2020-03-31 20:42:07 +08:00
"use strict" ;
var _ _assign = ( this && this . _ _assign ) || function ( ) {
_ _assign = Object . assign || function ( t ) {
for ( var s , i = 1 , n = arguments . length ; i < n ; i ++ ) {
s = arguments [ i ] ;
for ( var p in s ) if ( Object . prototype . hasOwnProperty . call ( s , p ) )
t [ p ] = s [ p ] ;
return t ;
} ;
return _ _assign . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
} ;
var _a ;
Object . defineProperty ( exports , "__esModule" , { value : true } ) ;
var bs _logger _1 = require ( "bs-logger" ) ;
var messages _1 = require ( "./messages" ) ;
var context = ( _a = { } , _a [ bs _logger _1 . LogContexts . namespace ] = 'backports' , _a ) ;
exports . backportJestConfig = function ( logger , config ) {
logger . debug ( _ _assign ( _ _assign ( { } , context ) , { config : config } ) , 'backporting config' ) ;
var _a = ( config || { } ) . globals , globals = _a === void 0 ? { } : _a ;
var _b = globals [ "ts-jest" ] , tsJest = _b === void 0 ? { } : _b ;
var mergeTsJest = { } ;
var hadWarnings = false ;
var warnConfig = function ( oldPath , newPath , note ) {
hadWarnings = true ;
logger . warn ( context , messages _1 . interpolate ( note ? "\"[jest-config].{{oldPath}}\" is deprecated, use \"[jest-config].{{newPath}}\" instead.\n \u21B3 {{note}}" : "\"[jest-config].{{oldPath}}\" is deprecated, use \"[jest-config].{{newPath}}\" instead." , {
oldPath : oldPath ,
newPath : newPath ,
note : note ,
} ) ) ;
} ;
if ( '__TS_CONFIG__' in globals ) {
warnConfig ( 'globals.__TS_CONFIG__' , 'globals.ts-jest.tsConfig' ) ;
if ( typeof globals . _ _TS _CONFIG _ _ === 'object' ) {
mergeTsJest . tsConfig = globals . _ _TS _CONFIG _ _ ;
delete globals . _ _TS _CONFIG _ _ ;
if ( '__TRANSFORM_HTML__' in globals ) {
warnConfig ( 'globals.__TRANSFORM_HTML__' , 'globals.ts-jest.stringifyContentPathRegex' ) ;
if ( globals . _ _TRANSFORM _HTML _ _ ) {
mergeTsJest . stringifyContentPathRegex = '\\.html?$' ;
delete globals . _ _TRANSFORM _HTML _ _ ;
if ( 'typeCheck' in tsJest ) {
warnConfig ( 'globals.ts-jest.typeCheck' , 'globals.ts-jest.isolatedModules' ) ;
mergeTsJest . isolatedModules = ! tsJest . typeCheck ;
delete tsJest . typeCheck ;
if ( 'tsConfigFile' in tsJest ) {
warnConfig ( 'globals.ts-jest.tsConfigFile' , 'globals.ts-jest.tsConfig' ) ;
if ( tsJest . tsConfigFile ) {
mergeTsJest . tsConfig = tsJest . tsConfigFile ;
delete tsJest . tsConfigFile ;
if ( 'enableTsDiagnostics' in tsJest ) {
warnConfig ( 'globals.ts-jest.enableTsDiagnostics' , 'globals.ts-jest.diagnostics' ) ;
if ( tsJest . enableTsDiagnostics ) {
mergeTsJest . diagnostics = { warnOnly : true } ;
if ( typeof tsJest . enableTsDiagnostics === 'string' )
mergeTsJest . diagnostics . pathRegex = tsJest . enableTsDiagnostics ;
else {
mergeTsJest . diagnostics = false ;
delete tsJest . enableTsDiagnostics ;
if ( 'useBabelrc' in tsJest ) {
warnConfig ( 'globals.ts-jest.useBabelrc' , 'globals.ts-jest.babelConfig' , "See `babel-jest` related issue: https://github.com/facebook/jest/issues/3845" ) ;
if ( tsJest . useBabelrc != null ) {
mergeTsJest . babelConfig = tsJest . useBabelrc ? true : { } ;
delete tsJest . useBabelrc ;
if ( 'skipBabel' in tsJest ) {
warnConfig ( 'globals.ts-jest.skipBabel' , 'globals.ts-jest.babelConfig' ) ;
if ( tsJest . skipBabel === false && ! mergeTsJest . babelConfig ) {
mergeTsJest . babelConfig = true ;
delete tsJest . skipBabel ;
if ( hadWarnings ) {
logger . warn ( context , "Your Jest configuration is outdated. Use the CLI to help migrating it: ts-jest config:migrate <config-file>." ) ;
return _ _assign ( _ _assign ( { } , config ) , { globals : _ _assign ( _ _assign ( { } , globals ) , { 'ts-jest' : _ _assign ( _ _assign ( { } , mergeTsJest ) , tsJest ) } ) } ) ;
} ;
exports . backportTsJestDebugEnvVar = function ( logger ) {
if ( 'TS_JEST_DEBUG' in process . env ) {
var shouldLog = ! /^\s*(?:0|f(?:alse)?|no?|disabled?|off|)\s*$/i . test ( process . env . TS _JEST _DEBUG || '' ) ;
delete process . env . TS _JEST _DEBUG ;
if ( shouldLog ) {
2020-05-15 05:33:08 +08:00
process . env . TS _JEST _LOG = 'ts-jest.log,stderr:warn' ;
2020-03-31 20:42:07 +08:00
logger . warn ( context , messages _1 . interpolate ( "Using env. var \"{{old}}\" is deprecated, use \"{{new}}\" instead." , {
old : 'TS_JEST_DEBUG' ,
new : 'TS_JEST_LOG' ,
} ) ) ;
} ;