"use strict"; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Palantir Technologies, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = require("tslib"); var utils = require("tsutils"); var ts = require("typescript"); var Lint = require("../index"); var typeUtils_1 = require("../language/typeUtils"); var utils_1 = require("../utils"); var OPTION_ONLY_INLINE_LAMBDAS = "only-inline-lambdas"; var Rule = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(Rule, _super); function Rule() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } Rule.prototype.applyWithProgram = function (sourceFile, program) { var options = { onlyInlineLambdas: this.ruleArguments.indexOf(OPTION_ONLY_INLINE_LAMBDAS) !== -1, }; return this.applyWithFunction(sourceFile, walk, options, program.getTypeChecker()); }; Rule.metadata = { description: "Requires that private variables are marked as `readonly` if they're never modified outside of the constructor.", descriptionDetails: Lint.Utils.dedent(templateObject_1 || (templateObject_1 = tslib_1.__makeTemplateObject(["\n If a private variable is only assigned to in the constructor, it should be declared as `readonly`.\n "], ["\n If a private variable is only assigned to in the constructor, it should be declared as \\`readonly\\`.\n "]))), optionExamples: [true, [true, OPTION_ONLY_INLINE_LAMBDAS]], options: { enum: [OPTION_ONLY_INLINE_LAMBDAS], type: "string", }, optionsDescription: Lint.Utils.dedent(templateObject_2 || (templateObject_2 = tslib_1.__makeTemplateObject(["\n If `", "` is specified, only immediately-declared arrow functions are checked."], ["\n If \\`", "\\` is specified, only immediately-declared arrow functions are checked."])), OPTION_ONLY_INLINE_LAMBDAS), rationale: Lint.Utils.dedent(templateObject_3 || (templateObject_3 = tslib_1.__makeTemplateObject(["\n Marking never-modified variables as readonly helps enforce the code's intent of keeping them as never-modified.\n It can also help prevent accidental changes of members not meant to be changed."], ["\n Marking never-modified variables as readonly helps enforce the code's intent of keeping them as never-modified.\n It can also help prevent accidental changes of members not meant to be changed."]))), requiresTypeInfo: true, ruleName: "prefer-readonly", type: "maintainability", typescriptOnly: true, }; return Rule; }(Lint.Rules.TypedRule)); exports.Rule = Rule; function walk(context, typeChecker) { if (context.sourceFile.isDeclarationFile) { return; } var scope; ts.forEachChild(context.sourceFile, visitNode); function visitNode(node) { if (utils.hasModifier(node.modifiers, ts.SyntaxKind.DeclareKeyword)) { return; } switch (node.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassExpression: handleClassDeclarationOrExpression(node); break; case ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor: handleConstructor(node); break; case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyDeclaration: handlePropertyDeclaration(node); break; case ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression: if (scope !== undefined) { handlePropertyAccessExpression(node, node.parent); } break; default: // tslint:disable:deprecation This is needed for https://github.com/palantir/tslint/pull/4274 and will be fixed once TSLint // requires tsutils > 3.0. if (utils_1.isFunctionScopeBoundary(node)) { // tslint:enable:deprecation handleFunctionScopeBoundary(node); } else { ts.forEachChild(node, visitNode); } } } function handleFunctionScopeBoundary(node) { if (scope === undefined) { ts.forEachChild(node, visitNode); return; } scope.enterNonConstructorScope(); ts.forEachChild(node, visitNode); scope.exitNonConstructorScope(); } function handleClassDeclarationOrExpression(node) { var parentScope = scope; var childScope = (scope = new ClassScope(node, typeChecker)); ts.forEachChild(node, visitNode); finalizeScope(childScope); scope = parentScope; } function handleConstructor(node) { scope.enterConstructor(); for (var _i = 0, _a = node.parameters; _i < _a.length; _i++) { var parameter = _a[_i]; if (utils.isModifierFlagSet(parameter, ts.ModifierFlags.Private)) { scope.addDeclaredVariable(parameter); } } ts.forEachChild(node, visitNode); scope.exitConstructor(); } function handlePropertyDeclaration(node) { if (!shouldPropertyDeclarationBeIgnored(node)) { scope.addDeclaredVariable(node); } ts.forEachChild(node, visitNode); } function handlePropertyAccessExpression(node, parent) { switch (parent.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.BinaryExpression: handleParentBinaryExpression(node, parent); break; case ts.SyntaxKind.DeleteExpression: handleDeleteExpression(node); break; case ts.SyntaxKind.PostfixUnaryExpression: case ts.SyntaxKind.PrefixUnaryExpression: handleParentPostfixOrPrefixUnaryExpression(parent); } ts.forEachChild(node, visitNode); } function handleParentBinaryExpression(node, parent) { if (parent.left === node && utils.isAssignmentKind(parent.operatorToken.kind)) { scope.addVariableModification(node); } } function handleParentPostfixOrPrefixUnaryExpression(node) { if (node.operator === ts.SyntaxKind.PlusPlusToken || node.operator === ts.SyntaxKind.MinusMinusToken) { scope.addVariableModification(node.operand); } } function handleDeleteExpression(node) { scope.addVariableModification(node); } function shouldPropertyDeclarationBeIgnored(node) { if (!context.options.onlyInlineLambdas) { return false; } return (node.initializer === undefined || node.initializer.kind !== ts.SyntaxKind.ArrowFunction); } function finalizeScope(childScope) { for (var _i = 0, _a = childScope.finalizeUnmodifiedPrivateNonReadonlys(); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var violatingNode = _a[_i]; complainOnNode(violatingNode); } } function complainOnNode(node) { var fix = Lint.Replacement.appendText(node.modifiers.end, " readonly"); context.addFailureAtNode(node.name, createFailureString(node), fix); } } function createFailureString(node) { var accessibility = utils.isModifierFlagSet(node, ts.ModifierFlags.Static) ? "static" : "member"; var text = node.name.getText(); return "Private " + accessibility + " variable '" + text + "' is never reassigned; mark it as 'readonly'."; } var OUTSIDE_CONSTRUCTOR = -1; var DIRECTLY_INSIDE_CONSTRUCTOR = 0; var ClassScope = /** @class */ (function () { function ClassScope(classNode, typeChecker) { this.privateModifiableMembers = new Map(); this.privateModifiableStatics = new Map(); this.memberVariableModifications = new Set(); this.staticVariableModifications = new Set(); this.constructorScopeDepth = OUTSIDE_CONSTRUCTOR; this.classType = typeChecker.getTypeAtLocation(classNode); this.typeChecker = typeChecker; } ClassScope.prototype.addDeclaredVariable = function (node) { if (!utils.isModifierFlagSet(node, ts.ModifierFlags.Private) || utils.isModifierFlagSet(node, ts.ModifierFlags.Readonly) || node.name.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.ComputedPropertyName) { return; } if (utils.isModifierFlagSet(node, ts.ModifierFlags.Static)) { this.privateModifiableStatics.set(node.name.getText(), node); } else { this.privateModifiableMembers.set(node.name.getText(), node); } }; ClassScope.prototype.addVariableModification = function (node) { var modifierType = this.typeChecker.getTypeAtLocation(node.expression); if (modifierType.symbol === undefined || !typeUtils_1.typeIsOrHasBaseType(modifierType, this.classType)) { return; } var toStatic = utils.isObjectType(modifierType) && utils.isObjectFlagSet(modifierType, ts.ObjectFlags.Anonymous); if (!toStatic && this.constructorScopeDepth === DIRECTLY_INSIDE_CONSTRUCTOR) { return; } var variable = node.name.text; (toStatic ? this.staticVariableModifications : this.memberVariableModifications).add(variable); }; ClassScope.prototype.enterConstructor = function () { this.constructorScopeDepth = DIRECTLY_INSIDE_CONSTRUCTOR; }; ClassScope.prototype.exitConstructor = function () { this.constructorScopeDepth = OUTSIDE_CONSTRUCTOR; }; ClassScope.prototype.enterNonConstructorScope = function () { if (this.constructorScopeDepth !== OUTSIDE_CONSTRUCTOR) { this.constructorScopeDepth += 1; } }; ClassScope.prototype.exitNonConstructorScope = function () { if (this.constructorScopeDepth !== OUTSIDE_CONSTRUCTOR) { this.constructorScopeDepth -= 1; } }; ClassScope.prototype.finalizeUnmodifiedPrivateNonReadonlys = function () { var _this = this; this.memberVariableModifications.forEach(function (variableName) { _this.privateModifiableMembers.delete(variableName); }); this.staticVariableModifications.forEach(function (variableName) { _this.privateModifiableStatics.delete(variableName); }); return tslib_1.__spreadArrays(Array.from(this.privateModifiableMembers.values()), Array.from(this.privateModifiableStatics.values())); }; return ClassScope; }()); var templateObject_1, templateObject_2, templateObject_3;