update index, 404; cleanup quote

This commit is contained in:
dongdigua 2024-01-28 15:09:07 +08:00
parent a18ec0ef81
commit 1add12d440
4 changed files with 40 additions and 29 deletions

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@ -1,14 +1,26 @@
body {
background-color: #f1f1f1;
<img src="./images/404.png" alt="404.png">
You tried to visit non-existent page!!!
Your attempt is logged and sent to C.I.A., G.F.W., K.G.B. and S.I.S.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<title>404 Not Found</title>
<style type="text/css"><!--
body { background-color: white; color: black; font-family: 'Comic Sans MS', 'Chalkboard SE', 'Comic Neue', sans-serif; }
hr { border: 0; border-bottom: 1px dashed; }
@media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) {
body { background-color: #1E1F21; color: #EEEFF1; }
a { color: #BAD7FF; }
<h1>404 Not Found</h1>
<address>Your attempt is logged and sent to C.I.A., G.F.W., K.G.B. and S.I.S.<br>
Expect a visit soon.
I forgot where those words came from.
It's highly possible that they are from a altnet protocol

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@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
(<font color=#e67e80>let</font> ((blog <strong>"<a href=https://dongdigua.github.io/posts>posts/</a>"</strong>)
(collections "<a href=https://dongdigua.github.io/internet_collections>MagicalIndex</a>")
(feed "<a href=https://dongdigua.github.io/feed.xml>feed.xml</a>")
(rss "<a href=https://dongdigua.github.io/feed.xml>feed.xml</a>")
(mai1 "<a>dongdigua(砹)outlook(碘)com</a>")
(pgp "<a href=https://dongdigua.github.io/pgp.txt><span title="Powered by Canokey">DB55 889E 730F 5B41</span></a>")
(github "<a href=https://github.com/dongdigua>@dongdigua</a>")

View File

@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
var data = [
"富强民主文明和谐, 自由平等公正法治, 爱国敬业诚信友善",
"解放思想, 实事求是, 与时俱进",
@ -13,31 +12,21 @@ var data = [
"我这人有几个缺点: 第一, 不会数数; 第二, 记性不好; 第四, 不会数数",
"Learn. Unlearn. Relearn.",
"My .emacs have 600+ lines!",
"Reduce the frequency of your Github CI crontab to protect the environment.",
"The internet is FULL, go away!",
"<a id=quote href=new_blog_arch>May the --force be with you</a>",
"May the --force be with you",
"<a id=quote href=https://suckless.org>Software that sucks less</a>",
"whoami: No system is safe",
"Cant keep up! Is the server overloaded?\nRunning 5000ms or 100 ticks behind",
"write terrible nonsensical code to\nensure the Copilot doesn't take over as captain",
"<a id=quote href=https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/carpet>NOT VANILLA!</a>",
"Big Brother is Watching You",
"<a id=quote href=404.html>Big Brother is Watching You</a>",
"李彦宏: 我想中国人可以更加开放,对隐私问题没有那么敏感。\n如果他们愿意用隐私交换便捷性很多情况下他们是愿意的。",
"<a id=quote href=https://wiki.evageeks.org/A.T._Field>AT&T field</a>",
"I □ Unicode",
"<a id=quote href=https://ravynos.com>ravynOS, Always; FreeBSD, Mostly; Linux, Sometimes; macOS, Maybe</a>",
"<a id=quote href=damn_tencent_meeting>有什么业务是腾讯不做的吗?!</a>",
"Your text editor runs in a web browser,\nMy web browser runs inside a text editor,\nWe are not the same",
"<a id=quote href=https://youbroketheinternet.org>Its the metadata, stupid</a>",
"他很善于表达, 可惜没什么可表达的",
"<a id=quote href=emgud2lraXBlZGlhLm9yZy96aC1jbi/pmLLngavplb/ln44K>It's confidential</a>",
"Emacs has Evil, but Vim doesn't have Magit",
"<a id=quote href=https://www.openbsd.org/lyrics.html#62>The only change that was required was a three-line diff</a>",
"<a id=quote href=https://www.gnu.org/music/free-software-song.en.html>GNU SLASH MUZIC</a>",
@ -47,7 +36,13 @@ var data = [
"I'm using Linux. A library that emacs uses to communicate with Intel hardware.",
"TERRAIN, TERRAIN, PULL UP... dongdigua experienced kinetic energy",
"Minecraft 1.1⑨.84 The Chat Report Update",
"<a id=quote href=https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gp4y197gm>全物品仓库是一个物资集散中心, 同时它也是个万能垃圾桶</a>"
"<a id=quote href=https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1gp4y197gm>全物品仓库是一个物资集散中心, 同时它也是个万能垃圾桶</a>",
"<a id=quote href=https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1JY411W7pQ>如果你能在浪费时间中获得乐趣, 那么你就不是在浪费时间</a>",
"Nice terrain, see you soon!",
"<a id=quote href=https://cascade.moe/posts/arch-with-zfs/>你说的对,但 ZFS 是一款由 Sun Microsystems 自主研发的一款全新卷系统管理器和文件系统。\n文件系统运行在一个被称作「Linux」的幻想世界在这里被 root 选中的存储池将被授予「lz4」导引存储之力。\n你将扮演一位名为「系统管理员」的神秘角色在自由的 zpool create 中邂逅功能各异、feature 独特的 vdevs 们,\n和他们一起「state: DEGRADED」找回失散的数据集——同时逐步发掘 「BtrFS」 的真相……</a>",
":: Starting full system upgrade...\n there is nothing to do"
var index = Math.floor((Math.random() * data.length));

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@ -78,6 +78,10 @@
(add-to-list 'org-export-filter-final-output-functions 'html-body-id-filter)
(defun my/delete-multiple (src l)
(mapcar (lambda (x) (setq src (delete x src))) l)
(defun myweb-publish ()
"Publish myweb."
@ -89,7 +93,7 @@
(delete "kernel.html" (delete "404.html" (delete "xmr.html" (delete "index.html" (directory-files "./../" nil ".*\.html$")))))
(my/delete-multiple (directory-files "./../" nil ".*\.html$") '("about.html" "my_timeline.html" "kernel.html" "404.html" "xmr.html" "index.html"))
:title "dongdigua's blog"
:description "Blog!"
:builder 'webfeeder-make-rss)