算了,不需要 init sub modules 我的问题,没处理好依赖 some fix to make ruff happy remove ruff format
342 lines
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342 lines
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# -------------------------------
# Difficult Rocket
# Copyright © 2020-2023 by shenjackyuanjie 3695888@qq.com
# All rights reserved
# -------------------------------
writen by shenjackyuanjie
mail: 3695888@qq.com
github: @shenjackyuanjie
gitee: @shenjackyuanjie
import re
from Difficult_Rocket.api.types import Fonts
from pyglet.text.formats import structured
default_style = {
'font_name': 'Times New Roman',
'font_size': 12,
'bold': False,
'italic': False
class MarkdownTextDecoder(structured.StructuredTextDecoder):
class SingleTextStyle:
def __init__(self,
font_name: str = '',
font_size: int = 12,
bold: bool = False,
italic: bool = False,
color: str = 'white',
text_tag: list = None,
show: bool = True,
prefix: str = '',
suffix: str = '',
text: str = ''):
self.font_name = font_name
self.font_size = font_size
self.bold = bold
self.italic = italic
self.color = color
self.prefix = prefix
self.suffix = suffix
if not text_tag:
self._tag = []
self._tag = text_tag
self.show = show
self.text = text
def tag(self) -> list:
return self._tag
def tag(self, value: list):
assert isinstance(value, list), 'SingleTextStyle.tag must be list'
for tag in value:
if tag not in self._tag:
def __add__(self, other: 'SingleTextStyle') -> 'SingleTextStyle':
叠加两个字体样式 优先使用 other 的样式
:param other: 叠加的字体样式
:return: 叠加后的字体样式
assert isinstance(other, SingleTextStyle), f'SingleTextStyle + other\n other must be the same type, not a {type(other)}'
return SingleTextStyle(
font_name=other.font_name or self.font_name,
font_size=other.font_size or self.font_size,
bold=other.bold or self.bold,
italic=other.italic or self.italic,
color=other.color or self.color,
text_tag=other.tag + self.tag,
show=other.show or self.show,
prefix=other.prefix + self.prefix,
suffix=other.suffix + self.suffix,
def __iadd__(self, other: 'SingleTextStyle') -> 'SingleTextStyle':
叠加两个字体样式 优先使用 other 的样式
:param other: 叠加的字体样式
:return: 叠加后的字体样式
assert isinstance(other, SingleTextStyle), f'SingleTextStyle += other\n other must be the same type, not a {type(other)}'
self.font_name = other.font_name or self.font_name
self.font_size = other.font_size or self.font_size
self.bold = other.bold or self.bold
self.italic = other.italic or self.italic
self.color = other.color or self.color
self.tag += other.tag
self.show = other.show or self.show
self.prefix += other.prefix
self.suffix += other.suffix
self.text = self.text
return self
def have_tag(self, other: 'SingleTextStyle') -> bool:
:param other: 叠加的字体样式
:return: 是否相同
assert isinstance(other, SingleTextStyle)
return other.tag in self.tag
def same_font(self, other: 'SingleTextStyle') -> bool:
:param other: 叠加的字体样式
:return: 是否相同
assert isinstance(other, SingleTextStyle)
return (self.font_name == other.font_name and
self.font_size == other.font_size and
self.color == other.color and
self.show == other.show)
def same_bold(self, other: 'SingleTextStyle') -> bool:
:param other: 叠加的字体样式
:return: 是否相同
assert isinstance(other, SingleTextStyle)
return self.bold == other.bold
def same_italic(self, other: 'SingleTextStyle') -> bool:
:param other: 叠加的字体样式
:return: 是否相同
assert isinstance(other, SingleTextStyle)
return self.italic == other.italic
def HTML_font(self, suffix: bool = False) -> str:
:return: HTML 格式字符
if suffix:
return font_HTML_end
text = f'<font face="{self.font_name}" color={self.color}'
if self.font_size != default_style['font_size']:
text += f' real_size={self.font_size}'
text += '>'
return text
def HTML_bold(self, suffix: bool = False) -> str:
:return: HTML 格式字符
if self.bold:
if suffix:
return bold_HTML_end
return '<b>'
return ''
def HTML_italic(self, suffix: bool = False) -> str:
:return: HTML 格式字符
if self.italic:
if suffix:
return italic_HTML_end
return '<i>'
return ''
def HTML(self, suffix: bool = False) -> str:
:return: HTML 格式字符
return (
+ (bold_HTML_end if self.bold else '')
+ (italic_HTML_end if self.italic else ''))
if suffix
else self.HTML_bold() + self.HTML_italic() + self.HTML_font()
# [\u4e00-\u9fa5] 中文字符
default_fonts_config = [
'match': re.compile(r''), # 匹配的字符 匹配选项是re.compile()
'shown': re.compile(r''), # 匹配到的字符中显示的部分 匹配选项是re.compile()
'style': SingleTextStyle(font_name=Fonts.鸿蒙简体, font_size=15, bold=False, italic=False, show=True, color='white')
'match': re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z0-9]'),
'shown': re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z0-9]'),
'style': SingleTextStyle(font_name=Fonts.微软等宽, font_size=15)
# Markdown 语法规则匹配
# Markdown 粗体语法规则匹配
'match': re.compile(r'\*\*(.*?(?<!\s))\*\*'),
'shown': re.compile(r'(?<=\*\*)(.*?(?<!\s))(?=\*\*)'),
'tag': {
# 为 match 匹配到的字符添加标签
'match': re.compile(r'\*\*'),
'style': SingleTextStyle(text_tag=['bold'])
'style': SingleTextStyle(bold=True)
# Markdown 斜体语法规则匹配
'match': re.compile(r'\*(.*?(?<!\s))\*'),
'shown': re.compile(r'(?<=\*)(.*?(?<!\s))(?=\*)'),
'ignore': {
# 如果匹配到的字符含有 tag 就忽略本次解析
'match': re.compile(r'\*'),
'tag': SingleTextStyle(text_tag=['italic'])
'style': SingleTextStyle(italic=True)
# Markdown 链接规则匹配
# 注意:这里的匹配模式是非贪婪的,即匹配到的结果必须是完整的
# 即:链接名称不能是空格等空白字符开头,链接名称不能是空格等空白字符结尾
# 匹配的内容:[abc](def)
# 显示的内容:abc
'match': re.compile(r'\[(.*?(?<!\s))]\((.*?(?<!\s))\)'),
'shown': re.compile(r'(?<=\[)(.*?(?<!\s))(?=]\((.*?(?<!\s))\))'),
'style': SingleTextStyle(bold=True)
font_HTML_end = '</font>'
bold_HTML = '<b>'
bold_HTML_end = '</b>'
italic_HTML = '<i>'
italic_HTML_end = '</i>'
def decode_text2HTML(text: str,
show_style: bool = False) -> str:
if not text:
return ''
if configs is None:
configs = default_fonts_config
style_list = [SingleTextStyle(text=text[x]) for x in range(len(text))]
# 根据输入的配置对每一个字符进行样式设定
for config in configs:
# 根据 配置"文件"
match_texts = config['match'].finditer(text) # 使用 config.match 匹配
for match_text in match_texts: # 每一个匹配到的匹配项
text_match = match_text.group() # 缓存一下匹配到的字符,用于匹配显示的字符
shown_texts = config['shown'].finditer(text_match) # 使用 config.shown 匹配
match_start, match_end = match_text.span()
if 'ignore' in config: # 如果样式选项包含忽略某些字符的tag
ignore_texts = config['ignore']['match'].finditer(text_match) # 根据选项匹配可能忽略的字符
ignore = False # 忽略先为False
for ignore_text in ignore_texts: # 每一个可能忽略的字符
if ignore: # 为了方便退出
for ignore_index in range(match_start + ignore_text.span()[0], match_start + ignore_text.span()[1]): # 对每一个可能的字符进行检测
if style_list[ignore_index].have_tag(config['ignore']['tag']): # 如果确实包含要忽略的
ignore = True # 忽略为True
if ignore:
continue # 跳过本次匹配
if 'tag' in config: # 如果样式选项包含对部分字符添加tag
tag_texts = config['tag']['match'].finditer(text_match) # 根据配置的正则表达式匹配要添加tag的字符
for tag_text in tag_texts: # 对每一个匹配到的~~~~~~
for tag_index in range(match_start + tag_text.span()[0], match_start + tag_text.span()[1]): # 用于遍历匹配到的字符
style_list[tag_index] += config['tag']['style']
# 为匹配到的字符添加样式
for match_index in range(match_start, match_end): # 用于遍历匹配到的字符
# 这里用 match index 来精确读写列表里的元素,毕竟 re.Match 返回的 span 是两个标点,得遍历
style_list[match_index] += config['style'] # 字体样式列表的 [match_index] += config['style'] 的样式
style_list[match_index].show = show_style # 设置显示属性变为 False
# 为每一个显示的字符设置显示属性
for shown_text in shown_texts: # 每一个显示的匹配项
for shown_index in range(match_start + shown_text.span()[0], match_start + shown_text.span()[1]):
style_list[shown_index].show = True
# 字体样式列表的 [shown_index] 设置显示属性变为 True
# 开始根据配置好的样式输出HTML文本
style_list[0].prefix += style_list[0].HTML() # 不管怎么说都要在最前面加一个字符标识
for style_index in range(1, len(style_list)):
if style_list[style_index].show: # 如果这个字符显示
if style_list[style_index - 1].show: # 开始根据前面的情况处理每种单独的标签
if not style_list[style_index - 1].same_font(style_list[style_index]):
style_list[style_index - 1].suffix += style_list[style_index - 1].HTML_font(suffix=True)
style_list[style_index].prefix += style_list[style_index].HTML_font()
if not style_list[style_index - 1].same_bold(style_list[style_index]):
style_list[style_index - 1].suffix += style_list[style_index - 1].HTML_bold(suffix=True)
style_list[style_index].prefix += style_list[style_index].HTML_bold()
if not style_list[style_index - 1].same_italic(style_list[style_index]):
style_list[style_index - 1].suffix += style_list[style_index - 1].HTML_italic(suffix=True)
style_list[style_index].prefix += style_list[style_index].HTML_italic()
else: # 如果前面一个字符不显示(且这个字符显示)
style_list[style_index].prefix += style_list[style_index].HTML() # 那么就直接给这个字符的前缀添加
elif style_list[style_index - 1].show: # 如果前面一个字符显示(且这个字符不显示)
style_list[style_index - 1].suffix += style_list[style_index - 1].HTML(suffix=True)
if style_list[-1].show:
style_list[-1].suffix += style_list[-1].HTML(suffix=True)
formatted_HTML_text = ''.join(
style.prefix + style.text + style.suffix
for style in style_list
if style.show
del style_list # 主动删掉 style_list 释放内存
return formatted_HTML_text # 返回,DONE!