tomasp.net/commodore64][commodore64 BASIC]]
@ -107,10 +111,8 @@ F#, M1(r0$0f+, very high quality
** [[http://www.xianwaizhiyin.net/][弦外之音]] :c:lowlevel:
*** [[https://www.xianwaizhiyin.net/?cat=24][state-thread 源码分析]]
** [[https://lightless.me/][lightless blog]] :hack:
** TODO [[https://lightless.me/categories.html][lightless blog]] :hack:
** [[https://bheisler.github.io/post/state-of-gpgpu-in-rust/][The State of GPGPU in Rust]] :rust:lowlevel:
** [[https://liyafu.com][Light & Truth]]
from ruanyifeng
** [[https://litchipi.github.io/series/container_in_rust][Writing a container in Rust]]
*** [[https://litchipi.github.io/infosec/2022/07/08/copyit-until-you-makeit.html][Copy it until you make it]]
** [[https://xeiaso.net/][Xe Iaso]] :rssub:
@ -133,7 +135,6 @@ funny byte
memmove(pDecoded + i + 1, pDecoded + i,
**** [[https://mta.openssl.org/pipermail/openssl-announce/2022-November/000243.html][OpenSSL Security Advisory]]
*** [[https://xeiaso.net/blog/rip-twitter][Goodbye Twitter, Hello Fediverse!]]
** [[https://lantian.pub/][蓝天]]
@ -155,13 +156,11 @@ funny byte
*** [[https://ulyc.github.io/2019/08/01/初窥CORB/][Cross-Origin Read Blocking]]
** [[https://kernal.eu][kernal]]
Welcome to the darkest dungeon of kernal
*** [[https://kernal.eu/posts/linuxfx/][Dumping Linuxfx customers - A Windows-like distro including the spyware and activation]]
** [[https://blog.burntsushi.net/ripgrep/][ripgrep is faster than {grep, ag, git grep, ucg, pt, sift}]]
*** [[https://kernal.eu/posts/linuxfx/][Dumping Linuxfx customers]] :fun:
A Windows-like distro including the spyware and activation
** [[https://vimacs.wehack.space/laptop/][vimacs]]
Written with Vim and Emacs
A member of Linux Club of Peking University.
cat-v-like sidebar style
Written with Vim and Emacs. A member of Linux Club of Peking University.
with cat-v-like sidebar style
*** [[https://vimacs.wehack.space/matrix-guide/][矩阵一入深似海, 从此电幕是路人]]
**** [[https://citizenlab.ca/2016/11/wechat-china-censorship-one-app-two-systems/][微信一app两制]]
*** [[https://vimacs.wehack.space/Mail-vs-IM.htm][谈电子邮件和即时通讯]]
@ -171,9 +170,7 @@ The Aha Moments
*** [[http://www.matrix67.com/blog/archives/7084][16 年后重谈 P 和 NP]]
*** [[http://localhost-8080.com/][❤ localhost-8080]]
** [[https://nyxt.atlas.engineer/article/gopher.org][Nyxt: Why should I care about Gopher?]] :gopher:
By making something a little bit more inaccessible, we are inadvertently putting a filter on what is being posted.
This makes it a great way to avoid a lot of the low effort noise published on popular/accessible platforms.
As a result, Gopher is full of interesting, enriching, high quality content.
@ -210,13 +207,13 @@ kernel, LFS
** [[https://blog.pg999w.top/too-many-channels/][Too many channels in Rust but only one in Go]] :rust:
** [[https://bugs.xdavidhu.me/google/2022/11/10/accidental-70k-google-pixel-lock-screen-bypass/][Accidental $70k Google Pixel Lock Screen Bypass]]
** TODO [[https://herman.bearblog.dev][Herman]]
** [[https://linux.cn/article-14388-1.html][linuxcn: 少年黑客对自由软件的自由漫谈]]
linuxcn 里唯一一个让我感觉很有必要把链接放在这的文章
*** [[https://herman.bearblog.dev/riding-through-the-desert/][Meditations on riding through the desert]]
** [[https://mthli.xyz][Matthew Lee]]
*** [[https://mthli.xyz/duff-device/][深入理解达夫设备]]
**** [[https://swtch.com/duffs-device/td-1983.txt][mail archive]]
*** [[https://mthli.xyz/stackful-stackless/][有栈协程与无栈协程]]
**** [[https://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/coroutines.html][PuTTY's author: Coroutines in C]]
** TODO [[https://magcius.github.io/xplain/article/][explain X window system]]
** B
*** [[https://blog.yangmame.org/][yanemame]]
@ -230,6 +227,11 @@ B站: 称呼我C先生
*** [[https://endlesspeak.gitee.io/][EndlessPeak]] :linux:
*** [[https://hackflow.org][GNUman]]
**** [[https://hackflow.org/index.php/archives/124][谈 HTTPS 协议的缺陷与反 HTTPS 联盟的谬误]]
*** [[https://sh.alynx.one/][Alynx Zhou]]
**** [[https://sh.alynx.one/posts/Linux-Mooncake-Jokes/][Linux 用户的月饼食用手册]] :fun:
**** [[https://sh.alynx.one/posts/Do-Not-Fill-My-Email-with-Silly-Ads/][不要拿愚蠢的广告来污染我的邮箱]]
**** [[https://sh.alynx.one/posts/Proxy-Settings/][Linux 下面常见的代理设置]]
** ZhiHu
*** [[https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/138719668][用Go语言汇编计算fibonacci数列]] :lowlevel:
*** [[https://www.zhihu.com/column/c_1313110231912726528][倔强的程序员]]
@ -245,6 +247,8 @@ plan9
*** [[https://linux.cn/article-14388-1.html][linuxcn: 少年黑客对自由软件的自由漫谈]]
linuxcn 里唯一一个让我感觉很有必要把链接放在这的文章
*** [[https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/580368831][Z-library 域名被扣押,应急访问办法]]
#+BEGIN_SRC text
use the power of tor:
@ -266,7 +270,6 @@ use the power of tor:
*** [[https://youtu.be/0rJ94rbdteE][Rust 让你感觉像个天才]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/nfF91Z6fqGk][CMD 登录B站]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/jlPaby7suOc][Every Clojure Talk Ever]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/l0AmlU-4IRM][Rust aes加密(legacy)]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/hmMtQe_mYr0][tsoding helloworld in c]]
*** [[https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpM-Dvs8t0VY73ytTCQqgvgCWttV3m8LM][tsoding virtual machine in C]] , [[https://dongdigua.github.io/tsoding_bm][some notes]]
*** [[https://youtu.be/Fq9chEBQMFE][what if I try to malloc too much memory]]
@ -16,6 +16,8 @@ because those static files are really unecessary and takes much space
** use =filter-branch= to remove the huge =feed.xml= in the full history
** ignore the generated files in the source repo
** merge the source repo into site repo when I think it's ok
don't remove the source(org) in the site repo,
if build in main and checkout to site, those html will be overwritten
** and I will use the same stratagy on my YW sub-website if there's no problem
* Need Advice
@ -20,10 +20,11 @@ yes, still not stable, and it can't remenber which DE you used last time
SDDM is fantastic! [[https://youtu.be/2p7FINJSlAk][It is themeable]],
I'm using *~elarun~*, a oxygen-like smooth crystal theme, materia-kde is also a good choice
*** Fedora 37 don't work
sddm don't work on fedora37,
so switch to gdm and add environment init script(mostly =/etc/profile=) to =sway/config=
sddm don't work on fedora37, so switch to gdm
*** environment variable missing?
trick: add =Exec=zsh -c sway= in =/usr/share/wayland-sessions/sway.desktop=
** obs
don't remove the =include= line in sway/config
don't remove the =include= line in sway/config, and it will be fine
** cursor theme not working
[[https://github.com/swaywm/sway/issues/6931][from this issue]]
add =seat seat0 xcursor_theme Oxygen_White= in sway config file
Reference in New Issue
Block a user