# lib-not-dr A python lib came from [Difficult Rocket](https://github.com/shenjackyuanjie/Difficult-Rocket) development 一个在 [Difficult Rocket](https://github.com/shenjackyuanjie/Difficult-Rocket) 开发中 分离出来的 python 库 ## Information/信息 - Version / 版本: 0.3.0-rc.1 - Author / 作者: shenjackyuanjie <3695888@qq.com> > [shenjackyuanjie](https://github.com/shenjackyuanjie) > [更新日志|Change Log](docs/change_log.md) ### License/许可证 [MPL-2.0](https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/MPL/2.0/) ## 安装/Install ```bash title="install.sh" pip install lib-not-dr pip install lib-not-dr[nuitka] # install with nuitka support ``` ## 发布计划 / Release Plan > [文档/Docs](/docs/release-plan/summary.md) ## 使用/Usage ### Logger > WIP > 等待 0.3.0 ```python title="logger.py" from lib_not_dr.logger.logger import Logger logger = Logger.get_logger_by_name("test") logger.fine('Hello World!') logger.debug('Hello World!') logger.trace('Hello tracing!') logger.info('Hello World!') # info! logger.warn('warnnnnnnn') logger.error('Hello World!') logger.fatal('good bye world') # tag logger.info('this message if from tag', tag='test') logger.debug('this debug log if from admin', tag='admin') # end logger.debug('and this message ends with none', end=' ') logger.trace('so this message will be in the same line', tag='same line!') ``` ### Nuitka pyproject paser > `pyproject.toml` 内的配置 > Config in `pyproject.toml` ```toml title="pyproject.toml" [tool.lndl.nuitka.cli] main = "main.py" # --main=main.py standalone = true onefile = false ``` > 通过 `lndl_nuitka` 命令行工具使用 > Use with `lndl_nuitka` command line tool ```bash lndl_nuitka . lndl_nuitka . -- --onefile # add --onefile to nuitka lndl_nuitka . -y # run without confirmation lndl_nuitka . -n # do not run ``` > 通过 `lib_not_dr.nuitka.reader` 模块使用 > Use with `lib_not_dr.nuitka.reader` ```python from tomli import loads from lib_not_dr.nuitka.reader import main, run_nuitka pyproject_toml = loads(open("pyproject.toml", "r").read()) nuitka_config = pyproject_toml["tool"]["lndl"]["nuitka"] nuitka_config["product_version"] = "0.1.0" command = main(nuitka_config) run_nuitka(command) ``` ### Nuitka Compiler Helper #### Warning/警告 ::: warning > 已经弃用 Deprecated > 请改用 lndl_nuitka / python -m lndl_nuitka ::: > simple example > 简单示例 ```python title="simple_nuitka.py" import subprocess from pathlib import Path from lib_not_dr.nuitka.compile import CompilerHelper compiler = CompilerHelper(src_file = Path("main.py")) print(compiler) subprocess.run(compiler.gen_subprocess_cmd()) ``` > more complex example > 复杂示例 ```python title="complex_nuitka.py" import sys import subprocess from pathlib import Path from lib_not_dr.nuitka.compile import CompilerHelper compiler = CompilerHelper(src_file = Path("main.py"), run_after_build=True) print(compiler) if '-y' in sys.argv or '--yes' in sys.argv: do_run = True elif '-n' in sys.argv or '--no' in sys.argv: do_run = False else: # do_run is None while (do_run := input("compile? [y/n]").lower()) not in ["y", "n", "yes", "no"]: pass # 获取用户输入是否编译 # get user confirmation to compile or not do_run = True if do_run[0] == "y" else False if do_run: subprocess.run(compiler.gen_subprocess_cmd()) ```