Add | more formatter and some more Fix | type mis match sync pyglet Enhance | logger with Template add lib-not-dr as requirement sync pyglet sync pyglet Add | add lto=yes to nuitka_build just incase sync pyglet sync lib_not_dr Remove | external requirement lib-not-dr some logger sync lib-not-dr sync pyglet sync lib-not-dr sync lib-not-dr sync pyglet sync pyglet Fix | console thread been block Update DR rs and DR sdk sync lib not dr sync lib-not-dr sync lib-not-dr sync pyglet and lib-not-dr sync pyglet 0.1.8 sync lib not dr logger almost done? almost! sync pyglet (clicpboard support!) sync lib not dr sync lib not dr color code and sync pyglet do not show memory and progress building localy sync pyglet synclibs
793 lines
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793 lines
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import sys
import pyglet
from import *
from pyglet import clock
from pyglet import event
from pyglet import graphics
from pyglet import image
_is_pyglet_doc_run = hasattr(sys, "is_pyglet_doc_run") and sys.is_pyglet_doc_run
vertex_source = """#version 150
in vec3 position;
in vec4 size;
in vec4 color;
in vec4 texture_uv;
in float rotation;
out vec4 geo_size;
out vec4 geo_color;
out vec4 geo_tex_coords;
out float geo_rotation;
void main() {
gl_Position = vec4(position, 1);
geo_size = size;
geo_color = color;
geo_tex_coords = texture_uv;
geo_rotation = rotation;
geometry_source = """#version 150
// We are taking single points from the vertex shader
// and emitting 4 new vertices creating a quad/sprites
layout (points) in;
layout (triangle_strip, max_vertices = 4) out;
uniform WindowBlock
mat4 projection;
mat4 view;
} window;
// Since geometry shader can take multiple values from a vertex
// shader we need to define the inputs from it as arrays.
// In our instance we just take single values (points)
in vec4 geo_size[];
in vec4 geo_color[];
in vec4 geo_tex_coords[];
in float geo_rotation[];
out vec2 uv;
out vec4 frag_color;
void main() {
// We grab the position value from the vertex shader
vec2 center = gl_in[0].gl_Position.xy;
// Calculate the half size of the sprites for easier calculations
vec2 hsize = geo_size[0].xy / 2.0;
// Alias the Z value to save space
float z = gl_in[0].gl_Position.z;
// Convert the rotation to radians
float angle = radians(-geo_rotation[0]);
// Create a scale vector
vec2 scale = vec2(geo_size[0][2], geo_size[0][3]);
// Create a 2d rotation matrix
mat2 rot = mat2(cos(angle), sin(angle),
-sin(angle), cos(angle));
// Calculate the left, bottom, right, top:
float tl = geo_tex_coords[0].s;
float tb = geo_tex_coords[0].t;
float tr = geo_tex_coords[0].s + geo_tex_coords[0].p;
float tt = geo_tex_coords[0].t + geo_tex_coords[0].q;
// Emit a triangle strip creating a quad (4 vertices).
// Here we need to make sure the rotation is applied before we position the sprite.
// We just use hardcoded texture coordinates here. If an atlas is used we
// can pass an additional vec4 for specific texture coordinates.
// Each EmitVertex() emits values down the shader pipeline just like a single
// run of a vertex shader, but in geomtry shaders we can do it multiple times!
// Upper left
gl_Position = window.projection * window.view * vec4(rot * vec2(-hsize.x, hsize.y) * scale + center, z, 1.0);
uv = vec2(tl, tt);
frag_color = geo_color[0];
// lower left
gl_Position = window.projection * window.view * vec4(rot * vec2(-hsize.x, -hsize.y) * scale + center, z, 1.0);
uv = vec2(tl, tb);
frag_color = geo_color[0];
// upper right
gl_Position = window.projection * window.view * vec4(rot * vec2(hsize.x, hsize.y) * scale + center, z, 1.0);
uv = vec2(tr, tt);
frag_color = geo_color[0];
// lower right
gl_Position = window.projection * window.view * vec4(rot * vec2(hsize.x, -hsize.y) * scale + center, z, 1.0);
uv = vec2(tr, tb);
frag_color = geo_color[0];
// We are done with this triangle strip now
fragment_source = """#version 150
in vec2 uv;
in vec4 frag_color;
out vec4 final_color;
uniform sampler2D sprite_texture;
void main() {
final_color = texture(sprite_texture, uv) * frag_color;
fragment_array_source = """#version 150 core
in vec2 uv;
in vec4 frag_color;
out vec4 final_colors;
uniform sampler2DArray sprite_texture;
void main()
final_colors = texture(sprite_texture, uv) * frag_color;
def get_default_shader():
return, 'vertex'),
(geometry_source, 'geometry'),
(fragment_source, 'fragment'))
def get_default_array_shader():
return, 'vertex'),
(geometry_source, 'geometry'),
(fragment_array_source, 'fragment'))
class SpriteGroup(graphics.Group):
"""Shared sprite rendering group.
The group is automatically coalesced with other sprite groups sharing the
same parent group, texture and blend parameters.
def __init__(self, texture, blend_src, blend_dest, program, parent=None):
"""Create a sprite group.
The group is created internally when a :py:class:`~pyglet.sprite.Sprite`
is created; applications usually do not need to explicitly create it.
`texture` : `~pyglet.image.Texture`
The (top-level) texture containing the sprite image.
`blend_src` : int
OpenGL blend source mode; for example,
`blend_dest` : int
OpenGL blend destination mode; for example,
`program` : ``
A custom ShaderProgram.
`order` : int
Change the order to render above or below other Groups.
`parent` : ``
Optional parent group.
self.texture = texture
self.blend_src = blend_src
self.blend_dest = blend_dest
self.program = program
def set_state(self):
glBlendFunc(self.blend_src, self.blend_dest)
def unset_state(self):
def __repr__(self):
return "{0}({1})".format(self.__class__.__name__, self.texture)
def __eq__(self, other):
return (other.__class__ is self.__class__ and
self.program is other.program and
self.parent == other.parent and
| == and
| == and
self.blend_src == other.blend_src and
self.blend_dest == other.blend_dest)
def __hash__(self):
return hash((self.program, self.parent,
self.blend_src, self.blend_dest))
class Sprite(event.EventDispatcher):
_batch = None
_animation = None
_frame_index = 0
_paused = False
_rotation = 0
_rgba = [255, 255, 255, 255]
_scale = 1.0
_scale_x = 1.0
_scale_y = 1.0
_visible = True
_vertex_list = None
group_class = SpriteGroup
def __init__(self,
img, x=0, y=0, z=0,
blend_src=GL_SRC_ALPHA, blend_dest=GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA,
batch=None, group=None, subpixel=False, program=None):
"""Create a sprite.
`img` : `~pyglet.image.AbstractImage` or `~pyglet.image.Animation`
Image or animation to display.
`x` : int
X coordinate of the sprite.
`y` : int
Y coordinate of the sprite.
`z` : int
Z coordinate of the sprite.
`blend_src` : int
OpenGL blend source mode. The default is suitable for
compositing sprites drawn from back-to-front.
`blend_dest` : int
OpenGL blend destination mode. The default is suitable for
compositing sprites drawn from back-to-front.
`batch` : ``
Optional batch to add the sprite to.
`group` : ``
Optional parent group of the sprite.
`subpixel` : bool
Allow floating-point coordinates for the sprite. By default,
coordinates are restricted to integer values.
`program` : ``
A custom shader to use. This shader program must contain the
exact same attribute names and types as the default shader.
The class methods and properties depend on this, and will
crash otherwise.
self._x = x
self._y = y
self._z = z
self._img = img
if isinstance(img, image.Animation):
self._animation = img
self._texture = img.frames[0].image.get_texture()
self._next_dt = img.frames[0].duration
if self._next_dt:
clock.schedule_once(self._animate, self._next_dt)
self._texture = img.get_texture()
if not program:
if isinstance(img, image.TextureArrayRegion):
self._program = get_default_array_shader()
self._program = get_default_shader()
self._program = program
self._batch = batch or graphics.get_default_batch()
self._user_group = group
self._group = self.group_class(self._texture, blend_src, blend_dest, self.program, group)
self._subpixel = subpixel
def _create_vertex_list(self):
texture = self._texture
self._vertex_list = self.program.vertex_list(
1, GL_POINTS, self._batch, self._group,
position=('f', (self._x, self._y, self._z)),
size=('f', (texture.width, texture.height, 1, 1)),
color=('Bn', self._rgba),
texture_uv=('f', texture.uv),
rotation=('f', (self._rotation,)))
def program(self):
return self._program
def program(self, program):
if self._program == program:
self._group = self.group_class(self._texture,
self._batch.migrate(self._vertex_list, GL_POINTS, self._group, self._batch)
self._program = program
def delete(self):
"""Force immediate removal of the sprite from video memory.
This is often necessary when using batches, as the Python garbage
collector will not necessarily call the finalizer as soon as the
sprite is garbage.
if self._animation:
self._vertex_list = None
self._texture = None
self._group = None
def _animate(self, dt):
self._frame_index += 1
if self._frame_index >= len(self._animation.frames):
self._frame_index = 0
if self._vertex_list is None:
return # Deleted in event handler.
frame = self._animation.frames[self._frame_index]
if frame.duration is not None:
duration = frame.duration - (self._next_dt - dt)
duration = min(max(0, duration), frame.duration)
clock.schedule_once(self._animate, duration)
self._next_dt = duration
def batch(self):
"""Graphics batch.
The sprite can be migrated from one batch to another, or removed from
its batch (for individual drawing). Note that this can be an expensive
:type: :py:class:``
return self._batch
def batch(self, batch):
if self._batch == batch:
if batch is not None and self._batch is not None:
self._batch.migrate(self._vertex_list, GL_POINTS, self._group, batch)
self._batch = batch
self._batch = batch
def group(self):
"""Parent graphics group.
The sprite can change its rendering group, however this can be an
expensive operation.
:type: :py:class:``
return self._group.parent
def group(self, group):
if self._group.parent == group:
self._group = self.group_class(self._texture,
self._batch.migrate(self._vertex_list, GL_POINTS, self._group, self._batch)
def image(self):
"""Image or animation to display.
:type: :py:class:`~pyglet.image.AbstractImage` or
if self._animation:
return self._animation
return self._texture
def image(self, img):
if self._animation is not None:
self._animation = None
if isinstance(img, image.Animation):
self._animation = img
self._frame_index = 0
self._next_dt = img.frames[0].duration
if self._next_dt:
clock.schedule_once(self._animate, self._next_dt)
def _set_texture(self, texture):
if is not
self._group = self._group.__class__(texture,
self._texture = texture
self._vertex_list.texture_uv[:] = texture.uv
self._texture = texture
def position(self):
"""The (x, y, z) coordinates of the sprite, as a tuple.
`x` : int
X coordinate of the sprite.
`y` : int
Y coordinate of the sprite.
`z` : int
Z coordinate of the sprite.
return self._x, self._y, self._z
def position(self, position):
self._x, self._y, self._z = position
self._vertex_list.position[:] = position
def x(self):
"""X coordinate of the sprite.
:type: int
return self._x
def x(self, x):
self._x = x
self._vertex_list.position[:] = x, self._y, self._z
def y(self):
"""Y coordinate of the sprite.
:type: int
return self._y
def y(self, y):
self._y = y
self._vertex_list.position[:] = self._x, y, self._z
def z(self):
"""Z coordinate of the sprite.
:type: int
return self._z
def z(self, z):
self._z = z
self._vertex_list.position[:] = self._x, self._y, z
def rotation(self):
"""Clockwise rotation of the sprite, in degrees.
The sprite image will be rotated about its image's (anchor_x, anchor_y)
:type: float
return self._rotation
def rotation(self, rotation):
self._rotation = rotation
self._vertex_list.rotation[0] = self._rotation
def scale(self):
"""Base Scaling factor.
A scaling factor of 1 (the default) has no effect. A scale of 2 will
draw the sprite at twice the native size of its image.
:type: float
return self._scale
def scale(self, scale):
self._scale = scale
self._vertex_list.scale[:] = scale * self._scale_x, scale * self._scale_y
def scale_x(self):
"""Horizontal scaling factor.
A scaling factor of 1 (the default) has no effect. A scale of 2 will
draw the sprite at twice the native width of its image.
:type: float
return self._scale_x
def scale_x(self, scale_x):
self._scale_x = scale_x
self._vertex_list.scale[:] = self._scale * scale_x, self._scale * self._scale_y
def scale_y(self):
"""Vertical scaling factor.
A scaling factor of 1 (the default) has no effect. A scale of 2 will
draw the sprite at twice the native height of its image.
:type: float
return self._scale_y
def scale_y(self, scale_y):
self._scale_y = scale_y
self._vertex_list.scale[:] = self._scale * self._scale_x, self._scale * scale_y
def update(self, x=None, y=None, z=None, rotation=None, scale=None, scale_x=None, scale_y=None):
"""Simultaneously change the position, rotation or scale.
This method is provided for convenience. There is not much
performance benefit to updating multiple Sprite attributes at once.
`x` : int
X coordinate of the sprite.
`y` : int
Y coordinate of the sprite.
`z` : int
Z coordinate of the sprite.
`rotation` : float
Clockwise rotation of the sprite, in degrees.
`scale` : float
Scaling factor.
`scale_x` : float
Horizontal scaling factor.
`scale_y` : float
Vertical scaling factor.
translations_outdated = False
# only bother updating if the translation actually changed
if x is not None:
self._x = x
translations_outdated = True
if y is not None:
self._y = y
translations_outdated = True
if z is not None:
self._z = z
translations_outdated = True
if translations_outdated:
self._vertex_list.position[:] = (self._x, self._y, self._z)
if rotation is not None and rotation != self._rotation:
self._rotation = rotation
self._vertex_list.rotation[:] = rotation
scales_outdated = False
# only bother updating if the scale actually changed
if scale is not None:
self._scale = scale
scales_outdated = True
if scale_x is not None:
self._scale_x = scale_x
scales_outdated = True
if scale_y is not None:
self._scale_y = scale_y
scales_outdated = True
if scales_outdated:
self._vertex_list.scale[:] = self._scale * self._scale_x, self._scale * self._scale_y
def width(self):
"""Scaled width of the sprite.
Invariant under rotation.
:type: int
w = self._texture.width * abs(self._scale_x) * abs(self._scale)
return w if self._subpixel else int(w)
def width(self, width):
self.scale_x = width / (self._texture.width * abs(self._scale))
def height(self):
"""Scaled height of the sprite.
Invariant under rotation.
:type: int
h = self._texture.height * abs(self._scale_y) * abs(self._scale)
return h if self._subpixel else int(h)
def height(self, height):
self.scale_y = height / (self._texture.height * abs(self._scale))
def opacity(self):
"""Blend opacity.
This property sets the alpha component of the colour of the sprite's
vertices. With the default blend mode (see the constructor), this
allows the sprite to be drawn with fractional opacity, blending with the
An opacity of 255 (the default) has no effect. An opacity of 128 will
make the sprite appear translucent.
:type: int
return self._rgba[3]
def opacity(self, opacity):
self._rgba[3] = opacity
self._vertex_list.color[:] = self._rgba
def color(self):
"""Blend color.
This property sets the color of the sprite's vertices. This allows the
sprite to be drawn with a color tint.
The color is specified as an RGB tuple of integers '(red, green, blue)'.
Each color component must be in the range 0 (dark) to 255 (saturated).
:type: (int, int, int)
return self._rgba[:3]
def color(self, rgb):
self._rgba[:3] = list(map(int, rgb))
self._vertex_list.color[:] = self._rgba
def visible(self):
"""True if the sprite will be drawn.
:type: bool
return self._visible
def visible(self, visible):
self._visible = visible
self._vertex_list.texture_uv[:] = (0, 0, 0, 0) if not visible else self._texture.uv
def paused(self):
"""Pause/resume the Sprite's Animation
If `Sprite.image` is an Animation, you can pause or resume
the animation by setting this property to True or False.
If not an Animation, this has no effect.
:type: bool
return self._paused
def paused(self, pause):
if not hasattr(self, '_animation') or pause == self._paused:
if pause is True:
frame = self._animation.frames[self._frame_index]
self._next_dt = frame.duration
if self._next_dt:
clock.schedule_once(self._animate, self._next_dt)
self._paused = pause
def frame_index(self):
"""The current Animation frame.
If the `Sprite.image` is an `Animation`,
you can query or set the current frame.
If not an Animation, this will always
be 0.
:type: int
return self._frame_index
def frame_index(self, index):
# Bound to available number of frames
if self._animation is None:
self._frame_index = max(0, min(index, len(self._animation.frames)-1))
def draw(self):
"""Draw the sprite at its current position.
See the module documentation for hints on drawing multiple sprites
def __del__(self):
if self._vertex_list is not None:
if _is_pyglet_doc_run:
def on_animation_end(self):
"""The sprite animation reached the final frame.
The event is triggered only if the sprite has an animation, not an
image. For looping animations, the event is triggered each time
the animation loops.