#!/bin/sh -l if [ -z "$ACCESS_TOKEN" ] then echo "You must provide the action with a GitHub Personal Access Token secret in order to deploy." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$BRANCH" ] then echo "You must provide the action with a branch name it should deploy to, for example gh-pages or docs." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$FOLDER" ] then echo "You must provide the action with the folder name in the repository where your compiled page lives." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$COMMIT_EMAIL" ] then COMMIT_EMAIL="${GITHUB_ACTOR}@users.noreply.github.com" fi if [ -z "$COMMIT_NAME" ] then COMMIT_NAME="${GITHUB_ACTOR}" fi # Installs Git. apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y git && \ # Directs the action to the the Github workspace. cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE && \ # Configures Git. git init && \ git config --global user.email "${COMMIT_EMAIL}" && \ git config --global user.name "${COMMIT_NAME}" && \ # Checks to see if the remote exists prior to deploying. # If the branch doesn't exist it gets created here as an orphan. if [ `git ls-remote --heads "https://${ACCESS_TOKEN}@github.com:JamesIves/reddit-viewer.git" $BRANCH | wc -l` ] then echo "Creating remote branch ${BRANCH} as it doesn't exist..." git checkout --orphan $BRANCH && \ git rm -rf . && \ touch README.md && \ git add README.md && \ git commit -m "Initial ${BRANCH} commit" && \ git push origin $BRANCH fi # Checks out the base branch to begin the deploy process. git checkout "${BASE_BRANCH:-master}" && \ ## Initializes the repository path using the access token. REPOSITORY_PATH="https://${ACCESS_TOKEN}@github.com/${GITHUB_REPOSITORY}.git" && \ # Builds the project if a build script is provided. echo "Running build scripts... $BUILD_SCRIPT" && \ eval "$BUILD_SCRIPT" && \ # Commits the data to Github. echo "Deploying to GitHub..." && \ git add -f $FOLDER && \ git commit -m "Deploying to ${BRANCH} - $(date +"%T")" && \ git push $REPOSITORY_PATH `git subtree split --prefix $FOLDER master`:$BRANCH --force && \ echo "Deployment succesful!"