# Change Log ## v6.0.0 This version has been marked as deprecated on NPM to encourage users to migrate to ESLint. - [bugfix] fix `enforce-trailing-newline` option in [`file-header`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/file-header/) rule (#4890) - [bugfix] avoid writing to temp files with `writeFileSync` on macOS 10.15 (#4887) - [bugfix] fix crash in [`completed-docs`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed/) rule when tag contents are undefined (#4895) - [docs] fix example code of Radix rule (#4892) - [docs] Add missing colon after `[error]` in testing rules documentation (#4903) Thanks to our contributors! - Ivan Sorokin - Tanmoy Bhowmik - Meng Wang - Jay Bhagat - Aman Sharma - Josh Goldberg ## v6.0.0-beta1 No changes from v6.0.0-beta0, just re-released to correctly mark with the `beta` and `next` dist-tags on NPM. ## v6.0.0-beta0 - :fire: BREAKING CHANGES :fire: - [api] Changed default formatter to stylish (#4872) - [enhancement] Removed formatting and whitespace rules from `tslint:recommended` configuration (#4871) - [enhancement] Removed pedantic rules from `tslint:recommended` configuration (#4312) - [enhancement] `vso` formatter now reports severity of rule failures (#4286) - [enhancement] [`typedef`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/typedef/) rule `arrow-call-signature` option is more consistent in reporting errors on lambdas and will flag more violations that were missed in the previous rule implementation (#4533) - [bugfix] [`ordered-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ordered-imports/) is now consistent with TypeScript's Organise Imports ordering (#4064) - [bugfix] [`member-ordering`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/member-ordering/) now checks property accessors (getters and setters) (#3984) - Other changes - [bugfix] Removed deprecated rules from `tslint:all` configuration (#4862) - [bugfix] Preserve significant zeros in fixer for number-literal-format (#4856) - [bugfix] [`no-redundant-jsdoc`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-redundant-jsdoc/) allow `@author` tag (#4854) - [bugfix] `RuleFailure#toJson()` no longer forces rule severity to be an uppercase string (#2622) - [bugfixfix] [`return-undefined`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/return-undefined/) rule now works with TS 3.7 (#4866) - [enhancement] [`prefer-switch`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-switch/) is more lenient with `if` statements containing multiple OR conditions without any `else` clause (#4873) - [enhancement] [`completed-doc`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed-doc/): add support for constructor documentation (#4861) - [new-rule-option] `case-insensitive-legacy` for [`ordered-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ordered-imports/) rule (#4064) - [docs] [`import-blacklist`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/import-blacklist/): add some options examples (#4858) - [docs] Update custom rule example to use recursive walker (#4883) Thanks to our contributors! - J Rob Gant - Tanmoy Bhowmik - 谭九鼎 - Ahmed Ghoneim - Josh Goldberg - Andrew Boyton - Peter Sandor - Vincent Langlet - Adrian Leonhard - Philipp Foedermayr - Brian Olore - andrew bernard - joon1030 ## v5.20.1 No changes from v5.20.0, just re-released to correctly mark with the `latest` dist-tag on NPM. ## v5.20.0 - [bugfix] fix [`strict-boolean-expressions`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/strict-boolean-expressions/) false positive with `"ignore-rhs"` option (#4833) - [bugfix] fix [`no-unnecessary-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unnecessary-type-assertion/) no error when `"strict": true` in compiler flags (#4841) - [bugfix] "ignore" option for [`file-name-casing`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/file-name-casing/) rule works correctly (#4848) - [bugfix] fix [`array-type`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/array-type/) false positive for simple parenthesized types with "array-simple" option (#4844) - [new-rule-option] [`object-literal-shorthand`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-shorthand/) supports `{"property"?: "never", "method"?: "never"}` as config options (#4842) - [new-rule-option]: `allow-generics` option for [`invalid-void`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/invalid-void) rule (#4839) - [new-rule-option] `check-super-calls` option for [`unnecessary-constructor`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/unnecessary-constructor/) rule (#4813) - [chore] Upgrade `diff` dependency to v4.0.1 (#4845, #4852) Thanks to our contributors! - Bas Bosman - Tanmoy Bhowmik - David Zulaica - Maxime Kjaer - @guidsdo - Pavel Birukov - Josh Goldberg - Akshaya Srivatsa ## v5.19.0 - [bugfix] relax [`promise-function-async`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/promise-function-async/) for short parenthesized arrow functions (#4765) - [bugfix] fix [`no-async-without-await`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-async-without-await/) false positive for abstract methods (#4782) - [bugfix] fix [`strict-comparisons`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/strict-comparisons/) false positive for `null` and `undefined` literals (#4786) - [bugfix] improve [`no-angle-bracket-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-angle-bracket-type-assertion/) autofix semantics with more parentheses (#4823) - [enhancement] add BigInt support to [`restrict-plus-operands`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/restrict-plus-operands/) rule (#4814) - [enhancement] [`await-promise`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/await-promise/) now supports new TypeScript 3.6 AST API symbols for async iterators (#4800) - [new-rule-option] `check-strings` and `check-regex` options for [`max-line-length`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/max-line-length/) rule (#4798) - [new-rule-option] `variable-declaration-ignore-function` option for [`typedef`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/typedef/) rule (#4769) - [new-rule-option] `ignore-blank-lines` option for [`object-literal-sort-keys`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-sort-keys/) rule (#4808) - [new-rule] [`no-for-in`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-for-in/) (#4747) - [new-rule] [`invalid-void`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/invalid-void/) (#4736) - [new-rule] [`strict-string-expressions`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/strict-string-expressions/) reports errors on type coercions found in string expressions (#4807) - [new-rule] [`no-promise-as-boolean`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-promise-as-boolean/) (#4790) - [docs] link to OSS fellowship medium post in README (#4821) Thanks to our contributors! - Josh Pike - Tanmoy Bhowmik - Michael Withagen - Evgeniy Timokhov - Vitalij Krotov - Josh Goldberg - Veda - Guido - Robert Fink - Max Sysoev ## v5.18.0 - [feature] New `--print-config` CLI flag (#4744) - [bugfix] [`no-unnecessary-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unnecessary-type-assertion/) no longer flags `x!` non-null assertions if `--strictNullChecks` is not enabled (#3724) - [bugfix] [`quotemark`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/quotemark/) handles unbalanced quotes more gracefully without crashing (#4344) - [docs] Add tslint-playground link to README and bug report template (#4150) - [enhancement] [`no-magic-numbers`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-magic-numbers/) rule ignores arguments passed into default Number methods (#3668) - [new-fixer] [`comment-format`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/comment-format/) (#3583) - [new-rule-option] `"allow-trailing-lowercase"` option for [`comment-format`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/comment-format/) rule (#3583) - [new-rule-option] `"ignore-accessors"` for [`adjacent-overload-signatures`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/adjacent-overload-signatures/) to ignore getters / setters overloads (#3718) - [new-rule] [`no-async-without-await`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-async-without-await/) (#3945) - [new-rule] [`strict-comparisons`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/strict-comparisons/) (#4519) Thanks to our contributors! - Josh Goldberg - smoehrle - Mateusz Witkowski - Andy Hanson - John Wiseheart - Eran Shabi - Tibor Blenessy - AndreasGassmann - Ryan Waskiewicz - Isabelle ## v5.17.0 - [bugfix] [`quotemark`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/quotemark/) backtic option now ignores enum members, use strict declarations, lookup types, and strings containing octal escape sequences. (#4693) - [bugfix] [`no-redundant-jsdoc`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-redundant-jsdoc/) no longer errors on `JSDocThisTag` (#4690) - [chore] Update devDependency mocha from v3.2.0 to v6.1.4 (#4669) (#4674) - [chore] Update devDependency js-yaml from ^3.13.0 to ^3.13.1 (#4663) - [chore] Update deprecated devDependency github to @octokit/rest (#4673) - [chore] Update devDependency nyc from v13.3.0 to v14.1.1 (#4699) - [deprecation] [`no-use-before-declare`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-use-before-declare/) rule for typescript >= 2.9.0 (#4695) - [documentation] Minor fix for [`variable-name`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/variable-name/) rule metadata (#4731) - [documentation] Fixed [`no-unused-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-variable/) argument count (#4683) - [enhancement] Allow const assertions in [`no-object-literal-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-object-literal-type-assertion/) (#4681) - [new-fixer] [`unnecessary-constructor`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/unnecessary-constructor/) (#4694) Thanks to our contributors! - Bjorn Stromberg - Vitaliy Agoshkov - knafteN - Bowen Ni - Waseem Ahmad - Åsmund Grammeltvedt - Eric Ferreira - Zhen Tian - Tom Lakesman - zachkirsch ## v5.16.0 - [bugfix] Excuse more [`quotemark`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/quotemark/) backtick edge cases and fix behavior for TS < 2.7.1 (#4642) - [bugfix] Fix regression in [`interface-name`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/interface-name/) rule related to numeric characters in interface names (#4655, #4626) - [enhancement] Update `nyc` from v10.2.0 to v13.3.0 (#4633) - [enhancement] Migrate from deprecated [babel-code-frame](https://www.npmjs.com/package/babel-code-frame) package to new [@babel/code-frame](https://www.npmjs.com/package/@babel/code-frame) package (#4632) - [enhancement] Improve error message for [`restrict-plus-operands`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/restrict-plus-operands/) rule. (#4635) - [enhancement] [`comment-format`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/comment-format/) rule now whitelists `//region` comments generated by JetBrains IDE (#4609) - [enhancement] Relax [`no-null-undefined-union`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-null-undefined-union/) rule. (#4625) - [new-rule-option] `allow-else-if` option for [`unnecessary-else`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/unnecessary-else/) rule (#4599) - [documentation] Fix "identifer" typo in custom rules docs (#4657) - [documentation] Fix code example for [`switch-default`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/switch-default/) rule (#4650) - [documentation] Fix documentation example for prose formatter (#4656) - [documentation] [`no-parameter-properties`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-parameter-properties/): fix unclear rule description (#4629) - [documentation] Fix typo in rule docs generation (#4638) Thanks to our contributors! - Oleg Artene - William Neely - Bjorn Stromberg - Matthew Barry - Neha Rathi - Vincent Langlet - rarenal - Greg Jednaszewski - Adam Postma - Eric Ferreira - Evgeniy Timokhov - Martin Probst ## v5.15.0 - [api] `WalkContext` and `AbstractWalker` type parameter defaults to `void` (#2600) - [bugfix] [`no-void-expression`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-void-expression/) now allows conditional expressions (#4606) - [bugfix] fix linebreak handling in [`ordered-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ordered-imports/) (#4583) - [bugfix] fix [`static-this`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/static-this/) false positive for higher order components (#4580) - [bugfix] Fixed crash in [`unnecessary-else`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/unnecessary-else/) from blank `if` statements (#4603) - [bugfix] Fixed false positive in [`unnecessary-else`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/unnecessary-else/) after non-jumping statement (#4603) - [bugfix] [`interface-name`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/interface-name/) now handles interface starting with "I18n" correctly (#4486) - [bugfix] [`no-string-throw`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-string-throw/) fix inserts whitespace if not present after `throw` keyword (#4540) - [bugfix] [`quotemark`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/quotemark/): fix some edge cases for `backtick` option (#4618) - [bugfix] [`unnecessary-constructor`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/unnecessary-constructor/): don't flag non-private constructors that are actually necessary (#4619) - [enhancement] Upgrade js-yaml to avoid security issue (#4595) - [new-rule-option] `allow-single-line-comments` option for [`file-header`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/file-header/) rule (#4560) - [new-rule-option] `ignore-rest-args` option for [`no-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-any/) rule (#4581) - [new-rule] [`no-null-undefined-union`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-null-undefined-union/) (#4589) Thanks to our contributors! - Max Belsky - Steve Moser - Christian Flach - Roman Rogowski - Terry - Luke - Andy Hanson - Vitalij Krotov - Josh Goldberg - Vincent Langlet - Neha Rathi - Eric Ferreira ## v5.14.0 - [bugfix] `backtick` option for [`quotemark`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/quotemark/) rule no longer incorrectly flags string literals that must use single/double quotes (#4535) - [bugfix] Fixed regression in CheckstyleFormatter backwards compatibility (#4561) - [bugfix] [`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/) rule now lints export statements (#4554) - [bugfix] [`no-trailing-whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-trailing-whitespace/) no longer flags files starting with a byte order mark (#4543) - [enhancement] [`promise-function-async`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/promise-function-async/) now allows single statement lamda functions that delegate to another promise-returning function (#4553) - [enhancement] Add note to docs about zero-indexing for machine formatters (#4544) - [enhancement] Fix metadata of the [`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/) rule (#4551) - [enhancement] Add junit output for files which are successfully linted (#4566) - [new-rule-option] `underscore` option for [`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/) rule to ignore shadowed underscores (#4546) - [new-rule-option] `require-const-for-all-caps` option for [`variable-name`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/variable-name/) rule (#2936) - [new-rule-option] `overloads` option for [`completed-docs`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed-docs/) rule to enforce documentation of each overload signature (#4563) - [new-rule-option] `allow-namespace-imports ` option for [`no-duplicate-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-duplicate-imports/) rule (#4524) - [new-rule-option] `allow-arguments` option for [`no-object-literal-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-object-literal-type-assertion/) rule to allow type assertions on object literals used inside call expressions (#4521) - [new-rule-option] `allow-delete` option for [`no-unbound-method`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unbound-method/) rule (#4548) - [new-rule] [`no-tautology-expression`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-tautology-expression/) (#4470) - [new-rule] [`static-this`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/static-this/) (#4475) - [new-rule] [`unnecessary-else`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/unnecessary-else/) (#4502) Thanks to our contributors! - Roman Rogowski - Max Belsky - Edward Drapkin - Dominik Palo - Matthew McCune - Debsmita - Lucas Charles - Piotr Gajowniczek - Darren Anderson - Noam Yogev - Josh Goldberg - Karol Majewski ## v5.13.1 - [bugfix] Fix regression in CheckstyleFormatter backwards compatibility (#4561) ## v5.13.0 - [deprecation] Mark `RuleWalker` and `ProgramAwareRuleWalker` as deprecated (#4413) - [bugfix] Create output directory when the output path (specified by `--out` CLI flag) does not exist. (#4507) - [bugfix] Explicit disabling of rules is now copied over to jsRules when using `jsRules: true` (#4517) - [bugfix] `unknown` is recognized as simple type in [`array-type`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/array-type/) (#4433) - [bugfix] [`ban`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ban/): Fix a false positive which would occur when banning method calls nested inside objects. Previously, banning `["a", "b", "c"]` would trigger lint failures on the syntax `b.c()`, which was not the intent of this rule. (#4383) - [bugfix] Fixed single-line comment parsing for completed-docs (#3557) - [bugfix] [`trailing-comma`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/trailing-comma/) no longer crashes if it cannot find the closing parenthesis of a function declaration (#4457) - [bugfix] [`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/): allow implicitly downcasting `any` to `unknown` (#4442) - [bugfix] Add `grouped-imports` to `tslint:all` (#4420) - [docs] Fix docs typo (#4395) - [enhancement] Add "formatting" rule category (#2832) - [enhancement] [`ordered-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ordered-imports/) now supports a groups option to provide custom grouping rules. (#4134) - [enhancement] Convert [`completed-docs`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed-docs/) to an untyped rule (#3557) - [enhancement] Checkstyle formatter includes every file linted regardless of lint errors. (#3838) - [enhancement] Formatters now receive the full list of of linted file paths as a third argument. (#3838) - [enhancement] [`array-type`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/array-type/) rule handles Typescript 3.0's unknown type properly (#4219) - [enhancement] [`import-blacklist`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/import-blacklist/) now supports regular expression patterns for blacklisting (#3504) - [new-rule] `no-restricted-globals` (#3824) - [new-fixer] added fixer for `newline-before-return` rule (#4482) - [new-fixer] [`number-literal-format`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/number-literal-format/) now includes auto fix (#4496) - [new-rule-option] Added `whitelist` option to [`no-unbound-method`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unbound-method/) (#4472) - [new-rule-option] Added `jsx-ignore` option to [`no-magic-numbers`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-magic-numbers/) rule (#4460) - [new-rule-option]: [`object-literal-sort-keys`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-sort-keys/): Add `match-declaration-order-only` option (#3748) - [new-rule-option] [`strict-boolean-expressions`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/strict-boolean-expressions/) accepts `ignore-rhs` option to disable checking the right-hand side of the `&&` and `||` operators as strictly boolean. (#4159) Thanks to our contributors! - Enes SOYLU - jbsingh - Sven Efftinge - James C. Davis - Norio Suzuki - Thomas den Hollander - Retsam - Dobes Vandermeer - Young Min Kim - Grant Wu - Felix Schindler - Lydia - Adrian Leonhard - James Jensen - Athene Noctua - Allen - Vincent Langlet - Paul Medynski - Liz - Piotr Gajowniczek - Max Sysoev - Jakub Beneš - Ian Mobley - 周昊宇 - Nazanin Delam - Matt R. Wilson - Andy Hanson - Zen - Josh Goldberg - Jeff Lau ## v5.12.1 ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes & enhancements - [bugfix] Revert breaking change to tslint:recommended, update tslint:latest (#4404) - [bugfix] Correcting fixer for the [`increment-decrement`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/increment-decrement/) rule (#4415) - [bugfix] Fix [`strict-type-predicates`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/strict-type-predicates/) with `unknown` (#4444) - [bugfix] Skip linting of `.json` files to avoid problems with `--resolveJsonModule` compiler option (#4001) - [bugfix] fix some [`quotemark`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/quotemark/) issues when using backticks with the `avoid-template` option (#4408) - [enhancement] Mention file names in test script parse failures (#4397) Thanks to our contributors! - Young Min Kim - Enes SOYLU - Thomas den Hollander - Adrian Leonhard ## v5.12.0 ## :tada: Features - [feature] Configure format from file (#4155) - [feature] Make cli expect array for rules dir (#3788) - [feature] Set js rules to all valid active rules (#3641) - [improvement] Add tests for typescript@2.9 and typescript@3.0 (#4053) - [new-fixer] [`type-literal-delimiter`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/type-literal-delimiter/) (#3964) - [new-rule-option] [`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/) Add whitespace rule for open braces (#4068) - [new-rule-option] [`file-name-casing`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/file-name-casing/): Add file name whitelist (#4206) - [new-rule-option] [`object-literal-sort-keys`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-sort-keys/): `locale-compare` (#4193) - [new-rule-option] [`strict-boolean-expressions`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/strict-boolean-expressions/) adds `allow-enum` to allow using enums in boolean expressions (#3604) - [new-rule-option] [`import-blacklist`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/import-blacklist/): support blacklisting specific named exports (#3926) - [new-rule-option] [`type-literal-delimiter`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/type-literal-delimiter/): Add `{ singleLine: "always" | "never"}` (#3964) - [new-rule-option] [`file-name-casing`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/file-name-casing/): Add `snake-case` option (#4081) - [new-rule-option] [`file-header`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/file-header/): Enforce Blank Line after File Header (#3740) - [new-rule] [`ban-ts-ignore`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ban-ts-ignore/) (#3728) - [new-rule] [`function-constructor`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/function-constructor/) (#4198) - [new-rule] [`increment-decrement`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/increment-decrement/) (#3575) - [new-rule] [`no-default-import`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-default-import/) (#4023) - [new-rule] [`unnecessary-constructor`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/unnecessary-constructor/) (#3647) - [new-rule] [`comment-type`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/comment-type/) (#4008) - [new-rule] [`unnecessary-bind`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/unnecessary-bind/) (#3588) ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes & enhancements - [api] Allow `exclude` to work with node API (#4143) - [api] Upgrade TSLint to support TS 3.1 (#4274) - [bugfix] Allow whitelisted modules to start with `@` symbol (#4192) - [bugfix] Added exception for generators in [`return-undefined`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/return-undefined/) rule (#4370) - [bugfix] Allow unknown in 'no-object-literal-type-assertion' rule. (#4362) - [bugfix] Completed docs rule can check single-line comments (#3841) - [bugfix] [`prefer-method-signature`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-method-signature/): Correct the auto-fix code of rule, now capable to handle multiline signature. (#4066) - [bugfix] Default logger.error should log to stderr. (#3982) - [bugfix] Fixes an issue where TSLint doesn't correctly resolve packages in a `node_modules` folder that are symlinked to another location where their dependencies are satisfied. (#4295) - [bugfix] Fix configuration tests when comparing rules (#4346) - [bugfix] Fix semicolon: Cannot read property 'initializer' of undefined (#4351) - [bugfix] Fix whitespace rule in importClause with 'as' statement (#4249) - [bugfix] [`no-invalid-this`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-invalid-this/): fixes false positives on method-like syntax and false negatives on nested functions (#4034) - [bugfix] [`one-line`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/one-line/): Check block in a case clause (#3619) - [bugfix] [`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/) Don't require space between import and paren with in type imports (#4243) - [bugfix] remove [`no-unused-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-variable/) from `tslint:all` (#4079) - [bugfix] [`callable-types`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/callable-types/) support interfaces containing a single construct signature (#4291) (#4352) - [bugfix] [`ordered-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ordered-imports/): Setting `import-sources-order: any` no longer invalidates `grouped-imports: true` (#4374) - [develop] Add issue templates (#4028) - [develop] Add test for 3.0 (#4119) - [develop] Changes the node version from 4 to 6 for TS 2.1 tests. (#4282) - [develop] Fix prettier command in package.json (#4275) - [develop] Fix semantic merge break from #4374 and #3733 (#4378) - [develop] Fix typo in launch.json (#4287) - [develop] Prettier (#4012) - [develop] Re-ran Prettier on source files again, with some more ignores (#4270) - [develop] Update 'json-stringify-pretty-compact' to 1.2.0 and remove unnecessary type declaration (#4371) - [develop] Upgrade prettier and run over all files (#4214) - [docs] "< 0" means less than zero, not greater than (#4183) - [docs] Added badges for dependencies status (#4160) - [docs] Additional code examples for rules (#3869) - [docs] Clarify no-shadowed-variable doc (#4347) - [docs] Fix docs typo (#4165) - [docs] Fix docs typo (#4182) - [docs] Fix typo in index.md (#4242) - [docs] Fix typos in formatter descriptions (#4288) - [docs] Fixed typo in documentation (#4047) - [docs] Includes new name Azure DevOps for VSO (#4289) - [docs] Typo correction in no-unused-expression (#4322) - [docs] Update documentation to reflect changes made in #2229. (#4336) - [docs] Update stylish example (#4095) - [docs] Use latest docs deps to avoid vulnerable libs (#4366) - [docs] prefer-object-spread: this is new to ES2018, not ES2015 (#4321) - [documentation] Update configuration documentation to include array syntax (#4258) - [enhancement] Add `homepage` to package.json (#4101) - [enhancement] Add esSpecCompliant: true to recommended trailing-comma config (#4072) - [enhancement] Add new tests to workflows (#4054) - [enhancement] Add quiet flag to hide warnings (#4025) - [enhancement] Don't flag unmatched ${ in no-invalid-template-strings (#3769) - [enhancement] Show offending value in 'no-magic-numbers' error message (#4332) - [enhancement] [`ordered-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ordered-imports/): When `grouped-imports` option of the rule is set, the fact that imports of the same type are all in one group is also checked. (#3733) - [enhancement] Yaml parser now uses default schema, allowing for `<<:` to be used to merge anchors (#4350) - [enhancement] Improve JUnit formatter (#4327) - [enhancement] completed-docs: check properties and methods in interfaces (#4032) - [enhancement] file-name-casing-rule supports regex expression for matching file (#4284) - [enhancement] prose formatter uses `line:column` instead of `[line, column]` (#4222) - [rule-change] Add "backtick" option for quotemark (#4029) - [rule-change] Allow void expressions in binary expressions (#4323) Thanks to our contributors! - Shinigami - Matthew Herbst - Joshua R - John Wiseheart - Mitchell Wills - Eric Ferreira - Daniel Reichhart - Rui - Pavel Birukov - Brian Schlenker - Michael Black - Andy Hanson - atsu85 - PomanoB - Oleg Vaskevich - Daniel McNab - Jan Pilzer - Sebastian Silbermann - Michael Lavina - reduckted - Ryan Waskiewicz - Bowen Ni - Josh Goldberg - Erik - Nathan - Kevin Verdieck - Joe Chung - Peter Safranek - Xavier Downs - Igor Ovsiannikov - RyosukeFukushima - Andrew Boyton - samuela - stefanhamburger - Carsten Dietzel - Jakob Warkotsch - Karthick Manoharan - Ian Clanton-Thuon - Yordis Prieto - Mike Frysinger - Dario Banfi - Gérôme Grignon - Antony74 - Morgan Zolob - Young Min Kim - rrogowski - Eric Anderson - Simon Marchi - ulrichb - Marvin Altemeier - Ifiok Jr - Andrew MacLeay - Ethan - Dan Homola - NN - Roman Rogowski ## v5.11.0 ## :warning: Deprecations - [deprecation][`no-unused-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-variable/) is deprecated because typescript now covers most of its functionality (#3919) ## :tada: Features - [new-rule][`file-name-casing`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/file-name-casing/) (#3978) - [new-fixer] Add fixer for [`switch-final-break`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/switch-final-break/) (#3615) - [new-fixer] Implemented fixer for [`member-ordering`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/member-ordering/) and added corresponding tests. (#3935) - [new-rule-option] Add whitelist for [`no-implicit-dependencies`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-implicit-dependencies/) (#3979) ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes & enhancements - [bugfix][`no-use-before-declare`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-use-before-declare/) Fixes false positives when using the destructuring syntax (#3761) (#3876) - [bugfix] Fix Copyright: @license JSDoc tag was missing (#3879) - [bugfix] Fix missing newline at end of file (#3896) - [bugfix] allow-empty-functions option of [`no-empty`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-empty/) rule is now properly respecting empty methods (#3897) - [bugfix][`no-magic-numbers`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-magic-numbers/) - support for negative zero (#3903) - [bugfix] Handle tsconfig.json errors without using JSON.stringify (#3908) - [bugfix] Fix CI: [`no-implicit-dependencies`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-implicit-dependencies/) test failure; typescript@next failure (#4019) - [bugfix] Fix edge case in [`no-console`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-console/) rule (#4041) - [docs] Fix typos in the [`no-floating-promises`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-floating-promises/) rule docs. (#3886) - [docs] Updated [`prefer-while`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-while/) docs to be semantically correct (#3888) - [docs] Fix link to configuration page (#3891) - [docs] Fix docs typo (#3898) - [docs] Fix docs typo (#3910) - [enhancement] Turn on strictPropertyInitialization for src/ and test/ (#3924) - [enhancement] Use Buffer.allocUnsafe instead of the deprecated new Buffer() (#3985) - [enhancement] Improve [`radix`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/radix/) rule checks (#3901) - [enhancement] Output +/- on diff so added/removed empty lines are visible. (#3973) - [rule-change][`no-implicit-dependencies`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-implicit-dependencies/) now always considers peer dependencies (#3875) Thanks to our contributors! - Bowen Ni - Peter Safranek - Saugat Acharya - Jason Mendes - Ryan Waskiewicz - Dariusz Rumiński - Xinhu Liu - Rado Kirov - aervin\_ - Josh Goldberg - mertdeg2 - Jason Killian - Adrian Leonhard - david-cannady - Andy Russell - Tibor Blenessy - Andrew Crites - Pavel Birukov - shalomdotnet ## v5.10.0 ## :tada: Features - [new-rule][`prefer-while`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-while/) (#3750) - [new-fixer][`comment-format`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/comment-format/) (#3845) - [new-rule-option] `"allow-empty-functions"` for [`no-empty`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-empty/) rule (#3624) - [new-rule-option] New options for [`promise-function-async`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/promise-function-async/) specifying what kinds of functions to check (#3807) ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes & enhancements - [bugfix][`file-header`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/file-header/) rule plays nice with [`no-trailing-whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-trailing-whitespace/) rule (#3802) - [bugfix][`no-unbound-method`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unbound-method/) rule allows square bracket property access (#3610) - [bugfix][`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/) no longer marks native JSX elements as unsafe (#3699) - [enhancement][`file-header`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/file-header/) auto-fixes use '!' character to ensure header stays above imports (#3741) - [enhancement] Better error messages if a rule crashes (#3836) - [enhancement] Better error messages when no valid rules are specified (#3729) - [enhancement] Better lint messages for unused imports in [`no-unused-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-variable/) rule (#3831) - [docs] Improve documentation of cli flag --project (#3703) - [docs] Added short rationales for about thirty rules (#3734) - [docs] Added optional capability to provide code examples in rules' metadata (#3602) - [docs] Many small docs fixes and tweaks from many great contributors! Thanks to our contributors! - Achim Weimert - BB9z - Blair Zajac - Chia-Lun Wu (Leo) - Ethan - Janis Koehr - Josh Goldberg - Julian Verdurmen - Lucas Sloan - Mark Vincze - Martin Möhwald - Oliver Joseph Ash - Pichest Wongsiripiphat - Rafael Santana - Ruben Bridgewater - Ryan Waskiewicz - Sehrope Sarkuni - Suchan Lee - Victor Belozyorov - aervin\_ - cwgorman - felipeissa - jishi9 ## v5.9.1 ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes - [bugfix] Removed extraneous deprecation warning produced when using `tslint:recommended` or `tslint:latest` by disabling `typeof-compare` in these rulesets. (#3639) - [bugfix] Resolve directories as absolute paths when validating custom `rulesDirectory` paths, which fixes usage with tslint-loader. (#3640) ## v5.9.0 ## :warning: Deprecations - [deprecation] Several utility functions from `src/language/utils.ts` have been deprecated (#3476) - [deprecation] Linting non-existent files now outputs a warning. This will be an error in TSLint 6. (#3313) ## Configuration inheritance changes Significant changes have been made to configuration inheritance to address a long-standing UX issue around `defaultSeverity`: #2569. `defaultSeverity` defined in a `tslint.json` file will now override the `defaultSeverity` value defined in any configurations you are extending. This means that any rules specified in the base configurations can now take on a new `defaultSeverity` if you so choose. If you extend multiple configuration files, the `defaultSeverity` defined in the last one wins. In practice, this allows users to, for example, more easily use the built-in TSLint configurations (`tslint:recommended`, `tslint:latest`, `tslint:all`) and treat all errors as warnings instead of errors. For more details, see the relevant PRs: - Override `defaultSeverity` defined in extended configs (#3449) - Inherit defaultSeverity and apply it to preceding base configs (#3530) ## :tada: Features - [feature] Support yaml configuration files (#1598) (#3433) - [new-fixer][`file-header`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/file-header/) (#3475) - [new-rule][`no-dynamic-delete`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-dynamic-delete/) (#3573) - [new-rule][`prefer-readonly`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-readonly/) (#2896) - [new-rule][`newline-per-chained-call`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/newline-per-chained-call/) (#3278) - [new-rule-option] `"temporalDeadZone"` for [`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/) to ignore shadowing in the temporal dead zone of classes, parameters, enums and variables declared with `let` or `const` (#3389) - [new-rule-option] `"shorthand-first"` for [`object-literal-sort-keys`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-sort-keys/) (#3607) - [new-rule-option] Add support for an ignore pattern for [`max-line-length`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/max-line-length/) (#3099) ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes & enhancements - [bugfix] Update commander.js dependency to prevent users from transitively installing a buggy 2.12.0 release (#3510) - [bugfix] `--project` excludes all files of external dependencies (#3320) - [bugfix] Show errors when `tsconfig.json` is invalid (#3410) - [bugfix][`no-implicit-dependencies`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-implicit-dependencies/) don't crash on malformed package.json (#3373) - [bugfix][`strict-type-predicates`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/strict-type-predicates/) allows comparing typeof result with non-literals (#3542) - [bugfix][`no-redundant-jsdoc`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-redundant-jsdoc/) fixed crash on unhandled tag (#3414) - [bugfix][`object-literal-sort-keys`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-sort-keys/) fixed regression that effectively disabled the rule with `\r\n` line breaks (#3427) - [bugfix][`curly`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/curly/) fixer now correctly handles comments (#3473) - [bugfix][`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/) fixed false-positive with namespaced types (#3487) - [bugfix] Removed potentailly dangerous fixer for [`no-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-any/) (#3486) - [bugfix][`no-unnecessary-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unnecessary-type-assertion/) fixed false negatives for types with numeric keys (#3468) - [bugfix][`callable-types`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/callable-types/) adds parentheses when fixing a type literal inside an array type (#3440) - [bugfix][`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/) allows spreading an `any` value into an object (#3439) - [bugfix] no unnecessary whitespace before argument in callback functions fixed with [`arrow-parens`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/arrow-parens) fixer (#3618) - [bugfix][`prefer-const`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-const/) false negative with index signature named like a variable (#3385) - [bugfix][`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace) rule checks property declarations if `"check-decl"` is enabled (#3546) - [bugfix] Using ternary operator for calling super() now passes [`no-duplicate-super`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-duplicate-super) rule. (#3544) - [bugfix][`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/) now excludes declaration files and ambient modules (#3387) - [bugfix][`no-duplicate-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-duplicate-imports) Allow duplicate imports from separate ambient module declarations (#3398) - [bugfix][`await-promise`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/await-promise/) correctly recognises classes extending Promise (#3383) - [bugfix][`prefer-conditional-expression`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-conditional-expression/): don't repeat error on nested if statements (#3528) - [bugfix][`completed-docs`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed-docs/): don't require documentation on methods in object literals (#3532) - [bugfix][`one-line`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/one-line/) fixed crash on syntax error in class or interface (#3538) - [bugfix][`no-redundant-jsdoc`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-redundant-jsdoc/) allow `@template` tag if it has a description (#3415) - [bugfix] Fix condition for deprecation of [`typeof-compare`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/typeof-compare) (#3429) - [enhancement] Better error message for files not contained in the project (#3313) - [enhancement] `"properties"` option for [`completed-docs`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed-docs/) rule now checks getter and setter accessors. (#3497) - [enhancement][`no-magic-numbers`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-magic-numbers) ignores parseInt radix parameter (#3536) - [enhancement] Avoid duplicate I/O when using `--project` option (#3313) - [enhancement] clicking the filename in `stylish`-formatter's output jumps to the first failure in that file. (#3491) - [enhancement][`ban-comma-operator`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ban-comma-operator/) ignores comma operator inside for-loop incrementor (#3485) - [enhancement][`space-within-parens`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/space-within-parens/) updated to always allow empty parentheses `()`. (#3513) - [enhancement] Better error message syntax for [`completed-docs`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed-docs/) modifier lists (#3379) - [enhancement] Improve failure message & docs for [`ban-comma-operator`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ban-comma-operator/) (#3384) - [enhancement] Output code warnings in yellow instead of red for codeFrame formatter (#3402) - [enhancement] Converted [`completed-docs`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed-docs) rule to use a function instead of a walker (#3466) - [docs][`ban-comma-operator`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ban-comma-operator/): fix metadata, list as "functionality" rule (#3612) - [docs] Enhance [`no-use-before-declare`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-use-before-declare/) documentation to clarify the rule's status (#3520) - [docs] Enhance [`await-promise`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/await-promise/) options documentation (#3519) - [docs] Add `hasFix` metadata for the [`indent`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/indent) rule (#3529) - [docs] Clearer rule description for [`no-irregular-whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-irregular-whitespace) (#3627) Thanks to our contributors! - Klaus Meinhardt - Josh Goldberg - Chris Barr - Nathan Shively-Sanders - Jeremy Morton - Sergey Koshechkin - Daniel Kucal - Eric Smekens - Johannes Choo - Elena Vilchik - Eugene Timokhov - Carlo Bottiglieri - reduckted - Glavin Wiechert - jbsingh - Mateusz Witkowski - HideDev - Bruno Lemos - aervin\_ - Roman - Ryan Waskiewicz ## v5.8.0 ## :warning: Deprecations - [deprecation][`typeof-compare`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/typeof-compare/) is deprecated because typescript already does that check (#3286) - [deprecation] CLI argument `--type-check` is no longer necessary and will be removed in the next major version (#3322) ## Updates to `tslint:latest` configuration ```diff + "ban-comma-operator": true, + "jsdoc-format": { + options: "check-multiline-start", + }, + "no-duplicate-switch-case": true, + "no-implicit-dependencies": true, + "no-return-await": true, ``` ## :tada: Features - [feature] Added `linterOptions` configuration field to `tslint.json`, which supports a list of `exclude` globs to disable linting for a subset of files (#2409) - [new-rule][`no-return-await`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-return-await/) (#3233) - [new-rule][`no-redundant-jsdoc`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-redundant-jsdoc/) (#2754) - [new-rule][`no-duplicate-switch-case`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-duplicate-switch-case/) (#2937) - [new-rule][`no-implicit-dependencies`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-implicit-dependencies/) (#3343) - [new-rule][`no-unnecessary-class`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unnecessary-class/) (#3119) - [new-rule][`ban-comma-operator`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ban-comma-operator/) (#3250) - [new-fixer][`one-line`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/one-line/) (#3200) - [new-fixer][`curly`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/curly/) (#3262) - [new-rule-option][`jsdoc-format`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/jsdoc-format/) adds option `"check-multiline-start"` to enforce the first line of a multiline JSDoc comment to be empty. (#3181) - [new-rule-option][`trailing-comma`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/trailing-comma/) adds option `"esSpecCompliant"` to make it compatible with the ES spec regarding trailing commas after object/array rest and rest parameters. (#3176) - [new-rule-option] `"check-parameter-property"` option for [`member-access`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/member-access/) rule (#3325) - [new-rule-option] `"strict-bound-class-methods"` option for [`semicolon`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/semicolon/) rule (#3294) - [new-rule-option] `"grouped-imports"` option for [`ordered-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ordered-imports/) rule (#3138) - [new-rule-option] `"ignore-blank-lines"` option for [`no-trailing-whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-trailing-whitespace/) rule (#3346) - [new-rule-option] `"never"` option for [`object-literal-shorthand`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-shorthand/) disallows shorthand notation (#3268) - [new-rule-option] `"exclude-class-expressions"` option for [`max-classes-per-file`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/max-classes-per-file/) rule (#3281) - [new-rule-option][`no-unnecessary-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unnecessary-type-assertion/) supports a whitelist of types to ignore (#3257) - [new-rule-option] `"module-source-path"` for [`ordered-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ordered-imports/) allows sorting imports by trailing end of path (#3178) - [new-formatter] JUnit (#3194) ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes & enhancements - [bugfix][`no-empty-interface`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-empty-interface/) allows providing type arguments for extended type (#3260) - [bugfix] Fixed line switches to not disable failures in the next line following the disabled line (#3177) - [bugfix][`return-undefined`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/return-undefined/) handles union return types in async functions (#3298) - [bugfix][`deprecation`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/deprecation/) checks correct constructor overload (#3203) - [bugfix][`return-undefined`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/return-undefined/) declared return type takes precedence over contextual type (#3298) - [bugfix] Correctly mark `inputFilePath` as an optional parameter in `Configuration.findConfiguration()` (#3195) - [bugfix][`return-undefined`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/return-undefined/) fixed regressions: once again allows anything if return type is `any` (#3298) - [bugfix][`only-arrow-functions`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/only-arrow-functions/) allow function if `this` is used in parameter initializer (#3315) - [bugfix][`no-conditional-assignment`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-conditional-assignment/): exclude intentional assignments, e.g. inside functions (#2629) - [bugfix][`no-angle-bracket-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-angle-bracket-type-assertion/) fixer adds parentheses when necessary (#3301) - [bugfix][`no-angle-bracket-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-angle-bracket-type-assertion/) fixed order when autofixing consecutive assertions (#3301) - [bugfix] `vso` formatter no longer duplicates output for fixed failures (#3348) - [bugfix][`no-unbound-method`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unbound-method/): Allow negation of method (#3349) - [bugfix][`arrow-parens`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/arrow-parens/) with option `"ban-single-arg-parens"` no longer produces invalid code when fixed (#3247) - [bugfix] Fixed regression where the lookup of `tslint.json` stopped at the current directory. (#3309) - [bugfix] `--test` works correctly with any `compilerOptions.target` (#3296) - [bugfix] `whitepace` handles files with BOM and other irregular whitespace (#3305) - [bugfix][`callable-types`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/callable-types/) auto fix produces invalid results (#3342) - [bugfix][`no-string-literal`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-string-literal/) correctly fix property names with leading underscores (#3184) - [bugfix][`variable-name`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/variable-name/) fixed crash on empty variable name (#3292) - [bugfix][`trailing-comma`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/trailing-comma/) fixed crash on arrow function without parens (#3246) - [bugfix] Fix [`space-before-function-paren`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/space-before-function-paren/) for anonymous/arrow generic functions (#3085) - [bugfix] Removed warning printed to console when using the [`no-unused-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-variable/) along with the `noUnusedLocals` and `noUnusedParameters` compiler options (#3227) - [bugfix][`no-invalid-this`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-invalid-this/) ignores functions with a `this` param (#3267) - [enhancement] Sort failures by line and character for formatters (#3345) - [enhancement][`import-blacklist`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/import-blacklist/) also checks exports and dynamic imports (#3258) - [enhancement][`no-conditional-assignment`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-conditional-assignment/) added check for conditional (ternary) expressions (#2629) - [enhancement] Allow [`completed-docs`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed-docs/) to list doc tags that mark a node as not requiring a documentation body. Tags can also provide a regexp matcher to validate that their contents are docs-valid. (#2415) - [enhancement][`await-promise`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/await-promise/) enforces that `for-await-of` is only used with `AsyncIterable` (#3297) - [enhancement][`one-line`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/one-line/) checks type alias declarations (#3200) - [enhancement][`deprecation`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/deprecation/) checks object destructuring (#3318) - [enhancement][`no-submodule-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-submodule-imports/) also checks exports (#3258) - [enhancement][`restrict-plus-operands`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/restrict-plus-operands/): More specific error message when arguments include strings (#3220) - [enhancement][`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/) checks more expressions, for example destructuring, `yield`, property initializer (#3196) - [enhancement][`object-literal-sort-keys`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-sort-keys/): allow grouping of object properties via additional blank lines when using alphabetical ordering. (#3191) - [enhancement] Migrated CLI from using `colors` module to `chalk` module (#3171) - [enhancement][`no-unused-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-variable/) applies the ignorePattern to imports (#3187) Thanks to our contributors! - Klaus Meinhardt - Charles Samborski - Donald Pipowitch - Josh Goldberg - mmkal - Erik - Csaba Miklos - Dominik Moritz - Khalid Saifullah - Lukas Spieß - Merott Movahedi - Bowen Ni - ksvitkovsky - Hutson Betts - Caleb Eggensperger - Brent Erickson - Trivikram - Brandon Furtwangler - Pavel Zet - aervin\_ - Holger Jeromin - Danny Guo - Jeremy Morton - Cyril Gandon - Andy Hanson - yadan ## v5.7.0 ## :tada: New rules, options, and fixers - [new-rule][`no-parameter-reassignment`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-parameter-reassignment/) (#3045) - [new-rule-option]: [`object-literal-sort-keys`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-sort-keys/): Add `match-declaration-order` option (#2829) - [new-rule-option] `check-type-operator` for [`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/) rule (#3083) - [new-rule-option][`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/): Add `check-rest-spread` option (#3089) ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes & enhancements - [api] `AbstractRule#applyWithFunction` allows additional parameter that is passed through to `walkFn` (#3140) - [api] `AbstractRule#applyWithFunction` has better type checking for its type parameter (#2660) - [bugfix][`member-access`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/member-access/) autofix now correcly inserts `public` keyword after decorators (#3162) - [bugfix][`prefer-const`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-const/) correctly handle `catch` without binding parameter introduced in `typescript@2.5.1` (#3151) - [bugfix][`no-invalid-template-strings`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-invalid-template-strings/) allows backslash-prefixed template expressions (#3116) - [bugfix][`deprecation`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/deprecation/) no longer shows errors on imports and exports (#3141) - [bugfix][`deprecation`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/deprecation/): fix false positive when calling a function or method where another overload is deprecated (#2883) - [bugfix][`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/): fixed `"check-separator"` for trivial `for` cases. (#3132) - [bugfix][`prefer-object-spread`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-object-spread/) prevent spreading `this` as it is not allowed by the compiler (#3126) - [bugfix] `msbuild` formatter uses backslashes in paths on Windows (#3145) - [bugfix][`no-namespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-namespace/) ignores global augmentation (#3161) - [enhancement] remove superfluous empty lines on tslint output. (#3121) - [enhancement][`no-submodule-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-submodule-imports/) allows whitelisting of submodules like `@angular/core/testing` (#3129) - [enhancement] custom lint rules will be resolved using node's path resolution to allow for loaders like `ts-node` (#3108) - [enhancement][`quotemark`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/quotemark/) no longer requires `"single"` or `"double"` to be the first option. The rule defaults to `"double"` if none is specified. (#3114) - [enhancement][`no-unused-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-variable/) autofix removes trailing comments of imports (#3156) - [enhancement][`no-unnecessary-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unnecessary-type-assertion/) allows certain necessary assertions to prevent type widening (#3120) Thanks to our contributors! - Paul Gschwendtner - Andy Hanson - ksvitkovsky - Santi Albo - aervin - Junle Li - Joscha Feth - WiseBird - Caleb Eggensperger - WGroenestein - Bowen Ni ## v5.6.0 ## :tada: New rules, options, and fixers - [new-rule][`no-duplicate-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-duplicate-imports/) (#3075) - [new-rule][`no-submodule-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-submodule-imports/) (#3091) - [new-rule][`space-within-parens`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/space-within-parens/) (#2959) - [new-fixer][`member-access`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/member-access/) (#2969) - [new-fixer][`no-null-keyword`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-null-keyword/): fix `x == null` to `x == undefined` (#2802) - [new-rule-option][`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/) let's you optionally ignore certain kinds of declarations (#3030) - [new-rule-option][`prefer-conditional-expression`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-conditional-expression/) adds `check-else-if` (#2963) ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes & enhancements - [bugfix][`array-type`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/array-type/): consider `this` to be simple type (#2982) - [bugfix][`await-promise`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/await-promise/) accepts not only union types but also intersection types with Promise-like types (#2987) - [bugfix][`callable-types`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/callable-types/): don't remove export modifier of interfaces (#2962) - [bugfix][`completed-docs`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed-docs/): Only checks variables at the file-level. (#2950) - [bugfix][`completed-docs`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed-docs/): Uses correct visibility of variables. (#2950) - [bugfix][`no-floating-promises`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-floating-promises/): recognize rejection handler passed as second argument to `promise.then()` (#3048) - [bugfix][`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/) don't warn for shadowed type parameter on static class members (#3030) - [bugfix][`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/) fixed false positive with key name in index signature (#3030) - [bugfix][`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/) fixed false positive with parameter inside function decorator (#3030) - [bugfix][`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/): allow truthyness and falsyness checks (#3008) - [bugfix][`no-unused-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-variable/) fixed crash when using destructuring (#3058) - [bugfix][`one-line`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/one-line/) correctly handles multiline type parameters (#3004) - [bugfix][`prefer-for-of`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-for-of/) fixed false positives when array is modified, e.g. `arr[i]++` (#3044) - [bugfix][`prefer-object-spread`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-object-spread/) adds parens when fixing arrow function return (#3026) - [bugfix][`prefer-object-spread`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-object-spread/) permit functions as first argument to Object.assign (#3098) - [bugfix][`space-before-function-paren`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/space-before-function-paren/) Handle default exports of functions without names like anonymous functions (fixes #3040) (#3053) - [bugfix] Fixed an issue where, at runtime, the module `./test/parse` could not be located due after consumers had run `yarn clean` (#3072) - [enhancement][`no-null-keyword`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-null-keyword/) allows strict comparison (#2802) - [enhancement][`no-switch-case-fall-through`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-switch-case-fall-through/) matches `// falls through` comments case insensitive and allows trailing text (#2983) - [enhancement][`ordered-imports`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ordered-imports/): support importEqualsDeclaration (#3102) - [enhancement] Added NaN and (+/-)Infinity as numbers to [`no-inferrable-types`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-inferrable-types/) (#2885) - [enhancement] Improved CLI error message when no filenames are specified (#3066) - [rule-change][`prefer-conditional-expression`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-conditional-expression/): ignore `if-else-if` by default. Use the new `"check-else-if"` option to check nested if statements (#2963) Thanks to our contributors! - Klaus Meinhardt - Julian Verdurmen - Alexandre Alonso - Josh Goldberg - ksvitkovsky - Daisuke Yokomoto - Andrii Dieiev - Florent Suc - Jason Killian - Amin Pakseresht - reduckted - vilicvane - Russell Briggs - Andy Hanson - Leo Liang - Dan Homola - BehindTheMath - David Golightly - aervin - Daniel Kucal - Ika - Chris Barr ## v5.5.0 **Editor's note**: This release features an important bugfix for overlapping fixes when using `--project` and `--fix` (#2864). ## :tada: New rules and options - [new-rule-option][`completed-docs`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/completed-docs/): Add `enum-members` option (#2911) - [new-rule][`no-this-assignment`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-this-assignment/) (#2931) ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes & enhancements - [bugfix][`encoding`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/encoding/) closes files correctly (#2958) - [bugfix][`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/) fix whitespace `"check-module"` to properly lint and fix errors (#2401) (#2825) - [bugfix]: [`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/): now correctly handles dynamic imports introduced in typescript@2.4.0 (#2924) - [bugfix][`switch-final-break`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/switch-final-break/): don't fail if break jumps to a label outside of the switch (#2914) - [bugfix][`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/): exempt `this` parameter (#2598) - [bugfix][`prefer-for-of`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-for-of/) correctly handles variable scopes and other unrelated identifiers (#2984) - [bugfix] Don't leave blank lines when [`no-unused-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-variable/) autofix removes whole import (#2901) - [cli] restore `-v` option (#2926) - [enhancement] Print stack trace of exceptions (#2890) - [enhancement] Added allow-empty-catch option to [`no-empty`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-empty/) (#2886) - [enhancement][`prefer-const`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-const/): handle destructuring in for-of loop initializer as if `{"destructuring": "all"}` was specified (#2904) - [enhancement][`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/): added checks for other shadowing declarations, e.g. interfaces, classes, type parameters, imports, etc. (#2598) - [rule-change][`no-shadowed-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-shadowed-variable/) no longer fails for declarations in the same scope, e.g. `var foo; var foo;`. Use the rule [`no-duplicate-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-duplicate-variable/) to find such errors. (#2598) Thanks to our contributors! - Klaus Meinhardt - Josh Goldberg - Petr Kosikhin - Pablo Núñez - Benny Neugebauer - Radon Rosborough - reduckted - Chris Barr - Julian Verdurmen ## v5.4.3 ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes - [bugfix] Fixed regression with empty `--out` file (#2867) - [bugfix][`unified-signatures`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/unified-signatures/): Don't suggest to unify rest parameters. (#2874) - [bugfix][`binary-expression-operand-order`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/binary-expression-operand-order/): Allow if both sides of the binary expression are literals. (#2873) - [bugfix] Restore compatibility with typescript@2.1 and 2.2 for [`whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/whitespace/), [`space-before-function-paren`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/space-before-function-paren/) and [`deprecation`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/deprecation/) (#2893) - [docs][`no-string-literal`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-string-literal/): Fix documentation (#2875) ## v5.4.2 ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes - [bugfix] Restored support for multiple `--exclude` options in the CLI (#2855) - [bugfix] Restored support for `--version` CLI option (#2857) ## v5.4.1 ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes - [bugfix] Fixed regression in `--exclude` CLI option when using `--project` (#2852) ## v5.4.0 ## :star: Non-breaking API changes - `--type-check` only checks for errors before linting is no longer required to enable rules that use the type checker. You only need to supply `--project` now. ## :tada: New rules, options, and fixers - [new-rule][`switch-final-break`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/switch-final-break/) (#2804) - [new-rule][`use-default-type-parameter`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/use-default-type-parameter/) (#2253) - [new-rule][`binary-expression-operand-order`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/binary-expression-operand-order/) (#2805) - [new-rule-option][`ban`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/ban/) new options format: allows to specify an optional explanation message for function bans, banning nested methods and using a wildcard for object of a method ban (#2547) - [new-rule-option][`no-duplicate-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-duplicate-variable/) adds `check-parameters` option to check if variable has the same name as a parameter (#2597) - [new-rule-option][`curly`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/curly/): "as-needed" option (#2842) - [new-rule-option][`no-unbound-method`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unbound-method/) add option `"ignore-static"` (#2751) - [new-rule-option][`strict-boolean-expressions`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/strict-boolean-expressions/) adds `allow-boolean-or-undefined` (#2820) - [new-fixer][`object-literal-shorthand`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-shorthand/) can fix longhand methods (#2558) ## :hammer_and_wrench: Bugfixes & enhancements - [bugfix][`prefer-object-spread`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-object-spread/) allows constructor, function and method calls and more as first argument to `Object.assign` (#2828) - [bugfix][`no-unbound-method`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unbound-method/) walker skips past the parent if it is a cast or parenthesized expression (#2838) - [bugfix][`object-literal-shorthand`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-shorthand/): fixed suggestion for generator functions (#2558) - [bugfix] Fixed issue with case sensitivity of [`no-unused-variable`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-variable/) rule on Windows (#2819) - [bugfix] don't crash `tslint --project` if `allowJs` is set in tsconfig.json (#2823) - [bugfix][`align`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/align/) with option `"members"`: check members of class expressions; don't check semicolons in classes (#2668) - [bugfix][`no-inferred-empty-object-type`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-inferred-empty-object-type/): fix stack overflow (#2762) - [bugfix][`semicolon`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/semicolon/): don't warn about unnecesary semicolon when it is actually needed, e.g. when followed by type assertion or template string (#2655) - [bugfix][`space-before-function-paren`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/space-before-function-paren/): Ignore async arrow function with no parentheses (#2833) - [bugfix]: [`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/): Don't fail on `continue label;` (#2830) - [bugfix][`no-unbound-method`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unbound-method/): Allow unbound method to be used as a condition (#2834) - [bugfix][`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/): Allow to switch on a value of type `any` (#2836) - [bugfix][`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/): Don't mark `declare global {}` as an unsafe any. (#2839) - [bugfix][`indent`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/indent/) now checks indentation of expressions inside template strings (#2826) - [enhancement] `--project` (or `-p`) enables rules that require the type checker. `--type-check` only checks for errors before linting is no longer required (#2773) - [enhancement][`deprecation`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/deprecation/): error message includes deprecation text if available (#2748) - [enhancement][`cyclomatic-complexity`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/cyclomatic-complexity/): Don't count empty switch case(#2743) - [enhancement][`strict-boolean-expressions`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/strict-boolean-expressions/): Allow `any`, and `true` and `false` literal types (#2758) - [enhancement][`no-floating-promises`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-floating-promises/): Allow 'promise.catch()' (#2774) - [enhancement][`comment-format`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/comment-format/) no longer excludes comments with triple slash from linting except `/// ` (#2616) - [enhancement][`prefer-object-spread`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-object-spread/): lint more locations where return value is used. (#2828) - [enhancement][`semicolon`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/semicolon/): option `"never"` is now spec compliant (#2655) - [enhancement][`object-literal-shorthand`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-shorthand/) handles async functions correctly (#2558) - [enhancement] `--test` CLI option: allow passing path to tslint.json (#2784) - [enhancement] Use commander instead of optimist for CLI arguments (#2689) - [enhancement][`strict-type-predicates`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/strict-type-predicates/): warn if strictNullChecks is not enabled (#2786) Thanks to our contributors! - Klaus Meinhardt - Manuel Lopez - Andy Hanson - Piotr Tomiak ## v5.3.2 - [bugfix] Fixes `not a directory` error (#2813) ## v5.3.0 ## This change may require a change to tslint.json - [enhancement][`prefer-switch`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-switch/): Change default `min-cases` to 3. (#2669) ## :tada: Features & enhancements - [new-cli-option] cli: Add `outputAbsolutePaths` option (#2667) - [new-rule][`prefer-object-spread`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-object-spread/) (#2624) - [new-rule][`encoding`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/encoding/) (#2368) - [new-rule][`prefer-conditional-expression`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-conditional-expression/) (#2363) - [new-rule-option][`indent`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/indent/) support indent size (#2723) - [new-rule-option][`object-literal-sort-keys`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-sort-keys/) adds `ignore-case` (#2592) - [new-rule-option][`quotemark`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/quotemark/): Add `avoid-template` option (#2766) - [new-rule-option][`await-promise`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/await-promise): What's considered a "Promise" is now configurable. (#2661) - [new-fixer][`indent`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/indent/) (#2723) - [new-fixer][`typedef-whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/typedef-whitespace/) (#2718) - [enhancement] better error messages in [`variable-name`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/variable-name/) (#2672) - [enhancement][`typedef`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/typedef/): Use name or parameters for error location (#2460) - [enhancement][`object-literal-sort-keys`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-sort-keys/): check shorthand properties (#2592) - [enhancement][`space-before-function-paren`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/space-before-function-paren/): Handle `get`/`set` accessor (#2700) - [enhancement][`typedef-whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/typedef-whitespace/) added checks for arrow function, call and construct signature (#2718) - [enhancement][`no-object-literal-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-object-literal-type-assertion/): Allow cast to `any` (#2671) - [enhancement] cli: `-p` option handles directories (#2756) - [develop] testing rules with type information is enabled when a `tsconfig.json` is found next to `tslint.json` (#2769) - [configuration] deprecate mixed case tslint.json (#2713) - [bugfix][`return-undefined`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/return-undefined/): Treat a return type `void | undefined` same as `void` (#2731) - [bugfix][`no-unnecessary-initializer`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unnecessary-initializer/): Handle `BindingElement` anywhere, not just in a `VariableDeclaration`. (#2707) - [bugfix][`jsdoc-format`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/jsdoc-format/): correctly handle alignment in files with BOM (#2619) - [bugfix][`jsdoc-format`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/jsdoc-format/): don't treat empty comments (`/**/`) as jsdoc (#2619) - [bugfix][`typedef-whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/typedef-whitespace/) don't warn for leading whitespace if token is preceded by line break (#2718) - [bugfix] Make "completed-docs" rule respect "public" privacy (or lack thereof) (#2749) - [bugfix][`jsdoc-format`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/jsdoc-format/): fixed error position if line ends with `\r\n` (#2619) - [bugfix][`prefer-switch`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-switch/): add missing checks for some expressions (#2686) - [bugfix][`prefer-template`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-template/): Allow `"a" + "b" + "c"`. (#2741) - [bugfix][`prefer-const`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-const/): fix false positive with variable declared outside of for-of or for-in (#2760) - [bugfix] `--project`: fix file matching with relative path to `tsconfig.json` (#2688) - [bugfix][`no-default-export`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-default-export/): correctly handle `export default abstract class {...}` (#2630) - [bugfix][`no-mergeable-namespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-mergeable-namespace/): display correct line in error message (#2656) - [bugfix][`object-literal-sort-keys`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-sort-keys/): handle object spread correctly (#2592) - [bugfix] Consistently output absolute/relative paths (#2667) - [bugfix][`await-promise`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/await-promise): Consider types derived from a Promise in union types too. (#2661) - [bugfix][`no-unsafe-any`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unsafe-any/): Fix bug where number literal in type position was flagged as an unsafe `any`. (#2712) - [api] Deprecate `Lint.Utils.objectify` (#2764) Thanks to our contributors! - Andy Hanson - Klaus Meinhardt - Martin Probst - Filipe Silva - walkerburgin - René Scheibe ## v5.2.0 - [rule-change][`no-console`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-console/) bans all console methods when no methods are specified (#2610) - [new-rule][`no-object-literal-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-object-literal-type-assertion/) (#2580) - [new-rule][`no-irregular-whitespace`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-irregular-whitespace/) (#2487) - [new-rule][`prefer-switch`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-switch/) (#2331) - [new-rule][`number-literal-format`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/number-literal-format/) (#2526) - [new-rule][`deprecation`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/deprecation/) (#2395) - [new-rule][`no-unnecessary-type-assertion`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unnecessary-type-assertion/) (#2519) - [new-fixer][`interface-over-type-literal`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/interface-over-type-literal/) (#2617) - [new-fixer][`callable-types`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/callable-types/) (#2552) - [new-fixer][`no-string-literal`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-string-literal/) (#2495) - [new-fixer][`no-internal-module`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-internal-module/) (#2517) - [new-rule-option][`align`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/align/) rule added `members` option, which checks alignment of methods and properties of classes, objects, interfaces, type literals and object destructuring (#2387) - [new-rule-option][`align`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/align/) rule added `elements` option, which checks alignment of elements in array literals, array destructuring and tuple types (#2387) - [new-rule-option][`trailing-comma`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/trailing-comma/) adds more granular options to specify trailing commas for arrays, objects, functions, type literals, imports, and exports (#2538) - [api] Deprecate `ScopeAwareRuleWalker` and `BlockScopeAwareRuleWalker`. (#2561) - [develop] added support for [error templates in rule tests](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/develop/testing-rules/) (#2481) - [bugfix] Fixes "Severity for rule not found" error (#2516) - [bugfix][`no-unused-expression`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-expression/): allow `void(0)` in addition to `void 0` and `void` in expression and statement position (#2645) - [bugfix][`align`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/align/): fix false positive for files with BOM (#2642) - [bugfix][`return-undefined`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/return-undefined/): Handle contextual types with ambiguous signatures; allow `any`; and handle async functions. (#2576) - [bugfix][`semicolon`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/semicolon/): don't mark semicolon as unnecessary when the next statement is on the same line (#2591) - [bugfix][`no-internal-module`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-internal-module/): no more false positives for global augmentation (#2517) - [bugfix][`no-unnecessary-qualifier`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unnecessary-qualifier/): no longer breaks when walking a function that references `arguments` (#2555) - [bugfix][`prefer-const`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/prefer-const/) no longer shows warnings on ambient declarations (#2391) - [bugfix][`callable-types`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/callable-types/): suggest correct fix for interfaces with type arguments (#2552) - [bugfix][`quotemark`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/quotemark/): fix regression with jsx attributes (#2605) - [bugfix][`adjacent-overload-signatures`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/adjacent-overload-signatures/) handles functions ending in semicolon (#2412) - [bugfix][`object-literal-key-quotes`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-key-quotes/): correctly stringify numbers when fixing (#2515) - [bugfix][`object-literal-key-quotes`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/object-literal-key-quotes/): does no longer require quotes for property names containing digits (#2515) - [enhancement] Failures in extended config files now indicate which file (#2588) - [enhancement][`align`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/align/): Don't report 'statements are not aligned' for empty statements (#2653) - [enhancement][`class-name`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/class-name/) now also checks class expressions (#2553) - [enhancement] `optionExamples`: Allow to use an options array directly instead of a string representation. (#2527) - [enhancement] `rulesDirectory` can now be resolved with Nodes resolve logic, if the directory contains an `index.js` (#2163) (#2358) - [enhancement][`no-unused-expression`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unused-expression/): narrow error location for comma separated expressions and conditional expressions (#2645) - [enhancement][`no-string-literal`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-string-literal/) now handles escaped strings (#2495) - [enhancement][`no-unnecessary-callback-wrapper`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-unnecessary-callback-wrapper/): Allow `x => x(x)` (#2524) - [enhancement][`no-var-keyword`](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/rules/no-var-keyword/): Allow global var declarations (#2513) Thanks to our contributors! - Andy Hanson - Alex Eagle - Donald Pipowitch - Klaus Meinhardt - Gord P - Andy - Quentin - Mitchell Wills - Vito - CSchulz - Josh Goldberg - Brian Olore - Manuel Lopez - James Clark ## v5.1.0 - [new-rule] `no-invalid-template-strings` (#2332) - [new-rule] `no-sparse-arrays` (#2407) - [new-rule-option] `no-void-expression`: adds `ignore-arrow-function-shorthand` (#2445) - [api] `tslint:all` configuration (#2417) - [bugfix] In tslint:recommended move `no-reference-import` from `jsRules` to `rules` (#2441) - [bugfix] `no-unnecessary-callback-wrapper`: only check if callback is identifier, allow all other expressions (#2510) - [bugfix] `member-access`: Skip index signature, it can not have an access modifier (#2437) - [bugfix] `restrict-plus-operands` fixes regression where every assignment and comparison was checked (#2454) - [bugfix] `no-unnecessary-callback-wrapper`: allow async wrapper function (#2510) - [bugfix] `prefer-for-of`: No error if `delete` is used (#2458) - [bugfix] `radix`: don't warn for missing radix on method calls (#2352) - [bugfix] `no-use-before-declare`: Handle symbol with empty declarations list. (#2436) - [bugfix] `strict-type-predicates`: Check for construct signatures in `isFunction`. (#2479) - [enhancement] `strict-boolean-expressions`: When `--strictNullChecks` is turned off, `allow-null-union` and `allow-undefined-union` turn off "always truthy" errors. (#2373) - [enhancement] `radix`: added check for global.parseInt and window.parseInt (#2352) - [enhancement] `arrow-return-shorthand`: Improve failure message when return expression is an object literal (#2466) Thanks to our contributors! - Andy Hanson - bumbleblym - Klaus Meinhardt - Jonas Kello - Minko Gechev - Donald Pipowitch ## v5.0.0 ## :fire: Breaking changes - Minimum version of TypeScript version is now 2.1.0 (#2425) - The severity level of rules are now configurable and defaults to severity "error". This affects the output of formatters: - [formatter] `msbuild` was outputting all failures as "warning". - [formatter] `pmd` was outputting all failures as priority 1. Now, it uses _priority 3_ for "error" (default) and _priority 4_ for "warning" - [formatter] `json` changed the `fix` property to now contain either one replacement or an array of replacements (#2403) - `tslint:recommended` configuration updated with `tslint:latest` rules & options (#2424) - Removed `no-unused-new` rule, with logic moved into `no-unused-expression` (#2269) - `no-trailing-whitespace` now checks template strings by default. Use the new options `ignore-template-strings` to restore the old behavior. (#2359) ### API breaks for custom rules - Removed method `skip` from `RuleWalker` (#2313) - Removed all use of the TypeScript Language Service, use only Program APIs instead (#2235) - This means that some rules that previously worked without the type checker _now require it_. This includes: - `no-unused-variable` - `no-use-before-declare` - This breaks custom rule compilation. If your rule was not using the `ts.LanguageService` APIs, the migration is quite simple: ```diff - public applyWithProgram(srcFile: ts.SourceFile, langSvc: ts.LanguageService): Lint.RuleFailure[] { - return this.applyWithWalker(new Walker(srcFile, this.getOptions(), langSvc.getProgram())); + public applyWithProgram(srcFile: ts.SourceFile, program: ts.Program): Lint.RuleFailure[] { + return this.applyWithWalker(new Walker(srcFile, this.getOptions(), program)); ``` - N.B. If you are refactoring your custom rules, consider [these performance tips for writing custom rules](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/develop/custom-rules/performance.html). - Removed `createFix`. Replacements should be passed directly into addFailure. (#2403) - Removed deprecated `scanAllTokens` and `skippableTokenAwareRuleWalker` (#2370) ## :tada: Notable features & enhancements - [feature] The severity level of rules are now individually configurable. Default severity can also be configured. (#629, #345) - Valid values for `severity`: `default` | `error | warn | warning | none | off` - Valid values for `defaultSeverity`: `error | warn | warning | none | off` - Old style: ```json { "extends": "tslint:latest", "rules": { "callable-types": true, "max-line-length": [true, 140] } } ``` - New style (in this example, `callable-types` outputs errors and `max-line-length` outputs warnings): ```json { "extends": "tslint:latest", "defaultSeverity": "error", "rules": { "callable-types": true, "max-line-length": { "options": 140, "severity": "warning" } } } ``` - [new-rule] `prefer-template` (#2243) - [new-rule] `return-undefined` (#2251) - [new-rule] `no-reference-import` (#2273) - [new-rule] `no-unnecessary-callback-wrapper` (#2249) - [new-fixer] `linebreak-style` (#2394) - [new-fixer] `eofline` (#2393) ## Full list of changes - [api] Added class `OptionallyTypedRule`, which allows rule authors to write a rule that applies when typing is either enabled or disabled (#2300) - [bugfix] `prefer-function-over-method` now ignores abstract methods (#2307) - [bugfix] `arrow-parens` with option `ban-single-arg-parens` now correctly handles functions with return type annotation (#2265) - [bugfix] `prefer-function-over-method` exclude overload signatures (#2315) - [bugfix] `use-isnan` now applies only to comparison operators (#2317) - [bugfix] `file-header-rule` now handles single-line comments correctly (#2320) - [bugfix] `newline-before-return`: fix handling of blank lines between comments (#2321) - [bugfix] `trailing-comma` No longer enforce trailing commas in type parameters and tuple types (#2236) - [bugfix] `align` don't fix if it would remove code (#2379) - [bugfix] `unified-signatures` now recognizes rest parameters (#2342) - [bugfix] `no-inferrable-types` don't warn for inferrable type on readonly property (#2312) - [bugfix] `trailing-comma` no longer crashes on new without parentheses (e.g. `new Foo`) (#2389) - [bugfix] `semicolon` Ignore comments when checking for unnecessary semicolon (#2240) - [bugfix] `semicolon` Don't report unnecessary semicolon when followed by regex literal (#2240) - [bugfix] CLI: exit with 0 on type check errors when `--force` is specified (#2322) - [bugfix] CLI: `--test` now correctly strips single quotes from patterns on windows (#2322) - [bugfix] `prefer-const` only fix initialized variables (#2219) - [bugfix] `prefer-const` correctly handle variables shadowed by parameters and catched exceptions (#2219) - [bugfix] `prefer-const` don't warn if one variable in a for loop initializer can not be const (#2219) - [bugfix] `prefer-const` handle more cases in destructuring (#2219) - [bugfix] `no-unused-expression` allow comma separated assignments (#2269) - [chore] removed update-notifier dependency (#2262) - [development] allow rule tests to specify version requirement for typescript (#2323) - [enhancement] `ignore-properties` option of `no-inferrable-types` now also ignores parameter properties (#2312) - [enhancement] `unified-signatures` now displays line number of the overload to unify if there are more than 2 overloads (#2270) - [enhancement] `trailing-comma` New checks for CallSignature and NamedExports (#2236) - [enhancement] `semicolon` New check for export statements, function overloads and shorthand module declaration (#2240) - [enhancement] `semicolon` Report unnecessary semicolons in classes and in statement position (for option "always" too) (#2240) - [enhancement] `semicolon` check for semicolon after method overload (#2240) - [enhancement] `array-type` now consider `object`, `undefined` and `never` as simple types, allowing `object`, `undefined[]` and `never[]` (#1843)(#2353) - [enhancement] `align` check statement alignment for all blocks (#2379) - [enhancement] `align`check parameter alignment for all signatures (#2379) - [enhancement] `--test` can handle multiple paths at once (#2322) - [enhancement] `only-arrow-functions` allow functions that use `this` in the body (#2229) - [enhancement] CLI: print error when `--type-check` is used without `--project` (#2322) - [enhancement] CLI: don't print stack trace on type check error (#2322) - [enhancement] CLI: added `-p` as shorthand for `--project` to be consistent with `tsc` (#2322) - [enhancement] `prefer-const` show warnings for `var` (#2219) - [enhancement] `quotemark` fixer unescapes original quotemark (e.g. `'\''` -> `"'"`) (#2359) - [enhancement] `no-unused-expression` allow indirect eval `(0, eval)("");` (#2269) - [enhancement] `no-unused-expression` checking for unused new can now use option `allow-fast-null-checks` (#2269) - [enhancement] `no-unused-expression` find unused comma separated expressions in all locations of the code (#2269) - [enhancement] `no-unused-expression` find unused expressions inside void expression (#2269) - [new-config-option] Adds `defaultSeverity` with options `error`, `warning`, and `off`. (#2416) - [new-formatter] TAP formatter (#2325) - [new-rule-option] `no-unused-expression` adds option `allow-tagged-template` to allow tagged templates for side effects (#2269) - [new-rule-option] `no-unused-expression` adds option `allow-new` to allow `new` without using the new object (#2269) - [new-rule-option] `member-access` adds `no-public` option (#2247) - [new-rule-option] `curly` added option `ignore-same-line` (#2334) - [new-rule-option] `{destructuring: "all"}` to only warn if all variables in a destructuring can be const (#2219) - [new-rule-option] added `ignore-template-strings` to `no-trailing-whitespace` (#2359) - [rule-update] `array-type` now consider `undefined` and `never` as simple types, allowing `undefined[]` and `never[]` (#1843) Thanks to our contributors! - Brian Olore - Andy Hanson - @andy-ms - Chris Barr - Klaus Meinhardt - @bumbleblym - Josh Goldberg - James Clark - @vilic - Aleksandr Filatov - Matt Banz - Karol Janyst - Mike Deverell - Alexander James Phillips - Irfan Hudda ## v4.5.1 - [enhancement] Updated recommended rules to include `ban-types` and `no-duplicate-super` (#2271) - [bugfix] `object-literal-key-quotes` handle negative number property name (#2273) ## v4.5.0 - [new-rule] `no-import-side-effect` (#2155) - [new-rule] `match-default-export-name` (#2117) - [new-rule] `no-non-null-assertion` (#2221) - [new-rule] `ban-types` (#2175) - [new-rule] `no-duplicate-super` (#2038) - [new-rule] `newline-before-return` (#2173) - [new-rule-option] `completed-docs` adds options for location, type, and privacy. Also adds interfaces, enums, types (#2095) - [new-rule-option] `no-inferrable-types` adds option `ignore-properties` (#2178) - [new-rule-option] `typedef` adds options `object-destructuring` and `array-destructuring` options (#2146) - [new-rule-option] `member-ordering` adds option `alphabetize` (#2101) - [new-rule-option] `no-trailing-whitespace` adds option `ignore-jsdoc` (#2177) - [new-rule-option] `no-trailing-whitespace` adds option `ignore-comments` option (#2153) - [new-fixer] `no-inferrable-types` automatically remove inferrable type annotations (#2178) - [new-fixer] `no-any` (#2165) - [new-fixer] `noConsecutiveBlankLines` (#2201) - [new-fixer] `object-literal-shorthand` (#2165) - [bugfix] `no-switch-case-fallthrough` handle break, throw, continue and return nested in block, if-else and switch (#2218) - [bugfix] `no-switch-case-fallthrough` allow empty case clauses before default clause (#2218) - [bugfix] `no-mergeable-namespace` ignore property types that can't be merged (#2105) - [bugfix] `object-literal-key-quotes` no need to quote a float if its .toString() is the same. (#2144) - [bugfix] `no-consecutive-blank-lines` Correctly apply fixes at EOF (#2239) - [bugfix]: Fixes installation issue with node 7.5 (#2212) - [bugfix]: `quotemark` now handles escaped chars (#2224) - [enhancement] Don't exit when a rule requires type checking but type checking is not enabled (#2188) - [enhancement] `no-switch-case-fallthrough` allow single line comment `// falls through` (#2218) - [enhancement] `no-unbound-method` allows property access and binary expressions (#2143) - [api] Introduce `AbstractWalker` for performance (#2093) - see [performance](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/develop/custom-rules/performance.html) and [migration](https://palantir.github.io/tslint/develop/custom-rules/migration.html) docs Thanks to our contributors! - Andy Hanson - Stefan Reichel - Shlomi Assaf - Josh Goldberg - Minko Gechev - Irfan Hudda - Klaus Meinhardt - Martin Probst - Naoto Usuyama - Caleb Eggensperger - Arturs Vonda - Joscha Feth - Moritz - Alexander Rusakov - Alex Ryan - Andy - Yuichi Nukiyama ## v4.4.2 - [bugfix] `whitespace` rule caused false positive on EOF (#2131) - [bugfix] WebStorm fails because `json` formatter parameter has extra space (#2132) ## v4.4.1 - [bugfix] errant space in recommended ruleset (couldn't find `no-misused-new`) ## v4.4.0 - [new-rule] `arrow-return-shorthand` (#1972) - [new-rule] `no-unbound-method` (#2089) - [new-rule] `no-boolean-literal-compare` (#2013) - [new-rule] `no-unsafe-any` (#2047) - [new-rule] `no-unnecessary-qualifier` (#2008) - [new-rule] `no-unnecessary-initializer` (#2106) - [new-rule] `await-promise` (#2102) - [new-rule] `no-floating-promises` (#1632) - [new-rule] `strict-type-predicates` (#2046) - [new-rule] `no-misused-new` (#1963) - [new-rule] `prefer-method-signature` (#2028) - [new-rule] `prefer-function-over-method` (#2037) - [new-rule-option] `allow-fast-null-checks` added to `no-unused-expression` (#1638) - [new-rule-option] `comment-format-rule` adds `ignore-words` and `ignore-pattern` options (#1757) - [new-rule-option] `whitespace` adds `check-preblock` option (#2002) - [new-rule-option] `strict-boolean-expressions` adds `allow-null-union`, `allow-undefined-union`, `allow-string`, and `allow-number` and (#2033) - [new-fixer] `align` (#2097) - [new-fixer] `no-trailing-whitespace` (#2060) - [bugfix] `no-magic-numbers` false positive on default parameter values (#2004) - [bugfix] `no-empty-interface` allow empty interface with 2 or more parents (#2070) - [bugfix] `no-trailing-whitespace` fixed for comments and EOF (#2060) - [bugfix] `no-empty` no longer fails for private or protected constructor (#1976) - [bugfix] `tslint:disable`/`tslint-enable` now handles multiple rules and fixes what code is enabled/disabled (#2061) - [bugfix] `no-inferrable-types` now validates property declarations (#2081) - [bugfix] `unified-signatures` false positive (#2016) - [bugfix] `whitespace` finds all whitespace errors in JsxExpressions and TemplateExpressions (#2036) - [bugfix] `comment-format` no more false positives in JsxText (#2036) - [enhancement] `--test` option now accepts glob (#2079) Thanks to our contributors! - Alexander Rusakov - Andrii Dieiev - @andy-ms - Andy Hanson - Josh Goldberg - Kei Son - Klaus Meinhardt - Krati Ahuja - Martin Probst - Mohsen Azimi - Romke van der Meulen - cameron-mcateer ## v4.3.1 - [bugfix] Fix back-compat break. Allow formattersDirectory === null (#1997) ## v4.3.0 - **Enabled additional rules in `tslint:latest` configuration** (#1981) - [new-rule] `space-before-function-paren` (#1897) - [new-rule] `typeof-compare` (#1927) - [new-rule] `import-spacing` (#1935) - [new-rule] `unified-signatures` (#1944) - [new-fixer] `object-literal-key-quotes` (#1953) - [new-fixer] `no-angle-bracket-type-assertion` (#1979) - [bugfix] `adjacent-overload-signature` now handles static/computed function names (#1831) - [bugfix] `file-header` now handles files with only comments (#1913) - [bugfix] `no-consecutive-blank-lines` now allows blank lines in template strings (#1886) - [bugfix] `object-literal-key-quotes` no longer throws exception when using rest operator (#1916) - [bugfix] `restrict-plus-operands` no longer shows false positive in ternary operation (#1925) - [bugfix] `prefer-for-of` now handles nested `for` loops with reused iterator (#1926) - [bugfix] Exit gracefully when `tsconfig.json` passed as `--project` argument doens't have files (#1933) - [bugfix] `object-literal-key-quotes` now handles shorthand and spread properties (#1945) - [bugfix] `arrow-parens` Allow binding patterns `([x, y]) => ...` and `({x, y}) => ...` to have parens (#1958) - [bugfix] `semicolon` fixer now handles comma separator in interfaces and indicates failure when commas are using in interfaces (#1856) - [bugfix] `only-arrow-functions` option `allow-named-functions` now allows function declarations (#1961) - [bugfix] `prefer-for-of` no longer shows false positive when array is in parentheses (#1986) - [bugfix] `prefer-const` now works for TypeScript versions < 2.1.0 (#1989) - [enhancement] `member-access` narrow location of error (#1964) Thanks to our contributors! - Andrii Dieiev - @andy-ms - Andy Hanson - Josh Goldberg - Klaus Meinhardt - Linda_pp - Mohsen Azimi - Victor Grigoriu - Yuichi Nukiyama - cameron-mcateer ## v4.2.0 - [new-rule] `no-string-throw` (#1878) - [new-rule] `no-empty-interface` (#1889) - [new-rule] `interface-over-type-literal` (#1890) - [new-rule] `callable-types` (#1891) - [new-rule] `no-void-expression` (#1903) - [new-rule-option] `ban-single-arg-parens` added to `arrow-parens` (#1893) - [bugfix] `prefer-const` handles destructuring arrays (#1894), destructuring objects (#1906), and forward references (#1908) - [bugfix] Don't error for misplaced braces for 'else' in `one-line` rule (#1866) - [bugfix] `no-shadowed-variable` now identifies shadowed `for` iterator (#1816) - [bugfix] `object-literal-key-quotes` now includes function names (#1874) - [bugfix] error when EOF comes after `disable-next-line` comment (#1902) Thanks to our contributors! - Andrew Scott - @andy-ms - Andy Hanson - James Booth - Klaus Meinhardt - Vladimir Matveev ## v4.1.1 - [bugfix] `typedef` rule was showing false positive for `catch` clause (#1887) ## v4.1.0 - [new-rule] `prefer-const` (#1801) - [new-rule] `strict-boolean-expressions` (#1820) - [new-rule] `no-magic-numbers` (#1799) - [new-rule] `import-blacklist` (#1841) - [new-rule] `promise-functions-async` (#1779) - [new-rule] `no-inferred-empty-object-type`: a type must be specified when using a generic class/function/etc (#1821) - [new-rule-option] `allow-named-functions` added to `only-arrow-functions` (#1857) - [new-fixer] `prefer-const` (#1801) - [new-fixer] `quotemark` (#1790) - [new-formatter] `code-frame` formatter shows you the error in context (#1819) - [enhancement] `no-internal-module` failures highlight less text (#1781) - [enhancement] Avoid auto-fixing errors that would result in compilation errors for rules that use type-check (#1608) - [rule-change] `only-arrow-functions` will allow functions with a `this` parameter (#1597) - [bugfix] `no-use-before-declare` false positive on named import (#1620) - [bugfix] `prefer-for-of` was showing false positive when the element is assigned (#1813) - [bugfix] The command line argument `type-check` was swallowing the next argument (#1783) - [bugfix] `tslint:disable-line` was re-enabling `tslint:disable` (#1634) - [bugfix] `adjacent-overload-signatures` did not work for constructors (#1800) - [bugfix] `checkstyle` formatter was reporting errors under one file (#1811) - [bugfix] `trailing-comma` was applied to parameter lists (#1775) - [api] CLI logic moved into API friendly class (#1688) Thanks to our contributors! - Alex Eagle - Andrii Dieiev - Andy Hanson - Art Chaidarun - Donald Pipowitch - Feisal Ahmad - Josh Goldberg - Klaus Meinhardt - Maciej Sypień - Mohsen Azimi - Ryan Lester - Simon Schick - Subhash Sharma - Timothy Slatcher - Yaroslav Admin - Yuichi Nukiyama - tdsmithATabc - @wmrowan ## v4.0.2 - [enhancement] Don't exit when a rule can't be found. Print as a warning instead (#1771) - [api-change] Allow 3rd party apps to see exception when the config is invalid (#1764) - [bugfix] Don't flag a property named as empty string as not needing quotes in an object literal (#1762) - [bugfix] Report correct number of fixes done by --fix (#1767) - [bugfix] Fix false positives and exceptions in `prefer-for-of` (#1758) - [bugfix] Fix `adjacent-overload-signatures` false positive when a static function has the same name (#1772) Thanks to our contributors! - @gustavderdrache ## v4.0.1 - [bugfix] Removed `no-unused-variable` rule from recommended config, as it was causing spurious deprecation warnings. ## v4.0.0-dev.2 - Include latest v4.0.0 changes ## v4.0.0 - **BREAKING CHANGES** - [api-change] Minor changes to the library API. See this PR for changes and upgrade instructions (#1720) - [removed-rule] Removed `no-unreachable` rule; covered by compiler (#661) - [enhancement] Changed order of applied configuration files for the `extends` array to make it more intuitive. (#1503) - [enhancement] Changed TypeScript peer dependency to >= 2.0.0 (#1710) - [new-rule] `completed-docs` rule added (#1644) - [new-fixer] `ordered-imports` auto fixed (#1640) - [new-fixer] `arrow-parens` auto fixed (#1731) - [rule-change] `indent` rule now ignores template strings (#1611) - [new-rule-option] `object-literal-key-quotes` adds the options `consistent` and `consistent-as-needed` (#1733) - [enhancement] `--fix` option added to automatically fix selected rules (#1697) - [enhancement] Updated recommend rules (#1717) - [enhancement] `adjacent-overload-signatures` now works with classes, source files, modules, and namespaces (#1707) - [enhancement] Users are notified if they are using an old TSLint version (#1696) - [bugfix] Lint `.jsx` files if `jsRules` are configured (#1714) - [bugfix] Command line glob patterns now handle single quotes (#1679) Thanks to our contributors! - Andrii Dieiev - Andy - Chris Barr - Davie Schoots - Jordan Hawker - Josh Goldberg - Stepan Riha - Yuichi Nukiyama ## v4.0.0-dev.1 - **BREAKING CHANGES** - [enhancement] The `semicolon` rule now disallows semicolons in multi-line bound class methods (to get the v3 behavior, use the `ignore-bound-class-methods` option) (#1643) - [removed-rule] Removed `use-strict` rule (#678) - [removed-rule] Removed `label-undefined` rule; covered by compiler (#1614) - [enhancement] Renamed `no-constructor-vars` to `no-parameter-properties` (#1296) - [rule-change] The `orderedImports` rule now sorts relative modules below non-relative modules (#1640) - **Deprecated** - [deprecated] `no-unused-variable` rule. This is checked by the TypeScript v2 compiler using the flags [`--noUnusedParameters` and `--noUnusedLocals`](https://github.com/Microsoft/TypeScript/wiki/What%27s-new-in-TypeScript#flag-unused-declarations-with---nounusedparameters-and---nounusedlocals). (#1481) - [enhancement] Lint .js files (#1515) - [new-fixer] `no-var-keyword` replaces `var` with `let` (#1547) - [new-fixer] `trailing-comma` auto fixed (#1546) - [new-fixer] `no-unused-variable` auto fixed for imports (#1568) - [new-fixer] `semicolon` auto fixed (#1423) - [new-rule] `max-classes-per-file` rule added (#1666) - [new-rule-option] `no-consecutive-blank-lines` rule now accepts a number value indicating max blank lines (#1650) - [new-rule-option] `ordered-imports` rule option `import-sources-order` accepts value `any` (#1602) - [bugfix] `no-empty` rule fixed when parameter has readonly modifier - [bugfix] `no-namespace` rule: do not flag nested or .d.ts namespaces (#1571) Thanks to our contributors! - Alex Eagle - Andrii Dieiev - Ben Coveney - Boris Aranovich - Chris Barr - Cyril Gandon - Evgeniy Zhukovskiy - Jay Anslow - Kunal Marwaha - Martin Probst - Mingye Wang - Raghav Katyal - Sean Dawson - Yuichi Nukiyama - jakpaw ## v4.0.0-dev.0 - **BREAKING CHANGES** - [enhancement] Drop support for configuration via package.json (#1579) - [removed-rule] Removed `no-duplicate-key` rule; covered by compiler (#1109) - [enhancement] Call formatter once for all file results. Format output may be different (#656) - [rule-change] `trailing-comma` supports function declarations, expressions, and types (#1486) - [rule-change] `object-literal-sort-keys` now sorts quoted keys (#1529) - [rule-change] `semicolon` now processes type aliases (#1475) - [rule-change] `no-var-keyword` now rejects `export var` statements (#1256) - [rule-change] `semicolon` now requires semicolon for function declaration with no body (#1447) - [new-formatter] `fileslist` formatter writes a list of files with errors without position or error type specifics (#1558) - [new-rule] `cyclomaticComplexity`, enforces a threshold of cyclomatic complexity.] (#1464) - [new-rule] `prefer-for-of`, which errors when `for(var x of y)` can be used instead of `for(var i = 0; i < y.length; i++)` (#1335) - [new-rule] `array-type`, which can require using either `T[]' or 'Array' for arrays (#1498) - [rule-change] `object-literal-sort-keys` checks multiline objects only (#1642) - [rule-change] `ban` rule now can ban global functions (#327) - [bugfix] always write lint result, even if using formatter (#1353) - [bugfix] npm run test:bin fails on Windows (#1635) - [bugfix] Don't enforce trailing spaces on newlines in typedef-whitespace rule (#1531) - [bugfix] `jsdoc` rule should not match arbitrary comments (#1543) - [bugfix] `one-line` rule errors when declaring wildcard ambient modules (#1425) Thanks to our contributors! - Alex Eagle - Andrii Dieiev - Andy Hanson - Ben Coveney - Boris Aranovich - Chris Barr - Christian Dreher - Claas Augner - Josh Goldberg - Martin Probst - Mike Deverell - Nina Hartmann - Satoshi Amemiya - Scott Wu - Steve Van Opstal - Umar Bolatov - Vladimir Matveev - Yui ## v3.15.1 - Enabled additional rules in `tslint:latest` configuration (#1506) ## v3.15.0 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.15.0-dev.0) ## v3.15.0-dev.0 - [enhancement] Rules can automatically fix errors (#1423) - [enhancement] Better error messages for invalid source files (#1480) - [new-rule] `adjacent-overload-signatures` rule (#1426) - [new-rule] `file-header` rule (#1441) - [new-rule] `object-literal-shorthand` rule (#1488) - [new-rule-option] `allow-declarations` option for `only-arrow-functions` rule (#1452) - [new-rule-option] `import-sources-order` option for `ordered-imports` rule (#1466) - [bugfix] `arrow-parens` rule handles async and generics (#1446, #1479) - [bugfix] `comment-format` rule ignores tslint control comments (#1473) - [bugfix] Fix `no-shadowed-variable` rule false positives (#1482) Thanks to our contributors! - @apacala - @danvk - @DovydasNavickas - @glen-84 - @IllusionMH - @JoshuaKGoldberg - @markwongsk - @rakatyal - @rhysd - @ScottSWu - @YuichiNukiyama ## v3.14.0 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev releases (v3.14.0-dev.0, v3.14.0-dev.1) ## v3.14.0-dev.1 - [new-rule] `arrow-parens` rule (#777) - [new-rule] `max-file-line-count` rule (#1360) - [new-rule] `no-unsafe-finally` rule (#1349) - [new-rule] `no-for-in-array` rule (#1380) - [new-rule] `object-literal-key-quotes` rule (#1364) - [enhancement] Better `ban` rule failure messages (#1385) - [enhancement] New stylish formatter (#1406) Thanks to our contributors! - @chrismbarr - @danvk - @gjuchault - @lowkay - @ScottSWu - @YuichiNukiyama ## v3.14.0-dev.0 - [enhancement] Add optional type information to rules (#1323) Thanks to our contributors! - @ScottSWu ## v3.13.0 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.13.0-dev.0) ## v3.13.0-dev.0 - [new-rule] `ordered-imports` rule (#1325) - [enhancement] MPEG transport stream files are ignored by the CLI (#1357) Thanks to our contributors! - @chrismbarr - @corydeppen - @danvk - @janaagaard75 - @mprobst ## v3.12.0-dev.2 - [enhancement] Support TypeScript v2.0.0-dev builds ## v3.12.1 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.12.0-dev.1) ## v3.12.0-dev.1 - [bugfix] Fix null reference bug in typedef rule (#1345) ## v3.12.0 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.12.0-dev.0) ## v3.12.0-dev.0 - [new-rule] `only-arrow-functions` rule (#1318) - [new-rule] `no-unused-new` rule (#1316) - [new-rule-option] `arrow-call-signature` option for `typedef` rule (#1284) - [enhancement] Metadata for every rule (#1311) - [enhancement] `typedef` rule is more flexible about the location of typedefs for arrow functions (#1176) - [enhancement] Failure messages are clearer and more consistent for many rules (#1303, #1307, #1309) - [bugfix] `no-consecutive-blank-lines` now handles lines with only whitespace correctly (#1249) - [bugfix] Correctly load `.json` config files that have a BOM (#1338) Thanks to our contributors! - @allannienhuis - @arnaudvalle - @bencoveney - @chrismbarr - @corydeppen - @HamletDRC - @JoshuaKGoldberg - @timbrown81 - @tomduncalf - @YuichiNukiyama ## v3.11.0 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.11.0-dev.0) ## v3.11.0-dev.0 - [new-rule] `linebreak-style` rule (#123) - [new-rule] `no-mergeable-namespace` rule (#843) - [enhancement] Add built-in configurations (#1261) - [enhancement] New vso formatter (#1281) - [new-rule-option] `ignore-interfaces` option for `semicolon` rule (#1233) - [bugfix] `no-default-export` rule handles more default export cases (#1241) Thanks to our contributors! - @cgwrench - @HamletDRC - @lijunle - @paldepind - @patsissons - @schmuli - @YuichiNukiyama ## v3.10.2 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.10.0-dev.2) ## v3.10.0-dev.2 - [bugfix] `member-ordering` rule doesn't crash on methods in class expressions (#1252) - [bugfix] `ban` rule handles chained methods appropriately (#1234) Thanks to our contributors! - @marines ## v3.10.1 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.10.0-dev.1) ## v3.10.0-dev.1 - [bugfix] `member-ordering` rule doesn't crash on methods in object literals (#1243) ## v3.10.0 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.10.0-dev.0) ## v3.10.0-dev.0 - [new-rule] `new-parens` rule (#1177) - [new-rule] `no-default-export` rule (#1182) - [new-rule-option] `order: ...` option for `member-ordering` rule (#1208) - [new-rule-option] "ignore-for-loop" option for `one-variable-per-declaration` rule (#1204) - [enhancement] "no-this-in-function-in-method" option renamed to "check-function-in-method" (#1203) - [bugfix] `semicolon` rule checks export statements (#1155) Thanks to our contributors! - @chrismbarr - @HamletDRC - @larshp - @patsissons - @YuichiNukiyama ## v3.9.0 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.9.0-dev.0) ## v3.9.0-dev.0 - [new-rule] `no-namespace` rule (#1133) - [new-rule] `one-variable-per-declaration` rule (#525) - [new-rule-option] "ignore-params" option for `no-inferrable-types` rule (#1190) - [new-rule-option] "no-this-in-function-in-method" option for `no-invalid-this` rule (#1179) - [enhancement] Single line enable/disable comments (#144) - [enhancement] Resolve `extends` packages relative to location of configuration file (#1171) - [enhancement] `Linter` class will throw an error if configuration is of an invalid type (#1167) - [bugfix] `use-isnan` allows assaignments to `NaN` (#1054) - [bugfix] `no-unreachable` handles allows hoisted type aliases (#564) - [bugfix] `member-ordering` rule now checks constructors (#1158) - [bugfix] `--test` CLI command works correctly with specifiying custom rules (#1195) Thanks to our contributors! - @abierbaum - @HamletDRC - @inthemill - @janslow - @JoshuaKGoldberg - @mprobst - @patsissions - @YuichiNukiyama ## v3.8.1 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.8.0-dev.1) ## v3.8.0-dev.1 - [bugfix] Allow JS directives at the start of constructors, getters, and setters (#1159) - [bugfix] Remove accidentally included performance profiles from published NPM artifact (#1160) ## v3.8.0 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.8.0-dev.0) ## v3.8.0-dev.0 - [new-rule] `no-invalid-this` rule (#1105) - [new-rule] `use-isnan` rule (#1054) - [new-rule] `no-reference` rule (#1139) - [new-rule-option] "allow-pascal-case" option for `variable-name` rule (#1079) - [enhancement] Comments now allowed in `tslint.json` files (#1129) - [enhancement] Smarter `trailing-comma` behavior (#1122) - [enhancement] `semicolon` rule more lenient with arrow-function class members (#1076) - [enhancement] Allow enabling/disabling rules with `//` comments (#1134) - [enhancement] New checkstyle formatter (#250) - [enhancement] Clearer message for `no-var-keyword` rule (#1124) - [bugfix] Loaded configurations are not cached (#1128) - [bugfix] Allow JS directives at the start of class methods (#1144) Thanks to our contributors! - @AndyMoreland - @chrismbarr - @HamletDRC - @JoshuaKGoldberg - @sshev - @unional ## v3.7.4 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.7.0-dev.5) ## v3.7.0-dev.5 - [bugfix] Allow JS directives in namespaces (#1115) ## v3.7.3 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.7.0-dev.4) ## v3.7.0-dev.4 - [bugfix] Downgrade `findup-sync` dependency (#1108) ## v3.7.2 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release (v3.7.0-dev.3) ## v3.7.0-dev.3 - [bugfix] `findConfigurationPath` always returns an absolute path (#1093) - [bugfix] Update `findup-sync` dependency (#1080) - [bugfix] `declare global` no longer triggers `no-internal-module` rule (#1069) - [bugfix] Valid JS directives no longer trigger `no-unused-expression` rule (#1050) ## v3.7.1 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release ## v3.7.0-dev.2 - [bugfix] Improve handling of paths provided via the -c CLI option (#1083) ## v3.7.0 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release ## v3.7.0-dev.1 - [enhancement] `extends` field for `tslint.json` files (#997) - [enhancement] `--force` CLI option (#1059) - [enhancement] Improve how `Linter` class handles configurations with a `rulesDirectory` field (#1035) - [new-rule] `no-angle-bracket-type-assertion` rule (#639) - [new-rule-option] "allow-undefined-check" option for `triple-equals` rule (#602) - [new-rule-option] "always-prefix" and "never-prefix" option for `interface-name` rule (#512) Thanks to our contributors! - @Arnavion - @chrismbarr - @ChrisPearce - @JoshuaKGoldberg - @patsissonso - @sasidhar - @unional - @vvakame ## v3.6.0 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release ## v3.6.0-dev.1 - [enhancement] Add `--exclude` CLI option (#915) - [bugfix] Fix `no-shadowed-variable` rule handling of standalone blocks (#1021) - [deprecation] Configuration through `package.json` files (#1020) - [API] Export additional configuration methods from top-level "tslint" module (#1009) Thanks to our contributors! - @blakeembrey - @hamhut1066 - @meowtec ## v3.5.0 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release ## v3.5.0-dev.1 - [new-rule-option] "ignore-pattern" option for `no-unused-variable` rule (#314) - [bugfix] Fix occassional crash in `no-string-literal` rule (#906) - [enhancement] Tweak behavior of `member-ordering` rule with regards to arrow function types in interfaces (#226) Thanks to our contributors! - @arusakov - @Pajn ## v3.4.0 - Stable release containing changes from the last two dev releases ## v3.4.0-dev.2 - [new-rule-option] "arrow-parameter" option for `typedef` rule (#333) - [new-rule-option] "never" option for `semicolon` rule (#363) - [new-rule-option] "onespace" setting for `typedef-whitespace` rule (#888) - [new-rule-option] `typedef-whitespace` rule can now check spacing on right side of typdef colon (#888) - [enhancement] `member-ordering` rule treats arrow functions as methods (#226) - [bugfix] Handle spaces before typedefs correctly in `typedef-whitespace` rule (#955) - [bugfix] `label-position` rule now allows labels on `for-of` loops (#959) Thanks to our contributors! - @b0r3as - @ChaseMoskal - @Pajn - @pe8ter - @tomduncalf ## v3.4.0-dev.1 - [enhancement] Revamped testing system (#620) - Writing tests for rules is now much simpler with a linter DSL. See exisitng tests in `test/rules/**/*.ts.lint` for examples. - [enhancement] New msbuild formatter (#947) - [bugfix] Fix handling of multiline literals in `trailing-comma` rule (#856) - [bugfix] `one-line` rule correctly checks space between `catch` and opening brace (#925) - [bugfix] `one-line` rule correctly checks multiline variable declarations (#935) - [new-rule-option] New option `check-finally` for `one-line` rule (#925) - **BREAKING CHANGES** - [bugfix] Report error when a rule in the config file is not found (#598) Thanks to our contributors! - @mmv - @pe8ter ## v3.3.0 - [bugfix] Tweak TSLint build so TSLint works with typescript@next (#926) ## v3.3.0-dev.1 - [bugfix] Correctly handle more than one custom rules directory (#928) ## v3.2.2 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release ## v3.2.2-dev.1 - [enhancement] Throw an error if a path to a directory of custom rules is invalid (#910) - [new-rule-option] "jsx-single" and "jsx-double" options for `quotemark` rule (#673) - [bugfix] Handle paths to directories of custom rules more accurately - [bugfix] `no-unused-expression` rule handles `await` statements correctly (#887) ## v3.2.1 - Stable release containing changes from the last dev release ## v3.2.1-dev.1 - [enhancement] automatically generate a `tslint.json` file with new `--init` CLI command (#717) - [bugfix] `no-var-keyword` rule detects the use of `var` in all types of `for` loops (#855) ## v3.2.0 - Stable release containing changes from last two dev releases ## v3.2.0-dev.2 - [bugfix] formatters are now exported correctly to work with TS 1.8 (#863) ## v3.2.0-dev.1 - [bugfix] fixed bug in how custom rules directories are registered (#844) - [enhancement] better support for globs in CLI (#827) - [new-rule] `no-null-keyword` rule (#722) ## v3.1.1 - Bump TypeScript peer dependency to `>= 1.7.3` due to `const enum` incompatibility (#832) ## v3.1.0 - [bugfix] build with TS v1.7.3 to fix null pointer exception (#832) - [bugfix] fixed false positive in `no-require-imports` rule (#816) ## v3.1.0-dev.1 - [bugfix] fixed `no-shadowed-variable` false positives when handling destructuring in function params (#727) - [enhancement] `rulesDirectory` in `tslint.json` now supports multiple file paths (#795) ## v3.0.0 - [bugfix] `member-access` rule now handles object literals and get/set accessors properly (#801) - New rule options: `check-accessor` and `check-constructor` - All the changes from the following releases, including some **breaking changes**: - `3.0.0-dev.3` - `3.0.0-dev.2` - `3.0.0-dev.1` - `2.6.0-dev.2` - `2.6.0-dev.1` ## v3.0.0-dev.3 - TypeScript is now a peerDependency (#791) - [bugfix] `no-unused-variable` rule with `react` option works with self-closing JSX tags (#776) - [bugfix] `use-strict` bugfix (#544) ## v3.0.0-dev.2 - [new-rule-option] "react" option for `no-unused-variable` rule (#698, #725) - [bugfix] Fix how `Linter` is exported from "tslint" module (#760) - [bugfix] `no-use-before-declare` rule doesn't crash on uncompilable code (#763) ## v3.0.0-dev.1 - **BREAKING CHANGES** - Rearchitect TSLint to use external modules instead of merged namespaces (#726) - Dependencies need to be handled differently now by custom rules and formatters - See the [PR](https://github.com/palantir/tslint/pull/726) for full details about this change - `no-trailing-comma` rule removed, it is replaced by the `trailing-comma` rule (#687) - Rename `sort-object-literal-keys` rule to `object-literal-sort-keys` (#304, #537) - `Lint.abstract()` has been removed (#700) - [new-rule] `trailing-comma` rule (#557, #687) - [new-rule-option] "ban-keywords" option for `variable-name` rule (#735, #748) - [bugfix] `typedef` rule now handles `for-of` loops correctly (#743) - [bugfix] Handle tslint.json utf-8 files which have a BOM correctly (#90) ## v2.6.0-dev.2 - Upgrade TypeScript compiler to `v1.7.0-dev.20151003` - [bugfix] `no-unused-expression` rule now handles yield expressions properly (#706) ## v2.6.0-dev.1 - Upgrade TypeScript compiler to `v1.7.0-dev.20150924` ## v2.5.1 - [new-rule] no-inferrable-types rule (#676) - [new-rule-option] "avoid-escape" option for quotemark rule (#543) - [bugfix] type declaration for tslint external module #686 - [enhancement] `AbstractRule` and `AbstractFormatter` are now abstract classes (#631) - Note: `Lint.abstract()` is now deprecated ## v2.5.0 - Use TypeScript compiler `v1.6.2` - [bugfixes] #637, #642, #650, #652 - [bugfixes] fix various false positives in `no-unused-variable` rule (#570, #613, #663) - Update project setup for latest VSCode (#662) ## v2.5.0-beta - Use TypeScript compiler `v1.6.0-beta` - [bugfix] Fix `no-internal-module` false positives on nested namespaces (#600) - [docs] Add documentation for `sort-object-literal-keys` rule ## v2.5.0-dev.5 - Upgrade TypeScript compiler to `v1.7.0-dev.20150828` - [bugfix] Handle .tsx files appropriately (#597, #558) ## v2.5.0-dev.4 - Upgrade TypeScript compiler to `v1.6.0-dev.20150825` ## v2.5.0-dev.3 - Upgrade TypeScript compiler to `v1.6.0-dev.20150821` ## v2.5.0-dev.2 - Upgrade TypeScript compiler to `v1.6.0-dev.20150811` - [bug] fix `whitespace` false positive in JSX elements (#559) ## v2.5.0-dev.1 - Upgrade TypeScript compiler to `v1.6.0-dev.20150805` - [enhancement] Support `.tsx` syntax (#490) ## v2.4.5 - [bugfix] fix false positives on `no-shadowed-variable` rule (#500) - [enhancement] add `allow-trailing-underscore` option to `variable-name` rule ## v2.4.4 - [bugfix] remove "typescript" block from package.json (#606) ## v2.4.3 - [new-rule] `no-conditional-assignment` (#507) - [new-rule] `member-access` (#552) - [new-rule] `no-internal-module` (#513) - [bugfix] small fixes to `sample.tslint.json` (#545) - [bugfix] fix README docs for quotemark and indent (#523) - [enhancement] update `findup-sync` and `underscore.string` dependencies - [enhancement] add `"typescript"` field to `package.json` (#560) - [enhancement] small improvements to CLI help text - [enhancement] expose raw failures array in the JS API (#477) ## v2.4.2 - [bug] remove npm-shrinkwrap.json from the published package ## v2.4.0 - Upgraded Typescript compiler to 1.5.3 - [bugs] #332, #493, #509, #483 - [bug] fix error message in `no-var-keyword` rule - [enhancement] CI tests are now run on node v0.12 in addition to v0.10 - **BREAKING** - `-f` option removed from CLI ## v2.3.1-beta - [bugs] #137 #434 #451 #456 - [new-rule] `no-require-imports` disallows `require()` style imports - [new-rule] `no-shadowed-variable` moves over shadowed variable checking from `no-duplicate-variable` into its own rule - **BREAKING** - `no-duplicate-variable` now only checks for duplicates within the same block scope; enable `no-shadowed-variable` to get duplicate-variable checking across block scopes - [enhancement] `no-duplicate-variable`, `no-shadowed-variable`, and `no-use-before-declare` now support ES6 destructuring - [enhancement] tslint CLI now uses a default configuration if no config file is found ## v2.3.0-beta - [bugs] #401 #367 #324 #352 - [new-rule] `no-var-keyword` disallows `var` in favor of `let` and `const` - [new-rule] `sort-object-literal-keys` forces object-literal keys to be sorted alphabetically - Add support for ES6 destructuring and module syntax (affects `variable-name`, `no-use-before-declare`, `whitespace` and `no-unused-variable`) - Add support for ES6 for-of and spread operator syntax - Use tsconfig.json & JSCS in the build system ## v2.2.0-beta - Upgraded Typescript compiler to 1.5.0-beta - **BREAKING CHANGES** - due to changes to the typescript compiler API, old custom rules may no longer work and may need to be rewritten - the JSON formatter's line and character positions are now back to being 0-indexed instead of 1-indexed - [bugs] #328 #334 #319 #351 #365 #254 - [bug] fixes for tslint behavior around template strings (fixes #357, #349, #332, and more) - [new-rule] `align` rule now enforces vertical alignment on parameters, arguments, and statements - [new-rule] `switch-default` enforces a `default` case in `switch` statements - [feature] `no-duplicate-variable` rule now additionally checks if function parameters have been shadowed - Additional fixes to existing rules to work as before with the typescript 1.5 compiler ## v2.1.1 - [bugs] #292 #293 #295 #301 #302 - Some internal refactoring - Added Windows CI testing (appveyor) ## v2.1.0 - Fix crash on Windows ## v2.0.1 - Upgraded Typescript compiler to 1.4 - **BREAKING CHANGES** - typedef rule options were modified: - index-signature removed as no longer necessary - property-signature renamed to property-declaration - variable-declarator renamed to variable-declaration - member-variable-declarator renamed to member-variable-declaration - typedef-whitespace rule options were modified: - catch-clause was removed as invalid - further options were added, see readme for more details - due to changes to the typescript compiler API, old custom rules may no longer work and may need to be rewritten - the JSON formatter's line and character positions are now 1-indexed instead of 0-indexed ## v1.2.0 - [bug] #245 ## v1.0.1 - [bug] #238 ## v1.0.0 - upgrade TypeScript compiler to 1.3 - **BREAKING CHANGES** - all error messages now start with a lower-case character and do not end with a period - all rule options are consistent in nomenclature. The `typedef` and `typedef-whitespace` rules now take in hyphenated options - `unused-variables` rule cannot find unused private variables defined in the constructor due to a bug in 1.3 compiler - `indent` rule has changed to only check for tabs or spaces and not enforce indentation levels ## v0.4.12 - multiple files with -f on cli - config file search starts with input file ## v0.4.11 - [bugs] #136, #163 - internal refactors ## v0.4.10 - [bugs] #138, #145, #146, #148 ## v0.4.9 - [new-rule] `no-any` disallows all uses of `any` - [bug] `/* tslint:disable */` now disables semicolon rule as well - [bug] delete operator no longer results in a false positive for `no-unused-expression` ## v0.4.8 - [new-rule] `no-var-requires` disallows require statements not part of an import statement - [new-rule] `typedef` rule also checks for member variables - [bug] `no-unused-variable` no longer triggers false positives for class members labeled only `static` - [bug] `no-unused-expression` no longer triggers false positives for `"use strict";` expressions - [bug] `use-strict` works correctly on function declarations - [bug] config file is now discoverable from other drives on Windows ## v0.4.7 - [new-rule] added `no-unused-expression` rule which disallows unused expression statements - [feature] the `check-operator` option for the `whitespace` rule now checks whitespace around the => token - [bug] `no-use-before-declare-rule` no longer triggers false positives for member variables of classes used before the class is declared - [bug] semicolon at end of file no longer triggers false positives for `whitespace` rule - [bug] hoisted functions no longer cause false positives for the `no-unreachable` rule - [bug] the rule loader no longer transforms/ignores the leading and trailing underscores and dashes of rule names in the config file - [bug] `export import` statements no longer false positives for `no-unused-variable-rule` - [docs] added documentation for creating custom rules and formatters - [docs] added sample `tslint.json` file, under `docs/sample.tslint.json` ## v0.4.6 - [build] migrated build to use `grunt-ts` instead of `grunt-typescript` - [feature] `package.json` now contains a `tslintConfig` paramater to allow users to specify the location of the configuration file there - [feature] tslint now searches for the configuration file in the user's home directory if not found in the current path - [bug] unbraced conditionals no longer cause false positives for the `no-unreachable` rule ## v0.4.5 - [feature] `no-unused-variable` no longer checks parameters by default. Parameters are now only checked if the `check-parameters` option is set. - [bug] `no-unused-variable` parameter check no longer fails on variable argument parameters (like ...args) and on cases where the parameters are broken up by newlines. ## v0.4.4 - [bug] `no-unused-variable` validates function parameters and constructor methods - [bug] `no-empty` and `no-trailing-comma` rules handle empty objects ## v0.4.3 - [new-rule] `no-unused-variable` - [new-rule] `no-trailing-comma` - [new-rule] `no-use-before-declare` - [feature] support `--version` in CLI - [feature] expose rule names to custom formatters - [feature] add `verbose` formatter - [bug] `no-empty` allows constructors with member declaration parameters - [bug] CLI supports `--help` - [bug] `max-line-length` allows CRLF endings