2021-02-14 20:22:29 +08:00

67 lines
4.1 KiB

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n => name of the sprite
x => sprite x pos in texture
y => sprite y pos in texture
w => sprite width (may be trimmed)
h => sprite height (may be trimmed)
oX => sprite's x-corner offset (only available if trimmed)
oY => sprite's y-corner offset (only available if trimmed)
oW => sprite's original width (only available if trimmed)
oH => sprite's original height (only available if trimmed)
r => 'y' only set if sprite is rotated
<TextureAtlas imagePath='Runtime.png' width='512' height='512'>
<sprite n='ActionButton.png' x='178' y='349' w='119' h='46'/>
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<sprite n='AltimeterControl.PNG' x='182' y='132' w='153' h='76'/>
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<sprite n='ButtonIconMapView.png' x='410' y='220' w='54' h='54'/>
<sprite n='ButtonIconMenu.png' x='110' y='49' w='35' h='43' r='y'/>
<sprite n='ButtonPressed.png' x='148' y='404' w='80' h='80'/>
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<sprite n='MarkerApoapsis.png' x='338' y='313' w='43' h='54'/>
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<sprite n='MarkerEncounter.png' x='466' y='220' w='43' h='54'/>
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<sprite n='PathSegment.png' x='83' y='502' w='4' h='7' r='y'/>
<sprite n='PlayButton.png' x='230' y='210' w='23' h='26'/>
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<sprite n='RotateButtonPressed.png' x='340' y='54' w='71' h='105' r='y'/>
<sprite n='SmokeParticle.PNG' x='148' y='2' w='32' h='32'/>
<sprite n='StageControlBottom.PNG' x='10' y='411' w='136' h='89' r='y'/>
<sprite n='StageControlStretch.PNG' x='10' y='502' w='71' h='8'/>
<sprite n='StageControlTop.PNG' x='182' y='486' w='71' h='24'/>
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<sprite n='SteerButtonPressed.png' x='255' y='210' w='77' h='106' r='y'/>
<sprite n='StopButton.png' x='257' y='318' w='25' h='25'/>
<sprite n='ThrottleControl.png' x='2' y='2' w='106' h='407'/>
<sprite n='ThrottleLevel1.png' x='151' y='259' w='27' h='21' r='y'/>
<sprite n='ThrottleLevel10.png' x='151' y='349' w='25' h='48' r='y'/>
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<sprite n='ThrottleLevel4.png' x='148' y='36' w='31' h='28'/>
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<sprite n='ThrottleLevel6.png' x='148' y='161' w='28' h='38' r='y'/>
<sprite n='ThrottleLevel7.png' x='139' y='230' w='41' h='27'/>
<sprite n='ThrottleLevel8.png' x='148' y='115' w='28' h='44' r='y'/>
<sprite n='ThrottleLevel9.png' x='110' y='214' w='27' h='48' r='y'/>
<sprite n='TimeControl.PNG' x='110' y='264' w='39' h='138' r='y'/>
<sprite n='ToolbarSide.PNG' x='182' y='54' w='156' h='76'/>
<sprite n='ToolbarStretch.PNG' x='138' y='502' w='42' h='4' r='y'/>
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