"use strict"; /** * @license * Copyright 2017 Palantir Technologies, Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var tslib_1 = require("tslib"); var utils = require("tsutils"); var ts = require("typescript"); var Lint = require("../index"); var utils_1 = require("../utils"); var adjacentOverloadSignaturesRule_1 = require("./adjacentOverloadSignaturesRule"); var Rule = /** @class */ (function (_super) { tslib_1.__extends(Rule, _super); function Rule() { return _super !== null && _super.apply(this, arguments) || this; } /* tslint:enable:object-literal-sort-keys */ Rule.FAILURE_STRING_OMITTING_SINGLE_PARAMETER = function (otherLine) { return Rule.FAILURE_STRING_START(otherLine) + " with an optional parameter."; }; Rule.FAILURE_STRING_OMITTING_REST_PARAMETER = function (otherLine) { return Rule.FAILURE_STRING_START(otherLine) + " with a rest parameter."; }; Rule.FAILURE_STRING_SINGLE_PARAMETER_DIFFERENCE = function (otherLine, type1, type2) { return Rule.FAILURE_STRING_START(otherLine) + " taking `" + type1 + " | " + type2 + "`."; }; Rule.FAILURE_STRING_START = function (otherLine) { // For only 2 overloads we don't need to specify which is the other one. var overloads = otherLine === undefined ? "These overloads" : "This overload and the one on line " + otherLine; return overloads + " can be combined into one signature"; }; Rule.prototype.apply = function (sourceFile) { return this.applyWithFunction(sourceFile, walk); }; /* tslint:disable:object-literal-sort-keys */ Rule.metadata = { ruleName: "unified-signatures", description: "Warns for any two overloads that could be unified into one by using a union or an optional/rest parameter.", optionsDescription: "Not configurable.", options: null, optionExamples: [true], type: "typescript", typescriptOnly: true, }; return Rule; }(Lint.Rules.AbstractRule)); exports.Rule = Rule; function walk(ctx) { var sourceFile = ctx.sourceFile; checkStatements(sourceFile.statements); return ts.forEachChild(sourceFile, function cb(node) { switch (node.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.ModuleBlock: checkStatements(node.statements); break; case ts.SyntaxKind.InterfaceDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.ClassDeclaration: { var _a = node, members = _a.members, typeParameters = _a.typeParameters; checkMembers(members, typeParameters); break; } case ts.SyntaxKind.TypeLiteral: checkMembers(node.members); } return ts.forEachChild(node, cb); }); function checkStatements(statements) { addFailures(checkOverloads(statements, undefined, function (statement) { if (utils.isFunctionDeclaration(statement)) { var body = statement.body, name = statement.name; return body === undefined && name !== undefined ? { signature: statement, key: name.text } : undefined; } else { return undefined; } })); } function checkMembers(members, typeParameters) { addFailures(checkOverloads(members, typeParameters, function (member) { switch (member.kind) { case ts.SyntaxKind.CallSignature: case ts.SyntaxKind.ConstructSignature: case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodSignature: break; case ts.SyntaxKind.MethodDeclaration: case ts.SyntaxKind.Constructor: if (member.body !== undefined) { return undefined; } break; default: return undefined; } var signature = member; var key = adjacentOverloadSignaturesRule_1.getOverloadKey(signature); return key === undefined ? undefined : { signature: signature, key: key }; })); } function addFailures(failures) { for (var _i = 0, failures_1 = failures; _i < failures_1.length; _i++) { var failure = failures_1[_i]; var unify = failure.unify, only2 = failure.only2; switch (unify.kind) { case "single-parameter-difference": { var p0 = unify.p0, p1 = unify.p1; var lineOfOtherOverload = only2 ? undefined : getLine(p0.getStart()); ctx.addFailureAtNode(p1, Rule.FAILURE_STRING_SINGLE_PARAMETER_DIFFERENCE(lineOfOtherOverload, typeText(p0), typeText(p1))); break; } case "extra-parameter": { var extraParameter = unify.extraParameter, otherSignature = unify.otherSignature; var lineOfOtherOverload = only2 ? undefined : getLine(otherSignature.pos); ctx.addFailureAtNode(extraParameter, extraParameter.dotDotDotToken !== undefined ? Rule.FAILURE_STRING_OMITTING_REST_PARAMETER(lineOfOtherOverload) : Rule.FAILURE_STRING_OMITTING_SINGLE_PARAMETER(lineOfOtherOverload)); } } } } function getLine(pos) { return ts.getLineAndCharacterOfPosition(sourceFile, pos).line + 1; } } function checkOverloads(signatures, typeParameters, getOverload) { var result = []; var isTypeParameter = getIsTypeParameter(typeParameters); for (var _i = 0, _a = collectOverloads(signatures, getOverload); _i < _a.length; _i++) { var overloads = _a[_i]; if (overloads.length === 2) { var unify = compareSignatures(overloads[0], overloads[1], isTypeParameter); if (unify !== undefined) { result.push({ unify: unify, only2: true }); } } else { forEachPair(overloads, function (a, b) { var unify = compareSignatures(a, b, isTypeParameter); if (unify !== undefined) { result.push({ unify: unify, only2: false }); } }); } } return result; } function compareSignatures(a, b, isTypeParameter) { if (!signaturesCanBeUnified(a, b, isTypeParameter)) { return undefined; } return a.parameters.length === b.parameters.length ? signaturesDifferBySingleParameter(a.parameters, b.parameters) : signaturesDifferByOptionalOrRestParameter(a.parameters, b.parameters); } function signaturesCanBeUnified(a, b, isTypeParameter) { // Must return the same type. return (typesAreEqual(a.type, b.type) && // Must take the same type parameters. utils_1.arraysAreEqual(a.typeParameters, b.typeParameters, typeParametersAreEqual) && // If one uses a type parameter (from outside) and the other doesn't, they shouldn't be joined. signatureUsesTypeParameter(a, isTypeParameter) === signatureUsesTypeParameter(b, isTypeParameter)); } /** Detect `a(x: number, y: number, z: number)` and `a(x: number, y: string, z: number)`. */ function signaturesDifferBySingleParameter(types1, types2) { var index = getIndexOfFirstDifference(types1, types2, parametersAreEqual); if (index === undefined) { return undefined; } // If remaining arrays are equal, the signatures differ by just one parameter type if (!utils_1.arraysAreEqual(types1.slice(index + 1), types2.slice(index + 1), parametersAreEqual)) { return undefined; } var a = types1[index]; var b = types2[index]; // Can unify `a?: string` and `b?: number`. Can't unify `...args: string[]` and `...args: number[]`. // See https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/issues/5077 return parametersHaveEqualSigils(a, b) && a.dotDotDotToken === undefined ? { kind: "single-parameter-difference", p0: a, p1: b } : undefined; } /** * Detect `a(): void` and `a(x: number): void`. * Returns the parameter declaration (`x: number` in this example) that should be optional/rest, and overload it's a part of. */ function signaturesDifferByOptionalOrRestParameter(sig1, sig2) { var minLength = Math.min(sig1.length, sig2.length); var longer = sig1.length < sig2.length ? sig2 : sig1; var shorter = sig1.length < sig2.length ? sig1 : sig2; // If one is has 2+ parameters more than the other, they must all be optional/rest. // Differ by optional parameters: f() and f(x), f() and f(x, ?y, ...z) // Not allowed: f() and f(x, y) for (var i = minLength + 1; i < longer.length; i++) { if (!parameterMayBeMissing(longer[i])) { return undefined; } } for (var i = 0; i < minLength; i++) { if (!typesAreEqual(sig1[i].type, sig2[i].type)) { return undefined; } } if (minLength > 0 && shorter[minLength - 1].dotDotDotToken !== undefined) { return undefined; } return { extraParameter: longer[longer.length - 1], kind: "extra-parameter", otherSignature: shorter, }; } /** Given type parameters, returns a function to test whether a type is one of those parameters. */ function getIsTypeParameter(typeParameters) { if (typeParameters === undefined) { return function () { return false; }; } var set = new Set(); for (var _i = 0, typeParameters_1 = typeParameters; _i < typeParameters_1.length; _i++) { var t = typeParameters_1[_i]; set.add(t.getText()); } return function (typeName) { return set.has(typeName); }; } /** True if any of the outer type parameters are used in a signature. */ function signatureUsesTypeParameter(sig, isTypeParameter) { return sig.parameters.some(function (p) { return p.type !== undefined && typeContainsTypeParameter(p.type) === true; }); function typeContainsTypeParameter(type) { if (utils.isTypeReferenceNode(type)) { var typeName = type.typeName; if (typeName.kind === ts.SyntaxKind.Identifier && isTypeParameter(typeName.text)) { return true; } } return ts.forEachChild(type, typeContainsTypeParameter); } } /** * Given all signatures, collects an array of arrays of signatures which are all overloads. * Does not rely on overloads being adjacent. This is similar to code in adjacentOverloadSignaturesRule.ts, but not the same. */ function collectOverloads(nodes, getOverload) { var map = new Map(); for (var _i = 0, nodes_1 = nodes; _i < nodes_1.length; _i++) { var sig = nodes_1[_i]; var overload = getOverload(sig); if (overload === undefined) { continue; } var signature = overload.signature, key = overload.key; var overloads = map.get(key); if (overloads !== undefined) { overloads.push(signature); } else { map.set(key, [signature]); } } return Array.from(map.values()); } function parametersAreEqual(a, b) { return parametersHaveEqualSigils(a, b) && typesAreEqual(a.type, b.type); } /** True for optional/rest parameters. */ function parameterMayBeMissing(p) { return p.dotDotDotToken !== undefined || p.questionToken !== undefined; } /** False if one is optional and the other isn't, or one is a rest parameter and the other isn't. */ function parametersHaveEqualSigils(a, b) { return ((a.dotDotDotToken !== undefined) === (b.dotDotDotToken !== undefined) && (a.questionToken !== undefined) === (b.questionToken !== undefined)); } function typeParametersAreEqual(a, b) { return a.name.text === b.name.text && typesAreEqual(a.constraint, b.constraint); } function typesAreEqual(a, b) { // TODO: Could traverse AST so that formatting differences don't affect this. return a === b || (a !== undefined && b !== undefined && a.getText() === b.getText()); } /** Returns the first index where `a` and `b` differ. */ function getIndexOfFirstDifference(a, b, equal) { for (var i = 0; i < a.length && i < b.length; i++) { if (!equal(a[i], b[i])) { return i; } } return undefined; } /** Calls `action` for every pair of values in `values`. */ function forEachPair(values, action) { for (var i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { for (var j = i + 1; j < values.length; j++) { var result = action(values[i], values[j]); if (result !== undefined) { return result; } } } return undefined; } function typeText(_a) { var type = _a.type; return type === undefined ? "any" : type.getText(); }