sort out collection

- [mv] single entry
- Eric Raymond
- hsingko
- eur1ka
- ewontfix
This commit is contained in:
dongdigua 2022-12-23 13:30:20 +08:00
parent a197bcb9c7
commit 3917cf3141
2 changed files with 50 additions and 38 deletions

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@ var data = [
"<a id=quote href=>tsoding: </a><a id=quote href=>I know there is Python-5</a>",
"他很善于表达, 可惜没什么可表达的",
"<a id=quote href=emgud2lraXBlZGlhLm9yZy96aC1jbi/pmLLngavplb/ln44K>It's confidential</a>",
var index = Math.floor((Math.random() * data.length));

View File

@ -7,22 +7,34 @@
#+TITLE: Internet Collections
#+DATE: <2022-06-05 日>
* (Personal) Blogs
:CUSTOM_ID: blog
#+TAGS: rssable(s) rssub(u) gopher(g)
#+BEGIN_SRC text
_ ___
/\ / _ ._ _|_ _. o ._ |\/| _. _ o _ _. | | ._ _| _
/--\ \_ (/_ | |_ (_| | | | | | (_| (_| | (_ (_| | _|_ | | (_| (/_ ><
* (Personal) Blogs
:CUSTOM_ID: blog
#+TAGS: rssable(s) rssub(u) gopher(g)
** Random Stuff Floating Around
not related to the root blog entry (I don't know what I mean)
*** [[][luogu blog: emacs dunnet 教程]] :emacs:
*** [[][The State of GPGPU in Rust]] :rust:lowlevel:
*** [[][巧用 CSS 显示 HTML 源码]]
*** [[][Too many channels in Rust but only one in Go]] :rust:
*** [[][Accidental $70k Google Pixel Lock Screen Bypass]]
*** [[][Global interactive Emacs functions]] :emacs:
*** [[][Building A Virtual Machine inside ChatGPT]]
*** [[][We're Drowning Software Dependencies]]
** [[][Paul Graham]]
** [[][qiusir]] :rssub:
** [[][XahLee]]
#+ATTR_HTML: :width 256px
** [[][Eric S. Raymond]]
** [[][王垠]]
** [[][阮一峰]] :rssub:
** [[][黑客技术]] :hack:
@ -35,6 +47,22 @@ Two Principles of Deadlines:
2. Every day is Deadline Day.
*** [[][Peer-to-Peer Communication Across Network Address Translators]] :wow:
** [[][Core Dumped]] :rust:lowlevel:emacs:
all 7 article are of high quality
** [[][金步国作品集]] :lowlevel:linux:
kernel, LFS
** [[][null program]] :lowlevel:
author of =elfeed=, =nasm-mode=
** [[][写着写着就懂了]] :elixir:
elixir/erlang大佬, 公众号: HelloElixir
** [[][lujun9972]] :emacs:rssub:
*** [[][emacs document]]
** [[][Peter 's Homepage]] :rssub:
GE d@ s: a C++$ UBL+++$ P++(--)$ L++(-)$ !E W+++(-)$ !N !o K--? w !O !M !V PS++ PE- Y+ PGP+ t+ 5+++ X+ R tv b+ DI D+ G e++ h r+++ y+++*
** [[][floooh(The Brain Dump)]] :c:
since 2007, cpu emulator
*** [[][2021: A new cycle-stepped Z80 emulator]]
@ -42,16 +70,8 @@ since 2007, cpu emulator
Modern C is not a subset of C++
** [[][Core Dumped]] :rust:lowlevel:emacs:
all 7 article are of high quality
** [[][King's way: Linux内核学习阶段小结 (MOOC)]]
*** [[][一次意外的 hello world 探索之旅]]
** [[][小耸: 打蚊子与找bug]] :fun:
** [[][写着写着就懂了]] :elixir:
elixir/erlang大佬, 公众号: HelloElixir
** [[][lujun9972]] :emacs:rssub:
*** [[][emacs document]]
** [[][文辉的烂笔头]] :lowlevel:
@ -61,15 +81,13 @@ CPU, IC, ARM
*** [[][浅谈熔断和幽灵]]
*** [[][解决Org-Mode表格不对齐问题]]
更纱黑体 使中文恰好为英文宽度两倍, 使用字体比 valign 更通用, 但是不好看
** [[][luogu blog: emacs dunnet 教程]] :emacs:
** [[][Ground Oddity]]
*** [[][LLVM Pass来实现简化版taint analysis]]
*** [[][代码的taste]] :wow:
#+ATTR_HTML: :width 400px
** [[][NIL: setf 中「f」的本意]]
** [[][第 N 个质数]] :c:algorithm:
看不懂, 先收藏着
*** [[][doom-emacs 配置的问题]]
** [[][include-yy 攒 emacs]] :c:lisp:emacs:
*** [[蝴蝶效应与emacs动画][蝴蝶效应与emacs动画]]
@ -101,7 +119,7 @@ F#, M1(r0$0f+, very high quality
*** [[][state-thread 源码分析]]
** [[][lightless blog]] :hack:
** [[][The State of GPGPU in Rust]] :rust:lowlevel:
** [[][eur1ka (pwn)]] :hack:
** [[][Writing a container in Rust]]
*** [[][Copy it until you make it]]
** [[][Xe Iaso]] :rssub:
@ -150,12 +168,11 @@ A Windows-like distro including the spyware and activation
** [[][vimacs]]
Written with Vim and Emacs. A member of Linux Club of Peking University.
with cat-v-like sidebar style
*** [[][矩阵一入深似海, 从此电幕是路人]]
**** [[][微信一app两制]]
*** [[][谈电子邮件和即时通讯]]
**** [[][微信一app两制]]
** [[][Matrix67]] :math:
The Aha Moments
*** [[][用三段 140 字符以内的代码生成一张 1024×1024 的图片]]
*** [[][用三段 140 字符以内的代码生成一张 1024×1024 的图片]] :wow:
*** [[][❤ localhost-8080]]
** [[][Nyxt: Why should I care about Gopher?]] :gopher:
By making something a little bit more inaccessible, we are inadvertently putting a filter on what is being posted.
@ -173,12 +190,6 @@ Don't get me wrong, there's nonsense on Gopher too, but far less of it.
#+ATTR_HTML: :width 256px
** TODO [[][Peter 's Homepage]] :rssub:
GE d@ s: a C++$ UBL+++$ P++(--)$ L++(-)$ !E W+++(-)$ !N !o K--? w !O !M !V PS++ PE- Y+ PGP+ t+ 5+++ X+ R tv b+ DI D+ G e++ h r+++ y+++*
*** [[][Gopher? Gopher.]]
** [[][巧用 CSS 显示 HTML 源码]]
** [[][phenix3443]] :c:emacs:
*** [[][use-package manual]]
@ -186,14 +197,10 @@ GE d@ s: a C++$ UBL+++$ P++(--)$ L++(-)$ !E W+++(-)$ !N !o K--? w !O !M !V PS++
*** [[][TinyHTTPd 源码分析]]
** [[][julienblanchard/typed-hole]] :plan9:
*** [[][Peter's random notes/pmikkelsen]]
** [[][Konstantinos Foutzopoulos]]
** [[][Konfou]]
*** [[][Unix filesystem hierarchy]]
*** [[][pantheon of distributed operating systems]]
*** [[][Urbit, an alien system software]]
** [[][金步国作品集]] :lowlevel:linux:
kernel, LFS
** [[][Too many channels in Rust but only one in Go]] :rust:
** [[][Accidental $70k Google Pixel Lock Screen Bypass]]
** [[][mthli: 深入理解达夫设备]]
*** [[][有栈协程与无栈协程]]
*** [[][PuTTY's author: Coroutines in C]] :wow:
@ -213,19 +220,21 @@ int function(void) {
** [[][explain X window system]]
** [[][Security & Privacy Evaluations]]
*** [[][Linux Hardening Guide]]
** [[][Global interactive Emacs functions]]
** [[][Building A Virtual Machine inside ChatGPT]]
** [[][null program]] :lowlevel:
author of =elfeed=, =nasm-mode=
** [[][Project Nayuki]]
*** [[][Dvorak FAQ]]
** [[][]]
网页小, 文笔好
** [[][hsingko]]
*** [[][我不等于我的大脑]]
*** [[][写博客至今的小结]]
** [[][EWONTFIX - a blog of bugs]]
** B
*** [[][社会易姐]]
*** [[][yanemame]]
*** [[][我不会编程]]
B站: 美味的樱桃菌
EvanMeek / B站: 美味的樱桃菌
*** [[][称呼我C先生]] :linux:
*** [[][lunaixsky]] :c:lowlevel:
*** [[][EndlessPeak]] :linux:
@ -238,6 +247,8 @@ B站: 美味的樱桃菌
**** [[][Emacs 和 Monaco 字体和 Box-drawing Character]]
** ZhiHu
*** [[][用Go语言汇编计算fibonacci数列]] :lowlevel:
*** [[][第 N 个质数]] :c:algorithm:
看不懂, 先收藏着
*** [[][倔强的程序员]]
编! 译! 原! 理!
*** [[][专栏: 技术考古]] :plan9:
@ -447,8 +458,8 @@ software minimalism, Neat*
** [[][InstallGentoo Wiki File:Inori-tan.jpg]]
Internet Exploiter
** TODO [[][THE JARGON FILE, VERSION 4.2.0, 31 JAN 2000]]
** [[][NASM Assembly Language Tutorials]]
good learning resource!
*** [[]]
BSD asm
** [[][Every Default macOS Wallpaper]]