[build skip] add delete task and try upload [build skip] key error fix [build skip] key error? not use secret Update dsm.py Update dsm.py Update dsm.py Update dsm.py Update dsm.py Update dsm.py Update dsm.py [build skip] try use better 一些奇怪东西 update with md5_check Update page.yml Update page.yml try build fix: last md5 detect use local one add more mdbook extention reformat and add more add cmd run i18n not 18n try use local build mdbook Update page.yml try with openai Update page.yml Update page.yml Update page.yml Update page.yml Update page.yml Update page.yml Update dsm.py Update dsm.py Update dsm.py Update dsm.py Update dsm.py Update dsm.py Update dsm.py Update dsm.py try new one use custom TEMP use new path 逝逝 page toc later add back debug print try to add back pagetoc try to use pagetoc-0.1.7 [build skip] just upload the theme folder~ [build skip] get plant UML [build skip] add log out for dsm.py [build skip] clean up useless "f"
359 lines
15 KiB
359 lines
15 KiB
# -------------------------------
# Difficult Rocket
# Copyright © 2020-2023 by shenjackyuanjie 3695888@qq.com
# All rights reserved
# -------------------------------
import time
import contextlib
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Dict, Optional, Generator
# third party package
from defusedxml.ElementTree import parse
# pyglet
from pyglet.math import Vec4
from pyglet.text import Label
from pyglet.shapes import Line
from pyglet.sprite import Sprite
from pyglet.graphics import Batch, Group
# Difficult Rocket
from Difficult_Rocket import DR_option
from Difficult_Rocket.api.types import Fonts, Options
from Difficult_Rocket.command.line import CommandText
from Difficult_Rocket.client.screen import BaseScreen
from Difficult_Rocket.api.types.SR1 import SR1Textures, SR1PartTexture, SR1PartData, SR1Rotation, xml_bool
from Difficult_Rocket.client import ClientWindow
if DR_option.use_DR_rust:
from libs.Difficult_Rocket_rs import PartDatas, CenterCamera_rs
def get_sr1_part(part_xml: Element) -> Optional[SR1PartData]:
if part_xml.tag != 'Part':
return None
# print(f"tag: {part.tag} attrib: {part.attrib}")
part_id = int(part_xml.attrib.get('id'))
part_type = part_xml.attrib.get('partType')
part_x = float(part_xml.attrib.get('x'))
part_y = float(part_xml.attrib.get('y'))
part_activate = xml_bool(part_xml.attrib.get('activated'))
part_angle = float(part_xml.attrib.get('angle'))
part_angle_v = float(part_xml.attrib.get('angleV'))
part_editor_angle = int(part_xml.attrib.get('editorAngle'))
part_flip_x = xml_bool(part_xml.attrib.get('flippedX'))
part_flip_y = xml_bool(part_xml.attrib.get('flippedY'))
part_explode = xml_bool(part_xml.attrib.get('exploded'))
if part_type not in SR1PartTexture.part_type_sprite:
part_textures = None
part_textures = SR1PartTexture.get_textures_from_type(part_type)
# print(f'id: {part_id:<4} type: {part_type:<10} x: {part_x} y: {part_y} activated: {part_activate} '
# f'angle: {part_angle} angle_v: {part_angle_v} editor_angle: {part_editor_angle} '
# f'flip_x: {part_flip_x} flip_y: {part_flip_y} explode: {part_explode} '
# f'textures: {SR1PartTexture.get_textures_from_type(part_type)}')
return SR1PartData(x=part_x, y=part_y, id=part_id, p_type=part_type,
active=part_activate, angle=part_angle, angle_v=part_angle_v,
editor_angle=part_editor_angle, flip_x=part_flip_x,
flip_y=part_flip_y, explode=part_explode, textures=part_textures)
class _SR1ShipRender_Option(Options):
# debug option
debug_d_pos: bool = False
debug_mouse_pos: bool = False
debug_mouse_d_pos: bool = False
SR1ShipRender_Option = _SR1ShipRender_Option()
class SR1ShipRender(BaseScreen):
"""用于渲染 sr1 船的类"""
def __init__(self,
main_window: "ClientWindow"):
self.rendered = False
self.focus = True
self.need_draw = False
self.drawing = False
self.gen_draw: Optional[Generator] = None
self.need_update_parts = False
self.dx = 0
self.dy = 0
self.debug_line = Line(main_window.width / 2, main_window.height / 2,
main_window.width / 2, main_window.height / 2,
width=3, color=(200, 10, 200, 255))
self.debug_line.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_d_pos
self.debug_mouse_line = Line(main_window.width / 2, main_window.height / 2,
main_window.width / 2, main_window.height / 2,
width=3, color=(10, 200, 200, 255))
self.debug_mouse_line.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos
self.debug_mouse_delta_line = Line(main_window.width / 2, main_window.height / 2,
main_window.width / 2, main_window.height / 2,
width=2, color=(200, 200, 10, 255))
self.debug_mouse_delta_line.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_d_pos
self.debug_d_pos_label = Label('debug label NODATA', font_name=Fonts.微软等宽无线,
x=main_window.width / 2, y=main_window.height / 2)
self.debug_d_pos_label.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_d_pos
self.debug_mouse_label = Label('debug mouse_label NODATA', font_name=Fonts.微软等宽无线,
x=main_window.width / 2, y=main_window.height / 2)
self.debug_mouse_label.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos
self.textures: Union[SR1Textures, None] = None
self.xml_doc: ElementTree = parse('configs/dock1.xml')
self.xml_root: ElementTree.Element = self.xml_doc.getroot()
self.part_batch = Batch()
self.part_group = Group()
self.debug_label = Label(x=20, y=main_window.height - 20, font_size=DR_option.std_font_size,
text='SR1 render!', font_name=Fonts.微软等宽无线,
width=main_window.width - 20, height=20,
anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top')
self.part_data: Dict[int, SR1PartData] = {}
self.parts_sprite: Dict[int, Sprite] = {}
if DR_option.use_DR_rust:
self.camera_rs = CenterCamera_rs(main_window,
min_zoom=(1 / 2) ** 10, max_zoom=10)
self.rust_parts = None
def load_xml(self, file_path: str) -> bool:
cache_doc = parse(file_path)
self.xml_doc = cache_doc
self.xml_root = self.xml_doc.getroot()
return True
except Exception as e:
return False
def load_textures(self):
self.textures = SR1Textures()
def gen_sprite(self, part_datas: Dict[int, SR1PartData], each_count: int = 100) -> Generator:
count = 0
self.drawing = True
for part_id, part in part_datas.items():
# 下面就是调用 pyglet 去渲染的部分
# render_scale = DR_option.gui_scale # 这个是 DR 的缩放比例 可以调节的(
# 主要是 Windows 下有一个缩放系数嘛,我待会试试这玩意能不能获取(估计得 ctypes
# 在不缩放的情况下,XML的1个单位长度对应60个像素
render_x = part.x * 60
render_y = part.y * 60
# 你就这里改吧
cache_sprite = Sprite(img=self.textures.get_texture(part.textures),
x=render_x, y=render_y,
batch=self.part_batch, group=self.part_group)
# 你得帮我换算一下 XML 里的 x y 和这里的屏幕像素的关系(OK
# 旋转啥的不是大问题, 我找你要那个渲染代码就是要 x y 的换算逻辑
cache_sprite.rotation = SR1Rotation.get_rotation(part.angle)
if part.flip_x:
cache_sprite.scale_x = -1 # 就是直接取反缩放,应该没问题····吧?(待会试试就知道了
if part.flip_y:
cache_sprite.scale_y = -1
cache_sprite.x = cache_sprite.x - cache_sprite.scale_x / 2
cache_sprite.y = cache_sprite.y - cache_sprite.scale_y / 2
self.parts_sprite[part.id] = cache_sprite
# if not part_render: # 如果不渲染(渲染有毛病)
# self.parts_sprite[part.id].visible = False
count += 1
if count >= each_count:
count = 0
yield each_count
self.drawing = False
raise GeneratorExit
def render_ship(self):
if self.textures is None:
start_time = time.perf_counter_ns()
self.part_data: Dict[int, SR1PartData] = {}
self.parts_sprite: Dict[int, Sprite] = {}
self.camera_rs.zoom = 1.0
if DR_option.use_DR_rust:
self.camera_rs.dx = 0
self.camera_rs.dy = 0
parts = self.xml_root.find('Parts')
for part_xml in parts:
if part_xml.tag != 'Part':
continue # 如果不是部件,则跳过
# print(f"tag: {part.tag} attrib: {part.attrib}")
part = get_sr1_part(part_xml)
if part.id in self.part_data:
print(f'hey! warning! id{part.id}')
self.part_data[part.id] = part
# 调用生成器 减少卡顿
self.gen_draw = self.gen_sprite(self.part_data)
except GeneratorExit:
self.drawing = False
self.need_draw = False
if DR_option.use_DR_rust:
self.rust_parts = PartDatas(self.part_data)
# print(self.rust_parts.get_rust_pointer())
print(time.perf_counter_ns() - start_time)
self.rendered = True
def update_parts(self) -> bool:
if not self.rendered:
return False
self.debug_line.x2, self.debug_line.y2 = self.camera_rs.dx + (
self.window_pointer.width / 2), self.camera_rs.dy + (
self.window_pointer.height / 2)
self.debug_d_pos_label.text = f'x: {self.camera_rs.dx} y: {self.camera_rs.dy}'
self.debug_d_pos_label.position = self.camera_rs.dx + (self.window_pointer.width / 2), self.camera_rs.dy + (
self.window_pointer.height / 2) + 10, 0
self.need_update_parts = False
def on_draw(self):
if self.need_draw:
if self.drawing:
with contextlib.suppress(GeneratorExit):
if self.need_update_parts:
self.need_update_parts = False
with self.camera_rs:
if SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_d_pos:
if SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos:
if SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_d_pos:
def on_resize(self, width: int, height: int):
if not self.rendered:
self.debug_line.x = width / 2
self.debug_line.y = height / 2
self.debug_mouse_line.x = width / 2
self.debug_mouse_line.y = height / 2
self.debug_mouse_delta_line.x = width / 2
self.debug_mouse_delta_line.y = height / 2
def on_mouse_scroll(self, x: int, y: int, scroll_x: int, scroll_y: int):
if not self.rendered:
mouse_dx = x - (self.window_pointer.width / 2)
mouse_dy = y - (self.window_pointer.height / 2)
# 鼠标缩放位置相对于屏幕中心的位置
mouse_dx_d = mouse_dx - self.camera_rs.dx
mouse_dy_d = mouse_dy - self.camera_rs.dy
# 鼠标相对偏移量的偏移量
if scroll_y == 0:
zoom_d = 1
zoom_d = ((2 ** scroll_y) - 1) * 0.5 + 1
# 缩放的变换量
if self.camera_rs.zoom == 10:
if scroll_y < 0:
self.camera_rs.zoom *= zoom_d
self.camera_rs.dx += mouse_dx_d * 0.5
self.camera_rs.dy += mouse_dy_d * 0.5
mouse_dx_d *= (1 - zoom_d)
mouse_dy_d *= (1 - zoom_d)
self.camera_rs.zoom *= zoom_d
if self.camera_rs.zoom * zoom_d >= 10:
self.camera_rs.zoom = 10
self.camera_rs.dx += mouse_dx_d
self.camera_rs.dy += mouse_dy_d
self.debug_mouse_line.x2, self.debug_mouse_line.y2 = x, y
self.debug_mouse_delta_line.x2 = (mouse_dx - self.camera_rs.dx) * (1 - (0.5 ** scroll_y)) + (
self.window_pointer.width / 2)
self.debug_mouse_delta_line.y2 = (mouse_dy - self.camera_rs.dy) * (1 - (0.5 ** scroll_y)) + (
self.window_pointer.height / 2)
self.debug_mouse_label.text = f'x: {mouse_dx} y: {mouse_dy}'
self.debug_mouse_label.position = x, y + 10, 0
self.need_update_parts = True
# self.update_parts()
def on_command(self, command: CommandText):
if command.re_match('render'):
if command.re_match('reset'):
self.camera_rs.zoom = 1
self.camera_rs.dx = 0
self.camera_rs.dy = 0
self.window_pointer.view = Vec4()
self.need_draw = True
elif command.re_match('debug'):
print('sr ?')
if command.re_match('delta'):
SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_d_pos = not SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_d_pos
self.debug_line.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_d_pos
self.debug_d_pos_label.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_d_pos
# print('sr1 delta')
elif command.re_match('mouse'):
if command.re_match('delta'):
SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos = not SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos
self.debug_mouse_line.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos
self.debug_mouse_label.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos
# print('sr1 mouse delta')
SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_d_pos = not SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_d_pos
self.debug_mouse_delta_line.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_d_pos
# print('sr1 mouse')
elif command.re_match('get_buf'):
def screenshot(window):
from libs.pyglet.gl import GLubyte, GLint, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, \
# from libs.pyglet.gl.gl_compat import GL_AUX_BUFFERS, GL_AUX0
import pyglet
width = window.width
height = window.height
format_str = "RGBA"
buffer_count = GLint(0)
# glGetIntegerv(GL_AUX_BUFFERS, buffer_count)
buf = (GLubyte * (len(format_str) * width * height))()
glReadPixels(0, 0, width, height, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, buf)
# print(buf)
return pyglet.image.ImageData(width, height, format_str, buf)
image_data = screenshot(self.window_pointer)
def on_mouse_drag(self, x: int, y: int, dx: int, dy: int, buttons: int, modifiers: int):
if not self.focus:
self.camera_rs.dx += dx
self.camera_rs.dy += dy
self.need_update_parts = True
# self.update_parts()
def on_file_drop(self, x: int, y: int, paths: List[str]):
for path in paths:
if self.load_xml(path): # 加载成功一个就停下
if __name__ == '__main__':
from objprint import op