338 lines
9.4 KiB
338 lines
9.4 KiB
# -------------------------------
# Difficult Rocket
# Copyright © 2021-2022 by shenjackyuanjie
# All rights reserved
# -------------------------------
writen by shenjackyuanjie
mail: 3695888@qq.com
github: @shenjackyuanjie
gitee: @shenjackyuanjie
import os
import sys
import time
import math
import decimal
import logging
import traceback
import configparser
from typing import List
from xml.dom.minidom import parse
import Difficult_Rocket
if __name__ == '__main__': # been start will not run this
from libs import json5
# logger
tools_logger = logging.getLogger('part-tools')
file configs
file_error = {'FileNotFoundError': 'no {filetype} file was founded!:\n file name: {filename}\n file_type: {filetype}\n stack: {stack}',
'KeyError': 'no stack in {filetype} file {filename} was found! \n file type: {} \n file name: {} \n stack: {stack}',
'Error': 'get some unknown error when read {filetype} file {filename}! \n file type: {} \n file name: {} \n stack: {stack}'}
def load_file(file_name: str, stack=None) -> dict:
f_type = file_name[file_name.rfind('.') + 1:] # 从最后一个.到末尾 (截取文件格式)
rd = NotImplementedError('解析失败,请检查文件类型/文件内容/文件是否存在!')
if (f_type == 'json5') or (f_type == 'json'):
with open(file_name, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as jf: # jf -> json file
rd = json5.load(jf, encoding='uft-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
with open(file_name, 'r', encoding='gbk') as jf:
rd = json5.load(jf)
tools_logger.info('文件 %s 解码错误,已重新使用gbk编码打开' % file_name)
if stack is not None:
rd = rd[stack]
elif f_type == 'xml':
xml_load = parse(file_name)
if stack is not None:
rd = xml_load.getElementsByTagName(stack)
elif (f_type == 'config') or (f_type == 'conf') or (f_type == 'ini'):
cd = configparser.ConfigParser()
if stack:
rd = cd[stack]
rd = cd
except Exception as exp:
error_type = type(exp).__name__
if error_type in file_error:
tools_logger.error(file_error[error_type].format(filetype=f_type, filename=file_name, stack=stack))
tools_logger.error(file_error['Error'].format(filetype=f_type, filename=file_name, stack=stack))
return rd
# main config
main_config_file = load_file('./configs/main.config')
def get_At(name, in_xml, need_type=str):
get Attribute from a XML tree
will raise TypeError if input is not str or list
XML no! Json5 yes!
name_type = type(name)
if name_type == list:
At_list = []
for need_name in name:
if in_xml.hasAttribute(need_name):
get = in_xml.getAttribute(need_name)
return At_list
elif name_type == str:
if in_xml.hasAttribute(name):
At = in_xml.getAttribute(name)
return None
raise TypeError('only str and list type is ok but you give me a' + name_type + 'type')
return need_type(At)
def default_name_handler(name_: str) -> str:
won't change the string
just return one
name = name_
name = name.replace('{time.time}', str(time.time()))
name = name.replace('{dir}', str(os.getcwd()))
name = name.replace('{py_v}', str(sys.version.split(' ')[0]))
name = name.replace('{version}', str(main_config_file['runtime']['version']))
name = name.replace('{write_v}', str(main_config_file['runtime']['write_py_v']))
return name
def name_handler(name: str, formats: dict = None) -> str:
if formats is None:
return default_name_handler(name)
name = default_name_handler(name)
for need_replace in formats:
replace = formats[need_replace]
if need_replace == '{date}':
if '{date}' in formats:
replace = time.strftime(formats['{date}'], time.gmtime(time.time()))
replace = time.strftime(main_config_file['runtime']['date_fmt'], time.gmtime(time.time()))
name = name.replace(need_replace, replace)
return name
some tools
yes = ['true', '1', 1, 1.0, True]
no = ['false', '0', 0, 0.0, False, None]
def format_bool(thing) -> bool:
:param thing 啥都行,只要是能传进来的都可以
如果看起来像"True" 比如 'true','1',1
就返回 True
如果看起来像"False" 比如 'false','0',0
就返回 False
都不像就 raise TypeError
if (thing in yes) or (isinstance(thing, str) and thing.lower() in yes):
return True
elif (thing in no) or (isinstance(thing, str) and thing.lower() in no):
return False
raise TypeError("Need a 'like bool' not a {}".format(thing))
level_ = ['DEBUG', 'INFO', 'WARNING', 'ERROR', 'CRITICAL',
logging.DEBUG, logging.INFO, logging.WARNING, logging.ERROR, logging.CRITICAL]
def log_level(level):
if level in level_:
if (level == 'DEBUG') or (level == logging.DEBUG):
return logging.DEBUG
if (level == 'INFO') or (level == logging.INFO):
return logging.INFO
if (level == 'WARNING') or (level == logging.WARNING):
return logging.WARNING
if (level == 'ERROR') or (level == logging.ERROR):
return logging.ERROR
if (level == 'CRITICAL') or (level == logging.CRITICAL):
return logging.CRITICAL
raise ValueError('Need a like logging.level thing not anything else')
# linear_algebra
def C_R_P(position, degrees): # stand for calculation
very thanks for lenny from pyglet developer
this part of code is write by him
radians = degrees * (math.pi / 180)
cos = math.cos(radians)
sin = math.sin(radians)
rotated_pos = (position[0] * cos - position[1] * sin, position[0] * sin + position[1] * cos)
return rotated_pos
Physics calculation
def is_decimal(A: any) -> bool:
if isinstance(A, decimal.Decimal):
return False
return True
def F_D(A: decimal, B: decimal) -> decimal:
if is_decimal(A) and is_decimal(B):
return A / B
def F_Mu(A: decimal, B: decimal) -> decimal:
if is_decimal(A) and is_decimal(B):
return A * B
def F_Mi(A: decimal, B: decimal) -> decimal:
if is_decimal(A) and is_decimal(B):
return A - B
def F_A(A: decimal, B: decimal) -> decimal:
if is_decimal(A) and is_decimal(B):
return A + B
def D_C(listA: list, listB: list): # stand for Duplicate check
input two list\n
the fun will do duplicate check and sort then\n
the fun won't return any thing just change the list now
for unit in listB:
if unit in listA:
def S_C_float_check(SC): # stand for Scientific notation's float check
SC list format:docs.basic_config.json:basic_number"""
while SC[0] >= 10:
SC[0] = F_D(SC[0], 10)
SC[1] += 1
while SC[0] < 1:
SC[0] = F_Mu(SC[0], 10)
SC[1] -= 1
def S_N_M(*SN): # stand for Scientific notation multiple
A & B & C list format:docs.basic_config.json:basic_number"""
if len(SN) < 2:
raise TypeError('it need more than 1!')
elif len(SN) == 2:
return __S_N_M(SN[0], SN[1])
R = __S_N_M(SN[0], SN[1])
for A in SN[2:]:
R = __S_N_M(R, A)
return R
def __S_N_M(A, B):
A & B list format:docs.basic_config.json:basic_number"""
R = [F_Mu(A[0], B[0]), A[1] + B[1]]
Unit1, Unit2 = A[2] + B[2], A[3] + B[3]
if Unit1 is None:
Unit1 = []
D_C(Unit1, Unit2)
R += [Unit1, Unit2]
return R
def S_N_D(A, B): # stand for Scientific notation divided
A & B list format:docs.basic_config:basic_number"""
R = [F_D(A[0], B[0]), A[1] - B[1]]
Unit1, Unit2 = A[2] + B[3], A[3] + B[2]
if Unit1 is None:
Unit1 = []
D_C(Unit1, Unit2)
R += [Unit1, Unit2]
return R
def G_C(M, m, R, G): # stand for gravity calculation
M : ship's mass
m : planet's mass
R : distance to the planet
G : Gravitational constant
M & m & R format: docs.basic_config:basic_number
g = configs.basic_force()
A = S_N_M(M, m, G)
g = S_N_D(A, S_N_M(R, R))
return g
def distance(A, B):
A & B format: docs.basic_config:basic_poi
poi_dis = configs.basic_poi()
for x in A, B:
x = decimal.Decimal(str(x))
xd = A[0] - B[0]
yd = A[1] - B[1]
poi_dis[0] = xd
poi_dis[1] = yd
# 勾股定理
poi_dis[0] **= 2
poi_dis[1] **= 2
poi_dis.append(poi_dis[0] + poi_dis[1])
poi_dis[2] **= 0.5
return poi_dis[2]