#!/bin/sh -l if [ -z "$BRANCH" ] then echo "You must provide the action with a branch name." exit 1 fi if [ -z "$FOLDER" ] then echo "You must provide the action with the folder name in the repository where your compiled page lives." exit 1 fi # Installs Git. apt-get update && \ apt-get install -y git && \ # Re-directs to the the Github workspace. cd $GITHUB_WORKSPACE && \ # Configures Git and checks out the base branch. git config --global user.email "${COMMIT_EMAIL:-gh-pages-deploy@jives.dev}" && \ git config --global user.name "${COMMIT_NAME:-Github Pages Deploy}" && \ git checkout master && \ git push $GITHUB_REPOSITORY $BRANCH:$BRANCH && \ # Builds the project if applicable. eval $BUILD_SCRIPT && \ # Commits the data to Github. git add -f $FOLDER && \ git commit -m "Deploying $(date +"%T")" && \ git push origin `git subtree split --prefix $FOLDER master`:$BRANCH --force