331 lines
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331 lines
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# -------------------------------
# Difficult Rocket
# Copyright © 2020-2023 by shenjackyuanjie 3695888@qq.com
# All rights reserved
# -------------------------------
import time
import contextlib
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from xml.etree.ElementTree import Element
from typing import List, TYPE_CHECKING, Union, Dict, Optional, Callable, Generator
# third party package
from defusedxml.ElementTree import parse
# pyglet
from pyglet.text import Label
from pyglet.shapes import Line
from pyglet.sprite import Sprite
from pyglet.graphics import Batch, Group
# Difficult Rocket
from Difficult_Rocket import DR_option
from Difficult_Rocket.api.types import Fonts, Options
from Difficult_Rocket.command.line import CommandText
from Difficult_Rocket.client.screen import BaseScreen
from Difficult_Rocket.api.types.SR1 import SR1Textures, SR1PartTexture, SR1PartData, SR1Rotation, xml_bool
from Difficult_Rocket.client import ClientWindow
if DR_option.use_DR_rust:
from libs.Difficult_Rocket_rs import PartDatas, Camera_rs
def get_sr1_part(part_xml: Element) -> Optional[SR1PartData]:
if part_xml.tag != 'Part':
return None
# print(f"tag: {part.tag} attrib: {part.attrib}")
part_id = int(part_xml.attrib.get('id'))
part_type = part_xml.attrib.get('partType')
part_x = float(part_xml.attrib.get('x'))
part_y = float(part_xml.attrib.get('y'))
part_activate = xml_bool(part_xml.attrib.get('activated'))
part_angle = float(part_xml.attrib.get('angle'))
part_angle_v = float(part_xml.attrib.get('angleV'))
part_editor_angle = int(part_xml.attrib.get('editorAngle'))
part_flip_x = xml_bool(part_xml.attrib.get('flippedX'))
part_flip_y = xml_bool(part_xml.attrib.get('flippedY'))
part_explode = xml_bool(part_xml.attrib.get('exploded'))
if part_type not in SR1PartTexture.part_type_sprite:
part_textures = None
part_textures = SR1PartTexture.get_textures_from_type(part_type)
# print(f'id: {part_id:<4} type: {part_type:<10} x: {part_x} y: {part_y} activated: {part_activate} '
# f'angle: {part_angle} angle_v: {part_angle_v} editor_angle: {part_editor_angle} '
# f'flip_x: {part_flip_x} flip_y: {part_flip_y} explode: {part_explode} '
# f'textures: {SR1PartTexture.get_textures_from_type(part_type)}')
return SR1PartData(x=part_x, y=part_y, id=part_id, type_=part_type,
active=part_activate, angle=part_angle, angle_v=part_angle_v,
editor_angle=part_editor_angle, flip_x=part_flip_x,
flip_y=part_flip_y, explode=part_explode, textures=part_textures)
class _SR1ShipRender_Option(Options):
# debug option
debug_d_pos: bool = False
debug_mouse_pos: bool = False
debug_mouse_d_pos: bool = False
SR1ShipRender_Option = _SR1ShipRender_Option()
class SR1ShipRender(BaseScreen):
"""用于渲染 sr1 船的类"""
def __init__(self,
main_window: "ClientWindow",
scale: float):
self.rendered = False
self.scale = scale
self.focus = True
self.need_draw = False
self.drawing = False
self.gen_draw: Optional[Callable] = None
self.need_update_parts = False
self.dx = 0
self.dy = 0
self.debug_line = Line(main_window.width / 2, main_window.height / 2,
main_window.width / 2, main_window.height / 2,
width=3, color=(200, 10, 200, 255))
self.debug_line.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_d_pos
self.debug_mouse_line = Line(main_window.width / 2, main_window.height / 2,
main_window.width / 2, main_window.height / 2,
width=3, color=(10, 200, 200, 255))
self.debug_mouse_line.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos
self.debug_mouse_delta_line = Line(main_window.width / 2, main_window.height / 2,
main_window.width / 2, main_window.height / 2,
width=2, color=(200, 200, 10, 255))
self.debug_mouse_delta_line.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_d_pos
self.debug_d_pos_label = Label('debug label NODATA', font_name=Fonts.微软等宽无线,
x=main_window.width / 2, y=main_window.height / 2)
self.debug_d_pos_label.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_d_pos
self.debug_mouse_label = Label('debug mouse_label NODATA', font_name=Fonts.微软等宽无线,
x=main_window.width / 2, y=main_window.height / 2)
self.debug_mouse_label.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos
self.textures: Union[SR1Textures, None] = None
self.xml_doc: ElementTree = parse('configs/dock1.xml')
self.xml_root: ElementTree.Element = self.xml_doc.getroot()
self.part_batch = Batch()
self.part_group = Group()
self.debug_label = Label(x=20, y=main_window.height - 20, font_size=DR_option.std_font_size,
text='SR1 render!', font_name=Fonts.微软等宽无线,
width=main_window.width - 20, height=20,
anchor_x='left', anchor_y='top')
self.part_data: Dict[int, SR1PartData] = {}
self.parts_sprite: Dict[int, Sprite] = {}
if DR_option.use_DR_rust:
self.camera_rs = Camera_rs(main_window,
min_zoom=(1 / 2) ** 6, max_zoom=10)
self.rust_parts = None
def load_xml(self, file_path: str) -> bool:
cache_doc = parse(file_path)
self.xml_doc = cache_doc
self.xml_root = self.xml_doc.getroot()
return True
except Exception:
return False
def load_textures(self):
self.textures = SR1Textures()
def gen_sprite(self, part_datas: Dict[int, SR1PartData], each_count: int = 100) -> Generator:
count = 0
self.drawing = True
for part_id, part in part_datas.items():
# 下面就是调用 pyglet 去渲染的部分
# render_scale = DR_option.gui_scale # 这个是 DR 的缩放比例 可以调节的(
# 主要是 Windows 下有一个缩放系数嘛,我待会试试这玩意能不能获取(估计得 ctypes
# 在不缩放的情况下,XML的1个单位长度对应60个像素
render_x = part.x * 60
render_y = part.y * 60
# 你就这里改吧
cache_sprite = Sprite(img=self.textures.get_texture(part.textures),
x=render_x, y=render_y,
batch=self.part_batch, group=self.part_group)
# 你得帮我换算一下 XML 里的 x y 和这里的屏幕像素的关系(OK
# 旋转啥的不是大问题, 我找你要那个渲染代码就是要 x y 的换算逻辑
cache_sprite.rotation = SR1Rotation.get_rotation(part.angle)
if part.flip_x:
cache_sprite.scale_x = -1 # 就是直接取反缩放,应该没问题····吧?(待会试试就知道了
if part.flip_y:
cache_sprite.scale_y = -1
cache_sprite.scale = self.scale * DR_option.gui_scale
cache_sprite.x = cache_sprite.x - cache_sprite.scale_x / 2
cache_sprite.y = cache_sprite.y - cache_sprite.scale_y / 2
self.parts_sprite[part.id] = cache_sprite
# if not part_render: # 如果不渲染(渲染有毛病)
# self.parts_sprite[part.id].visible = False
count += 1
if count >= each_count:
count = 0
yield each_count
self.drawing = False
raise GeneratorExit
def render_ship(self):
if self.textures is None:
start_time = time.perf_counter_ns()
self.part_data: Dict[int, SR1PartData] = {}
self.parts_sprite: Dict[int, Sprite] = {}
self.camera_rs.zoom = 1.0
if DR_option.use_DR_rust:
self.camera_rs.dx = 0
self.camera_rs.dy = 0
parts = self.xml_root.find('Parts')
for part_xml in parts:
if part_xml.tag != 'Part':
continue # 如果不是部件,则跳过
# print(f"tag: {part.tag} attrib: {part.attrib}")
part = get_sr1_part(part_xml)
if part.id in self.part_data:
print(f'hey! warning! id{part.id}')
self.part_data[part.id] = part
# 调用生成器 减少卡顿
with contextlib.suppress(GeneratorExit):
self.gen_draw = self.gen_sprite(self.part_data)
self.need_draw = False
if DR_option.use_DR_rust:
self.rust_parts = PartDatas(self.part_data)
# print(self.rust_parts.get_rust_pointer())
print(time.perf_counter_ns() - start_time)
self.rendered = True
def update_parts(self) -> bool:
if not self.rendered:
return False
self.debug_line.x2, self.debug_line.y2 = self.camera_rs.dx + (
self.window_pointer.width / 2), self.camera_rs.dy + (
self.window_pointer.height / 2)
self.debug_d_pos_label.text = f'x: {self.camera_rs.dx} y: {self.camera_rs.dy}'
self.debug_d_pos_label.position = self.camera_rs.dx + (self.window_pointer.width / 2), self.camera_rs.dy + (
self.window_pointer.height / 2) + 10, 0
# if DR_option.use_DR_rust:
# # print(f'{self.dx=} {self.dy=} {self.scale=}')
# # from objprint import op
# # op(random.choices(self.parts_sprite), indent=1)
# return better_update_parts(self, SR1ShipRender_Option, self.window_pointer,
# self.rust_parts, 60)
# for part_id in self.part_data:
# # x y scale
# self.parts_sprite[part_id].x = self.part_data[part_id].x * 60 + self.window_pointer.width / 2
# self.parts_sprite[part_id].y = self.part_data[part_id].y * 60 + self.window_pointer.height / 2
self.need_update_parts = False
def on_draw(self):
if self.need_draw:
if self.drawing:
with contextlib.suppress(GeneratorExit):
if self.need_update_parts:
self.need_update_parts = False
with self.camera_rs:
if SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_d_pos:
if SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos:
if SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_d_pos:
def on_resize(self, width: int, height: int):
if not self.rendered:
self.debug_line.x = width / 2
self.debug_line.y = height / 2
self.debug_mouse_line.x = width / 2
self.debug_mouse_line.y = height / 2
self.debug_mouse_delta_line.x = width / 2
self.debug_mouse_delta_line.y = height / 2
def on_mouse_scroll(self, x: int, y: int, scroll_x: int, scroll_y: int):
if not self.rendered:
mouse_dx = x - (self.window_pointer.width / 2)
mouse_dy = y - (self.window_pointer.height / 2)
self.debug_mouse_line.x2, self.debug_mouse_line.y2 = x, y
if self.camera_rs.zoom * (0.5 ** scroll_y) < 10:
self.camera_rs.zoom = self.camera_rs.zoom * (0.5 ** scroll_y)
self.camera_rs.dx += (mouse_dx - self.camera_rs.dx) * (1 - (0.5 ** scroll_y))
self.camera_rs.dy += (mouse_dy - self.camera_rs.dy) * (1 - (0.5 ** scroll_y))
self.camera_rs.zoom = 10
self.debug_mouse_delta_line.x2 = (mouse_dx - self.camera_rs.dx) * (1 - (0.5 ** scroll_y)) + (
self.window_pointer.width / 2)
self.debug_mouse_delta_line.y2 = (mouse_dy - self.camera_rs.dy) * (1 - (0.5 ** scroll_y)) + (
self.window_pointer.height / 2)
self.debug_mouse_label.text = f'x: {mouse_dx} y: {mouse_dy}'
self.debug_mouse_label.position = x, y + 10, 0
self.need_update_parts = True
# self.update_parts()
# print(f'{self.scale=} {self.dx=} {self.dy=} {x=} {y=} {scroll_x=} {scroll_y=} {1 - (0.5 ** scroll_y)=}')
def on_command(self, command: CommandText):
if command.re_match('render'):
if command.re_match('reset'):
self.camera_rs.zoom = 1
self.camera_rs.dx = 0
self.camera_rs.dy = 0
self.need_draw = True
elif command.re_match('debug'):
print('sr ?')
if command.re_match('delta'):
SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_d_pos = not SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_d_pos
self.debug_line.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_d_pos
self.debug_d_pos_label.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_d_pos
# print('sr1 delta')
elif command.re_match('mouse'):
if command.re_match('delta'):
SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos = not SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos
self.debug_mouse_line.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos
self.debug_mouse_label.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_pos
# print('sr1 mouse delta')
SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_d_pos = not SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_d_pos
self.debug_mouse_delta_line.visible = SR1ShipRender_Option.debug_mouse_d_pos
# print('sr1 mouse')
def on_mouse_drag(self, x: int, y: int, dx: int, dy: int, buttons: int, modifiers: int):
if not self.focus:
self.camera_rs.dx += dx
self.camera_rs.dy += dy
self.need_update_parts = True
# self.update_parts()
def on_file_drop(self, x: int, y: int, paths: List[str]):
for path in paths:
if self.load_xml(path): # 加载成功一个就停下
if __name__ == '__main__':
from objprint import op