"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = exports.getReducedASTNode = void 0; /** * Obtained originally from {@link https://github.com/eslint/eslint/blob/master/lib/util/source-code.js#L313} * * @license MIT */ /** * Checks if the given token is a comment token or not. * * @param {Token} token - The token to check. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the token is a comment token. */ const isCommentToken = token => { return token.type === 'Line' || token.type === 'Block' || token.type === 'Shebang'; }; const getDecorator = (token, sourceCode) => { if (token && token.type === 'Identifier') { const tokenBefore = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(token, { includeComments: true }); if (tokenBefore && tokenBefore.type === 'Punctuator' && tokenBefore.value === '@') { return tokenBefore; } } return false; }; /** * Check to see if its a ES6 export declaration. * * @param {ASTNode} astNode An AST node. * @returns {boolean} whether the given node represents an export declaration. * @private */ const looksLikeExport = function looksLikeExport(astNode) { return astNode.type === 'ExportDefaultDeclaration' || astNode.type === 'ExportNamedDeclaration' || astNode.type === 'ExportAllDeclaration' || astNode.type === 'ExportSpecifier'; }; /** * Reduces the provided node to the appropriate node for evaluating JSDoc comment status. * * @param {ASTNode} node An AST node. * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode The ESLint SourceCode. * @returns {ASTNode} The AST node that can be evaluated for appropriate JSDoc comments. * @private */ const getReducedASTNode = function getReducedASTNode(node, sourceCode) { let parent = node.parent; switch (node.type) { case 'TSInterfaceDeclaration': case 'TSTypeAliasDeclaration': case 'TSEnumDeclaration': case 'ClassDeclaration': case 'FunctionDeclaration': return looksLikeExport(parent) ? parent : node; case 'ClassExpression': case 'ObjectExpression': case 'ArrowFunctionExpression': case 'FunctionExpression': if (!['CallExpression', 'OptionalCallExpression', 'NewExpression'].includes(parent.type)) { while (!sourceCode.getCommentsBefore(parent).length && !/Function/u.test(parent.type) && parent.type !== 'MethodDefinition' && parent.type !== 'Property') { parent = parent.parent; if (!parent) { break; } } if (parent && parent.type !== 'FunctionDeclaration' && parent.type !== 'Program') { return parent; } } return node; default: return node; } }; /** * Retrieves the JSDoc comment for a given node. * * @param {SourceCode} sourceCode The ESLint SourceCode * @param {ASTNode} node The AST node to get the comment for. * @param {object} settings The settings in context * @returns {Token|null} The Block comment token containing the JSDoc comment * for the given node or null if not found. * @public * @deprecated */ exports.getReducedASTNode = getReducedASTNode; const getJSDocComment = function getJSDocComment(sourceCode, node, settings) { /** * Checks for the presence of a JSDoc comment for the given node and returns it. * * @param {ASTNode} astNode The AST node to get the comment for. * @returns {Token|null} The Block comment token containing the JSDoc comment * for the given node or null if not found. * @private */ const findJSDocComment = astNode => { const minLines = settings.minLines, maxLines = settings.maxLines; let currentNode = astNode; let tokenBefore = null; while (currentNode) { tokenBefore = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(currentNode, { includeComments: true }); const decorator = getDecorator(tokenBefore, sourceCode); if (decorator) { currentNode = decorator; continue; } if (!tokenBefore || !isCommentToken(tokenBefore)) { return null; } if (tokenBefore.type === 'Line') { currentNode = tokenBefore; continue; } break; } if (tokenBefore.type === 'Block' && tokenBefore.value.charAt(0) === '*' && currentNode.loc.start.line - tokenBefore.loc.end.line >= minLines && currentNode.loc.start.line - tokenBefore.loc.end.line <= maxLines) { return tokenBefore; } return null; }; const reducedNode = getReducedASTNode(node, sourceCode); /* istanbul ignore next */ if (!reducedNode) { return null; } return findJSDocComment(reducedNode); }; var _default = getJSDocComment; exports.default = _default; //# sourceMappingURL=getJSDocComment.js.map