2023-06-17 01:09:43 +08:00

257 lines
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"""Load fonts.
pyglet will automatically load any system-installed fonts. You can add additional fonts
(for example, from your program resources) using :meth:`add_file` or
:meth:`add_directory`. These fonts are then available in the same way as system-installed fonts::
from pyglet import font
action_man = font.load('Action Man', 16)
# or
from pyglet import resource
action_man = font.load('Action Man')
See the :mod:`pyglet.font.base` module for documentation on the base classes used
by this package.
import os
import sys
import weakref
from typing import Dict, Union, BinaryIO, Optional, List, Iterable
import pyglet
from pyglet.font.user import UserDefinedFont
from pyglet import gl
def _get_system_font_class():
"""Get the appropriate class for the system being used.
Pyglet relies on OS dependent font systems for loading fonts and glyph creation.
if pyglet.compat_platform == 'darwin':
from pyglet.font.quartz import QuartzFont
_font_class = QuartzFont
elif pyglet.compat_platform in ('win32', 'cygwin'):
from pyglet.libs.win32.constants import WINDOWS_7_OR_GREATER
if WINDOWS_7_OR_GREATER and not pyglet.options['win32_gdi_font']:
from pyglet.font.directwrite import Win32DirectWriteFont
_font_class = Win32DirectWriteFont
from pyglet.font.win32 import GDIPlusFont
_font_class = GDIPlusFont
from pyglet.font.freetype import FreeTypeFont
_font_class = FreeTypeFont
return _font_class
def create_font(name: str, mappings: Dict[str, pyglet.image.ImageData], default_char: str,
ascent: Optional[float] = None,
descent: Optional[float] = None, size: Optional[float] = None, bold: bool = False,
italic: bool = False, stretch: bool = False, dpi: Optional[float] = None,
Create a custom font with the mappings provided.
If a character in a string is not mapped in the font, it will use the default_char as fallback.
Default size is 12.
Ascent and descent will use the image dimensions as default, but can be provided.
The rest of the font parameters are used for font lookups.
# Arbitrary default size
if size is None:
size = 12
if dpi is None:
dpi = 96
# Locate or create font cache
shared_object_space = gl.current_context.object_space
if not hasattr(shared_object_space, 'pyglet_font_font_cache'):
shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_hold = []
shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_name_match = {} # Match a tuple to specific name to reduce lookups.
font_cache = shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_cache
font_hold = shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_hold
# Look for font name in font cache
descriptor = (name, size, bold, italic, stretch, dpi)
if descriptor in font_cache:
raise Exception("A font with these parameters has already been created.", descriptor)
if _system_font_class.have_font(name):
raise Exception(f"Font name: '{name}' already exists within the system fonts.")
# Not in cache, create from scratch
font = font_class(mappings, default_char, name, ascent, descent, size, bold, italic, stretch, dpi)
# Save parameters for new-style layout classes to recover
# TODO: add properties to the Font classes, so these can be queried:
font.size = size
font.bold = bold
font.italic = italic
font.stretch = stretch
font.dpi = dpi
if name not in _user_fonts:
# Cache font in weak-ref dictionary to avoid reloading while still in use
font_cache[descriptor] = font
# Hold onto refs of last three loaded fonts to prevent them being
# collected if momentarily dropped.
del font_hold[3:]
font_hold.insert(0, font)
return font
def have_font(name: str) -> bool:
"""Check if specified system font name is available."""
return name in _user_fonts or _system_font_class.have_font(name)
def load(name: Optional[Union[str, Iterable[str]]] = None, size: Optional[float] = None, bold: bool = False,
italic: bool = False,
stretch: bool = False, dpi: Optional[float] = None):
"""Load a font for rendering.
`name` : str, or list of str
Font family, for example, "Times New Roman". If a list of names
is provided, the first one matching a known font is used. If no
font can be matched to the name(s), a default font is used. In
pyglet 1.1, the name may be omitted.
`size` : float
Size of the font, in points. The returned font may be an exact
match or the closest available.
`bold` : bool
If True, a bold variant is returned, if one exists for the given
family and size.
`italic` : bool
If True, an italic variant is returned, if one exists for the given
family and size.
`dpi` : float
The assumed resolution of the display device, for the purposes of
determining the pixel size of the font. Defaults to 96.
:rtype: `Font`
# Arbitrary default size
if size is None:
size = 12
if dpi is None:
dpi = 96
# Locate or create font cache
shared_object_space = gl.current_context.object_space
if not hasattr(shared_object_space, 'pyglet_font_font_cache'):
shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_cache = weakref.WeakValueDictionary()
shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_hold = []
shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_name_match = {} # Match a tuple to specific name to reduce lookups.
font_cache = shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_cache
font_hold = shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_hold
font_name_match = shared_object_space.pyglet_font_font_name_match
name_type = type(name)
if name_type in (tuple, list):
if name_type == list:
name = tuple(name)
if name in font_name_match:
name = font_name_match[name]
# Find first matching name, cache it.
found_name = None
for n in name:
if n in _user_fonts or _system_font_class.have_font(n):
found_name = n
font_name_match[name] = found_name
name = found_name
# Look for font name in font cache
descriptor = (name, size, bold, italic, stretch, dpi)
if descriptor in font_cache:
return font_cache[descriptor]
# Not in cache, create from scratch
font = _system_font_class(name, size, bold=bold, italic=italic, stretch=stretch, dpi=dpi)
# Save parameters for new-style layout classes to recover
# TODO: add properties to the Font classes, so these can be queried:
font.size = size
font.bold = bold
font.italic = italic
font.stretch = stretch
font.dpi = dpi
# Cache font in weak-ref dictionary to avoid reloading while still in use
font_cache[descriptor] = font
# Hold onto refs of last three loaded fonts to prevent them being
# collected if momentarily dropped.
del font_hold[3:]
font_hold.insert(0, font)
return font
if not getattr(sys, 'is_pyglet_doc_run', False):
_system_font_class = _get_system_font_class()
_user_fonts = []
def add_file(font: Union[str, BinaryIO]):
"""Add a font to pyglet's search path.
In order to load a font that is not installed on the system, you must
call this method to tell pyglet that it exists. You can supply
either a filename or any file-like object.
The font format is platform-dependent, but is typically a TrueType font
file containing a single font face. Note that to use a font added with this method,
you should pass the face name (not the file name) to :meth::py:func:`pyglet.font.load` or any
other place where you normally specify a font.
`font` : str or file-like object
Filename or file-like object to load fonts from.
if isinstance(font, str):
font = open(font, 'rb')
if hasattr(font, 'read'):
font = font.read()
def add_directory(directory):
"""Add a directory of fonts to pyglet's search path.
This function simply calls :meth:`pyglet.font.add_file` for each file with a ``.ttf``
extension in the given directory. Subdirectories are not searched.
`dir` : str
Directory that contains font files.
for file in os.listdir(directory):
if file[-4:].lower() == '.ttf':
add_file(os.path.join(directory, file))
__all__ = ('add_file', 'add_directory', 'load', 'have_font')