2022-09-29 23:30:56 +08:00
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2022-09-30 10:15:58 +08:00
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2022-09-29 23:30:56 +08:00
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2022-09-30 10:15:58 +08:00
< title > CentOS/Fedora 不同配置/变体都默认安装了什么软件(组)< / title >
2022-09-29 23:30:56 +08:00
< meta name = "author" content = "dongdigua" / >
2022-09-30 10:15:58 +08:00
< meta name = "description" content = "Default Software(Group) in Different Installation Config/Variation of CentOS/Fedora" / >
2022-09-29 23:30:56 +08:00
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2022-09-30 10:15:58 +08:00
< h1 class = "title" > CentOS/Fedora 不同配置/变体都默认安装了什么软件(组)< / h1 >
2022-09-29 23:30:56 +08:00
< div id = "table-of-contents" role = "doc-toc" >
< h2 > Table of Contents< / h2 >
< div id = "text-table-of-contents" role = "doc-toc" >
< ul >
< li > < a href = "#orgf6fb102" > 1. CentOS< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#org5d288aa" > 2. Fedora< / a >
< ul >
< li > < a href = "#org654faf5" > 2.1. Workstation< / a > < / li >
< li > < a href = "#org4c366df" > 2.2. Server< / a > < / li >
< / ul >
< / li >
< / ul >
< / div >
< / div >
< p >
for cossig.org(CentOS 中文特别兴趣小组)< br / >
所以我这回不用英文了哈哈< br / >
< / p >
< div id = "outline-container-orgf6fb102" class = "outline-2" >
< h2 id = "orgf6fb102" > < span class = "section-number-2" > 1.< / span > CentOS< / h2 >
< div class = "outline-text-2" id = "text-1" >
< p >
CentOS 安装时可选不同的配置< br / >
2022-09-30 10:15:58 +08:00
< / p >
< p width = "512px" >
< img src = "./../images/centos_install_config.png" alt = "centos_install_config.png" width = "512px" / > < br / >
2022-09-29 23:30:56 +08:00
其实这些就是不同的软件组< br / >
CentOS-Stream 8 为例, 定义软件组的文件是 < a href = "https://git.centos.org/centos/comps/blob/master/f/comps-centos-8-stream.xml" > comps.xml< / a > < br / >
左边的基本环境就是 < code > < environment> < / code > tag 列表< br / >
一共有11个< br / >
< / p >
< div class = "org-src-container" >
< pre class = "src src-xml" > < < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > variant< / span > =< span style = "font-style: italic;" > "BaseOS"< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > custom-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Custom Operating System< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 5< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > variant< / span > =< span style = "font-style: italic;" > "BaseOS"< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > minimal-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Minimal Install< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 4< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > server-product-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Server< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 2< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > arch< / span > =< span style = "font-style: italic;" > "aarch64,s390x,ppc64le,x86_64"< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > graphical-server-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Server with GUI< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 1< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > variant< / span > =< span style = "font-style: italic;" > "BaseOS"< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > cloud-server-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Cloud Server< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 3< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > variant< / span > =< span style = "font-style: italic;" > "BaseOS"< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > web-server-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Web Server< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 50< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > infrastructure-server-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Infrastructure Server< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 60< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > variant< / span > =< span style = "font-style: italic;" > "AppStream"< / span > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > arch< / span > =< span style = "font-style: italic;" > "x86_64,ppc64le"< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > developer-workstation-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Development and Creative Workstation< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 90< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > variant< / span > =< span style = "font-style: italic;" > "AppStream"< / span > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > arch< / span > =< span style = "font-style: italic;" > "x86_64,ppc64le"< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > gnome-desktop-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > GNOME Desktop< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 80< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > variant< / span > =< span style = "font-style: italic;" > "AppStream"< / span > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > arch< / span > =< span style = "font-style: italic;" > "x86_64,ppc64le"< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > workstation-product-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Workstation< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 3< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > variant< / span > =< span style = "font-style: italic;" > "AppStream"< / span > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > arch< / span > =< span style = "font-style: italic;" > "x86_64"< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > virtualization-host-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Virtualization Host< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 70< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< / pre >
< / div >
< p >
2022-09-30 10:15:58 +08:00
但还是对不上, 应该很接近了… 吧?< br / >
< / p >
< p >
想起来不联网是没法选择安装软件的< br / >
然后瞅一眼产生的临时文件 < code > /tmp/dnf.cache/< / code > < br / >
< / p >
< div class = "org-src-container" >
< pre class = "src src-text" > ├ ─ ─ appstream-831abc7e9d6a1a72
│ ├ ─ ─ metalink.xml
│ └ ─ ─ repodata
│ ├ ─ ─ 95f4408838f85e23117d7d89ab47e1029692a443722e0e315fe3db07c32ee573-modules.yaml.xz
│ ├ ─ ─ 2047121fda8828f9b4d611cbfb736a89048cb411356e7ac2bdd95d927d044791-filelists.xml.gz
│ ├ ─ ─ e27fd8f9028bdc339a014f95debd07da4ef7b217522d14721af050aa9e7cf93e-primary.xml.gz
│ ├ ─ ─ f0d518764a274c71de0773b3590932ded56234b2f6ac4bf025d125b7ed29269f-comps-AppStream.x86_64.xml
│ ├ ─ ─ gen
│ │ └ ─ ─ groups.xml
│ └ ─ ─ repomd.xml
├ ─ ─ baseos-044cae74d71fe9ea
│ ├ ─ ─ metalink.xml
│ └ ─ ─ repodata
│ ├ ─ ─ 88ded6c02c5c3c62ab02250505cf0b8dee3af85819b666731c3cf813c275db6c-primary.xml.gz
│ ├ ─ ─ b47aeefede03d4d530f4538bf8f73531fd1a6a2bb66ca1778e3423c4dec34121-filelists.xml.gz
│ ├ ─ ─ d52d95f0f2d1a56b197a698aa328813a7e45e2d5b2883e04f4a3f604638b7a4a-comps-BaseOS.x86_64.xml
│ ├ ─ ─ gen
│ │ └ ─ ─ groups.xml
│ └ ─ ─ repomd.xml
< / pre >
< / div >
< p >
那里面的 < code > *-comps-*.xml< / code > 的 < code > < environment> < / code > 的 < code > < display_order> < / code > < br / >
就正好是 1~4 和两个 99< br / >
< / p >
< p >
comps-AppStream.x86< sub > 64.xml< / sub > < br / >
< / p >
< div class = "org-src-container" >
< pre class = "src src-xml" > < < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > graphical-server-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Server with GUI< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > > An integrated, easy-to-manage server with a graphical interface.< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 1< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > base-x< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > container-management< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > core< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > fonts< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > gnome-desktop< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > guest-desktop-agents< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > hardware-monitoring< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > hardware-support< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > headless-management< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > internet-browser< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > multimedia< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > networkmanager-submodules< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > print-client< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > server-product< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > standard< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span > < /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > server-product-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Server< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > > An integrated, easy-to-manage server.< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 2< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > container-management< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > core< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > hardware-support< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > headless-management< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > server-product< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > standard< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span > < /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > virtualization-host-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Virtualization Host< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > > Minimal virtualization host.< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 99< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > base< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > core< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > standard< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > virtualization-hypervisor< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > virtualization-tools< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span > < /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > workstation-product-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Workstation< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > > Workstation is a user-friendly desktop system for laptops and PCs.< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 4< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > base-x< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > core< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > fonts< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > gnome-desktop< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > guest-desktop-agents< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > hardware-support< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > internet-browser< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > multimedia< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > networkmanager-submodules< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > print-client< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > standard< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > workstation-product< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span > < /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< / pre >
< / div >
< p >
comps-BaseOS.x86< sub > 64.xml< / sub > < br / >
2022-09-29 23:30:56 +08:00
< / p >
2022-09-30 10:15:58 +08:00
< div class = "org-src-container" >
< pre class = "src src-xml" > < < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > custom-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Custom Operating System< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > > Basic building block for a custom RHEL system.< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 99< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > core< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span > < /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > minimal-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Minimal Install< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > > Basic functionality.< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 3< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > core< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span > < /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > server-product-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Server< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > > An integrated, easy-to-manage server.< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > description< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 2< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > core< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > hardware-support< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > headless-management< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > server-product< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > standard< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span > < /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< / pre >
< / div >
2022-09-29 23:30:56 +08:00
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "outline-container-org5d288aa" class = "outline-2" >
< h2 id = "org5d288aa" > < span class = "section-number-2" > 2.< / span > Fedora< / h2 >
< div class = "outline-text-2" id = "text-2" >
< p >
Fedora 分不同的变体, 常见的是 Server 和 Workstation< br / >
与 CentOS 不同, Fedora 是在 < a href = "https://pagure.io/fedora-kickstarts/" > kickstarts< / a > 定义的变体< br / >
在 < code > [Payload]< / code > 中定义了安装哪些软件(组)< br / >
然后根据 < a href = "https://pagure.io/fedora-comps/blob/main/f/comps-f37.xml.in" > comps.xml< / a > 就知道安装了什么软件< br / >
< / p >
< / div >
< div id = "outline-container-org654faf5" class = "outline-3" >
< h3 id = "org654faf5" > < span class = "section-number-3" > 2.1.< / span > Workstation< / h3 >
< div class = "outline-text-3" id = "text-2-1" >
< p >
workstation-product-environment< br / >
< / p >
< div class = "org-src-container" >
< pre class = "src src-xml" > < < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > workstation-product-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > _name< / span > > Fedora Workstation< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > _name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > _description< / span > > Fedora Workstation is a user friendly desktop system for laptops and PCs.< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > _description< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 2< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > base-x< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > container-management< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > core< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > firefox< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > fonts< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > gnome-desktop< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > guest-desktop-agents< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > hardware-support< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > libreoffice< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > multimedia< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > networkmanager-submodules< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > printing< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > workstation-product< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
2022-09-30 10:15:58 +08:00
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span > < /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > >
2022-09-29 23:30:56 +08:00
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< / pre >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "outline-container-org4c366df" class = "outline-3" >
< h3 id = "org4c366df" > < span class = "section-number-3" > 2.2.< / span > Server< / h3 >
< div class = "outline-text-3" id = "text-2-2" >
< p >
server-product-environment< br / >
< / p >
< div class = "org-src-container" >
< pre class = "src src-xml" > < < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > > server-product-environment< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > id< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > > Server< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > name< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > > 2< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > display_order< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > server-product< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > standard< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > core< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > hardware-support< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > headless-management< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > > container-management< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > groupid< / span > >
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > grouplist< / span > >
2022-09-30 10:15:58 +08:00
< < span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > > < span style = "font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;" > < !----> < / span > < /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > optionlist< / span > >
2022-09-29 23:30:56 +08:00
< /< span style = "font-weight: bold;" > environment< / span > >
< / pre >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
< div id = "postamble" class = "status" >
< p class = "date" > Date: 2022-09-29 四 00:00< / p >
< p class = "author" > Author: dongdigua< / p >
2022-09-30 10:15:58 +08:00
< p class = "date" > Created: 2022-09-30 五 10:15< / p >
2022-09-29 23:30:56 +08:00
< / div >
< / body >
< / html >