
402 lines
14 KiB

import ctypes
from collections import defaultdict
import pyglet
from pyglet.input.base import DeviceOpenException
from pyglet.input.base import Tablet, TabletCanvas
from pyglet.libs.win32 import libwintab as wintab
from pyglet.util import debug_print
_debug = debug_print('debug_input')
lib = wintab.lib
def wtinfo(category, index, buffer):
size = lib.WTInfoW(category, index, None)
assert size <= ctypes.sizeof(buffer)
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, ctypes.byref(buffer))
return buffer
def wtinfo_string(category, index):
size = lib.WTInfoW(category, index, None)
buffer = ctypes.create_unicode_buffer(size)
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, buffer)
return buffer.value
def wtinfo_uint(category, index):
buffer = wintab.UINT()
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, ctypes.byref(buffer))
return buffer.value
def wtinfo_word(category, index):
buffer = wintab.WORD()
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, ctypes.byref(buffer))
return buffer.value
def wtinfo_dword(category, index):
buffer = wintab.DWORD()
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, ctypes.byref(buffer))
return buffer.value
def wtinfo_wtpkt(category, index):
buffer = wintab.WTPKT()
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, ctypes.byref(buffer))
return buffer.value
def wtinfo_bool(category, index):
buffer = wintab.BOOL()
lib.WTInfoW(category, index, ctypes.byref(buffer))
return bool(buffer.value)
class WintabTablet(Tablet):
def __init__(self, index):
self._device = wintab.WTI_DEVICES + index
self.name = wtinfo_string(self._device, wintab.DVC_NAME).strip()
self.id = wtinfo_string(self._device, wintab.DVC_PNPID)
hardware = wtinfo_uint(self._device, wintab.DVC_HARDWARE)
# phys_cursors = hardware & wintab.HWC_PHYSID_CURSORS
n_cursors = wtinfo_uint(self._device, wintab.DVC_NCSRTYPES)
first_cursor = wtinfo_uint(self._device, wintab.DVC_FIRSTCSR)
self.pressure_axis = wtinfo(self._device, wintab.DVC_NPRESSURE, wintab.AXIS())
self.cursors = []
self._cursor_map = {}
for i in range(n_cursors):
cursor = WintabTabletCursor(self, i + first_cursor)
if not cursor.bogus:
self._cursor_map[i + first_cursor] = cursor
def open(self, window):
return WintabTabletCanvas(self, window)
class WintabTabletCanvas(TabletCanvas):
override_keys = False
def __init__(self, device, window, msg_base=wintab.WT_DEFBASE):
super(WintabTabletCanvas, self).__init__(window)
self.device = device
self.msg_base = msg_base
# Get the extension masks available. Only need to do this once.
global _extension_masks
if not _extension_masks:
_extension_masks = get_extension_masks()
# Just use system context, for similarity w/ os x and xinput.
# WTI_DEFCONTEXT detaches mouse from tablet, which is nice, but not
# possible on os x afiak.
self.context_info = context_info = wintab.LOGCONTEXT()
wtinfo(wintab.WTI_DEFSYSCTX, 0, context_info)
context_info.lcMsgBase = msg_base
context_info.lcOptions |= wintab.CXO_MESSAGES
# If you change this, change definition of PACKET also.
context_info.lcPktData = (
wintab.PK_CHANGED | wintab.PK_CURSOR | wintab.PK_BUTTONS |
wintab.PK_X | wintab.PK_Y | wintab.PK_Z |
wintab.PK_ORIENTATION) | _extension_masks
context_info.lcPktMode = 0 # All absolute (PACKETMODE)
self._context = lib.WTOpenW(window._hwnd, ctypes.byref(context_info), True)
if not self._context:
raise DeviceOpenException("Couldn't open tablet context")
window._event_handlers[msg_base + wintab.WT_PACKET] = self._event_wt_packet
window._event_handlers[msg_base + wintab.WT_PROXIMITY] = self._event_wt_proximity
if _extension_masks:
window._event_handlers[msg_base + wintab.WT_PACKETEXT] = self._event_wt_packetext
self._current_cursor = None
self._pressure_scale = device.pressure_axis.get_scale()
self._pressure_bias = device.pressure_axis.get_bias()
self.express_keys = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(bool)) # [control_id][location_id]
self.express_key_ct = 0
self.touchrings = [] # Not currently implemented.
self.touchstrips = [] # Not currently implemented.
# Override test
for tablet_id in range(get_tablet_count()):
control_count = self.extension_get(wintab.WTX_EXPKEYS2, tablet_id, 0, 0,
self.express_key_ct = control_count
assert _debug(f"Controls Found: {control_count}")
if self.override_keys is True:
for control_id in range(control_count):
function_count = self.extension_get(wintab.WTX_EXPKEYS2, tablet_id, control_id, 0,
for function_id in range(function_count):
self.extension_set(wintab.WTX_EXPKEYS2, tablet_id, control_id, function_id,
def extension_get(self, extension, tablet_id, control_id, function_id, property_id, value_type=wintab.UINT):
prop = wintab.EXTPROPERTY()
prop.version = 0
prop.tabletIndex = tablet_id
prop.controlIndex = control_id
prop.functionIndex = function_id
prop.propertyID = property_id
prop.reserved = 0
prop.dataSize = ctypes.sizeof(value_type)
success = lib.WTExtGet(self._context, extension, ctypes.byref(prop))
if success:
return ctypes.cast(prop.data, ctypes.POINTER(value_type)).contents.value
return 0
def extension_set(self, extension, tablet_id, control_id, function_id, property_id, value):
prop = wintab.EXTPROPERTY()
prop.version = 0
prop.tabletIndex = tablet_id
prop.controlIndex = control_id
prop.functionIndex = function_id
prop.propertyID = property_id
prop.reserved = 0
prop.dataSize = ctypes.sizeof(value)
prop.data[0] = value.value
success = lib.WTExtSet(self._context, extension, ctypes.byref(prop))
if success:
return True
return False
def close(self):
self._context = None
del self.window._event_handlers[self.msg_base + wintab.WT_PACKET]
del self.window._event_handlers[self.msg_base + wintab.WT_PROXIMITY]
if _extension_masks:
del self.window._event_handlers[self.msg_base + wintab.WT_PACKETEXT]
def _set_current_cursor(self, cursor_type):
if self._current_cursor:
self.dispatch_event('on_leave', self._current_cursor)
self._current_cursor = self.device._cursor_map.get(cursor_type, None)
if self._current_cursor:
self.dispatch_event('on_enter', self._current_cursor)
def _event_wt_packet(self, msg, wParam, lParam):
if lParam != self._context:
packet = wintab.PACKET()
if lib.WTPacket(self._context, wParam, ctypes.byref(packet)) == 0:
if not packet.pkChanged:
window_x, window_y = self.window.get_location() # TODO cache on window
window_y = self.window.screen.height - window_y - self.window.height
x = packet.pkX - window_x
y = packet.pkY - window_y
pressure = (packet.pkNormalPressure + self._pressure_bias) * self._pressure_scale
if self._current_cursor is None:
self.dispatch_event('on_motion', self._current_cursor, x, y, pressure, 0., 0., packet.pkButtons)
def _event_wt_packetext(self, msg, wParam, lParam):
packet = wintab.PACKETEXT()
if lib.WTPacket(lParam, wParam, ctypes.byref(packet)) == 0:
# Proper context exists in the packet, not the lParam.
if packet.pkBase.nContext == self._context:
if packet.pkExpKeys.nControl < self.express_key_ct:
current_state = self.express_keys[packet.pkExpKeys.nControl][packet.pkExpKeys.nLocation]
new_state = bool(packet.pkExpKeys.nState)
if current_state != new_state:
event_type = "on_express_key_press" if new_state else "on_express_key_release"
self.express_keys[packet.pkExpKeys.nControl][packet.pkExpKeys.nLocation] = new_state
self.dispatch_event(event_type, packet.pkExpKeys.nControl, packet.pkExpKeys.nLocation)
def _event_wt_proximity(self, msg, wParam, lParam):
if wParam != self._context:
if not lParam & 0xffff0000:
# Not a hardware proximity event
if not lParam & 0xffff:
# Going out
self.dispatch_event('on_leave', self._current_cursor)
# If going in, proximity event will be generated by next event, which
# can actually grab a cursor id.
self._current_cursor = None
def on_express_key_press(self, control_id: int, location_id: int):
"""An event called when an ExpressKey is pressed down.
`control_id` : int
Zero-based index number given to the assigned key by the driver.
The same control_id may exist in multiple locations, which the location_id is used to differentiate.
`location_id: int
Zero-based index indicating side of tablet where control id was found.
Some tablets may have clusters of ExpressKey's on various areas of the tablet.
(0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = top, 3 = bottom, 4 = transducer).
def on_express_key_release(self, control_id: int, location_id: int):
"""An event called when an ExpressKey is released.
`control_id` : int
Zero-based index number given to the assigned key by the driver.
The same control_id may exist in multiple locations, which the location_id is used to differentiate.
`location_id: int
Zero-based index indicating side of tablet where control id was found.
Some tablets may have clusters of ExpressKey's on various areas of the tablet.
(0 = left, 1 = right, 2 = top, 3 = bottom, 4 = transducer).
class WintabTabletCursor:
def __init__(self, device, index):
self.device = device
self._cursor = wintab.WTI_CURSORS + index
self.name = wtinfo_string(self._cursor, wintab.CSR_NAME).strip()
self.active = wtinfo_bool(self._cursor, wintab.CSR_ACTIVE)
pktdata = wtinfo_wtpkt(self._cursor, wintab.CSR_PKTDATA)
# A whole bunch of cursors are reported by the driver, but most of
# them are hogwash. Make sure a cursor has at least X and Y data
# before adding it to the device.
self.bogus = not (pktdata & wintab.PK_X and pktdata & wintab.PK_Y)
if self.bogus:
self.id = (wtinfo_dword(self._cursor, wintab.CSR_TYPE) << 32) | \
wtinfo_dword(self._cursor, wintab.CSR_PHYSID)
def __repr__(self):
return 'WintabCursor(%r)' % self.name
def get_spec_version():
spec_version = wtinfo_word(wintab.WTI_INTERFACE, wintab.IFC_SPECVERSION)
return spec_version
def get_interface_name():
interface_name = wtinfo_string(wintab.WTI_INTERFACE, wintab.IFC_WINTABID)
return interface_name
def get_implementation_version():
impl_version = wtinfo_word(wintab.WTI_INTERFACE, wintab.IFC_IMPLVERSION)
return impl_version
def extension_index(ext):
"""Check if a particular extension exists within the driver."""
exists = True
i = 0
index = 0xFFFFFFFF
while exists:
tag = wintab.UINT()
exists = lib.WTInfoW(wintab.WTI_EXTENSIONS + i, wintab.EXT_TAG, ctypes.byref(tag))
if tag.value == ext:
index = i
i += 1
if index != 0xFFFFFFFF:
return index
return None
def get_extension_masks():
"""Determine which extension support is available by getting the masks."""
masks = 0
tr_idx = extension_index(wintab.WTX_TOUCHRING)
if tr_idx is not None:
assert _debug("Touchring support found")
masks |= wtinfo_uint(wintab.WTI_EXTENSIONS + tr_idx, wintab.EXT_MASK)
assert _debug("Touchring extension not found.")
ts_idx = extension_index(wintab.WTX_TOUCHSTRIP)
if ts_idx is not None:
assert _debug("Touchstrip support found.")
masks |= wtinfo_uint(wintab.WTI_EXTENSIONS + ts_idx, wintab.EXT_MASK)
assert _debug("Touchstrip extension not found.")
expkeys_idx = extension_index(wintab.WTX_EXPKEYS2)
if expkeys_idx is not None:
assert _debug("ExpressKey support found.")
masks |= wtinfo_uint(wintab.WTI_EXTENSIONS + expkeys_idx, wintab.EXT_MASK)
assert _debug("ExpressKey extension not found.")
return masks
def get_tablet_count():
"""Return just the number of current devices."""
spec_version = get_spec_version()
assert _debug(f"Wintab Version: {spec_version}")
if spec_version < 0x101:
return 0
n_devices = wtinfo_uint(wintab.WTI_INTERFACE, wintab.IFC_NDEVICES)
return n_devices
_extension_masks = None
def get_tablets(display=None):
# Require spec version 1.1 or greater
n_devices = get_tablet_count()
if not n_devices:
return []
devices = [WintabTablet(i) for i in range(n_devices)]
return devices