readme update 看起来更像 Dear ImGui 一些(looks more like Dear ImGui and some intersting feature to the button remove debug 确认一下action 404 修改 writing theme looks good better? a ? alpha=255 not 256 looks better try new pyglet first 看起来好一些 sync pyglet 水一手 这波必须得水一手了,要不然commit太少了(确信 丢点正经东西上去 顺手继承一下Options 补充docs 坏了,忘记水commit了( 至少我能早睡了( 这里还能水一点来着( 试试再说 reee 保证能跑( 同步lib not dr 的修改 忘记带上 None了 还是加上一个额外的判断参数吧 刷点commit也不错 先更新一下依赖版本 水commit啦 理论可行,实践开始! 构建参数喜加一 reeeee 更新一下 pyproject 的依赖 fix typing looks better 水一个( 测试? sync pyglet to master A | Try use rust-cache looks good? what? C | sync pyglet A | 添加了一个 Button Draw Theme A | Magic Number (确信) A | 尽量不继承Options sync pyglet A | Add theme A | Add more Theme information Enhance | Theme sync pyglet Add | add unifont Enhance | use os.walk in font loading Enhance | Use i18n in font loading Enhance | doc sync pyglet Add | add 3.12 build option to build_rs Fix | Button position have a z sync pyglet A | 启动! sync pyglet Changed | Bump pyo3 to 0.20.0 add update logger! Add | more logger! Add | lib-not-dr some lib-not-dr
386 lines
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386 lines
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"""pyglet is a cross-platform games and multimedia package.
More information is available at
import os
import sys
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
#: The release version
version = '2.0.10'
__version__ = version
MIN_PYTHON_VERSION_STR = '.'.join([str(v) for v in MIN_PYTHON_VERSION])
if sys.version_info < MIN_PYTHON_VERSION:
raise Exception(f"pyglet {version} requires Python {MIN_PYTHON_VERSION_STR} or newer.")
if 'sphinx' in sys.modules:
setattr(sys, 'is_pyglet_doc_run', True)
_is_pyglet_doc_run = hasattr(sys, "is_pyglet_doc_run") and sys.is_pyglet_doc_run
# pyglet platform treats *BSD systems as Linux
compat_platform = sys.platform
if "bsd" in compat_platform:
compat_platform = "linux-compat"
_enable_optimisations = not __debug__
if getattr(sys, 'frozen', None):
_enable_optimisations = True
#: Global dict of pyglet options.
#: To change an option from its default, you must import
#: ``pyglet`` before any sub-packages. For example::
#: import pyglet
#: pyglet.options['debug_gl'] = False
#: The default options can be overridden from the OS environment. The
#: corresponding environment variable for each option key is prefaced by
#: ``PYGLET_``. For example, in Bash you can set the ``debug_gl`` option with::
#: For options requiring a tuple of values, separate each value with a comma.
#: The non-development options are:
#: audio
#: A :py:class:`~typing.Sequence` of valid audio modules names. They will
#: be tried from first to last until either a driver loads or no entries
#: remain. See :ref:`guide-audio-driver-order` for more information.
#: Valid driver names are:
#: * ``'xaudio2'``, the Windows Xaudio2 audio module (Windows only)
#: * ``'directsound'``, the Windows DirectSound audio module (Windows only)
#: * ``'pulse'``, the :ref:`guide-audio-driver-pulseaudio` module
#: (Linux only, otherwise nearly ubiquitous. Limited features; use
#: ``'openal'`` for more.)
#: * ``'openal'``, the :ref:`guide-audio-driver-openal` audio module
#: (A library may need to be installed on Windows and Linux)
#: * ``'silent'``, no audio
#: debug_lib
#: If True, prints the path of each dynamic library loaded.
#: debug_gl
#: If True, all calls to OpenGL functions are checked afterwards for
#: errors using ``glGetError``. This will severely impact performance,
#: but provides useful exceptions at the point of failure. By default,
#: this option is enabled if ``__debug__`` is (i.e., if Python was not run
#: with the -O option). It is disabled by default when pyglet is "frozen"
#: within a py2exe or py2app library archive.
#: shadow_window
#: By default, pyglet creates a hidden window with a GL context when
#: is imported. This allows resources to be loaded before
#: the application window is created, and permits GL objects to be
#: shared between windows even after they've been closed. You can
#: disable the creation of the shadow window by setting this option to
#: False.
#: Some OpenGL driver implementations may not support shared OpenGL
#: contexts and may require disabling the shadow window (and all resources
#: must be loaded after the window using them was created). Recommended
#: for advanced developers only.
#: .. versionadded:: 1.1
#: vsync
#: If set, the `pyglet.window.Window.vsync` property is ignored, and
#: this option overrides it (to either force vsync on or off). If unset,
#: or set to None, the `pyglet.window.Window.vsync` property behaves
#: as documented.
#: xsync
#: If set (the default), pyglet will attempt to synchronise the drawing of
#: double-buffered windows to the border updates of the X11 window
#: manager. This improves the appearance of the window during resize
#: operations. This option only affects double-buffered windows on
#: X11 servers supporting the Xsync extension with a window manager
#: that implements the _NET_WM_SYNC_REQUEST protocol.
#: .. versionadded:: 1.1
#: search_local_libs
#: If False, pyglet won't try to search for libraries in the script
#: directory and its `lib` subdirectory. This is useful to load a local
#: library instead of the system installed version. This option is set
#: to True by default.
#: .. versionadded:: 1.2
options = {
'audio': ('xaudio2', 'directsound', 'openal', 'pulse', 'silent'),
'debug_font': False,
'debug_gl': not _enable_optimisations,
'debug_gl_trace': False,
'debug_gl_trace_args': False,
'debug_gl_shaders': False,
'debug_graphics_batch': False,
'debug_lib': False,
'debug_media': False,
'debug_texture': False,
'debug_trace': False,
'debug_trace_args': False,
'debug_trace_depth': 1,
'debug_trace_flush': True,
'debug_win32': False,
'debug_input': False,
'debug_x11': False,
'shadow_window': True,
'vsync': None,
'xsync': True,
'xlib_fullscreen_override_redirect': False,
'search_local_libs': True,
'win32_gdi_font': False,
'headless': False,
'headless_device': 0,
'win32_disable_shaping': False,
'dw_legacy_naming': False,
'win32_disable_xinput': False,
'com_mta': False,
'osx_alt_loop': False
_option_types = {
'audio': tuple,
'debug_font': bool,
'debug_gl': bool,
'debug_gl_trace': bool,
'debug_gl_trace_args': bool,
'debug_gl_shaders': bool,
'debug_graphics_batch': bool,
'debug_lib': bool,
'debug_media': bool,
'debug_texture': bool,
'debug_trace': bool,
'debug_trace_args': bool,
'debug_trace_depth': int,
'debug_trace_flush': bool,
'debug_win32': bool,
'debug_input': bool,
'debug_x11': bool,
'shadow_window': bool,
'vsync': bool,
'xsync': bool,
'xlib_fullscreen_override_redirect': bool,
'search_local_libs': bool,
'win32_gdi_font': bool,
'headless': bool,
'headless_device': int,
'win32_disable_shaping': bool,
'dw_legacy_naming': bool,
'win32_disable_xinput': bool,
'com_mta': bool,
'osx_alt_loop': bool,
for key in options:
"""Read defaults for options from environment"""
assert key in _option_types, f"Option '{key}' must have a type set in _option_types."
env = f'PYGLET_{key.upper()}'
value = os.environ[env]
if _option_types[key] is tuple:
options[key] = value.split(',')
elif _option_types[key] is bool:
options[key] = value in ('true', 'TRUE', 'True', '1')
elif _option_types[key] is int:
options[key] = int(value)
except KeyError:
if compat_platform == 'cygwin':
# This hack pretends that the posix-like ctypes provides windows
# functionality. COM does not work with this hack, so there is no
# DirectSound support.
import ctypes
ctypes.windll = ctypes.cdll
ctypes.oledll = ctypes.cdll
ctypes.HRESULT = ctypes.c_long
# Call tracing
# ------------
_trace_filename_abbreviations = {}
def _trace_repr(value, size=40):
value = repr(value)
if len(value) > size:
value = value[:size // 2 - 2] + '...' + value[-size // 2 - 1:]
return value
def _trace_frame(thread, frame, indent):
from pyglet import lib
if frame.f_code is lib._TraceFunction.__call__.__code__:
is_ctypes = True
func = frame.f_locals['self']._func
name = func.__name__
location = '[ctypes]'
is_ctypes = False
code = frame.f_code
name = code.co_name
path = code.co_filename
line = code.co_firstlineno
filename = _trace_filename_abbreviations[path]
except KeyError:
# Trim path down
dir = ''
path, filename = os.path.split(path)
while len(dir + filename) < 30:
filename = os.path.join(dir, filename)
path, dir = os.path.split(path)
if not dir:
filename = os.path.join('', filename)
filename = os.path.join('...', filename)
_trace_filename_abbreviations[path] = filename
location = f'({filename}:{line})'
if indent:
name = f'Called from {name}'
print(f'[{thread}] {indent}{name} {location}')
if _trace_args:
if is_ctypes:
args = [_trace_repr(arg) for arg in frame.f_locals['args']]
print(f' {indent}args=({", ".join(args)})')
for argname in code.co_varnames[:code.co_argcount]:
argvalue = _trace_repr(frame.f_locals[argname])
print(f' {indent}{argname}={argvalue}')
if _trace_flush:
def _thread_trace_func(thread):
def _trace_func(frame, event, arg):
if event == 'call':
indent = ''
for i in range(_trace_depth):
_trace_frame(thread, frame, indent)
indent += ' '
frame = frame.f_back
if not frame:
elif event == 'exception':
(exception, value, traceback) = arg
print('First chance exception raised:', repr(exception))
return _trace_func
def _install_trace():
global _trace_thread_count
_trace_thread_count += 1
_trace_thread_count = 0
_trace_args = options['debug_trace_args']
_trace_depth = options['debug_trace_depth']
_trace_flush = options['debug_trace_flush']
if options['debug_trace']:
# Lazy loading
# ------------
class _ModuleProxy:
_module = None
def __init__(self, name):
self.__dict__['_module_name'] = name
def __getattr__(self, name):
return getattr(self._module, name)
except AttributeError:
if self._module is not None:
import_name = f'pyglet.{self._module_name}'
module = sys.modules[import_name]
object.__setattr__(self, '_module', module)
globals()[self._module_name] = module
return getattr(module, name)
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
setattr(self._module, name, value)
except AttributeError:
if self._module is not None:
import_name = f'pyglet.{self._module_name}'
module = sys.modules[import_name]
object.__setattr__(self, '_module', module)
globals()[self._module_name] = module
setattr(module, name, value)
# Lazily load all modules, except if performing
# type checking or code inspection.
from . import app
from . import canvas
from . import clock
from . import customtypes
from . import event
from . import font
from . import gl
from . import graphics
from . import gui
from . import input
from . import image
from . import lib
from . import math
from . import media
from . import model
from . import resource
from . import sprite
from . import shapes
from . import text
from . import window
app = _ModuleProxy('app')
canvas = _ModuleProxy('canvas')
clock = _ModuleProxy('clock')
customtypes = _ModuleProxy('customtypes')
event = _ModuleProxy('event')
font = _ModuleProxy('font')
gl = _ModuleProxy('gl')
graphics = _ModuleProxy('graphics')
gui = _ModuleProxy('gui')
image = _ModuleProxy('image')
input = _ModuleProxy('input')
lib = _ModuleProxy('lib')
math = _ModuleProxy('math')
media = _ModuleProxy('media')
model = _ModuleProxy('model')
resource = _ModuleProxy('resource')
sprite = _ModuleProxy('sprite')
shapes = _ModuleProxy('shapes')
text = _ModuleProxy('text')
window = _ModuleProxy('window')