142 lines
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142 lines
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# Note: The display mode API used here is Mac OS 10.6 only.
from ctypes import *
from .base import Display, Screen, ScreenMode, Canvas
from pyglet.libs.darwin.cocoapy import CGDirectDisplayID, quartz, cf, ObjCClass, get_NSString
from pyglet.libs.darwin.cocoapy import cfstring_to_string, cfarray_to_list
from ..libs.darwin import NSDeviceResolution
NSScreen = ObjCClass('NSScreen')
class CocoaDisplay(Display):
def get_screens(self):
maxDisplays = 256
activeDisplays = (CGDirectDisplayID * maxDisplays)()
count = c_uint32()
quartz.CGGetActiveDisplayList(maxDisplays, activeDisplays, byref(count))
return [CocoaScreen(self, displayID) for displayID in list(activeDisplays)[:count.value]]
class CocoaScreen(Screen):
def __init__(self, display, displayID):
bounds = quartz.CGDisplayBounds(displayID)
# Probably need to convert the origin coordinates depending on context:
# http://www.cocoabuilder.com/archive/cocoa/233492-ns-cg-rect-conversion-and-screen-coordinates.html
x, y = bounds.origin.x, bounds.origin.y
width, height = bounds.size.width, bounds.size.height
super(CocoaScreen, self).__init__(display, int(x), int(y), int(width), int(height))
self._cg_display_id = displayID
# Save the default mode so we can restore to it.
self._default_mode = self.get_mode()
self._ns_screen = self.get_nsscreen()
def get_nsscreen(self):
"""Returns the NSScreen instance that matches our CGDirectDisplayID."""
# Get a list of all currently active NSScreens and then search through
# them until we find one that matches our CGDisplayID.
screen_array = NSScreen.screens()
count = screen_array.count()
for i in range(count):
nsscreen = screen_array.objectAtIndex_(i)
screenInfo = nsscreen.deviceDescription()
displayID = screenInfo.objectForKey_(get_NSString('NSScreenNumber'))
displayID = displayID.intValue()
if displayID == self._cg_display_id:
return nsscreen
return None
def get_dpi(self):
desc = self._ns_screen.deviceDescription()
#psize = desc.objectForKey_(NSDeviceSize).sizeValue()
rsize = desc.objectForKey_(NSDeviceResolution).sizeValue()
return int(rsize.width)
def get_scale(self):
ratio = 1.0
if self._ns_screen:
pts = self._ns_screen.frame()
pixels = self._ns_screen.convertRectToBacking_(pts)
ratio = pixels.size.width / pts.size.width
print("Could not initialize NSScreen to retrieve DPI. Using default.")
print("BSF", self._ns_screen.backingScaleFactor(), "ratio:", ratio)
return ratio
def get_matching_configs(self, template):
canvas = CocoaCanvas(self.display, self, None)
return template.match(canvas)
def get_modes(self):
cgmodes = c_void_p(quartz.CGDisplayCopyAllDisplayModes(self._cg_display_id, None))
modes = [CocoaScreenMode(self, cgmode) for cgmode in cfarray_to_list(cgmodes)]
return modes
def get_mode(self):
cgmode = c_void_p(quartz.CGDisplayCopyDisplayMode(self._cg_display_id))
mode = CocoaScreenMode(self, cgmode)
return mode
def set_mode(self, mode):
assert mode.screen is self
quartz.CGDisplaySetDisplayMode(self._cg_display_id, mode.cgmode, None)
self.width = mode.width
self.height = mode.height
def restore_mode(self):
quartz.CGDisplaySetDisplayMode(self._cg_display_id, self._default_mode.cgmode, None)
def capture_display(self):
def release_display(self):
class CocoaScreenMode(ScreenMode):
def __init__(self, screen, cgmode):
super(CocoaScreenMode, self).__init__(screen)
self.cgmode = cgmode
self.width = int(quartz.CGDisplayModeGetWidth(cgmode))
self.height = int(quartz.CGDisplayModeGetHeight(cgmode))
self.depth = self.getBitsPerPixel(cgmode)
self.rate = quartz.CGDisplayModeGetRefreshRate(cgmode)
def __del__(self):
self.cgmode = None
def getBitsPerPixel(self, cgmode):
# from /System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/Headers/graphics/IOGraphicsTypes.h
IO8BitIndexedPixels = "PPPPPPPP"
IO16BitDirectPixels = "-RRRRRGGGGGBBBBB"
cfstring = c_void_p(quartz.CGDisplayModeCopyPixelEncoding(cgmode))
pixelEncoding = cfstring_to_string(cfstring)
if pixelEncoding == IO8BitIndexedPixels: return 8
if pixelEncoding == IO16BitDirectPixels: return 16
if pixelEncoding == IO32BitDirectPixels: return 32
return 0
class CocoaCanvas(Canvas):
def __init__(self, display, screen, nsview):
super(CocoaCanvas, self).__init__(display)
self.screen = screen
self.nsview = nsview