"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.default = void 0; var _experimentalUtils = require("@typescript-eslint/experimental-utils"); var _utils = require("./utils"); var _default = (0, _utils.createRule)({ name: __filename, meta: { docs: { category: 'Best Practices', description: 'Disallow Jasmine globals', recommended: 'error' }, messages: { illegalGlobal: 'Illegal usage of global `{{ global }}`, prefer `{{ replacement }}`', illegalMethod: 'Illegal usage of `{{ method }}`, prefer `{{ replacement }}`', illegalFail: 'Illegal usage of `fail`, prefer throwing an error, or the `done.fail` callback', illegalPending: 'Illegal usage of `pending`, prefer explicitly skipping a test using `test.skip`', illegalJasmine: 'Illegal usage of jasmine global' }, fixable: 'code', schema: [], type: 'suggestion' }, defaultOptions: [], create(context) { return { CallExpression(node) { const callee = node.callee; const calleeName = (0, _utils.getNodeName)(callee); if (!calleeName) { return; } if (calleeName === 'spyOn' || calleeName === 'spyOnProperty' || calleeName === 'fail' || calleeName === 'pending') { if ((0, _utils.scopeHasLocalReference)(context.getScope(), calleeName)) { // It's a local variable, not a jasmine global. return; } switch (calleeName) { case 'spyOn': case 'spyOnProperty': context.report({ node, messageId: 'illegalGlobal', data: { global: calleeName, replacement: 'jest.spyOn' } }); break; case 'fail': context.report({ node, messageId: 'illegalFail' }); break; case 'pending': context.report({ node, messageId: 'illegalPending' }); break; } return; } if (callee.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.MemberExpression && calleeName.startsWith('jasmine.')) { const functionName = calleeName.replace('jasmine.', ''); if (functionName === 'any' || functionName === 'anything' || functionName === 'arrayContaining' || functionName === 'objectContaining' || functionName === 'stringMatching') { context.report({ fix: fixer => [fixer.replaceText(callee.object, 'expect')], node, messageId: 'illegalMethod', data: { method: calleeName, replacement: `expect.${functionName}` } }); return; } if (functionName === 'addMatchers') { context.report({ node, messageId: 'illegalMethod', data: { method: calleeName, replacement: 'expect.extend' } }); return; } if (functionName === 'createSpy') { context.report({ node, messageId: 'illegalMethod', data: { method: calleeName, replacement: 'jest.fn' } }); return; } context.report({ node, messageId: 'illegalJasmine' }); } }, MemberExpression(node) { if ('name' in node.object && node.object.name === 'jasmine') { const parent = node.parent, property = node.property; if (parent && parent.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.AssignmentExpression) { if ('name' in property && property.name === 'DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL') { const right = parent.right; if (right.type === _experimentalUtils.AST_NODE_TYPES.Literal) { context.report({ fix: fixer => [fixer.replaceText(parent, `jest.setTimeout(${right.value})`)], node, messageId: 'illegalJasmine' }); return; } } context.report({ node, messageId: 'illegalJasmine' }); } } } }; } }); exports.default = _default;