import {info} from '@actions/core' import {mkdirP, rmRF} from '@actions/io' import fs from 'fs' import {ActionInterface, Status, TestFlag} from './constants' import {execute} from './execute' import {generateWorktree} from './worktree' import { extractErrorMessage, isNullOrUndefined, suppressSensitiveInformation } from './util' /* Initializes git in the workspace. */ export async function init(action: ActionInterface): Promise { try { info(`Deploying using ${action.tokenType}… 🔑`) info('Configuring git…') await execute( `git config "${}"`, action.workspace, action.silent ) await execute( `git config "${}"`, action.workspace, action.silent ) try { if ((process.env.CI && !action.sshKey) || action.isTest) { /* Ensures that previously set Git configs do not interfere with the deployment. Only runs in the GitHub Actions CI environment if a user is not using an SSH key. */ await execute( `git config --local --unset-all http.https://${action.hostname}/.extraheader`, action.workspace, action.silent ) } if (action.isTest === TestFlag.UNABLE_TO_UNSET_GIT_CONFIG) { throw new Error() } } catch { info( 'Unable to unset previous git config authentication as it may not exist, continuing…' ) } try { await execute(`git remote rm origin`, action.workspace, action.silent) if (action.isTest === TestFlag.UNABLE_TO_REMOVE_ORIGIN) { throw new Error() } } catch { info('Attempted to remove origin but failed, continuing…') } await execute( `git remote add origin ${action.repositoryPath}`, action.workspace, action.silent ) info('Git configured… 🔧') } catch (error) { throw new Error( `There was an error initializing the repository: ${suppressSensitiveInformation( extractErrorMessage(error), action )} ❌` ) } } /* Runs the necessary steps to make the deployment. */ export async function deploy(action: ActionInterface): Promise { const temporaryDeploymentDirectory = 'github-pages-deploy-action-temp-deployment-folder' const temporaryDeploymentBranch = `github-pages-deploy-action/${Math.random() .toString(36) .substr(2, 9)}` info('Starting to commit changes…') try { const commitMessage = !isNullOrUndefined(action.commitMessage) ? (action.commitMessage as string) : `Deploying to ${action.branch}${ process.env.GITHUB_SHA ? ` from @ ${process.env.GITHUB_REPOSITORY}@${process.env.GITHUB_SHA}` : '' } 🚀` // Checks to see if the remote exists prior to deploying. const branchExists = action.isTest & TestFlag.HAS_REMOTE_BRANCH || (await execute( `git ls-remote --heads ${action.repositoryPath} refs/heads/${action.branch}`, action.workspace, action.silent )) await generateWorktree(action, temporaryDeploymentDirectory, branchExists) // Ensures that items that need to be excluded from the clean job get parsed. let excludes = '' if (action.clean && action.cleanExclude) { for (const item of action.cleanExclude) { excludes += `--exclude ${item} ` } } if (action.targetFolder) { info(`Creating target folder if it doesn't already exist… 📌`) await mkdirP(`${temporaryDeploymentDirectory}/${action.targetFolder}`) } /* Pushes all of the build files into the deployment directory. Allows the user to specify the root if '.' is provided. rsync is used to prevent file duplication. */ await execute( `rsync -q -av --checksum --progress ${action.folderPath}/. ${ action.targetFolder ? `${temporaryDeploymentDirectory}/${action.targetFolder}` : temporaryDeploymentDirectory } ${ action.clean ? `--delete ${excludes} ${ !fs.existsSync(`${action.folderPath}/CNAME`) ? '--exclude CNAME' : '' } ${ !fs.existsSync(`${action.folderPath}/.nojekyll`) ? '--exclude .nojekyll' : '' }` : '' } --exclude .ssh --exclude .git --exclude .github ${ action.folderPath === action.workspace ? `--exclude ${temporaryDeploymentDirectory}` : '' }`, action.workspace, action.silent ) if (action.singleCommit) { await execute( `git add --all .`, `${action.workspace}/${temporaryDeploymentDirectory}`, action.silent ) } // Use git status to check if we have something to commit. // Special case is singleCommit with existing history, when // we're really interested if the diff against the upstream branch // changed. const checkGitStatus = branchExists && action.singleCommit ? `git diff origin/${action.branch}` : `git status --porcelain` info(`Checking if there are files to commit…`) const hasFilesToCommit = action.isTest & TestFlag.HAS_CHANGED_FILES || (await execute( checkGitStatus, `${action.workspace}/${temporaryDeploymentDirectory}`, true // This output is always silenced due to the large output it creates. )) if ( (!action.singleCommit && !hasFilesToCommit) || // Ignores the case where single commit is true with a target folder to prevent incorrect early exiting. (action.singleCommit && !action.targetFolder && !hasFilesToCommit) ) { return Status.SKIPPED } // Commits to GitHub. await execute( `git add --all .`, `${action.workspace}/${temporaryDeploymentDirectory}`, action.silent ) await execute( `git checkout -b ${temporaryDeploymentBranch}`, `${action.workspace}/${temporaryDeploymentDirectory}`, action.silent ) await execute( `git commit -m "${commitMessage}" --quiet --no-verify`, `${action.workspace}/${temporaryDeploymentDirectory}`, action.silent ) if (!action.dryRun) { await execute( `git push --force ${action.repositoryPath} ${temporaryDeploymentBranch}:${action.branch}`, `${action.workspace}/${temporaryDeploymentDirectory}`, action.silent ) } info(`Changes committed to the ${action.branch} branch… 📦`) return Status.SUCCESS } catch (error) { throw new Error( `The deploy step encountered an error: ${suppressSensitiveInformation( extractErrorMessage(error), action )} ❌` ) } finally { // Cleans up temporary files/folders and restores the git state. info('Running post deployment cleanup jobs… 🗑️') await execute( `git checkout -B ${temporaryDeploymentBranch}`, `${action.workspace}/${temporaryDeploymentDirectory}`, action.silent ) await execute( `chmod -R 777 ${temporaryDeploymentDirectory}`, action.workspace, action.silent ) await execute( `git worktree remove ${temporaryDeploymentDirectory} --force`, action.workspace, action.silent ) await rmRF(temporaryDeploymentDirectory) } }