<b>Lightweight, beautiful and user-friendly interactive prompts</b></br>
<sub>>_ Easy to use CLI prompts to enquire users for information▌<sub>
* **Simple**: prompts has [no big dependencies](http://npm.anvaka.com/#/view/2d/prompts) nor is it broken into a [dozen](http://npm.anvaka.com/#/view/2d/inquirer) tiny modules that only work well together.
* **User friendly**: prompt uses layout and colors to create beautiful cli interfaces.
* **Promised**: uses promises and `async`/`await`. No callback hell.
* **Flexible**: all prompts are independent and can be used on their own.
* **Testable**: provides a way to submit answers programmatically.
Prompter function which takes your [prompt objects](#-prompt-objects) and returns an object with responses.
#### prompts
Type: `Array|Object`<br>
Array of [prompt objects](#-prompt-objects).
These are the questions the user will be prompted. You can see the list of supported [prompt types here](#-types).
Prompts can be submitted (<kbd>return</kbd>, <kbd>enter</kbd>) or canceled (<kbd>esc</kbd>, <kbd>abort</kbd>, <kbd>ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>c</kbd>, <kbd>ctrl</kbd>+<kbd>d</kbd>). No property is being defined on the returned response object when a prompt is canceled.
#### options.onSubmit
Type: `Function`<br>
Default: `() => {}`
Callback that's invoked after each prompt submission.
Its signature is `(prompt, answer, answers)` where `prompt` is the current prompt object, `answer` the user answer to the current question and `answers` the user answers so far. Async functions are supported.
Return `true` to quit the prompt chain and return all collected responses so far, otherwise continue to iterate prompt objects.
| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
| validate | `function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false` is returned, a default error message is shown |
| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
| initial | `string` | Default string value |
| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
| validate | `function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false` is returned, a default error message is shown |
| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
| initial | `string` | Default string value |
| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
| validate | `function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false` is returned, a default error message is shown |
| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
You can type in numbers and use <kbd>up</kbd>/<kbd>down</kbd> to increase/decrease the value. Only numbers are allowed as input. Hit <kbd>tab</kbd> to autocomplete to `initial` value when provided.
| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
| initial | `number` | Default number value |
| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
| validate | `function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false` is returned, a default error message is shown |
| max | `number` | Max value. Defaults to `Infinity` |
| min | `number` | Min value. Defaults to `-infinity` |
| float | `boolean` | Allow floating point inputs. Defaults to `false` |
| round | `number` | Round `float` values to x decimals. Defaults to `2` |
| increment | `number` | Increment step when using <kbd>arrow</kbd> keys. Defaults to `1` |
| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
| initial | `number` | Index of default value |
| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
| hint | `string` | Hint to display to the user |
| warn | `string` | Message to display when selecting a disabled option |
| choices | `Array` | Array of strings or choices objects `[{ title, description, value, disabled }, ...]`. The choice's index in the array will be used as its value if it is not specified. |
| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |
| onState | `function` | On state change callback. Function signature is an `object` with two properties: `value` and `aborted` |
> Autocomplete is a searchable multiselect prompt with the same options. Useful for long lists.
Use <kbd>space</kbd> to toggle select/unselect and <kbd>up</kbd>/<kbd>down</kbd> to navigate. Use <kbd>tab</kbd> to cycle the list. You can also use <kbd>right</kbd> to select and <kbd>left</kbd> to deselect.
By default this prompt returns an `array` containing the **values** of the selected items - not their display title.
| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
| instructions | `string` or `boolean` | Prompt instructions to display |
| choices | `Array` | Array of strings or choices objects `[{ title, value, disabled }, ...]`. The choice's index in the array will be used as its value if it is not specified. |
The prompt will list options based on user input. Type to filter the list.
Use <kbd>⇧</kbd>/<kbd>⇩</kbd> to navigate. Use <kbd>tab</kbd> to cycle the result. Use <kbd>Page Up</kbd>/<kbd>Page Down</kbd> (on Mac: <kbd>fn</kbd> + <kbd>⇧</kbd> / <kbd>⇩</kbd>) to change page. Hit <kbd>enter</kbd> to select the highlighted item below the prompt.
The default suggests function is sorting based on the `title` property of the choices.
You can overwrite how choices are being filtered by passing your own suggest function.
| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
| format | `function` | Receive user input. The returned value will be added to the response object |
| choices | `Array` | Array of auto-complete choices objects `[{ title, value }, ...]` |
| suggest | `function` | Filter function. Defaults to sort by `title` property. `suggest` should always return a promise. Filters using `title` by default |
| limit | `number` | Max number of results to show. Defaults to `10` |
validate: date => date > Date.now() ? 'Not in the future' : true
#### Options
| Param | Type | Description |
| ----- | :--: | ----------- |
| message | `string` | Prompt message to display |
| initial | `date` | Default date |
| locales | `object` | Use to define custom locales. See below for an example. |
| mask | `string` | The format mask of the date. See below for more information.<br/>Default: `YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss` |
| validate | `function` | Receive user input. Should return `true` if the value is valid, and an error message `String` otherwise. If `false` is returned, a default error message is shown |
| onRender | `function` | On render callback. Keyword `this` refers to the current prompt |