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{"version":3,"file":"index.js","sources":["../src/tokenizer/types.js","../src/util/scopeflags.js","../src/util/whitespace.js","../src/util/location.js","../src/parser/base.js","../src/parser/comments.js","../src/parser/location.js","../src/plugins/estree.js","../src/tokenizer/context.js","../../babel-helper-validator-identifier/src/identifier.js","../../babel-helper-validator-identifier/src/keyword.js","../src/util/identifier.js","../src/plugins/flow.js","../src/plugins/jsx/xhtml.js","../src/plugins/jsx/index.js","../src/util/scope.js","../src/plugins/typescript/scope.js","../src/util/production-parameter.js","../src/plugins/typescript/index.js","../src/plugins/placeholders.js","../src/plugins/v8intrinsic.js","../src/plugin-utils.js","../src/options.js","../src/tokenizer/state.js","../src/tokenizer/index.js","../src/parser/util.js","../src/parser/node.js","../src/parser/lval.js","../src/parser/expression.js","../src/parser/statement.js","../src/util/class-scope.js","../src/parser/index.js","../src/index.js"],"sourcesContent":["// @flow\n\n// ## Token types\n\n// The assignment of fine-grained, information-carrying type objects\n// allows the tokenizer to store the information it has about a\n// token in a way that is very cheap for the parser to look up.\n\n// All token type variables start with an underscore, to make them\n// easy to recognize.\n\n// The `beforeExpr` property is used to disambiguate between regular\n// expressions and divisions. It is set on all token types that can\n// be followed by an expression (thus, a slash after them would be a\n// regular expression).\n\n// The `startsExpr` property is used to determine whether an expression\n// may be the “argument” subexpression of a `yield` expression or\n// `yield` statement. It is set on all token types that may be at the\n// start of a subexpression.\n\n// `isLoop` marks a keyword as starting a loop, which is important\n// to know when parsing a label, in order to allow or disallow\n// continue jumps to that label.\n\nconst beforeExpr = true;\nconst startsExpr = true;\nconst isLoop = true;\nconst isAssign = true;\nconst prefix = true;\nconst postfix = true;\n\ntype TokenOptions = {\n keyword?: string,\n beforeExpr?: boolean,\n startsExpr?: boolean,\n rightAssociative?: boolean,\n isLoop?: boolean,\n isAssign?: boolean,\n prefix?: boolean,\n postfix?: boolean,\n binop?: ?number,\n};\n\nexport class TokenType {\n label: string;\n keyword: ?string;\n beforeExpr: boolean;\n startsExpr: boolean;\n rightAssociative: boolean;\n isLoop: boolean;\n isAssign: boolean;\n prefix: boolean;\n postfix: boolean;\n binop: ?number;\n updateContext: ?(prevType: TokenType) => void;\n\n constructor(label: string, conf: TokenOptions = {}) {\n this.label = label;\n this.keyword = conf.keyword;\n this.beforeExpr = !!conf.beforeExpr;\n this.startsExpr = !!conf.startsExpr;\n this.rightAssociative = !!conf.rightAssociative;\n this.isLoop = !!conf.isLoop;\n this.isAssign = !!conf.isAssign;\n this.prefix = !!conf.prefix;\n this.postfix = !!conf.postfix;\n this.binop = conf.binop != null ? conf.binop : null;\n this.updateContext = null;\n }\n}\n\nexport const keywords = new Map<string, TokenType>();\n\nfunction createKeyword(name: string, options: TokenOptions = {}): TokenType {\n options.keyword = name;\n const token = new TokenType(name, options);\n keywords.set(name, token);\n return token;\n}\n\nfunction createBinop(name: string, binop: number) {\n return new TokenType(name, { beforeExpr, binop });\n}\n\nexport const types: { [name: string]: TokenType } = {\n num: new TokenType(\"num\", { startsExpr }),\n bigint: new TokenType(\"bigint\", { startsExpr }),\n regexp: new TokenType(\"regexp\", { startsExpr }),\n string: new TokenType(\"string\", { startsExpr }),\n name: new TokenType(\"name\", { startsExpr }),\n eof: new TokenType(\"eof\"),\n\n // Punctuation token types.\n bracketL: new TokenType(\"[\", { beforeExpr, startsExpr }),\n bracketHashL: new TokenType(\"#[\", { beforeExpr, startsExpr }),\n bracketBar