2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
import tomllib
2023-12-19 00:10:34 +08:00
from typing import Dict, Any, List, Tuple
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
2023-12-20 23:29:54 +08:00
import aiohttp
2023-12-20 02:56:34 +08:00
import casbin
2023-12-20 04:52:01 +08:00
from casbin_tortoise_adapter import TortoiseAdapter
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
from nacl.signing import SigningKey
from sanic import Sanic, Request
from sanic.log import logger, Colors
2023-12-18 22:47:18 +08:00
from sanic.response import text
2023-12-20 20:47:07 +08:00
from socketio import AsyncClient
2023-12-19 02:49:04 +08:00
from tortoise.contrib.sanic import register_tortoise
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
2023-12-20 20:47:07 +08:00
import cmds
2023-12-18 22:47:18 +08:00
from gitea_model import WebHookIssueComment, WebHookIssue, GiteaEvent
2023-12-20 23:29:54 +08:00
from models import User, GiteaUser
2023-12-20 02:56:34 +08:00
from sio_model import Ctx, SioConfig, Message
2023-12-20 04:52:01 +08:00
from unit import sio_log_format, int2str, cas_log_fmt
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
app = Sanic('GiteaPush', ctx=Ctx)
def get_config() -> SioConfig:
with open('config.toml', 'rb') as f:
config = tomllib.load(f)
2023-12-19 01:05:14 +08:00
return SioConfig(**config)
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
2023-12-19 02:49:04 +08:00
SIO_CONFIG = get_config()
2023-12-20 04:52:01 +08:00
app, db_url=SIO_CONFIG.db_url, modules={"models": ["models", "casbin_tortoise_adapter"]}, generate_schemas=True
2023-12-19 02:49:04 +08:00
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
async def setup_before_start(_app):
2023-12-19 02:49:04 +08:00
_app.ctx.sio_config = SIO_CONFIG
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
2023-12-20 02:56:34 +08:00
# 使用casbin策略管理
2023-12-20 04:52:01 +08:00
adapter = TortoiseAdapter()
e = casbin.AsyncEnforcer('./casbin_data/model.conf', adapter)
2023-12-20 02:56:34 +08:00
_app.ctx.e = e
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
2023-12-20 04:52:01 +08:00
t1 = await _app.ctx.e.add_policy('admin', '*')
t2 = await _app.ctx.e.add_policy('default', 'ping')
if t1 is True and t2 is True:
logger.info(cas_log_fmt('Init casbin rule success!'))
2023-12-20 02:56:34 +08:00
admins = int2str(_app.ctx.sio_config.admin)
for qid in admins:
2023-12-20 04:52:01 +08:00
if await _app.ctx.e.add_role_for_user(qid, 'admin'):
logger.debug(cas_log_fmt(f'Added {Colors.PURPLE}{qid}{Colors.YELLOW} to admin group'))
users = await _app.ctx.e.get_users_for_role('admin')
2023-12-20 02:56:34 +08:00
rm_user = set(users) ^ set(admins)
for u in list(rm_user):
2023-12-20 04:52:01 +08:00
if await _app.ctx.e.delete_user(u):
logger.debug(f'Delete {Colors.PURPLE}{u}{Colors.YELLOW} for group admin')
await _app.ctx.e.save_policy()
2023-12-20 02:56:34 +08:00
# 初始化sio
2023-12-20 20:47:07 +08:00
_app.ctx.sio = AsyncClient()
await _app.ctx.sio.connect(_app.ctx.sio_config.host)
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
2023-12-21 02:49:07 +08:00
async def push_webhook2users(_app: Sanic, full_name: str, msg: str):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
url = f'{app.ctx.sio_config.gitea_host}/api/v1/repos/{full_name}/subscribers?page=&limit='
async with session.get(url) as rps:
if rps.status == 200:
json = await rps.json()
q_user = set()
for g_user in json:
g_user = await GiteaUser.filter(id=g_user['id']).get_or_none()
if g_user:
_q_user = await g_user.qid.get()
for i in q_user:
message = Message(content=msg, room_id=i)
await app.ctx.sio.emit('sendMessage', message.to_json())
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
async def receive(rqt: Request):
2023-12-18 22:47:18 +08:00
match (rqt.headers['X-Gitea-Event']):
case GiteaEvent.issues.value:
data = WebHookIssue(**rqt.json)
2023-12-21 00:21:41 +08:00
rsp_sender = f"{data.sender.username}"
2023-12-18 22:47:18 +08:00
rsp_title = f"[{data.repository.full_name}][{data.action}] {data.issue.title} (Issue #{data.issue.id})"
rsp_ctx = f"{data.issue.body}"
rsp_link = f"View it: {data.issue.html_url}"
cancel_subscribe = f"unsubscribe: {data.repository.html_url}"
2023-12-21 00:21:41 +08:00
rsp = f"{rsp_sender}\n{rsp_title}\n------\n{rsp_ctx}\n------\n{rsp_link}\n{cancel_subscribe}"
2023-12-18 22:47:18 +08:00
case GiteaEvent.issue_comment.value:
data = WebHookIssueComment(**rqt.json)
2023-12-21 00:21:41 +08:00
rsp_sender = f"{data.sender.username}"
2023-12-18 22:47:18 +08:00
rsp_title = f"Re:[{data.repository.full_name}][{data.action}] {data.issue.title} (Issue #{data.issue.id})"
rsp_ctx = f"{data.comment.body}"
rsp_link = f"View it: {data.comment.html_url}"
cancel_subscribe = f"unsubscribe: {data.repository.html_url}"
2023-12-21 00:21:41 +08:00
rsp = f"{rsp_sender}\n{rsp_title}\n------\n{rsp_ctx}\n------\n{rsp_link}\n{cancel_subscribe}"
2023-12-18 22:47:18 +08:00
case _:
2023-12-21 02:49:07 +08:00
data = None
2023-12-18 22:47:18 +08:00
rsp = "Unknown webhook type! Please contact the administrator."
2023-12-21 02:49:07 +08:00
if data:
rqt.app.add_task(push_webhook2users(app, data.repository.full_name, rsp))
2023-12-18 22:47:18 +08:00
return text(rsp)
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
2023-12-20 23:29:54 +08:00
async def get_gitea_token(_app, form: dict, q_user: User):
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
url = f'{app.ctx.sio_config.gitea_host}/login/oauth/access_token'
async with session.post(url, data=form) as rps:
if rps.status == 200:
json = await rps.json()
act = json['access_token']
rft = json['refresh_token']
logger.warn(f'Gitea: {rps}')
return f'绑定失败:{await rps.text()}'
url = f'{app.ctx.sio_config.gitea_host}/api/v1/user'
headers = {'Authorization': f'token {act}'}
async with session.get(url, headers=headers) as rps:
if rps.status == 200:
json = await rps.json()
gid = json['id']
login = json['login']
logger.warn(f'Gitea: {rps}')
return f'绑定失败:{await rps.text()}'
g_user = await GiteaUser.filter(id=gid).get_or_none()
if g_user:
g_user.id = gid
g_user.name = login
g_user.qid = q_user
g_user.ac_tk = act
g_user.rfs_tk = rft
await g_user.save()
await GiteaUser(id=gid, name=login, qid=q_user, ac_tk=act, rfs_tk=rft).save()
return f'绑定成功:QQ:{q_user.name}, Gitea:{login}'
2023-12-18 23:46:25 +08:00
async def redirect(rqt: Request):
2023-12-20 23:29:54 +08:00
rqt_state = rqt.args.get('state')
code = rqt.args.get('code')
if rqt_state is None or code is None:
return text(f'返回信息错误:{rqt.args}')
q_user = await User.filter(state=rqt_state).get_or_none()
if q_user is None:
2023-12-21 00:17:39 +08:00
return text('请先从QQ处申请绑定')
2023-12-20 23:29:54 +08:00
2023-12-21 00:14:39 +08:00
msg = Message(content='已在绑定中,可能因为意外而失败\n查询结果使用\n/gitea -ust', room_id=q_user.id)
2023-12-20 23:29:54 +08:00
await app.ctx.sio.emit('sendMessage', msg.to_json())
2023-12-21 00:14:39 +08:00
rqt.app.add_task(get_gitea_token(app, {'client_id': app.ctx.sio_config.client_id,
'client_secret': app.ctx.sio_config.client_secret,
'code': code,
'grant_type': 'authorization_code',
'redirect_uri': f'{app.ctx.sio_config.localhost}/redirect'},
q_user), name=str(q_user.id))
2023-12-20 23:29:54 +08:00
2023-12-18 23:46:25 +08:00
return text('success')
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
def start_sio_listener():
def connect():
logger.info(f'{Colors.GREEN}icalingua 已连接{Colors.END}')
async def require_auth(salt: str, versions: Dict[str, str]):
f"{Colors.BLUE}versions: {Colors.PURPLE}{versions} {Colors.BLUE}with type {type(salt)}|{salt=}{Colors.END}")
# 准备数据
2023-12-19 01:05:14 +08:00
sign = SigningKey(bytes.fromhex(app.ctx.sio_config.key))
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
signature = sign.sign(bytes.fromhex(salt))
# 发送数据
logger.info(f"{len(signature.signature)=} {type(signature.signature)=}{Colors.END}")
await app.ctx.sio.emit('auth', signature.signature)
logger.info(f"{Colors.BLUE}send auth emit{Colors.END}")
2023-12-18 23:21:41 +08:00
async def auth(data: Dict[str, Any]):
logger.info(f"auth: {data}")
async def auth_failed():
await app.ctx.sio.disconnect()
def auth_succeed():
def connect_error(*args, **kwargs):
logger.warn(f"连接错误 {args}, {kwargs}")
def update_room(data: Dict[str, Any]):
2023-12-19 00:14:14 +08:00
logger.debug(sio_log_format('update_room:', data))
2023-12-18 23:21:41 +08:00
2023-12-19 00:10:34 +08:00
def delete_message(message_id: str):
logger.debug(sio_log_format('delete_message:', message_id))
def set_messages(data: Dict[str, Any]):
logger.debug(f"{sio_log_format('set_messages:', data)}"
f"{sio_log_format('message_len:', len(data['messages']))}")
def set_all_rooms(rooms: List[Dict[str, Any]]):
logger.debug(f"{sio_log_format('set_all_rooms:', rooms)}"
f"{sio_log_format('len:', len(rooms))}")
def set_all_chat_groups(groups: List[Dict[str, Any]]):
logger.debug(f"{sio_log_format('set_all_chat_groups:', groups)}"
f"{sio_log_format('len:', len(groups))}")
def notify(data: List[Tuple[str, Any]]):
logger.debug(sio_log_format('notify:', data))
def close_loading(_):
logger.debug(sio_log_format('close_loading', ''))
def online_data(data: Dict[str, Any]):
logger.debug(sio_log_format('online_data:', data))
def catch_all(event, data):
logger.debug(sio_log_format('catch_all:', f'{event}|{data}'))
2023-12-19 00:48:03 +08:00
async def add_message(data: Dict[str, Any]):
2023-12-20 20:47:07 +08:00
sio_decorator = cmds.cmds(app, data)
2023-12-21 00:59:47 +08:00
await sio_decorator.route2cmd_and_run()
except IndexError:
# 处理非文本消息
2023-12-20 20:47:07 +08:00
2023-12-18 19:37:29 +08:00
if __name__ == "__main__":
app.run(host='', port=80, dev=True)