2020-01-28 00:08:03 -05:00

192 lines
6.2 KiB

* @license
* Copyright 2013 Palantir Technologies, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
import * as ts from "typescript";
import { IWalker } from "../walker";
export interface RuleConstructor {
metadata: IRuleMetadata;
new (options: IOptions): IRule;
export interface IRuleMetadata {
* The kebab-case name of the rule.
ruleName: string;
* The type of the rule - its overall purpose
type: RuleType;
* A rule deprecation message, if applicable.
deprecationMessage?: string;
* A short, one line description of what the rule does.
description: string;
* More elaborate details about the rule.
descriptionDetails?: string;
* Whether or not the rule will provide fix suggestions.
hasFix?: boolean;
* An explanation of the available options for the rule.
optionsDescription: string;
* Schema of the options the rule accepts.
* The first boolean for whether the rule is enabled or not is already implied.
* This field describes the options after that boolean.
* If null, this rule has no options and is not configurable.
options: any;
* Examples of what a standard config for the rule might look like.
* Using a string[] here is deprecated. Write the options as a JSON object instead.
optionExamples?: Array<true | any[]> | string[] | Array<{
options: any;
* An explanation of why the rule is useful.
rationale?: string;
* Whether or not the rule requires type info to run.
requiresTypeInfo?: boolean;
* Whether or not the rule use for TypeScript only. If `false`, this rule may be used with .js files.
typescriptOnly: boolean;
* Examples demonstrating what the lint rule will pass and fail
codeExamples?: ICodeExample[];
export declare type RuleType = "functionality" | "maintainability" | "style" | "typescript" | "formatting";
export declare type RuleSeverity = "warning" | "error" | "off";
export interface ICodeExample {
config: string;
description: string;
pass: string;
fail?: string;
export interface IOptions {
ruleArguments: any[];
ruleSeverity: RuleSeverity;
ruleName: string;
* @deprecated
* Tslint now handles disables itself.
* This will be empty.
disabledIntervals: IDisabledInterval[];
* @deprecated
* These are now handled internally.
export interface IDisabledInterval {
startPosition: number;
endPosition: number;
export interface IRule {
getOptions(): IOptions;
isEnabled(): boolean;
apply(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile): RuleFailure[];
applyWithWalker(walker: IWalker): RuleFailure[];
export interface ITypedRule extends IRule {
applyWithProgram(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, program: ts.Program): RuleFailure[];
export interface IRuleFailureJson {
endPosition: IRuleFailurePositionJson;
failure: string;
fix?: FixJson;
name: string;
ruleSeverity: string;
ruleName: string;
startPosition: IRuleFailurePositionJson;
export interface IRuleFailurePositionJson {
character: number;
line: number;
position: number;
export declare function isTypedRule(rule: IRule): rule is ITypedRule;
export interface ReplacementJson {
innerStart: number;
innerLength: number;
innerText: string;
export declare class Replacement {
readonly start: number;
readonly length: number;
readonly text: string;
static applyFixes(content: string, fixes: Fix[]): string;
static applyAll(content: string, replacements: Replacement[]): string;
static replaceNode(node: ts.Node, text: string, sourceFile?: ts.SourceFile): Replacement;
static replaceFromTo(start: number, end: number, text: string): Replacement;
static deleteText(start: number, length: number): Replacement;
static deleteFromTo(start: number, end: number): Replacement;
static appendText(start: number, text: string): Replacement;
constructor(start: number, length: number, text: string);
readonly end: number;
apply(content: string): string;
toJson(): ReplacementJson;
export declare class RuleFailurePosition {
private readonly position;
private readonly lineAndCharacter;
constructor(position: number, lineAndCharacter: ts.LineAndCharacter);
getPosition(): number;
getLineAndCharacter(): ts.LineAndCharacter;
toJson(): IRuleFailurePositionJson;
equals(ruleFailurePosition: RuleFailurePosition): boolean;
export declare type Fix = Replacement | Replacement[];
export declare type FixJson = ReplacementJson | ReplacementJson[];
export declare class RuleFailure {
private readonly sourceFile;
private readonly failure;
private readonly ruleName;
private readonly fix?;
static compare(a: RuleFailure, b: RuleFailure): number;
private readonly fileName;
private readonly startPosition;
private readonly endPosition;
private readonly rawLines;
private ruleSeverity;
constructor(sourceFile: ts.SourceFile, start: number, end: number, failure: string, ruleName: string, fix?: Replacement | Replacement[] | undefined);
getFileName(): string;
getRuleName(): string;
getStartPosition(): RuleFailurePosition;
getEndPosition(): RuleFailurePosition;
getFailure(): string;
hasFix(): boolean;
getFix(): Replacement | Replacement[] | undefined;
getRawLines(): string;
getRuleSeverity(): RuleSeverity;
setRuleSeverity(value: RuleSeverity): void;
toJson(): IRuleFailureJson;
equals(ruleFailure: RuleFailure): boolean;
private createFailurePosition;