"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const core_1 = require("@actions/core"); /* Utility function that checks to see if a value is undefined or not. */ exports.isNullOrUndefined = (value) => typeof value === "undefined" || value === null || value === ""; /* Generates a token type used for the action. */ exports.generateTokenType = (action) => action.ssh ? "SSH Deploy Key" : action.accessToken ? "Access Token" : action.gitHubToken ? "GitHub Token" : "..."; /* Generates a the repository path used to make the commits. */ exports.generateRepositoryPath = (action) => action.ssh ? `git@github.com:${action.repositoryName}` : `https://${action.accessToken || `x-access-token:${action.gitHubToken}`}@github.com/${action.repositoryName}.git`; /* Checks for the required tokens and formatting. Throws an error if any case is matched. */ exports.hasRequiredParameters = (action) => { if ((exports.isNullOrUndefined(action.accessToken) && exports.isNullOrUndefined(action.gitHubToken) && exports.isNullOrUndefined(action.ssh)) || exports.isNullOrUndefined(action.repositoryPath)) { throw new Error("No deployment token/method was provided. You must provide the action with either a Personal Access Token or the GitHub Token secret in order to deploy. If you wish to use an ssh deploy token then you must set SSH to true."); } if (exports.isNullOrUndefined(action.branch)) { throw new Error("Branch is required."); } if (!action.folder || exports.isNullOrUndefined(action.folder)) { throw new Error("You must provide the action with a folder to deploy."); } if (action.folder.startsWith("/") || action.folder.startsWith("./")) { throw new Error("Incorrectly formatted build folder. The deployment folder cannot be prefixed with '/' or './'. Instead reference the folder name directly."); } }; /* Suppresses sensitive information from being exposed in error messages. */ exports.suppressSensitiveInformation = (str, action) => { let value = str; if (core_1.getInput("DEBUG")) { // Data is unmasked in debug mode. return value; } if (action.accessToken) { value = value.replace(action.accessToken, "***"); } if (action.gitHubToken) { value = value.replace(action.gitHubToken, "***"); } if (action.repositoryPath) { value = value.replace(action.repositoryPath, "***"); } return value; };