import {exportVariable} from '@actions/core' import {mkdirP} from '@actions/io' import child_process, {execFileSync, execSync} from 'child_process' import {appendFileSync} from 'fs' import {action, TestFlag} from '../src/constants' import {execute} from '../src/execute' import {configureSSH} from '../src/ssh' const originalAction = JSON.stringify(action) jest.mock('fs', () => ({ appendFileSync: jest.fn(), existsSync: jest.fn() })) jest.mock('child_process', () => ({ execFileSync: jest.fn(), execSync: jest.fn() })) jest.mock('@actions/io', () => ({ rmRF: jest.fn(), mkdirP: jest.fn() })) jest.mock('@actions/core', () => ({ setFailed: jest.fn(), getInput: jest.fn(), setOutput: jest.fn(), isDebug: jest.fn(), info: jest.fn(), exportVariable: jest.fn() })) jest.mock('../src/execute', () => ({ execute: jest.fn(() => ({stdout: '', stderr: ''})) })) describe('configureSSH', () => { afterEach(() => { Object.assign(action, JSON.parse(originalAction)) }) it('should skip client configuration if sshKey is set to true', async () => { Object.assign(action, { hostname: '', silent: false, folder: 'assets', branch: 'branch', sshKey: true, pusher: { name: 'asd', email: 'as@cat' }, isTest: TestFlag.HAS_CHANGED_FILES }) await configureSSH(action) expect(execute).toBeCalledTimes(0) expect(mkdirP).toBeCalledTimes(0) expect(appendFileSync).toBeCalledTimes(0) }) it('should configure the ssh client if a key is defined', async () => { ;(child_process.execFileSync as jest.Mock).mockImplementationOnce(() => { return 'SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/some/random/folder/agent.123; export SSH_AUTH_SOCK;\nSSH_AGENT_PID=123; export SSH_AGENT_PID;' }) Object.assign(action, { hostname: '', silent: false, folder: 'assets', branch: 'branch', sshKey: '?=-----BEGIN 123 456\n 789', pusher: { name: 'asd', email: 'as@cat' }, isTest: TestFlag.HAS_CHANGED_FILES }) await configureSSH(action) expect(execFileSync).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(exportVariable).toBeCalledTimes(2) expect(execSync).toBeCalledTimes(3) }) it('should not export variables if the return from ssh-agent is skewed', async () => { ;(child_process.execFileSync as jest.Mock).mockImplementationOnce(() => { return 'useless nonsense here;' }) Object.assign(action, { hostname: '', silent: false, folder: 'assets', branch: 'branch', sshKey: '?=-----BEGIN 123 456\n 789', pusher: { name: 'asd', email: 'as@cat' }, isTest: TestFlag.HAS_CHANGED_FILES }) await configureSSH(action) expect(execFileSync).toBeCalledTimes(1) expect(exportVariable).toBeCalledTimes(0) expect(execSync).toBeCalledTimes(3) }) it('should throw if something errors', async () => { ;(child_process.execFileSync as jest.Mock).mockImplementationOnce(() => { throw new Error('Mocked throw') }) Object.assign(action, { hostname: '', silent: false, folder: 'assets', branch: 'branch', sshKey: 'real_key', pusher: { name: 'asd', email: 'as@cat' }, isTest: TestFlag.HAS_CHANGED_FILES }) try { await configureSSH(action) } catch (error) { expect(error instanceof Error && error.message).toBe( 'The ssh client configuration encountered an error: Mocked throw ❌' ) } }) })