"use strict"; var __assign = (this && this.__assign) || function () { __assign = Object.assign || function(t) { for (var s, i = 1, n = arguments.length; i < n; i++) { s = arguments[i]; for (var p in s) if (Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, p)) t[p] = s[p]; } return t; }; return __assign.apply(this, arguments); }; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var util_1 = require("util"); var config_set_1 = require("./config/config-set"); var constants_1 = require("./constants"); var json_1 = require("./util/json"); var jsonable_value_1 = require("./util/jsonable-value"); var logger_1 = require("./util/logger"); var messages_1 = require("./util/messages"); var sha1_1 = require("./util/sha1"); var INSPECT_CUSTOM = util_1.inspect.custom || 'inspect'; var TsJestTransformer = (function () { function TsJestTransformer(baseOptions) { if (baseOptions === void 0) { baseOptions = {}; } this.options = __assign({}, baseOptions); this.id = TsJestTransformer._nextTransformerId; this.logger = logger_1.rootLogger.child({ transformerId: this.id, namespace: 'jest-transformer', }); this.logger.debug({ baseOptions: baseOptions }, 'created new transformer'); } Object.defineProperty(TsJestTransformer, "_nextTransformerId", { get: function () { return ++TsJestTransformer._lastTransformerId; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); TsJestTransformer.prototype[INSPECT_CUSTOM] = function () { return "[object TsJestTransformer<#" + this.id + ">]"; }; TsJestTransformer.prototype.configsFor = function (jestConfig) { var csi = TsJestTransformer._configSetsIndex.find(function (cs) { return cs.jestConfig.value === jestConfig; }); if (csi) return csi.configSet; var serialized = json_1.stringify(jestConfig); csi = TsJestTransformer._configSetsIndex.find(function (cs) { return cs.jestConfig.serialized === serialized; }); if (csi) { csi.jestConfig.value = jestConfig; return csi.configSet; } var jestConfigObj = jestConfig; this.logger.info('no matching config-set found, creating a new one'); var configSet = new config_set_1.ConfigSet(jestConfigObj, this.options, this.logger); TsJestTransformer._configSetsIndex.push({ jestConfig: new jsonable_value_1.JsonableValue(jestConfigObj), configSet: configSet, }); return configSet; }; TsJestTransformer.prototype.process = function (input, filePath, jestConfig, transformOptions) { this.logger.debug({ fileName: filePath, transformOptions: transformOptions }, 'processing', filePath); var result; var source = input; var configs = this.configsFor(jestConfig); var hooks = configs.hooks; var stringify = configs.shouldStringifyContent(filePath); var babelJest = stringify ? undefined : configs.babelJestTransformer; var isDefinitionFile = filePath.endsWith('.d.ts'); var isJsFile = constants_1.JS_JSX_REGEX.test(filePath); var isTsFile = !isDefinitionFile && constants_1.TS_TSX_REGEX.test(filePath); if (stringify) { result = "module.exports=" + JSON.stringify(source); } else if (isDefinitionFile) { result = ''; } else if (!configs.parsedTsConfig.options.allowJs && isJsFile) { this.logger.warn({ fileName: filePath }, messages_1.interpolate("Got a `.js` file to compile while `allowJs` option is not set to `true` (file: {{path}}). To fix this:\n - if you want TypeScript to process JS files, set `allowJs` to `true` in your TypeScript config (usually tsconfig.json)\n - if you do not want TypeScript to process your `.js` files, in your Jest config change the `transform` key which value is `ts-jest` so that it does not match `.js` files anymore", { path: filePath })); result = source; } else if (isJsFile || isTsFile) { result = configs.tsCompiler.compile(source, filePath); } else { var message = babelJest ? "Got a unknown file type to compile (file: {{path}}). To fix this, in your Jest config change the `transform` key which value is `ts-jest` so that it does not match this kind of files anymore. If you still want Babel to process it, add another entry to the `transform` option with value `babel-jest` which key matches this type of files." : "Got a unknown file type to compile (file: {{path}}). To fix this, in your Jest config change the `transform` key which value is `ts-jest` so that it does not match this kind of files anymore."; this.logger.warn({ fileName: filePath }, messages_1.interpolate(message, { path: filePath })); result = source; } if (babelJest) { this.logger.debug({ fileName: filePath }, 'calling babel-jest processor'); result = babelJest.process(result, filePath, jestConfig, __assign(__assign({}, transformOptions), { instrument: false })); } if (hooks.afterProcess) { this.logger.debug({ fileName: filePath, hookName: 'afterProcess' }, 'calling afterProcess hook'); var newResult = hooks.afterProcess([input, filePath, jestConfig, transformOptions], result); if (newResult !== undefined) { return newResult; } } return result; }; TsJestTransformer.prototype.getCacheKey = function (fileContent, filePath, _jestConfigStr, transformOptions) { this.logger.debug({ fileName: filePath, transformOptions: transformOptions }, 'computing cache key for', filePath); var configs = this.configsFor(transformOptions.config); var _a = transformOptions.instrument, instrument = _a === void 0 ? false : _a, _b = transformOptions.rootDir, rootDir = _b === void 0 ? configs.rootDir : _b; return sha1_1.sha1(configs.cacheKey, '\x00', rootDir, '\x00', "instrument:" + (instrument ? 'on' : 'off'), '\x00', fileContent, '\x00', filePath); }; TsJestTransformer._configSetsIndex = []; TsJestTransformer._lastTransformerId = 0; return TsJestTransformer; }()); exports.TsJestTransformer = TsJestTransformer;